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No Bullsht Dating App Guide

No Bullsh*t Follow Along ....................................................................................................................3
Why Average Men Get No Success on Dating Apps ...............................................................................5
How Women Swipe on Dating Apps (Vital Knowledge You Need to Know!) ............................................8
The Only ONE Way to Get Likes on Dating Apps.................................................................................. 10
Delete Your Account......................................................................................................................... 11
Your Shirtless Picture ........................................................................................................................ 12
The Other Pictures............................................................................................................................ 14
Your Bio ........................................................................................................................................... 16
How to Swipe ................................................................................................................................... 18
Opening Message ............................................................................................................................. 20
The Conversation.............................................................................................................................. 22
The Meetup ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 25
No Bullsh*t Follow Along
If you want to start taking action immediately without reading on, follow these simple steps:
1. Delete and remake your dating app accounts often – you’ll get far more matches on a
new account (I delete mine 2-3x per week)
2. Your first main photo on the dating apps MUST be a shirtless picture (you’ll get more
matches even if you aren’t muscular because it stands out and also motivates you to
take your body transformation even more seriously)
3. The rest of your pictures should have a sexual / party vibe – These get the most matches
4. If you don’t have sexual pictures (preferably with attractive women) you have to start
from the bottom up – Start meeting women from dating apps and taking some pictures
with them and then using those pictures on your profile
5. Use a sexual / flirty bio – It really helps!
6. Make your account, left swipe a few girls then close the app for 24 hours to increase
your elo
7. Send copy and paste (test which ones have the highest response rate for you) messages
for your opener
8. Lead the conversation in a sexual / flirty tone
There is little to no reason for most men to use dating apps if they don’t improve their profiles.
Most men get just a couple of matches per day. That is not enough. A few matches of low
quality women who don’t even reply to your messages puts you into a s carcity, not abundance,
mindset. It makes you feel insecure, inadequate and is a complete time sink. The return on
investment for actively using an average account on dating apps is poor and so this guide is
written to help an average man create an above average dating app profile.
Take a look at www.reddit.com/r/tinder. They have a Weekly Profile Review Thread. Go
through this thread to see the profiles of average guys who get no success on Tinder. Do not
make the mistake of following any of the advice given to those men or any advice given on
Reddit (even on the Tinder subreddit). Just look at the r/Tinder Weekly Profile Review Threads
to get inspiration on the types of pictures not to use, do not go there searching for advice. The
majority of men are trash at Tinder. Listening to dating app advice from a random man will not
work. Likewise, listening to the advice of women will also not work as women generally do not
know what they want and why they even right/left swiped someone.
If you want to learn to fish, you don’t ask the fish for advice. You ask the master fisherman.
You also do not seek advice from the Redditor sat at the side of the lake on his phone,
pretending that he catches fish. You only follow the advice of the master fisherman who has
concrete proof of his fishing skills, by the dozens of fish in his barrel. I think I have provided that
proof to you in my YouTube videos. Here’s a video of me with the kinds of texts I get from girls I
meet from Tinder (Start at 2:53 https://youtu.be/QM15Pbl2EQc?t=173).
Why Average Men Get No Success on Dating Apps
Look at the 6 pictures below.
If you take a look at the dating profiles of average men, there is nothing special. There’s no
reason for a woman with unlimited options to even spend a single second on any of these
Let’s compare that to my Tinder pictures…
You spent far longer looking at my pictures than you did looking at the pictures of the average
men. Why? Because there’s simply more to look at, respect and admire. For women there’s
more to look at, screenshot to show to their friends and lust over.
For you to understand which kind of dating profile pictures get the mos t matches, you have to
understand how women actually swipe on dating apps…
How Women Swipe on Dating Apps (Vital Knowledge You Need to
Women do not use dating apps like men do. Men generally swipe right on most girls we come
across. Why? Because we aren’t going to match with most girls anyway, so it’s far more
efficient to cast out a wide net and see what we can catch (just like men’s real life sexual
Women have to be more reserved. If you’ve never watched a woman swipe on Tinder, you’ll
never grasp it. They match with literally 50% of the guys they right swipe on. Imagine that, if a
woman used a dating app like a man did, and she swipe righted every guy she came across,
she’d be overwhelmed with the amount of matches. It would be too much.
And in fact, here’s a secret... I made a female Tinder account with pictures of an attractive
woman I found on Instagram from a different city. Before I even finished writing the bio Tinder
said that she had 20+ likes! By the time I started swiping on the guys, that same notification
said 99+
It was overwhelming to be a woman on Tinder. There was literally too many matches coming in.
So guess what? I automatically started using Tinder exactly how a real woman would. I assumed
I would match with whatever guy I right swiped and so I started reserving my right swipes for
the guys with profiles that stopped me in my tracks. I was constantly on a left swipe streak until
a guy’s profile had the Swipe Stopper effect on me.
That is exactly how women use Tinder.
They ‘main’ the left swipe, until a guy they come across has the Swipe Stopper effect.
Play this out in your mind right now. Imagine a bored woman left swiping all of the average
guys, she left swipes 12 average guys who use boring pictures, then she comes across a guy
who’s somewhat attractive, she flicks through his pictures, reads his bio… and then left swipes
him too. She continues left swiping until she comes face to face with a shirtless picture. She
stops. She swipes right. She sleeps with him that week.
Most men have never watched a woman actually swipe on a dating app so they don’t
understand how it works. Men think that they’ll get a fair shot. No. You’ll get less than 0.1
seconds when she’s on her left swipe streak.
Here’s what’s interesting… Even very attractive men fall victim to the left swipe streak. Imagine
an attractive guy but his pictures are somewhat ‘normal’. He could have a very attractive face
and could even be fit but if his first picture doesn’t have the Swipe Stopper effect, the woman
won’t even be able to tell.
Your biggest issue is that you think a woman using Tinder will actually take the time to stop on
your profile and really look through it. She won’t. She’s bombarded with matches and
messages. She has the abundance of a literal fucking rock-star and the attention span of a
You need to know about the only one way to get likes on dating apps…
The Only ONE Way to Get Likes on Dating Apps
Forget everything you know about dating apps. There is only one way to get matches, and that
is to have your first picture induce the ‘Swipe Stopper’ effect we just mentioned. The Swipe
Stopper effect is when your first picture gets the woman to stop her left swipe streak so that
she actually spends at least a couple of seconds on your profile. It doesn’t matter how
attractive you are, if your first picture doesn’t stop her left swipe streak, she literally couldn’t
do anything other than left swipe you.
That is why your first picture on all dating apps MUST be shirtless. Its shirtless pictures that
consistently induce the Swipe Stopper effect in a woman who’s on a left swipe streak. Again,
even attractive men with ‘normal’ pictures get a low amount of matches on Tinder because
they get automatically left swiped by bored women.
If you’ve ever met a girl from Tinder and asked her to show you her account, look through her
matches. At least 50% of the guys she’s matched with will have a shirtless picture as their main
profile photo. That’s the best way to catch their attention when they are on a left swipe streak.
But Hamza, my body isn’t that good yet! Maybe I should wait!
No. First of all, you don’t have enough success or knowledge here to trust your brain. Whatever
your brain is saying to you is incorrect because it isn’t clued up on what actually gets success on
dating apps, since you’ve never had real success on them before.
You must trust the brain of the master fisherman above your own brain.
Here’s the mindset that will help you: You should use a shirtless picture as your first photo
before you think you’re ready for it. We want you to try this specifically before you feel
completely comfortable with it.
There’s a few reason for that. For one, you’ll immediately get more matches anyway. Even
when your body doesn’t look good, simply because it’s a shirtless picture that has the Swipe
Stopper effect, you’ll be more likely to get girls to stop on your profile which immediately
bumps up your matches. Second, the girls that swipe right on a shirtless picture are usually far
sluttier and down to fuck so that’s a nice advantage. Third, by putting up your shirtless picture
before you feel completely comfortable, you train your mind to really acknowledge the
importance of your body transformation – Put up a shirtless picture online and you’ll
immediately start taking your workouts and diet more seriously.
Don’t do it yet. There’s a vital action that you need to do first…
Delete Your Account
Tinder puts new accounts at the ‘top of the stack’, which means that if you delete your account
and remake it, you’ll immediately get seen by more women and get more matches. They’ve
done this to motivate new users to stay on the platform.
We can abuse this by very regularly deleting and remaking our dating profile apps.
The most success I’ve gotten from dating apps came when I would delete and remake my
profiles 2-3 times per week. I would delete and remake my account a few hours before I would
be going out to a nightclub with my boys (I’d get my friends to do it too). If we left the club
without a girl, no worries, we’d all hop on Tinder and match with the girls who were swiping at
3am because they also left a club without a guy.
Constantly deleting and remaking your account is the most efficient and effective way to gain
matches. It has a higher return on investment compared to buying any of the dating app
premiums like Tinder Gold.
I know what you’re thinking…
B-b-b-but Hamza!!! My matches!! I already have x matches I don’t want to lose them
They don’t matter. You have to have a level of indifference when using dating apps and think
that no one girl on the app that you’ve messaged is special. Delaying deleting and remaking
your account just because you’re waiting for a girl to reply never pays off. Why? Because if the
girl had a genuine burning desire for you, and you were going to end up meeting her in person,
she would be replying quickly.
There is no reason not to delete and remake your account multiple times per week. You get far
more matches, you get a consistent clean slate to test your pictures (seeing which main/first
picture gets you the most matches in 24 hours, deleting your account and trying again with
another one), it’s safe to do so (no dating apps punish you for this, I’ve been doing it for 4
Do this now. Go onto all of your dating apps, go to the settings, delete your account and then
remake it, this time using a shirtless picture as the first picture on your dating app profile.
Your Shirtless Picture
By purchasing this No Bullsh*t Dating App Guide, you also get a free copy of my Shirtless
Pictures Guide. Read through that and follow the actionable steps to take better shirtless
Below is a summary…
The kind of shirtless pictures that will get you those results are pictures that give off the
‘sexy fuckboy’ vibe.
Compare the two shirtless pictures below:
The guy on the left looks bigger but it simply is not an attractive picture. Girls don’t care
about seeing you work hard, they just want to see the results.
You may have seen the advice women give about using shirtless pictures on dating apps
“NO! Don’t use shirtless pictures, it makes you look like a douchebag and I never right
swipe a guy who’s showing off his body on Tinder.” When a girl says something like this,
she’s referring to the picture on the left, not the right.
Interestingly the picture on the left deemed as the ‘gym douchebag shirtless picture’ will
still get that guy (and you if you take pictures like that) more success than the average,
clothed selfie.
Shirtless pictures undeniably get you more matches on dating apps compared to normal
pictures because they stand out and create an eye-catching effect that stops the woman
on her left swiping streak (Women mainly left swipe on dating apps, your first picture
needs to have the ‘Left Swipe Stopper’ effect).
So use whatever shirtless pictures you have. But strive to take the ‘fuckboy’ style
Remember, the girls who are down to fuck on these dating apps are specifically looking
for a guy who stands out. Why play it safe when you’re only trying to attract the 1% of
girls who are actually on dating apps to meet/sleep with guys instead of the 99% who
are only there for validation and because they’re bored? Using shirtless pictures
shortcuts your search for the 1% of girls you actually wanted to match with anyway.
Take a bunch of shirtless pictures looking as sexy (not as huge/muscular) as you can.
Upload the one that screams “I’ll fuck you tonight” as your main picture on all of the
dating apps after recreating your account. Use the following chapter of this guide for the
remainder of your pictures…
The Other Pictures
You have a sexy shirtless picture as your main photo and now you have 5 other potential slots
to add pictures in.
When you’re first starting off, less is more. It’s MORE likely that you’ll upload a picture that gets
you left swiped than it is that you’ll upload a picture that will get you right swiped. If you don’t
have other great pictures, upload only the sexy shirtless picture as your main one. Yes, it’s
perfectly fine to have just one picture (although in the best case scenario you’ll have 3-6 high
quality pictures in the future).
Some apps force you to have up to 6 pictures, for these ones you should just add in the best
pictures you have, knowing that some women who may have been down to meet and sleep
with you will see the rest of your (shitty) pictures and then decide to left swipe you. Use this as
motivation to take even more quality pictures to fill up the rest of your profile.
Your other pictures should be a mix of slutty / party style pictures. These get the most matches,
even above model-style-fashionable pictures. Preferably you would upload pictures of you with
attractive girls as these always increase your match rate (girls who are down to fuck want to
make sure that you’re already fucking other girls).
Here’s my other pictures. Any girl who swipes on a profile like this wants to be one of these girls
too. This made it incredibly easy for me to be direct and meet up with girls immediately instead
of playing the silly long text conversation game.
How could I get pictures like this when I don’t have any girls in the first place?
Follow this advice from the Shirtless Pictures Guide (You should read it, you have free access to
it from the same place you downloaded this No Bullsh*t Dating App Guide).
This is like a Catch-22. To better attract women, you should already have women. To
have women, you need to attract women.
The hardest time to attract women is when you have no women in your life. And so if
this is the reality for you right now, you’ll have to start from the bottom and work your
way up.
For example, you set up your dating profile with new shirtless pictures and you
immediately get more matches. You meet a woman from Tinder, and after you’ve built a
good connection with her and preferably after you’ve already slept with her, you start
to take a couple of pictures with her, you upload pictures like these to your dating
profile (covering up her face for privacy doesn’t affect the amount of matches you’ll get
so you may as well do it) and instantly you’ll get even more matches. You’ll meet more
women, take even more pictures together and your success on the dating apps will
Your Bio
Your bio helps. Most of the guides I’ve seen online said that it doesn’t but again, why would you
take advice from average guys?
This was the bio of my friend in university. He wasn’t muscular or very tall and yet he used to
get a tonne of matches and he used to actually sleep with those girls regularly. His bio gave girls
something to swipe right for.
Having a bio that implies that you’re on the dating app for sex is necessary. Every time I speak
to a girl I meet from Tinder and I ask them about previous guys they’ve met, it’s almost always
because of something sexual in that guys bio that made her swipe right. Although your first
picture is the most important because it needs to create the Swipe Stopper effect, your bi o is
generally what will get her to laugh/lust and right swipe. Not using a sexy/flirty bio is just
setting yourself back.
An attractive model can leave his bio simple “24 Years old, 6’1, City” but that isn’t helping or
hurting him. If he had a flirty bio not only would he get more matches, he’d get more girls who
were using the dating app to meet and sleep with guys.
Here’s a couple of bio’s I can think of right now that will work to increase your matches:
1. Looking for a degenerate girlfriend. The more daddy issues the better.
2. How tall are you on your knees?
3. My name isn’t x but you can call me daddy (this one is really good – she’ll message first
asking you what your real name is)
4. I’m a stripper
5. As seen on OnlyFans
How to Swipe
You’ve got your pictures and your bio setup and now it’s time to swipe. Well actually, not yet.
Once you’ve setup your account, here’s a little trick that I do which I’m sure increases my
I swipe LEFT on a few girls (these are usually hot girls that I’d like to swipe right on but I
specifically swipe left on them), then I close the app for 24 hours.
This may fool the dating app algorithm to think that you’re a very high value man who’s made
his account, been unimpressed by the girls on offer (swiping left on a couple of them) and then
closing the app. The algorithm wants to keep high value people on the platform so this action
may increase your ‘elo’. Imagine your elo being like your invisible score on the dating apps. The
higher your score, the more girls your profile will be shown to. When the algorithm gets data
that makes it believe that you’re a high value man (you left swipe often, you use the app in
short bursts, you get a lot of right swipes and girls spend a long time on your profile messaging
you) your elo/score increases and you’ll get more matches.
By swiping left on the first few girls and then closing the app, the dating app algorithm may
believe that you’re a high value man and then try to ‘impress’ you by showing your profile to
lots of women, getting you more likes, hoping that when you next log in you’ll spend more time
on the app as you’ll have more likes and matches.
About 24 hours after I left swiped those couple of girls I’ll open up the app and I’ll begin to use
my likes. At this point I generally swipe right on every girl very quickly and I know what you’re
But Hamza! You just said that swiping left on some girls will increase your score so swiping right
on every girl would DECREASE your score!!!!!!
Yes, that’s probably right. However from my testing it’s far more efficient to swipe right on
every girl, go through the matches and speak to the hot girls I’m interested in and then delete
and remake my account again in a few days (which resets my elo/score). This is far better than
going through each girl one by one, getting emotionally invested in them and then not
matching/meeting them, wasting a solid 30-60 minutes every day. We are busy men.
Every guide I’ve seen online disagrees with me and again, following the advice of the 99% of
men will get you the result of 99% of men.
Here’s the process:
Delete account – remake account – upload pictures – write bio – left swipe a couple of girls and
close app – wait up to 24 hours – open app and right swipe as much as you can.
You can wait less than 24 hours but again from my testing, you’ll get the most matches if you
make your account, left swipe a few girls and wait 24 hours for a bunch of girls to see your
profile first before you start right swiping. This means that when you do use your likes (24 hours
after creating your account) you’re bound to get some matches. This will increase your
elo/score more than if you just made your account and used all your likes immediately like
what a low value man would do (probably lowering your elo/score).
Opening Message
You’ve got some matches. Do you write up a personalised message, maybe something funny
based on their bio or maybe a pun using her name?
Fuck no. That’s what guys on Reddit do.
We’re simply going to copy and paste a sexual / flirty message to every girl we’ve matched
If she has genuine burning desire for us and she’s down to meet, she’ll reply to a short flirty
Copy and paste messages:
(We’re assuming her name is Sarah, obviously change that to the name of the girl you’re
currently sending the message to)
Using no capital letters gets more replies, I’m not 100% sure why, it’s some kind of vibe these
girls have. Especially not using a capital letter for her name puts her ‘down’ a little which you
generally have to do if you want to meet and sleep with a girl from a dating app (their egos are
too inflated by abundance of choice).
sarah you are now my third wife
sarah how tall are you on your knees?
sarah do you have what it takes?
listen sarah
5. sarah tell me your kinks
6. sarah I can tell you x (like getting choked,
take cocaine
The Conversation
The opening message was just a simple copy and paste message. Experiment with a couple of
different ones and see which one gets you the most replies.
Now it’s time to move onto the text conversation. There shouldn’t be a long one at all. I cringe
every time I girl that I meet from Tinder shows me her conversations on the app and there’s a
guy messaging her long ass paragraphs. The weird thing is that she replies with long ass
paragraphs too! So the beta male thinks his strategy is working.
Why is he wrong?
Because she’s out with me, not him.
Girls never meet guys who give them attention and validation on text. Think about it, attention
and validation for a woman is like sex for a man. If you’re giving a girl attention and validation
through text, she doesn’t need to meet you in person to get your attention and validation…
because you’re already giving it to her on text.
If you keep your texts short and organise to meet up within a maximum of 10 flirty messages,
she’ll be more likely to meet up with you.
We’re using what’s called positive reinforcement here. This is from psychology – you reward
her with attention and validation when she does something you like.
The only things that we ‘like’ are related to her meeting us in person and having sex. Beta males
think they should reward her simply for replying to their messages, so they start to send long
texts and get so excited when she sends long texts too. But then she comes to fuck a guy who
sends her 1 word texts.
The issue with this part of the guide is that I can’t exactly give you simple copy and paste texts.
You’re going to have to be on the ball…
Here’s some important points and mindsets to hold during the conversations:
Text her like you know she’s a slut – she probably is (Imagine that she had sex with some guy
this week and she got a lot of pleasure from it, still want to send her long paragraphs?)
The flirty funny texts get you far more success than the dry, direct ones (until you’ve slept with
her a couple of times).
Text like an ‘alpha male’ – Although you may throw in some humour, flirty etc. Be sure to
always be direct and tell her what to do, don’t ask.
Even somewhat cringe messages like this
opener get good responses because it’s
flirty/sexual. Remember, a certain % of girls
are on these apps to fuck.
You don’t need to rush to get her number /
social media. In fact, you don’t need to get it
at all. All the standard Tinder guides online
make it such a big deal, it doesn’t even
matter and it can actually be a detriment as
you lose the flow of a conversation like
these when you transition from dating app
to text. You can meet her whilst texting
solely through the dating app no problem.
If she isn’t responsive to what you say, or she’s giving you a dry vibe of short boring texts then
she’s clearly not interested. Don’t say some stupid shit. Idiots on Reddit will ‘call her out’ for not
pulling her weight in the conversation instead of thinking that they are low value men who
she’s clearly not interested in. When a woman considers you a high value man and she wants to
sleep with you, it’ll be obvious. She’ll reply quickly and agree to meet you.
The Meetup
You organised to meet her and she’s down. This is now going outs ide of the dating app but I’ll
write a little guide on this part too, as it’s the most important.
If you live in a central location, you can invite them straight over and this is the best case
scenario. Far more girls than you’d expect would be down to come straight over so you may as
well assume that she’s one of those girls.
You should not be planning to meet for a proper date (drinks, food) if you can bring her straight
to your place.
If you can’t bring her straight to your place (you live with family etc – I do) then meet her for
cocktails if you’re old enough or tell her to join you in your town centre because you’re going
buy something and you both can get ice cream.
Have the frame that she’s came to fuck you, because she has, but you can’t outwardly show
this otherwise she’ll feel like a slut. It has to be like a secret you two have. Although it may be
cringey to use this term, she came to meet an alpha male. The more you act like one, the more
she’s going to be into you. If you’re just starting your dating life you need all the help you can
get and being able to simply think “How would an alpha male act” really does help. Obviously
don’t overdo it. Just have a nice strong body language, eye contact, be friendly (the alpha male
isn’t an asshole, he’s friendly and inviting) and sexual, hold the belief that she’s now yours and
get comfortable touching each other.
And that’s it. Too often young men are given detailed guides on how to interact with girls they
meet for a date, exactly what to say, how to touch her, whatever. In my opinion those guides
leave a young man worse off because now he’s overthinking a whole bunch of shit. You’ll have
the best time with a girl if you’re present and just enjoying yourself whilst remembering to be
sexual and flirty towards her. That’s it. You’ll connect with this girl when you stop thinking
about what you should do and you start thinking about her as another human being. She’s
overthinking too. Once you realise that you can bring someone out of their usual overthinking
and keep them in the present moment with you… that’s when you’ll develop the most beautiful
As you continue to improve yourself, these meetups will go better and better. Don’t beat
yourself up if you don’t sleep with her or even kiss her. As long as you stay on self improvement
and keep learning, you’ll start being able to attract far more women and put them into a more
sexual vibe. Until then, you may as well enjoy yourself as much as you can.
Following the dating app advice you see online usually doesn’t work because it’s given by
average men who get average results. You now have the blueprint to at least double your
matches without much work. The Shirtless Pictures Guide will help you literally 10x your
matches… it just takes years. Dating apps are a very effective way for attractive men to get girls.
If your time on dating apps isn’t so great right now, it doesn’t have to stay that way. This is the
future, whether we like it or not. You may as well make yourself into one of the few men who
actually do well on these apps.
Disclaimer that you probably won’t understand for a few years: This guide was made to help
damaged men fuck damaged women.
Although acting semi-abusive is the most effective way at attracting most women these days,
you should take the time to be introspective and really decide if these are the types of
relationships you want in your life.
We crave the type of love that we got from our parents but for people whose parents abused
them (your parents just shouting at you when you were a child is abusive – shouting still causes
trauma) that means we desire relationships that feel abusive and make us feel anxious.
Our impulses in terms of who we’re excited by are not the right indicators to follow and on this
pursuit of getting better on dating apps, you may even find a girl who’d be a fantastic partner,
but you’ll automatically get disinterested in her and instead find yourself obsessing over a girl
who makes you anxious.
If what you’ve just read really made you feel something and you thought “fuck he’s talking
about me”, do the introspectiveness and deep journaling.
My name is Hamza Ahmed. I help young men with their self improvement. Here’s my self
improvement YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/hamza97x
All the best,
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