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Hospice Care Volunteer Orientation Quiz - VITAS Healthcare

Part One ProActive Caller Orientation Quiz
Student Name: Brenda Au
1. Hospice care is only for patients that have a diagnosis of terminal cancer
X False
2. The hospice and palliative care philosophy is for the medical team to do everything they can to
aggressively treat and attempt to cure the illness.
X False
3. To be eligible for hospice services under Medicare, a patient must have the following:
Prognosis of advanced illness with life expectancy less than six months
Prognosis certification supplied by two physicians
Patient and family must opt for hospice, choosing to receive palliative rather than curative
A and C only
X All of the above
4. If a patient tells a volunteer that they are having real doubts about the existence of God, it is
perfectly OK for the volunteer to share his or her own beliefs with the patient.
X False
5. When providing support to a bereaved person, it can be helpful to:
Tell them to move on with their life as quickly as possible
Tell them to stop thinking about the person that died
Stop them from crying and tell them to be brave
All of the above
X None of the above
6. If the caregiver tells the volunteer caller they have a need for hired help, it is inappropriate for
the volunteer to offer his or her own services as a hired caregiver.
X True
7. If the patient expresses confusion over which medications they should take today, it is not
appropriate for the volunteer caller to instruct or give advice to the patient. Instead the caller
should contact the VITAS team secretary directly who will then have the VITAS primary nurse
contact the patient.
X True
VITAS Healthcare Volunteer Services
Part One ProActive Caller Orientation Quiz
8. If a patient or caregiver becomes tearful during the conversation, it is helpful for the volunteer
caller to do the following:
Listen attentively to what is being said
Validate how the speaker is feeling
Try to change the subject or distract the speaker
X A and B only
B and C only
9. VITAS methodology for handling concerns or complains about service, include the following four
steps: Acknowledge, Apologize, Clarify, and Respond.
X True
10. It is OK to leave patient information (like name and phone number) on your computer
overnight, especially if you’re going to make calls again tomorrow.
X False
11. If the patient is having a medical emergency, call the VITAS office instead of calling 911. If it is a
non-medical emergency, like a fire, it is then OK to call 911.
X True
Reviewed by: ____________________
Grade: ____________________
VITAS Healthcare Volunteer Services