Rooting in Sterile Tubs Another exclusive Microclone Tissueponics Technique Clones from culture are planted in sterile plastic cups with filtered lids. Twenty four and 32 oz. size cups allow plenty of room for growth and leaf development. Each deli-type tub can hold four or five rockwool cubes. Oasis is typically more dry than rockwool and should be watched. Organic cubes such as Rapid Rooters will dry and shrink and should stand in a short puddle of rooting solution. Cubes are soaked in a pH 5.9 0.5 EC Bloom solution to saturate. Drain cups on their side if usoing rockwool. Cubes should be sterilized in a pressure cooker, like Microclone tissue cultue media. We sterilize the hydrated cubes in the cups for 30 minutes, or 20 minutes if preparing media in the same sterilizer. The cups can be stacked inside one another leaving space around the sides for steam to get in. Lids are sterilized together in the space between the cups. Move cups and lids to sterile area to cool. Store with lids on near clean transfer hood, rotate stock, and use within a few weeks, before they dry out. The perect moisture level in the cup is seen by a a thin sweat on the inside of the cup and around the cubes. Transplant tube clones when either; leaves begin to yellow, or stem in agar has swollen to 2 to 3 times original girth. Clean cutting plate and tools as for tube introductions and prepare a cup of clean water with 1 g/liter Dichlor. Withdraw clone with forceps and move to plate to trim any yellow or brown bits. No additional cut on bottom end is needed. The callus on the cut end is made of root primordia ready to grow. Inspect cubes before planting and arrange if needed. Use clean tool to open planting hole if needed. Clone should set deep enough to fix in place, but not against such resistence as to allow breaking. Dip in Dichlor to rinse off sugar from tube media and Set into cube. Continue until container is filled or you run out of clones to insert. Label cup immediately. You may have an incompletely filled cup at the end of the run. Three clones in a cup of three is not really waste. If there will be one or tw o clones in the last cup, you may want to double-up in some of the cubes already planted, as long as the cube can be divided if both clones root. Grow on the clean shelves with the Tissueponics tubes Ideal temp is 74 inside the cup and 77 at the root zone. Lighting should be bright enough to encourage growth, but not dry or overtranspire the plant, about 100 micromoles. The moisture on the cup wall will disappear as the clone inside hardens to atmospheric levels. At the same time, the roots will begin to grow into root cubes as moisture is reduced. Clones are ready when new growth is observed in form of new leaves and/or roots appear from the cubes. Clones in cups are considered sterile in transportation and delivery. Maintaining the cleanliness of the TC clones is at the mercy of the growing environment. It is advised that clean and sterile technique be maintained as much as possible through veg and flowering, definitely in veg. Cups can be treated with a H2O2 solution of a teaspoon per liter from a sprayer. OIf something grows on a plant in a cup, spray the affected plant and remove with forceps. Treat the empty cube and the surface of the remaining clones.