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Spectre Simulation Error Log: Transistor Dimension Mismatch

Error found by spectre during initial setup.
ERROR (CMI-2440): "/project/silterraC18G_yx4800/silterraC18G/../models/spectre/bsim4c18_hp_rev1_5.scs" 224: I1.MM0.mint: The length, width, or area of the instance does not fit the given lmax-lmin, wmax-wmin, or areamax-areamin range for any model in the `I1.MM0.nhpi' group. The channel width is 2.000000e+00 and length is 2.000000e+00. Specify channel width and length that do not exceed the referenced maximal area Lmax=1.000000e-04, Lmin=1.800000e-07, Wmax=1.000000e-04 and Wmin=2.200000e-07. You can choose the nearest model by setting the value of `soft_bin' option to `allmodels'.
ERROR (CMI-2440): "/project/silterraC18G_yx4800/silterraC18G/../models/spectre/bsim4c18_hp_rev1_5.scs" 354: I1.MM1.mint: The length, width, or area of the instance does not fit the given lmax-lmin, wmax-wmin, or areamax-areamin range for any model in the `I1.MM1.phpi' group. The channel width is 4.000000e+00 and length is 2.000000e+00. Specify channel width and length that do not exceed the referenced maximal area Lmax=1.000000e-04, Lmin=1.800000e-07, Wmax=1.000000e-04 and Wmin=2.200000e-07. You can choose the nearest model by setting the value of `soft_bin' option to `allmodels'.