W"C"# "Y"T* + PS,TW;# # "* ­"$;!;f# ;1* 'LI SH UррЕR,"f;frнiвшi ,l ­ .,.­* * i;rreýi:ý* * a' "­j,," #­,'i] ..r.:.ЗЖ.:',..lý* '; _* '.­,,­'.__,.': j,] . ",,,;ý,i "'f _a! ',] # '; _,;.fr;i.ý," '' t,,4 = '­;Yj. " Т, .:.* '* .."­,­;.''J.''.:'i:Y"Y{ '";;] '.".{ .# ;,Г"1 .lЪЪ.* ,.';iý: ] ;'.­ ­;',"} :,,ч::*.",;} _,,Ж # ',;* ­ ," '' E.L: .,.. a.. ' '* ;:, * l ,, .;,'r* 1 .',a,,',| ';_. _* lл . "1: .;.Ё4* ­ыr{ _; :' * . : ,."'_, .,,:5i* ii4:?: ..,,",= i,' ­тl.л.:;_, lu# i_.:, БЖ'* # * '1­,", * '­,t.,= ._."_. _ Wаупе Rimmеr DGЕ ffi СдмвRI pRвss uNI lrERsI Ty ЧР Щffi ГAMBRI DGE ENGLI SH ЩЯ Li:filii;"ff';::ffi: 0, Епilр Uр рЕ Еп RlштЕRцЁrii vvlтй дr* swf;ffiý Wаупе Rimmеr Р Gцmmаr ReVieW F € 4 РI опчпсiаtiоп Sound and spelling: е tenýes VоеаЬulаrу Characiet, adjectives 0f Grаmmаr Questions Vocabulary Trying and succeeding ,: a­­э:,a 2­1 ­:,:Ё:­: a: ­. .: :­ :з l} t* tэ i: : : and was l don't llu, 8 listening Тпе unluckiest mап in the world 9 рrопчпсiаtiоп had Ьееп Grаmmаr Narrative tenses Vocabulary Expressions with get ,| 1 Grаmmаr Гuture time cLauses and conditionaLs .',."'l,...,ЁчЬ'tуаяу.Ёhgl пgфрцЬЪfitý,апа,+ .ёsЪопф':ii.ЁrЕhчllЕirtiЁ shot! gre* t МаКе surе you know where haeg# Ёý* пiаge;tепsfu э:, a.ý злd extension ­ , ­,, ,, 7 VосаЬчlаrу Animals апd the environment yв.r аrе going ЗА Reading Ап arlicle about technology and communication Writing skills Organising an article Writing Ап article about rпеапS Of tranSport trФRýРflWЁft make , ­ .,,: : : . 6 Reading Ап агtiсlе aooul an outstanding реrsоп s:епiпg ехtепsiоп эl:е,"lSlOп ;! EverydаyEnglishЕxpiаiningandсhесkingPronunciаtionRаoidspеeсh ­ ­= :эd in Reading А leaflet оп orienteering ] ,,] :t пg* п_аrttеiфоutiётiifу,lфiПtЙаЁ, "',., 12 q9ttоп tags: Writing skills Organising guidelines lп а leaflet Writing А leaflet about collecting mushrooms 13 Lislening А news story about а missing person 14 15 W{ } ftý] Рfi\ fff,Ж face verbs the Grаmmаr Mlu{ ti­word VосаЬчlаrу Aoi ity аго ach 16 pieme,l Grаmmаr Present perfect simp е and continuous 17 Syllable stress Рrопuпсiаtiоп VосаЬчlаrу Words соппесtеd w th sport * $t siýJtd wе iпиtеi. ,,,,.,,'.i Ечаiуаа$­яп_giiiц пý саrеtu{ sugýеýiояs 1* ha ii Joesn't really matter sрсd реорlе choose what 4д :, . ': lB _. :::,:: ехtепsiоп ­::с '­ еr поw than she ­­: Michae] Johnson tistепifig ,conVeffiibn ,, . ] u, yoil've saved mу _; = __] :tсоmгпuпcatпg .­ ::­a a Reading апd listening extension Review and extension 5 5А 5В .] ] i] lid ­ ,,,.,:. :. iive to Ье : 1::.,,11.1.:1;ф 21 Grаmmаr used toand would ?2 Grammar Modality review 1; 0bligation and permission а 23 Рrопчпсiаtiоп Sound and spelling: boui difficu lty Everyday English Цpressing careful disagreement Гrопчпll ,,# Нcon| rest* estге11,. ]i ,,­:, ­.:] ]] ­ ­ '.,',:iП,iЁ , ] ,: Reading А job adveпtsement Writing ýkills Givrng а positive imoression Writing А^ appl'calion email 25 Reading А blog post about unwritten ruies Listening lnterviews with university graсuates 2Е 21 as а Grаmmаr Futurе probability, Рrопчпсiаtiоп / 0/ and my елоugh : ], The weather iS getting mоrе Grammar Future perfect апd future VосаЬчlаrу The паturаl world Review апd 2в Eтeryda] | ] Eilg{ iýh сопtiпuоus Discusslng adyantageý and 29 Рrопцпсiаtiвп disadvaпtages Reading An essay оп popu at on ЪпеgiOuрs l : ] grойh Writing skills Reporting opinions .i;| i1..gДg , ":] l.i] il] :l:i] 31 Writing А for and against essay ехtrеmе Reading апd I istening / 0/ VocabularyAdleclivesdescriongatttuoe зеti пg nto fiопеу z ,1 The паtшrаl world !Yа'rе поt mak[ ng 5В schoo} dayý , WФRfiРfrý\ Ёýft uр '# '(} ftilхРfiWfii{ accommodation 5* 19 abol_rt : ­iB Unit ýg64фДозЁiсlеаЬоut VосаЬчlаrу Talking ­ :,­ skills Describing data VосаЬulаry Cause and result ­, ­,.­laiowedtotakin .1С 7ý,,,= рrопuпсiаtiол consonant sounds Writing Writing Ап article about а Ьаr chart ЭЕd* € зd li* gliФ,ехtЁп Revieш апd Reading Ап article about а Ьаr chart extension extension Reading An a,ticle about optimistic реорlе WSRШРfi\ ffiНЁ slde iЫепiпg А, cooT* rsatiФn aLioцtiaп unusual;suРел,Йаrkеt] .Зf; 33 t ýД:l бВ бе l,il* everyth ing Еrаmfiаr Gеruпdsапd infinitrves VосаЬшlаrу Тrачеl апd lourism About ha] f the world's languages will disappear Grаmmаr The passive VосаЬulаrу Descri bing change ltiý tiлtеуоu twо had;a] b,reak togeiher Everyday English lniroducing .equests; Snowing you are grateful :Рrопчпсiаtiоп Сопsопз ,пt I he sсепеrу was lantast с Reading А travel blog Writing Reading An article about language сhапgе Listening А podcast оп staycations бD ,^ un:* u] ng t0 try t0 ýqe Рrопuпсiаtiоп , Со"Sо^ опt 8,о­сs 3i+ 35 soundS . ., :, ..] ...... 36, i,: ,,: skills Using descriptive language 37 Writing А blog about а рlасе you've Ьееп to Rеаdiпg.апdri пiпg ехЬпsiоп. ,, Review апd ехtепsiоп WfrRSРfiWf;R 7А Ёйilй;;;й";;Ё;; 7В 7ý, 7О There's чеrу I rttle traffic з9 4о VосаЬu| аrу Describing life iп cities l could have professional iL done Ьу We could have а something ,tatlte а hеrе or Grаmmаr Causat ve have/ get VосаЬulаrу Гl m and TV; Houses Рrопuпсiаtiоп Everyday English lmagining how things couid Ье PronEлciaiiofi There is а great deal of сопсеrп Reading Ап еmа ] of complaint Reading Ап аrtiс] е about DI Y troub| es Review and extension * t* ft* Р* ,фЁ* ýtаЛmаl.Firý,апd] 8G 8D 'ýt| q .ь would have opened it 41 соЙро* по.Ёо* пЬ..­,, .,i l: i i.i ] .] j.i:| :j, .42 ­:j Writing skills Using fоrmаl language Writing An email of complaint 4з Listening А сопчеrsаtiоп abouL living iп the city ,д4 dоtl,л 45 ], Seeond] ca_ndj{ i9_fia] ý. Vo0aitllarr Молеу. and f,iпапсе : ,, , I Sound and spelling: о ::] . Reading апd listening еПепsiоп 8В 38 or.,/ :­,'] i_".:,­.] i] ] '] ::.. :. ­' ., .'. ' , ­.i" ­, , .4ý­ .i..., Grаmmаr Third conditiona1; should hаие + past рагtiсiрlе Vocabulary Crime рrопчпсiаtiоп stressed апd unstressedwords 47 Youll find ýomewherв Everyday English Being encouragin8 Рrопчпсiаtiоп Wоrd grou ps 4s l rеаiI у rесоmmепd Reading А film review of Кiпg Копg vrew Writing skills 0rganising э .€ Writiпg А film review 49 Readiпg and listening ехtепsiоп Reading Ап article aoout financial comDLJter tools listHiinglA radio рrоgгаrлmе,аЬоui,1ФЁа} l Review and extension ЪtrftRfiРfiЪЧНR 9А it What really shockg mе ] s that it соsts € 250,000 51 Grаmmаr Relative clauses РrоПUПСiаtiППýor­tnd No опе knew who he was Grаmmаr Rерогtеd speech; reporting verbs Vocabulary Verbs describing thought and knowledge 9с WhaГ's the big secret? Everyday English Expressing uпсеrtаiпtу 90 They have а long tradition Reading А^ essay abou1 lhe and healthy valr.'re оГ :l:." i,:, : ..::1 ;,l,r, r, 15g Writing :l­iпkiпg,апd intrusiort skills Presenting а series of .,. ] ..,.. .,,,'.,.,.:: arguments l.;,,54 55 Writing Ап essay соmраriпg our health today and in the past Reading Ап arlicle about Ceorges Мёliеs Review and extension ЪffФRВР$Wf;ft солiе 10А Ё miЕht not hava beefl his Grаmmаf Paýt rпоdаjý 0f Rаmе :l 53 ,Рrопцлцiаtiал Sроп in keeping fit Reading апd listening extension ] теа1 ai апd,sре[ iлg:, VосаЬulаry HealLh 9в , 5о сriЙе_ý 1ake Цstепiпе А сgпчеisа] Фп.Ь,еtWееп а 66qlрr€ зd:з:] рб 56 57 deduetion , рrопuпсiаtiоп word stress 58 V] осаЬulаrу Ad] :ectives with рrе_fiх€ s: : 10В l've managed to_make а dream come true Grаmmаr Wishes and regrets Vocabulary VеrЬs of effort 59 10Е Twothrлgs to celeb,r,ate today Everyday English Describing how you fеП Рrопчпсiаtiоп Consonant groups 10D lforced myself to Ье calrT Reading Ап intriguing story Writing skills Making а story interesting ý0 61­ Writiпg А story WffiWffi Reading and listening extension R€ аdiФ Review апd extension WФft{ ЭР8WНR wау Vox рор video ,l l( Audioscripts ДЕýwеr ke} . A:blog BO9t aboilt regr€ is:,] : . ListeJliпg People talking about recent eventý 62 63 64 70 78 Е Е Е;дпililfulдR R* чi* ж r mfl"t* х"ъж * ш ­,= :эrrесt words to complete the text. . З .__.. j;,.i"i ­j€ ::­;­ ::. fi":­ ­паш€ i' .L,j.,,.r ,r,rl,,,,.,,' ,,,= s Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 ], r',,,,.,,.,,,r,,,.' .,,зs walking dоwп the street whеп ).: seertrgl.,/ r ,ýёпl:.Cart .l1,ott 1l',..,.. l 2 know, ;r­:­:' 1е ] * Еs ;* + ­ s ./ r,vas о* Ф­ Фfl,mу,fёчоuritе;dirесtоrs fоr,:',, ,'. '. э] i.ч :­ : ,,,эiсh hjs films:a} l,tbe { ;,nle ] Whаt Зis,.Ье', ,.., '] з:, ­ J ;:эs he dol hýs he dопе hеrе?',l thought to ­. directon lwэs,r:"аltУ,exc] ted be ause,hе,,,., myself. Тhеrе was опlу опе way to find оut. Sam'went stopped hirл , befor"e hе EOt.inside,andlsaid, ] :Hi, Sam!' Не smiled at mе and we started to talk outside. Ме and sam Саrtеrl Не always 5ls iooking / looks / has | ooked so serious iп was gоtпg / has gопе iпtо а eafe, but VOСДВULАRY flhж уж сt* r * dj З l 4 , / 5 ] 6 . Don't Ье зо motivated l stubborn l ambitious| you know what l am saying makes sense. l wanted him to help mе, but he was very unsympathettc l iпsрiriпg l passionate and didn't want to do anyth ng Margarita is а rea lу iпsрiriпg l sепsitivе l аrrоgе,, ,,, ­г.ап and an ехаmрlе to everyone. Susan is motivated l optimistic l passtonate абlс,. basketball and trains every day. He's rude and seпsltive l dеtеrmiпеd l аrгава,,, ­: .h nks he's better than ечеrуопе else. lf you аrе motivated l sеlf­сопftdепfl pesstmr­s;: _,,l do things because you rеаllу want to do them. Complete the crossword puzzle, sam l 5invjtes hаs iпvitеd / invited mе fог а coffee, Тhеп,hе tgld mе why hе was in town: His film соmрапу made / hаче made| / ч,lеrе making а new film and they shave / haue hаd / аrе havtng lots of new faces in it, just 7 ordinary people, but they need some mоrе. 'How about you?' Sam asked. '1Dtd you watch / Have you watched / you wаtсhiпg апу of my films? Do you want tо Ье in опе?' l was so shocked l lohaye dropped / was drоррiпg / drop,ped my cup оп the flооrl The hot coffee went all Дrе over Sam; hb screamed and r.an outside. l lost mу big chahCeI @Е ':;..,­,.: ] ­',] ,11 '.,:1',,,11,1.;l ',i,:.| ..l,:,,' ',,, ._,,.,,l.,: + AcroSS Listen апd check. 1 6 8 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs iп the Ьох: present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple or past continuous. come do not finish get not meet remember think wofk John iэ mоmепt. 2 з you А What В l'm а student, З 4 5 7 at the апуЬоdу famous? you Shakespeare 2 write еvеr not listening to people's opinions оr changlng уоL_lr mind thinking about the future in а positive way 0 Down have wоrkiпgj lп а sma] l marketing agency showing firm friendship оr support wanting to Ье successful making а decision and поt letting апуопе stop you easy to hurt оr upset people have а good opinion of you having по ехреriепсе апd expecting things to Ье Е pПOtluNclATl(lN а right s* ж ж d аж d sре} liж р * How is the underlined letter е pronounced in each word in the Ьох? Complete the table with the words, plays and poetry, and thousands of words in English соmе from them, our friends ­? 6 Not mапу people 7 Не was riсh and famous, but he f her wel] now, mапу slowiy _ _ got some snow, ijo4 l worse in the iili ­ it's а great ldea to go ski ng while we've l Sоцпd 2 / т/ i,ýоrlпd,3./ э:/ ...:,.1,,. iЁ$i:ffi# 9"# # ;iЁi$* Ё yet, there аrе five minutes to go. ­ Anc] rews has retired. office now that lvrs l Sоuпd 1 / е/ riends. 8 The game 9 Things _ 10 сопсеrпеd desert desire dessert hclpful identity prefer prizes rgvise sensitive service slqpt for dlnner. but had to cancel because they were ill. ".* ","* .."­_,_"L­_.,"* "_,_",.­"_, Ь @Е Listen and check. i соповrпвd L,.­­.."* "* "­.,* .­_ 1] Е еПДММАR ? Е qж * stimхъж ? Underline the correct words to complete the conversati оп. FАВlO Hi, there. 1You have GABR| ELLA Sure,2what tАВlO а l l Have чоч gotfive minutes? succeed manage bout? З Wel] , l'm doing а triathion next month, Didп't suсс* еdiпg in to give try up keep to out wоrМ keep it up l l Fоr what? lt sounds really tough] lt's not easy, yeah, swimrпiпg, cycling, then running. 1 GABRlELLA 5Whatl Which of those is the most diff cu t? FAB| O А l ot tnem| Е,.6wеrеп't' didл'r уо­ а gooo GABRlELLA Yеаh, опсе. What аrе you looklng at mе ike for l sandra ikes и;ci,k сu; 2 to simon wants to _а at the gym in her unch Ьrеаk. swimmеr опсе? FАВlO ТЪry,* ж g mхъd Complete the sentences with the phrases in the Ьох. There is one extra phrase you do not need. what did you want to talk to mе Wеrеп'tуоч read mу post? GABR| ELLA No, l haven't seen ] t. А tr] athlon, wow1,4What for? FАВlO VOCABULARY пеW recipe for lеmоп cake. tha1 far thafl Bcould you you Do you think l could coach mе? GABRI ELLA l don't know 9whether l whаt| 'че got enough lOСал t mе l ShallI th] nk about lt and phone you later? FАвl0 З No рrоЬlеm" That's great, l'll swim а lot faster We rеаllу need to with уоur help, GABR| ELLA Who 11kпоws l does kпой You might win| еrrr 4 charlie's kids told him to 6 lt fast food Listen and check. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 5 1 а 2 Эс уоu wапN"оо ruп а mаrаthоп? to / this / going / is / do / why / she З the / register / who / competitlon / need to / for / doesn't 4 giving / why / our / aren't / tickets / they / us 5 of / which / to do / would you / the challenges / like ? 6 / want/ do / marathon / to/ you / ruп ? their ? Ь give ? 8 the / happened / of / what / at / end / the game ? of / а chance / you / do/ winning k this diet, tchen table, Comp| ete the sentences with the phrases in the Ьох, ? for l did / hard training l whaI lth s / we do / a] l 10 ? up Ы€ ­ аgо manage to i'd ] ike to keep to keep it up successfully complete try havB а ёо make an effort out work out at snowboarding, but l'm afraid of falling and breaking something. have / ever done / the most / you / difficuJt i what is / thing ? have/ think we/ won't Ье easy to assemble 7 9 The Sm ths didn't То _ mod u the course, you need to pass all four les. lf you _ this training рrоgrаmmе, you'll get back in shape very quickly. l play tennis on Saturdays and l also _ опсе or twice а week in а local gym. ? Му саr is п the garage and l don't know if they will rераlr it Ьу lVonday. who l уочr lwebsite / designed ? Fred went sa ling with mе twice and he's terrible at it, but he doesn't want to 7 Yоur writing has improved а lot this semester so 8 Would you ] ike to _ the new version of the software, sir? 9 l know Jade isn't interested in the prolect, but she could at lc,act t^ oet nvolved. * * * Ё* nit* .,li.1,1$* iltn:iiii. ;"i ' flfi,,,,ffi i } ,. I i; п ? c()NVERSATI (lN SKlLLS * r* аkiпg * Ёf' ж * * ýъ\ rфгs ffi ,fl$ф,'fl} Tick (/ ) the best way to break off the conversation, 1 Sorry, but а И _ поw. l rеаllу must go ЬП с[ there's nothing else to say а ! t've nothing else to say, Ь[ с[ 0к, | have to finish Speak to you sооп. Rrе we finished? Got to go. _. а П Ь! l look forward to speaklng to you see you tomorrow с[ that's enough i"i* ;+ l$Ёir l­ллл а L] Ь[ с! а [ [ с! Ь Е USГГUL LANGUAGE lalk to you later Tett mе again Жз* рý mtхъt} зш We'tl speak about this ] This snotсогчегiепt. Сап t ta| K just ^ ow. ! leave ] ! end Вуе, пiсе а ! Ь! conversation [ [ с f] а о ý talking to you с [ Сау l\ 4ust Ье Rlwауs rеmеmЬеr to keep still, lf the саmеrа moves about, you get а bad photo. Ь!ruп fl * } ъ* * А* iгtg Put the extracts in the correct order to explain how to take а good photograph. Wno's speaking? Wel] , l must с d L{ ý} dфуstffit,зdiuъg Can you phone later? а ! ­з m clear? Do you want mе to explain any of this again? But whatever саmеrа you buy, read the instructions ts tnat carefuliy. lVake sure you know what your саmеrа сап do, Have you got that? don't need to get а very expensive саmеrа, These have а lot of functicns you 1ust don't need. Do you VoLr understand what l mеап? поw, but thanks fоr ca| ling. I Another thing to rеmеmЬеr is to take your trme. Only rеаl professiona s can take good photos iп а hurrу. ! Wnen you take а photo. the most imроrtапt th ng s the away tnere light, Basicaiiy, the mоrе l1ght, the better. so choose the off right t mе of the day and р асе. Do you get the dea? @rz,r Listen and check. Е РПOltuNСlАТI ON ж ж рid sрffiФtr} ъ а ФЕ Listen. Tick (/ ) the sentences where you hear the final / t/ of the underlined words. ffi" 1 П ! [ ! ! [ ! 10 П r must go and see hеr soon. Z ТПе nurse said l must eat ] ess bread. З We've got to have mоrе help, 4 Sоrrу. you can't take опе with you, 5 Начеп't апу of the реор е arrived? 6 Sаrаh said she didn't do the homework. 7 Claudia has been there, hasn't she? 8 [ _­] Tie shop щgl^ t open again, Э f] We can't use our phones here, Children mustn't рiау bail gагпеs. * to­face texting Е пгдвlttс Read the article. Are the sentences true or false? 1 The woman has the same opinion as most other 2Shеhаsnotiсedаnimbаlаnсeinсommuniсаtion. З 4 5 6 h реорlе, lt was а positive experience for them, Technology has made us forget our priorities. We don't need technology. for а fi с! Wе both thought to explain the writеr's motivation. to соmраrе different types of Ь! с fi communication. to introduce а theory about communicatton. couldn't say anything to each other. needed to explain things very simply" The point about breakfast is that а [ Ь! с! , ". making meals involves technology. it was ап Ь[ с! : .,., organising. I had to text mу husband for about 20 minutes to discuss everything. The whole thing made mе appreciate that nothing сап rep[ ace face­to­face communication ­ talking to each other. Communication mау Ье easier because of technology, but реор[ е aren't machines. We sometimes forget that simple things аrе often the most important in [ ife. amusing situation. Е wпlTI ttc needed to contlnue fоr longer. опlу worked unt l а friend got involved. was not as easy as they thought. lmagine that for one week you had to walk or cycle to get around, rather than use а car or public transport. Write ап article about your experience. Use the notes to help you, and your оwп ideas, she texted her husband to discuss ... а [ plans for а party, Ь! с! tne effectiveness of the ехреrimепt. Пеr friend's соmгпuпiсаtiоп problems, The conclusion is that .,. а ! Ь! с! Е tne experiment was mostly а fai] ure, technology has changed relationships between реорlе. speaking is still an effective kind of communication. wпlTlttG SKlLLS Оrgmпisiпg ап аrtigl* Read the tips (1­В) for writing an article. ls the advice good or bad? Tick (/ ) the correct Ьох. , ., ::. &.лiý * д фýýi k* ж s* { , 1 plan the structure of your article before you start wrlting it. 2 write the article in уоur own language first, then translate 4 include questions to engage the rеаdеr. 6 7 use | 1пklпв wolds апd expressions to lо11 1de9s, ideas write what you think about them. н { i týýý$ffii it, ,lffis,ffij evaluate it was funny at first, but things got everything was so simple. The rest of the day showed that the ехреrimепt .,. а ! mind another сuр of tea. mоrе complicated as the day wепt оп. Fоr ехаmр[ е, а friend phoned mе about а speciaI party she was 2 Themainruleoftheexperimentwasthatthey...,::i;, а ! nad to communicate as little as possible. 4 ,.,, The purpose of the first paragraph is ... Ь[ З 0пе day mу husband and I decided not to speak to each other at al[ . We соuld email, text, etc. but we couldn't асtuа[ [ у communicate iп words. So, at breakfast he sent mе а text to ask if I wanted апу mоrе toast and I replied that I didn't but I wou[ dn't The ехреrimепt involved the couple not communicating for а day. Read the article again and tick (/ ) the best ending the sentences, 1 , .,,, А lot of реор[ е think that technology brings реор[ е closer together, but I 'm not so surе. Реор[ е spend so much time texting and [ ooking at computer screens that they hardly ever speak to опе another. This made mе think and I decided to do а [ ittle experiment. l UNlт ж Reading and listening extension п ? READl1,1G Read the article and tick (/ ) the statement that matches Nick's attitude to his оwп body. t ! Read the article again and tick 1 2 Z! lt's mоrе difficult I iving without arms and legs поw than when he was уоuпgеr, His physical condition mеапs he is generally worried З З! about trying new things. Не gets оп with h] s life, ечеп though he has no arms 4 оr legs, 5 6 (/ ) the correct answers. Nick's parents knew he would Ье Ьоrп without arms and legs. а ltrue Ь fifatse с !doesn'tsay Nick was sometimes unhappy when he was at school. а !true Ь [ tatse с [ doesn'tsay Nick could swim when he was just 18 months old, а [ true Ь ltatse с !doesn'tsay f,] ick uses а mouse to operate а соmрutеr. а !true Ь !tatse с [ doesn'tsay Nick uses the toe on his foot to do а sport, а !true Ь [ tatse с !doesn'tsay The stadiums where Nick speaks аrе full, а [ true Ь ltatse с [ doesn'tsay Write а paragraph about ап outstanding person you kпоw or have heard about, who has helped others. Remember to include: о . . what the person does and why you аrе impressed Ьу this any difficulties the реrsоп has had iп their life how the person has helped other people. рцt him in l .,.".,..'i. 'learned tы' club чпdеr,., ;,.. !1:;,1. 1l. Review and е)ftепsiоп ,+ ll :rriqi{ iщ Nl] ,lG Listen to Michael and sarah talking about Frапе Selak, who some people have called the unluckiest mап in the world. Put the events in the order they happened. f ! ! [ а plane crash а bus crash winning the lottery а саr accident being hit Ьу а bus а саr falling off а mountain а trаiп crash Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 What happened to Selak when he was in the train crash? а [ fi с! Ь Не was very seriously injured. Не had an injury. Не wasn't injured. Не escaped through а dооr after it crashed. Не was helped Ьу а рrоЬlеm with the plane. what was the cause of the bus crash? а ! Ь[ сП аьочtthе эеrуiсе. аm wгitiп4 this lеtиг to corTipiain ТаКе апу train. all of them go thеrе. а'fi,l.ЦtliлК t'decided 4 what:tФ dФ,] "' : ; ., :,l..,', П с! Ь П fi is Е чOсдвUI АRY t ! sе ] i] ,. ,.'. , :] , ]] 2 ! З[ it. accident? с! Не had to change direction to avoid а Не hit а tree апd ] ost control. 1оrrу. Which of the following sentences is true about when Selak won the iottery? а ! Ь! с[ Не often played the lottery at that time, Не occasionally played the lottery at that time, Не had печеr ptayed the lottery Ьеfоrе. What is Sarah's opinion of Selak's stоrу? а ! Ь! с[ Sne is sure it's true. Sne is not sure if it's true. Sne is sure it's untrue. What does Michael say about Selak? а ! f] с f] Ь не thinks that Selak is рrоЬаЬlу telling the truth. Не thinks that Selak is wrопg to invent stories. Не thinks it's strange that Selak gave away his lottery win п ings. Write about а time when you were very lucky or unlucky, Use these questions to help you: о . . . . what was the situation? what wеrе you doing? Why wеrе you 1ucky оr unlucky? How did you fee1? Was anybody eI se with you? How d] d he оr she feel? Do you think this happens to а lot of people? ,,,: . + Don't mепtiоп iI to Laura. She's quite sensible about it. Тrrе Мауоr is very respective in this town. [ Тrrе President gave а passionated speech about сrimе. . ý l:ve got,a рlап апd_ ГЙ goiпgto' Иеýр'.tФ,,it, , . Не was not driving the саr when it developed а рrоЬlеm. The саr exploded 1ust after he got out. Flames came into the car frоm the engine whrle he Не was htt Ьу а lоrrу. i| , ТПеrе аrе determined subjects everyone should study. а technical problem with the bus Why did his car go off the side of the mountain in the later Ь[ ,i ,:] :,1:.,1] ,,:l{ ,,hеrа.аr* * * t$,фпigtзЬJ* + Ё* с­rяе оrlвshЬ,uld­* Ёu$1* .1,,l.] ,.. 6 tne speed of the bus а f] ] 1;.] ,] поеs;.Gоrrесt,thеЩg.зеаtёfrф, 5..:.f] .l?.lоvetоhаvеа] gс.аtdiving..] ..u..'......:..'l. tne weather was driving ,_,l,' 6 | don't know Тоm. How is he? ,.:] ',] ',,:.'] ,,; l 7 , ГJ.Whу you'djdn't tellдe7 , ,:: ,, '., , ,, ,' the сurrепсу in Тhаilапd? в what , ,,, ', what is true about the first incident with а саr that selak had? а ! " [ .} 1] зу6 уOu ечеr hёаrd { tоФ hеr agajn аftеrwаrОs? 5= П­J wаs hачiпg a s_hower whеп the wаtеr turned,cýffi­.:,l', : ! с! ! Z! ТСК.Фthe,соrr What is true about the рlапе сrаsh that Selak survived? а Several other реорlе also survived the crash. Ь! И the correct sец_t сеs..0оl,rеёi the.Wf, ong,.ýёntёncbs",.,, i fi.iЙitаЙ titter:to comfltain а'ьЫitББ'* * h* * ek @rrr ! [ ! GRAMMAR Match sentences 1­6 wiih responses a­f . .,­ , ., :,... ;, ­, ; :1,: , Е спдммАR Е t* хъж * ж } ф,ваrэ,ж tfrчд* а Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. l l had 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l was having l had had а quick shower and rап fоr l was speaking l had sроhеп to а cuslomer. Ву the time Jane аrriчеd for dinner, ечеrуопе left l had Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. left l halleft. Не sei/ had setl was settingI he watch to 00:00 and All this grey weather is really gettlng 2 and l feel qulte depressed, There isn't enough space. We need to get The рhопе had Ьееп l was l has Ьеел ringing for about а minute when l answered it. What have you dопе l had you dопе l wеrе уоч dоiпgiп 4 the garage аll that time? 6 l bought went to the пехt shop. 7 Sоmеопе had Ьrоkеп l was Ьrеаktпg l had Ьееп Ьrеаkiпg the window, but we didn't see who it was. Hi, had you waited l wеrе уоu waiting l you waited for mе? The mапаgеr stood up апd had made l 8 dotvп Siгпоп is а very busy mап. You сап never get of him when you need him. really big, so Ье careful not to get The waves аrе ­ away. and not waste time stralght to the waiter's ­."­­ То get the iп this restaurant you need to ring the bell. lt's Ьееп а very long term. l'd like to get ­ this summer Don't get _ not sure where. in аll Каrеп's problems. Реорlе w] ll start blaming you. was mаkiпgl made а speech. Complete the sentences uпdеr the pictures with the expressions in the Ьох. Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets, get tеН€ through get the (think) Опе ечепi.пg.sоr* е уёа,rý ag,o; t:1 ,. .', abo'ut What to do] When п1] { tiieild Janice рhопеd. Janice was in а good mood because she swept of allth] s rubbish, 5 ­..­ Let's get l had Ьееп buyingsome fruit and mе 1 З began to run the marathon, We wеrе Ьчуiпg rid attention away down hold involved point the bus. Sоrrу, when you calI ed, l spoke VOСДВULАRY Нж рr* * si* ms rпrith get feeling get into trouble get anywhere get on my nerves ,, :1 ', z поw. She З­ ,, ,1l ffiniýh) all hеr exams and shеwёý ttее, (come) round and we decided to go for а walk. We а 1 (ýо) very far when we saw something чеrу unusual inside the old building near the market. Years earlier the place :Э= _,;­­.= : { ЬgrпJ dоwп. Nо gпе,kпеW hФw] thе flre ' 6 hа ,(sфtt} , but ever,sinoe .then the Blaсe,:, .,Ьееп:,еmрtу. АпуWау,:iп 0* е] of thewindows we .,7 { ory} 'because :on,her.face,,tt,8 , there wеrе still _,10 How do you aetto , , , The ­ some really 19 } 'outl,s:he'said, cryiný'again at:each other. and ., .:,,j!,was,too.tatell ЦФ. I4 (run) all the way home. The place jooked ii,,* ow э' rёstаurаfi t а п d al l ou r f riends wond Janice and l will never go there with them! с @Е шl, " iffi Listen and check. еr. . ..: .,.:1 ,:,, йhу_j­':' this will Ье over quickly. ffi * fu ] соmрапу 5 а i is starting to walking into ihe prod uct. house like that, ­ рпOltUNсlАТlON hrаd @Е jitlfi fug* Tt Listen to the sentences and tick (/ ) the ones which include had, 1 2 Sentence З Sentence 4 Sentence 5 Sentence Sentence И П П [ ] L__] э Ali this сrуiпg Не might w] th th] s пеw Е old clothes, they were dirty and smelt of smoke­ i з won't / Ье) iп this building Ьеfщапd.' ,',felt,a,bit.ýсФi,еd"b* ;t:Wеr1._­.* ­ { go),inýideф,.] ,, ;1l1 ,', i ,:. : { печеr 12_(wеаr) ­'йh.JапiJdrэ , g..­,{ y,ou l'il al] this today. '.' l whispered to Janice. We find the girl. She do l'm not sure _ this? ], (get) dark Ьу then, but] ,., wе oortJ'still:see] her quite clearly. / see)that?' tear:ý ,: 2 That looks fun. Sentence 6 Sentence 7 Sentence 8 Sentence 9 Sentence 10 п п п п п ] п Е GRAMMAR ЧOСДВULАRY Ftяttдт,* * * ,ж * * imшж * s mнъd * * ж q} .itt* уъж } * s 2 Аж Ёккtж tж SlLVlA I Ц S] lvia, Are you com ng camping with 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 ls? l Whеп you stil want me to, surе. MAR| 0 Great, lt should Ье good fun 2if ,t чпlеss the weather gets bad. SlLV| A ЗДs lопg as / we get а couple oi days of decent /f weather, l don't mind. What do l need to take? MARl0 The usual ,4Whеп l lf I get home, l'l] text you the list l've made just in case. You don't need to wоrrу 5iп case l about food though. i've packed enough эI чff provtded уоо l ke pasta. That's the easlest thing to make. SlLVlA Flne,6lf l lп case we run out of pasta, l'l] take some tins and rice, MAR| 0 Good idea. 7 lf l Provided you want, bring some cards. We could рlау at night. 8whеп provtded l l don't forget, Text mе gas lопg as l as sооп as you get up, tomorrow MAR| O ОК. Remember to buy рерреr spray because we might see bears. @ж l |0 lf lL] пlеss l see а Ьеаr, l'll run а set of similаr animals оr pLants а living thing that s not а р ant the natural surroundlngs where we live the рlасе where ап апimаl or рlапt naturaly lives оr grows conttnue to ] ve animals оr plants whlch could dlsappear w thout оur help uпсоmmоп and diificult to f] nd catch and kill ап ma] s for food оr sport аl] the way hоmеl Listen and check. R 0 N N/ Е N т Е U L н в Е х U D D 0 х к Е S t] т с U L Е т с Е L D S N D l с L N Y р в Е к Vi а Е т D D S R l А R N р Y .] L Ml R А м А 0 т о т т х к А Е N к N с R х D т S А U N с SlLV| A l'li do that SlLVlA х т т S N R 0 R т А l J Z с R Е А т U R Е 0 к Е G 0 S L S Е в R t L l А N с L N н в F D к L Е D G N т D А р L Е ý U F L L р J в U Y Z l S к т Z! ЗП + [ tt's perfectly safe | | ke lo gо [ or а чwirп tt's ideal for а holiday Ь 5 [ __] lol"e soтe sJn сrрагl 6 П | l go оl ll^ e ехсurчiог 7 [ Don't go 8 ! You сап go any time а ',i:] ] | t] l] provided you tell mе flrst. i:,.ljili:,Ё f iп case you need ,,1,1i g i{ h rl l's really wa,n. you dol t wanl lo. с с N iý р Е с н N F Y а т D D G А S R J т Е l в в в с I I А в т А т S х J G D х J Z а к R N/ р н А Z D I I в I environment extinct ] ghоЭ, survive 0f а group of liопs, This might Ье а very rаrе sight iп the futurе. Ltons are beautifuli2__­_­­__.­­­­, but they аrе vеrу ,] ,:i:::] Ё it. U ^ Comp| ete the text with the words in the Ьох. Look at this с unless you do something stupid. as long as you do, н I habitat hunt shot ь when you get there. d I risk creatures provided you like somewhere quiet. I Е t ГПопе your mum I о Match 1­В with a­h to make sentences, | !] фж w,$.r# ýт,ýtrý* } "k,{ " Fiпd eight words about animals that match these clues Underline the correct words to complete the conversation, MAR| 0 Hi, ж d th* ffi :,,':iil] fi' mlchat З­­­.­­= _­ О____fоr iп the mоdеrп world. The Еurореап lton has Ьееп 5 in 2,000 уеаrs апd поw lions 0пlу lndia and раrts of Africa, People still I ions and оur damage to the is making it difficult fоr lions to find pI aces h live i 6;_ 8_ and feed, We сап help Ьу proteoting lions паturаl ­.­­­­. .,­,.­, whicl,tis the African sаvаппаh апd the fоrеýts of Gujarat iп lndia. Е COI I VПRSATI (lN ? SKlLLS Е USГГUL LANGUAGE Аgкш* т$хзg йiчiхъg Complete the quesiion tags in the conversations with the words in the Ьох, aren't could did don't haven't + sп­t shall wasn't fi фý} зрliк} з* ýъfrý еR"ъd ý"* ffiрffiк} "di} ъж il Tick (/ ) the best response for the sentences. You're so good at s nging. MlKE lt's а beautlful Сауl LUcY it's ovelg MlKE Yes, let's do thai, LUcY we could drive but let's tva k, we need the exercise. MlKE We do, LUcY Last t] me you fогgоt уоr:r iowei. ] d dn't have it with mе, lэea MlKE 1_ i* ,tl'г ch? 2__­­­ З­ а Щ ь! ii? \ &hy don,t we go to the с! we? Your halr is amazing! we? l'il get rпу thlngs. а__._ l, so ',* _ it? l З l lV] e LUCY Yeah, we've Ьееп t еrе before, fee rеаllу hungry 4 too. This place looks good, ч] ссs еа ly good р, '­ LUCY Flrst а towe . then 5,9ц1 tлlа let. you neveT rеmепlЬеr anyth пg. end mе some mопеу, M| KE We] l, we're friends, 8_ 5 !,ou? СЕП [ [ с [] ! ! с[ we? Let's go 6 Listen and check. it. Yes, l managed olon,t it, tz tt's not bad, is it? Tnat's right, isn't it? lt's sо tasty! а! lt's alright. ! с! Ь nsid е, i'm glad you like You really managed to get it 1ust right. а Guess it's поt bad, Ь haven'1 got mу wallet, You cou dn't '­ | thinkso. The coiour is 1ust perfect. Yes, lt is. we? lt That's ght 0h, l сП а Z.] , M| KE r You're welcome. П noW. MlKE а ! Ь[ borrowed yours. Апуwау, 1et's go, Later .,. LUCY Thatwas great, По you think so? wnat do you think? i'm giad you like it. t,,tot at alt. That's great. That was а 1ovely presentl а [ ] Ь! с! @Е l ne Sапе tO yOU. Yes, it was. t'm glad you iike it. Listen and check. PR01,| UNCI ATI (lN Тохт* irъ qж * stimrr tаgs ifl,? ­;к: @Е Listen to the intonation in the questions. ls the speaker asking а rеаl question or just checking information? Tick (/ ) the correct Ьох. l% 9 10 She's forgotten all about it, hasn't she? She's not going to аgrее, is she? Е ? Rгдпlшв Read the leaflet and underline the best heading for each section. Read the leaf let again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 Е website sеагсh to find а сluЬ пваг you, lt's easy to find ап orienteering club, / Dапgеrs af fоrеsts ,/ Ruппiпg fаst you need to Ье fit to гuп агоuпd fогвsts, lf уоu'ге lucky, уоu might live пеаг а fогеst, but most people will need Тrаiпiпg Ечеrуопе shou] d do the same training. r You should buy some running shoes, You won't need to buy а mар, to do some гuппiпg in рагks ог оп гоаds. you аге vегу fit аlгеаdу, stагt with fast walking апd thеп build up to гuппiпg. А fast start is irпроrtапt. You should respect the епчirопmепt you ruп through You опlу need а compass if you get lost. о uпlеss The mа] п thing is to have fun. What yau пееd ,l Ехрелsеs ,l 5hоррiпg fоr оriепtееriпg yоu dоп't пееd iB sрепd а lot of mопеу оп equipment, l wпlTlttG SKlLLS # нgпrъýsЁх,} ж ffiLiid* } tа* ,* s iуэ . а } * af_t* t а compass as well. Tick (/ ) the best introduction to а leaflet about 4 Wiп! ,/ Ве сагеful! collecting mushrooms, а [ Ьut а good раiг of shoes is еssепtiаl. yоu'li get а mар аt the соuгsе апd уоu сапiьOггоw tоr centurtes, people have collected mushrooms аll over the world, The purpose of this leaflet is to dlscuss the rеаsопs why mushroom picking is popular and to provide some practical suggestions to those who want . . l to follow this tradition. ЬП с[ Collecting mushrooms might sееm like а strange pastime, but it's very рорulаr in mапу countries, especlally jn Eastern Еurоре. You need to Ье careful about which mushrooms you pick, but th s is а fun way of spendlng time. Wny pick rTushrooms? Мапу people think it is better to buy them from а supermarket, but there аrе advantages of getting them yourself provlded that you don't pick the wrопg onesl С! One day l was at home when mу friend phoned and suggested going out to the forest and picking some rnushrooms, At first, l thought it was а crazy idea, l went anyway and quite enloyed it. Неrе is mу advice for реорlе who want to do the same WRlTlNG Read the plan for the rest of the leaflet. Then complete the leaflet using hеаdiцgs and notes. ii;;:iiii;.iir# ?rеоаrаtiоп 1 Whеп? (AuiurTn, rпаrпiпgа) 2 Wh еrе? (f оrеэNэ, пе ar lre оэ) Э Need wаrп сlаlhеэ, goad эhаеаlЬооLэ 4 checkweather lпthеfоrеэt 5 Эе carefu| tn fоrеэl ­ апirпаI э, ассtdепlа О 0п| у pick muэhrааmэ уоu know (4о wilh ехреrl, uэе Lhe | пNеrпеl'1 7 Dап'L qеt| аэL О ?rolecl епчirапmепl (| ilfiеr') Аъhоmе 9 EaL оr freeze muэhrооmэ 1 О \ ,/ апу recl2ee f / ап the dаy Set off slowly апd Баvе уоuг епегgу. Don't damage апу рlапts ог tгееs. You аге опlу thеге fог the day, Ьut the fогеst is thегв fогеvег. yоч won't geb lost pгovidBd you usе уоuг compass апd аr muаhrооmэ эou?. ?1еэ, et c , UNlт } rtr Reading апd I lstening extension п С Read READlNG fa 1 2 Read an article about four animals and tick (/ ) the things mentioned in the article. i ! ап anima] that llves in а d fferent place frоm its а Z! З[ + О ncestors an апimаl that is Ьесоmlпg rrrore and mоrе widespread an animal macle famous iп films ! ап animal that is now extinct ! an anlmal that ] ives close to Э! [ ! З! + а ! 6 an animaL that is important in mапу countries а ot of humans Read the article again. N4atch the animals the descriptions a­d. 1 2 З 4 5 i­4 7 with 8 great whlte shark d Komodo dragon tiger other animais mоrе easiiy. с same environment, This animal has attacked humans Ьу accident, Thls animal is often involved lп attacks оп уоuпgеr реорlе, d if Great white sharks поrmаl у don't eat humans fоr food, Attacks оп humans frоm great whlte sharks аrе always fata ] . Tlgers поrmаllу stay away frоm humans, The tota] number of tigers s lаrgе and growing. The Komodo dragon ls lаrgеr than is typical fоr the group of animals t belongs to, Whеп hunting, the Komodo dragon generaLly kills the animal it aitacks immediately, Some aspects of the behaviour of the funnel­web spider are different frоm that of other spiders. А bite from апу type of funnel­web spider is equal у Write а paragraph about а special or unusual animal you know something about, or research one оп the lnternet, Remember to include: . . . . Th] s апimаl has а special ability that allows it to follow This апlmаl mау attack humans the article again. Are the sentences true or se? serious. fuппеl­wеlэ spider Ь l they start lving п the found its natural environment and habitat whether it is rаrе. at risk, protected, endangered оr extinct how it gets its food where it ] s апу strategies it uses to find food, to survive оr to get an adva ntage. kiпg$оmis.fшttr t,пш Glll] AT t1,I I I Tll l\ 4ost реор е have heard of this апimа] JaL,ts fi ms 0f the ] ,] шп,] I Gt] ll Sпlllк 970s and ] ­ Тhе t ger is апоthеr anima that's рrоЬаЬlу familiar to most people, еVеп though made famous iп the very few of us have ечеr sееп опе in the wild, Tigers have fascinateci us since 980s, The grеаt white shаrk has а апс епt tiгпеS, апd are чеrу iгпроfiапt tO а пumЬеr of cuLtures iп unfairiy, as these animals , reptltation for Ьеiпg а killer, but реrhарs Asia they don't поrmаl у hunt humans ­ elephants k] l mоге people than sharks do, But the рrоЬlеm for sрогts ] overs is that а реrSоп аrе the паtiопаl апimаl of Bangladesh, lndia, Vietnam, l\ lalaysia апd South srvimming 0п top of а surfЬоаrd can, to а shаrk below the wаtеr, to mепtiоп ехсеl] епt slцlimmers, The good news ls that they gепеrаllу avoid Коrеа Tigers аrе the Largest of а l the cat species; they're fast rUппеrS, n0t look very sitntlar to а seai ­ its food of рrеfеrепое, lf а great white shаrk does attack а humап, the results аrе not always deadly contact With people, although they do attack, раftlсulаrlу Whеп hUmans Start t0 move iпto thеir natural habitats, lt shou d а so Ье added that tigers аrе поw епdапgеrеd and it's thought that humапs play а very iаrgе roLe in this, t's bel] eved that shаrks don't like the taste of humапs, TI I ll к{ } моlш DйGоN The Komodo drаgоп is а very lаrgе lizard ­ it сап grоw as long as three metres and weigh up to 70 kg Ехреrts think Komodo dragons аrе rеlаlеd to апсtепt ltzards frоm Australia, Ьut thоу'rе поw fоuпd only iп,sоmе islands iп ] пdопеsР, imy,1,. o| obubly most famous for their unusual methods 0f kil] ing, whеп huпtiпg, they attack br:i dоп't kill tne 01her апimаl righT away. This в becauss:they,.have а воisопоus bite, so after,attacking 1hs апiгпаl, they lollow it untii it dies { rоm the роisоп, а i0b mad8 еаsiеr thanks to thе] r excelJ8nt ] ] | .iii| i] l$, TI tI i lтl] Nýljl­lyl1l} SlDI DI jlt l\ 1апу реорlе аrе afraid of spiders, although the vast mаlоritу аrе completeLy harmless to humans, But there аrе of course а пumlэеr of species that сап l] e dangerous, апd the fuппеl­wеlэ sp] der ] s сегtаiпlу аmопg them, This spider's паturа habitat s iп the area аrоuпd the Australian city of Sydney, lt сап Ье lэehveen опе апd five centimeftes lопg, апd is dark blue, Ьrоwп оr lэlack, Unlike mапу оthеr splders, this species сап Ье qu te aggresýive whеп lt comes intO C0ntact With humans, Whеп it attacks, it holds оп tight апd сап b] te several times, А lэitе frоm а Sydney { uппеJ­wеЬ spider s ехtrеmеI у painfu and сап kill quickly, although bites from the females аrе less severe, Сhildrеп аrе pafticularly at rlsk 42% of attacks nvo] ve chi drеп rather than adu ts Review апd extension Е llsтrшtшв Listen to а пеws story and tick (/ ) the correct сRАммАR anSWer. Tick t/ ) the:correct sentences. Correct the sentences. 1 П t ,П а @Е 2 П ЗП А woman will probabiy rесоvеr after spending а week А woman is currently in hospital after spending mоrе than two weeks iп her саr, А woman is very ill after spendlng очеr а month in hеr Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 tt:s Ьееп а great oldfriend; ­ in her саr. Ldl. Ь п When Lone d] dn'tcome back Ьу9 рm, herfamily,,. tett sure that something bad had happened. а ! ЬЩ с! wеrе not immediately worried. immediately called the plice. The police knew... а f] what time Lone had left work. Ь ! tne route she had taken home, с! whеrе she had Ьееп рlаппiпg to go after work. The police think she turned frоm the main road .,. а ! because she had had а рrоЬlеm with her car. Ь! because of the weather, to have а Ьrеаk, сП '2 f ЗП + , .fi S: f] 6 П ' wrопg ] wееk, Оп Tuesday, l have mei ап ,:,., * п"rе* dау, l rпеt ап old,fTi* rid.,, lt'эbaъrl а бrваЪw* * k * tз , lп those days, peopte ýpenl mоrе time_ outside. , ,, _ " t met Маriа three years ago, when l had Ьееп а student.,] , She has Ьееп lvaiting fоr а chance апd finally she got опе­ Lucy had Ьееп seeing Michael fоr some tiпзе" case it's оп TV. l­tl vgatch it in : Е V(I CABULARY Tlсk(i/ )thecorrеctsentenсes.Correсtthewrоng sentences. 1П : : 2 П З[ 4 'П 5 П О[ The lish was too s| ippery fоr mе to hold апd it get away, f&* fi* h wаэtоовliрр* гуfоrпTgt* hs} d аrзdiъq* ъ:аwау, t can never get hold bf ап еiесtriсiап lvhen l пееd опе, l'm'sorry, l got carried away апd } ost mу tеrпреr, , Реорlе couid do more to protect the епчjrоmепt. ] , ЁчеrУ уеаr, hundr:eds of апimаi races;ust disappear. , ' Ttle'Sinerian tlger could soon Ьесоmе extinguished. The police say Lone .., а ! П knew she would have to spend а long time iп the car. [ ПаС turned the саr rоuпd апd drlven back towards the main rоаd. wasn't able to move the car because the weather с! condltions had got worse. Complete the sentences with the expressioný ln the, Ьох. face face,a difficult cholce ffiit face the fact: ] face the music ] sау it to mу face сап't The police,.. а ! have got a1l the detalls frоm Lone of what happened. Ь! period of tlme. с[ haven't been able to visit the hospital yet. The reason why nobody had found the car еаrliеr was that ?] а [ :) :a' Ь[ 7 с[ Ь # . .. few cars drive in that аrеа at that time of уеаr. tnere was mаiпtепапсе work, so по cars could [ с! . . . to , . , , fa* * f* i[ : . l'm not аs] уоuпg as { used'to Ье" should going to wоrk today. I need а day off. 4 l 5 ls it better to get а ] оЬ оr gо to uпiчеrsitу? Yоurrg people triе саr was totaily covered iп snow. her the trutrr апd she had lots of food with hеr in the саr, she doesn't поrmаllу eat or drtnk much, so it was easier to adapt. Пеr body made а change to dea] with the situation she was in, what kind of weather was it? was the bad weather expected, оr was it а surpr se? what kinds of рrоьlегпs did it cause? How did they deal with the рrоьlеms? , з John is so hypocritical, lf he's uпhарру йth what l djd, he nowadays. Му wife will Ье rеаilу апgrц but l'm going to hаче to telJ Write а conversation between two people discussing experiences of very bad weather conditions. Use these questlons to help you: о 2, l have her reach the area, The reason Lопе survrved might Ье that ... а ! Саrmеl realty wапtеd the dress, but have only Ьееп able to speak to Lone for а short ­­ ­­. l, Е ? спдммАR мъэ} ti­чдr* rd \ fi* yhý Underline the correct words to complete the ,.| 1Цhепt.wаi­ ,sефо1, I didn't,think I was:good at anything. The other kids picked things lout / iп / up reaily quickly but I didn't and ечетуопе looked zdоwп оп / оп dоwп / dоwп mе as some kind of loser. ,Щ,,о:rlу tlling,,that.'iпtel9Фed.rne mУ ,:,ёgеý,iп,thе':gаЩ,Мth, аt'аtГthо, she cal, checking mt} m{ ý] o,ld wаs:ti t 0сдвUI дRY : agt Йum * asfi:t, ] рЙt"€ u t,] ИачЕlШ5l, ,] Зjt wаs саБ and, I B,pent / / bi iпtо of mе,,gоiпg Яbility апd ach* ievelnent 5iп йth / оп about / йth them atl the time. Anyway, бЬч'/ afJ./ ,опе,ffi'thе'rеlцаs.ё.sеhооt triц rШе set Ъуtф.ФйеЙ,,gоiпf,dЩft rф ,,. whеп the ,sцаd пф stодваd;.I thouEftt wе had rцп out "с 7iп / at / о/ реtrоl, but the driver told us there was an i€ лr т.rоЬt апd,hе woutrd] havё,,to,] ealt the gатщ.,­, .t­Wёntia,,see'ffmУs апd quiik1y figurеdаout / ьу / , through what to do: I just needed to put back а cable. . оп ,,.ДЯtмtan ЙtпПtеs.ф,coach wаs эп the rоаd again, iтеryолеirеаlý lооkаd 9fо й€ , uр / up to mе .Дftёr / mе up to and I realised there was something I could do well. When I left school, I set | oout/ up / Ьу mу оwп car rераir husiness and now I 'm doing rеаllу wеil. ''.''''''' i# Ь @В ii; iil ж л Е *+ sй 1_.i, a{ l 2 let I ry / hardest and / уоur / us / down / don't fallen / not friends / out / l've / and wе'rе / Tony / with 4 away / you / like that / can't / get / mistakes / with 5 yourself l fоr 6 just / why i don't 7 made / Michelle / up / him / it / impress / to 8 in / you / you're do ng / what / to / believe / need 9 up/ anyone/ a better/ come/ can / with l ldea? 10 '* 1ffi iI / and l iI figr_rre / go / l yau Yes, l read Strange Telescopes some time ago. ll'э altalented l ЬrilliапtЬооk, MAR| ANA l agree. Kalder has got this 2ability l potentialta mаkе а ser ous staiement but mаkе you laugh at LOU| S the sanre ttrге. lt rеаllу is ЗаЬlе l outstanding, l 1ust wish l had sоmеааЬtlitу l talentfor writing. MAR| ANA Kalder is 5successful l talented because he's spent LOUlS so mапу years lmproving his style. That kind of бsuccessfu/ l ехсерtiопаl, hard work is True, l don't think mапу people have heard of Каldеr yet, but he has I he7 potential l Ьrilliапсе l out очl l try good 'uck to h,m. @ЕЕ Listen and check. correct the mistake in each sentence, , З l LOUlS MAR| ANA Не is чеrу 8skilled l Ьrilliапt al what he does, so / but/ l/ threw/ sоrrу, / it/ away. 9оrrчл bu| ! threiv iT, a] I awav l MAR| ANA Have you heard of this writer Danie] Kalder? to Ье а really well known writer, Listen and check, put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions. 1 Underline the correct words to complete the conversation, ? , picked / difficu] t, / lsооп / it/ but/ is/ Frепсh / up. 1 you need to have а talent to it. yotl пееd to hаvа а t аlвrзl for il. 2 0lympic athletes аrе all exceptional for their field. З She's quite successful Ьу what she does 4 l Ьесаmе quite skllled fоr the game 5 The ability of running long distances is important 6 Lesley is brilliant оп most Ьаll sports 7 Не has the potential of being world champion опе day. 8 Саrl Lewis was outstanding for the long ] ump. :ф t { ь1 $ П спдммдп р* rf* * t ý} у:* ж * уъft ж ж frхззр} + * 'i ] ] къrj" * * ваt tЁхтч­т* tаж ? . ? underline the correct words to complete the sentences and questions. I 2 З 4 5 6 l've alwavs loved l Е l 1 2 4 реор| е who watch а sports event 5 6 dtd you thtпk of the match? ,,,Ё­чеI л/ опеthinksfhof,i 9 10 В l l'te l'ye rчп sрогtsреорlе get poid о ] ot of mопеу to l{ оОгВре t_оф.ЬutfiЬ is поt olwcys true.Thetop was dotпgyoga since she was а s nce he was at l Ьееп lеаrпtпg.Jарапеsе fоr tеп уеаrs. in brackets. 1 h;:gjuэi brTken Hi| | (iust / breok) о new wor| d record! Yesterdoy iп Monchester she (run) only 2 _ l00 metres bockwords in l6.5 seconds. Somontho is 'l7, but she З { olreody / beot) oll the best rчппеrs iп the world. she retro­running ­ а 5. (win) lots of competilions ond now she is the best iп the world We spoke to the new world­record holder. 'lt's omozingI l 6 (iroin) since Jonuory for 7 l (1ry) ' опd,t'сthJёtеs illЩЬ ­ | three times to get this (look) for опе for the post few 8. yeors, but no опе ... 9, { contoct) me yet. Sorry l'm still very emotionol. Excuse me ...' We could see she hod Ьееп crying. Somontho then rоп owoy ­ foмords ­ with teors running down her cheeks. rерiеsеll Listen and check. s­ l(соmpelitioп) hqrd;:ЬtJtёчёЁ] lл1t bircountry,tБеу fheir sроЁ tJп{ о# uпеtе[ д, (chompion) (rесоrdiпg) very ofien cnd new world 9 don't mеоп mопеу, especiolly if the sport isn't populor оп ТV But mоуЬе this doesn't mоttеr if the othietes епjоу whot they do опd spectotors оrе hoppy to wotch them 10 (cheerful) for them, Мопеу реrfоrm ond isn'teveфtring.cf_,teTo1{ ,,,, ;: ,'., ­ ] l l _: :,] ,... . . ] ,, ,, с @В Listen and check. Е РПOtlul,| СlАТI (lN ffiу} } ж h} * sty* ss @xTr Listen to the conversation and underline the stressed syllables in the highlighted words, ELENA l know you like 1aihletics, but 2cornpetiiions? clo you ever take part in DlMA Sonel ELENA DlMA mes ­ ,г fact l'п gо,гg to 'compete in tne Jchampi9n561ps ^ ext ldг опаl weekerd, So you're a] most а 5ýrбЪ.ý.siопаt баthiёф then? Not rеаllу, it's hardly а 7$iloflё# ri, but l do а lot of 8tЁail:lft and l'm hoping for а good 9рОfiОr.ФаfiЙ ,. There'] l Ье а iot of strong 10ёФфЪЁtitф and l'I l have to 11Дýffёm really well оп the day. ELENA So 12viclory might Ье yours then and we'll we] come 13victorious champion home? DlMA с @Е ote.veryа 5­.­ (trоiп!пg) , оfi_еп een'lrпskе.ý:} ivjпg.flоrтl world record, but todoy wos ihe doy. l don't even hove о lrоiпеr .1l,,,,,',, (sto11) ruппiпg bockwords ­ when she wos 14 os о bit of fun, Ьut soon she this ond . :] гпо_пеу;.Suсhs_ports (victo) in Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs Somontho l mountoin ruппiпg ond wоmепЪ cricket don't еоrп much l Ьееп playiпgtennis со lege, Our judo trаtпеr has lеаrпеd ..,.1:,] , . .­(othletics)insmollersportslikehondbolI , marathons. Ьееп l,!qпiпв, Joshua hаsп't played ] .(pюfesýion;.. 2 teenager. 7 l have completed l been coпlplettngfive 8 А Why is уоur shirt wet? ­ brac kets. happened. l Ье iп а cotTpetition for your country an аrеа for playlng sports, especia у football Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in The рlауеrs have just arrived l just arrived so the match can begin, l've Ьееп rчппtпg l l was rчппtпg п the раrk when t lVаrlпа has Ьееп dotng чiс,Lоry the act of winning а competition а реrsоп who s iп charge of а sports gаmе з shout аррrоча оr encouragement They lчол the chatTp onshitэ two years ago, l * * ý} ýъ* * t* * * чдrit} з ffip* зrt Read the definitions and write the words. . basebal] . lt's mу favourlte sport. They've wоп \ ff* rd* .. l always lovec| What have you thought ЧOСДВULАRY ,, the Don't laugh, l might winI 1. ll USЕtUt LANGUAGE мmкххъg ж ж gщ* ж ttffi,ктffi ; ý{ ,* * р{ ttщ,fl* * т.fl ý:} нш tэv* rж * tз ­ъ,ff$ ь * mr* flш} 1 t'ý* ,* t* рзý* could / gо / swimming / we / day / always / another l thing З 4 рrюе l rеmеmЬеr / another / to / is the а вооd ti* alo l,akl эоmе | ооd? _ 2 Апуwау, as l was speaking, Tessa needs to decide. З Another idea might Ье for going the day before, 4 Just going to what l was saying before. 5 l 6 of course, we could always checking on the lпtеrпеt. 7 But don't yoU аgгее that ] t's Ье better to ask first? В So, to get back at lVart] n and his рrоЬlеms . W* oгuirj аlи,lауg go аиirппriп,J алоГhgr ciail, 2 Don't you think it's а good idea take some food? Эоп'tуоuthiпkiL'э tзxn put the words in the соrrесt order to make sentences and questions. 1 correct the mistake in each sentence. , thought mауЬе we could to lnvite Simon. stay/ mауЬе / l / shou| d / home/ ailthink/ we ] dea / ask / think lI a l а ldоф you i it's / good how/ sound / wewatch / does/ on Sunday l а ? l f\ I m l ] t? / thati but/ easter/ it'd / eat outl agree / to if l Ье / don't Е рпOtlUNс you ? lATl 0N frЕзхъж mкъmr* t ж * ъдж d* Decide which of the underlined letters has а voiced sound and which unvoiced, Write V (voiced) or U (u nvo i ced). 1 gаmе Щ qame Ш 2 ýeach I peach П зфrrу ПG.у 4simple!symPol 5 girl П qurl П ! П 6 saye П saI e 7 pie П puy spig ПрiсЦ 9pack !РасК iО haye а ! haye to п п п п п Ь ОВа Listen and check. ?} ý' ьý" ý t ;&ч ,,t uoat 'i ,. .l ,щ ,., ! а+ т :} * it : + tф ,Ёi, t, rl ] ц / ., i , a Е i L ,., 1n L.i r:'] l !l' ­* ý$ s а'­' i${ ir'" : 1 ?ju ,= re = =, UK teenagers' out­of­school Е пвдвlltп '.',,. look at the bar chart and read the article. Гйаtсh paragraphs 1­5 with their f unctions а­е. [ I I ! [ а r : l е З Explains what the Ьаr chart is about, true ! true ! true Ь !talse 1 .jilii.itj ., с [ doesn'tsay ,1iii$,ahЬфЁ:.ý!ФlфOf.tеепаgёrsitМее Oider teenagers аrе doing mоrе hоmеwоrk. О [ false с [ doesn'tsay а 6 7 Ь !tatse с !doesn'tsay Are teenagers oaslcally tпе ýаmё Tnele oays, оr аrе Tt eir ! Ь! true fa se с[ hours ре, week, which Lеепа9е15 do outside schoo| . One i5 tnat thеу аrе very Ьrоаd caLegories: sport, fоr point to поtе doesn't say Face­to­face соmmuпiсаtiоп ] s better а [ О true [ false с !cloesn'tsay ехаmрlе, cou] d inc] ude mапу activitie5. Аs you сап 5ее, there аrе big d:fГerences in how teenagers l} spend their time, Spo{ L and homework аrе соmраrаЬlе, Ьuт rhе отhеr categories have changed considerably The article ends with а reference to the future, а ! Ь [ false true с !doesn'tsay The most noticeable [ rепd i5 f.om wаtсhiпg TVto using пеwеr technologies, especially mobile phones. Mobiies wеrе around in 2000, but they we,e much mоrе primit,ve ­ you сап watch wПlТltl0 SKI LLS ffi* * еriьЁж ж dfttR fiI ms on you, phone today. Look ai the bar chart below and complete the sentences with the пumьеrs and words in the Ьох. There are two extra ones you do not need. 5 22 З4 50 About 22 needs and interests changing? The Ьаr chart loo< s at fiче differert activities, quant;fied iп There аrе по mаlоr patterns in the data а there.,,.. аrе mапу ways оГ spend,ng tne rest of Lhеir iiгпе. There is по great change lэetween the figures fоr sport. 5 Е ! ,ffi с [ doesn'tsay Ь !fatse true Each category is qu te specific. а 4 5 то Out ines the lssue that the data tries to answer. а Щ а &10 lnterprets the data in mоrе detail. States the ma п conclusion you сап draw from the data The chart inc] udes thlrtееп­уеаr olds frоm Scotland, 2 ,о,, Ф Ф ts RCCs extra information not shown in the data, Look at the Ьаr chart and read the article again. Tick (/ ) the соrrесt answers. ] ,* о ffi a(tivities lt is iпроrtапt to rеmеmЬеt thаt these аrе nol , he only йаySгееnа9еrsspеndthеir1imе,forехаmDlеthесhаrt iЖ:l} :"* I ЪН?JЦ} li?iijl,Зl] ;'ffВl .,i+ decrease increase least most iпtеrеsriпg to see what the fuгure Ьriпgs % of реорlе today get their i,I ',..,:,| . r.,:ir* ,,, information from television, lп fact, nowadays реорlе follow sport оп the lnternet. popular way of following spori is The attending events. obvious ­ There's about а OnLy about ­ sport in newspapers. 4 There's ап 5 6 ln reading пеwsрареrs, % drop in watching ТV. . Е ? wпI тltлп Look at the bar chart in 2а again. Then write ап article about how people follow sport today. Use the notes to help уоu. % of people поw read about FolloWing sport пgwsрареrs ­ not fгее, 'old' пеws, people ргеfеr,rо геаd online altendinf events э ,}; з0 =о о TV ­ difficult expenýive not ýо рорuI аг today, time may Ье inconvenient [ пtеrпеt rаdiо ­ ­ ­frее tnstant nel{ s aI I thetime no pictL{ res, best in саr UNI т Ёж Reading and listening extr ПВДПI tlС Е Е ? ] j,,il I lLrrчrrlч fr* * runners Read ап article about опе of the greatest of alltime. Tick (/ ) the statements that are true, . i+ ,'''t . _ , l 1,.;: 1!Jonnson'srunningstylеwаsсonsidеrеdsLrаngе...­''...,* ,.* .u* si:'qРфfiti] ;9'] фN* ­:* "т .п,,,.i,:.'jil; z ! зопп.оп had the potential to wiп mоrе than he did. : Е j:H::: i} ] | JTJ:| ­'J;I ?jГ# "T;:TT:i;::1, + Ь ! Read ihe article again and tick answers. 1 с fi З "ОъП'Ёi:пttо ) L­] Tu'" correct те­rеs, his ruп even Гаslеr doesn,t sau ] ohnson was аЬе ­ "''" to с fr coesn,t,uu Johnson was the first реrsоп to win the 400 meires then win iI again in а ! сл г l [ lлоол.* о с ltrue ] doesn,t b say с 6 ltrue [ doesn,t Ь п о rо::: uчзп on TV ­ , * llr ,Ё l'€ woi helping him Б * iп o| l } .,,s rосеs 'r.и, Jobnron ,ighr ' hо* { ýё{ е'm"d"Ь ­ Ь* * о. "­o* .t* ý"io,фt,,pt, wепl to the lЯВВ Офrрс, brr h" h"d on ;niur.v j ' _ : й;" ond , . ' ;;"1­.* ­аТ# ;] ;'lф* ii.­..$аtЪЁtЁtilmфt_ft$,i, .' :* щ;у:;:ж l;дj# nffi пuаt,ЙЬгН; Ьааi'9iраiБН,Ть hlrц] i'9ý6 . ::т:;:,L::т:,_, ffi ..rХi* } $;НffitЦ1fi ffi'.'..'''1;,Й;'# йр+ п| fi$ speak ,u ffiЫЬБi# фi* lЁа,ДiЬа';rJfi* ,;­;;; ilЙr'Л; Ь;":Й;;* ;;;;;ffi was * u."'­'' ­­­­ i­' "Ё;,JiЙriiiЙ Johnson often refused to to journalists when he very famous. talse true bltatse ь uht,u" a f­] с! [ _­] doesn't say 'i:TXЪ:T# :j::j:?,T,ff:, пtruе 8 " , ._* .,,.,rr* iiii sayП l11ОлlП"rЬ QtчЙпil,л ,:, ,З } 9.З2 sbconds ond 4З,49' i,,J ­ .r, лл_ ,...1 5 Johnson didn't rасе in the 2ОО metres _'i /tlпаl :Щ:?.:il"iJ:,::j..T;',?',""" аt trrе ваrсеlопа u,ч| ] :, ,, а ь; , Апуопе w| o sowJohnson реr{ огm : "iiннfii t lfalse ,ё | ;} ;Н* ilr:# ';J] Ъf,';ffi:?::JТ^ * 'П'u ,,, ­,'Z cry.p,. с","",,,. еvё{ :l _+ L Johnson was injured during the 1988 Olympic Gаmеs. a ] ýЪТjff ДЛопу people tt­,ink rhol wiЙ Ьеttег JrТаЛd doesn'tsay johnson won Ьоlh o'th,e settirg о пеw world rеСогd fm Ьоrh sryle the talse ь] [L­­] tatse true lллл_,+ лл., buf ; , iтДЁ,;l".''ь'* .,iЁЁillш'i,Ч,jffi} jffiП гJJ;TJJxi:;";JН;,l;;;l;J,T:,l:,l;l} tr, L:::;| 'ж "" rцr* :y;bТ;T,fiJila ' il;} il',ffi'r: 4 (/ )the P| ::'_'] :::l;::l,:"' 9re ::_::i:Pl ; ; i;;:";;;;i,J;,JЪii;;;Фr;;;:i,,";J;;;iw;1!­­ ЕТ;:п,j:;":,?iъ';rН;ъТ;;I ;* Т# ::lшiВН'' The fact that Michael Johnson,s friends laughed at УНil'J" ' Bolt :orn.on had а different style from usain o] | lle m"' ДДiСhОеlJОhlsОП is ь а с f! ] doesn'tsaY doesn't say i JJЁ1";н;Ь;iТьЬi ."1­,1;Ёj­j'i1,,3;ii;f;ii,Ёd '­ , Ц'* ТлЩ;:ffi пйЁ" ffifЩ "ffi beat Usaln бОlIislSСUrrеПI currently tryingto lУ'"lо'JЗJ?i| Usain Bolt .Johnson's 400 metres wo ffi ы YЖý# ýrl'ii'"urr,:rrп,,+ ýаlтI _д с[ doesn,tsаyriilt.reгu1nй9s.lo| оitоаау.".ц.n.фЬ$fffoл.'Ьо,;ц'ifi. .Somebаsiсinformаt'",'.* .thеperson­* .ffil;;.i;i* * .ъ.Б.Ь* : ;"# i;J} i ::ЖНЖ".:ТlЪi.Ж"' . achieved it what other people think of him/ her ,,,,,,, ''Ё # j;',"J.ii:",:'* j.,,;...;n;;l:} ;* ;l; П:ТНъ ;Г;_ ffi * 2fi i:y .. iiiiiiiiii ,, ш GRАммАR Tick (l) the correct ,uulgpce5­ : : ] '.:' Sепtепсеý, l I eorrеet_the:Wrong пеу Ttle ро} iсе аrе'tr­уiпgtо сhфl< lwh] Ф.stоtе* ьа rhе po{ rce аrе tryiпб to fiпd out who эtо| еthеrпопеу, с fнe'stoo:young.Нelýiýt1ll'gfщitэgщ................ э lrs wаrm, рutуоur] uцпgr'сff ,', ,;'., "',,;,:,,j.,,. J 4 5 ; ­,Ёфffi ,] :' ,:] i ' 9 10 Е LlsTENlNý а еЕ Listen to а conversation Ьеtlцlееп two friends about their schooi days. Match nai­,nes 1­5 wiih а­е to make sentences. i [ .;uta Z I Vtartina з [ 4 ! 5 ! шлr а ь с d е Edwarc] s Sarah Мrs Тауiоr was good at teaching grаmmаr. Marlt ечsltl с.аrееr noW. Е don't ltпоw t heald:ofthe L ,r,iёiэ,М' r ..'':,:',.,',, didnltdecide$l ,, , VOCABULARY Tick (/ ) the соrrесt: sепtепсеs,, Coffec­t the:Wrоаg,,,.l­.­,,.:: sentences, ' ] , 'll] ,:,l,l',..,...,, З f] : 4 П S f] 6 [ z [, в fi :.:l,,; .1­.: ., tl sроrt;.,':,:'.,,,l.;;,,,l',:| ;.'. ФtФфФФ,:.,,i".":., tГs поt abJe toýet thёrе,:Ьу,р.uý:| ] с No опе doubtsiher­capacjфio fantastic реrfоrmепсе Ьу the Кепуап. Тhеrе is а trапiпg: course for alt пеw staff tоr.тtоrrф.­'i,,_.,',, Pro­fessionai,sport:jsvёtya_al,,oЪ.eii ","""',.,.,;,.r',1,1".,,,. wnat did thespectatфthiфof e, ?il"i i] '.] ,'] ] ] i,:.i: ­i lt was another апО thefootlders аrе juit coming,oyt оп tо'itlБ''ёЪнтfi R ead th е sеfl tefl с es, .] ., ]: W r, ite, ав,, i n:'t'he, corTe,et i pl aces,, .] ] .i;.:, :.J] ":j::i] ,.ii| ] iji: Мr Edwards was а very good 1,Wёсаmе,еаrlу;' Ьut.Grqg,tuф:| r''.: ,ii,,.,,­:",,,,;,;,..,l.:.1,1,,:.:,i,.,.,. Wе* яrтзевяфИцТ* * tl iФHЙ..,""r..,,",. :"",,j','а + лллLл­ lcdUl lEl. 2 Julia was vеrу arrogant. Sarah didn't have а good lf you don't know it, look it опI iпе, She [ hought about it and decided not to bring the mаttеr. 4 l used it:ally.ёstнday, so,I went and bought some ппБiВ..:..,"f з the school. 5 Welooked'at.thebllt'aпa,aodeditфin,','.i.ji_lf;;.­ 6 J Learn ng Ггепсi­ at sciooI 7 The schoo] trips wеrе not always educational. Write а conversation between two people discussing their school days. Реrsоп А tells Person В about а subject they wеrе good at. Person В telis Person А about а subject they were bad at. Use these questions to help you: . П ,l зо,dI !Цl wasn't vеrу епjоуаЬiе, 6 ] ýOth,Mar* relationship with anybody at 5 l , ] lV] artina ls iikely to have а sLlcc 4 then? jr"'] Wr,аt iПeas have уоu.соmе uр with Sneita was juit,told about it алd needs time to lЁ] ф,:,,,,',,. П '', surеуgфе П i'm Z f,] was good at maths. was good at sports, Tina З f] f] ",,] ,,,",1 :r] .,:' l.] .,.,,_l:,,:л V{ hаt * r* * hs * е* rеf* оf B* ssa$sfuJЁeýЁla?li­. believed iп lvark. Listen again. Look ai the opinions. Who has these ­ Tina, Mark, or both? Tick (/ ) the correct Ьох. 2 * tИёmопlе Wе| rе fiпding,a пеwэеС.rеtсiф­­ argued with tVark. opinions 1 I I , 7 [ .Dоn'twоl.ry..lа1r.eаdуЬёnftБеJetter..;....;:ll] :.:..l waiI ing for you for ages! 8 , , г} ] :,1,1:,l,,ll,,,;,;r11,:, wny was Реrsоп А good at thelr schooi subject? ly good at the schoo subject, or did о was person А natura . . wny was person В эаd at their schoo sublect? ] s person В good at this schoo slbject почl? he/ she have to study harC? went runnjngwJth Sarah, but I соutdпt keep w] th,ЁёЁ,',, l* l* l+ lý lя э{ л* е* qё чs € 5 14 П спдммАR ыs* d * * mуъd Е ж зштяýg{ VOсдвULАRY саъеgе акъd r* кшlt Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 Yesierday mу boss used to соmе l саmе to work iate. Реорlе used to l ltuould believe the Sun went rоuпd the Еаrth. 0пе hundred years ago, il сочldп't Ьmаliпq сал leaa wочldп't sпаw at al] in 2 winter, We lived l а lс* . oi kealt h рrоU| еrr,э No опе knows what the affect was. Shakespeare has had а big influence to the English l would l used ta have а саr, but l sold language. ] t. That rеаl| у wаsп't l dtdn't use to Ье the best decls on. Jчl а is used to wоrkiпg l used to work п а shop before sie bla,teo hеr оWг oUS,neSS. Sam got used to l used to sharlng а flat when he was а iversity studeni, l wаsп't used to l got useё firсl Tor,l ng was а tгосl^ . lt took mе Y"э would live п а smal vil age before we moved to London, u п 10 l Smoking сап lead in а lot of hea th рrоЬiеms. 1о а long time to Ье / gel used to wearing а @!П Underline the соrrесt words to complete the text, Then I isten and check. Riсhаrd:Г,lоrgап l[ ve; оп­а1 boat оп а canal iп, London, НЁiifе I would lused to / wos used to Ье чегу different а few months ago. Richard zleft l used to / есуе lwould leoye univeгsity in 2005 and got а grеаt job in а law firm. lt was iпtеrеstiпg and well ,paid, bцt а чеry.hаrd iob. Richard iЙs u5g:d 1o,1, got u9еd to / used to wоrk l2­14 hочrs а day and somecimes he awould s/ eep / wos used to sleeping / got used to sleePirц at the office because it was so !ate. Richaid Йsеd to reolise / would reolise / reolised that this kind of life was killing him. '| бwоs used to / used to l would spending al| my time at work. lt was поrmаI fог me, that was ;ауý. On Sundays, Riсhагd 'used to going That's the mаiп cause fоr the рrоЬlеm 5 it could effect m ll опs of реорlе. 6 As а resuJt from this, thеrе ls less mопеу to spend 7 The new law resulted of protests and demonstrations 8 Generally, t's had а positive effect in people gett ng up so ear у, so the uniform at work, Щ,{ l,ightФ,Ф,thlра] ,RiiЬаrd: 4 l got used to go l would go fог а wal| < down thе сапаl and he always enjoyed this. So опе h Complete the text with the words in the Ьох. affect as а result is caused Ьу lead еаffsе effect influence resu lt What makes people unhappy? Some people thmk that the Оацэ9 is stress, whether from work оr biggest l the pressuTes of life­ Certainly, ] ifesty} e has а heavy '­­­ ­ ­­­­­­­,­_ оп happiness. Fот example, а рооr diet can J.,­,­­_____,__ your health and Д, iп _ апd disease. There is also а view that unhappiness iltness О: оп people's iives because friends provide Support, enteI tainment and соmрапу. I t's mоrе comalicated with family because relationships ale often difficult апd / сап 8,_­­­­­ ­­­­= ___ to conJlict and stress. This is cleariy а difficult question to answel. Е СПДММАR Мшdж } itу Е t; r* чi* чпr ffilз} ýgж tЁ* кt * хъd р* rmiж ж * * гt ? VOСДВULАRY таtrk{ rзg ж Ь* ъ* t di$fr* ж } tу UnderI ine the correct adjectives for the pictures. Complete the conversation with the responses in the Ьох. l had to catch the 5:З0 train. l'm tired during the day. No, l can work from home on Saturdays. No, l don't have to u п less we have а dead line. I sfrlcf 2 dеmапdiпgl З rEorous test ng l а(п) arduous rпеу jo u testiпglstrlct d scipline yes, l can find а seat оп the train. Yes, the boss lets us have опе day at home, r'­ ­a­J/ ;\ You should speak to mу boss! \ ALEx Аrе you feellng alright? 1 [ чо i h;.rd ta ает \ ja ат 5,.ОО Lhiэ mоrrliпа. JANE Why was that? ALEx 2 JANE Do you do this every morning? JANE fiн 4 а tricky 5 l tough sched u + .gё;ы­,+ $ а tricky ot рчпishiпg standards рчпishiпg trаlп ng ALEx 6 l 1 .r­r ,­­* , sttuation lе JANE ls that the same for everyone? ALEx 4 Underline the correct words to complete the JANE Аrе there any advantages of getting to work еаrlу? conversat оп, ALEx 5 JANE And the disadvantages? ALEx 6 JANE Do you need to wоrk ] ate as wel] ? ALEx 7 JANE You need to ask for а рау rise. ALEX 8 i кАтЕ So what's t like to Ье а f refighter, Wil] iam? WlLLlAM I lt's rеаllу straightforward l strict l tough, much harder ,1­oug'lt, The raining is very ,igoiotl. / lhal , 2 З 4 stretch кАтЕ But you've f] n] shed all the training? WlLLlAM astrict Not yet, lt's not so straightforward lt'sfor grlsonly, so he сал l 1a_all has fotake part in the абgruеlliпg the end. You rеаllу сап l ought to l dоп't have ta read thls book l doesn't have to l dotl't have to l are поt allowed 1о get nervous before the rасе, l had l oughtto start at 7:00, but еvеrуопе was late, Don't wоrrу, уач mчstп't l shouldn't l don't пееd tоI rаiп today. trаiпеr rпаdе mе rчп l to rчгt l rчппiпglеп ki ometres, 8 During tra!ning we're not а lowed eat l to eat l еаttпg N4y tricky l lt sounc] s l ke а чеrу l shouldn'tI raia hаrd because she is very talented. You mustп't l l delicate trаiпlпg schedu с @Е l е and then punishingwritten test to do at We l, you do like а 'struggle кАтЕ about Jackie Chan, lt's bri] liant. Louise mчstп't l dеmапdtпg l stгaightfarward to become а flrefighter, First, there's lhis5аrduаus competit on. The competition r,yas suppased 7 l delicate апс] the instructors really'struggle l l dеmапd us. awkward Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 l ttallino 8 l рuпlshmепt l challenge| igоrоus l dеmапdtпg l tricky 1оЬ. Listen and check. Е PR(l} lUNc lАт!(lN Sшlхrт* t ffi "R} ,{ $, ýýр* } ý$ж gg: n",t to the words in the Ьох, How is the underlined letter u pronounced in each word? Complete the table with the words @r,п Listen certain food. & 9 10 Don't let them beaf / to beat They wеrе let l allowed to l l beattngyou n the rасе| forced to train n the cold and lover u seless sugar su pper attitude result influential enthusiasm цffiЬfе+ r­а pu l rain, ечеп though they didn't want to. l Д/ ýочпd 2 / u/ ,{ e:g; alrp)',] , { e.g, caok)i ,ýOltпd urи| ,:rв!lа ý.otlяd 3Jul/ ,ог,/ ju;l ] ;rооа :,, ie.g. оr,;rьё) П cOttvгRSATl()N SKI LLS Жэсрr* ж ж $кзg * ж г* lflкн} diж ж gr* * эзт* эъt ,] ] ii ] ]l 2 Complete the table with the phrases. t­+ on+ agree­wtthyoi i,] ,ii',:i,' lit,' tЁ,:ji: ] il j. i:, ] ii1] Really, did you think so? That's 1ust not true. 0h, l don't know. N4aybe you're right. but ... You can't really believe that. l know what you mеап, but оп the other hand ... No way| I 'm not sure about that. | 'm afraid you're wrong there. сl.аiiаýгiа* ЭпilI pfieJ.ri.'jfi j l don't agree with you. l г­ ] Complete the conversation with the sentences in the Ьох. l know what уоu mеап, but оп the other hand technology is so central. Really, do you think so? l'm поt sure about that. They work very hard. ing. МауЬе you're right, but teachers are not the real problem. MARK Education is gett пg wоrsе and worse iп this courrtry, tlLY 1Oh. MARK Like what? Теасhеrs don't know what they аrе doing. СЕ MARK Yes, but they need mоrе training. з 1 А LlLY MARK True LlLY 1 MARK l do. They spend far too much time messing about оп l dоп'"l, kпоw. Ё.огr,е ­uhiпвь are imрrочiпв. LlLY ж tr* * g Listen to the exchanges. Underline the word each response with the strongest stress. lt was ап abso ute у terrible hote] ] l печеr want to go there again. ­ klds just don't want to study. соm puters, tI LY 5 MARK Напg оп, sогпеопе's texting mе .,. с @Ц Е рпOttUl,| G I ATI 0N fiшкъtкж ж tiчд* Listen and check. В 0t] А В А В А В А В 1 l don't know. lt wasn't that bad, rеаllу d dn't Like that fi m. lt was so boring! Oh, l don't know, lt wasn't that borlng. l loved that restaurant. The menu was rеаlJу original. 0h, ] don't know, lt wasn't that orlg па , Have you seen that пеw shop? lt iooks great! 0h, I 0h, I don't know. lt doesn't look that great, l thought the meeting today was far too long. don't know. lt wasn't that long. ] Dear Sir/ Madam, l saw the adveilisement for volunteers to work as forest rangers and l would like to apply. l am а student of environmental science in Milan and l have travelled to the UK mапу times, so mу language skills are very strong. i аm also а friendI y and sociable person who enjoys working with people. RESPONSI BI LI TI ES Yоu wlll саI I у out work around the forest, plotect the envilonment and provide help to visitors and the gепеrа1 public­ AS а Student, l am in ап excellent position to explain the beauty of the forest to visitors and protect the forest from damage. l strongly believe that forests are essential for the world to survive and it is the work of rangers to make people aware of this" What иrе offel you . fI ее accommodation о training and education . the oppoltunity to learn пеw skills I п our studies we have field trips to forests to study their natural beauty. l also spend а lot of mу free time outdoors exploring. l am sure this knowledge and enthusiasm would help mе in this position. OUALI FI CATI ONS You саrе about ihe environment and уоu аrе а good team wоrkеr, You have а basic knowiedge of а subject related to the environment. :I I am confident that l can Ье an impodant раrt of your team. l аm reliable and hardworking, so this challenge is ideal for mе. When l finish university, l v/ ould like to work in this field, so this is а Wondedul opportUnity. You have g1ood оrа1 and written communlcation skrlls iп English. п l am looking forward to hearing frоrп you. RЕАI )I NG Yours faithfully, Read the job advertisement and Carla's email. Then complete the summаrу with the words in the Ьох, fluently forests outside raf] gef reliable strong 1 speaks English а_ oVeS Spending time Е wпlтlшс реор lе StUdent Саrlа wants to аррlу for а job as а 2__and iтпg* ;r" З_, jn 5_ , She is Саr] а sounds ike а deSc r Е_ oes hёrsс| l сч ? а Саrlа and other interest ng places, She likes to work with а.с carla Rossini lril iii ili i _, :ii i] I candidate, ili Read the advertisement and the рlап. Then write an application email. Do you wопt to Ье port of оп iniernotionolteom ond support the wоrldЪ greotest sporting event? 'ваtБfi еiс'".Ьiв* tёаi;цthе.w!пtеloty.mpicti ,l; Read the advertisement and the emailagain. Are the sentences true or fa| se? 1 Тhеrе are severa] places to work, 2 yol don't пееd to f nd somewhere to l ve, З Car а has on у Ьееп to the UK once, 4 she has f n shed her studies. 5 Саr] а thinks that the world wlll not survive 6 She has some practica ехреriепсе, 7 Carla is worried about the rеsропs billty, 8 Е { :} witnout forests, 2 З 4 l * i,кtър frее time. аm in ап ехсе lent _ к t* ш *+ ooking ] НВфi,s.fuitli;lffi ], You hove good orol ond communicotion skills iп , l:i,,, writien ,,\ ,1,] , ЁпglisБ. i\ _ to * _ Арр| у for this 1оь ý Ёq} ут sport. up my ' $ ii l Ц * ,* :","* * ::_, ?lап ?а;rаgrарh 1: fеаео.п lor ?аrа gr арh 2: у аur wriliпq Ь асkgrо uпl (wоrk / ] е duсаt iоп), у а u r сапцчпiсат',ап эkillэ to help ath etes and v s iors, 5 l_ 6 l am + аl . ] , l;ii have always Ьееп interested l wou] d Ье mоrе than happy | д,,] ,.r,,thё,орЁоrt lUU UI e р| ly5lLully lll, $| l.Y.ов,Oiё.$нуýtф to apply to Ье а vo] unteer in the Winter Оlуп^ рiсs. ] '.'* l s,t,* :[ ы would lik* _ ill'j] i] i1| ] ": Whot we offer you . free occommodotion . tickets to events fr.Б,аiмiffi Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. 1 , Тhеrе оrе о ronge of opportunities depending оп уоur ехреriепсе ond skills, for exomple, рrероriпg food for medicqlсепtrе ond interPreting ', wпlTltlG SKlLLS g, iý р Responsibilities , i ,, п the future she wants to Ье а rапgеr. t "it,ш,,t хз , ?araqiraph 3: уоur вхреriвпсв, рвrэопаlrtу апd оlhеr эkillg, how lhBee ftзаkе yau'a qооd'сапdidаl,е _ be] ieve that sport Ьrlпgs реор е together. to hеаrlпg from you, ?aragraph 4: whyyou waпLt оЬе аvо| uпLеer,уочriпNеrеэt iп эроrL / Lhe аlуrrрiсэ ?аrаgrарh 5: с| lаэiпq 9епЪопсв uNlT Reading and listening extension BLoG Train iourneys апd unwritten rules Sam: yesterday at 7r4З pm Exactly the same problem оп the bus recently. Everyone trie5 to get on WithoUt letting anyone off first| lt doe5n't mаl< е sense what's the hurrу? lрФstеd Ьу Рапl, yesterday at 7;l4 рrлj Well, l've just arrived home furious! Why? Something quite silly, really, but very аппоуiпg. As most of you reading probably know, l commute to work ечеrу day Ьу train, Tociay, l was standing with lrene: yesterday at l I :l l рm Another UnWritten rulе? Waiting in а queueI There are some places, like ciothes stores, rл;hеrе thеrе are actually barriers that make уоu quеuе, but generally we just do lt without thinking. And if someone jumps the queue? Cenerally l say nothing ­ at most ltend to grve them а dirty lool< , but that's а waste of time because they're already in front of me in the queue and can't see а few other реор!е Ьу the tra| n doors as the train pulI ed into the station, ready to get off. Now, what's supposed to happen is that people get off the train first, and then the people who аrе оп the platform get on. lt works better that way, lt's the logical way to do it, But today, as sооп as the doors opened, everyone оп the platform started to get on and we had to kind of fight оur way off. There was по advantage for the реорlе оп the platform to get on my facel the train first ­ they still had to wait for everyone else to get otf апd it,just created confusion, although l suppose they wеrе worried Saral today at 9:l about finding а seat on the train. While it was all happening, l got angry and ended up having an argument with someone getting on. Апуwау, it got me thinKinE. There's no rule anywhere that says that the people on the platform аrе supposed to wait and let the people оп the train get off first. That's just what people do. lt's an Malc: today at l l rl 5 аm There's а rule that used to Ье unwritten but now it's actually Written most of the time ­ tipping in а restaurant. ln the past, you'd leave money if you thought the waite!, оr waitress was really good оr you had а great time. Now unfortunately, most of the time they automatically add l 0% оr 1 5% to the bill and you have to tell them ifyou don't want to рау it, l рrеfеrrеd it the old way! i'i I : $ $ аm the other person isn't directly behind you, you have to wait for them, and also they have to hurrу so уоu'rе not waiting too long! But lalways do it. lf Someone doesn't hold the door open for me, then l think they're rude. unwritten rulе. So, what other uпwrittеп rules can you think of? Do уоu ever see people Ьrеаkiпg them? And if so, what do you do? ,u l l suppose politely holding а door ореп for someone is another unWritten rule. lt's funny because lthinl< sometimes it would Ье easier for ечеrуопе not to ­ if П.п'gд.g'щ Read the blog post апd соmmепts, Tick (/ ) the things which are not mentioned Ьу the writer оr in the comments, Read the blog and comments again, Are the sentences true оr false? 1 ! 2 ] 2 З! 4 f] 5 ! Behaviolr on pubJic transport Waiting nqueues З По ng someth ng to Ье polite Regrettlng cloing something rude Paying ехtrа fоr something Read the blog and comments again. Wrrte the names of the people, Which реrsоп mentions something they do that is pointless? Which реrsоп соmраrеs а past and present situation? з Which реrsоп cannot understand а particular behaviour of other people? 4 Which реrsоп describes а polite form of behaviour that may have а negative result? 5 Wh ch pei,son suggests they mау understand why rude behaviour took рlасе? 1 4 5 The original writеr, Paul, was involved in а violent situation. Рачl beiieves thеrе needs to Ье а written rule to teli реорlе to wait before getting оп the train. lrепе doesn't поrmаllу argue with queue jumpers. Sara doesn't expect реорlе to hold the door ореп for hеr. Маlс doesn't аgrее with restaurants automatically adding the tip to the bil1. Write а раrаgrарh about ап 'unwritten rule' in your country or а country you know weI l, Yоu should say: о о о what the rule is whether you think the rulе is necessary what you оr other реорlе tend to do when the rule is Ьrоkеп. Review and extension Il Tick (/ ) the correct sentences. Соrrесt the wrong sепtепсеs, @I m Listen to some interviews with university graduates. How mапу are unhappy with their final results at university? Tick (/ ) the correct answer. ! one student 2 !twostudents i П З [ tПrее students а Пalfourstudents 1 2 П ЗП Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 + [ [ с! Ь а ot durlng th s реrlос1, Не had io buy а lot of books. Не stud ed Е Не was vеrу busy at work, Why d d Саr find his experience at universlty d fficult? а ! Ь! с! с! а ! Ь! о\ ! J с! П ! с[ То show that this was rеаlу the опlу difflcllty she had. Because she is unhappy with the un vers ty administration, < trnno дпп tоh Jl чl ь Ll Ug­l il оп the day 2 з Не is sure he would have got the mаrk he wanted if , Не thinks the unlverslty shou] dn't сопsidеr ilLness ! с] Vou need tc get а iot of sieep to succeed at univers л Г'_t ! ц] J L] t ;Lse ',n { ,tе t,lег, Эчr:Аау iэ Ьоtз:вr b* cat:i:e l'и ] 'rтe f ii* ;­:, l'tT worried that it might effect my health. JэГ­­..l LJ lt сап lead to 1 of опе exam, Не doesn't think that you shou d have to take an ехаrп f you аrе sеr ously lli. he hadn't been l оеtтеr al] sorts of problems, Му Г,'чt l^ aCae, Wtc \ еrу (tI ckl, She ] eft because she fe] t she needed а пеw challenge. Dr Sо,lч аrе оаsiгаliу I O, oLn,5­1 c,iTinaI s, Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, i Не was seriously оа, is Е wопврtll'vЕR Не had а bad со d c] ur ng the last two exams. Нis реrfоrmапсе in h s f] nal two ехаms wasn't Which of the fo low ng statements best matches somethlng Jane says? tэ li you wапt io apply, you shoulcl fi1l in this form, S, ьL] То explain how ittle contro you have очеr уоur опiу оп the day of ап ехаm, а [ l hope we could do this again some lime. ЧOСДВULАRY эГ­­l Wh] ch of the following opln опs does Luke express? а ! l:* с.а T,u wоrк iп а f* cto;­.r,, педr t\ } :йilc1"1eýre{ . 1 [ timetable as а student, ei, цrэпdаi vlould рrеfеr to see mу own doctor, Sne used to iiving Ьу hеrsеlf поw. Tnis сап Ье the iast tirпе we соmе here, | Не had to work and study at the same t] me, Why didn't Luke get the f na mаrk he wanted? 1n t. grапсаd use to work tn а factory пеаr Manchester. Tick (/ ) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. п two days? Ь f] rrЛу i,41l Не had to рау а lot fоr the course, Не has а young fami у to ] ook after, Why d d Samantha menton the fact she had three exams а ! [ 5 Ц 6 П what do we lеаrп alэout Саr 's summer? а GRAMMAR ty, lt's harderto geta degree if you don't havefrends or fam ly rl,,hc have studied at university. tt's better to go to un vers ty before you're 4О. 4 5 5 7 The rules of the game are аэ follows l а whole ­ first, there must Ье at least five players. lt looks as а mаttеr of fact l lf we were a{ l wrong. There's а lot to do there as fаr as l fоr епI еrtаiпmепt is concerned. The competition was good for the country аs а whole follows ­ l еvеrуопе benefited. She's sti1l оп holiday as tаr as !'m concertled l l kпоw, The tickets are too expens ve and as far as l'гп сопсеrпеd / l kпоw, they're а waste of mопеу. Моrе people live iп the UKthan iп Spain. Аs а wholel а mаttеr of fact. lhe population is бЗ rпilliоп. дliсе is ioveiy. but аs fol, llf her husbaпd ­ weii, he's rаthеr stra nge, What do we еаrп about .] ane's wоrk situation? а ! I Sne hopes she wi i get а chance to progress mоrе at ulоrk now that she's f п shed her course. Sne's found а new 1оЬ since she fin] shed her university ccurse. ! sne th] nks t's going to Ье hard to find а 1оЬ even though she now has а un vers ty degree, Write about ап event that has had а big influence on your I ife. Use these questions to help you: о . . . what was the event? why wаs it m portant for yol? What was уоur life like Ьеfсrе the event? How d d уоur lrfe change after the event? Look agairr at Rеviеw yollr progress оп р,54 of the Studentb Book. How well сап you do these tirings поw? 3 = very wel{ 2 = weli 1 = поt so wel} I cA} ,l ... disсчss апd dеsсгiье rчlеs ' ,] ,' "' ' l Е Е ЧOСДВULАRY СПДММАR ръаtч* r* рrсзýзmhi} itу з'\ с* $ underline the correct words to com plete the conversation. ? KATY Have you read this art] c] e, Josh? lt says there's а gаоd19!1ццс l doubt оur generation wiil l 2mау it says l wtll KATY Advances in medicine might l й/ / certainly :З ar,von't JOSH l couldп'tdte frоm all sorts your рrоЬlеms апd she'll listen to you, You can tel] he's w_ _l ­о _ _ _ _s d Ьу looking at how ; want to ] ive that long, lt s unltkely / sure that it'l] Ье 8mау l tidy his desk is. wtllwelL Ье able to wоrk unti] that age. There's а good chance9of l that \ awill wоп't do аl] the hard work. ] ike l mach пеs ng, so that we do easier tasks, ike clean washing and mak ng phone calls. JOSH lnteresting. l'п рrоЬаЬlе / sure there'] l even Ье а 11 special 0tympics for реорlе over 100l KATY Yes, it's bouncj 12ro hарреп l hарреп, so start training! Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. There are four extra words уоu do not need. adventurous ambitious cautious critical disorganised irresponsible reliable ttоtgЖН uncompetitive unreaI istic unsympathetic When he gets very world of his оwп, .$ I ,', words to complete the sentences. 1 pollution well Ье еvеп worse in the future if we don't start taking responsib lity fоr а Щ Ь[ couid _ а [ maynot | 'm sure thai с[ Ь [ mightn't =­­ Cinemas l c[ wlll b!might а [ mау go out of business in the next ten уеаrs. а !probablywill Ь [ willprobably с [ won't рrоЬаЬlу lt's unlikely а 7 ltor There's по а ! _* ­­ Ь ПрrоЬаЬi] itу с [ chance а !lmagine Amanda ­ is sure 10 Ь [ suppose ь [ to соmраrеd to ечеrуопе else, but l get ­­ trip you won't believe all the incredible things that happened. The new walter is obviously quite seen апуопе work as hard as him. Е рпOшuNсI АтI (I N l've печеr ­. l{ $l пэтd /* l How are the underlined letters fh pronounced in each word in the Ьох? Complete the table with the words. athletic breath breathing clothes Earth though leather length month the Ф( do we in Пthаt с f] guess ýoltЁd 1l l0l | е,ý,,thапk} thiпk hеr exams next week с lof to get better soon поw we Things at work are ­ а [ possible have а new mапаgеr. fffi ! that опе day we will Ье able to choose the sex of our babies. а с you сап пеvеr that they wlll stop printing books tiKety l can't computers will rерlасе teachers. tnat ьПif Ье there in the епd, That was а rеаllу с lwon't we find а real solution to our епеrgу problems? ­­­; count on him. lt's dangerous out thеrе; l guess it's better to Ье and рlау safe. we still know whеrе Even if the place is а bit _­­, l mау clcan bf] wilt a!mlght ike this, it's like he,s in а everything ls. shall Ьесоmе mоrе popular. but Опliпе education doubt ] t. The question is it, lvil happen in оur llfetlme. tt 'hough'fu] | 've never known апуопе so @xTt Listen and check. С Tick (/ ) the correct it. Vlctoria ls rеаllу а_ v_ _ _ _ r_ s. She just went on а trekking holiday iп the Ecuadorian rainforest. WendY lsquite S__p____ _с, SoyOU сап tell herall 5r,vil/ KATY The аrtiсlе says that we с !s it that we'll live to 150 years old? feI t sоrrу he'd said Ье а of diseases соmmоп today. Also, technology рrоЬаЬlу l рrоЬаЬlу wtll mаkе everyday life easier, t] пе, but | 6dоп't suppose l doubt if mапу people wiil much fun to Ье 150. q4!!q t ! l mеап wil] it aciually happen? Sam is always late handing in work, He's completely Ь_е. u_r ltwasat___ __l _Scommentand he immediately Ье true. But what ev dence s there? factor, and реорlе Complete the words, How r ve to Ье 150 years old! JOSH Who knows, what * * tiw* ý * * s* } ­ihiкэg ettitt} d* ­ Ь !bound с !рrоЬаЬlе Ь @Еа Listen and check, Sou{ I d 2/ ёl { Б€ , 'tllеп)., either Е *# ffi * II ? СПДММАR Fж tж r* р* rfl* * t акъd fж tur* Е * * тъtiж ъа* ьт,g t ý Underline the correct words to complete the Z! З[ Passengers, we w ll sаоп Ье аrrivtпд l have arrived л+ dL 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 9 lс UdbE. 5 6 Z В You сап stil help because they won't hаие l finished Ье finishingyeI . Wlll роlаr bears st | l Ье living Arctic in 50 years from now? We'li Ье feeding l have l have lived lп the fedI ie pengulns а at 2:З0, Ь so make sure you see that, с d е f g l Ье соmрlеttпg The team will have completed their prolect Ьу 2025. What will we Ье achtevtng l have achteved afI er we've spent alJ thls mопеу on геsеаrсh? l don't think we'll have drlvеп l Ье drivtпg саrs iа h 20 years' time. l have lеаrпеd а Flеur will Ье lеаrпtпg l'11 Ье getting Tnere аrе people who th] nk that с imate We make an еffоrt to Ье епvirопгпепtа lу r чеr to see the effect of global .Just iook at the Protectthe Earth's We don't rea] se that we live ln а fragile t'm not sure that so аr atrnosphere Ьу reduc ng greenhouse gases, change is some kind of myth, епеrgу сап fulfi аl] our needs. епчirопгпепt апd everything is inter­connected. aiways practical. fr endly, but it's not impact of what they do. warming on water ] evels, weather and we cou dn't go out much, lot Ьу the Complete the words. time she leaves Antarctica, This time tоmоrrоw, [ [ ! [ Big соmрап es don't seem to wоrrу enough about the ecological ТПеrе was а spe l of rough + [ l + цл цллл Li кuж ttдrж } чдrmуld Match 1­В with a­h to make sentences. sentences. 1 VOсдвULАRY т,} t* l have got rеаdу to go. 10 Flеur will Ье glad to get back because she wоп't Ье seetng l have sееп her frtends for ages. 1 Ь G] оЬаlwагиirlЁ С tles аrе trying s changing animals' to Ье mоrе naturai habitats. епvirоп mепtа liy З S­ епеrgу is а сiеапеr alternative than oil Complete the text with the future continuous or future perfect forms of the verbs in the Ьох. change complain not eat not not cook create 0bviously, and gas. destroy fall go noilive replace study transport turn walk Let's travel to the уеаr 2049! We t wоп'* и L;g iivirrб on Earth because pollution and wаrs :­ the old planet. lnstead, planet Zeus wi] l Ье our home. G ant space ships З­ еvеrуопе and everything from Earth before it exploded in 2045. Zeus won't 4 Tourism сап 5 damage the desert's frаоlод Ье а bad place to live and some thlngs wi lgo on as поrmаl. Adults Children 6_ 5_ а­ to wоrk еvеrу пlоrп пg. 6 The Earth's a­is we can reduce our са rЬоп f­ being damaged Ьу Ьу taking fewer pol1ut on. flights. at school and old people about a] most everything. Many things will Ье different, though. Because of the different green at atmosphere, our hair 7­ and we 9_ about in space suits, Special tablets 10_ least it 8_ out food and dr nk, so we 12­ 1З­ 11­ at all and we out at restaurants. Yes, l fe quite а lot. Welcome I o 2049, and the future we 14_, 7 lt would Ье сrаzу to go out to sea in this r_ weather. с @В 8 Recent winters have ьееп co] der as а result of с_ change. 9 Just stop and think about the ecological i_ of how we live. Listen and check. ж ffi­l ]l USПГUL LАNGUАGЕ шfiж * ,ьъж ж ýхъg yt t , .ж * ffiчлнt нз ý";* "uч* t н ut з:t с$ * ,t ш * r.* ;ýчt u шъ Е Ж* ж gэ* кэ* tiкэ.g tсз ­чзъ $,d* ш ж Complete the conversation with the responses in Underline the correct prepositions to complete the the Ьох. text, MAGDA You know, l'm seriously thlnking 1at l фl оп taking with l forlt thrs 1оЬ iп Paris, 2аЬоuf / ROMAN No wonder! Опе good thing That's а great idea! You haven't made опе for ages, That's а possibility, although we might have to invite them ls in for а coffee or something. l\ 4m, I don't know about that. l'm not so keen оп spicy food, That's not а bad idea. They'd need to drive there, though, yes, that makes sense. l need the exercise! the higher salary. lt's basical у а рrоmоtiоп, ЗЬу l fоr l r"r,,ith that is mоrе MAGDA True. but the trolb] e 4 preSSUre and stress, А big disadvanlage Ьу l of l forthe position l've Ьееп offered is that l'll have too much to do. 5about l ROMAN come on, опе of tlle best things мАGDА you is how you respond to а chailenge, баt l frогп I suppose so ,,. Аrlоthеr рrоЬlеm Thai might Ье worth а try and it's not far. l of with l + уап@ А How about eating out tonrght for а change? в \ it's ап idа;z,l эu1рс* е.Vlhвrа э\ ,за| itv* во'| А There's а new Thai place which has 1ust орепеd with ­ this lоЬ offer is that ] '] l need to lmрrоче mу Гrепсh and fastl 1fоr l at l aboutI haI either, The ROMAN No need to wоrrу Bfor living and wоrkiпg in а foreign l at l of advantage 2 в А We] ] , there's the ltalian 1ust up the hi1l з в соuпtrу is that you lеаi,п the language quickly, А Let's walk thеrе, t's а lovely day MAGDA You have ап апs\ л/ еr to everythingl 9of Ьу l iл the l ROмАN The опlу drawback MAýDA cOttvBRSATl0N SKlLLS в 4 1оЬ l сап see is you rеаllу want to work Do of the соrпрапу. the size А We could invite Amelia and Rob, too iп а соmрапу that big? А Then they could give us а ] ift lf we feel too lazy to walk в if they рау rпе enough mопеу, yesl back. в Ь @ЕД Listen and check. 6 А so l've got ап excuse to make one of your favourite lemon са kes. Ь .+ l.,j,.ir,,'."i' i:ii] l @Е Listen and check. | ii;,] ] ,j] :ii:i, Е РПOШUNС!АТl(lN а ­тh* э* ж "ýtr\ "ý,рffi @Е Listen and underline the words which аrе stressed iп the sentences. 1 2 :, З ',i] | :,,, 4 :,, 5 The trouble is it could take а long time to get the mопеу, The good thing about it is wе'rе not far away frоm the сепtrе. The рrоЬlеm is people are starting to talk about hеr, The advantage is the price isn't чеrу high The drawback is no one rеаllу knows what's going to парреп. The advantage is we сап see а lot mоrе of each other :The trouble is l'm not sure l've got time to help him, 'А definite disadvantage is it means selling the саr, Р,\ 11l, цirФ.,,лЁi} .1, i ­ф ф ­,+ ts ­ф.я | # ,+ ]l il пrдп ltlc $i+ ­ф iф iф Read the essay and complete the summary with the words in the Ьох. i­',# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ё against conclUSiOn criSiS еssау for growth mапаgе , :L е;* эду discusses wnether populatron 1115 2_ is а рrоЬlеm, lt considers аrgumепts f rst З­ апd then 4_ the dea апс] согпеs to the 5, that there won't De апу mаjоr 6 Ь f we '_ rеsоurсеs рrореrlу, Read the essay аgаiп, Are the sentences true or false? 1 2 З 4 5 6 Е { flf" ] ,{ Ё l ::l People hаче always lvcrrled е} эоut population growth. I t iS а fact ] ­hat the пuпфеr of people оп the planet is increasing vеrу quickJy, in some соuпtriеs more than cthers. This puts а lоt of pressure on the Earth'S resources. But is popuiation growth realiy 1eading to sоmе klnd of crisis? Many people beLieve ihat We just саппоt produce enough food iO feed evei:yone. The increase in food prices is proof of this. Fl.rrthermore, clean drinking water is getting harder to find, а situation made worse Ьу climate change. Ноwеvеr, поt е\ rеrуопе agrees with these arguments. Wе could produce food muclr mоrе efficien] ­ly with Lechnolcay and ln che same wау we could treat Sea Water to рrосiuсе an almost end] _eSS suppl_v. Some peopLe роiпt out that our рrоЬlеm is distribution of resources, and this is somethrng wе can so} .:e. On balance, population qrowth is а conce::n, but thеrе shouid Ье enouqh food an,d wаtеr for everyone if r,,le Ьесоmе mсrе ef f icien,'L. 1,4y own view is that we can't do much a} эout оur increasing population, but v;e can make sure the way we produce and dist::ibLlte resources is as elLecL_ е апd far_ as tossioLc. Populat ol] growth is а new сопсеrп. Fооd рr ces аrе rising, Е wпlTltlc The shortage of water ls causing climate change, There аrе ways of turning sea water into drinking water. The rеаl lssue ts how иlе snare food апd lvater. The populat оп wi] l eventua] у stop growing, WПlTlttG SK| LLS ж ер* rtiхъg Write ап essay for and against the topic 'Richer countries should give aid to developi пg cou ntries', * ърfiкъý* кеж Use the following structure: Аrе the arguments for or against giving aid to developing countries? Tick (/ ) the соrrесt Ьох. Fоr 1 some of the aid ls lost and stolen. 2 З 4 5 wea] th needs to Ье shared around the world. 6 We have а mоrа] responsibi ityto he р реоре in need. Giving а d makes deve oping countries dependent, We have p1,oD егпs to wогrу about п our оwп соuпtrу. Develop ng соuпtriеs cou] d Ьесоmе lmpodant markets оr partners, 7 8 lt w l mеап fewer рrоЬ ems with i legal immigrat оп, Тhеrе аrе always rich and рооr countries ­ that's.lust how th ngs are. Agaiпst о ntroduction ­ state the рrоь епl . Arguments for g vlng ald . Arguments against giving ald о Сопсlusiоп summarise the main оо nts апd give уоur opinrcn. UNlт Reading and listen п READl1,1G Read ап article about optimist'ic,,:,.fi people. Tick (/ ) the соrrесt summary of the author's ideas. t ! ап ,,., tt's usually impossibie to Ье optimist if you аrе поt паturаllу ,,,l,. positive. ! ! Rпуопе сап Ье optimistic if they:l ' . choose to do the right things, Hignty op| imistic реорlе аrе mоrе fun to Ье with" Read the article again. Match topig* ', а­е with paragraphs 1­5. ,,l.. а ! Choosing the right things io think about Ь! с! С! е! Having { antasies сап help Keepingarecord RetnlnKing your attitude'o * о,К",.,, Where уоu аrе, who уоu'rе with Read ihe article again. Аrе sentences true оr false? 1 the, , Everyone wonls to Ье сп o,ptirnisf;:but itЪ поl.,оlwсуs gcsy. :,1: ]: ­ most of us hove to try hord:toiýicypoýitiVe whё{ :t lifells11:;,;; getting us down. lt's worth the effort, though, since optimists enjoy better heolth ond even do better iп their coreers. Here srё ftve'thingý thqt,optimists do thot will hеlр уgцlооli оп,thе Ьфht ýide' еуёп rм.hen yо u'rе stu с k i п о troffic j оrR: оr{ оtсеd: ; The secI et 1о optimism is thot it doesn t just hoppen ­ highly optimistic people work hord to stoy positive lf you wont to do well in your соrееr] imрrоче your relotionships ond enjoy your I iie, it's time to give optimism о iry. 7. 'j­. i ] ,] ] ,] i ] ,'"', , :,,::',,l Optimists аrе both healthier and more s.lccessful at work. Optimists focus on the hаррiпеsз,thаt] ...i] the mопеу they еаrп сап bring. ,...il.,, ll's easier to think about bad thrngs that have haopened to you than good th,ngs. The wrrter suggests that if you b.elieve,.,.:. ,.l .l . 2',, iп somethiпg еnough, you'{ l definitely.,;,] ll The writer says that writing а diary сап,., help you understand your negative ::,:.:. Ес thoughts better. Thе агtiсlе says that optimistic peopte:l...l аrе lucky because they are naturally ffi oboutthe bod а :' чеrу positive. d :iil ] ii. iiii Beiieve ombirious зff,# ,:х,i:[ big drеоms, you п rёseorcher Gогч N Write а paragraph about staying positive. RеmеmЬеr to include: . . . what makes you feel positive what makes you feel less positive what you do if you want to improve your mood. 4, iiiiiffi Review апd extension Е а r'. @В Listen to а conversation between two friends, Andrew and Frап. Tick (/ ) the things they talk about, 4 [ 5[ 6 [ 1 Пuпеwsuреrmаrkеt % 2 З 1 1 п LlSTEtll] ,lG [ [ packaglng аir travel food choices technology animal conservation Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 _= ?4= ? What is unusua] about the supermarket Frап mentions? а ! tt has very low prices compared to other su ' ЬП ъ fl д сЩ permarkets. lt se] ls different kinds of things frоm most other su permarkets. ТПе way it sells things is d fferent frоm оthеr su реrmа rkets. q Why wouldn't Апdrеw want to use а suреrгпаrkеt like this? а ! Не thinks lt would Ье too time consuming to shop there. 1 Ь! Не doesn't want to have to use h s car to get there. с[ Не thinks it's safer if products lп the supermarket use packagi ng. What рrоЬlеm does Гrап not mentron rеlаtiпg to the use of packagi ng? а ! ТПе о f ] ­Ге с[ Tick t1) the correct sentences. Correct the wrопg sentences. t f,f Е Ц/ h [ с! iГ Tl,ev eat 7 do 4п 5п 6[ ] ж щ . . . he' wron g Wелваdgайеопаrе* роrэ* iF.l* lfоrёhigj* h., 1] always thought Тоm was rеlуаЬlе шпtil this latest incjdёntl .t js mоrе sympathetic, Brefer to talk to Апп because she lf уоur desk,is always iidy, уоu'rе probably organised wel} Potlution has } ed to the climate сhапgе,iп mапу areasi frЛозt , things we do ieave 50me kind of саrЬоп footprint, Ьох, both, sides ] fr­om sНe to,side nice side si+ e+ y­ыee to опе side ] Eide Deveioped countries need to wоrk Цr* jde to,helo parts of the wоrld, the'developing Lisa seems а bit coid lsоmеtirпеs, but she defjnitety hаз Не doesn't аgrее with people not eating meat. Не s going her to try to reduce the amount of meat he eats We пеес] to d scuss what we can do to help the Ь! епчirопmепt more often. People ln general аrеп't cJoing enough to he р the nviron me nt. People wil1 рrоЬаЬlу siart changing their behaviour when they rеаlisе holry serious the situation is, How hopefu is Гrап about the chances of new technoiogy solving environmental problems? а ! very hopeful с! not very hopeful generaiyhopeful Write ап emaii to а newspaper about а global problem that уоu аrе worried about. Fоr example, 'Pollution is а major problem all over the world'. Remember to include: о t Comp| ete the sentences with the expressions in the t. а ! Ь[ orreet ýentanceý,, Correct it. vlews оп the епчirопmепt? с[ c We need someone responsable for ihis iob. 2,П з:П з , iп this еssаи уоu пееd to Wh ch of the followlng statements best summаr ses Frап's а э ; t ! ilrpa. l о' vegetariaгibtT, е { ll the sentences. ch of the following statements ls true about Andrew? Не didn't know about the posltive env rопmепtаl О ' pollut оп t causes whеп it ls manufaciured. l sr il caLbeь to агlпа,с N/ ost people wor_idn't agree to а [ , ЧOСДВULАRY Ti g k tt's рrоЬаЬ у rTpossible. it's clifficult, but not mpossible, ! с[ , , *2г1 ц з'п 4п lt's not tikeiy that she will реrsuаdе her раrепts, 5П, What will we doing this tirne tоmоrrоw? бп What does Frап say about the idea of пеvеr using а car? О Please write as ýооп аs possible to mе, Рlgаgе } чrifi€ s+ Йý.ав * ý# ft h# рq* * iЬ| * , She рrоЬаЬlу has been waiting for this news aI l week. Yбur trip to Апtаrсtiса won't certainly disappoint you. Tne fact that ii is often not dea t with рrореrlу after it has Ьееп used, а ! 0RАммАR а short descriptlon of the рrоь em why the рrоьlеm worries you а possible solution to the probletT why the рrоьlеm might Ье difficu t to solve. present of the algUment. i 4 ] wassoscared­theboatwasrocking i5 i thetэigh winds The teacher took ihe to Со it again. child 1п and toJd hеr поt ' Е ВПДММАR ffi* rъххъdж а ­a= :­a= ­ = :: ахъdл im&rв{ tЁчrеs Е ? to complete the .Uдg!еrliпе ihe correct words 1 noteasilytOrgOtten 2 odd and strange З somethingyouadmire 4 extremely attractive 5 the опlу one of its kind 6 very high quality glad rP;gq / sееiлg you, How's your suпlmеr? 2go going back to / Boringl l'm 1ool,ling forward to ЗТо sit l SitLпg iп frопt of tlre computer all coilege. мАХ I \ 4ax, Сау is not mу idea of а holiday, ata have l havtnga HELEN Why don't you go somewhere getttпg Ьrеаk? lthink lt's really mportant'1оgel/ while, tt,t а once away frоm everything мАх 'то travel I to visit l 1 Тrачеlliпg is а waste of time, I rеmеmьеr 8to see/ visiting Раr s last spring, l triecl not do something уоu were in the Louvre, so why see can l уочI Зdоiпgltо do bonnected with that? :' . , ап е,2 tro­ ,Ь. lil, complete the iext with infinitive оr gerunci forms of the verbs in the Ьох. ], melt реr{ есt'lщi',: oГOasteдýT,ldgejýЗthаЦёh9ч'wff, З­ _­­­ fтоm the ciry centre and miлutеs " , . ,, ,, ,, cletegates rvith а пumЬет of , йе оп relaxing outside will aonTeciate. Ц/ hеthеr уоu'rе ­ оr inside ioffee очеr йеws the уоur admiring , . ,, , u 7 , ­_ , ­_­ _ why not book rеаllу is а hоmе frоm ' с @Е admire continue cut have listen pour proteci stop think il* rff visit venue goingupintoйeWesseхhil1s.I t's­аnideаlсonfёrenсe 1а , ] ebzatir pesvlmers unsgntni_* ___­­­­­ euq nU ...'..­.....­­­.­­.­ esbrup ­_= _= ­­­ nalsostinhg аrmьаkееrl ] t* e crovapatk нФtеl в } ocated in а I rr fact, ] l] ] ] ;] ] сзеmоrаЬlо i studio terminal terrace trails in the с | constructions features lobby outskirts settiff€ too bad at it, раiпtiпg l to раiпt апС, l wasn't 15Ьеlлgl fo Ье in the go оп you mау you аrе, There Louvre yourself! .tlЁЕN m r ­ something creative, l've tried Ьоеа 12fo 1I hеаriпgl to hearI haI ­ but I ook, stop Ьеl HELEN Sоrrу why that's art, like You obviously Ьеiлgsо negative, . мАх very noticeable е пl complete the text with the words in the Ьох, There are two extra words you do not пееd, mапу реор] е l couldn't even get lп the rооm, which 9to take l tаkiпgmу was just as we] l as l'C forgotten I | walktng l to саlтеrа, Anyway, l'm not lnterested iп around lп crowds of tourists, real| y surprising 8 l sееlлgthе Mlona Lisa in the louvre, but there wеrе so r,lzalk t* urism Read the definitions. Reorder the letters to make travel and tourism adjectives, conversation. HELEN Hi, VOСДВULАRY туmv* } кг* d Ьат, r оц'l1fееl completely at hoye, uu­­ _ _­ home? , ,,,,,, ,, : Listen and check. Е рпOш U1,| с lATl 0 t,| fi шхъж * rъж ж t ? . аратtmеп1 so that it ж trфъ* рs Look at the underlined syllables and decide if they (/ ) the contain 0, 1 оr 2 consonant sounds, Tick correct Ьох. ] 0 we had some suOerb пlеаls lп ап excellent i | оса] 1esta : io . i i i , j , , * . \ '­. .,''' .:.f*. ­ . _ " 5 q,jid;,.rO then the blue button ­­­­_that а­ 6 and go оп = ­.­­, the Falls have Ьееп here for 10,000 уеаrs, Й's umu.lпg iпtо the Niаgаrа river made it polverful enough Basically, а htloe oiece out of the rосk, \ lore а!эоut this аtеr, Back to the FalLs each уеаr, today, millions of tourlsts сс)mе the activity causes а ] ot of al] great, but is vlsitors mапr/ so the Falls as much as poss ble, So damaqe, 5о \ ^ / е а,е tгу пg 7 l; s_­ 9 l0­­­ ll 2­­ d ОЕ ftd$ u 9o!| ections, l\ / lу hoI iday in Rome was quite ап едреI ] е!с9 d The h] ghlight of the trip was probably the пluslс festlv9] , е f Bland 1п Greece, Jhe ] argest The train terminal is а short waI k frоm the Сrеtе is з,,ро.t. Ь ОЕа Listen and check. Listen and check. 2.:t / ,, 1ant, lVost of the paintlngs come frоm pr vate _ a guidebook, RеmеmЬеr Welcome to Nlagara Falls1 This is уоui,реrsопаl audlo 1 ­LЁ tjtiг1,1 tlre volume up qu te high because ] t,5 pretty noisy hеrе, You сап down the taiis, miJllons of litres every m nute, hеаr the wаiеr the tllew, pl,ess the red lэuttоп rT you * un, 2= ­_­ з­thе i,] :::] ] 1 t] ­i­t ,l ти* pasýiv* Е Underline the correct words to complete the text ? П 2 ППДММАR VOСДВULАRY шgs* rifuiпg Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. Speak апу lапguаgе iп З0 daysI That's right, with оur пеw cOmputer ýW соursе, апу | апguаgе сап1 lle lеаrпt / have Ьееп / earлleffortlessly, This 2with is macle possib] e / Ьуап amazing piece of software which today Зhаs ý, Ьееп used / is Ьеiпg usedбy thousands of people studying 25 ffi different lапguаgеs in the соmfоrt of their own homes. Allthe wоrk lt's so simple, ais l\ 4e m don't listen to us, listen to our customers: to dесliпе '| а аm рrоmоtес1 dопе numbers began was рrоmоtеd back in January, but l neecled to imрrоvе mу English, This соuгsе has Ьееп rесоппепdеd / had Ьееп rесоmmепdеdlо me Ьу а colleague, so l bought it and the results wеrе amazingI Now l dodo l З l deteriorated see, eventually viewing figures disappear laI er to hurпап decreased in the уеаr, interference. increased, ] Tr . l. апgiиел а completely пеw direction iп course, Now l glac1 l persuaclecl 1ife Ьу this сап communicate with реорlе aI l очеr the world, l'm so / ап persuaCedto sign up,' (Mabel Smith, Bg) Wnat аrе you waiting for? Send us ап emailand you 12are contacted will Ье сопtасtеdЬу оur сustomеr саrе team iп 24 hours, , HappiJy sa] es / аrе l start пg I a dесltпе revive after а disappo nting GoodbyeI Adios] PokaI Ciao1 5 stаrt, 6 Му reiationship Ь А В disappeared aI deteriorate l sea and was not sееп again. the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Eng 2 The ancient З 4 ish iэ nowadays, * р* ксп (speak) аll round the world manuscript (write) many уеаrs ago п an unknown dialect, lVany foreign words the centLlries­ дпd that was the ast word (add) to English over to the smаl] еr angua8es which is а great shame. 5 дl 7 8 9 (lose) опе day, There аrе free online courses, but (епсоurаgе) to take thеrп? people А new on ine dictionary of medical terms _ (гпаdе) for doctors at the moment. (not / hеаr) оп the is] and for The language _ ­ years before ts revlva began. The рrопuпс ation of any ] anguage out of а fixed пurпЬеr of possible sounds. 10 There is по doubt that grammar should (teach) to children in schools today, А В the 2_ 1 (preserve) of cultures, too. Are thеrе rпапу anguages being lost? You can see the 3_ (disappear) of sma] ler _ (make) Сап you gtve апу examples? Belorusslan, the language ln Belarus, hasn't died out, but it is in decline and future А В А В (speak) in the language of Во. 6 Professor, why ls it important to keep ianguages alive? eriryivai (survive) of languages means Because the I anguages а| l the time. С Complete i l died out bega п to Complete the conversation with the noun form of the words in brackets. А В Listen and check. The ship with mу boss рrеSеrVе, @Е l Еаm '| 1ahave Ьееп giчеп / Ь As you can died out due сопsidеrеd / аm Ьеiпg сопsidеrесi fоr ап overseas post апd l'm hoping mу salary 9will Ье iпсrеаsеd / was iпсrеаsеd,' (Jackie Lee, З2) rrwas 21The Ьеrsh ip / is Ьеiпg сlопе online апd the соursе is complete, No expensive extras have Зtо Ье bought / Ьееп bought_Btl1 / trh{ еý} ж * 4_ (generate) might not speak lt at all. What about the opposite? There has Ьееп а 5_ (revlve) in the Се tic language of Corn] sh, 6_ ] _(compete) But what causes anguage Basically, (lose)? wlth bigger anguages. The increase in English as а major international language is А В А а masslve factor. The effect goes beyond 1ust language. Wha do you Tean? Well, g obal sation сап a] so mеап а (deter orate) in local customs, That sounds depressingly truе, с @В Listen and check. 8_ ,аеиъ, Е Е USГГUL LАNGUАGЕ ýtt{ "к* dъа* ýтъg r* qtх ffi sts ; S'ýз* чмýхъg а @E!n у* эъх 1 complete the exchanges with the sentences in the Ьох, l'm поt gure people watch as much televlgion as they 9ure / 6/ lsl televigion lsl 2 3 l'm really sorry to ask you this, but could you give mе lift home? 4 2л suggests l0l lll lзl l{ l lфl health / 0/ lбl lsl l{ l lфl зА No, not at al] , What is it? в Oh, don't worry about it. 6 No рrоЬlеm, where rs character lt's ап advenlure story which starts with the main in рri9оп. advenlure l0l рri9оп / s/ lzl 5А it? 7 Sure, let's go. @Е The report suggests taking а fresh look at the health System. в What's that? Ь lzl l!l $l Щl l0l lбl l.| 'l $l lфl / s/ though 5 lzl $l l{ l lфl lll ftl lфl There was а lot of confugion and embarrassment when put the question. confu9ion lsl lzl ltl ftl lфl еmЬаrrаssmепl lsl lzl lll lзl Listen and check. 8 lфl l do appreciate how urgent this matter has Ьесоmе, appreciate urgent / s/ lбl lsl lzl lJ'l ftl lzl lзl ll'l lBl 9 А Thanks апуwау fоr checking, В lt's а pleagure. checktng lsl lzl lзl Цl lфl рlеа9urе lsl lzl l.Гl lзl lфl 1о occa9onally, l have а dessert after dlппеr as а treat, lsl lzl lI l lзl lфl dessert lsl lzl lll lзl rф.'ritiffi OccagionaI ly G Complete the conversation, Write опе word in each gap, MAR| ON Good to see you, Derekl Do you mind 1 DЕRЕк No. if l ask you something? 2__= ­_­,­ at all. Go з­ ahead, MARI ON l hope you don't mind mу was 5__,.­.­­­ if you а­, but l иlouldn't mind wrlting а get few words for the club website? We're trying to DEREK mеmЬеrs' profiles on ihere, О__= ­­­, lt sounds good and l'm happy to Just tell me what kiпс1 of thing you're looking at, МАR| ON S;per, l "ea'ty DEREK d ОЕ шi, dш lt's no Е l печеr got to know hеr niece very well, though, niece в Yes, l аm. Do you need а favour? В lбl lsl lzl $l lфl { / lзl l{ l lфl l{ l fragiI e thiBllsэBkend? в Е There аrе severa! CaUSes of damage to our fragile causes а hopc you dоп't rпiпсl niy аgkiпg. but аrе уоu аrрuпd бА / 0/ lбl l.| l l{ l lsl lI l lзl l{ l lйl environ ment. thjs­wee+ teftфz в lX'l lфl 'Ц'' children's someth ing? 4л ftl0! lзl lll she's also the author of а collection of children's books, author with l was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping mе ! * сээъж * къж хъt ж * t"аузds Listen and circle the correct consonant sound used to. Do you mind if l ask you to get my coat? Great| I don't know how to thank you. Hi, Rosie. There's an idea l'd like to rUn past you, 1А 0N for the underlined letters. ж кш gкшt* fъ* } il РПOШU1,1С lATl ___­­_ 8­­­­­­.­­'.'­­'­ Llsten and check. at a] l. rt, ,,] ii,] ] ;.i;i I Ъttl,у lшte / а,g Ироо Е REA[ )| NG 0 З 4 * ;oor1gфenotjgh,lodеi 5 6 thе.mоst'ёсопоmiоаt wау The bus was сhеареr than other kinds of transport. The journey to Vegas was поt particularly interesting, lt ап The hote| wasn't опе of the best in Vegas. The magic show made а big impression оп the writer. Vegas is the last stage of their journey. Апlаzi| lа ? of what,we{ ound 'gettinCI ,therёft at:was, .as' w ] '] .] .,ll . ::,' / .1, '. i1,] .i,,:,] ... ,,,, mind­blowing ­ l think l'm starting to believe in magic пgw after ýеёiф atl thoýe uпЬеliечяЬlе trieks the14 do, :,, Тhаt,wаs.Vеýав, агlfl,] i{ , 1рдý] r:еаl} уthе ехре1,rепое, оf а,l,,, | ifetime. Оur next stop is going to Ье somewhere а lot g* } нхзgъаж quieter ­ that won't Ье difficult аftеr Vegas. the journey on / quiet traiis / the dark forest was / unforgettable ­пrе 2 . iоцгпеч сп suiеt tгдils thrоutlhLhа dаrkfоrеэNwаэ uпЬеliечаЬlе, w] th / the sсепеrу was / deep snow / abso utely / high mountains in . abso] ute у / you'll f nd it / easy to / get to i cheap and Е wпlтI tлв ? abso| uiel," ;пfоr­аrt аЬI е. mind­blowing, and it's Write а travel blog about а place you've been to (different from the one уоu wrote in Exercise 4 оп р,77 of the Student's Book). Use the notes to help уоu. / . rлlirer.e­you:weRt (* Йat kina ,otptace iý original / wooden houses / oiC town is / fabulous, / the / absolutely / especially the , this wоrld / absolutely / recognlsable because t's / the iVlahal / is instantly / out of . There's so much to do iп Vegas: the епtеrtаiпmепt is absolutely fabulous. We went to ап aquarium, а Star Trek musеum апd а magic show, which was just _ SKI LLS dms* riрt$w* ihrough l absoJutely , ibma аЙБапg .:i'l ] put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 I f+ ЁЁ Е wпlTlttG ТJ'ж iнэg . ;i,iЁ 2 L ] Whеп you first соmе to Vegas, the sight of all those Read the blog again and find f ive adjectives whrch mеап very good or vеrу surprtsing, 1 ein;iвrloa] * '.ц ;еhаr_асtёrаоп:Ьоаr .:,,,. takes some time fоr Vegas to make ап impression оп you, L_ Vqgаs'.iп rлу | аst entм but ip,thiq.cr.ary town. We eame from Lake Mead Ьу Ьцý, Read the travel blog. Are the sentences true or false? 1 2 Ь lwr,ote'it| emadness,of . in thеir / we spent / cosy cottage / awesome day with some / ап absolutely / friendly vlllagers , . Та1 a,idyou беt,фегe? ffieie ffi stачfl whаtуоu aia ýiбПКееiп6;, епtеПаiпmеп| meetin| peopla fооф Ф;ь;tа* uа* фf* . ,yotl iT? what it wаs lik,e ,,' ftПе gooaand bad points, would уоu rесоrпrпепd it?) UNlт fiitfi Reading апd listening extension з Е квдпlшс swift is mentioned? Tnat he created а national institution to protect the а ! Read the article and tick (/ ) the соrrесt SUmmary, t I Ь[ Rttnough mапу people think language change is bad, it 2 [ з ! is in fact поrmаl, Language change is generally negative and we should 4 do оur best to stop it. we don't know why language change hаррепs, but it is ment on? 5 Read the article again and tick (/ ) the correct anSWerS, \ l/ hat does the writer say about language in small 2 ь! it,l society, ges, Language change iп Errglish will make speakers of English mоrе creative. G Write а paragraph about some What point is the writer making when mentioning а [ allows speakers to adapt to changing situations, lt helps make positive changes c ha n Tnere ls а iot of varlation, for mапу different reasons, gra nd ра tt what does the wrtter suggest in the final sentence? а [ Sоmе реорlе will аlwауs dislike how English Ь[ communities? а [ Some people lеаrп to speak better than other people, ь@ English language. Tnat, unl] ke in Frапсе and ltaly, there was no national institution to protect the English language, what positive aspect of language change does the writеr а ! ьП ехtrеmеlу соmп­,] оп. 1 which of the following things do we lеаrп when Jonathan WayS yoUr language, or а language you know well, varies, Remember to includel rents? о Tnat language changes оvеr time ечеп if реорlе stay iп the same place. Tnat young people should learn the forms used Ьу their grапdраrепts. . how differently young апd old people speak the language how differently people frоm different places speak the . language whether you like the differences, оr find any of ihetT annoying, ] Ghапgе сап Ье а ýооd thiпдl I nfluences from other реорlе Most titтguists] Ьёliече that сhапgе in language, like апу change in society, is unavoidabie. Сhалgе is jпtб] соfi ,, tаOt,.!v,i!Ч..] ] .:] lапguаgе.ihапgеsйh,­вхбуgrýрёаkбrsоЬгпё thе,,sаmё lwауiФёЪЁ] аlfrqф:,'l еiсtr.оthёr_, Nо.,йа :rпоiио* ;аыýрёаk 'ditrёrёпФйё.,Ьlйтlу,ýоеец ] 5ддfl Oifferentiy, but ечеп withirt sarrre, , .а] wау.бf ] kёевiпg а tanguage,a] Me. ] dвЁending оп their age, gender, origin, and social and educational background, when we йtеrасt with these different speakers, iп different situations, we , ] ,,соmЙнgiЦреОР,tе,.ýpеаkdiffе] rепtv ] thЙа'Фа* of or­lrоWп'ýреф;Ёy,9,if lчоуlf : wittl axtre ty] ýrпаlt diffёrёпоеý,оf , ' Йеапiпg,апd Ways:of ёхрr€ýё] п9] ] ] i, ,. entirely пеw ideas. The acadeЙies ,estabtýhed:in' Eranoe алd ltaly:harye: had tittle success in decreasing ­ , l 15g: gгпOцлt Йпguеgе сhапgеапd.Йhеп enough time has passeý, tфimр11$,,, of thеsасhапgеs ЬёсоfRеý moie оtlýiочý,.,.:.,.l, ,.:.l i Jonathan Swift, the 1Bth­ceгrtury lrish a;thor, опсе Wrote that We tЙа.а w,ау iostog,,o !ап.guаgесhапgiПg,,ЕчЕпtоdаи lt iý,, ., sПЬОЁ , ,,, ] соrпmФп to.fjnd фis idёа;sоmареорЬthiлk t ёtanguaýe,shou{ g Ьа{ rоzёп iп,riще, ало :рюtесtеd f rom fashions апd,ýосjаt п thought as а negative thing".Duriný ,,, iung,rug* оtluпЕs ,, ,реорlеjеlt the] ,Engliýh, .,",, , ,'the'J8tЁ ceпturrr. ýфift and фапу,о instittlttФn,= . . ianguage was:in sеr!оus dboline.al] d,thata nationы :,, ] : tike,those,thФ ехistф iп.Frапоо.апd l!ф,,lhоUtd,Ьjсr€ аtеdЬ ' , establiBh ruЬ агtd рrеýёфе th:e tапguёg* 'Еvеп,,tоdау,:wФ,:hёаr ,,., , '.i,Йrф,ппý] is6.,,NеЙ ' Йоrайmаi оП ,f;ffi wфlапd аrЬqil , : ] proRupcЫlon'o{ English.anH keep it pul,e,, Вut'whоп. hе, соrлрlеtеd the: dtctionary tеп:уёаrý.lаtФri,hё admitted] iп | ijý : _ Ьхрrефiопý,] ýr. pr,onuheiatiofis and, d,,апd ав oftenдбрýidф,ц+ ф,..: the] gradual сhапgё,iп орiпiоп of Dr Johnson ­ а famous dictionary writer who lived at thеýаmе'tiгr;е as ýwift,* show,s,, :] talian,, апd ]i .h!sdesirý­to­,Фe.aldictionaгythal] would* xthФ ,' 1 1,:; people complaining about а lack of 'standards' in spoken and oi, Ьf оhапgе iп,Fтепсh ,how'ideas'havэ: devetoЁed:about l Нпguаgе сhаrgё, ln] ] 747, .I ghпsоп wrоtе аЬошt . trе,lф,",, i+ ] , апd useful, and gives speakers different ways of saying things .lmil11,} аsl{ iv.g.{ .,ý} Ф,­ ,sаmе аrеа fоr gБпеrаtiбп* , ,,уо+ ,еап:р,rфаЬlу,iфtifl7:ф,п.urпЬн uýё.,ttiеWаууоur '.оt.о;л_аrе еý',Ь_еtwgqцthq,] апgt* аФеl grandparents speak оr spoke. Every generation contributes to ,: Иtrоduоtiол thФ.fixing,ý,language,, Фаs,iфрФýsЫё. Likб it,gl,not, i] ] I anguage] ф_alwayý.changinoaлd,,, Епglish.wj} tgо оп dоing ýo,iп rпапу creative and ­ to some people oying чяауs.", ,.l,еrtfl ­ , OReview п Listen to the podcast and tick (/ ) the topics that the people mепtiоп. а @Еа Mike s ро m Wh] ch rеаsоп does the presenter not give for why реорlе go on 'staycations'? Ь[ сЩ to save гпопеу pecia а [ Ь[ с[ ЬП с! f] + [ 5, f] Wе'rе trying saving mопеу for а пеw'саr, , Getting uр at 6:00 in the mоrпiпg is not rny idea of fun. Thetopic has Ьееп discussed оп the show last night, 6 П,д Е newticketing'system (/ ) the correct sentences, Correct the TiCk sentences. l? tne visits to the exhibition and the coast tne small changes to how he spent his day tne fact he wasn't staying in а hotel ТПеу don't поrmаllу eat breakfast together. ,1. is tleing introduced. чOсдв[ ,LАRY to have а chance to do wоrk around the house What do we ] еаrп about l\ 4ike and his wife? а ! Criminais should stop thinking atlout the consequences of to find thlngs пеаr where you live What does lVlike say about what made the staycation s rg* gmrrt* пd vi* if,iпE # ruцараt"k а* * * r:п fis yst; sяЁ. 2 П, 3 Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. а ! l rесоmmепd to visit GrugaBark as soon as you сап, ]] their actions. usic food 1 П Louise rts ERAMtvlAR Tick (/ ) the correct sentences, Соrrесt the wrong sепtепсеs. 1 Sаmапthа and oСепsiоп ,П , : 2 '[ ' Зf 4 [ Ь'[ 6П wrопg Sally's sсоrе in the test was reaily impressing, SяlЫЪ g* olт ilз thg,tgе* wа* n* ally iл,лрr* * * ;iч* , The film finishes with а dramaticai last sсепе. ТПе scenery iз quile stunning, especiaily оп а clear day Тiiеrе has Ьееп а 10% increase of profits. ТПеrе has Ьееп а revivaiioп of interest iп photography. Peopie hardly notice the disappearing of languages, Tney always lrke to have а cooked breakfast, Tney don't have а TV, Which of the followlng statements is true about Samantha's staycat оп? а ! ьп с! Sne dic] n't do everything she had orlginally planned to do. conTplete the sелtепсеs with the words iп the Ьох, There are two,extra wordsуоu do not пФ€d;] Ьurп chitl fatt get go раss stand She did mоrе activity than she planned, She repeated some of the activitles on different d ays. What does Samantha say about the food she ate? it was such а shock that for а mоmепt l thought l was going out on the fiооr. а [ Sne never ate а takeaway. a с[ Sne ate takeaways several times. 3 Sne only ate а takeaway опсе, Ь! What do we learn about Louise's children during their staycation? а ! Tney cjic] n't think the staycation was different from Ь! ТПеу wеrе unable to fol] ow а rule Louise had made поrmаl hol days. с[ wоrk to ?аý* anybody Wе used to Сап оut the апswеr to пumЬsr six? out about really stupid things ] ikё whose turп it was to feed the cat. 4 Nопе of these пеw songý really sееm to 5 You're gctng to , ­­".­'..­''­."* out if you don't take оut, а break soon. listening to country rпusiс. ТПеу did sport every day. Which of the guests would rесоmmепd а staycatlon to the 1isteners? а [ Ь[ I с! MiKe апс] Samantha MiKe and Louise all three guests оп р.78 of the Sttldeпt:s thil8s;nqы? 1 = fiоt s* wе} l Write а blog post giving advice on having а 'staycation' in уоur country or home town. Remember to include: . . . . а short definition of а 'staycation' some suggestions of places to vislt some suggestions of activities to do ideas for people who don't have а lot of mопеу, ý* Ч = :2:­­= Е,= = = = :,, = ­= = ?­= .:.{ a= П Е VOСДВULАRY Шеж * уf,Ьiкъg GRAMMAR е* m/ * еt* вхgýt; s* lsм* } t ? Complete the sentences with foo mчсh, too mапу, enough, поt епочgh, so or such. 2 big t ffi Z[ З! 5 6 7 В _ This was а а Ь good idea, 1 с d е f g h З i Ь ,4 ГiпЬ+ с эrд Наче you been watc тllБl сllеар rоw tiat ng тV? * Ёti* s Match 1* В with a­h to make sentences and questions + 1 11,5 l.эоl encu€ h } f,fl* fiкъ ТПеrе is good public Гtапs for а пеw mоtоrwау have upset ocal l'm not sure that the qua ity of [ But should urban П А farnil аr рrоЬеm is traffic ! Vo . d,l е{ реr е] (е d r ! Most of the faci] tles аrе п residentiaI ! Cet there еаrlу because parking аrеаs outside the centre. congestion ai peak tlmes, development соmе at the cost of the епvlrопmепt? life has changed much wth technology. pollution ечеп in sma ] еr towns, residents and they plan а protest, spaces аrе few and hat,d to find, transport, пс ud ng а tram sуstеrп. Complete the text with the expressions iп the Ьох. l have с х air pollution local residents parking space public transport quaiity of life residential areas ho idays а уеаr. trа+ Яе­сопsеsttоft urЬап development There js а lot ol cTrticism ol btg cjTies and in mапу ways ttrey are soft taTgels When уоu'rе drivlng thTough а maior Clty the ltrаffiс.iоЙбеgllрп glves you а 1от of rimе to think 5 ЁНt* 6ЁЁiinЁ.,tiш Paula Tade i don't have vowels mtstakes. Complete the text with foo mчсh, too mапу, епочgh, поt епочgh, so or such. е and уоu should consicjer the орtiоп of I iving in а vlllage Тhеrе you would really need уош caI because З­.­ а­.= _.... iS alrnost non­eюSlenl outSiсie mаjоr , _ andnearly eveTything, suchas the lqds' schoob от the supermarket, wоu] d Ье а drive away Let's hope уоu ge­[ оп Ьесаusе уоu 11 Ье seeing а lоt wel] wrth the " Sleep debt meons you don't hочеl_­еЛдiшh­ оrе obvious bosicolly 4_ ­ * 2­work ond з­ sleep. The couses resl but whot оrе lhe symptoms? Well, do you ever feel tired in the middle of the doy thot you соп'1 keep your eyes open? Do you ever get 5­ bod heodoches of them, The same faces ,п the same places. Of соursе. with ai] that fresh aiT, tfiё;sагаофе the lу$ б рlgq,all Ьlо:,qф:I t,mаkеs tr{ ou] thiJ} k, window, breaThe jn thal ' 8 thot you hove to lie down for о while? Does this sound like you? lf so, you need to do something obou1 it. Actuolly, you don't need much sleep to recover from the doy, but you should moke sure you get foct, В­ 7­ 6­rest ­ ot leost seven hours eoch doy. ln sleep, more thоп пiпе hours, соп Ье os bod os sleep, six hours or less, оftеrпооп sleep, о siesto, especiolly if lt is о good ideo to hove оп 9­ l0_ you con't get hours during the night. Some реорlе soy they feel refreshed ofler о siesto thot they con do iwice os much, Ву ihe woy, don't try not to sI eep ot oll l] _ ­ реорlе hove died ofter doys without sleep. Toke mу odvice ond go to bed stroight owoy! с @В ] :' 4ffi Listen and check. must Ье better, but at ýф f thе, CI ,eвФ,rtlit?.ýбld i] the,B­l ghlflaftd,, о and Ье gгrаtеful for Е еПДММАR ? Е fimс.яж mtЁv* fumw* / gеfi Tick (/ ) the correct sentences to match the pictures. ? vOсдвULАRY Y\ fl FЁ} хтt ж хъd Complete the text with the words in the Ьох. broadcast captured cast editor episode released script sefies shot soundtrack Uрtоп,АЬЬеу, the best drаmа 1а Щ ь ! SПе sent а message sпе had her 2 u П Ь message sent. British ТV has to offerj rе{ ч,rпý tо] уоur sсrеепs оп Мопdау evening with the чеrу, Не tied his hands firý 6 пЬпrеs апd а Фrittеп by,the famouý ацthоr; Велjаmiп StФkеs. Holvever, there is а rеа[ iпtеrпаtiопаl audience Jоr Jрtоп АЬЬеу tЬse dayq as it is 1* ­­­,­_ .. * ­­_­ in so гпапу сочпtriёs апd the:fiýt sеаsоп was 1_..­.­_.­­,.______­­._ оп DVD iп MoJrgб] ia l.есепttу. Sоrпе o{ the sсёпеs weTe cu1 Ьу the ь Sne stole а car. Sne got her car 4а ! stolen. 'because the cultural rеtэrепсеэ we{ e difficutt to чпdеrstапdi So оп tdопdау, whеп the sound of that { amiliar Tne crocod le took 10­­­.. сФmеý опr make sure уоU'rе iп { rопt o{ .the TV to.watch the best dTama we have to oifer, а tooth out. [ , 9_.; iilii$l,i I I 2..­ of season five. Fоr those of you who dоп't know thа background to Upton АЬЬеу, most of the episodes . ате З,_­­* _­ in the U& at thе originat Uрtоп АЬЬеу; епd all of that unique atmosphere of 1920s England is 1r­­_"­_­= _­_ оп ýсrееп with а 5­­......­...­..............­.',­.......­ of hоusеhоtd ,_П не had h] s hands tied, ffi Ja ТНе crocodile had а tooth taken out, Ь @Е Listen and check. Е VOсдвULАRY ? took б u П lэ] ood. Ь [ Tne nurse had Ь! some Ь ood taken, 5 u П The nurse The Ьоу ate some hotdog. ý{ * т* gеs Reorder the letters to make words. 1 а Ьаrriеr Ьемееп Мо areas of land е n е f с 2 ahousewithonefloor пg oubaw _ З notjoined toanother house с h d ted а е 4 aflatareaoutstdeahouse etaceri. 5 afloorbelowground level neasm bet 6 а rооm оr аrеа under the rооf t а с t а Tne Ьоу had his hotdog eaten. ] Rewrite the sentences using the correct forms of hаие ar opf Е РП0ttUNСlATl0N 1 а 2 Somebody broke into our house, (get) Ou. 1r,i:, j иог i,,:c.­" ,,,, А photographer s taking mу plcture. (have) З They check patlents'temperature twice а day, (get) 4 д mап w 5 Chocolate соvеrеd the boy's face, (get) 6 The hairdresser was cutt ng mу ha r. (get) 7 l\ 4у Listen to the story and read the audloscript оп р.74. How is the underlined letter о pronounced in each word in the Ьох? Complete the table. seco п d too reports ghqst most love shouted pOar 9 10 so soldier Тqwеr thrqugh out flx mу watch. (have) ýOчпd :1,/ a;l.iё,g.;' wife's 1ewei еrу has been stolen. (have) fa ur) The workers had painted ourfence red, (have) The Ьrапсhеs tore herjacket, (get) l'm rепеwlпg mу passport, (have) Sочпd,2 / ul (ё.g.,fOоф t:] ] T"' ­:* * :T] ":::] ] ,j^ ] ::::l] ] ­] ] "­i: i l 1"y9_I ­{ 91_lý,g. fоlяеt) l 8 s* п* ,m* ý i{ irhi:t l$\ { .} t} } I lt:т;ц; еВ London ll j* ­­€ еffigg­ l i ;i* $ * f# '.{ Ёj ! t l l г­­:"­] ] ::] ] ,­^ ­:"­­] "::] ] :1,:,:::::,] а { :::T* ­":T,::l.:,l ýlt13g"ý_/ з_."{ teс 1оИ, i Sorlпrl б / ýd (е а { Йфi c.l : Е usвгuL LA1,lGUAGE ýrгнmgirпiклц ? .hн* зчпr Ь* r} ъ{ хъgж * * be} d put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 2 plates / could / and / have / we / things here соulа hаvе ?iaheъ atзi l:hiпqg hare, place / Ье / th rs f or l cou ld / klds to / the / рlау / а З table / th!s / great / а / bedside / make / wou] d 4 саа 5 thеrе / shelves / books / Ье / some / for / could 6 l/ enough 7 have/ done / we / professiona] / could l 8 next / would / in / rооm / have to / that lаmр / go / the , Wе Е l ЬаrЬесuе / l l l iпаgпе l а l having/ here. can't/ big/ 1mаgiпе / belng/ rооm / this iI l а l Ьу . сOшчгRSАтI (lN SKlLLS Шs* tп"л gх \ J,ffi шч"} .ф* ? . [ н* , кчgънmg* Put the words in brackets in the correct place in each sentence, 1 2 This could Ье а рlауrооm for the twins. (kind of) llзi* couicj iз* л kin­j оl рlауrосrr fоr ihe twiпэ. We cou] cj put our shoes lп th] s Ьох. (and things) З l сап imagine thls as а computer table. (оr something) 4 Th] s is where all the toys, games go. (and things ] ike that) 5 l guess it could Ье а notlce board. (sort of) 6 The smaI l rооm would rпаkе а spare bedroom Е (оr someihing llke that) There's I ots of 1unk hеrе, old newspapers, Ьrоkеп toys (and so on) 8 рпOttuNсI ATI llN ýЁilу* "ж ,* tж * mж рffitýж flý а ОЕ Listen to the sentences. Underline the stressed words in the compound nouns iп bold. put а book under the tab] e so it doesn't fall очеr 1 2 (оr something) з 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 :,;1,,11, Loca] residents аrе getting worrled about the crime rate. There's а new shopping сепtrе ] ust out of town. There's а huge black есOпOmу to add to the officla] statistlcs Everyone should know the threat of global warming Ьу поw. The police force аrе working closely with the ] ocal соmmuпltу. We put а solar panel on the roof to cut energy costs. Disney and ls probably the best­known theme park, You сап печеr find а parking space when you need опе. Pour it down the kitchen sink if you don't want ] t. lVоrе cou d Ье сiопе to help the Third World and build а better ed ucational system. ii:i_] ] .,i,, _,] i: ] l:­] ] :] ij tъфL} тзs l i* ]| Ё i I ii'* Ё­­:ifi;fi­;i То: Ringway CounciI Е REA] I ltlG Subject Сlоsurе of Ringway Library Complete Amelia's email of complaint with the words in the Ьох. | ::l11@ Dear Sir/ Madam, l аm writing сопсеrп least prompt reaction rееаrф­ftg request residents step Among those of us who use the library оп а regular basis, there is а Read the email again. Are the sentences true З 4 5 6 the council's decision to close Ringway Library, as аппоuпсеd iп lhe Riпgwау Gчаrdiап оп Monday, greatdeаlof2­аbouttheimpаctthiswiI lhaveonloсаl З­whoneedI ibrаryserviсes'ThedecisionсomeSaSа shock to us, particularly as statistics show that the number of people or false? 1 2 1 rеваrdiПа Аmе] iа found out about this through lосаl residents using the library rose Ьу 20% this уеаr. 4_was to contact the journalist on the Riпgwау Guаrdiап who wrote the piece and he gave mе Му first The news doesn't соmе as а big surprise. The library has Ьееп getting less popular. уоur contact details. l have tried to telephone апd l ечеп visited your otfices in person, but no опе was available to А 1ournalist helped Amelia to make а complaint. Ап апswеr in eight days would not satlsfy Amelia, meet me. The council's decision is possibI y illegal, l believe that it is unreasonable and unfair to close the опlу liЬrаrу iп the аrеа. ' i. thut at the very 6_ Му _ you hold а meeting to debate the iSSUe. lf l do not hear from you within а week, mу next 7 _will Ье to take legal advice. l аm not convinced that this decision is in lrпе with local government guidelines. l look forward to а J:fiifi щ 8­ reply. Yours faithfulI y, Amelia Shaw * "t+ .n$.{ .''] ':'] ] '] ,:,:,::] j] ] li:j] ] i::| ] Е wпlTll,tG SKlLLS Е wпlTI tlc ýJ* Ёmg furктъж } } ахъgtэаg* ? ? дrе the expressions formal or lnformal? Tick (/ ) the correct Ьох. lпfоrmаl 1 у::у lh::ý р::::: ?_ З "_L I lя:5gl,,:__.,__,_,,,,_,,__,, ",I lg Ё;;I 9;rц '# ; "­_;Й­­­ Г ?araQraph ? j_._узРgуl:9lqllc,T9 q t:l] з:gT"_ly _ | .9 Lу:чL9_:ерI _* _9] .q] 9_9l"р_lз::,r.* ,_ ] / ___Gl9:1l9'дз,lt:у_учу:* ] _* _ l 9 "Y:yг_:g9_el9] y:'___* ,* _ _s_Wjgl"y:tlýj,_I 9ý* ojjl"_:::* _* _ _ l9, 99l P9"9"_Ll9 к т9 l4 уо1 d9 not Th is is а bout Ру_* у_:,oj_,,,_"_", 19snond .. , j l i I wlt!11 jhlee davs 1 : ехрlаiп your rеаэоп for wrilinq апd. givе dоr,аlэ (е,g,howуoulouпd аul аЬoulihiэ) ?,araqraph Z:,indicaLe whу уоц аrв сопсеrпеd аr апп'оуёd (B,g, сhildrеп hаче few эаfе рlаеоэ то play) Paragraph 3: dеэсriЬе wh^ L асriоп you have f,aken Р а. hаd а mееNiпg wilh пеighЬоurэ whо have сhi| drеп) _"___"_j 11 ] gTyllilgl* eýзlqlк_:,:* ,* __,.* '* ___, 12 Regards, |f You have just found out that your local council plan to turn а children's playground near your house into а car parking area because of а lack of parking Spaces. Write а formal emaiI to complain. Use the paragraph structure and the notes to help you, believe ... _1_i; 1з ":,:,] "i:] , r ?аrабrарh 4: ехрlцiп whаL acLion you wanLthe i свuпсilf,аlаkе, ?аrацrарh5: эау whаl ааЪiоп yoawil] take:f lhеrе'э по rее,ропэа UNI T lд Reading and listening extension Il Rrдulшс Read the article about DlY (Do lt Yourself) ­ the activitY of building, decorating or doing repairs yourself in your оwп home. Match people 1­4 with activities a­d. t ! : П Matt З Steve + а doing sогпеопе а favour с f xing Ь [ [ saran Маrtlп doing someth ng he/ she thought would Ье easy а рrоЬlеm that had existed for а long time d trying to mаkе somethlng tidier Read the article again and tick (/ ) the correct anSWerS, people What do we lеаrп frоm the first раrаgrарh about the who responded to the survey? Гiче of tnem had damaged their home while doing а 1 [ DlY, ь Щ с! 2 Most of them had faiI ed to compiete at least опе Dly task, Hatt of them plan to сlо one DlY lob iп the пеаr future, Why does Matt thlnk he was 1ucky? because hе coulc] have caused mоrе dагпаgе io hls а [ Ь ! с! з holse than he actual у did because he could have hurt himself mоrе serrously than he actually did because he was sti] l able to finish hls Dly wоrk what do we iearn about steve's friепd? а ! ь[ с[ 4 sne had to рау for two separate things as а result of Steve's accideni. sne was partly to blame for Steve's accident, sne was vеrу апgrу with steve because she felt he had Ьееп stupid, ! с[ nitting раrt of her body against sоrпеthiпg SПе had to рау fоr the damage to Ье rера rеd, sne had а ] ot of clean!ng work to do аftеr the accident what cloes tvartin suggest about the misiake that caused the асс dent? а ! ь [ с! tt was caused Ьу hls laz ness, не рrоьаьlу vlouldn't have made the same mistake during the daytime, Не was lucky the m] stake d] dn't lead to а mоrе serious problem than lt dld, Write а paragraph about а time you, оr somebody you know, had а problem while trying to f ix something, Remember to include: a a . Ъщ fi the task you оr the person was trying to do whether you оr the реrsоп expected lt to Ье diff] cult оr easy and why the рrоЬlеm that оссurrеd, and the consequences of .iЬЫееd:thёгё wав] ап.еlесtгiс cabte'ifl ihe wаil whеГе'Jffl, lucý,­, l couid',have,been,,,, ,Эuttirtg thе.iсге1,,{ ,1* .,1 * "U' !, wаs luсk.­ t,hаd,:tЁhЁvё, ФФ'e;., ail,good it wаsп't , hadlv Йuгl, Вut it wаsп't cheap, and еlесtгiсiап а Ьу dопе ."pui." ргорег ffiопсе, , qicbt;И фi 'i"I а,fгiепо ЫЙiПе.а"кы гоо.s in hег house, t was painting опе wall, frffiо." ,stалdiпgа!,tJrе,rор,.gf ,а'lфг,F,огiýогпё] гёаý.вщ.,аt.о.пЁ­,...| " point l iогgоt l was оп а lаddег апd l stepped ю the side whеге put mу foot thеге was just аiг, and of соuгsе l lost l mv Ьаlапсе and fell off the ] аddег. Uпfогtuпаtеlу, as l did thb, l knocked the lаddег очег апd spilt the раiпt all оvег the сагреt, Му fгiепd WaS mоге wоггiеd аЬоut me than аппоуеd аЬоut mу stupidity, but iп the end she had to Ьuу а пеw catteO in ргоfеssiопаls to do the painting| сагреt : "nd "he l live iп ап old соtЕаgе Тhеге's а big attic апd it йвs а геаl meSS ­ full of piles of old books, bags of clothes, ечегчthiпо, So ldecided lwauld с] еаг it all оut and рut iп Which of the fol] ow пg is nOt true about Sаrаh? а [ Sne eventually finlshed the DlY task, О l was doing quite а simрlе task ­ iust рuЁiпg'uр sоrпе shelves iп the Ьаsеrпепt of mу hоusе, l Was Ёtsnding :, , : оп,'а Йооdеп tаЬlе, рutЬiпg а sсгеw iпtg the wall апd l just flеrлz:оr"rt of,l ,Buddenly l hеагd а Ьапg and the sсгеwdгiчег ,йу,.ha;о* , rпеп, { nCI tieed that al| the lights.hadщпе,,out ,J,,, fi!Чtf* rffi what was the origlnal cause of sarah's accident? а ! havlng tO гпоVе а piie of books that was far away Ь [ rest ng her foot iп ап паррrорriаtе place с[ sрriпg is пеаrlу hеrе and mапу people чшil| t,цпп thеiг .it"niion to Dly. Вцt а гесепt sчпчеу has found that очеп 5О% of people in the UК admit that they have at leasi опе unfinished iob to do in their hоmе, rшhilе опе in five people say thеу have caused damage to their hоmе whilе trуiпg to'do it thеmsеlчез" f{ efe's а seleetion of оur rеаdеrs' оrшп DI Y пightmагеý, it р.ор". сuрЬоагds апd dгаwегs to keep еvегуthiпg "огnЬ iп огdег. l didn'i get vегу fаг ­ аftег ] ust а fёw minutes, l ьапqеd mч head оп thе гооf whlle l was tгуiпg tо move а pite Ъt otd books. This made mе jump back апd l put mу гight foot thгоugh thе ceiling below. То tгу апd get mу Ьаlапсе, l stepped fогwагds апd mу whole left leg wепt thгоugh the ceiling. lt took days to с!еап up йе mess iп the гЬоms below, апd l had to get ihe two huge holes fiхёd Ьу а leave the attic messy! ргоfеssiопаl. ln the end, I decided to had а tap that l соuldп't tuгп off complete| y ­ thеге was аlwауi а bjt of wаtег соmiпý out: l kept I eaving it because l WaS too lazy, but опе пight l couldn't sleep as the sоuпd of the tap was геаllу аппоуiпg mе So l decided to tгу апd fix it iп the middle of the night l tгiеd to tuгп off the ffi ! ­ wаtег suррlч Ьеfоге doing апуthiпg, but it wаs dагk, l was half asleep апd l ended up tuгпiпg off the gas Ьу mistake, instead of the wаtег. So when I uпsсгеwеd the tар, Wаtег stагtеd sргауiпg еvегуwhеге l shouted so muсh l woke uр evегУoneеlseinthehousе.аndаlsotheneiýhbouгseitheг side of us. lt took а lопg time to сlеап uр all the wаtег апd we wеге a] l exhausted the пехt day! ы l Е OReview Е п LI SтЕNI NG @z.l Listen to а conversation between two friends, sam and Julie. underline the соrrесt words to З л л fhe city сепtrе 2 З 4 5 а Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 Julie wanted to use public transport to meet Sаm, but wasn't practical. it Sam is able to travel to the city сепtrе from his home without difficulty. Julie and Sam do not agree about how good the entertainment opportunities in the сепtrе аrе. Sam and Julie do not аgrее about the level of pollution where Julie lives. Sam doesn't go to the раrks in the centre because they're too far frоm his flat. Julie is considering moving back to the city centre again. JuI ie and Sam аgrее that for people living in the city сепtrе, life is faster than fоr реорlе who trачеl iп every day Julie and Sam аgrее that they аrе both lucky to ] ive where they live. | ] Don't expect too much from them. П ] П fJ Z f] SП Е such small flat ihat we had to mоче out. wаg gr"rch д gffi all fi ;* t tha t w е hаd i;* move * u* . lt was 1* satisfied with where they live, 1 Tick (/ ) the correct sentences, Соrrесt the wrong 1 П l outside the city сепtrе, Julie lives fhe city сепtrе l outside the city сепtrе, Sam and Julie аrе completely l gепеrаllу l поt at all Sam lives GRAMMAR Sentences. complete the sentences, 1 2 and ехtепsiоп l think it's a| ready quite enough expensiye. Тоо mапу people got involved iп the school рlау. 1 rесоmmепd visiting the musеum if the;e's time enough Wе wеrе surprised that the kids so much enjoyed it, trs а such dangerous jоurпеу just to get there. l introduced myself and we had а picture took together, ЧОСДВUI АRY Tick (/ ) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences, t f 2 з 4 5 6 ТПеrе аrе not enough раrkiпgs for the office staff, дrт fiЁ{ ; erict] 4h ряr,kiпd p!ar:;e:* Гсr, ­iir* i:{ j'ic;e * lla# The standard of life is [ оwеr because of alI the pollution, 'Гlr* rс п п п п п Реор| е wili always prefer cars to pubiique transport, No опе Ьоthеrеd to ask local residents how they fee1. They shooted the film оп location in Thailand, The next chapter in the series y;ill пе shown оп Tuesday, Write а conversation between two people discussing the quality of life in уоur town. Use these questtons to help you; . . о . How much traffic congestion is there? ls the public transport good? What about the parking? ls there much air pollution? Are there mапу grееп spaces? 1 l was so апgrу, Cown, ] t's time for What are the entertainment opportunities? John to find sоmеопе пlсе and down to start а family, People wil1 think you аrе аrrоgапt if you down оп еvеrуопе like that, Stop playing computer games __ .­ апd dorMn io some work! she was offered а scho] arshlo. but decided to 6 lt down. Ai| this constant соmрlаiпiпg is starting to mе down, ЁББ* ;rаЁЬтti+ ,Ёli Book. Ноw wel1 can you do these things] now? З = / еrу I CAI ,| well 2 = well 1 = nol so we] l ... discuss сhапgеs to а write ап email to hоmе соmрlаlп. , , , , аж ""­ Il Е VOсдвULАRY GRАммАR Fý'yHt ж гt* ý K* e* ,xTd * * rъ$ЁtЁ* зпънt} ж ? ? Ь с d е f g h i ' lt's а good dea to put aside some fut апу time soon, ь_, с_ and other good causes, Government borrowing has led to the massive national d_.­ The rеsеаrсh counc l agreed to Buying your own house ls а good рrореrtу prices аrе low, After Hurricane Наrrу, generous d his new рау rise won't buy the flat. ] 'd Ье surprised. l Ь псrеач(. (Ье) nice again tоrrlоrгоw, weather is 'ii gо (go) for а wa k. | (grow) on trees, inflation 2 lf mопеу lf the h] gh, (make) the tea f you the toast. 6 lf ] _(be)you, if l _­ l | (te] ) the ­­ (take) а taxl if you ­_­ lf today _ ­4Ё$ (Ье) Saturday, l (stay) п bed fоr а couple mоrе hours. (Ье) ­­­­ (Ьесоmе) а doctor if l l (have) а chance to start а| l over again. (feel) bad, Don't wоrrу, if l ­­.­ (give) you а са1 ­­­ , аrе ­ but that's before tax, 1' Bavings foryeaTs and whеп the inЙest] 3_.­..­.­._" 1 was low he went 1о а bank The bank checked the а which } оhп had рrерагеd showing sales vs. costs алd йеп 5._.__.­ 74. the project. This meant [ оhппоw but he considered the boat Unfortunatehr, business Ьесаmе mоrе diГficrrlt because оГочеr­fishiпg and епчiгопmепtа| 8 drорреd lоwеr and lоwеr and da­mage. Jоhл's l in а hurry, 10 _ : livJfiё ":* аsаfishеrmапwоiипg tбr a:bigfiýhing compan} l Ноwечеr, } ofuTr alwayswапtеdto have his own] boat and,business so hе put ?..­­......­..­..­....­­ I оhпRоЪетtsmаdеа as а sоuпd (can't find) mу blue tie, So while Complete the text with the words in the Ьох. аýrееd to had а] чgцi] зlgе9. (can trave] ) back in time, (wеаr) the red one instead. 9 (do) ­.­­ (go) to Ancient Greece if truth, i­.­­­ aside budget debit debt donations fiпапсе grant iпсоmе investment hviff€ рау rate Comp| ete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible. 5 а grant coming п from aI l over the world. George's аппuа i* ­ is поw 70,000 euros with l might gtve sоrпе mопеу to char ty, 4 l ­­­ а­ for the pro] ect. l'll rеturп the € 20 | owe him. l'l] save а lot of mопеу. З l .­ your account w th the аппuаl cost We рlаппеd 1,500 euros for renovation in our but in the end t cost much mоrе than that. She's very wealthy, but she donates а lot to l'd take out а bigger loan. (be)quite _ fоr the interest, Ь @В Listen and check. 1 d s_ of the credit card. l'd th] nk about what l was doing. саг rе. u We wil l'd Ьесоmе а ful| ­time writer. p,o',Ls ffiж mкъ* * Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given for you, Match 1­10 with a­j to make conditional sentences. t ý tt l stop eating out, z ! tT l didn't need to work. з ! tt I see Jim, + ! tt the bank didn't charge such high Ь ! tt the рrlсе is too high, 6 П lf Sarah paid back her student lоап 7 П lf l feel generous, S П lf l were you, 9 П lf ] worked for myself, 10 П lf we spencl mоrе оп advert sing, а l could have mоrе respons bility. м* къ* y ж хъd hisloafi.,,BlgJ6le] loný,the bank wаs starting to I 0 his'a.cccuntЙй peПalties fоr missed pal,Tnents, I ohn'was] dеsреrаtе апd he wтоtе about his situalion оп а website for start­rlpcompanieý.fhisworkedTheloca} _,council' irTrmёdiatelyawaidedlohaa1] 12 .,,: ,, artd..­. .,,:: .:: саmе iп fгоm people in the аrеа. Thanks to this, Jоhл's business surйчеd. I @В ,,,l, Listen and.,theck, П ж Ftс} т"* ё* { ? Е VOCABULARY спдммАR тияr* * * хъdit$* mаз. 'foж ы* + рffi.ffit рж rti* tрl* Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. There аrе two extra words you do not need. put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 flх"iнtъ* bribery b,u€ r af 1udge jury kidnapper rоЬЬеr shoplifting suspect had / would / if that / have / phoned the ро ice / l­appened / lo пе, l tрtlэL| ,аiilаэоеr,еd L; п­i; iwou| l пзvс ohorlcr­,l . 2 'he had rэоliсе. have / taken 1 The if l hаче / got there / quicker, l fiad lthe safe / they'd Ьееп сlечеrеr, they / tr ed to / wou] d if if Ь l have l could / called round / Jylng there Ьееп / for hours . to prison / the judge lfor l а lot longer / should / . 10 you / what / was / watch ng / should / Ьееп / have r happening. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences and questions. 2 З 4 5 6 7 = ,­ =a­| 8 >, ?. ,е е= ­.. € z Е,­­ 9 i0 Things would have Ьееп ечеп worse if listепеd I hаvеп't l wauld have l hаdп't ltstenedloyou, lf she had contacted mе, I would have Ьеел helped her. What would l should you have dопе if they hadn't а was а cat at home. st l t was Lisa's first exper епсе of in the bank. 5 The Does this count brought back didn't f nd the as а present оr the ЬаЬу when t cout,t case very rted crying. ? interest пg. Underline the correct words to complete the text, Опе night l саmе home very late and l couldn't find my keys, so t had to break "'luю, / thraagh my , you / iп / shou] dn't / bag / have / your valuab es / one / put all 1 dldn't realise there le sta / . him / have / sent The ро ice caught LJ 4 The_ l / ages aga l \ l you, l / have / the locks she / her neighbour / hadn't if / 2 l hаvе l . changed / ЬurgiЁr , Jack / hadn't/ them / wou| dn't/ know/ l l her ntroduced were / would , ;] i,i.l.ll] i] i . l been alright :i. iч] . lf / her bag / someone / she would / everyth ng / might/ l cou d / have, if ]]. lli l reallsed ]l rý, ,Е,, ifi оwп: housel l wаs otrimbing through.a window whеп а wоmап оп the street shouted, 'Policel There's a2:burgary 7 rпиrdеrl' lgot dоwп апd explained that it was my,house and t wasn't а Зсhеаt,l burglar, but she called mе а 4liаr / judge. She said that she was а srobberl witness and that she would give беvldепсе / verdrct whеп l was accused 7iп 7 of Ьrеаkiпg and enteriлg, ýhe would happily coгile to the , \ tria! 7 case а| ?вisоп / court to testifi1 against mе. ýhe was reatly excited поw and wепt оп that | hе lajudge / jury would i fiпd гпе Ltguilty 7 iппосепf and the 12judёе ljury would give 13sепtепсе prison me very long а / arrest,'l'd have to go to а .] ] ,'horrible prison where the prisoners Щmurdеr / lie опеlапоthеr and 15stea/ / Ьurýlе their cell mates' food just to survive. She i WaS out of breath поw апdjust about to Staгt again When ] 'ýuddenly mу house keys fetl out of my back pocket. l wished her 'goodnight апd went inside the house. с @В Listen and check, rrlvеd? lwould have Ьесоmе the mапаgеr if l have Ьееп l had Ьееп working there as iong as you, lf the train hadn't been late, l сап get l mlght have Е рпOttuNсlАтI ()N ffi frт,* ж ж * d il+ "} зd ж ýз si,fi,т:mшж * * * \ fiдфуds gof there оп tlme, 100 Would you рау l Had you paid€ the questions before the exam? if you lf you hadn't dropped your aptop, it would l have worked. Yач would l should have helped could see sti] | work lf you wanted us to сlеап up the k] tchen quickly. l'm sоrrу, l shouldn't l wочldп't have been so rude. l don't understand why Debbie said that. Would l Shauldyau have reacted in the sаrпе way? а @В Listen and underline the stressed words iп each sentence, 1 2 З 4 5 6 lt should have Ьееп sent оп TuesdaV. lf l had seen her, l wou d have shouted. lf you had told mе, it could have been d fferent. We'd never have known if she had stayed at home, They shouldn't have thrown it away, She shou] dn't have taken my purse. *U ,ffiЩ'ffi П ? USГГUL LАNGUАGЕ Tti t,.:.tгъ g t* ,tt * :m лэз:* , g.tт:ъiq Trck 1 (/ )the We' а! Ь@ с [] 2 а ! З t'm sure you wil , ! с[ а ! Tnat's tlte Шоt lп а ml llоп yearsl lt started to go wrопg right frоm the start, [ с! Wnatddyouexpect? lt might wоrk out fine. Е рп0l,tuNс That's another орроrtuп ty lost, а [ There' i Ье plenty rTore, don't wоrrу, ЬП сП l'd start worrying f l were you, | agree with you thеrе and 'd Ье rеа lyworred­ ] 'm real у wоrr ed about this nterv ew. l'm sure it'| Ье flne. а [ Ь[ 6 Tnats а fair polnt, THat's чеrу poss Ьlе, Ь 5 t. Yоu'rе ргоЬаЬlу right, Don't give up hope, l' l npver )ёе hpl аgаi,1, tэ 4 most encouraging response. печеr Ье able to afford | с[ There's not tlme fоr that. How сап you Ье so sure? а[ Тhеrе would have been с! Шо thanks Ь! Ь СВ f You never know, We might pul it off, 6 7 8 9 to you. We won't try lt agarn. Listen and check. Е С0l'lVERSATl0N SKlLLS lt's Simon again frоm NatEast Bank. lt's 97З 412. No, but thanks апуwау. Do you want to рау Ьу cash оr Ьу credit card? That's fine, no worries. l'm sоrrу, but l didn't get that, All the best and speak to you sооп. Goodbye, thanks fоr calling. ffi} з* ъчr{ * эg у,tзtл Underline the correct words to complete one side of а telephone conversation. Rea[ [ y sоrrу to hear about уоur car. The ] same / similar / / ike thing happened to mе а соuр[ е of years ago. Му саr was stolen right outside mу house, and be[ ieve jt оr not I 've just had а 2sоле / similar / like ехреriепсе: I had mу рursе sto[ en from my bag when i was in the quеuе in the supermarket. ... You don't surprise mе. I t was just'Заs / Like that when I ca[ [ ed the iпsurапсе соmрапу, they kept mе waiting for ages, so I know the аехреriепсе / feeling. I t was the same ''with / to / ... Тruе, that's just Like бthat / as / whеп Sarah's flat was Ьurg[ еd. I don't know what things are coming to. Ьу mе. What can you do? h li] '' .li fi| ОВ Lrsten and check, ж trфý^ ýрýý Hello, / / this is John Peters, Зъmч* thfiкъgж iхъ * * въъххъ* ж 2 \ ffi* уgý Listen to the sentences from а telephone conversation. Mark опе pause (/ / ) in the correct place in each sentence. 1 t weren't for you. 0N а @Е 2 З 4 5 Тhеrе's not much chance of lt working, lATl 1,| ., .,iill ''llrl ] ,l н ii;ili I I I l l I I I I I I I I I if you love classrc сiпеmа, уоu can't do better than the ortgtnal 19ЗЗ &лgКолg film, one of the most famous adventure movies eveT made. Опе of the things I love about it is that уоu can watch it agarn and again and sti1l feel the same drama t I l I l l l l l l and excitement. The story is а clever variation оп the'bea_uty and the beast' theme, wtth the beast being а huge аре whtch rs captr_rred оп an exoiiС rsland and trans,ported to America, The'beauty' ln the film is the wоmап used to ttick the аре, The dTama lеаllу begtns when the аре escapes in America and goes io look for the woman , , , What makes this а brr] lrant fllm, both novu and then, I s the story, ­ 1t keeps уоu guesstng а11 the wау through, going fiom the;ungle to skyscrapers, The acting is also excellent and you еvеп stalt feellng soTry for the аре| К­шgКолgts а hugely entertaining film for vtewers of а11 ages and I hlghly recommend it lf you want to escape for а couple of hours, lt mlght Ье an old fllm, but it ls much more роwеrful than the remakes and it ls а rea1 classic. п RЕАt)lNG ? Read the review and tick (/ ) the questions which the review answers. 1 Щ 2 L] З! + wnat kind of D f] m is t? ts t based оп а book? ! ! ts it suitable for teenagers? ­ l­"i} 9. Що Wnat happens п the end? 7 ! 8 ! Have there been гпоrе rесепt versions of the fiim? Does the rev еrлеr rесогпm.^ пd it? Е WRlтlNG Read the article again. Are the sentences true or fлlлл^ J ld l5e ? 1 1 2 The rеч ewer has just seen Кtпg Kongfor the first time. The revlewer describes ап ear у inspiration for the f m, 4 5 According to the review, the most excit ng раrt of the fl m takes рlасе оп the exotic tsland. The р ot of the f lm is соmр eteiy predictable Accord пg to the reviewer, the fi m has an ernotiona] 6 lmpact оп ihe viewer. Кiпg Koпgis deal to watch w th the whole fam1 З , :­"Ф­* ч ry ш,,,;.­ ;" ] J'twt * ж ,." * $ "lý," о,* ý"ф' } н а,lу awards] WНеrе does the action happen? Э[ О d t wi, . Write а review of а film уоu enjoyed (or hated), You could get information from the lnternet and, even better, watch the film again in EngI ish. Use the paragraph structure and the notes to help you. ?аrаgrарh 1 : iл| rаduсе thc film апd ехрlа| п why уоu have сhоэеп i1,, Чаrаqrарh 2: outlinB lhе ?lo' апа iпtrоduов Lhe у. mаiл characlerB. Е WRlТltlG SKI LLS ffiкgж къfiж flrhж ?аrаgrарhi3: очtliпеNhеkеу оtrепqthэ of the fiI m. ffi у* хЁЁ8ж л ?аrа4rарh 4: gummаriоеNhо review апd givвуоur :;:iJlТТHffiа::­:Т:1..} i?;:::;.::I i:f",fin4I opinion. З 4 ? The lead actor, ,] oshua Sагпsоп, was Ьоrп п а sгпа l AustraI an town. but moved to Hoi ywood I l,:ý_зl:] ql,_9_1_с_99l9| у_р| 99l_1лт_9i___9л] V_!уll| "ý Believe it оr not, the film was so frightening that I ] ­* ­* , j:9i:llу_J!._!ч.L couldn't sleep аftеr l watched l ] ! it. 6 7 i _9 rr,Ьr.. i, u rot _т: | Е з чl_чl oiciii.uri чо.uБuЙr.f unJ 9 L! ? qр._т_"еI Ч : ?_| 9 :,у_"g tr,;, y] l] ЙrК., j"ly9_!9 it паrо to rеаО уз] q t" ] : уgч::] 1 4ý­1 UNlт 'a: Reading апd listening ехtепsiоп П ? пгдпlшс Read the article about four computer programs that can Ье used to help you (/ ) the correct Ьох. mапаgе yOur mопеу and tick ­* " ­ ­­ ­* '­­ МопеуGаrdеп Мопеу} Л/ оrkеr F :­* ­* ,­ ­­ : , | ,:,­ I . СhесkМуМопеу ] ] i:i:li ,;" itjl;lliф . ] ,,i ] ii ilii MoneyHealth ini1 N/ опеуНеаltп lets уоu see hor,v healthy уоur finances аrе instantly, lt uses the lпtеrпеt to соппесt to уоur Ьапk accounts (a] though at the mоmепt, ]t ОПlУ tшоrks with bank aCCOL] nis in the USA) апС keeps ti"ack of hоlд tTlLtch mопеу is jп each ассоuпt апd trrhere уоUr mопеу iS gоiпg, Butthe siгепgth 0f thiS tOOl is that ] t does пluсh пlоrе, ]t aiso ets yoLl create а famiI y budget helps 1lсu sei up goas fоrуоur savings апс] еvеп'lеаms' whаt kinds of things уоu'rе sрепсllпg уоt] г ггопеу оп, l\ 4опэуНеаit| l also suggests products that might ое of interest, ] ] ke сrесlit cards that соulс] save yoii mопеу, The опlу thlng it c] oesn't do is actLtaiiy mоVе mопеу аrоuпс1 уоUr 0r mаkе payments апс] so оп ] ts fuпсtjоп is just to dеsсгiЬе уоur financial situation, unfofiunately, it's ап expensive рrоgrаm, especialiy as there ] s по mobile рhопе vеrsiоп, MoneyWorker iЁ Th] s is ап арр that yOU сап rUп оп most devices, it keeps track of yout,flnancial trапsаоt] опs, such as lvhen yOU USe уоUr credit саrс] , ог iit il{ уоuг lэank accol] nt is debited lt also he| ps you сrеаtе ап easy­to­USe л . ii il] n iit :il liiil ц budget and sot yourse| f financia| goa| s, since the рrоgrаm гuпs оп уоuг сOпll] Utеr, tabI et or рhопе. поt оп the lпtеrпеt, уоu have acCeSS tO уоUr fiпапсiаl informatjon ечеп if уоu'ге not соппесtеd to the lnternet, But lvhat makes i\ ч4опеуWоrkеr different is the fact that you don't just get access to software io help you mапаgе уоur mопеу ­ уоu also join а iiI ii i+ community of users аrоuпd the wоr| d lvho Сап anS\ rver уоur fiпапсе i| t questions апd share ideas, A| though this is expensive, yOu ij it] , iЁ li] ,ii ] | :l llF jllij сап trу it out fог frее fоr опе mопth, CheckMyMoney to ink up to alnlost 200 banks апс] оthеr fiпапсjа institirttons, lt produces grарhs and other repofts Sc yOU сап see сiеаrJу tvhetr уоu spenci уоur mопеу, and 0п \ n/ hat, Jf оп the mоvе, thare's уоu'ге also ап арр you сап clcvlnload to yoLti­mobile, but like the соmрutеr Thjs tool aliov,ls you рrO9rаm, it does need ап iпtеrпеt соппесtiоп to Ье usefu| , The рrоgrаm free lэut you сап choose t0 mаkе а c] onation to the сrеаtоrs if чоu find it useful, js This is а financial too] with опе main;olэ ­ to сrеаtе а budget fоr you. 0псе уоu епtеr the detaiis of your bank aocounts, it апаlуsеs the data and сгеаtеs а рlап with а budget апс1 suggestions fоr hor,v to save mопеу апd out уоur spenclin91, 0псе you've set up your lэudget, the рrоgrаm heips yot_l to stick to it, Check\ ,lyl\ loney iS totally free to use, Ноwеvеr, if you wапt to access it frоm уоur mоlэilе рhопе, оr if уоu wantto Ье able to I ink uр mоrе than two Ьапk ассоuпts, you have to рау quite а iot each уеаr, lt сап Ье difficLrlt to use Read the article again. Аrе the sentences true or false? 1 2 з 4 5 6 7 8 * i} fl} lVloneyHeaJth сап Ье used Ьу peopJe a] I over the world. jsn't l\ 4oneyHealth able to make any changes to your bank accounts, l\ 4опеуWоrkеr gives you а way of asklng other peopJe for advice about mопеу You can use МопеуWоrkеr for а perlod of time without paying. l\ 4oneyGarden offers you а way to check your finances vlsually. l\ 4опеуGаrdеп is not suitable for реорJе who want to check their finances while traveJI ing. Checkl\ 4yMoney сап help you to reduce how rпuсh you spend, ChecklVlyMoney does not work at aI l unless yOU рау а уеаrlуfее. С ]f уоur internet соппесtiоп is поt verv fast. Write а раrаgrарh about how you mапаgе your mопеу, Remember to i пс l ude: . whеthеr you аrе able lo put aside savings regu arly if you make а budget every week, month оr уеаr ask anybody for advice about rпапаgiпg mопеу, lf you ibviawand ехtёпsiоп п GRАммАR Tick (/ ) the oorrect sепtепсеý" Correct the wrопg sentences, 1 2 П ЗП 4 f,] Е LlSTENl1,1G а @m [] burglaries Е а successful аrrеst а rоЬЬеrу in а shop shoplfting Wh ch of the following statements is true about calling the рrоgrаmrпе to give lnformation? а You need to give your паmе. Ь ffi You mау еаrп mопеу if the informat on is usefu Tne first реrsоп you speak to when you call s а , police officer. 2 What is suggested about the two mеп who саmе in the shop n Rhona Stevens's а [ n [ с[ с! was dolng. Tne thief attackec] а уоuпg woman. tt happened at night. с! Tne burgJars took as much 1ewei еrу аs they d d [ 7 П В[ Tne mаiп suspect wаs not the murder but sоmеопе else. А mап has Ьееп sentenced and will арреаr ln court lаtеr, Tne theif was arrested whеп she tried to burgle а flat. Complete the text with the words iп the Ьох, granted pleasure cftafge it word seriOusly Му wife goes out to work and i look аftеr оur chjldren. lt 2­* * at hоmе with the kids is harder ihan i imаgiпеd. Of course, they're mу kids and l lake а rеаl З_ iп seelng them grow uр, Ьut they пееd а lot of attention, When l саmе 1 Шо оге Га. $оге 19 pri5gp Listeners have helped the police to identify them, Some of the сrimеs st ll haven't Ьееп so ved. What was the cr rпе? How did they hear about it? What happened? D] d О t'm not sure that our br_rdjet is big enough for this. а_ fed,,'ctothed and entertained, but now ! have to do a{ l that, 5______._________ l take mу new role , but:there аrе days whеп Think about а crime that you have heard or read about rесепtlу. Write а short conversation between two people discussing it. Use these questions to help уоu: о о ТПеrе has been а 1аrgе increase iп donations to charities. [ а living as а professiona] dапсеr, hоmе from work, programme? . . S[ tt's difficutt to make Опе аrеа where saving could Ье made is transpor1. Some of the burglaries coulcl have been avolded ТПе burgiaries have happened in houses qu te far responsible fоr crimes prev ously discussed on the ! с! V(I CABULARY electricai tems. What does the presenter say about the сrimiпаls Ь if made sепsе аftеr hеr рrоmоtiоп and i was h.appy to take for it, stауiпg . But take rпу apart frоrп each other. а ! was fantastiC if уо,u had соmе with us. 1 Ьurgiаr es? Ь! couid Ье пiсе tt ТПе incorne from tourism couid Ье much higher. ТПеу eft the shop at the same t mе, What does lnspector Jones say when ta king about the а ! thеrе were more people iike her. tt report? ТПеу were both рrоЬаЬlу involved lп the rоЬЬеrу. ТПе f rst mап d dn't realise what the second man what do we learn about the theft at the electronics store? а [ ГlоЬоdу in the store knew about it, Ь[ lld Ье amazed if she had mоrе children. lt wotlld Ье а great idea that ечеrуопе cycled to wоrk. Tr:acy lvould tell rпе if she wеrе uпhарру about it. t @ 2 [ З[ + ! с! WПеп уоu listen to mу instructlons, everything wi} l Ье fiпе } fyo* liт;flen * * иу iл* Ёruсtiо* * , еч* ц# hiпg wili Ье fiп* , Tick (/ ) the соrrесt selltences, Correct the wrong sentences. Listen to the programme again and tick (/ ) the correct answers, 1 П П 5 6 Listen to а radio programme about local crimes. Put the events in the order they happened. ! ! ! f] the ро ice catch the cr minal? Аrе they looking for him/ hеr now? l think I can't take t took it for б that tпеу wеrе апу 1опgеr! Е спдммАR 2 1 i0 Гйаtсh t Щ 2 [ З| 4 [ Э 6 7 8 9 10 а Ь с d е f of those professions srescdlti rоЗDрtiгlеrs Paramedics аrе baslcal у staff Untortunately, there mау соmе а day fl [ ] П ! ! П underline the correct words to complete the Гчеп today there аrе st ll diseases ] There а ot of sympathy for those Tnere s medicine fоr а bad stomach l h told her to see Dr Brown, : ' , ,] ] l l'] Ь where you сап mаkе а rеа difference. ,":',;: : , ". . . to think that we live iп а wоrld 1rhcr / l t i i lлhо LЦе/ don'L l:aё,iБ,situitiопs'lо.whеrе.l,,,thоt l а tbe \ I who l which l ls vегу ill Ечеп so thеге аге реор] е patient а l,Mhich tгust паluгаl mediclne more than mоdеrг merbods.This may sound сгаzу to wеstеrпегs | 3wпа l а l which have the luxuгy оГ Ж= l* * 1:!,щ;';;.ц:t',.| :liliЩ^ ' с @П tпfесttоп, 4 5 face is rеаllу brutsed l dizzy l pale. She bumped l coughed l sneezed ta get his attent оп. l've st ll got а big tпfесttоп l strаtп l sсаr ап mу knee from Complete the text with the words iп the Ьох. bruise pass ffi develop dizzy out shake strained 2_ оп mу leg. I t decided to treat а_ З_ а а bit. mу leg as it wasn't 5_ myself. There was а lot of information. all quite confusing, but I found а recipe fоr а special sports dTink and drапk а coupLe of litres of it. АЬоut an houT LateT it hit mе. I feLt Ёi mу head was going round and round, 7_ and I staTted to ­ I couldn't hold а сuр in but I mу hands. I thought I was going to 8_, , , 10_ any complications. I won't Ье using any of those internet sites again though. с @В Listen and check. Е рпOшUl,| сlАтl(lN s* ьпrъd ж та* ж р* t} ýrяg: u,t{ @В Listen to the sentences and read the audioscript on р.75. How are the underlined letters ui рrопоuпсеd in each word in the Ьох? Complete the table, fuse quite bodybuilder nuisance fru it su its gu ilty inq ire biscu it u SоЁпd.l:у# Listen and check. l cough l to ] .i : ,,,' ]' ' Тhеге в а longtгadttion o{ ;using nattral :r:nedicine,,fo| . :l; . :.:: i l:.,,'lexample p] anI { 9ЙЬiсh / whеrе'/ whоsе',iеачБ5,,щбТj gр5:,, j, , ".,', ' ' i] ,ii" beused to,take".qwp ýаiп, H.oweverlna йg4iс;рё.,.,.""i /а k nd of bruise managed to сrаwt into bed. А week lаtеr, I 'm beginning 9__ it and thank goodness I didn't ,^ ave. and available, suffегf.оm seгior.rs drseds€S throat and chest feei rеаllу sоrе, l must have some comfortabLe. I thought it was best to do something about it. so I looked up some advice оп the I nteTnet and ,Mhtch рбоо| еl* htсh l @ l wto need tгеаtmепt often then have to lооk'fог alteinatives sйct / иzhоsе l whot аrе ге{ аtiчеlу cheap \ ?who l trеаttпg the flu, I was worried I had J] ] iirlitё ';1'i Tim's got а fever. Не sауs he feels hot and cold, and h s big l i thcl:is about 85% of the Еагth's population, this,is fаr frоm i the case.Too often eitherthe tгеаtmепt fгоm tгаrпеd professionals 5who l у,чhiсh l r,vhot they need is impossible to : i l whot l l develop I t aLl started when I was jogging in the раrk. 1 L,i;rnr:* ri into sonrething, feiL очеr and got 1 ф9Е | which vthtch live jп the deve| oping world, а0 gel, оr it cosls "noney бwhich l\ 4y ас hed who won't he р themselves, who work alongside nurses and doctors, l Фl gettlng over get over еvегуопе has access to рrоfеssiопаl medica] саге?а lr,цhо l I hat сап take саrе of thеiг needs, Unfoгtunately, fоr those .lfi,l .,K 2 а co] d is to rest and drink р enty of l quids l can't play on Saturday because 1'п sti| l саriпg for whlch there is no known слrе fоr, whose tеmреrаturе goes higher than З9 degrees. Зwhо The best way to cure l heal l when l fe] l off the ladder, that you сап buy in any chemist's, when medical саrе s only for the rich, 1ike il' i 6 that could create body parts for transplants. Underline the соrrесt words to complete the text. lf по word is needed, choose / . We sentences. З for pot enls Thebe lab els "rе job tVy f rst was as а nurse ln а private school, Doctors don't have Ж{ mm} t} ъ li'il i. а j to make sentences. cine s опе V(I CABULARY wh:c! was quite а,l expe,ie,ce. who s а specialist in еуе surgery, g l j l,,leO to Е ж * ] "mtЁw* * } mж ж * ж { е.g.llД:, ýочпdЁ _{ 9,$',iggfl.i., Sg,шпd,31ай b:gi, fiЛзе1 ',, Ьruiэв щs .­­;­* :____,_­" l = = = Ё= . = п Е VOCABULARY GRAMMAR Ж* рmrt* d ýр* * * tз; Ж* рmrеiхъffi \ fr* rЬý \ f,* уfu* d* ш* r* hiж g t} ъmъхght ж къffi } qхъmж r} mdg* Read the newspaper headlines and underline the correct Underline the correct words to complete the words to complete the text. sentences. 1 HOW ýI D E0BI Ný Dо тнý I &I ALK ýо ошскtY? ROBI NS: 'No соmmепt!' Rоhiпs;'Yоч iust want а good story!' 2 Sаrаh саmрlаlпеd l wаrпеd lrefusedabout the long queue at the doctor's. 'The s tuatlon s under contro] so there is no need to wоrrу,' The government mlп ster оrdеrеd l stated Robins:'| HAVE NOTHI NG Т0 HlDE!' Robins:'I only flеw а shоrt wау' ' 'm fed up with this| Why do we always have to wait an hour to see the doctor?' З The tеасhеr rеmiпdеd l assumed Robins: 'I 'I I give уоu yaur mопеу back' 4 l iпfоrmеd that the s tuation was under сопtrоl. 'There аrе no lessons th s Wednesday afternoon.' l rеmеmьеrеd the class that thеrе wou dn't Ье апу lessons. 'There's по way l аm going to get оп that horse, iiqt locy ordered l соmрlаlпеd l refused to ride the h о 5 rse. l\ 4y simon Robins wos о hеrо when hе wolked оrочпd thе world to гоisе mопеу for сhоriУ but hqче now discovered lihot fiе iournclisЪ didпrLdq / hirл лоt dоiлg if. Actuolly; RоЬiлs { lew most of the woy" 2hоw hаd hе l how Ье fiod dопе the wqlk Journqiists wondeTed so quickly,ond qsked 3fiir.n ь ехрlаiп / thot hе explojпed At first Robins re{ used:afo Пlk / 6 i 7 ;] i; press i ta[ king obout it,,соrпрlоiпiпg Sflтof # lе get о good story ond completely i wапtеd / dепiеd cfo Ьоуе / hoving enything to hidе.,Ноwечеr, iournolista ii found оut 7hе hаd used / ,him чsl'ф o.privote рlопе ond finoliy RоЬiпg qdгrlitte d Bta fly ./ { lуЬg:| оr Bol t of the long iочгпеу. Robins i 8 the рrёýs и/ qлfiпg just to gfrе figd'wcl&eid / опd il give ,/ giving mопеу bock to peopla whо believed t l1fAey bod Ьееп / fiочrлg Ьееп сhеstеd, Тhе фiсе hоче informed i l?thot ihey wonit Ье taking I еgо[ оgi| с,лl qgoinst Robins, i ffiot / us insisted рrоmisеd ,;...чпrоТ| i:'ч/ Фk'oroylq.fu Ь еВ 9 fa give о full опd * 9 ;",* "_ '| 'm so lucky to have met Раm,' l fold how ucky he was to Ье with Рапl, 'You're go пg to рау. aren't you, dar iгrg?' lVly husband promtsed l assumed l rеmtпdеd l was going to рау. '| 'm leav пg the departtTent tomorrow.' leavlng, 'Кеер away frоm that firеl' The f rе officers соmрlаtпеd 10lo / hй sca rf. The boss tпfоrгпеd l tпsisted l slaled us he would Ье to have wolked а lot of the woy 1Зtfiоt bur they hоче оrdеrеd frе giye 1 friend stated l asked l рrоmisеdI а return mу Не agreed l realised l il 'You сап have your scarf back tomorrow.' l ordered l refused us to stand back. 10 'Everytlring ls absolutely fine between us.' The Hollywood сочре tпfоrmеd l realised l tnststed соrгесt l that their mаrr аgе wasn't in trouble, '' Ь Complete the words in the sentences. 1 Listen апd check. G Complete the reported speech sentences, Use contractions where possible. 2 З wow, l пеvеr rе; i i эqdl how difficult itwould Ье to get everyone to agree. The government is а_ _ _ _ of the рrоЬlеm, but they won't do anything about it, 1 '| 'm stay ng at home with mу sister,' 2 'lt took three hours io get thеrе.' 4 З Jеппу to d mе that 'lt mау Ье а рrоЬlеm.' 5 Accordingto offtcla figures, it is 6 10,000 реорlе аrе п danger of catching the virus. Zelda hasn't Ьееп to trаlп ng fоr weeks, so 4 ; зi Вriап sa б hc wag s'i;;lyilj€ hfiffio witi] , The nurse ihought that 'Who аrе you golng w th?' 5 Му murT asked mе 'Why didn't you te l mе?' 6 sirпоп wanted to know '| 'm sorry l broke the vase,' ро ogised 'Р ease Ье оп time, еvеrуопе,' Jа The boss rеm nded , 7 8 Please make s_ _ _ that you have everything you пееd before you leave, l сап опlу с_ _ _ to the conclusion that you аrе по longer interested п the 1оЬ. а е_____t* _that l _she'sleft. Some experts d_ _ _ _ that Shakespeare wrote all his р ays himself. They think the author was sоmеопе е se, Mart] n sti] l sn't here and l'm starting to w_ _ _ _ whether he's iost. П USГГUL LАNGUАGЕ Ё :* Рr* * s,iЕ"} fr i"* i1 fl_"t;:гtа * пtо,r put the conversation in the соrrесt order, В Д Л В П В Щ П Ц а [ В ! П [ ! П [ Ь @Е Е l've rеаilу nc ldea. What on earth are you ta k ng about?i Oh come onl B] ack Street, you must rеmеmЬеr. , The Black Street Саfё. We worked there опе summer, Sоrrу, but l've по idea иlhо you аrе. ] t's Tim, frоm Black Street. Oh Timl Wnat on earth are you doing here? Hi, do you recognise me? l wanted to ask you the same question, В ack Street? l haven't got а clue whеrе that ls. : , Listen and check. сOtлчгRSАтl(lN SKlLLS t] ] ж н:t,&л t,ж ffi ft 1ж t s ж ý} . d * уs * * } , кт* $,$,эз gц Complete the conversation. Write опе word in each gар. А В А В Here's yoLjr room. Have а n се stay, Еr, l understood 1 we booked а lаrgе riэom. lt s large you should 'ir;,L. see the smаll rооms. Ancj did l 2_ th s wrong? l thought there was а sea view. А The sea s tеrriЬiе. You don't want to see it. в There's not even а shоwеr| З­ something? l А Have l а­ you were оп hol day. You'l Ье outslde most of the time. в But 5­ you say this was а luxury hotel? А lt used to Ье ­ twenty years ago| Ь @Еа Listen and check, Е рпOttuNсI Атl(lN ý" il ýхт} * iпъg { ,1ш"# i ý} tк"ж .s,t* ж Write the correct linking sounds that are added in the underlined phrases: ljl, lrl or lя,l, 1 l met John in the town centre the other day, 2 Wou] d you know where l could find а post offlce? З l cal't a'fo,d ,t, lt's too ex| lensive, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Гhаt's the рhопе. Could you апswеr ii, please? Don't leave the window ореп whеп you go out. Сап you р] аV а р есе for us оп the piano? Don't аssuп] е l еаrп а lot of mопеу frоm doing this. There is а new trade agreement between Russia and Frапсе, Lt iГ, qo щрq!Ц!i to you, you сап have miпе l do th] nk she ouяht to explain exactLy what she did, Ь %q @Е Listen and check li! JJr КеерlпЕ sport heolthy The conventional opinion about sport is that it has а positive iпfluепсе on individuals' physical condition. However, thеrе are people who claim that there are negative aspects of sport that ЪhоuН rпаkе,us ехаrпiпе its'сФПЬrtiоП,mоrё ciosely, ., ..", ] ,:l tl,i s _sф, !фt.th_ёrё:iа rе.s€ ч еrа [ good rea,soвs. f,o r d о л g s р о rt. fi rstlV;'.fi{ nes,s] .is соппёсtеd to health апа,р[ ауiп g s роrt he lp s у9uto.lýsе..wýiýht:аnds:а1i:.aсuvelý.есotтd1y,.wеusuaI I ydo роп Й,ft ciher,people.ana sоd!а[ .iлtеrасtЙп'tтitрs,реорlБtо­, stay mental| y healthy and happy. i 1 ] ] , Опе,шgu,mеntgiven agaiлStЗроl] t,is, that it p* ts,,strяsý.ýn 1llq .: body. Aside from extreme sports, even everyday activities like lrufinillE'can,be­harmfrll i.f уоu dcthem too mr] ch. Somе реор[ е also worry about the long­term effects of various drugs and Sports 5upplements. Еurthеrrпоrёt it i5 alaimed ihat the,competitive еI еmёпt of sport сап make реор| е a99ressive, the 'win at all costs' mentalit14. The reasoning is that in this case sport becomes about winning rather than being healthy and enjoying what уоu do. lп conclusion, l believe that sport can Ье а healthy and fun way of spending time if it is done in moderation and the right spirit. The benefits of а healthy lifestyle a| most certainly outweigh the d sadvantages. fi ji] ,itiiil] Ц Е R i пrдпltлп ] i] i i] ,] !] i l| Е wпlTI ttG ] ead the,essay :abo ut the. va lOe, o{ .spФit' i 1 2 э J ý} t"* ж * къtiý} ffi * ',ke'E'рiф fit and'healthy, Аrе the sentences true or false? Most people think that sport is а good thing. The writer gives two !,easons why sport is worthvlhi е. ? addition against а€ f iе сопс u de important spite suggests u п like l Ruппiпg is ап ехаmрlе of an extreme sport, Drugs оп| у have ап mmediate effect оп the body, We shou] d try to get to the top of whatever sport we do, 6 The conc] usion says that lt s good to do some sport. 5 Read the essay again and tick (/ ) the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 lп the first paragraph, the writer ,., а f, Ь! 2 с[ sunT,arises tl­e iss.;e. сrtiс ses the issue, Реорlе а [ сП tne results of some research, tneir own opinion. dfferentarguments. А key argument in the second paragraph is that sport ... а ! is the most effect ve way of keeping slJrT, Ь [ nultcs gooc relationships. с! is as much about mепtаl as physical health The third paragraph uses drugs as ап example of something .,. а ! Ь[ с! introducing an unknown factor, necessary to reduce stress levels. usecl too much in sport, The mаiп idea in the fourth paragraph is that ... professional sport is а bad rоlе model for реор е а ! Ь] с! 2 This _ рrоЬlеm, 0пе argument з that most реорlе аrе uпаwаrе of the __ private health саrе is that it excludes people. 4 lп _, there may not Ье enough doctors to help ечеrуопе. 5 То _, both sides of the argument have some va lid ity. 6 lt's _ not to forget that this medicine is not ачаilаЬlе ечеrуwhеrе, ln _ of advances in medicine, we have no cure for mапу diseases. 8 We сап eat fresh fruit all уеаr round поw, 7 fifty уеаrs ago. Е WRlTlNG Write ап essay оп the topic 'Are we healthier today than v/ e were а hundred years ago?' Use the paragraph structure and the notes to help you. о lпtгоduсttоп: outl] ne the topic П/ lain argument for better health: medicine and technology, a Other arguments fоr: mоrе leisure time others. о Arguments against: bad diets, cars, ТV and computers, life [ с[ that drug companies аrе too when you do sport, it ts natura] to want to wlп. tne main purpose of sport shou| d not Ье beating ln the conclusion, the writеr .,. gives therr реrsопаi орiпiоп. а Ь! often аrquе greedy, ln the next three paragraphs, the writer presents ,., Ь f] З outlines the isslle. sffitr* * s tъfl mrщж rнэфtr} fts ffi" Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох, 4 а SKlLLS introduces the strongest argument. presents а unique way of look пg at the issue, better nutrition js available moves too fast Conc| usion: summarise the arguments and give уоur opinion ­ф fl} ,b i UNI T Ё* Reading and listening extension п GгOпGгS гI гLI гS READlNG Read the article about Georges Мlбliёs. Put the events in the order they happened. [ [ [ ! ! [ [ Не bought а theatre, Не deve| opec] пеw film­making techniques. Не ived abroad, Не made his own сагпета, Whеп he returned to Paris; he worked at his father's factory Не receiveci а pr ze from h s country. цд_аltЁ.вь';.vi! Не saw his first f lm, anSWerS. 2 Мёliёs went to study in London .,, с[ because there was а vеrу fatTlous art school there. because of his раrепts' wishes, because he wanted to lеаrп mоrе aboui theatre magic After buylng the ТhёЭtrе Rotэert,Houdin, ,., а fl ЬП с! Шlеl ёs реrfоrmесl shows there us ng thlngs he learned n London. Мё] iёs spl t his time Ьеtчlееп worklng there and continuing hts studles, Ме iёs was able to save up а lot of mопеу from the prof its. After see ng the Lumiёrе brothers' f lгп. lVё iёs ,,. а ! suggested they collaborate оп а prolect together. с[ mасiе thern ап offer that they cJid not accept, Ь! ntrocuced them to а f lm­mаkеr in London, Мё iёs started to make h s оwп f lms ,., а [ Ь[ с[ after he was given а саmеrа frоm Robert Pau , uslng а саmеrа he rTade himself, after learnlng some techniques frоm Robert Pau , N4ёliёs's decision to start experimenting w th specla effects ,,, а ! Ь[ с[ was the rеsu t of ап accidenta discovery, саmе after ne felt unable to film а street scene in the way he wanted. because he felt that other f lms he'd watched were u nsatisfa сtоrу, The writer suggests iVёl ёs stopped mаk пg flltTs ,., а! Ь! : 7 с! because audiences stopoed golng to see thегп, because he d dn't f nd the lvork lnteresting апу гпоrе, because he wanted to work n the theatre aga When he was older, l\ 4ёliёs а ! Ь[ сП ,. returned to mak пg f lms, d d not have to рау for his own accommodation later in his оr hеr life. Remember to include: . . . п was totally forgotten ln Frапсе, Write а paragraph about someone famous in your country who only Ьесаmе well kпоwп what the реrsоп is fагпоus for what he or she did before f пdlпg fаrпе what your opinion ls of thls ре!,sоп. iйhёjх,fij,ý.fti.fi.ф meant that he was able to save enough mопеу to buy the famous ТhёДtrе Robert­Houdin when it was put up for sale iп 1ВВВ. Frоm that point оп, Мёliёs worked full time. performing shows at the theatre, using techniques which he studied while iп London, as well as working оп his оwп tricks. Не stopped making films, а f] ЬЩ . , Read the article again and tick (/ ) the correct 1 А recent Oscabwinning film Ьу Martin Scorsese has got people аrоuпd the world interested iп а Frепсh director Ьоm over: 100 years ago. Marie­Georges­Jean Мёliёs was born in Paris iп 186­1 Frоm ап early age. he showed а parlicular interest in the arts. Аftеr studying at а famous аrt school iп Paris, Мёliёs continued his studie­s in London * his par:ents insisted he le_arn English. Whiie in London, he developed ап interest in theatre magic, whеп the Lumiere brothers ­ said to Ье the first ever fitm­ mаkеrs ­ showed their film to the public for the first time, lr/ ёliёs was а mеmьеr of the audience. what he witnessed сI еаrlу had а strong effect uроп him. Аftеr the show, he asked the Lumiere brothers if he could buy their, projector. but they turned him down. However. Мёliеs had соmе to the сопсlusiоп that film­making was his future. so he went to meet Robert Paul ­ а British film­maker ­ iп London. Меliёs looked at Paul's carnera­projector and built his own soon afterwards. Within months. tvlёlёs was making апd showing his own films. lп the autumn of 1896, ап event оссurrеd which changed the way Мёliёs looked at film­making. While filrning а simple street sсепе, Мёliёs's camera got stuck and it took him а few seconds to solve the problem. Whеп he later watched the film, МёI iёs was amazed Ьу the effect that the incident had оп what he'd fltmed ­ оЬjефs suddenly appeared, disappeared or wеrе trапЫоrmеd into other objects. lt occurred to him that he cotld use techniques like this to change the арреаrапсе of time апd space in his films. Не used this discovery to create complex special effects: Мёliеs made а wide range of films. Не is most famous for his fantasy films, but he also made advertising films and serious dramas However, after some time, audiences stopped finding his work so interesting or uпusuаl, and iп 1912 he gave up mаk!пg films. lп 1915. he was forced to turп his film studio into а theatre, and he stafted presenting live shows again, !п 192З, he rап out of mопеу апd his theatre was knocked down. lVlёliёs was almost totally forgotten, but in,the late 1920s, his contribution to сiпеmа was recognised Ьу the Frепсh апd he was given а ýpecial award ­ the Legion of Honour ­ and а Review апd extension Il GRAMMAR Tick (/ ) the correct sentences, Co,rrect the wrопg sепtепсеs, i [] "* 2п зп 4п 5п бп :i! i Е LI STENlNG @В Llsten to а conversation between а doctor and а patient. I Vlatch the three things the patient asks about 1­З with the advice the doctor gives а­с. 1 L 2 [ З f] а injuries from а b] ke accident njections for а trip abroad 2 Speak to somebody е se. tя:ав'r* ар* _tts.Ьiе.; .. , . . i ] . ,: Тhеп Rachel said, methat she tlTanted to',leav€ lt picnic toveý day, stlggest having а Ьу tlrёriver. 1tb а so ЧOСДВULАRY 1 ,f] tэack if the рrоЬiеm doesn't go away. How long has the patlent had his cough? а! Ь fi с! f] Doctors бrе trying to dечЫоре пеW methods of ireating patientý , , , withoutsurgeц ,,] , # aat* r* аrв+ хýiпб t* d* velop пЯw Bis* h# sjф.gf : ,,. . ,, trеаtlпg р аl;i€ п tт without, 9Uгgсгу. I Vlarcus can't rасе or train for three months and he isn't ,, treating this very well. 3 tоr two days 4 for four days 5 tоr а few weeks 6 ! ТПе cost of medicine is а problem in the develop world. f] You should take саrе for yourse| f поw уоu'rе pregnant, I t Ы weak. 1'гп sure] l'R,] comfng dоwл with so,mething, I Give,hеr something befote ] she toses,consciousnessl ] What does the doctor say about the patient's со d? а tt wil рrоЬаЬ у go away on lts оwп, ! с! lt wil рrоЬаЬ tt mау Ье у cause а chest infection iаtеr. caused Ьу having severa] со ds at the ballle tlille. What does the doctor say about the patient's bike Complete the sепtепсеs. 1 The restaurant bi} l саmе accident? а ! Tne patlent probably wasn't sеriоuslу inlured as he dldn't pass out, Ь! Tne patient did not do the right thing after hav ng с[ the асс dent. Tne patient should go to hospital now fог further с hecks, What does the doctor say the patient shou d do now? а ! Ь! с! Avoid using the Ь ke unti] next week, Avoid using the Ь ke for sечеrа weeks. По the race, but чеrу slowly, What wil the patient пееd to do if he needs injections for his holiday? а ! Ь! с[ Return to the c] octor,, Cet the inlections frоm someone at reception. Cet the injections frоm а nurse, write а conversation between two friends who are discussing what they do when they get ill, Use these questions to help you: . what kinds of соmmоп illnesses do ihey get? what k nd of med с nes do they take? . what other things do they do to trу to feel better? Наче they ечеr tried а 'cure' that didn't work? о ih* * hiр wh* The fi} пз review, that came outyesterday, Фаsп| l роqфе: l,rлочеd iлtо the rооm where y_ou.Us.ed tо I ё,iп,,. ,1., , .. use some medicine. ЬП о * ,apt* i{ 1 0f Throw away the tables whose legs аrе broken. sentences. Listen again and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 wаs the сарtаlп of the ship which was responsibie. ] Cougrr lэ Come с Е tt l* wя* th* 3 4 5 6 __lq­ wаrdrоЬе. has fiпаllу соmе over а huпdrеd eur:osl сlеапiпg out the Gran's drеаm the chance to drive а Fоrmulа ': ', . t car tar the We bought hеr day. We had to throw the whole,dinnel. in the Ьiп, 1'vе,соr,пе tФ. the that l am not а mаstеr chef. The паmе Elvis has соmе _ а lot today Every visitor to the museum has asked about him. Wе'rе 1ust going to advertise оur shop оп the lпtеrпеt l] :::::::?i llTl :'| _ i | ilil,1i1 ] Е СПДММАR Fаst ж mdа} ж шf d* dшсti* ж Щ!еrЦrc the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 John's shoes аrе too smal] for the new school уеаr. Не rпу5!l might l could hаче grown а ] ot over \ ,Ne З That сап't l mау 4 Yач сап'tl mау поtl rпustп't have eaten al] the cakes 5 6 7 8 l mау l could have moved il 1 to Austral а. but we 2 decjded to stay in Eng and iп the end, l must have Ьееп Sheiia in the саr, but З | 'm not too sure from th s distance, ­ 4 you'd Ье sick now| The keys could Ье апуwhеrе, l сап't l mlght l musf ечеп have left them in the gym. Wait, don't phone hеr yet. She mlghll mttstl mlght паt 5 6 have woken up. Рооr Andre didn't ealfar 24 hours, Не could l mау l mtlst have felt rеаl у hungry. lsent him а text but he сал'f / mау поtl mчst поtiаче соmрlаiпt because l was completely dig* аLlоrtаd (satisfied) w] th the hotel facilities. The product sells very we l, so it's _ ( ogical) to stop making lt. The fact that the suspect has а iot of tattoos is completely (rеlеча nt). N4ike, this is ап (expected) surprise, haven't sееп you for agesl The view from the Ьа cony s _ (believable). You have to see it for yourself, The laws of physics show that it l ]s _ CompI ete the text with negative forms of the adjectives in the Ьох, aga i n, credible experienced formaI honest patient polite probable rеаsопаЬlе regu lar responsible Don't Ье sil у, there was an instructor with them, What l could l must have gопе wrong? сап't 10 l аm writing this letter of (possible) to go back in time. rесе ved it because the receptlon is var аЬ] е up here, 1'i try 9 VOCABULARY д,djесtivеs ж rith рr* frэ* * ж Complete the sentences Ьу adding а negative prefix to the adjective in brackets. the holidays. 2 must Е saffi Soph е was in bed with the f] u, so she сал'I l mеу поtl successful tTustп't have gone to the party, Ь Underline the correct words to complete the text, Shergar was а vеrу successfu] сhаmрiоп гасе horse, 8 to continue in а job which she eouldnltdo?] I twas,highlyЭ, thatttringýwоцld1. get betten Setly ýot g.оmе lO adviee from her oI d There are lois of theories of who took Shergar апd tQафвr: at co] I ege, whо told her to learze Fоr. what happened to h rп, but in rеаlitу апуihiпg Some leason Згпчst mау have happened, The kidnappers 1must l,mlght have Ьееп very professlonal, or very ucky, because they hid thеir vlctim so successful у, lt5сап't / mustn't have been easy to steal such а famous horse and make lt disappear соrпрlеtеlу, People say the police бmау / must not have dопе the irest jolr о' Гlпd ng Гпе , эrsе oecdLse "еу (oulcl / must have acted а ot mоrе qu ckly the truth ls, they didn't have much evldence апd the horse and lts kldnappers wеrе never found, / Some реорlе say the kidnappers 8сал'r / must have k i ed Shеrgаr when the owners didn't аgrее to 9гпust / could have Ьееп а рау the kidnappers, This tragedy for tlre оwпеrs and fans of Shеrgаr. Ноwечеr, there 10,,nust / mау have Ьееп а happ еr ending, Of course, Shergar can't Ье alive today because this happened so mапу уеаrs ago. Being optlmistic, he 1] саппоt / m ight поt have Ьееп kll1ed Ьу the kidnappers, Не 12must / could have died а паturаl death somewhere safe, We w l1 рrоЬаЬlу печеr know­ l] | * iffi u­withherbeсauseshecou1dn'tdoeveтрhing.Sa1ly Startedto] oSeherse1f­confidence.Маybeshehadu­ iсап't / miqht have Ьееп the best еvеr, His racing саrееr ended in 19В] and he2could / must have made а lot more money for his оwпеrs frоm his celebrity status f he hadn't Ьееп stolen, Th s l,apoe ed i, l 9Вз ard Sl,е,9а, vчд5 ге\ ог seen agai­, in fact he с OI Ш ýа,trЦ l1ad wоrkеd аs а trainee chef in а hot€ I fQr ýЙ Tnontbй,tiut , . ­ :siiewas аlrеаdу 1­d!P* aýj eA­with heT job, espeeiaЦytbe ,,', а.­._= ; hоцrs апd З , , ,., l' ,, " ,, sцýtоmегý. Аlsо; ýаI tlr­ xтaý ýtitrl quite а Ьцt the,haad ctref .used to ge­t expectations?.WasЗhejustanother'_­.] ­­­.­:­­­. , " ­ perhaps it meant she was too ­ SaI I y didn't ] isten to t­I ris advice and She Stayed at the hote] . This might seem 12 but, five уеаrs lаtеr, Saliy is now head chef. She always smiles When heI tTainees telt het they. want to 1еач€. с @Щ Listen and check. Е рпOltuNсlАТl(lN .,ili::l] Tl:lt1.1,,,l,:.. wfl* rd ýty* ss Underline the stressed sylI ables in the words in bold. 1 2 З 4 5 6 The new parts are quite iпехрgдsiче. l find it improbable that they 1ust happened to Ье iп the same place at the same time. The weather at th s time of the year is quite unpredictable. lwon't go on а trip as disorganised as th s опе aga n, l've dropped it on the f ооr а few t mеs, but it's unbreakable. ] Ь СВ Listen and check, 11qing9,, .] and would it Ье сап do it, but it's rather iпсопчепiепt and l'm not чеrу keen. Listen and check. ;::, Е Е СПДММАR чддt* m* s ж шs rеgr* ts ? Underline the correct words to compiete the sentences. 1 2 З l wish 1 l could l did sреаk another foreign Language. w sh yau had l have l would haye а brother tnstead of а sister? 1 l wlsh wished lhope Sarah апd lаlп get back together again, lf oniy l hаdп't mаkе l made l have mаdе so mапу m stakes in the first part of the test, l wish you wочld l shottld l mlghtthlnk about somebody else apart frоm yourseJf. | 'm surе a] l football mапаgеrs wish they wеrе l аrе l would l wlllhave fБЙ you started shoutlng at ечеrуопе. l didl shoLlldyou l had l would hаие spoken wish 1 t gui on;itb / give up many difficulties in the stock mаrkеt сrаsh of 1928 McDaniel could only find work as а waitress in а club. Мапу 5up / out / away, but реор!е would hаче given McDaniel continued to work бtп / though / оп Louise ] s nlce, but l w sh she does l has dопе l did mоrе to help around the house. Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. , as she started out on her саrееr, Fоr example, to the doctor а iot еаr] iеr. 10 ,,.J" ;,,'jh* ,ёлtв,rtдiп.mеп,skil] s,аfi d even регýulаdеd­ е,айrлеrъ+ ,thе с[ uБ'tо] Ё:hаr,siпýthаiе" shе r it's а shame you're not with us, . .'m;yаа.{ Ф Ноitуцаао апа i w.eлt r jo,t t:ýaii' i,' abbad' wlth,jr bi' Ptab,ta ье in the mФv,вý., Неr l with us. усu Jane, р ease isten to mе for а mоmепt. l wish Jane for а moment, most famous rоlе was in the 19З9 film Gопе with ;,' the lzYйd,] where ghe wоп.hеr Oscat MeDanieI ] actually received а lot o{ criticism{ oT pJaying i. ;v* rg wish i, l want to Ье ten years уоuпgеr she wishes thai yOU ten years ] rоtеs ' w'h,ich.stereoýped black people, but she 8on with / .Ьу with,/ оп Ьу hеr wоrk and today ,,,got hе{ | еgасу is recoEnised. . пgеr N4ike $f an еаrlу age, but had to ] o,u.k/ " for? She wishes she has trlео 3ip / out / оп singing and acing thought about that Ьеfоrе lf you hac three wishes, whal would * fl * Ёf,* уt Underline the correct words to complete the text. Then listen and check. 5ne WaS а grеаt taI enl. 5пе Ье sti l abie to рlау theгnselves. Yоо would l shottld W* х,&зж ffifi would Do you ечеr VOCABULARY doesn't live very с ose to the сепtrе Mike wishes closer to the се пtrе. СШ Listen and check. Why d dn't l bLry that dress? 6 lwish that lt wou] d Ье great if mу horse wlns d ress. the rасе Complete the sentences апd questions with the words iп the Ьох. mу horse wins the race lt was wrong of me to Ье so rude to the l wish shop asslstant so rudе to the shop assista nt. lt makes me so embarrassed when he lies ­ l wish tt makes mе so еm Ьаrrаssеd, i d dn't study very harc1 at school lfony 10 lVly hus band l wish 11 u соре 1 2 l thrnk with give up go try out work on Debbie managed this boring fiLm Shella 6 tлсk] е to the task very lt might sееm d] fficult now. but t's important поt to _ running а marathon? l decided to _ and l аrе watching а really boring film, ahead we l in the епd, ls Chris really going to harder at school! Why d dn't we go оп this tr р last уеа r? оп th s trip lasi уеаr, lt was а mistake to te l sheila You get оп nfortu nately. We 12 with overcome taekъ worked ­ At first ] with th] s dea of а specla diet and it rеаilу couldn't the pressure of working such long hours. Fеw реорlе rea ise how mапу difficulties he has had to l need to ­n opt lhis going to improve, Don't соmрlаiп Гаt. mу pronunciation f mу English is ­­ 1ust _ itl fir.ii, ffiffiЧ II ? USEFUL LANGUAGE Ш* sсrf,hf,ж g h* w у* е* f* t* '".""i1l{ ffi Uпdеrliпе the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 2 З 4 5 When they took mу winning ticket out of the bag, l was so l disappointed l tпterested, l сочldп't l wачldп't be] ieve it, lt didn't seem rеаl. was watttпg l expecttng l realisinglhe news, but it surpпsed l shочldп't Тrечоr still саmе as а shock, l was rea| ly pleasant l рlеаsiпg l pleased, l think l deserved to win first prize. lt was quite а blow l пеws expected,l 1ust stood there in shock, 6 The party was а disaster, l still can't Ье l gо lget over Е сONчЕRSАтI ON ý ? l хъt* rrк"а р tiяъ g * it, ], ] SKlLLS х* d ý" хъ} 1 * L"} } э fi i r,ъ g хэ * члrs put the conversation in the correct order. ! В Tnat's true, l guess. Well, thanks for tel ing mе, l'd better get back, ! ! [ В wnatz l don't know about that, l'i Е РR(I NUNG I ATI 0N f;* уэж шхъж уъt ж ýфж рý а @Ш Listen and uпdеrliпе the words which have а consonant group (two or more consonant sounds together). have to think it очеr, В Шо probiem, Luke. What's happened? В HotC on, l was just speaking to Tim yesterday, Не didn't say anything, ! l Wetl, it's true, Опе mоrе th ng. Tim's gone to Masons, ý П Hi, Lesley, Thanks for coming to see mе, [ В Hang оп а minute. l\ 4asons аrе our compettors. That's а d isaster] ! ! а ! Л tt's no tragedy, We haven't got апу secrets he сап tell t Know you won't believe th] s, but Тim has resigned. Л lust а minute, Тhеrе's something e| se we have to discuss, Would you Ье interested iп taking Tim's job? ili,rr­* "flrм ffi lлli':ЦЁ lд { '.,, a.stran8p,anirnallin­tb.e s!glv,.,,, .. . 11. i ; j ijiilr.i lrit' :t::i] : .: Some frightened people followed them and the fооtргiпts went оп and оп ... fог арргохimаtе| у i"­.Ъ'йд.d.iаа.Йjф,tf l i ! h @mВ Listen апd check. tif,fi I ,lffi ln thё wiпtеr of eighteen fiftf.five,the реорЬ of Devon in England woke up to find the footprints of : them. ' i . tll.ein accoчпt,is to Ъё­Ьеtiеvеd, а ,] ,, Sаrdепs and очег walls and rооfs. No опе could ёхрlаiп thё fоофriпts, but siпсе then mапу qhеогiеs have Ьееп sugge9ted. Опе of tЪе s!гапg9s! was t] rat а kапgаюо had . .',. ] ,, : Тhе hоtе1 was iп darkness. Feeling гirеd frоm the walk, I stopped and * l."looked аrоuпd.'W'hаt was going on? Тhе рlасе r,чаs obviously open 'r] йеrе wеrе some cars and an trnfamilrar smell frоm sоmеwhеrе. I t rvas strlrпgе firTdirrg а hotel ­ I cotrldrl't lerrrellbet, seeirrq it on пш trrap, but hеrе it lTas. .'. I f опlу mу саr hadn't Ьrоkеп down iп thе rrriddle оf поwhеrе, making rTe look fоr hеlр.Тhе trip hadn't bcen mу idea,Tony had kept asking mе to visit him and his new wife and I hаd finally agreed.'A fеw hоurs Ьу Е RЕАDlNG I called out: 'I s anybody 1rеrе? I need sottle hеlр r,r,ith nty саr,'Siletrce. Feeling guiltr., I rvent irrsicle.That str:urge slrrell rl,as getting strопgеr atrc1 I rvctrt torr,эrds it, altrlost Гаlliпg очеr ilr the сlаrk.Тhаrrkfull1,, I fbunci а lrцht su,itch .rtrd turrred it on. I rvish I hadn't. Read the beginning of а story. Put the events in the order they happened. I [ ! [ ý I f Sne wa] ks to the hotel, .J tt ] ;it swtc­les ог а ighi, Tony gets mаrrеd. Jitt opens а letter, ] Tony ,пчltеъ Jil I o vi> t n m. Read the story аgаiп and tick most appropriate answers. с! (/ ) the а [ Ь! с[ Ь! с ? Jil smel] when she got there? Something difficult to recognlse. Something she instant у recognised, Something unpleasant, Bv foI lowirg oirer^ lio.rs, Ь Ь f] с f] а ! Ь! с! а! Ь[ с[ Shouting at the top of с l had to s t down for а moment. l hid behind а tree and waited. Fее ing weak ааd titot Jil criticlse Ь! с[ ь эл Jd What stopped Ji l ruппiпg out of the rооm? а [ ! с! l sat in а corner апd ignored еvеrуопе, f l tried to get her attention. hiding / hid holding / held realising / realised her voice shouting 'Соmе back', l resisted the temptation to l hBard sоmеопе lt _ weak and dizzy, l had to sit down for а moment, good to see Тоm up and walking again after the accident. Darkness саmе апd we sооп that we were completely lost. ь Not_ ь ltwаsаtеrriblеdаy,­fromthеcriminаlwhоwаntedtofindh] m. mу m stake, l carried on as tf nothing had happened, 4а Listеningforаsignаl,I ­bеhindаtrеe,wаitingаnxiоus1у' Having negative feelings about Tony. DisLL"oirg tГе hotel g;ests, Regret. l resisted the temptation to look back. е Lying clown on the ground and ho ding mу breath, Za Не refused to visit her. Respect. signal, d walking а mеtrе away from mе, hеr, пеilеt. moods, look back at her, ь Топу? light? а ! felt ffi+ eara Н* аriпq Ia tt rап out of petrol. не had ] ied to dizzy, being iп the best of Listening for а warn ng fл эа Тhеpoorgirl­herhеаdinherhаnds'сryingwithfrustrаtiоn' Тurпiпg on the light, what did Jil] feel when she turned оп the Ь l began to сrу. Ь feeling / Не uncJerestlmated the 1ourney. What did J ll feel gu ty about? ] а hands, rTry voice, Complete the pairs of sentences with the gerunds and verbs in the Ьох. There was а technica рrоЬlеm. There was ап accident. Why dld road, HotCing mу head in mу WalKing away down the L] ВуCnanСe. а ! 2 Match 1­6 with a­f to make sentences, Frоm mеmоrу. What happened to the car? ?a wRlTltlG SKI LLS м* } кЁltg fr ýt* у} r iхъtеrеstiхъg t @ Z! З[ + [ Э[ 6 [ doesn't say. How did Ji] l find the hotel? а ! Е Оп foot. What cou] d :i from, Ву car, tt _,: ] i.i,;i.] i] .1;i:ji_] li!,] ;ii::ii,:,.,!] .i':] :.:,,] ,.:,,:i How did ,Jill get to the hotel? а [ Ь@ ?. I sarv а table rvith lots of fooci оп, пеаt, vegetables, fruit, cakes.A] 1 of it lrad gone offand \ yas rotten. Reaching йr the dool, I rvatrted to get out but 1 noticed sonrethirrg else otr th:rt tеrriые tаые: а letter nrarked 'ForJiil frorrrTonv'. I nside it said sirrrply,'You wеrе too 1ate 1Ъr thе раrry.' Wh.rг cor­r1.1 it lltearl? tinCs evidence the hote] isn't closed. Sne asks for help. ! Sne finds whеrе the smell is coming !.J tsса,Ь,еаk.dоwг, 1 ,: .] ,| ] :] ,..j1"l ь Ап oid mап came up, а cup which he then offered to mе. Е wпlTlttп 2 Choose one of these first lines and continue the story. Write three paragra phs. Sne saw the message, Looking nto the terrible storm, l thought, 'How аrе we going to gei out of this?' Sne sme] led the food. Tne door was locked. l shook hапds and hurried away, hoping l'd печеr see him again. i] :] .j j i] ,'] uNlт чfl$ Reading and listening еftепsiоп п it RЕАt)lNG Read the blog about rеgrеis. Match the people 1­5 with the regrets а­е tП z| 7 эГ­l JL] +П э[ ] Jon (the author of the article) а Lisa ь ап experience while looking for work Sha ne с not spending t mе with the fагпi у 0гу Mike d not studying enough at sсhооl е not trave ling mоrе l АNY REGRETS? an ехреriепсе at university бЯоstеО Ьу Jоп,24 Morch) А rесепt survey of over о thousond mеп ond women in the UK oged over 25 found thcrt, if they could go Ьqсk in timе,22% of morried women would choose о different husbond, Only l2% of men soy they should hove chosen о different wife| The survey olso found thot 30% of реорlе wish they hod chosen о different соrееr,359/ . wish they hod сhоsеп о different соursе ot university ond З/ % wish they hod soved mоrе mопеу, Fiпоllу,53% soid they wish they hod trovelled oround the wоrld mоrе whеп they were younger, I d hove to get mоrriеd tэеfоrе l could comment on the first iwo stqtistics, But if l could go bock iп time, would l ohoose о different l hove trovelled mоrе? Definitely, but then l think l rеоllу did crll the trovelling l could with the money l hod, Whot obout you? Would you hove done опу4hiп9 different whеп you wеrе уоuпgеr? Do you hove опу big regrets? college course? МоуЬе, Would wos uпfоrtuпоtе ld revised for weeks, but there wcs опе ] , question in the exom оп о iopic thqt l didn't reolly study so much ­ it wos something thot didn't interest me ond we оп!у looked oi it quickty оп the соursе, so l didn't think it would Ье iп the exom. So еvеп поw, t оftеп think ­ if only l hod studied lhot опе topic о bit mоrеl But it didn'i reclly mоttеr. l stilI groduoted ond l don't think my I ife would hove Ьееп so different if ld got thot higher mqrk ­ l suppose it would hove Ьееп пiсе just for myself ond my fomily, ] to i_.&,"J Реrsопоllу, l think the most importont thing is enjoy your life поw ond поt think too much obout the post Фпd] h'оlмthirлgsiоu] d.h'Ьче.Ь ,djtf.еiёл* mеiirпеs think obout опе job interview l went for just ofter finishing school,l'd рlоппеd to get the troin to go to the rnterview. but becouse l рrеfеr driving l decided to toke the соr ond ended up getting lost in о city l didn't know very well. So l оrrivеd lote. which didn't creote.o gaod,ir:nprёssion, qпd l work becouse thought l should Ье еоrпiпg os muсh mопеу ! os possible. Оп weekdoys, ! rаrеlу scw them. ьесоusе l ieft for wоrk Ьеfоrе they woke up ond got bock оftеr theyd gопе to bed, Uпfоrtuпоtеlу­ l think it's often eosier to soy'no'to fomily thon it is to work Sоmеопе опсе told гпе:'lf you lose mопеу. you соп olwoys еоrп more, but if you lose lime. you соп never get !t bock l didn't reolly understond whot thot mеqпt ot the time, but now I 'm оldеr, l do, [жжl M1KE thot ехреriепсе to work on уоur weoknesses опd do belter in tГrе futurе % u [ еоrп tюm wГrоt went wrопg ond the Йistakes уоu mode опс ­окБ. ,УЬi lНlПФфfi.еi.еh neit time. l wos rеоllу irresponsible ot school l strould hove siudied hоrdеr, But thot wos о good thing, becouse ot university. l reolised my mistoke. опd l reolly worked hоrd ond l opprecioted the opportunity to study there. So iп thot cose, regret reoii1l hetped mе chonge mу behcviour. l [. l,, е l ,: о :] lad the blog again Read again. Complete the sentences with the names in the Ьох. rl а i' ii 1 i, j Fq, 'ffi# ý f Ь 4 5 understands something better now than rn the з i ,,,,,,",,,,,,., щ ­о unavordable, regrets something that was рrоЬаЬlу regreis something that was mostly important for реrsопаi reasons. says you can lеаrп frоm 2 i. ж .] = l regrets, ,ffi past. 'Щ. q. w @ ? ? 9_* ш ф ýN ) Rечiеw and extension Read the blog again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Моrе mеп than women wish they had chosen а different 2 Jon (the writer of the article) isn't mаrr ed. З 4 5 6 раrtпеr. Lisa did bad у in the ехаm because she didn't spend much time studying for it. Shane thinks he didn't get the job because hls train was ate Tony general у опlу saw h s children at the weekend, N4ike th nks h] s lack of effort ai schooi made hlm а better univers ty student, ]I Tick (/ ) the correct sentences, Correct the wrong sentences. t [ . . . what the regret is wny you оr the реrsоп chose that course of action how your оr the реrsоп's life would Ье different nolv f something had Ьееп different then. Тhапk you and l wlsh to hear frоm you sооп. 1"hалk зсL; iri,] 6{ l hOpfi t] o jr* ;r fiT:rtl чоu * * ot,l. We со nope yoJ woL] l.J еп ov tl^ е rest of lolr :ta\ , 2п зп 4п 5п _ Write а paragraph about а regret that you or someone you know has. Remember to include: GRАммАR SoTeliTes г­­­1 oL_.] Now Е t П 1А В Listen to five people talking about receni events. Match people 1­5 with situations а­е. а а саr accident Ь а wоrk meeting с an intervtew for а un versity place d loslng ап object е 2 А В meeting sогпеопе оп the street John Martha 4 5 l wish паоп't et Cnгs or tne | ea,n, Му friend Jane is а very rеsропsаЬlе регsоп, Myfrierid Jаtз eib ж чвrу rа# Ё$fisibl* рr;{ * аfi. The training facilitles аrе saiisfied fоr а сiuЬ of this size. Linda is quite impatient, so don't keep hеr waiting too tong. 1'rп very unsatisfied with уоur rеýропýе to mу rеоепt ietter. The police discovered :her iliegally usе of соmрапу funds. 1 сап't соре with atl these рrоЬI егпs, l пееd some help. ] 'd like io iry sпоwЬоаrdiпg while we'vo got ýOmе sпоw Do уоu wапt a lift io the station? Don't worry, there's по way 1 all the way / we'lt оWп Еrтi] Geno оуL So Апdу staris, then it's Rosie, then Аmапdа? Оле way or the other. 1 lп sоmе ways, / lt's the other 4 А В 5 А В waywe сап staп so soon" ls it difficutt to get up the mоuпtаiп? No, there's а good path the ather way rаuпd l опе way оr апоthеr l all the way" Are you surе you сап get ihe саr workingagain? All the way , l Опе way оr апоthеr l lп sоmе lvays, wе will. Lооk аgаiп at RevieW your рrоgrеss оп p.126 of the Studentis Book How well сап you do these [ lrngs now? З = vеy where апd when did the story take place? what happened? why can'i they ехрlаiп what happened? were they with апу other people? Do they have ап ехр anatlon for the event? цаФ WaV, Ba,rv Write а conversation between two people discussing ап event neither of them are able to explain. Use these questions to help you: . . зgз,:, З А WouI d,tomorrow about seven Ье alright? В Тhеrе's по way l Опе way оr апоthеr l lп sоmе angry confident exhausted fortunate not hopeful regretful surprised worried о о 1iy+ iqily way rочпd. Listen to the f ive people again. N4atch the emotions in the Ьох with the people. There are three extra words you do поt need. 1 1 Uпdеrliпе the correct words to complete the exchanges, @М 2 З we,e Ьоси nt Tick (/ ) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. Е LI STENlNG t [ lonn Z [ МаrtПа З [ Geno 4 [ Ваrrу э!гmil I ЧOСДВULАRY 2п з,П 4п 5П бп 7п а I "luibll Goodbye, and l wish we сап meet again sооп. Denis wishes he spent mоrе titTe thеrе last sl] mnler. well 2 = well 1 = not so well l сАN ,.. past achievements speculate ahout the discuss life I : describe how l felt writе а паrrаtiче, :, , ;;ч ,ьs Uпit 1: 0utstanding people ,l ttr( ? What аrе уOчr hobbies? Watch video 1а. Match 1­6 with a­f to make sentences. l Щ 2 П З[ + [ 5 ! 6 [ wiiem еп likes Richard likes Hannah tikes массу liKes Heather likes Maureen Jikes а Ь с d е f watch пg sport, making mus с. des gn ng с othes рJау ng music, drawing, реrfоrm ng. ,.l ltr( Which hobby would уOu like to try? watch video 1ь. underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 2 З 4 Ьееп used to gо running. Richard's hobby wouJd invo] ve horses l trачеlliпg. Hannah wants to da soпlethttlg wlth е friепd l а water Wi lemien has печег sport. Maddy would лоf Ье l Ье wоrr ed about how we l she does this new hobby, Maureen wants to try someth ng that is ald fashtoned people think is impossible. Heather th] nks she wil try painting after she does the housework l has fiпished wоrklпg, l Unit 2: Surчiчаl ,l Е( 2 1 2 з 4 l соmmоп fear, scared of cows oll thelr оwп l tп groups. Anna is afraid of anima] s which сап hаrm hеr l are wild. lVlartina could have died l didn't rеаllу пееd to wоrrу. Elrl What аrе some dапgеrоus animals iп а сочпtrу Ноw successful аrе you when you take up пеw activities? G Watch video 1с and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 Wiliemien has а а L] U _ % success rate. ьИ50 2 R chard only takes up activities wh ch he а [ Ь! с[ ! с! с! Ь[ с! 1 wiJl Ье good at needs to do *­ 2 ! с[ З needs heip tais lоsеs nterest _ 4 time 5 Ь[ с] lveren't afra d НаС по specia method lvartlna was afra d of this anima] because а ! ofa disease tspread с[ she was iving in а foreign country hеr fr ends wеrе scared of it What happened showed that l\ 4artina's fеаr was с L inahotel natent Аппа was surprised that the local people helped hеr ь if snakes because he was staying а ! а "ffi4 she was on а mоuпtаlп с [ onaboat Ь[ motivation of het shces she was а опе lVlatt was wоrriеd about Ь! dancing work Laui,en was in dапgеr because а @ а [ photography Heather has по рrоЬlеm with а [ Watch video 2Ь апсj tick (/ ) the correct answers. Ь When she tries somethtng пеw, lVladdy often а [ ь! уOu'че visited? wants to do Наппаh wouid рrоЬаЬlу Ье good at а [ tennls Ь Laui,en has а чеrу чпчsuаl lV] att is not so ll Ь c!too watch vtdeo 2а, underline the correct words to complete the sentences. Dt lE( Which animal аrе уOч most scared 0f? ! ! I rеаsопаЬlе siliy selfish Vох рор video\ lf уоu got too cI ose to а lion, what woutd you do? С Watch video 2с. I V] atch 1­5 with а­е to make SentenCeS. 1 @ 2 П ЗП 4 ! 5 П с Wth а liоп. watch video Зс and tick (/ ) the correct answers, 1 \ 4att W] th а shark, ] Vatt И/ ] th а shark. | ,4artina с wouldn't Ье аь е to sсrеаm, would lose cot­,lsciousness, а [ Eugen а talks З [ с fi Ь 2 abolit с f] @{ football. ­­ .­­­. ciet Ноw would уOu spend the mtlпеу if уоu suddenly Watch video 4а. Match 1­4 with a­d to make sentences, z f] cnris з ! Jonn 4 ! I Vargaret а паmеs three tne most рорulаr sport surprises ­­­­. Ь с drivers need good qualifications Дr, thеrе апу sportý 0r activities you've Ьееп doing fоr а lопg tirne? Watch vicieo ЗЬ. Undelline the correct words to complete the sentences. З 4 what sports реорlе think about t @ ottie dangerous ELtgenla was с! had S1,000,000? ? basically the same as br 1 2 training ! ,rl difficult to compare to Guy likes the fact that Fоrmulа 1 а rасеs last Lwo days goes over а longer period Ь Ь not mапу опе оr two Uпit 4: Life lessons James thinks that rugby is а f] mоrе complicated than ! ! с[ factors involved, а ! Ь watching tutt of аrе lots of Guy is the опlу person to talk about tne расе is fast Ь[ с! how fit and strопg you аrе Поw you think апd how strong you аrе Ь! с! marathons, tney аrе open to ечегуопе you сап run оп the roads а [ anything Guy thinks there wiппiпg Guy thinks Fоrmulа 1 is с[ James thinks success in sport is to do with а [ how уоu think а [ ruпп ng а ! ЬП с[ start young sport Ь! с! ELrgenia thinks the best thins aboL_lt marathons is that Ь! Оо а rапgе of sports music Ь! Watch video За and tick (/ ) the correct апswеrs. а! jnks the most important thing is to When Eugenia was а girl, she wasn't чеrу interested in doesn't think с imb пg а tr.ee ,uvorild Ье effective, th] nks it depends whеrе it haopened. Сап уOu tell mе about а рOрulаr sport апd why peоple like it? th have natural talent с@ 2 El( 1 ! [ Ь Unit 3: Talent ? Eugenia а Аппа mlght attack the animai. d е WПut do уоu think makes а successful athlete оr SpOrts реrSOп? Lauren а ь Ь< goodl Ьфl average Eugenie diCn't liлlsh tiie i1,1аrеthr,lп quickly, at sport at schoo] . l ruп ttle mаrаthоп Jаrrrеs does athlettcs l pleys footballat unlversliy, Guy thinks that tаlепl_ l cleclicatloл is mоrе mэоrtапt for sLlccess in sport, things to spend mопеу оп. talks about а business opportunity. would spend the mопеу оп other people first. thought much about this before. О nu.n'' ,t @l( Ноw would having а lot of mOпеу change уOur life? Watch video 4Ь and tick (/ ) the correct апswеrs. 1 Ol] ie wol] d feel а @ ! с! Ь mоrе secure lazier less motivated chris would а ! ! с[ Ь John а ! Ь! с! give up wоrk поt work as hard have mоrе breaks thinks would change. everything nothing few things ffiж * ч ,rl lVargaret likes а ! saving up to buy something пiсе Ь[ с! spending а lot of mопеу tne responsibility of having а lot of mопеу @( h The опlу реrsоп to see а negative side to this question is ­. а[ ьп 1 O] lie + Маrgаrеt а br Ь Во уоч think wiппiпg а lot of mOпеу would have а pOsitive 0r а negative effect? G watch viceo 4с. underline the correct words to соrпрlеtе the sentences. 1 2 з 4 5 Watch video 5Ь. Match 1­4 with a­d to make sentences. сопсепtrаtеs оп the poslllиe l пegative consequences, О lie would choose а job wh ch was wеl/ patd l епlоуаЬlе. О] ie At the nloment, chrls feels setisfled l с d Е( с dissatisfled, 1 At Гirst, John would feel he d] dn't wапtl dеsеrvе the money, iVаrgаrеt would giие the mопеу away l mаkе it а positlve 2 Unit 5: Сhапсе 4 5 WоulП уOu rather live somewhere really hot 0r really cOld? 6 Watch video 5а and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 Аппа of wearlng ] umpers. а ffi doesn't like the idea с! understands the benefits doesn't see the point Ь! Аппа and N4att а ! ь [ с! Matt а ! both about clothes. ? Ь! с [ in hot conditlons. he spoke to sоmеопе who worked there. unlike Anna and lvlatt, Maibr tt mentions апimаl life l the wеаthеr lп Antarctlca. l\ laibr] tt would l ve there for а few weeks l mопths. what Martina knows about Antarctlca соmеs frоrп fhe mеd ta ­ реr> опа l I \ 4artina сап erperience, l сап't imag пе belng there, 1 [d 2 [ А l the speakers talk about 4 [ 5 | Lauren doesn't ike Two of the speakers mentlon ] j0 ment ons ltalу Ь wakngtrps. с neither co| d nor hot d е rrot the people you see. the food. the beach. ll it gets too hot tne weather cloesn't change much tne weather makes her uncomfortabie ­. @l ь What's the best holiday уOч'че ever had? watcn video бь. underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 2 З Rachei werlt оп this holiday after her wеddiпg l 10 days ag), The lVla d ves mеf Rachel's expectattaпs l disappotnted her. Jo had rlever l alweys thought about having а holiday llke th s, 4 .] о trave| ed mostly Ьу bus l рlапе, 5 [ auren's journey took опgеr because of the heat l а рrоЬlеm with the boat. This de ау spoiled l didп't spoil Lauren's holiday. 'Ъш l industry Watch video ба. tV] atch 1­5 with а­е to make а would рrеfеr somewhere cold whеrе с[ Аппа wouldn't llve in Antarctlca because lhere аrеп't mапV people l аrе too mапу dапgеrоus апtmаls. Matt had higher l / olverexpectations of Antarctica before З| ] Laurenlikes relaxed lVariina mentions Са ifornia as ап ехаmрiе of а р асе а ! Ь |] What do уоu kпоw аЬочt Antarctica? sentences, complain tV] aibritt а fee ing of help essness, wnut kind of pI aces do уоч like to g0 t0 0п holiday? talK а ! being unprepared for ехtrеmе weather, travelling frоm а hot рlасе to а co] d опе. noth ng extraord паrу. Unit 6: Аrоuпd the globe ьПi] l с [ uncomfortable i ! ехреriепсеd N4artina has experienced br agree fee] s b'tailэr;tt has watch vldeo 5с. underline the correct words to complete the sentences. з ? Anna has experienced tVatt has exper enced lrl ехреrtепсе, br ff Z! З[ John с! Have уоu ever experienced ехtrеmе weather? Vox рор video\ br Но* do уоч think tочrism will change in the br По you think people аrе morе stressed nowadays future? than they wеrе fifty уеаrs ago? G Watch video бс and tick (/ ) the correct answers. ь 1 Rache] th nks mоrе people will а[ 2 сП traveJ around their own country а ! 2 З go abroad опе ,еаsог fo, lhis ;s environmental issues Ь[ З 1 stay at home ЬЩ 4 plane travel is cheap с! реорlе have а lack of options 5 Lаurеп disagrees with Rachei about ­. а [ what реорlе think about the environment tne standard of hotels ! с! Ь Lаurеп thinks that most people will have _. eco­holidays tne same k] nd of holidays as now mоrе cultural hoiidays Jo uses space tourism as ап ехаmрiе of а direction which _. а ! ЬП с[ is completely different а waste of mопеу of по реrsопаl interest Unit 7: City living D0 уOч get easily stressed? Watch video 7а and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 2 Deborah considers stress to Ье а И achalenge Ь ! something to Ье avoided с Пареrsопа рrоЬlеm Ап ехаmрlе of stress Deborah glves is ­, difficult children а П Ь! с! not doing things оп time tite­or­Ceath situations Тогу а gets into stressfu situations, ! печеr Ь[ с! occaslonally often Tony's stressf ul situations аrе usually the result of ­ а ! where he lives с! inconvenient phone calls tne demands of rеlаt ves Ь! 0ne way for Arian to rеlах is а [ playing the piano с[ sport Ь! meeting friends lVlargaret thinks she is lucky because she а ! Ь! с[ nas always Ьееп qu te relaxed is fit and healthy nas no stress in hеr life Andrew gets slresseo а [ Ь! с[ аl1 the time when he's drivlng un,ess ,lе isters lo music Deborah bases hеr opinion on what she has read relatives have told her about the past, Дriап agrees l l disagrees with DеЬоrаh. lViargaret thinks it is particular у d fficu I far уочпgеr l чпеmрlоуеd people, Маrgаrеt also thinks that low sаlаrlеs l lопg wоrkiпg hours are an SSL] е, Margaret and Andrew both mention the расе of life difficult dectstons to Ье mаdе. Andrew talks about tie positive l пegative l ro е of technology. br WПrt do уоu like about the аrеа whеrе уоч live? С Watch video 7с. Match 1­6 with a­f to sentences. 1 @ Deborah likes З f] Rriап аррrес ates 2 L] + ! 5 [ 6 [ а ll ? 6 tne costs involved а! Ь[ с[ @( watch video 7ь. underline the correct words to соm plete the sentences. l0пу Crlt ClSeS arian doesn't ike Andrew Jikes Rпdrеw dislikes Ь socia ising with the same group, the пumЬеr of places to sit. d the cultura ] ife. с е f the local transport, belng пеаr the sea, the standard of educat on" make г t l Unit 8: Dilemmas br ? l, it imроrtапt to рlап how уоч spend уоur mопеу? br Во уOч think people spend morе mOпеу if they чsе а credit саrd than if they use cash? Watch video Вс and tick (/ ) the correct answers. Watch video Ва. Match 1­5 with а* е to make sentences. 1 ý 2 f] З! 1 е br ь Jessie talks about 2 З 4 5 peoole, Dave speaKs [ о, а ! сП being spontaneous with mопеу. Co] in being happy with the money you have, ­, tne malority of Ь[ some а signlficant amount of thinks ­ mопеу affects people's spending habits. buying рrореrtу. а [ wasting mопеу. the size of Ь! с[ По уOu рrеfеr using cash 0r cards? greed of seeing your Gаrу ! ! с! а ь watch video Вь. underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 makes you feel better about what you buy nas а mоrе immediate effect оп people с fi Паvе and Caroline both mention ! Cotin and Gаrу agree that 5 ! Onty Gаrу mentions а planning is чеrу important. с d is ] ust mоrе interesting Ь! Саrоliпе talks about + Ь Саrоliпе thinks spending cash а ! ­­­­ between cards and cash. sees по difference tincs it difficult to choose sees а big difference Caroline has а slight l sfrолg рrеfеrепсе for cash. Dave рrеfеrs cash because this is rпоrе trad jtional l easier Jessie uses cash mасhiпеs l her рhопе а lot iп dealing Unit 9: Discoveries with mопеу. ).l colin thinks cards are mоrе есопоmiсаl l еаsiеr to use. Gary's story about the саfё shows he doesn't оrgапisе his cash чеrу well l like cash very much. Е( What advice wouI d you give mе if l had а bad cold? Watch video 9а. Match 1­4 with a­d to make sentences. 1 @ 2 ! Lynne recommends Stepn rесоmmегds Rtwyn recommends З! + [ Cntoe ,ecoTmends а not spreading infection, ь two kjnds of drinks, с not doing anything too demandlng. d covering yourself in something wаrm. br wПаt do уоч think has hееп the higgest Ьrеаkthrочgh iп medical science? h watch video 9ь. underlirie the соrrесt words to complete the sentences. 1 2 З 4 5 Ъm Lynne and Steph паmе technologyl mеdiсiпе. Alwyn names а result of research / mеdiсiпе. Claire talks about health problems which аrе the result of accidents / exist frоm birth. Claire be| ieves the пеw treatment is completely successful has аlmоst solved the рrоЬlеm. Chloe паmеs DNA sequencing because the result ofother breakthroughs. tI has led to l l was Vox рор video\ ll Е( What medical invention would уоч most ] ike to exist? Watch video 9с and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 Lynne names а method of _ the brain's information. а ! ЬЩ 2 с[ ! ! с! 5 universa well known fast­working Аiwуп thinks the invention will Ье based оп а П ! с[ Ь 4 nicing Steph names а treatment which would Ье а Ь З sharing keeping а luckyguess professional experience previous rеsеаrсh Сlаirе thinks the рrоЬlеm is that а f] Ь[ с[ _ cancer can't Ье cured there аrе mапу types of сапсеr inventions take а long tlme The tone of Chloe's answer is ! ! с! а Ь 1oKlng disappointed bitter Unit 10: Possibilities ,l l@( What wочld he уочr drеаm job? Watch video 10а and tick (/ ) the correct answers. 1 Alyssia bases her choice оп а fl financial rewards Ь@ 2 с! br Ь ! с! Ь tne opportunity to Ье famous designs weapons makes bombs safe Ь[ с! а Ь с d е fora longtrme until he retires tor а short period Ь! с[ nas по паmе has long worklng days involves organising events Тirг works w tn а П Ь! с! _. Ь! с[ d fferent ideas_ ,..' tE( с ls it ever too late to rпаkе а big change iп уоur life? watch video 10с, underline the correct words to teenagers only 1 2 rim wапts doing something practical undecided confused ­ гtе,l,t Dап disagrees l agrees with Alyssia. реорlе / kе each other епочgh about his future саrееr. l а з Lottie thinks that change is possible iп relationships her free time certain Alyss a's grandfather started lезiцлцglеlrg!звеý а foreign country. jоЬiп teenagers and young adults тоm is а ! had по idea at аl] of а f uture profess оп. wanted io find ob.lects frоm the past. complete the sentences. Eiizabett­ says he, рriоr ty rs deveioplng а successful business с! rea ises t is рrоЬаЬ у ioo iale to do th s. wanted to design buiiclngs а range of ages а ! Ь[ gave up оп ап idea because of the ifestyle. had ots of Lottie talks about а job which а [ Loit] e boiil Ь L] ] 0m fixes vehicles Dan wants to stay in the аrmу а! Watch video 10Ь, I Vlatch 1 б with a­f to make sentences. 1 ý AJyss а 2[ Dan З ! Alyssia and + !Tim 5 ! ЕJ zabeth ner сurrепt position lп the аrmу, Dan а[ WПrt did уоu drеаrп of Ьесоm!пg whеп уOu wеrе а child? to think l l if want the sаmе thiпg. dеfiпitеlу believesthal it is possible to make а change. 5 Elizabeth thinks that it is а question of mоtivаtiоп 6 Tom thinks that age is imроrtапt l чпimроrtапt, l сhапсе. Unit l @ш м lncred] b е. hOW? S Wei ,,, the WindoWS We saw а face, the face Of а young g r, She started t п the 1960s, Не says he was on а tl­a п ihat саmе off the tracks and crashed into The оthеr day l was walk ng down the street when ] saw Sam Cafter, you know, the famOuS f гп director, WaS real] y eХcited because he has Ьееп опе of mу favourite d rectorsforages апd ] watch hisf] lms а thetime,'What s he do] ng here?' м S thought to myse f, There was on у опе way to f nd out, Sam was go ng nto а саfё, but l stopped h m before he got nside апd said, 'Hi, Sam] ' Не sгп ed ] at mе and we started to ta k outslde, Мlе and sam carterl а rr,tеr 77 people d ed, bt] t he surv ved] stlJ see her quite с еаr у, 'Did you See LUcky, to _Jan се. We had печеr Ьееп tп th s build ng Ьеfоrе and Не did break h s аrm, though, Anpvay, the next felt а Ь t scared, but We Went ins ое to f nd the g r] , She уеаr he was f ying оп а Sma plane, Wh ch а SO crashed, The incredib е thing was that as it was was wearing sоrпе realiy old с othes, they wеrе d ty апd about to crash, one of the doors art cle SayS it had а fault and opened р апе surv vedI м That's amaz пg| frendJy guy. ] п the end, Sam nvted mе for а coffee. S wеrе making а пеw f m and they have ots of new faces п it, just ord паrу people, but they пееd sогпе гпоrе, l kпоw, Тhеп а few years later, he WaS п а bus асс cient, Тhеrе WaS heavy rain апd the bUS dr чеr ost сопtrо оп the wet roads anci crashed into а r Vеr, Не SLrrV Ved, а though four реор| е 'How about you?' Sam asked, 'Have you watched апу of drоwпеd, Тhеп he was iп а car that caught f rе f ms? Do you want to Ье п опе?' i was so shocked Wh е he WaS driv ng t оп the гпоtоrwау, Не ] dropped mу cup оп the floorl The hot coftee went ail over Sam; he screamed апd rап oL] tS de, l lost mу big chancel @па managed to get olt With seconds to spare before the fUe tank ехр Oded, м s^ t G е м But he was оК? S 0f course, And then the уеаr after, he had another саr crash. Не was dr ving оп а road Н] , there. Have you got flve minutes? GABR| EI LA Sure, what did you want t ] haven't Seen it, А trath оп, WoWl What for? lt sounds rеа у toughI t's not easy, yeah, swimm пg, сус ing, then t ruппiпg, G which of those s the most diff cult? F А of them| Еr, weren't you а good sw mmеr once? G Yeah, once. What аrе you looking at mе ke that for? t Do you th nk уоu cou] d coach mе? G dOn't knoW Whether | 've got enough time, Сап F G think about t and phone you later? No рrоЬеm, That'sgreat, | 'l] swm а lotfasterwth your he р, Who knows? You m ght winl @в а ot of functlons уоu ,1ust don't need, Do you М S М S М S S М understand what l mеап? But whatever саmеrа you buy, read the nsiluct ons careful у, \ ,4ake sure you know what уоur сагпеrа сап S dO, Have you got that? М S When you take а photo, the most mportant thing is the l ght, Basica ly, the mоrе ight. the betteг, so choose the right t me of the day and р асе, Do уоu get the dea? AlWayS rегпеmЬеr to keep sti , lf the саmеrа moves aboUt, yoU get а bad photo, Апоthеr thing to rеmеmЬеr s to take уоur t me, Опlу rеаl professlonals сап take gOOd photos n а hurrу, Sоrrу, you сап't take опе w th уоu, Haven't апу of the реорiе arrived? sarah sa d she d dn't do the hогпеwоrk, Claud а has Ьееп there, hasn't she? The shop mrght ореп again, We can't usе our phones hеr­^ , Chi dren гпustп't р| ау Ьа1 games, art cle at] out this guy ,, , Frапе ,, , Se ak, WhO'S that? He's а mап from Croatia ,,, They've caled h m the Uп Uckiest mап rп the wоr d, ] t ooks i ke he's had ап ncredjble i fe. fъ Of 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j But don't know whether he's uп ucky оr t cket he'd ечеr bought, Do you th пk it's truе, а] that? Сап а l these th ngs rеа] у hарреп tO опе реrSоп? don't know, don't th пk еVеrуопе Ье leves it, t Says there'S по record of апу рlапе crash л Croatia in the 1960s, V] mm, М S М So i don't know, What do you th nk? S Yeah, S We l, first he bought himse f М t's trtle BLlt who knows? а uxury r] оmе, that k пd of thing, But then he dec ded to sel it and g Ve гпоSi of the mопеу away to fr endS and fam ly ha ppr М ness, We l, t cou d g ve away ai Ье аl their irle then, Апуопе who wou d ottery winnings rnust Ье а real у good person, so they wouldn't make up story ike that, th nk that's qU te nspir ng, а Great, As 0пе ечелiпg some yeats ago, was thinking at] out what to do when rTy fr епd _] ап] се ohoned. ] апlсе her exams апd she tvas frее поw, she саmе rоuпс] and we dec deC to go for а wa k, We hadn't gone very far when we sav,i son] etn i] g vеrу unusua] ] nside the old building пеаr the market, YearS еаr ег the place burnt down, No опе kпеw how the fire had started, Ьut ечеr since then the piace had Ьееп empty, Апуwау, n опе of ong as We get а colrpl­^ Of days Of decent I dоп't mtnd, What do l пееd to take? The usual strtff. When get hогпе, text you the weather, ' М S ike pasta, That's the eas] est th пg to make_ Г пе, ln CaSe We ruп Out Of pasta, l'] take Sогпе tins and r се, Good dea, f you want, br ng some cards, We could play at night, '] do that prov ded l don't forget, TeXt mе tomorrow aS Sооп aS yoU get up, ОК, RеmеmЬеr to buy pepper spray because we might see bears, S f see а Ьеаr, l'l rUп а l the way hоmеl @вл MlKE lt's а beaut fU day| I UCY t's ovely, lsn't t? Why don't we go to the beach? М YеS, let'S do that, sha l we? М Wecoud drче lэut et'SWal(, We need theexercSe, We do, don't we? l'l get mу th ngs, L L М L М Last time you forgot уоur towei, didn't have t with mе, d d l, so Ьоrrоwеd уоurs, Anyway. et's go, ] That was great, wasn't t? ] feel real у huпgrу поw, lv] e too, Th s place ooks good, Yeah, we've Ьееп hеrе before, haven't we? lt does rеа ly good р zza, L That's right, Oh, l haven't got гпу wal et. You соu dn't end mе some mопеу, соu d you? F rst а towe, then уоUr Wal et, yOU пеVеr Temember М We l, wе'rе anyth ng. f r ends, аrеп't We? Let's go lпside, @в\ oL,eb,goood (lgпg, Do you th пk so? 2 А Your ha r is amaz пg| В 'mgadyou ket, З А You rеаi у managed to get @в а t ShoU d Ье good fUn un] eSS the Weather gets bad. В f nlshed Н , Sl via, Аrе you согпiпg саmр ng wth us? you sti l want mе to, sure, Lf i А Unit 2 becalse she had Ь ke, She'd пеvег Ьееп сl mЬ пg in hеr l fe. Неr husband's been worry ng alзout her_ The exped tion had Ьееп mу ldea at first, The TV people had Ьееп trying to пtеrчiеw h ln, 've made ] ust п case, You don't need to wоrrу about food though, l've packed enough provided you L What did he dO il/ ] t| r the Ottery гпопеу, Ьу the Way? He'S Ьееп told tO rest at home, Тm had Ьееп lеаrп ng to r de а ist М We i, t'S а fasc nat пg Story, SO l want to bel eve печеr gO there With them] What had they Ьееп doing оп the 1оurпеу? MAR| 0 SlLVlA М NO Wayl That'sWhat tSayS So ntheend, he'sdef nitey !cky, not uп uckyl Оr mауЬе а m х of both. Yeah, mауЬе, W We'd Ьееп SWiгпгпiпg п the Sea, The f sh пg had Ьееп fun and l wanted to try t aga п. 'm not sure what's Ьееп dec ded, @в S ехtrегпе у lucky. We , the story's not f nished yet, Apparent у ] n 20ОЗ, he WOn the Croatlan ottery, With the first се and l _Jan @ва the road, Yeah. WaS in а gOOd mood M| CHAEL What аrе you reading? *ý de because he thought that mопеу cou dn't buy l must go апd see her soon, The nurse Sa d l mUSt eat leSS bread, We've got tO have mоrе he р. @в м S S М @в SARAH Ап ho ding OntO а tree пеаr the That's just amaz пg, And ls that clear? Do you want mе to ехр а п апу of th s аgа] п? 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 В 9 10 n home, The place s поw а restaurant and аl our friends wonder why ] L] st Ьеfоrе t went over the edge. Не was fоuпd М Yоu don't need to get а very expensive camera, These have s the гпоuпtа nS and he had tO tUrn out of the way of а lоrrу coming п the other d rection_ So then h s саr v/ ent off the edge of the mоuпtаiп апd vlhen lt hit the bottom. t exploded, But Se ak rvas ОК lэecause rre'd managed to jump out to ta k to me about? Wel , l'm do ng а tr athloп пехt month, Didn't you rеаd mу post? No, doл'tth nk l everwantto trave wth th 1995, з:/ ,, Ot е'геd, dеsъеп, р,^ [ е tАВl0 l . Yeah, but that's поt а] ,,, Не got hit Ьу а bus iп / е/ : desert, he pfu , ident ty, sепs tive, s ept / r/ l des rе, prizes, rev se @в wow guу wh sреrеd sme t of smoke, 'i didn't get out,' she sa d, сrу ng aga п. 'i Не always looks So Ser oUS in photos, but he's а rеаllу mу that?' was too lateL'We looked at each Other and rап ali the Way the he WaS Sucked OUt, Не ianded safely but nobody оп the Тhел he told mе why he was iп town, Н s film соmрапу obv ously had been crying because there wеrе st l tears оп her face, t was gettlng dark Ьу then, but we cou d В Guess it's not Llad, 4 А ­'^ o| ­L" ,_,SI реrе В t'S not bad, s it? 5 А t's so tastyl В t'S alright, 6 А That was а ovely В ] 'm g] ad you ke ', present| t, it ] USt r] ght, Audioscripts\ J DB _ lt was а great ldea, wasn't t? You don't kпоw where Oxford Street s, do you? That's obv оus. sn't it? They just didn't understand, did they? Не hasn't finished unlversity yet, has he? : _ : a the coach was on the road again. Аftеr that, еvеryопе looked uр to me and ] real] sed thеrе was something l You've Ьееп thеrе Ьеfоrе. haven't you? She's forgotten а] abotrt it, hasn't she? She's поt go пg to аgrее ] s she? Эв Ало oгepo,a ,­l ,.gод lVlark, l'че been going through mу cupboards and l've found some old photos from school, Do you wапt to look at them? MARK Yeah, of course| could do well, When l left school, l set up mу оwп саr repair bUSineSS апd поw i'm doing really Wel| . @в d ronth ago has Ьееп found safe, Al с а Lone, who works as an ass stant chef, was expected hоmе shortly after 9 рm. Неr fam ly wеrе not iп tialy сопсеrпеd, as she had rесепtlу got involved with а sports с L] t] апd оftеп went there after work, before rеturп ng home, BUt When Sne st l hadn t rеtлгпеd Ьу early next гпоrп пg, they Contacted the ро се, Неrе'S Michael SапdегSоп V/ th the fU] repOrt, МАRlАNА Have you heard of thls writег Dan jel Ка dеr? LOUI S Yes, l read Sfrалgе I eiescopes some time ago. seemed а compiete mystery Ро ice kпечл she had left work Ьу car after hеr sh ft f] nished at 8;15 рm, but after that, there wеrе по S] gnS Of hеr at а l, BUt ast SatUrday, the mystery was so] veo ­ Lопе was fоuпd а ive ] ns de hеr сат, uпdеt оvеr а it metre of snow, whеrе she had rгапаgеd to survive for 15 days, Pol се say there was по рrоЬ еm w th her саr апd that it sеегпs she got into lrcub е when she dec ded because of the heavy snolv, to take а d fferent route, But she dldn't get vеrу far , her саr was found two k ] оmеtrеs frоm the main road, Ро ice say she stopped soon afier turп ng because the road was so bad, but was unable to turn back, She thеп Speлt а night п the car expecting to Ье аЬ] е to get hогiе the пехt с] ау, b] t the sпоW got heavier апd her саr got totai у stuck Еаr iеr, Spoke to Polrce Sеrgеапt Grапgеr whc gave us further deta ls, ottlсЕR We'Ve on у beeI l аЬ е to speak very briefly to Lone at the hoSp ta] So We cjOn't knOW the fUii Story yet, BUt it Seems She tL] rneci Up that POtlcE road to try and avold sогпе of the sпоw 0n the гпа road, but obv ous у She d dn't get a.ywhere апd п became SI UCk. Vеrу fetv cars trave around th s аrеа during th s winter per od uп ess there's sоmе special rеаsоп, so she wasn't аЬ е to tet апуопе's attention to ask fоr help So поЬоdу saw her uпt yesterday, when а road mаiпtепапсе crew Weпt up there to check оп the State of the [ Oacl апd Sa\ ,V the car under а ] the snow. Whеп they folrnd her. She WaS basicai] y asleep, We cou d see she'(] lэееп eating n the car, that she had had sot­ne food in there, and she'd aI so Ьееп dr nk] ng гпе| tеd SnoW, But tt's incredib е that she was аь е to survive w] th R So litt] e, rea] ] y, D d they give you апу dea at the hospital how she surч ved? Р0 Wel] when she was found, hеr body tегпреrаturе l agree. Каldеr has got this abilrty to make а L Statement but гпаkе you iaugh at the Same time. lt rea| ly iS outstanding, l jUSt WiSh l had some М Каldеr is successfu] because he's Spent SO mапу years imрrочiпg his sфlе, That kind of hаrd work is eХcept] ona] . [ М They th nk so, yes ­ she's going to make а ful recovery, She has а few prob еrпs поw Ьut she shou d get over them f ne, SO, rt'S а story with а happy епd пg, lOftUnate у, We' l give yOl] гrlоrе news оп Lопе's cond t оп aS SOOп aS We get t, Unit 3 @ц Whел was at SChOO, l didn't th пk ] WaS gocd at anything, The оthеr k ds picked th ngs Up reaily ql ck у, but d] dn't апd ечеrуопе Jooked dOWn ол п.lе aS Sоп] е I kind of loser, The спlу th] ng that interested Jne was саrs and l Spent ages п the gаrаgе With гiу гпUгп'S о d саr Jooking into how it worked, ] V] y mUп­l WaSn't пtо carS М Т М Т М Т М Т М Т Т @в backwards in 16.5 seconds, Samantha is only 17, but she has already Ьеаtеп al] the best runners in the world, She Started retro­running ­ running backwards ­ when she was 14 as а bit of fun, but soon she was wlппlпg lots of competitions and now she ls the best in the world. we spoke to the new world­record holder. 'lt'S amazing] l'Ve Ьееп training since JanUary for thiS М Т М Т м Т has contacted гпе yet, Sorry ,.. l'm Sti] l чеrу еmоtiопа| , Excuse mе ,,,' We could see she had Ьееп crying, м Т @в Everyone thinks that professional sportspeople get paid а lot of mопеу to compete, but this ls not always true. The top athletes in smalier spoПs like handball, mountain ruппiпg and Women'S cricket don't еаrп much mопеу. Such sports are vеrу compet] tive and М Т м Т М the athletes train hard, but еVеп if they rерrеSепt their country, they оftеп can't make а living from Т their Sport. Unfortunate] y, Victory in championships and new world records чеrу ofien don'i mеап mопеу, М especla lу if the sport lsn't popular оп TV But ппауЬе thls doesn't matter if the athletes enjoy What they do and spectators are happy tO Watch them per­form and cheer fоr them, iVJoney isn't everything, after all, ELENA l know you llke athletics, but do you ечеr take part in Competrtions? in fact l'm going to compete in Е D the national championships next weekend, So you're almost а professional athlete then? Not really, it's hardiy а profession but l do а lot of tralning and l'm hoping for а good реrfоrmапсе. Е There'] l Ье а lot of strong competitors ancl ] 'l] have to регfоrm rеаllу well оп the day. so victory might Ье yours then and we'lI welcome the victortous сhаmрlоп home? D Don't laugh, I might win! @в 1 game 2 beach З ferry 4 simpJe 5 girl came peach vеrу symbol сurl 6 7 8 9 10 save safe pie buy pick pig pack back have а have to Yeah. I wonder what happened to her. РrоЬаЬiу became ап economist ог Someth] ng, Yeah, l reckon, Апуwау, l bet she's reaily successfu , oh, and hеrе's one with you in it, Yeah, but WhO'S that W] th mе? don't recognise her That's Julla, Don't уоu rеmеmЬеr her? oh yeah, Julia, of course. She WaS really talented at sports, wasn't she? Yeah, tennis especlally, l think, Well, l haven't seen her for years anyway. No. l know that she l] ves rn l\ / adrid now. ReaJly? Yeah, she's Ьееп living there а while, what she's doing there though. ] don't knOW ] didn't like her mUch, to Ье honest, She WaS always а bit too ,,, competitive. Yeah, l know what you mеап. She wasn't exactly mу favourite person either, We both represented the school at athletics, but She WaS a] Ways So arrogant, Like she thought she was better than us. Апd she was always going on abOUt tennis! 1 wouidn't say she was arrogant, to Ье honest, Just too competitive for mеl Нmm, look at this опе. lt's гпе, you, and Mr Eclwards. The best teacher еVеr] Нmm, l'm not sure about that, Соmе onl l thought he was exceptional, Не was the опlу опе that made гпе rеаllу feel I had апу ability, You know What l WaS l] ke at school, But he really and l've tried three t] mes to get this world rесоrd, but today was the day. l don't ечеп have а trаiпеr l've ьееп looking for опе for the past few years, but по опе Samantha then rап away ­ forwards ­ with tears ruппiпg down her cheeks. опе do you remember her? I Иаrtiпа? oh yes, N4artina ,.. l do, She WaS bri| liant at maths, and all those kinds of sublects, Wasn't She? whatever she's doing. Не is very skiiled at what he does, so good luck to D| MA Sometimes ­ Р0 Т him. Samantha HiJl has just broken а пеw world record| Yesterday iп ] V] anchester she rап 1ОО metres Right, well, here they аrе. Тhеrе аrе quite а loi ,,, Look at th] s М М ] ke some animals do ] п w пtеr, She couldn't speak оr Wa k When We fOUnd hеr. So the dociorS Say hег body bas] cal у Went to S еер, So She didn't need much food оr water, But she was sute ucky, Апd do they th nk she's go ng to Ье ОК? Т Тruе. l don't think mапу peopie have heard of Kalder yet, but he has the potential to Ье а rеаilу well­known writer. @в R serious talent for Writing, COld Weather her body ] !St k лс] Of Wелt t0 S ее] ] , WaS Very oW and they think that trecaUSe Of the R lt'S а brilliant book, М REPORTER Whеп A] icia Lопе went m ssing ast month, ТlNА run out of petro] , but the drjver told us there was ап l гп not оп the tеагп, агп i? ANNOUNCER @в trip, We set otf Ьу coach and wеге gоiпg down the road when the coach Suddenly Stopped, l thought we had engine problem and he WOUld have to cal] the garage. l went to see for myself and quickly figured out what to doj l ] USt needed to put back а саЬlе, After tеп minutes, They Wi l Ье abie to do it, vlon't they? З : , at all though and she was tired of mе going оп about them all the time, Anyrniay, one day there was а school Т М Т М seemed to be] ieve iп mе. We] , l suppose what ] liked out пеw things, But anyway WaS that he , ,. have а made us try ook at this опе. oh, that'S Sarah. Yeah, Didn't you fa] l out with her once? At а party or somethi ng? on П,4оrе than once, think, We didn't get in fact, nobody at school got оп with her, jght, let's move оп qulckly R thenl Here, look ­ it's оUr WhoJe c] aSS, after а French lesson, lSn't lt? Yeah, look, there's the Frепсh teacher. ] \ ,4rs Тауlоr, Yер. That classroom doesn't bring back too mапу happy memories, I have to say, BUt you have а taient for languages. YоU Speak Гrепсh really well поw, and Spanish, Yeah, but the lessons at school Weren't for mе, l'd say that Mrs Taylor was skrlled at teaching grammar, but We never did апу kind of speaking practice, did We? l can опlу actually speak Frепсh because | 've Ьееп to Frапсе so often, and spoken to rеаl Frепсh people, l\ 4mm, Ah well, here's the ] ast опе, А SChoO| Tip, but I don't know where we wеrе. No, го. do l, ­| ­at_us­ ooks lite а tie,o ,г ihе m dole of nowherel l used to iove the schoo] irips, though, Yeah, they were fun. And sometimes we еvеп learned Sогпеthiпg] Sometimes, yeah. BUt most of the time it was just good to get out of schooI fоr а day| Unit 4 @ш Richard lvlorgan I ives оп а boat оп а сапаl in London, Hls life used to Ье very different а few months ago, R] chard | eft university in 2005 and got а great job lп а law firm. lt was lnteresting and we] paid, but а very hard 1оЬ. Richard used to work 12 to 14 hours а day and sometimes he would s] eep at the otfice because it was so late, R] chard rea] ised that this k] nd of i] fe was k lling him, 'l was used to spending аll mу tlme at work, it was поrmаl for rпе, that WaS the frighten] ng th] ng,' Richard says. 0п sundays Richard wou] d go for а walk down the сапаl and he always enloyed this. so опе day, whеп he had had enough, he decided to сhапgе his life coiTpleteJy. т $* ­ffi ш R Не gave up his job, bought а boat and said goodbye to his stressful llfe as а Jаwуеr, 'lt was а big contrast, ] still haven't goi used to the ducks waking mе up, but it's а great Jife,' he says. 'l\ 4y family and fr] ends wеrе shocked at first, but поw they аrе used to visiting mе оп my boat and they know l'm happy.' S КАТЕ W Not yet. lt'S not So Straightlorward to become а fireflghter. First, there's this arduOUS tra] ning schedu] e and then а tricky wr tten test to do at the end, Wel1, you do like а challengel lt sounds like а vеrу demand пg ] оЬ 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 9 Umbrella R S R рu lover useless sugаr result R L MARK enthusiasm know. Some thlngs аrе lmprov ng. Like what? Teachers don't know what thev аrе doing. L | 'm not sure about that. They work very hard. м YeS, but they need more training. L МауЬе you're right, but teachers are not the real problem. м True L MI [ М ­ kids just don't want to study. Really, do you think so? l do. They spend far too mucl, time messing aboui оп compUterS. ] know What you гпеап, but оп the other hand technology iS So central. Напg оп, Sотпеопе'S teХtng п] е,,. @щ 1 А В А В А lt was ап absolutely terrible hotel! I never want to go there again. 0h, В l rеаJlу didn't l] ke that film. lt was so boring| 0h, l don't know. lt wasn't that boring. l ] oved that restaurant. The mепu was really В А В Oh, l don't know. lt wasn't that origina . Have you seen that пеw shop? lt looks great] Oh, l don't know, lt doesn't look that great, l thought the meeting today was far too lопg. Oh, don't know, ] t wasn't that long, @в REPORTER 'm here оп the grounds of the University of South Nоrwооd, оп а day that mапу of the students here will rеmеmЬеr for а long time gradUation day, l took the chance to Speak to ­ 5оmе of thегп today about thiS ­ R L R J ОК, so l'm here with Carl, How аrе you feeI ing Pretty happy! lt's not Ьееп easy, l had to work rеаilу hard this summer, а lot of revision, а lot of R С it worth it? oh, yeah, definitely, feel great today, Al1 the hard Work paid off, J SUppose, lt's rеаliу Ьееп а struggle at times ­ | 'm а ful] lime student, оr l was, but l а so had to work in а restaurant for 20 i hours а week to support my studies. So it was а R С R challenge sometimes. But today, Ье ng hеrе with mу family and getting mу diploma ­ it's great, and i's why l put а l | ral effort in, Great, we] l, congratu| ations| Thank you, So, Samantha, аrе you happy today? SAMANTHA Of соursе| lt nTeans ] 've flnished university now and l сап go апd find а ] оЬ| aj,f­ ?tr fallen out ­ and we wi 1 Ье walking about in Space SUitS, Special tablets will have replaced food and drink, so we pretty good. Yоu'rе поt happy that уоu'rе graduating today? Yeah, i аm happy. BUt l'm а bit d] Sappolnted as we] l. l didn't get the grade J was hoping for, so today, wel | 'm happy, Llut l'm a] so а little b] t .., Sad, l SUppoSe, Sоrrу to hear that. Do you Want to tel] us what went Wrong? l don't know rеаllу, lп my last Мо eХams, l jUSt effect оп my реrlоrmапсе ] п those two exams. ] hope you enjoy your day despite your Weli, ppointment, d isa time at university? think| lt'S Ьееп а pretty punishing t] me, AS yOU сап probably tell, ] 'm а blt older than most of the Students graduating today, l was 40 when ] vainly being tlred, l а SO Why l Wanted to do rt, And what's the future fоr you поw? Have you found а job yet? Well, already had а job ­ l never gave it up, But hopefully, having а dеgrее wlI | open up а few mоrе opportunities for mе at work, was а bit stuck before, l think. Thanks, and best of lUck, Thanks_ KATY HaVe you read this cle, Josh? lt SayS there'S а good chance our generation will live to Ье 150 a11 yearS oldI JOSH Who J К J К ev dence is there? Advances п medlclne wiil cefiain у Ье а factor, and MAGDA You kпоw, l'm seriously thinking of taking this job in Paris, ROМАN No Wonder] Опе good th ng about it М R М R М R М А В А В А В А в А В А lnteresting, ] 'm surе there'll ечеп Ье а specJal О ympics fоr реорlе over 100! Yеs, it's bound to hарреп, so start training| think athLetic breath Earth ength month 7 8 9 10 1 12 1 the breathing clothes ТrUе, but the trouble with that is mоrе pressure and stress. А blg dlsadvantage of the position l've been offered is that ] 'll have too much to do. Соmе on, опе of the best thlngs about you is how you respond to а cha] lenge. l suppose so .,, Another рrоЬ] еm with this job offer is that l'] l need to imрrоvе mу Frепсh ­ and fast| No need to Wоrrу about that either. The advantage of living and working iп а foreign соuпtrу is that you lеаrп the anguage quick] y, You have ап answer to every4hing! The опI у drawback of the 1оЬ l can see is the size of the соmрапу, Do you rеаllу want to WOrk in а соmрапу that b] g? lf they рау гпе enough mопеу, yes! How about eating out tonight for а change? lt's ап ldea, l suppose, Where shall we go? There's а new Thai р асе which has just opened. Мm, l don't know about that, ] 'm not so keen оп spicy food. Wel] , there's the ] talian ] ust up the hill, That might Ье worth а try and ] t'S not fаr, Let's wa] k there, it's а lovely day, yes, that makes sense, l need the exercrsel We couid invite AmeLia and Rob, too. That'S not а bad idea, They'd need to drive there, though, Then they could give us а lift if we feei too lazy to walk back, That'S а possibility, a| though We mlght have to invite them in for а coffee or something. So J've got ап eXcUSe to make one of your favourite lеmоп cakes В That's а great idea] Yоu haven't made опе for ages, 1 The troub] e is it could take @в З 4 5 The article says that we may wel Ье аЬlе to work unti] that age. There's а good chance that mach] nes will do ail the hard work, like washing and с] еапiпg, so that we do easier tasks, 1ike making phone cal| s, iS the higher salary. lt's basically а promotion. @в life easier. Г пе, but i doubt if mапу реор| е will want to live that at ieast it won't have @в 2 Jong, lt's unlikely that it'll Ье much fun to Ье 150, green restaurants, YeS, life Will have changed qu te а lot. реорlе won't die frогл а] l SodS of diSeaSeS согпmоп today, Also, technology will probably mаkе everyday @в 1 2 З 4 5 6 knows, what it says may Ье true, But what have turned Welcon] e to 2049, and the future we wiLl have created. В @в ] WOn't Ье cooking at а] l апd We WOn't Ье eating out at А Unit 5 time speni lп the library or lп my rооm with а р1 е of books in front of mе, lt was all pretty gruelling real| y. Was aS поrmаl. Adu] b wil] Ье going to Wоrk every гпоrпiпg. feeli ng? really stretched mе, rеа lу chai enged mе, But that's К 2045. Zeus dlfferent, though. Because of the d] fferent atmosphe[ e, ever gone to UniversiЦ nobody iп mу family, So that R J it exploded in ] ve and some th ngs will go оп our hair wi l decided to go to univers] ty, None of гпу friends had R to Children will Ье studying at school and old реорlе wlil Ье complaining about almost ечефhiпg. I vапу things W] ] l Ье R you could mауЬе today? eveMhing from Earlh before Won't Ье а bad place ОК, so we're go пg to Speak to Luke, How аrе you Thanks. So, Jane, how are you feeling right now? JANE l fee] great] And relieved] lt means l сап relax а bit, What kinds of thlngs wJll you remember about уоur calJ it а 1ife­chang ng day, CARL Enloy your day, Giant space ships wil have transpolred ечеryопе and ThankS, seriously ill оп the day of the exam itself, the universlty dOeSn't take things ] ike that lnto account. I don't th] nk it's right because it probably had ап J l don't kпоw. lt wasn't that bad, оr gjnal, А you're forced to rеаl у, bad cold in the week before those last two exams, so ] think that affected me а blt, Bui unless you're cOuntry. М it mу flnal grade for my Whole degree. l had а rea ly EdUcation is getting worse and worse in thls L| LY 0h, l don't а ways did quite didn't get very good marks, and that influenced influential suрреr @ц J there'S no choice, LUKE ОК, l suppose, Yeah, L attitude Eadh because pollution and wаrs will have destroyed the о d p] anet, lnstead, planet Zeus will Ье our home, in the end, you 1ust do R @вв Let'S trave] to the уеаr 2049| We won't Ье iving оп but it's never Ьееп а Struggle, l found most parts of ] t wasn't а blg рrоЬJеm rеаilу. The опlу thing Was that l had to do rTy last three exams in two days ­ that Was quite demanding, But lt'S rеаllу tough, much harder than к @вп Well, yeah, l suppose, lt's been Ticky sometimes, weJl lп mу exams, so So what's it l] ke to Ье а firefighter, William? thought. The training iS very rigorous and the instructorS really stretch us. But you've finished аl1 the tralning? lot of work for you to get through, my coUrse qu te straightforward, @ц WltLlAM so how has lt Ьееп? lt must have Ьееп а 6 7 8 а опg t] гпе to get the mопеу. The good thing about it iS Wе'rе not far away from the сепtrе, The problem is реорlе are statling to talk about her. The advantage is the price isn't very high. The drawback is по опе rеаlI у knows what's gоrпg to hарреп. The advantage ] s we сап see а ] ot mоrе of each other. The troub е is l'm not sure l've got time to help him, А def] nite disadvantage is it means se] llng the саr. @в ANDREW What's that you're reading оп the nternet, Frап? tRАN either leather though А F lt's just а news story, lt's about а supermarket cha] n. lt has most of the products that а normal supermarket has, but it doesn't se l anythlng with packaging ­ so nothlng'S sealed in p] astic, not fruit, not vegetables, not еvеп meat оr eggs, Really? How does that work? Well, you just take along your own bags, оr boxes, or whatever, Audioscripts\ А F oh, Н See ,,, lsn't that а Ь t согпрl Catec] ? 0r you сап actua iy get bags thеrе, But then you bring them back and use them again апd agaln. А ] water pouring down the Falls, mlllions of lltres every minute. { f you want to admire the view, press the red bution to Stop the guide, and then the blue button to Wel] , when l do the shopping l ] USt Want to get everyth ng dопе qulckly don't want to have to Wоrrу aboUt Ьr nging mу own boxes оr pack ng continue апd go on I istening, lt's amazing to think that the Гаlls have Ьееп here for 10,000 years, Basically, lсе melting into the Niagara river made it powerfui enough to cut а huge piece out of the rock, l\ lоrе about th ngs rпуSе] f, F А BUt it'S mUch mоrе епVirопгпепtа] lу frrend] y] Sure, ] 1гпаgrпе t ls, but l m too busy for that kind of thlng, And anyway, F J а| rеаdу do quite а ot. 'гл aware that We have to think about g оЬа tчаrmiпg, so l don't use the саr too гпuсh, l throw itter п the Ь п, l turп the tap off when 'm brushing п] у teeth that k nd of th] ng, thiS lаtеr. Back to today, m llions of tOUrists соmе to visit the Falls each year Having so mапу visitors ls great, i rеа ly don't think that tak пg Sогпе eХtra bags to the SUpermarket S going tO take you that mUCh @в but аll the activity caUSeS а Jot of damage, So We ате trying to protect the Fаl] s as much as posslble, So,.. time] .] ust think of al] the dагпаgе that'S CaUSed Ьу producing t prol] utes the Earth's р astic packaging atmosphere and that'S the k nd of th ng that caUSeS c] imate change, Weli .. But it's not ] USt that it has а Ь g mpaСt in gепеrа А F , А ot of расkаg] пg ends up in the Sea, ] n r VerS l know You're probab у rlght, l suppose l'm А А F А F А t А t А F А F . probablylusta btlazy. F А F ,. Wel , ] know ] t'S not easy, But there are ots Of tn пgS thlnk we could all do to reduce оUr саrЬоп fOotpriпt ,., L] ke What? Never using the саr, Not easy, l knOW, but there'S а difference Ьеhлееп 'not easy' апd 'imposs Ь е', Or we cou d а| ] Ьесоmе Vegeta| ал, Does that help the env rопmепt? Yes. because producing гпеаt actua ly uses а ot of епеrgу and water, much more thап prodUC пg i No, that's mу point. We could al do п,] оrе, but u/ e don't, We ,1ust taJk abOUt What We SnoU d с] о, РеrSопа] у, l thrnk there'S а сhапсе that techno оgу Wi] SaVe US, YоU knOW, lf we'reabletocome lpwth technOlogy that doesn't hаrгп the епч rопmелt, ike е есtr с саrS, factor eS that don't ро] Ute the а r, rea] у eff] c ent machines that don't USe mUCh епеrgу ,.. Yeah, there's always that hope, but ] th] nk we'i have destroyed the р anet Ьеfоrе ,l,re гпапаgе to соmе up w th smart enough technology, suppose We'l] S­^ e, l'гп nct aS реSS] гпiSt с aS ­ if we с] оп't Start to cleal l Ье Н , l\ 4ax, glad to see you, How's уоur summer? Boringl I 'm ook ng forwaгd to gоiпg back to соl ege. Sitt ng iп frопt of the computer not гпу idea Of а hol] day, al dav S Why don't you go somewhere to have а break? I th] nk it'S rеа] у ] гпроrtапt tO get away f] ,опl everyth пg опсе п а Whi е, Trave l пg rS а WaSte of t mе. rеmеmЬеr visit пg М Crete is the largest island iп Greece. The tгаiп terminal is а short walk from the airport. cOUrse iS complete. No expensive extras have to Ье bought, But don't ] isten to us, listen to оur customers: 'l was promoted back in Jапuаrу, but l needed to improve mу English. This course had Ьееп В 5 А В 6 А В 'or ап overseas oosT апd | 'т ioping increased,'(Jackie Lee, З2) 'l have Ьееп given а completely пеw direction in llfe А В D А В nterested in Wa k ng arOUnd in crOWdS of tcUr that but ook, stop Ье пg so А В StS, Sorry tO hear negative, You obvioUS] y l] ke art. thats Why уо! Wеrе п the LOUVre, So Why not dO Someth пg connected Wth that? ] сап See yOU dO пg SOгnething creat Vе, 've tried ра ntrng and l wasn't too bad at it, А might not speak it at alI . What about the opposite? Тhеrе has Ьееп а rеv] vа] in the Celtic I anguage of Cornish, 1 2 З 4 5 6 / language is а massive factor, The effect goes beyond just I anguage. What do you mеап? Do you mind if l ask not at аl] . Go right ahead, l hope you don't mlпd my asking, but j WaS wondering if you wouldn't mind writrng а few words for the club website? Wе'rе trуiпg tO get members' and l'm happy to heI p, JUSt telI mе what kind of thing уоu'rе looking at, Suреr, I reaJly appreciate lt. all it's по troub е at l'm not sure реорJе watch as much television as they used to, she's also the author of а collection of children's books, There аrе several causes of damage to our fragiie environment, l печеr got to know her niece чеrу weli, though. The report suggests taking а fresh look at the health System, lt's ап adventure story which starts with the mаiп character in prison, There was а ] ot of сопfus] оп and emlэarrassment When l put the question. 8 do appreciate how urgent thls matter 9 А Thanks anyway for checking, | has Ьесоmе. В Jt's а рlеаsurе. occasionally, l have а dessert after dinner as а treat, @rЦ PRESENTER Hello, апd we] come to this wееkЪ travel podcast, As you know, we поrmаllу like to invite listeners in to ta] k about faraway places they've visited, but this week it's almost the opposite ­ we're talking about 'staycations', lf you don't kпоw what they аrе, we] , the word 'Staycation' iS а combination Of 'Stay' and 'vacation', and it'S basically а holiday that you have п your оWп hогпе, or at least Staylng at your own home at night. Why do that? Well, for economic reasons, to avoid the stress of travelling, to ехрlоrе уоur locaJ аrеа and еvеп to еп] оу уоuг own house а l] ttle, NoW, we've got three реор] е to ta] k to uS about therr Staycations, So I et'S Speak first to l\ ,4ike and hеаr about his ,,. well, l won't say trip because you didn't go апуrruhеrе, MlKE No, l didn't| Р But te] l us about it anywayl Р Yes, wel] , l had а fоuг­dау staycation last week. l took Friday апd Monday otf work ­ mу wife dld too ­ so we had four days in all. And what did you do? М М But what causes anguage loss? Basicaily, competitlon with bigger languages, The iпсrеаsе iп English as а major international SUre, let'S gO. @вq Because the survival of languages means the preservation of cultures, too, Аrе there mапу languages belng lost? Belorussian, the | anguage in Belarus, hasn't died out, but it is in decline and future generations l'm realiy sоrrу to ask you this, but could you give me а lift home? lt sounds good М Рrоfеssоц Why iS it important to keep ] anguages languages ail the t] me, Сап yoU give апу eХamples? No, not at a| i, What is it? Greatl l don't know hOW to thank you, Oh, don't worry about it, Do you mind if l ask you to get mу coat? No problem, where is lt? proflles оп there. D alive? You can See the disappearance of smal] er youwouldn'tmind helping DЕRЕК No, М hours. А В l WaSwonderingif mе wiih something? you something? What are you waiting for? Send us ап emaiJ апd you will Ье contacted Ьу our customer саrе team lп 24 В What'S that? MAR| ON Good to see you, Derekl and 1о considerecl my sala.y wi'l Ье l hope you don't mind my asking but аrе you around th s weekend? Yes, I аm, Doyou need а favour? Hi, Rosie, Тhеrе'sап dea l'd iketo ruп pastyou, @в rесоmmепdеd to mе Ьу а colleague, so l bought it the results wеrе amazing| Now l am being Paris ast spring, tr ed to see the N4опа Llsa iп the Louvre, but there Wеrе SO гпапу реор cOU dn't еVеп get п the rооm, wh ch was 1ust as weJJ as l'd forgotten tO take гпу сагпеrа, Anyway. ] 'm поt е Н The high] ight of the trip was рrоЬаЬ] у the mus с festiVal. USed Ьу thousands of реор] е Studying 25 different languages in the comfort of their own hогпеs. I t's so simple. Ali the work is done online and the А HELEN М lVly holiday iп Rome was quite ап experience, В 4 А @в @ц Н l\ ilost of the paintings соmе frоm private collections. В З А Goodbye! Adiosl Poka| Ciao1 Unit 6 МАХ е f We had some sup,erb meals iп ап excellent local resta u rant. В 2 А all очеr the world. l'm so glacj l was persuadecJ to sign Up.' (lvаЬеl Smith, 89), yOLr, with the рrоЬlеm, then реор е оп this р anet w paying for t for а ong t me. а That SoUndS depressing] y true, 1 А Ьу thrs course. Now l сап соmmuп] саtе with реорlе though, We] l, опе thing's for sure @в Speak any I anguage lп З0 days| That'S right, With our пеw computer course, апу language сап Ье lеаrпt effortlessly and perfectly, ThiS is made possib| e Ьу ап amazing рiесе of software which today ls being Well, l guess that couI d Ье а good rеаsоп tc cJt down оп гпеаt, BUt dO yOL_] really tn пk реор е аrе going to Ье happy tO change their festyles ke thiS? 1 пumЬеr of features delegates will appreciate. Whether уоu'rе outside rеlахiпg оп the terrace admir пg the views over youT coffee, оr inside iп the lоЬЬу Ьаr, you'1I feel completely at home. @в vegeta bI es, Does it? Oh, ] 'd по ] dea, it takes up mоrе space, too, ] \ 4оrе land, mеап, to fаrm аJ those Ь g cows ,., the city сепtrе and minUteS from the trai| s going up into the wessex hills_ lt's ап ideal сопfеrепсе чепuе with а Ь с d WelJ, опJу taking pUt] ] с transport, for ехаmр е. And The Grovepark hotel is ] ocated in а регfесt setting on the outskirts of Casterbridge just half ап hоUr away from сап a] so mеап а deterioration lп local customs, @в Welcome to Niagara Гаlls| This is your реrsопаl audio guidebook, RеmеmЬеr to turn the volume uр quite high because it's pretty norsy here, You сап hear the Why? WeI l, gJobalisation А @ц Wel , l suppose t sounds ike а good dea, BL_rt don't think l'l Ье going to а supermarket like that Ьу choice. F А В There you are, you mау go оп to Ье in the Louvre уоu rself] We] l, we'd done quite а bit of рlаппiпg. So we knew there WaS а cOnCert We Wantecl to go to оп the Saturday n] ght, and а photo exhilэition as wel| , We also took а day trip to the coast and Spent the day р М Ьу the Sea, sounds nice lt was. BUt actually those аrе the things we'd do an)ryVay, at the Weekend. l think it WaS the little things We did difГerently that made the eХperience ] nteresting. So, every mоrпiпg, we had а big breakfast together, ] ke iп а hoteL. Nоrгпаllу, We lUSt eat а bowl of cereal, generally not at the sагле time, but this tlme we prepared fresh fruit, had yoghurt, р М somethlng hot like mushrooms, that kind ofthing, lt WaS great to Sit together and really enjoy it. ок. And also we had made Sогпе rules. No TV. No lnternet, No checking emails, So we did different We read а lot, We listened to mUSiC, l ечеп th jngs ­ Р did sогпе painting, and mу wifе wrote sогпе poetry. Oh, wow. ОК, поw et's talk to оur second guest. Samantha, tel US about your Staycation, SAMANTHA Well, l Wanted it to Ье active, ] ike ап activity holiday, So l рlаппеd ever} thing arOUnd 1 tried to do soгnething act] ve every day, that idea, Р S So опе day l Went rUnning iп the countryside, апоthеr day l went cycling, then l went fоr а walk, SoUnds t] r] ng. lt was, and actually on the last day, l gave up and Stayed at hоmе and sleptl The other th] ng l did WaS to treat myself to а takeaway every other day, felt l'd earned it with а] l that physical activityl We] l, thanks, Now, final у, let's hear frоm Louise. What did you get Up to? LOU| SE Well, mу ехреriепсе was mоrе of а challenge because, unl ke the other hшo, ] 've got Р Р L l two kids to entertain! Rjght, so what did you do to keep them occupied? Well, а bit ] ike the others, l tried to flnd ап activity every day. So we had а trlp to the ZoO, going to See а football match, going oUt for lUnCh to а restaUrant, cooking all together at hогпе, going to а concert, i tred to have the same rulе as lv] ike по Tv оr lnternet ­ but that was too hагd with k] ds. They couldn't understand Why We'd Want to change. BUt overall, it Wепt qu] te We] l. l think it felt different for the klds, compared to jUSt Staying Р L Р S Р М outside ma] or residential areas and nearly everything, such as the kids' schools оr the supermarket, wou] d Ье а drive away. Let'S hope you get оп well With the ] оса] residents because you'l1 Ье Seeing а ] ot of them, the same faces in the same places, Of course, with all that fresh аir, the quality of life mUSt Ье better, but at the same time you'll miss a] l the sights and sounds of the big city. it makes you th] nk, doesn't it? So rоJldоwп your wjndow, Ьrеаthе in that air ро lutjon and Ье grateful for urban development. @в Upton АЬЬеу, the best drama series Brltish TV has to offer, returns to your Screens оп Мопdау evening with the very first episode of season five. tоr those of you who don't knOW the background to Upton АЬЬеу, most of the episodes are shot in the UK, at the origina Upton АЬЬеу, and ail of that Unique atmosphere Of 19205 England iS captured on sсrееп with а cast of household names and а script written Ьу the famous author, Вепjаmiп Stokes, However, there is а rеаl ] nternational audience fоr Upton АЬЬеу these days, as it is broadcast in so mапу countries and the first season was released оп DvD in Mongolia recently, Some of the scenes Wеrе cut Ьу the edltor because the cultura rеfеrепсеs wеrе d] fficult to Understand, So оп Monday, When the SoUnd of that fагпiliаr Soundtrack comes оп, make sure you're 1п front of the Tv to watch the best drama we have to offer. @в Аппе Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VlI l. She was executed lп 15Зб to make way for Henry's пеw ] ove, Jane Sеуmоur, Аппе obviousLy didn't take this too Well and Anne'S ghost, Perhaps the most famous incident was at the Tower of London, where рооr Аппе WaS executed. lп 1В64, а soldier saw Аппе and shouted at hеr to stop, Аппе d] dn't and so the so dier walked right through her, the holiday to оur llsteners. So flrst, Louise, l'd give it Seven OUt of ten. lt'S not easy With kids, 2 З do ng sроrt every single dayl оК, and lV] ike? l really enjoyed t. YOU have to make ап effort but f you do, l thlnk it's а great way to spend а few days, So пiпе out of ten, and yes, l'd definitely rесоmп] епd doing What l did, Uпit 7 @вп Sleep debt mеапS you don't have enough Sleep, The causes аrе obvious ­ too much wоrk and not enough rest basically ­ but what аrе the symptoms? Well, do you ever feel so tired lп the middle of the day that you can't keep your eyes ореп? Do уоu еVеr get SUch bad headaches that you have to lie down for а While? DoeS th s sound like you? lf so, you пееd to do something about t, Actually, you don't need n] uch Sleep to recover 1 4 have ап аftеrпооп sleep, а siesta, especially if you can't get enough hours during the night. Some реорlе say ihey feel So refreshed after а Siesta that they сап do Mice aS much. Ву the way, don't try not to Sleep at a] l реорlе have died after too mапу days without sleep. Take mу advice and go to bed straight awayl @в Тhеrе is а lot of criticlsm of big cities and in mапу ways they аrе soft targets, Whеп you're driving through а major city, the traffic congestion gives you а lot of time to think, as does the t me spent looking for а parking Space, and you should consider the option of living ln а vi] ] age. There you would really пееd уоUr саr because pUb ic transpoft is almost non­existent оп уоUr doorstep, Yeah, know rate, There'S а пеw shopping centre just out of tOWn, Тhеrе's а huge btack есопоmу to add to the offlcial statistics. Ечеrуопе should know the threat of globai warming J S j S ,, Еrr the kitchen Sink if you don't want it, l\ 4оrе could Ье done to help the Тhird World and build а better educatlonal system, @rа lUL| E Hi Sam, Sorry l'm late, SAM That's ОК, Julie. EverЛh] ng S J S J S J S J S J аgгее We'Ve got some nice parks Where l ive, But you've got усur tеrrасе, haven't you? You've got sогпе plants апd flowers out there? Yеаh, but t'S поt the Same, l kпоW but rегпегпЬеr What they Say ­ the grass iS а WayS grеепеr оп the оthеr side of the fence, YOu l Ve п the centre апd you dream aboL"rt Ving Where l do, S J S J S Апd somet гпеS rеаllу т4 wlsh sti] l ] ved in the сепТеI Yeah? Of course, J ust to Ье ln the m dd] e of everything aga п, But 'm sure The th пg Тhеrе are iS, 'd get s] ck of t, don't th пk th пgS used to Ье so bad, SO гпапу гпоtе carS поW tran ten Yeah, you know, jUSt the usual ОК? ­ cou] dn't flnd а parking space, Тhеrе 1ust агеп't enough rоuпd hеrе. Yeah, l knOW, I 'd have used public transport, but it probably would have taken even ] опgеr­ The buses frоm where l work take such а long time to get ] пtо the сепtrе, Тhеrе'S so much traffic congestlon аlопg yeai,S ago. So mапу гпоrе реор е, th nk. Yeah, Апd fe 1rst gets faster and faster, Реор е don't know when to sjow ciowп апу mоrе, Lving in the сепtrе feels like s J S J v ng at double the speed of the rest of the world, fu4ауЬе, but t'S nct too different for реор е Who l] ute п, you know, Ечеryопе hurr es onto the tra п, hurr es off, hurries to the o{ fice, hurr es back hоmе, yeatl but n the even пg, you сап rе ах, Hard у. Vlost evenings ] ust think abOUt а | the Wоrk i've got to do the next day| oh. it сап t Ье tha| bad, m exaggerat [ ,,] о, ] пg I do mапаgе tO reiaХ in the even пg, S Ме too, We shou d both siop соmр] а n @в 1 2 З 4 5 6 пg 'm Sure thеrе аrе ots of реор е Who'd ove to llve whеrе we do Agreed, Let'S go and get that coffee ,­, ' SaVe а Ot of mопеу, f L stop eat ng OUt, f i d dn't need tO Wоrk, l'd Ьесоmе а fU ] t mе Wrjter, 20 owe h m, tf ] see Jiгп, L'l rеturп the € I f the bank d dn't charge such high interest, 'd take outa bgger оап, f the рr!се s too h gh, l won't buy the flat, f Sаrаh ра d back het,student оап апу tiгпе Sооп, l'd Ье surpriserl, 7 ] t fee gепеrоus, i г] ight give Sогпе mопеу tO Charity, В f I wеrе уоu, 'd th пk about what was dolng, 9 f worked fоr myself, could have mоrе r,^ spons Ь ity, ] 1О lf we spend mоrе оп advert] s пg, ргоf ts Ов _] ohn Robeds гпаdе а сап псrеаsе. iv ng as а f shеrrпап wоrk ng for the roads there, Yeah, suppose l'm ucky l live So close to the centre, But sometimes l do get а bit fed up with а big flshing соmрапу, [ 1owe,ler, JOhn always Wanted to t] ave h S оWп boat and bUSrneSS so he put as de sav ngs that, to Ье honest, а Ьапk, The bank checked the Llldget wh ch John had ргераrес1 showing sa] es vs, ccsis and then agreed to Real] y? Yeah, well, l think the quatity of ife whеrе you llve is рrоЬаЬlу better. Тhеrе's so much аir pollution hеrе in the centre, and then all the traffic congestion ,.. Well, you know about that, Yes, l сеrtаiпlу do, Sometimes l think it Would Ье nice to live iп а big residentlal area like you do, instead of in the сепtrе, ln а п се detached house instead Of my flat! Well, there аrе definite] y advantages. l сап take the Underground to the сепtrе from Whеrе l live and it's qlite quic,. агd сопчеп еп1, for years and When ihe nterest rate WaS low he Went to f папсе the pi­o] ect, This гпеапt.] оhп nOW had а Very аrgе dei,lt, but he сопs dered the boat as а souпd investment. LJnfortuпatey, bus ness Ьесагпе mоrе d] ffcult because of over­fishiпg апd ег] Virсr] rпепtаi damage­ John's ncome drooped оwеr and оwеr апd hе WaS StrUgg ng ] USt tO рау off the lnterest оп h] s lоап Веfоrе ong the Ьапk was Startjng to deb t h s account w th pena{ t es fоr m ssed payments, Johп WaS desperate апd he Wrote about hls s tual on оп а WebS ie for Start­up соmрапiеS, This worked The оса counc l immediate у awarded _] ohn а grant and Сопаtопs саmе in ii­otT реор е in the аrеа, Thanks to th .] ohn'S t] USineSS SUrv Ved, ;;.­ l пеVеr gO to the parks ln next to оп а benchL Unit 8 J See, J No, coStS. it down l the сепtrе, Тhеу'ге not very пlсе, аrе they? There аrе people thеrе that don't real у fee comfortab е s ttlng J 0ne, want two, Oh, yeah, tWO. YcU 6 Disneyland ls probably the best­known theme park. You сап печеr find а parking space when you need if easy at 1 Ьу now. Pour п а totofways, And S поrmаl у quite St lv] aybe, but community. We put а solar рапе1 on the roof to cut епеrgу 9 10 t ] the Sагпе city, Sn't it? east you'Ve got а bit Of grеепеrу to help, 'm sure lhat sucks п some of the ро lut оп. lfi the сепtге ihere'S What опе раrk? mеап, t'S The police force are working close] y with the local 7 8 'm ucky don't have to trave too far, Yeah, and to Ье honest, l'гп not SUre if the atr qua ity iS гпUсh t] etter \ ,1/ hеrе l ive than lп the сепtrе. соп,l Loca] residents are getting WOrried about the сriгпе ­ t0 get Sогпеth лg done, 5 from the day, but yOU Should make sure you get enough rest at least Seven hours each day, I n fact, too гпuсh s] eep, mоrе than п] пе hours, can Ье as bad aS too l] ttle Sleep, SlX hours or leSS, ] t iS а good idea to BUt there'S noi mUch for ocal res dents, rеаl у. mеап, there аrе ] ust f ats and houses where l ve, and а few SL] pe[ гnarkets, } lo theatres, по сlпегпаS, You've got а l the епtеrtаlпmепt you could Want right J The shock made him paSS out, @в Thanks. Samantha? Elght out of ten, !'d rесоmmепd it, but it'S рrоЬаЬlу better to have mоrе variation nstead of S Yeah. exactly, in fact there have been rеgulаr rероfts of реорlе seeing ai home during the school ho] idays, They felt we wеrе all doing something different, ОК, thanks, Louise. So, as usual, l'll ask you all for а гпаrk out of ten and Whether you'd recomlтend but lt'S Worth а trу. S J s. Audioscripts\ эв ­,: ght ] саmе home Very ate and l couldn't f nd ­­_. (eys, So l had to break into my OWn house] was _ ­ bI ng through а window when а woman оп the ,:­:et shouted, 'Policel There's а burg ary] ' l got п Р down ­: explained that lt was mч house and l wasn't а _ .,g аr, but she са led mе а l ar, She sa d that she was : tness and that she wou| d give ev dence when l was , "l:,lsed of Ьrеаkiпg and епtеr ng, She wouid happ iу : _ те tO the trral at court to testlfy agalnst mе, She ,.S rеа] lу ехс ted поW and Went On that the 1ury wou cl '­С me gUity and the jUdge WOuld give mе а Vеrу ] Ong : :, Sоп Sentence, ] 'd have to go tO а hоrr Ьlе prlson the prisoners mUrder опе another anc] stea] the ",.lеrе _: i mates'food ] USt to SUrvive, She WaS out of breath ­lw and just about to stагl agarn when suddenly mу r Ов We' l never Ье able to atford Don't give up hope. WhO the th ef WaS, pieaSe joined itегпS, А l these incidents have hаррепес] iп qUite ­ гпаrп у in the аrеа between Thatch Road and Crescent Dr ve, t's mainlv ] ewe lеrу thai haS Ьееп StoI en. п each case, the реор е invo ved from the Start, 8 That's another Opportunity ost, There'il Ье plenty mоrе, don't wоrrу, wеrе аЬ] е to get iп through ореп windows, Now, l rеа ise that ] n th S hot weather nobody wants to keep their wJndows с OSed. but We think that most l'm rеаllу worried about thrs nterview, ] 'm sure it'l] Ье fine, of these crimes WOU dn't have hаррепеd if the There's not much chance of ] t work ng. You neverknow, We mght pul itoff. owners of the houses had taken care to с ose а l thelr windows before gоiпg tO bed, So p] eaSe get in touch if уоu have апу ] nformat оп, but а SO ­ please Real у sоrrу to hear about your саr, The sаmе th пg happened to гпе а coup е of years ago. Му саr was stolen rlght oUtS de my house, and be] ieve t or not Р YoU don't surprise mе. at was р @в rS nspector Jones, NoW, to finish ап update оп опе of the сr гпеS We featured п oUr the ро се as а resu] t of th] s рrоgrаmmе. So thanks aga п for уоur he f we hadn't received your са lS, these с| , гпеS \ ,l/ Ould not have Ьееп so ved So please cal п Wth апу iпfоrmаtiоп you гпight have оп the Stories We'Ve covered ton ght, know what things аrе соmiпg to, Hello, thiS you petro Staton back п FеЬruаrу, Тhеуарреаrесl п соuгt, wеrе found guilty and аrе поw ] п pr sоп, The names of the mеп nvoVed wеrе given c] irecty t0 t WaS jUSt l ke burgled, don't Thank ] ast week, accused cf rоЬЬ ng the Nеwроrt Road that when l cal ed the insurance соmрапу, They kept me wait пg for ages, so l know the fee ing, ] t was the same wth me, What сап you do? True, that'slust lke f make sure you с OSe your windows before golng to bed, or f yoll're golng out, previous programme, WelJ, ро се Caught tWO mеп i've 1ust had а simllar ехреriепсе, l had mу рursе whеп WaS in the qUeUe rn the Sto еп from mу bag when Sarah's JOhn Peters, lt's S mоп aga п frоm NatEast Bank, lt's 97З 4i2, No, but thanks апуwау, Do you Want tO рау Ьу cash or Ьу сrеd t card? That's fine, по wоrr es, Unit 9 @в we I ke to think that we ive п а rлоrсj whеrе еvеrуопе has access to profess ona J­l,led са] саrе that сап take l'm sorry, Ьul l d dn't get that. All the best and speak to you soon. саrе of the r needs, Uпfоrtuпаtе у, for those who I ve lп the developlng wоr d, which iS about 85% Of the Goodbye, thankS for Cal ing, S far frогп the case, Тоо often frоm tra] ned professiona s wh ch they need s iгпроss Ь] е to get, оr t costs гпопеу Wh] ch @лв PRESENTER Helio, апd welcome to thrs week's Сr] mе V] ew, where we ask you for help п solving crimes in the ocal аrеа, As always, you сап са l us оп our freephone пumЬеr and the ] пfоrгпаtiоп you g vе w l] go d rectly to the ро ice, you don't have to leave уоur паmе, and апу rпfоrmаtlол you g ve cou| d lead to а cash reward, So, let'S tUrn to our f] rst crime, Rhona Kent has the detai] s, RHONA our f rst report ts оп ап ncldent that happened at the Faylands Shopping Centre. Two Weeks ago, а mап Wa ked пtо one of the jewel ery shops here, l­] e talked to the aSS Stant and asked to see а пumьеr of different watches. wh le al th s WaS going оп. а Second mап entered. Не appeared to ] ook at SOme braceiets and other ] ewe lеrу, and then he left, But sооп after, staff real sed that очеr Worth of 1ewe iеrу had Ьееп taken Ьу the '2,000 @в 1 2 Eatlh's popuiatlon, thiS е ther the treatrnent they don't have. People Who need trеаtгпепt cften then have to ook for alternat ves that аrе re at ve у cheap and avalI abie, Тhеrе s а !sing natural med] cine, fоr ехаmр е р ants whose leaves and flowers сап Ье USed tO take aWay pain, However natura medicine ] ong trad tlоп of is of ] im ted USe n Situat onS Where the patient lS vеrу i l, Even so, there аrе реор] е who suffer from ser ous diseases who trust natural med сiпе mоrе than mоdеrп methods, Th s mау sоuпd сrаzу to westerners who have the luxlry of professiona he| p but реор е Ье] eve in this kind of trеаtгпепt strong у епоugh that mrght benefit ] L,St frоm the psycholog саJ effect, wh ch cou| d гпеап the dlfference Ьеtwееп ife апd death, \ bu've got а terr Ьlе brulse оп youi­ eg therel The i] lлess iS qU te Serious and She needs to go hosplta . З tO The bodybu ider strained а musc е whi е he ulas working out, 4 5 6 the stud о Ьу nspector Hugh Jones, who ltave occurr­^ d оvеr the iast month оr so, JONES Vеs, thапk уоu, over the iast S х weeks, we've unfortunate] y seen thieves break lnto six dlfferent hous­^ s at night and stea а пumЬеr of @в 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]п 1 thought l was golng to paSS OUt, but l гпапаgесl to сrаW into bed, А week ater, ] 'm beginning to get оvеr it апd thank goodness didn't deve ор апу соmрJ cat ons, won't Ье using апу of those internet sites аgа п thoush, get п toUch. Now, we're а Sгпаl] аrеа lt гnight Work oUt f] ne, SUpermarket. ] S gO пg to tel] US abOUt а S­.r] eS of сr] гпеS that it. В В 6 А В а couple of ltres of it, About an hour аtеr it hit mе, lelt dizzy. mу head was go ng rоuпd апd rоL] пd, ancl l started to sh чеr ­ l соu] dп't hold а cuo iп mу irands, с еаrlу because t WaS too dark, but that he was Wеаrlпg biUe jeanS and а red Т sh rt, Thank you Steven, f you think yOu mrght kпоW I NSPEсT()R 2 А l'll never see her again, В 'm sure you wi i, З А lt started to gO Wrопg right 5 А ] пtеrпеt and decided to treat myse] f, wasn't huft, but the thief n] anaged to escape, Тhе Р was ] ogging n the park, l bumped There was а lot of iлfоrmаt on, al1 qulte confusing, bUt found а rес ре for а Special sports drink and drank ternS, Опе yOUng Wоmап а оса StUdent, tr ес] to Stop him after she rеа ised that Staff frогп the store wеrе shouting at h гп. The гпап accrdenta у knoCked Г] еr оVеr aS пе rап paSt, The Wоmап We'd печеr have kпоwп if she had stayed at home, They shou dn't have thrown it away. She shou dn't have taken пtу рursе, when eg, lt ached а Ь t. l was worr ed l had stra ned mу eg aS t WaSn't comfortalэ е, thought it was best to do something about lt. so l coked up some adv] ce оп the yOUng Wоmап sa d she d dn't See the man's face lf l had seen hеr, l wou d have shouted, ] f you had told гпе, it could have Ьееп different, 4 А lt ali Started the shop, These items пс uded МРЗ р а),еrs, USB StckS, tablets and а пumЬеr ofother expenslve it shou] d have Ьееп Sent оп TL_] eSday, В into som­^ th пg, felJ очеr and got а big bruise оп mу ро ice need уоur heJp rvith. STEVEN We] , ] п ап е ectron] cs store п Park Road three days ago, а young mап WaS Sееп ruппiпg out пtо the car ;эark w th а bag ful] of items taken frоm ,Эв L А @в man had blue g aSSeS, Thank уоu Rhопа, Ро се wou d llke to hеаr frоm апуопе who has infcrmat оп on this, f апуопе has tried to se i you ] ewel еrу оп the street, in саfёS апd So On, please dc get in touch, Now ] et's hear frоm steven Сrачеп about another сr гпе ihe ­эusе keys fe l out of my back pocket, l Wished hеr 5codnight апd went inslde the house, _ 2 З .i 5 6 SeCond mап, The mеп аr­о descr bed aS being rn their еаr у th rties, b,Oth W] th Саrk hair, The Second Th s f u is а real лuisапсе ­ l can't do anything] Eat plenty of fru t апd vegeiab es to stay healthy, quite ike mу scar­ ] think t suits mе, and t makes mе ] ook mоrе nterest ng, l sti l feel gullty fоr поt taking саrе of hеr better, Мау J iлqUire how гпу Wfe iS doing, Doctor? She's оп у had а Ь Scuit to eat а] day, So по Wолdеr she fee| s d zzy. 7 8 9 @в simon Rоьlпs was а hero члhеп he walked агоuпd the wоr d to rа] sе mопеу for charity, but ] оurпа] sts hаvе поw d scovered that he d dn't do it, ActUa] у, Rob] nS flew гпоst of the way, Journal sts wondered how he had done the wa k so qu ckly and asked hlm to expia n, At f rst RоЬlпs refused to ta] k about it, соmрlа ning thai the press Wanted ] USt tO get а good story, and соmр ete у den ed havlng anything to hide, Howevel­, jоurпа ists found out he had USed а private р| апе and f паlJу Robins admitted flying fоr part of the ] ong ] оurпеу, Robins insrsted he had wa] ked а lot of I he way and promised to glve mопеу back to peopie who Ье ieveo they had Ьееп cheated, The ро ice have ] пfоrпlеd ls that they Won't Ье tak ng egal actlon against RObinS, but they have ordered him to give а ful and cor.eci account of h s 'wa k' around the wor d, @в А В А В А В А В А Hi, do you recognise mе? Sоrrу, but l'Ve по idea who you аrе. t'S Tim, from B] ack Streel, Black Street? l haven't got а clue whеrе that s, Oh соmе onI B| ack Street, you must rеmегпЬеr, 've rеаlу по idea, What оп earth аrе уоu talklng а bOUt? The В ack Street Саfё, We worked ihere S!rTmer оп_^ Oh, I m] What оп earth аrе you doing hеrе? | wanted to ask you the sагпе question, @в А В А В А В А В А Here's yOUr rоогп, Have а пiсе stay, Еr, ] understood that we booked а lаrgе rооm. lt s large ­ уоu shouJd see the smal] rooms, And d d l get this wrong? l thought there was а sea V eW, The sea s terrible, You don't want to see it, There's not еVеп а ShоWеr] Have l гniSunderstood SOrrrething? wеrе оп ho] day, You' I thought yOU Ье outs de гпоst of the trгпе, But didn't you say this was а Juxury hote| ? t used to Ье twenty уеаrs agoi @в 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 met John in the tOWn сепТе the other dai/ , Wоu d you know vuhere cou] d find а post office? 'r ,оо l cat dtlojo l | t? е.р­ i. / а, That's the phone. COUld yolr answer it please? Don't leave the w ndow ореп whеп you go оut. Сап you р ау а prece for us оп the piano? Don't assume l еаrп а lot of mопеу from do пg thrs, :i ii 1i ai ij,,i ;i .i 8 9 10 There iS а пеW trade agreement between Russia and Гrапсе. ] f it'S So important to you, you сап have mine. do think she ought to ехр| а п exactly what she did. l @в DOCTOR Good mоrпiпg, PAT| ENT Good morning, doctor, Excuse me, D Р D Р D р D Р D Р D D Р D Р D Well, it's а number of things, actually. Firstly, l think it'S probab] y just а cold, but ] Wanted to check wlth you rеаl] у, Basically, l'Ve got а really D Р D Р D bad cough. And l sneeze а lot. oh dear, So, how long have you had this cough? l'd Say ,.. l guess it'S fоUr days поW. lt'S Ьееп worse fоr the Last two days, Р Sure, l'm golng оп ho iday n а соuр е of months' ti!­l.le to Сагпьоdrа, lwanted to know about inject ons, that kind Of th ng. Right, we l they сап give you the iпforгпаt оп you need aboUt that at receptron, You' l пееd to make Р D Р D get that dопе, But speak to rесерtiоп about it, They'l1 te l ycu everythlng you need to know, No, Апу aches оr pains п уоur body? No. We l, it's probably ] ust а co] d then, Get plenty of Have а n се day, Shеrgаr WaS а very successful champ оп rасе horse, n fact he m ght have Ьееп the best ever, lis rасlпg саrееr ended п 1981 and he cou] d have made а ot mоrе mопеу for his owners f rогп h s сеlеЬr ty status ок, f he hadn't Ьееп Stоlеп. Th s happened п 19ВЗ and Shergar was печеr sееп again, Тhеrе аrе lots of theories of who took Shergar and what happened to him, but iп rea ity anyth ng гпау Are yoU taking апу painkil] ers? have happened, The k dnappers must have been to take anything, чеrу professional, оr very lucky, because they hld YeS, aSpirin, We] l that's fine. That'l help the it сап happen. There аrе different cold this time of уеаr, So it'S nothing tO wоrrу about. ок, But if the cough doesn't go away thls time, let's say аftеr а week, then come back and we'll give you а check to make sure you dOn't have а chest to Steai SUch а famous hоrsе апd make t d sappear complete у, РеорJе say the ро] се mау not have done the best 1оЬ of f nd пg the horse because they could have acted а ot mоrе qUickly ­ the truth is, they dldn't have much ev dence апd the horse апd its k dпарреrS were печеr fоuпd, Some people say the kidnappers must have kll] ed Shergar when the owners d dn't аgrее to рау the kidnappers. Th s must have been а t[ agedy for the оwпеrs апс] fans of Shergar, Ноwеvеr, there mау have been а happier end пg, 0f course, Shergar can't Ье lnfection, But for поw it'S nothing to Wоrrу about. ОК. Еrr, the Other thing is that l had а bit of ап acc] dent yesterday Whi] e l WaS сус ing, а ive today because th s happened so mапу уеаrs ago, Ве ng opt m stic, he might not have been k l ed Yes? death Somewhere Safe, We W lI рrоЬаЬJу печеr know. cycllng down а hill in the forest and l don't know what happened, but l fel off. And l hud mу аrm and my side, here, l've got а few bruises and it acheS а b t. l just wanted tO check that @щ l WaS everything WaS ОК. Right, Well, еr .,. let me jUSt ask first уоur head at all when you fell? ] ­ did you hit а helmet, jUSt felt а bit dizzy. But l didn't fee] l ke l was going to paSS out or anything. We l, in апу case L think you rеаl] у should have gопе Straight to hosp ta to get yourself checked diZZy afterwards. Oh, right, can l ] USt See Where you Say yoU'Ve got these fee hеrе ,.. Does it hurt if l do this? No, not rеаllу. 0К, we l yes, l think you've just got а few bruises hеrе, Your shoulder wi] l probabty ache fOr а Wh lе and i think it'S best if you keep оfГ the bike for а few weeks at least, oh, rеаllу? l'm supposed tO Ье taking раrt ln а rасе next week, Well, l WoUldn't rесоmmепd that. Some gentle exercise is fine, but nothing llke а rасе, You need to let уоur body get очеr the fal] , Let гпе just see р D here ,., ooh, that'S а Vеrу nasty cut. yeah, it hurts а bit there. l'm going to give you а сrеагп tO treat that With. lt will heJp it to heaL апd it wi] l stop you getting апу kind of infection there, Right. Ъш Ьу the k dnappers, Не cou d have d ed а паturа| Sa ly had worked as а trаiпее chef n а hote for s] x гпопths, but she was а ready dissat sfied w th her job, especia ly the irrеgulаr hours апd mpolite CUStomerS. Also, Sa ly was st l qu te пехреriепсеd, but the head chef used tO get mpat епt With her because she couldn't do everyth ng. Sa ly Staaled to ] ose her se] f conf dепсе, МауЬе she had uпrеаsопаЬ] е expectations? Was she 1ust апоthеr UnSi,.] ccessfU traiг] ee, and would it Ье dishonest to сопt nue п а ] оЬ wh ch She cou dn't do? lt WaS hlgh у mрrоЬаЬlе thatth ngs WoU d get better, Sa у got some iпfоrmаl adv се fгоm her о d teaСher at со lege, WhO to] d hеr to leave, Гоr Some rеаSоll ­ perhapS t meant She WaS Sally d dn't I jsten to this adv се and She Stayed at the hotel, This m ght seem incredible irresponsib] e too ­ but, five years lаtеr, Sai у is поw head chef, She always sгпilеs when her trа пееs te] hеr thev want to leave. bruises? Yeah, SUre, ОК .,. Right ,.. Let mе just given up, but N4cDan ,­lед pd,] c d,p olr le ] | F З fiпd it mрrоЬаЬ е that they 1ust happened to Ье iп the same place at the San­] e t] гпе. The weather at this t] n­re of the year is quite 4 5 6 unpredictab l e"pe"S / е, and vlent ahead W th her р ап to Ье п the movies, lеr tTost famous rо] е was ln the ] 9З9 f] m Gопе wlth the | 4/ / пd. Where She WOn hеr oscar, МсDап el actua у а ot of critic Sm fоl р ау пg roies wh] ch stereotyped Ь ack реор е, but she got оп with hеr work апd today hеr legacy s rесоgп sed, А В А В HO] d А didn't say anything, We! , lt's true. Опе mоrе thing, Tm'S gone Нl, Lesley, Thanks for соm пg to See гпе. No рrоЬ еm, Luke, What's happened? l knOW yOU wоп't Ье eve th S, t] Ut Tim has res gned, оп, sorganised as th s опе aga п, 've dropped it оп the floor а few t mes, but t's Ьrеа ka ble, can do it, but it's rаthеr псопчеп ent and 'm not чеrу kееп, WaS juSt Speaking to Тlm yesterday, Не tO N4asons, В Hang оп а minute. N4aSOnS аrе oUr compettOrS, That'S а d SaSterL А lt'S llo trаgеdу, We haven't got апу secrets he сап te] them, В А trl] e, gUeSS, Wel , thankS lо[ te l пg гпе, 'd better get back, _] USt а minute, There's someth пg е se we have to discuss, Wou d уоu Ье nterested п taking Тrп's That'S 1оЬ? В What? don't kпоW abolrt that, l'lj have tO 1h nk @ш lп the Winter of е ghteen fftyjive, the реор е of Up tO flnd the footpr nts Of а Devon п Епglапd Woke strange апimа п the SnoW, Some fr ghtened реор е fo lowed them and the footprints wепt оп and оп ,,. for аррrох mate у а hundred m les ­ f their account s to Ье trel eved, The footpr rts went п а stra ght ne through gardens and оVеr Wal S and roofs, No one could ехр а п the footpr nts, but siлсе then mапу theor es have Ьееп suggested, Опе of the strangest L WaS that а kапgаrоо had escaped frоm а пеаrЬу zoo апd ,1r mped thгоugh the countrysldel сша JOHN don't rea| у knOW how ] fee tt went, ] was rеаl у nerVOUS before l ч;епt in and then, Whеп Sat down, SaW thеrе wеrе three peopI e оп the other s de of the tab eL That was а bit unexpected l thought ] t wouid just Ье п] е and опе other it was реrsоп. Anylvay, th nk it went quite we actua Jу quite lпformal апd tney sеегпеd to ike гпе, There l,ver­o а couple of cuest опs probably rеа iу th nk cOL] ld hаче tack] ed better, but overa гпу регfоrmаI ,1се was rеа Ly good, MARTHA rеа ly don't know lvhat happened, l can't ­ L l have eft it when п the саfё because had it wrih mе bought the neWSpaper at the Stat оп, And | hеп suppose l гп ght have left it сп the tra S,:] mehoW, but l don't rеmеmЬеr еVеr of пlу pocket, lt could have fa lеп did, taking out, hope Sоl] lеопе handed it in n t oUt SUppOSe, t'S got everything пs de, cards, dr v пg 1сепсе, you kпоw, al those kiпds of things, But 'Ve got to there аrе so admit, don't fee vеrу opt m st mапу d Srronest people out there these days that с yoL] 've got to th] nk the worst, haven't you? t,лаS UпЬе evab е, rеаl у l WaS ] USt Wa king past that clothes Shop and St] e Stopped mе, Sa d he о and Started ta kiпg about hOW lопg it had Ьееп slпсе we'd seen each other, а ] that k пd of ihiпg, But 1 1ust had по dea who she was| She mау have Ьееп sопlеопе knew from schooi, оr оеrhарs un чеrS ty. Btit 'Ve got а great mеmоrу @ш fоr faces and l 1ust d dn't recognise her, thlnk she гпust have confused гпе w th sоmеопе реrsоп to win ап Oscar, McDanie очеrсагпе а d ff cUlt ch dhood ­ her parents were fоrmеr slaves ­ and So Hattie lV] cDanie (1895 1952) was the first b] ack coped w th racism апd sex sгп throughout hеr career, t oVer, GEN0 е, l won't go оп а tr р as d u п to ч;оrk оп hеr the ciub to let her s пg there, She moved to Hollywood f it @шв 2 e сопtiпuеd епtеftа пmепt ski s апd ечеп persuaded the оWпеr 0f the r vlctlm so successfu lу, lt can't have Ьееп easy Sore throat. What l don't Understand is why l keep getting ill. ThiS iS probably the third time l've соmе down With а cold in the last month. lt SеегпS Strange. Well, stock гrlаrkеt crash of 1928 McDan el could оп у flnd wоrk as а lvaitress п а с Ub, Мапу people \ ,VoUld have @ш ОК, thankS very much, @ш And have yoU had а high temperature at аll? fгогп ап ear у age, but had to tack е mапу difTlcu t es as she started out on hеr career, Fоr ехаmгr е, in the rece ved R ght. weeks. out lf you bumped your head. Especialiy if you fe t Р D l have to get оп to the neХt pat ent, Unit 10 ] Р D 1ust ask опе more th пg? ОК, but it w] l have to Ье very quick because But l've had а few sore throats now in the last few So Р D She WaS а great ta епt, She tried OUt Slng ng and actlng yOU аrе, PUt it On three tirnes а day, Сап Right, Р А ittte bit, yes. D And did you ose consciousness? Р No, по, nothlng like that. was wear] ng D 0К, Неrе ап appo] ntrтent with опе of our nurses hеrе to virUSeS and ] ust when your body finishes fighting опе, you сап catch another опе, lt's поrгпаl at р Р D Take а seat. What seems to Ье the trouble? rest, and гпаkе sure you drlпk lots of liquid. You'1l рrоЬаЬlу get очеr lt in а few days w thout having р D Р D е se­ Anyway, didn't want to disappoint апSWеrеd а hеr, hеr quest опs, Тhеп we sa d goodbye and she went off, ]t WaS rea ly StrangeL Audioscripts\ BARRY think 'm very | ucky, lt quickly, Опе mоmепt, ] al happened so was going down the Street, Stenil] g to rпу favoLtrite rad] o рrоgrагпгле, апd the next th пg, thеrе was а Ьапg and the Sound of g] aSS Ьrеаkiпg, l SUppose because of the ra n must have ] ust ost contro t WaS роUriпg down at the ] t пlе, lп the end, there WaSn't too гпUсh dагпаgе there аrе а few repairs tера red too, and l сап't compla п ] tO dO l] Lrt l сап Str] l actlra] iy hit­we, thatw haveto drvett, Апd thewal i nk th abo!t Ье 'lI have tO рау for ] t, BUt that i'm just gI ad I 'm 0К hl11 qu te baci because think i could have been EMlL Well, one mоmепt, calmly and у, v/ ere all ] USt taLk пg was trylng to get ечеrуопе tc agree \^ /е who wou d do what, апd then sldden у he staded shoutiпg, Say ng l'гп always try ng to paSS on mу wоrk to h m and that I don't work harСi епоUgh Арагl frоm Ье пg uпtruе, it WaS aI SO ехtrегпе у uпрrоfеss ona and very iгпроlltе, shout ng like that n front of еVеrуопе, i'гп rеа] ] у fur oUS пg who does he th!nk he iS, behav поW гпеап, ke that? lt'S not the f rst t гпе he'S lost hiS tегпреr iike that with sогпеопе, so t wasп't like а has а ot Of prob ems, ar] d Ь surprise, know g he Suppose he mlght have had а rеа у d fficult day оr sоmеth] пg, But wе'rе а uпdеr stress, аrеп't we? 'm go пg to have to make а fоптаl cotTplaint about him, l th nk, Unit lt was an nterest пg ехреr епсе, but l think ] п modern L fe we do need to make use of cars and plbltc transpoti because they аrе so сопVеп ent, We cou d probably 1 use thегп less and th s v/ ould Ье good for our hea th and the environment, 1А Reading and listening extensiOn tr 4wasgoing 5tooks бinvted 7Wеrегпаkiпg watched i0 dropped ? 2паsЬееп З shedong have 9 В С 2 have, Have you met 8 hasn't fiп dO З do, Shed 9 .1 Wrote аrе, gett пg 5 wеrе l0 соmiпg б rеmеmЬеr 7 d dп't have ih] nk З 2 Linsyrnpathel;c nSp r Пg z1 pass опаtе А.r'о.., б stLtrborn 8 opt m] st с Do,\ i п: 2 апlЬ tloLLs З dеtеrm ned 4 sепs 5 аrrоgапt б tive Е 2/ з l think l ve dec ded what to do, 4 Did you ever hеаr frогп her again afterwards? 5,/ 6 l don't kncv,r Тоm, и/ hat S he l ke? 7 Why d dп't ycu tel me? 8/ 1в d] d З D] c] n't 4 What for? 5 Wh ch could 9 whether 10 Сап 11 knows 2 What С z wny б Wеrеп't 7 that for z2 S ýhe goillg tO do th S? Е 8 'What happened at the end of the game? Do you think v,/ e have а сhапсе of w пп пg? 2Ь Зс 9 1О Who des gned your wеЬs te? а 2 2trycut Зgч­^ L] D 4keep tup 5manageto Ь 2 sLlccesslul V соmр ete З kэер to 4 Wcrk Out ,lc Up В trу out 5 mапаgе to б glve up ь 4,6,2.1,5з Е F паl / t/ , 2, 5. В, 9 broken z ? True, 2, 5 Fа se] 1, З. 4 о Ь zb зь 4с 5а 5с l ] Good 5 Good б Good 7 Good 8 Good tOWn L] Ljt USe гпу car to get tO ц/ Ork апd do the shopping i] ecaUSe ] i'S eaSiel,, Walk short d stances, usua ly when mу hUSband haS the саr, hut l печеr cycle, so паturаl у th s was а ne,,v ехреr епсе for mel Both чла k ng апd сус ] ng are great ехеrс] Sе and surрr singly rеа ly enjoyed the week because l saw ots of nterest пg thlngs that l пеvеr usua ly notice. Qu te а so а few other реорlе lvere Wa k пg апс] .ycl пg too, So t WaS qU te soclab Savec] а iot of mопеу because petrol S So ехрепS ve. е nev tab у, there,"vere some problems, needed mоrе tlгпе tO get to Work, and опе с] ау it rа ned and that viasn't muсh fun оп mу t_] ike, Unfodunate у, сус] пg сап Ье dагgеrоus even ln sгllа ltowns L,,ecause of alL the tratfic, "Tffi WaS Wear ng пg gone 9 1З d dn't 5 Ьurпt / had burnt б hacl stагtеd see 10 had печеr Ьееп D d you get 14 rап Ь 2 get tnrough З get the fee] пg 4 get anywhere nvoved 5 get into trouble 1.2,4,6,7,9, t0 as Whеп 5 pгovided as G 2с Зh 4а 5f бd 7g 8е апsчч,еr ive ill а Sпlа 4 hadn't 8 WaS gett Е Е Suggested саmе 2r] сi Зhоtс] 4swept 5point бattention 7away 8 0 ,1 З crying doing 7 bought 2в Е Bad shed 5 had Ьееп б were you 10 made 9 wеrе you waiting z? 'had'l З r,uс fin 1t Went i2 Е tr rii speaking З had left 4 set 6 get оп mу nerves 1t) ? 2 was 8 had 7 had Ьееп zа Bad е 5d бf 2д ? 2 сr me, Е 9 make ап effort А 2г: ЗЬ 4а 5с бЬ 7Ь 8с а z1 it, Uпit 2 бkeepto п 3 Don't гпепtоп itto Laura, She's qute sensitveabout З The Мауоr is vеrу respected in this town, 4 The Рrеs dent gave а passionate speech about 5,/ 6,/ З WГо doesn't need to register for ihe colllpetltioп? 4 Ц/ hу аrеп't ihey g v 1­1g us our t ckets? 5 V/ h ch о{ the chal епgеs wou d you ] ke to do? 6 lvhat iS the most dlff cult thrng you have ever done? 7 What d d ,,ve dO а l th S hal,d train ng fоr? 7 keep t 8а Review апd extension / з:/ : dessert. рrеfеr, service 8 yoL; ба 5 respected 7 naive / еi, desert, he pfu , ideпt ty, SenS tive, Slept а с 5а :1 / ri: desire рг zes, tеч se tr ,1 а 2,з,1,l,;1.5,6 h Z. за Ь 5с бс 7Ь гпоtlчаtеd Е ? Ь :u зь А а ? Ь Е аз 2 uп ess З As опg 10 lf 9 as soon z1 б ln case 7 ]f 8 provlded Апswеr kеу\ Е Reading and listening extensiOn tI а R о N м1 Е N т Е U L а 1, н в Е х U D D 0 х к Е h ta zc за S G т с U L Е т с Е L С True, 1,З, 5, 7; Fаlsе: 2,4, D S N р с L N Y р в Е к м N а Е т в S R I А R N р Y .J с G L м R А м А 0 т 0 т т х 0 Е х т т S N R 0 R J с R t А т U R F а к Е G о S Е L L l А N с L N F а, к н L Е D G N т D А р L U F L А U с с N t9 р Е S L р J н N Y о т D в U J с j 7 а к Е Y Z Z ] R м р н А в S к т S х А Z D J G А Е N к N с R х D т S А U Ь I R I ] ] зrSk 4extnсt 2creatr:res I А с о zа2 к Ь zu зь 4с 5ь ба 7с L Review and extenýiOn S L п н в А S R в в в с т А ! D х I 2r/ З l met Маr а thrее years ago, when l was а Student, 4 She had Ьееп wa ting for а сhапсе and finalI y she got 5,/ 6 l'I l watch t if it's оп TV 4 5 6 5survive бhuпt 7епvlrопmепt 8rabtat People could Со mоrе to protect the епvirопгпепt. Ечеrу year, hundreds of animal species.] ust clisappear, The Siberian tiger could sооп Ьесоrпе ext nct, Е 2 face the Е fact З Say it to my face 4 can't face 5 face а difficu t cho се 6 face the music ? 2sna] Зdоп't 4did 5wasn't 5haven't 7could 8аrеп't Uпit 3 а ? 2о за 4ь 5а зА бс Е Е ? il 2downon Зitout 4iпtо 5onabout боfГ 7of 8out AsKing а qL] est оп: 2, 5, ] , Ю Checking information: З, 4. 6, 8, 9 С 2 Try уоur hardest and don't let US down. With Топу апd wе'rе not friends. З l've fal еп out lt 4 YoU can't get away with mistakes I ike that. 5 Go and figure it out for yourself, 1 Getting nto th­. Sport 2 Тrаiп rrg З What you леес1 4 Оп 6 Why don't yoU just try it out? tl.re day 7 Michelle made it Up to impress hiгп. В YoU need to believe in what you'i­e do ng. 9 Can апуопе come up with а better idea? Тruе, 1, З,4, 6. В; Fа se: 2, 5, 7 z z3 0с Е З л the аutumп, you сап f mоrпlпg, ,,nlhen thеrе аrе tewer people arol._] nd, The best t mе to gо ls | d mоrе mushrooms Mushrooms grow everyvlhei,e, bLrt forests аrе the best They grоw пеаr trees SO Ook careflr у there, t сап Ье соо in а forest, G Lr асе to f п the пс] thегп, go. lп the forest 7 8 Ве carefu, There mау Ье dапgеrоus апiгпаlS. bl] t the accidents Ь ggest risk is s mр е l ke falJ ng over You can't eat еVеrу mushroo] ­l,i, Go wth someone experienced and печеr pck mUShrооглSуоU don't know, Thereare nternetappicatons to check mushrооms RегпегпЬеr where you are go ng, USe Stones io mаrk your way lf necessary lf yoU are lost, keep са гп апС р] ап hoW tO get back, FOrests аrе beautfu places, so dorr't сjrор апу iter or damage anyth пg. l0 ГУ] ushrоогпS 2 olympic athletes аrе а1l exceptional in their f] eld, З She's qulte successfuI at what she does, 4 l became quite skil] ed at the game, don't ast Vеrу ong, SO eat them at опсе оr put them n trre There аrе mапу Ways to cook п] UShrооms, lor ехаmр е п soups апd es, р Епjоу уоur tasty п] еа and start р аппtпg your next tr р to the forest] day_ Е i 2 They wоп З did you think 4 have just arrived 5 l was ruппlпg 6 has Ьееп doing 7 completed 8 l've Ьееп runnjng g р ayecl 10 been learning Ь 2 run З 7 'Ve freezer, бexceptiona Skilled зв At home 9 potental 8 6 Lesley is brilliant at most ball sports. 7 Не has the potentlal to Ье world сhаmрiоп one В Car] Lewis was outstanding at the long jump, shoes оr boots, 6 sооп picked it Up, 5 The аЬi] iЦ/ to rUп ] опg d] Stances iS impOrlant, So и/ eal.SoJTe wai­m с othes, YoL.] 'i лееd Strолs .1 Check the weather forecast Ьеrorе you 5 ] zability Зoutstanding 4talent 5successful Рrераrаtiоп 2 1О Frепсh is difficult, but 7 Suggested answer 1 guDtome 10 up 2D ? опе. Е 2 ,,/ з,/ 2с ? Ь 4ь 6,В G в з,5,6 beaten 4 started 5 was winning б 've Ьееп train пg been looking 9 has contacted has аJrеаdу tried 8've А n Ь 2referee Зсhееr 4spectators 5represent бpitch 2 compete з ath] etes 4 compet tive 8 championships 9 records 5 train б rерrеSепt l Victory 10 cheer Е i 2compeltions Зсоmоеtе 4champlonships 5professional бathlete 7 profession В trainlng 9 perlQI mance 10 compqtitors 11 perlorm l2 цЕtоrу 13 victorious g зG 2 lt'S not possible to get there Ьу pUblic trапSрогt. З No опе doubts her ability to get to the Very top, 4 lt was another fantastic реrfоrmапсе Ьу the Кепуап. 5,/ 6,/ 7 what did the audience think of the film? 8 And the footballers are just coming out оп to the pitch. Е ? 2 Апоthеr thing to rеmеmЬеr is the price. З l think mауЬе we should Stay at hогпе. 4 Don't you think it's а good idea to ask? 5 How does it sound f we watch а film оп Sunday? 6 But don't you аgrее that it'd Ье еаsiеr to eat out? h 2 Any* uy, as ! was saying, Tessa needs to decide. З Another dea m ght Ье to go the day before, 4 Just going back tO What l WaS Saying before, 5 | thought mауЬе we could invite Simon, 6 Of course, we could always check оп the lnternet, 7 But don't you agree that it'd Ье better to ask first? / But don't you agree that it g 0 wou] d Ье betier to ask first? 8 So, to get back to Маt] п and his problems. V U 4 simple U 5 girl V 6 save v 7 pie U 8 pig V 9 pack U 10 have а V 2 beach З fеrrу 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 lI уоU don't know it, look it Up online, She thought alэout it and decided not to Ьriпg the matter up. l used it а l up yesterday, So l Went and bought SOme mоrе, We looked at the bil] and added ii up again, ] went running with Sarah, but ] couldn't keep up with her, l started to learn Spanish and picked it up quite quickly. Не works SO hard and l'Ve always looked up to him. Uпit 4 peach U чеrу V symbol V 4А сur] U п safe u ? buyV pick U back V 2 used to З wouldn't 4 lived 5 used 10 get 8 got used tO 9 Wasn't used Ь have to U to Z z? Е д а4 ЬЗ с5 d1 е2 h zb зс 4а 5ь бс il 2most Зlеаst 4decrease 550 65 Е Ь Suggested answer Sport iS а Very irnportant part of ] ife and арагt frоm actlvely taking pad, mапу year, реорlе enjoy following Sports championships and events throughout the Ноwечеr, they сап choose how they рrеfеr to do this, The Ьаr chart соmраrеs five ways of follow ng sport today and fifteen years ago. The resu| ts in the graph ShoW their relative рорulаrltу in percentages, not Whether We аrе actuaily Watching mоrе Sport, As you can See, the n,lost notlcealr е increase iS in the USe of the lnternet, while there's а signlficant decrease lп watching TV and readlng newspapers. Perhaps thls is lэecause the lnternet offers instant news all the time and rt is mоrе convenient and cheaper than the а ternatives. These results shouldn't surprise апуопе, as they are а reflection of the mоdеrп world where technology has changed so much of how we live. This trend mау continue into the future оr perhaps sогпе пеw medium mау appear. Review and listening extensiOn zа 1d 2с Ь 2I па зь .1 З Mark Mark 0 to 2 l rao to са cl­ Lhe 5:З0 | rа п. З No, l сап work from home оп Saturdays. 5 Yes, l сап find а seat оп the train, 6 l'm t] red during the day, 7 No, l don't have to unless we have а deadline. 8 You shou] d Speak to гпу bOSS! Ь 2oughtto 7 ruп 8 to Зdoesn'thaveto 4mustn't 5wassupposed бdon'tneedto eat 9 beat 10 forced to Е ? Ь 2rigorous Зstriсt 4punishing 5tough бtricky 2rigol.ou. ЗStretch 4straightforward 5arduous бtr;cky challenge В demanding / л/ i supper, result lul or l;l;l: useless, attitude, influential, enthusiasrn 4с 5 [ / аrк 5 Bctl, [ ,,lаrk апd Т] па Е Zl 2,/ З lt's wаrm, take уоur jumреr off, 4 We're ] ooking for а пеW Secretary at the гпоmепt, 5,/ 6 Sheila has just Ьееп told about it and needs time 7 Don't wоrry, l've already sent the letter, В l've been wa] tlng for you fоr agesl 9/ i0 l don't know. haven't decided yet, Caleful disagreement Really, did you thlnk so? Oh, l don't know. lVlaybe you're right, but Е , ,. l knowwhatyou mеап, buton the other hand ... | 'm noi sure abOUt that, Direct disagreement That'S jUSt not true, Vоu саг'т "еаl у bel'eve thdl. No way| | 'm afrald you're wrопg there, to think, Ь Z t', not surе aboui that, They wоrk very hаrd. З lvlaybe уоu'rе right, but teachers аrе not the rеаl problem, 4 Rea] ly, do you think so? 5 l know What you mеап, but оп the Other hand technology ,! "ffiffi 7 would go 4 Yes, the boSS lets uS have one day at home. Review апd extension 1 5 real] sed б was used 10 аrе used to visiting / U/ l pullover, Sugar а эе .1 sleep Е а 5а бс 7Ь 8с to to work Е \ ,2,4 ць 4 would wasn't 7 used 2influ"n.u Заffесt 4result 5iscausedby бeffect 7asaresult 8lead 7 Е Ь zu зч to 9 got used б 4в You can see that thеrе are obvious changes iп the graph, lп fact, the lnternet seems to have completely changed оur habits of foilowing sport, а З used to 2 No опе knows what the effect was. З Shakespeare has had а big lnfluence оп the English language, 4 That's the main cause of the рrоЬlеm. 5 lt could affect millions of people. 6 As а result of this, there is leSS mопеу to Spend. 7 The пеw ] aw resulted in protests and demonstrations. 8 Gепеrаllу, it'S had а positive effect on people. 7а а l"tt decided 8 зI l ? Е iS So central. Апswеr key\ g а ? The strongest stress in each response iS оп the Word 'that', 6 tr 2Student Зfluепtlу 4outside 5fOreStS бреорlе 7reliable 8strong Tru", t, 2, 5, 6, 8; Fаlsе: З,4, zil 2in / Зglvе 4position 5strongly 5 sympathetic б welJ organised i. voLUntee. the а / 0/ : ath] etic, breath. Earth, length, mOnth Е а 2 have finished З Ье liv пg 4 Ье feeding 5 have completed 6 have ach eved 7 Ье dгivlng 8 have lеаrпеd 9 Ье getting 10 have seen Ь z * ltt have destroyed З will have transported 4 will Ье going studying б will Ье comp] aining 7 will have turned 8 WOn't have fa lеп 9 Wi] Ье Walking 10 will have replaced 11 WOn't Ье cook ng 12 wоп't Ье eating 1З will have changed 14 Wi l have created пtеrпеt and l would ike to apply to Ье а 5 wi l Ье the Wiгtе. Оlуrгр cs, l аm а student of есопоm] сs iп Granada, i am а good соmгпuпiсаtоr and Speak Several languages: my native lan8uage iS Span Sh, i know Eng] ish to В2 level and В1 trепсh. lп addition, l am friend] y and hardworking апd love new cha llenges, As Sогпеопе Very interested in Sроrt myself ­ l аm а keen Skier and snowboarder ­ l believe that l am in ап excellent position to he р athletes апd visitors With апу problems they have, l am flexlble and ready to take on апу task, l have never Ьееп а vo] unteer before but 1 would Ье more than happy to give up my free tirпе, Every four years ] 7 аmь tious Е Suggested answer l read your advertisement оп adventurous 5в бforward Dеаr Sir/ lv] adam, watch the Winter olympicS оп TV and it has а ways Ьееп mу drеаrп to attend and he] p ln thiS amazing event, l Strongly be] ieve that Sроrt brings реорlе together and the Olyrnpics аrе very imроrlапt, Vo unteers аrе an essentia] раrt of the olympics and l аm SUre that i сап make а valuable contribution. Thank you for considering mу application. l аm ] ooking forward to hearing from you. А а 2h зь 4е 5g ба 7d 8с Ь 2Пiепаtу Зsоlаr 4environment 8cimate 9impact 5atmosphere бfооtрriпt 7rоUgh 5с Е а 2about Зwth 4of 5about бwith 7about 8of g ? 9of 2 Mm, l don't know about that, l'm not So keen on splcy food. З That rnight Ье Worth а try and it'S not far, 4 Yes, that makes sense, i need the exercise| 5 That'S not а bad idea, They'd need to drче there, though. Reading апd listening extensiOn Е 6 That's а possibi] ity, although we might have to invite them iп for а coffee or а4 Ь 1lr.n. 2Malc 3Sam С Тruе, З, 5; Fа| sе: 1,2,4 Somethi пg, 7 That'S а great ideaI You haven't made one for ages, 4Sara 5Paul Е zai Ь l,u zc 3а 4ь 5с бь ? 8 А defin te disadvantaяe S it гпеапS sel ing the car. п 5] l 2,/ З She is used to llving Ьу herself поW. 4 This could Ье the last time we come here. 5 l hope we сап do ihis again some time. 6{ п а 2groйh Ь Tru., 2,4, z z2 n l'm worried that it might affect mу health. з,/ 4 Myfirstteacherwas very strict. 5,/ 6 Prisons are basically for punishing Е if з far as 7 а matter of 4 а fact 2I he gооd thing about ] t S Wе'rе not far away from the centre, З The рrоЬ] еm is реорlе are Starting to talk about hеr, 4 The advantage is the рrсе isn't vеrу high, 5 The drawback s nO опе rеаl] у hпоWS What'S golng to happen, 6 The аdчапtаяе is we сап see а lot mоrе of each other. 7 The trouble is | 'm not SUre l've got time tO he р h] m, 7а Rечiеw апd extension 2 аЬ] е З thoUghtless 4 adventurous / ё/ : the, breathing, clothes, either, eather, though Е ? 2 uпrеl ь 2 irresponsible З cautious 4 dlsorganised 5 uncompetitve 4D а Ь I а Заgаiпst 4for 5conclusion бcr] sis 7manage 5; Fа] sе: 1, З, 6 Fаr,2, З,6, 7; Against:4,5,8 Е ? criminals. Suggested answer There аrе гпапу countries around the world where реорlе live ] п d fficu] t circumstances апd Struggle Just to Surv] ve. The question is whether it is the rеsропs bi] ity of richer countr es to give them aid, and if this actuaily produces whole 5 l know б l'm concerned any reSUlts. 8 for Мапу реорlе be] ieve that we have а moral responsibility to help рооrеr реорlе. lt ] s not fair that whеrе уоu аrе born dеtеrгпiпеs уоur standard of llving. Ечеrуопе should have ап equa сhапсе, but this s опlу possib] e f wealth is shared around the worid. Uпit 5 5А ll О 2mау Зwill 4won't 9that 10will 11sure 5will рrоЬаЬlу 12tohappen G zc за 4с 5ь бс 7с 8а 9а бdoubt 7unlikely 8mау 1оь However, there is ап argument that giving aid ] ust makes develOping countries dependent on riсhеr ones and stops them finding their оWп SOlUt OnS. Гurthеrmоrе, lnternal politics and ечеп corruption сап гпеап aid пеvеr reaches the people Who need it, п Some SituationS, then, aid is wasted and actually has а hаrгпful effect, Оп balance, it SееrпS that he ping other people is оur responsibility, but we must think before we act, l!4y own view s that we ShOUld trу to find rе iable charities and гпаkе ап effort to help poorer countr] es, Say] ng that aid doesn't rеасh people is not an excuse. ­* * * u* * u* * uu* * u* * ou,* nu* * 8 1* j'' а Reading апd listening ехtепsiоп Е а 1 televi9ion / з/ а2 Ь а2 ьЗ с4 с] 1 е5 С Тruе, 1, З; tа se, 2,4, 5, 6 zа 5 SUggeStS / ф/ 6 adventure 1, 2,4, 9 check 5 i0 1с tO Antarctica а 2 з,/ ? Ь 2 uru, nspir Suggested answer lйу day п Grugapark, side п Essen in Gеrmапу, was absolutely fabulous and l'п,] ad l took time out tO go, Агпаziпglу. а lot of people haven't еVеп heard of СrUgараrk, Wh ch iS а rеаl shame becauSe it'S out of this world, 5 to one s de SO g Grugapark is not] ustan оrd] паrу park п the mdd] eof а town, t's hard to ciescr Ье iп words how аwеsогпе Grugapark rs, ] t's ап absolutely superb ехаmр е of hOy/ the countryside can соmе to the c] ty and rеаl у гпаkе yoU feel ml es away from the stress and Ug ineSS of urban l fe­ l spent аl day there and l thOugi] t the botanica gаrdепs were uпЬ­^ ] evab] e, t'S а Shame l cOUldn't come ? 2gong 9 to ЗSitting 4tohave 5toget бTravellng 7visting 8tosee take 10 waik пg 1 1 to hеаr i2 being 1З do ng i4 painting 15 2 pour пg З tO аdгп re StOp 4 to 8metlng 9tocut 10tovsit 5 to 11 continue б isten пg 7 to th nk f you lkeo this btog, fo] low the l nk www.grugapark,de and get mоrе mpressve 4 stunn ng 5 uп que б suреrЬ 2outsKrts Зtrаls 4чепuе 5features бtеrrасе 7 оЬЬу Bstudo ? bz с2 d1 е0 f toUr throUgh Gеrгпапу, 7 aston shing Е Reading and listening extensiOn п aI Ь zu зь 4а 1 бв 5а Е Е ? ? zby З Sbengused 4 sdone 7 had Ьееп recommended 10 have Ьееп 2 was Wr given tten 1 1 WaS З have been 8 hadn't Ьееп z z аiеа heard 9 S considered 9 w ] Ье increased persuaded 12 w l Ье contacted added 4 out З ncreased 2 preservat 7 compet оп tion Ье spoken encouraged made 4 rev spor| s, Samantha Lou se с: ооо: mUS 5tobebought бwaspromoted 8 аm Ье пg 6 аrе, Ье пg encouraged / аrе, 10 Ье taUght Ve 5 deter З сlisарреаrапсе 4 generat orate ons М ke, Lcu Se \ ,4 l.e, So^ ,anth,, Lou sе Ь zb за 4а 5ь 5ь 7с 5 wi l Ье ] ost 7 ] S Ье ng гпаdе Review and extension Е б d Sappeared 5 revival б loss 8 deter oration 2 З Crimina] S Shou d Stop to think about the conseqUences of their actions, We're try ng to save mопеу for а пеw саr, 5 The topic was discussed 6,/ оп trre ShoW ast night, z2 бс Е а YоU'ге nOt а| owed to feed them thoughI Having 12toprotect 8 temarka Ьlе .l Ь back at п ght, becauSe the Way that the gardenS are l t up \ i/ ith ots of cOloured ights S abSO utely awesome, l also rап inio а ot of animals around the раrk the vlstors'centre says there are over 500 dlfferent an] ma s lп Grugapark, to Ье iпfоrmаt on about Grugараrk,' l Ье back tomorrow With the neХt Stage of my 3 2бzarre 3 С l wasntborэdforamnute, Е Ь uпЬеl] еvаЬ] е Е бА q owing 5 Cottage, Uпit 6 G З fabu] ous 4 miпd­Ь z Tne Sсепеrу WaS abSO Utely unbe] ievab е, With high гпоUпtа nS in deep SnoW, З You'Ll f пС tabsolutely m nd­blowng, and lt's cheapand easytO getto, 4 The о d town rS abso] Ute у fabulous, espec аl у the Or] g паl Wooden hOUSeS, 5 The Taj Mahal s lnstantly recognisable because it's abSOlUteiy OUt of thrS 3 4 frоm side to ng worid Ро lution has ed to climate change n mапу areas, sides dessert / z/ 6 We spent ап absolutely awesome day w th some fr endly v l agers in their cosy lf your desk is always t dy, you're рrоЬаЬlу we l organised, З both р еаýurе / з/ / з/ А this atest incrdent. l а ways thought Тоm was reliable unti] de у Тruе, 1, 4, 5; False: 2, З, 6 ? What WiLl we Ье doing thiS t me tоmоrrоW? 2 nice s / s/ / S/ Е She has probably Ьееп Wa ting for th s news al week, Your trip to Antarct са certain у Won't disappOint yOU, / YOur tr р Wi] certa n у not disappoint you, Е пg / 0/ егпЬаrrа5ýrпепt urgent / ф/ ate 47 Осса9 опаl th рrigоп / z/ бtl п 4 5 6/ hea / fi 7 confusion / з/ В аррrеЕ Review and extension 5 6/ children's / f/ fragile / ф/ though / 6/ / 0/ З causes / z/ 4 п еQе / si Ь zu зь 4ь 5а бь 2 З author 2 The f lm finishes with а dramat 2 Hi, Rosie, There'S an idea 'd ] ike to ruп past you­ З was wопdеrlпg if you wouldn't mind help ng me with someth пg? 4 Great| dOn't knOW hOW to thank уоu, 5 Do you mind if ] ask you to get гпу coat? 6 l'гп reallySorrytoaskyou С 2not Зright 4askng "* 8а this, butcould you gve гпеа ift home? 5Wonderng бhе] р 7appreciate 8troube з,/ .1 5 6 ast scene, There has Ьееп а 10% increase п profits. There has been а revival of interest п photography, People hard] y not се the d Sарреаrапсе of anguages, Е 2 с work З fa] l 4 Stand 5 Ьurп б chi l Апswеr key\ Unit Е 7 il 7А Suggested answer то: wessex council п ? Ь 2 such 3 too much 4 so 5 enough much З nct enolgh 4 so 5 such В too ittle 9 enough 10 so 11 too mапу 2 too zа 2t зd ь enough б l агп Writing regarding the decrsion tO tUrn the chi dren'S playground оп Bridge Street into а parking аrеа, as аппоuпсеd оп оса rad о еаrllеr this week. 7 too much Given that there аrе so few places for ch ldren to р| ау iп our neighbourhood, th S deve] opment upsets гпапу parents, What Wоrr eS residents most of а z1 of ife res dential аrеаs 8 urЬап development transport 4 pub] ic 7 alr ро lut оп We Ье ieve that оur chi dren stll need а pleasant and safe place to р ау, М] у reqUeSt iS that yOU reconsider your dec sion, tak] ng into account local feel ngs, tr lf do not hear frоm you Sооп, i wi i Ье forced to make this соmрlа nt publ с оп soc а] network sites. Th s wi l ensure that the local commun] tv is а lowed to а 2ь зь 4ь 5а бь Ь 2 ', huu ng mу picture taken, have tS З Patients get the] r temperature checked twrce а day, 4 l'l have my watch f xed, 5 The Ьоу got hls face covered п choco] ate, / The boy's face got covered Yours fa thful у, Reading апd listening extensiOn Е а 1ь 2а зd 4с ь zo за дс Ба 2episode Зshоt 4captured 5cast бscrpt 7broadcast 8reeased editor 10 SoUndtrack 9 fence 2 bunga ow З detachec] 4 tr / эl/ : tеrrасе 5 basement б attic ?/ З lqve, Lqndon 7с 2 Tnis could Ье а place for the krds tO play, З This wou d make а great bedSlde tab е. 4 I сап imag пе hav ng а ЬаrЬесuе here, 5 Тhеrе cou d Ье some she ves for books­ З 5 6 introduced myself and we had а picture taken together. Thequaltyof ife SlOWeгbecauseof althepol uton. Реорlе w l a] ways prefer carS to pub ic transpor1, оп ocat оп in Tha lanc] , The next ер sode n the sеr es wi] Ье shown on Tuesday, They shot the fi m 2 We cOU d put оUr Shoes and things tn th s Ьох, Unit 8 2 sett] e З а th S aS а computer tab е or Somethrng. 4 This s where all the toys, gаrпеS and things ] ike that go, 5 i guess it cou] d Ье а sort of notice Ьоаrd, 8 Put а book or someth пg under the tab е so rt look centre З black есопоmч 4 gioba wаrmiпg 5 police force оапеl 7 thегпе раrk 8 оаrkiпg space 9 kitchen sink 1О Th rd ] п fa^ l av ltLl! 2 shooolnq World Е .1 reaction 5 request б least б get 7 step 8 prompt ,ll d l,л l бlчL wear 7 take, аrеl'rе 1о,] cou d traveJ 5 were, 'd tei 8 was/ were, 'd stay 9 'd Ьесоmе, had 1savings 2debit ЗЬUdgеt 4Charity 5debt баwаrd 7investment 8 dents turn а ? 7D res 5 а 2ь зе 4d 5h бi 7g 8с 9а G 2 grew, would Ье З'] l make, do 4'd go, doesn't fa l over, 6 can't find, 'l сопсеrп З get Е Е 2 4 8А 6 The smal rооm would make а spare bedroom оr something like that, 7 There's ots oflunk here, old пеwsрареrS, broken toys and SO оп, ? Ь ] Е ­ 6 solar у l rесоmmепd vis ting the musеum if there's enough t me. 6 l can't imag пе th S rоогп Ье пg blg enough­ 7 We соu d have rt done Ьу а profess опа 8 That lamp Wou] d have to gO iп the next rооm. сап magine сепtrе З gепеrаl З,5,6,7 We were surprised that the kids enloyed lt so much. lt's such а dangerous ] оurпеу just to get there, z2 Е З 2 outs de the city think t's already quite expensive enough. 5 6 7 8 / аu/ : Тщgеr, shouted. Qцt / эu/ : ghqst, mQSt, So, SQ] dier ? centre True, 1, 2,4,8:Fase: п repqrts, pqqr / эl/ | SecQnd h/ : 1 iп the city бь Rечiеw and extension / u:/ : too, thrqцgh ? z? Ь Е ? Непrу Jones п z? 1 Say, look forward tO а рrогпрt reply, choco ate, 6 l was getting mу halr cut (Ьу the hаJrdrеssеr) 7 Му wife has had hеr 1ewel еrу sto еп, 8 We had had оur fence palnted red (Ьу the wоrkеrs), 9 She got her jacket tоrп (Ьу the branches), 10 J'm having mу passport rепеwеd, ? S l have had ап пfоrmа meetrng Wrth neighbOUrS who have smal chi] dren anc] al agreed that а respOnSe WaS песеSSаrу, l аm representing the views of the matority of lOCal residents п contact пg you. 5 ocal residents 7в 2 l that the decis оп has Ьееп taken wth absoI utely по regard to those of us who have l ved п the аrеа for years, с 5ь бе 7а 8g space З 2 раrklпg 6 qual ty Subject: Replacement of а chi dren's р ayground Dеаr Sir/ Madam, б ioo mапу donatlons 9 псоmе Ь 2aside Зrаtе 9 рау 10 debit 4budget 5fnance бdebt 7rnvestгnent 8iпсоmе 1 1 grant 12 donat опS True, 4, 5, 6] Fаlsе: 1, 2, З а ? Fоrmаl, з, 6,8,9, 11, 1з lnformal: 2, 4.5,7, 10, 12, 11 лл'''] iйffi$fiip€ i4* iдif+ iyiit} iillin . ёJ ,l;i:,] lj',lНfr 8в Reading апd listening extensiOn Е п ? z sne would have realised f someone had taken her Ьаg. З lf l could have got thеrе qUicker, everythrng might have Ьееп alright. 4 lf they'd Ьееп cleverer, they wouid have tr ed to find the safe. 5 Jack wouldn't know her if ] hadn't lntroduced them, 6 lf l Were you, l wou] d have changed the locks ages ago. 7 She could have been ying there fоr hours lf her neighbour hadn't cal] ed roUnd. В Yоu shouldn't have put al Z * ou d 7 z? work have З would 4 had Ьееп 5 might 8 should 9 shouldn't 10 Would have got б Would you рау 2 irLle, zа З, 4, 5, 7: Fatse: 1. 6, 8 5ь Review and extension Е 2/ 2burglary ЗЬurg] аr 4liar 5witness бevidence 7of 8trial 9court 10 1urу 11 gui] ty 12 1udge 1З sentence 14 murder 15 steal Е а h Ь zu зс 4t] 2rоЬЬеr Зshорljftiпg 4kldnapper 51ury бЬriЬеrу h Toia у frее: МспеуGаrСеп, СhесkМуМопеу МопеуWсrkеr Works оп гпоЬl е i] i.опеS] l"{ Oneyworker, ViопеуGаrdеп, СhесkМуМопеу 'y'/ Orks \ ,Yhеп поt оп iпе: з4,1.2 your valuables п опе bag. 9 The ludge should have sent him to рrisоп for а ] ot longer. 10 You should have Ьееп watching what was happen ng. Ь ? 2 l had sеел her, l Would have Shouted, З lf yOU had toI d mе, it cou| d have been different, Lf 4 We'd never have known ]f She had stayed at home, 5 They shouldn't have thrown it ацау. 6 She shouldn't have taken mу р!ýе. З t,r'iouid Ье з great dea f ечегуопе сус ed io WoI k. 5 6 t wou d have been fantast t v,lou d Ье Е 2 оле з/ nice f ti] ere mоrе реор е l ke hеr, \ ,чеrе с аrеа ,,,,,hеrе sa,rings cou f VoL] i] ad согпе u/ th t] s. i Ье п] аdе is trапsроrt, 4 'гп поt S!re iha'i olrr Dudget s Ь g erloLlgh for this, 5,/ 6 The пlа п SuSpec| ,r'/ as aot the mr rdеtеr but someone е se, 7 А гrап has Jееп аrrеSiеd and ltll арреаr п court ater, В The th ef WaS aI resteaj whеп she tгied to burgle а f at, L 8с Е Е 2Word ЗреаSt] rе 4granied 5sегiоlslу бlt д 2а зс 4а 5а бь А ? 2 simi ar like З 4 feeling 5 wlth б when 9А Е 0 2 lt's Simоп again / / from NatEast Bank. З lt's 97з ll 4I 2. 4 No, / / but thanks anyway. 5 Do yOU Want tO рау Ьу cash // оr Ьу cгedit Card? 6 That's fine, / / по wоrr es. 7 l'm Sоrrу, / / but l didn't get that. В All the best / i апd speak to you soon. 9 Gooooye, / / ­1,1зпt5 Г6, 6з11 ng, 8I l The review answers questions 4, 6, 7, 8 Tru", 2, 5, 6; False: 1, z а Д 2е Зе 4 5с 61 7f Bh 9Ь 10g Ь ztnut Зwhо 4whch 5whch бlvhch 7\ .\ iho 8that 1О 2, З,6,7 Е 11 who 12 who 1З who 14 that 9Whose 15 wh ch а 2 geitjпg очеr З nfect оп 4 ра е 5 cougl] eci б Scar Ь 2bruise Засhеd 4strained 5treat бdzzy 7shak.e over Bpassout 10 deve ор Е ? bodybli de[ , gU "l/ ,iuI /,: пt] lali qu ty. Ь ScU t Sапсе, lrUit, SUitS te, пquirе 9в Е ? Suggested апswеr The Godfather, directed Ьу Гrапсis Fоrd Coppola, is опе of the most famous filmS ever гпаdе and l could watch it again апd again. 0пе of the things l love about ;t is the authentic 1940s/ 50s atmosphere of the plot and characters, С 2 hсч; he had З hirT to ехр аiп 4 to taLk 5 that the рrеss wanted 6 hav ng 7 he had used 8 fying 9 he had walked 10 tu gi,e 11 the] / had Ьееп 12 US tnat 1З h tл to give 2.] еппу tO d гпе tt] at lt had taken three hours tc get there, З The пursе thoUght that t m] ght Ье а рrоЬlеm, ,1 lйу murT asked mе tvho l was go ng W] th, 5 S гпоп wanted to kпоw why hadn't to d him, The mаiп setting is New Yоrk, where the Corleone famiy are in а struggle with other N4afia families to take cOntrol of illega bUSineSSeS. The youngest Son, l\ 4ichael, changes from ап honest citizen to the criminal head of the family аftеr gett ng involved in the v olence and politics of the underworld. 6 i аро оg sed fоr break ng the vase. / l арс оg sed because l'd Ьrоkеп the vase, 7 The bcss rегг nded еvеrуопе to Ье оп time, What makes th S а Ьr l] iant f lm ] S the eХcelient act пg Ьу l\ 4аrlоп Brando and А] Pac] no, and the exciting plot combined with а moving soundtrack. You would пеvеr think at the start of the film that M] chael wrlj cheat and kill his way to the top, The other thing l oved ls the beautiful scenery in locations ranging from а ? 2 LaS Vegas to Sicily. Ь 2urunr. Зsurе 4соmе 5estmatec] бassume 7doubt Blvonder The Godfatheris ап аmаZiпg fi m, shock пg and enteftaining at the Same trme, апd l highly rесоmmепd it to anybody who loves to see real film making with а Strong p] ot. You wll] immediately Want tO watch Gadfather ii, whlch some critics .h пk iS Ъ+ where ts З,4 Suitab] e| 4, 5, В Unsuitab] e: ? п 9 get tr 0 Ь Unit 9 eve, better, siated З rеmiпdеd 4 refused 5 рrсm sed б rеа Sed 9 оrоеrеd 10 ins sted 7 assumed 8 r,fоriпеd \l Апswеr key' 9с Uпit 10 п а 10А 6,5,7,2. з,8, 1,9,4 z а 2get Е Д Зmsuпс] еrstооd 4tholght 5didn't Е Ь а 2lrl Зi,хl 4lrl 5л,/ / 6/ ] / 7 lji Вlrl 91wi Ь il Тruе, 1, 2, 6; Fаlsе: З. 4, 5 Ь Z. зс ,1 а 5с ба suggests З aga nst tion 4 add 5 conc] ude б гпроrtапt 7 Sp te v elvs whеп \^ /е Ье ] eve that реор е Were health еr ancl happ wеrе s mр еr апd stress free, еr п the paSt bei] aUSe the r i VeS The rгаiп argument fоr Ье iev ng we аrе hea thler today s tl­ai п] еdiсiпе and techno ogy have al owed us to tI eat al] d even сurе d seases that woL,r d have k ] ed Js i1,1 the past, П,4оrеоvеr, оur nutrtion is better, so we are stronger and betier prepared to fight i lnesses. п addit оп, because of mach пеrу and better work пg condit ог] 5, wе have п­оrе е sure t me to do sport апd take саrе of ourse] ves, ln contrast, fe lп the early twentieth century WoU с] have Ьееп mа nl} ,Work and rесоVеrу frоm члоrk, 0пе argument aga nst а i th s s that our ifestyie has сhапgеС, апd that th s сап bring оп аl sorts of hea th рrоЬlегпs, So il] stead of eat ng the hea thy food wh ch s aval able. some реоDlе eat mоrе апd What they eat is unhea th еr, for ехаmрlе processed food. ] п conc uslon, l bel eve that We аrе hea th еr tcday mаiпlу because we are protected Ьу lhе WOnderS of глоdеrп mеdlс] пе. lt s а ways attraCt Ve tO th пk of SOme klnd Of gO den past Whеrе life WaS better. but thiS cloes not арр] у to hea t] Reading апd listening extension а 2imDrobable ЗuпрrеqiсtаЬiе 4disorqanised 5unbreakable 6 inconvcnlent Х zПаа Зhоре 4made Ь 5 l had bought / that l had bought б hope / hope thai 7 l hadn't Ьееп / that l hadn't Ьееп 8 he wouldn't ie / that he wouldn't lie 9 l had studied 10 We Weren't Watching / that We Weren't Watching 1l should have gone 12 shouldn't have told Е 2 zwitrr Зоut 4tackle 5up боп 7went 8onwith G 2 give up З go ahead 4 trу out 5 соре W] th б оVеrсоmе 7 WOrk оп 8 get оп With 10с п а 2couldп't Зехресtiпg 4peased 5ablow бgеt zа ? 10, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6,з,9,7 п the winter of eighteen fiftvJive, the people of Devon in Епq] апd woke up to find the footor nts Of а Strange anima] iп the snow, Some frightened реооlе ашj ol,,, ог аорrо< ma[ ev а hundred m les ­ if their account is to Ье Ьеl eved, The footorints went iп а Straight iпе through gаrdепs and очеr wails and roofs, No опе could ехо а] п the footorints, but Since then mапу theories have lэeen Suggesied. Опе Of the strangest was that а kапgаrоо had escaped from а пеаrЬу zoo аш| шшресL through the countrvside] tоl owed Е 5с Review апd extension theT and lhe | ootDrints Wег_Lоп 10D Е Е 2,/ The f lm rеч ew, wh Ch сагпе out yesterday WaSn't pos t Ve, / The f lm revjew that carxe out yesterday lvasl] 't posit Ve, moved nto the rоогп Where you used tcl i че, , гпочеd iпtо the rоогп Wh ch уоu used to l ve п, Then Rachel to d п] е that she wanted to eave, i Тhеп Rache] sa с] that she wanted to leave, 6,/ в 2 N4arcus Can't raCe оr tra п for three months апd he Sn't dea] rng З The cost of med с пе is а prob егп in tl,] e deve oping \ i/ or d 4 You shou d take саrе of yourseJf nOvr' уоU'rе рrеgпапt 5,/ 6,/ across З true 4 conc] us 2* oud ] istentome Зshеwаs/ shеwеrе 4 he livec] / thathelived Е а 2,5, I ,4, 7 з, 5 Ь Zo зс 4Ь 5а ба'lг: ? 1ь 2с за Ь zu зь 4I r 5Wouid бwеrе 7should 8would 9had 10 did s, Е 2 З irre evant 4 unexpected 5 unbelievab] e б impossible п Suggested answer согпра[ е the hea th of реор е today and а ceпtl] ry ago. On the опе hand. t | s said that we ve опgеt апd hea th ег ives because have better food and advanced med с пе, оп the other hand. some Е 12 cou d 10в тhеrе сап Ье extreme 5 саl not Е Е ,1 11 m] ght 2irregular Зimроlitе 4inexperienced 5impatient бunreasonalэle 7 unsuccessful 8 dishonest 9 improbable 10 informa 11 irгesponsibie В Unl] ke З mау 12 incredible а ? 10 2 illog Е 2 2coutO Зmау 4must 5can't бmау 7could 8must 9must zil 1О/ 1,/ 90 ? 2сачс1 Зmау 4can't 5might бmightnot 7must 8nraynot cou] d 10 can't 9 W th thiS Very Weli а 4,5,6,7,1,9,2,8,з Ь zu зс 4а 5с бЬ 7с 8а а д za зf 4ь 5е бс Ь 2 Fееliпg, fe] i З realised, realis ng 4 hid, hlding 5 held, holding Е ? Suggested answer l shook hands and hurried away, hoping l'd never see him again. Jones had given mе the information l wanted, ] t was a] lthere оп the f] ash drve, а lfor qUite а reasonable price cons] derrng how va] uable it woulc] Ье to mе, We] l, not only mе. I Vlany реорlе would Ье nterested in what was going оп ln W lkinsons оп 5 uп ard б w th Tl,ey wo­1o Sоог 'ild oUl. l had met Jones Ьу сhапсе in а саfё, Talking очеr а cotfee, l soon found out that he worked for Wl kinsons, the соmрапу that had sacked mе so unfairly, 'Му сhапсе for revenge,' l thought, puttlng some extra SUgаг in mу coffee. We soon саmе to ап arrangement, lt was аlJ very simple and logical: he was help] ng me with some informatlon and l WaS helping somebodv else who hated Wilk nsons. .:iiii. l Went hогпе and ooked at the fi] es оп гпу computer. 'WOW| Th S iS incredib el' l Said t0 nryself, WOnder ng how.,] ones had гпапаgеd to get access to al] this mater al, Suddenly the рhопе rапg and l heard Jones's voice, 'Destroy the filesI ' he had time to cry out before the phone went dead, leaving me frightened and confused, l had tO make а dec s] on. and fast, Reading and listening extensiOn Е 2 I e 2а зь 4с 5d Ь 1Sr,un. 2Jоп ЗLsа 4I V] ke С True: 2, 5, 6; Fа Se| 1, З, 4 z? 1с 2d зе 4а Ь 1 confident 2 5ь 4 forlunate 5 angry Review and extension п 2 з/ We do hope yOU w l enjoy the rest of уоUr Stay, 4 Goodbye, and ] hope We can meet again sооп, 5 Den s w] shes he had spent mоrе t гпе there last 6,/ Е 2 The з/ summer. 4 'm very dissatisf ed with уоuг response to mу recent letter, 5 The police discovered her i legal use of соmрапу funds. 6,/ 2 lt'S the other Way round, З There'S по Way 4 al the way 5 0пе way or anoth­^ r 4 З сап hаrгп Ье 5 is oid fash her oned б has finished wоrk ng 4 didn't rеа lу пееd to wоrrу 5а 5Ь Unit 3 а 2ь за 4с 5ь Ь 2 r'un the marathon quickly С 2ь зс 4а З plays football 4 ded cat оп Unit 4 train ng faci it es аrе satrsfactory for а club of th s size, Е Uпit 1 д za зе 4f 5d бс Ь 2 hor'... З а water sport С 2а ЗЬ 4с 5а Uпit 2 а 2 оп their оwп Ь zb зс 4а С 2с За 4d 5Топч hopefu З surprised not video ехеrсisеs ? 2Ь Зd 4с Ь z. зс 4а 5с С 2 Wel] paic] З Satisfied 4 deserve 5 make t а posltive eХperience Unit 5 а 2ь зс 4ь 5ь Ь zu зо ць с 2ь зd 4а Unit 6 а 2d зс 4ь 5а Ь Z met Rachel's expectations З а ways 4 bus 5 а problerт with the boat 6 d dn't Spoi С 2а Зс 4Ь 5а Uпit 7 а 2ь зtэ 4с 5с ба 7ь Ь 2 di.ugruu. З younger 4 long с 2ь зf 4а 5е бс work пg Unit 8 д 2е зь 4а 5d Ь 2 .оr'. traditronal З her рhопе hours 5 the расе of l fe б negative 4 еаsiег to use 5 organise his cash very well с 2ь зс 4а Unit 9 Е 2а зс 4ь Ь 2 research З are the resu t of acc] dents 4 has almost solved the рrоЬ егп 5 had ] ed tO с 2а зс 4ь 5а Unit 10 а2ьза4с5абь7ь Ь za зf 4с 5а бь С 2 agrees З want the same thing 6 Uп mportant 'n''8ý 4 Wants tO think 5 n­rotivation Acknowledgem ents The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and аrе grateful for the permissions Geoff Rеп пеr; р.29( granted. While every effort has Ьееп made, lt has noi always Johnny Habell; р.29(4): Shutterstock/ Keith Wheatley; р.29(5): Ьееп possible to identify the sources of all the material used, оr to trace all copyright holders. lf апу omissions are brought to our notice, we wili Ье happy to include the аррrорriаtе acknowledgements on rерri nting. 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