Uploaded by Gideon Okinyi


Article I: Name
The name of the Group shall be “THE GROWTH HUB (TGH),” hereinafter referred to as
“The Group”
Article II: Purpose
The objectives of the Group shall be:
To create an enabling platform through which members can make savings.
To create a support system for members by providing financial assistance in
times of need.
To foster a sense of community and social responsibility by organizing charitable
activities, community service projects, and volunteering opportunities.
To provide a platform for members to share ideas, exchange knowledge, and
learn from each other's experiences.
To create a long-term sustainable model for the group's growth and expansion,
ensuring its relevance and viability for future generations.
To create a network of empowerment for members
Article III: Membership
Membership in the group shall be open to individuals who meet the following criteria:
Any person (18) and above years of age
Must share the above interests and show commitment by attending or
participating in at least two of the group activities either by way of attendance,
contribution, or donation. The individual shall be eligible for membership of the
Group and shall, subject to approval of the management committee, become a
member on payment of the prescribed fee.
Individuals who wish to become members shall fill a membership form and
submit to the management.
Once the management committee has approved the new member, he/she shall
be required to pay a registration fee of Ksh. 500
Upon admission the member’s names shall be entered in the membership
register and a membership number issued.
Every member shall make a minimum monthly contribution of Ksh. 500
i. All Monthly payments shall be made on or before the 5th of the proceeding
ii. A Member shall pay a penalty/fine of Ksh. 100 for any payment made past the
5th day of the month
iii. All imposed fines if not paid in due time, shall be subjected on the member’s
The group shall have the power to refuse membership to an applicant,
where it is considered, such membership would be detrimental to the group's
aims, purposes, or activities.
a). The management shall provide the applicant reasons for the refusal in writing
Every member shall have one vote at general meetings.
Any member can be expelled from membership if the committee so recommends
and if a General meeting of the Group shall resolve by two thirds majority that
such a member should be expelled on the grounds that his/her conduct has
adversely affected the reputation and dignity of the Group
a) Membership may also be terminated by a committee for any reason deemed
appropriate, including but not limited to failure to fulfill membership obligations or
violation of the group's bylaws.
Membership of the group shall cease with effect from the date of a member’s:
a) Withdrawal from the group
A member may at any time withdraw from the membership
by giving at least sixty (60) days written notice to the
The group shall refund to a member the amount
accumulated in the member's savings account within sixty
(60)days of receiving the written notification of the member
to withdraw from membership of the group.
A withdrawal fee of Kshs. 2000 will be deducted from the
member’s savings.
b) Expulsion from Group
Suspension and Expulsion Procedure
i. Upon formal and written proof that a member has committed a violation
punishable by expulsion, the management shall serve a thirty(30)days
written notice to the member stating the reason(s) for the proposed expulsion
and requiring him/her to file a defence to the allegations.
ii. Upon the expiry of the 30days and taking into consideration the member’s
defence, if any, the management shall initiate administrative inquiry and
make a decision on its findings within 15 days.
Becoming certifiably insane
d) Remain dormant for a period of 3 Months
e) Death
3.8 Membership Rights
A member of the group shall have the right to -
a)Attend,participate and vote in decision making at all General Meetings of the
b)Be elected to group leadership subject to compliance with any written law.
c)Enjoy the use of all the facilities and services of the group subject to
compliance with the group's constitution.
d)Access all legitimate information relating to the group, including a copy of this
constitution;any internal Policies and Procedure Manuals;registers; minutes
of General Meetings and Supervisory Committee reports;Annual Financial
Article IV: Nominees/Next of Kin
Every member shall nominate a nominee in writing as his/ her nominee to whom, on
his/ her death, deposits shall be vested, and such appointments shall be attested by
two witnesses who are members of the group.
In the event of death of a member, the group after satisfying itself and after
obtaining such documentary proof of the death of a member as it may consider
necessary, shall pay to the nominee the value of the deceased member’s
deposits, after ducting such sums as may be due by the member to the group, as
soon as possible.
Article V: Leadership
The Group's leadership shall consist of the following officers:
i) The chairperson
ii) Vice -Chairperson
iii) The secretary
iv) Assistant Secretary
v) The treasurer
5. 1
All office bearers shall be elected at Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held
each year and shall hold the office till the succeeding AGM and shall be eligible
for reelection.
Duties of General Meetings
a)Consider and confirm the
minutes of the previous General Meeting.
b)Consider reports of the Committees and the financial statements of the group's
activities during the past financial year.
c)Elect or remove members of the management committee subject to the
Group's rules and Regulations.
d)Fix the indemnity for the elected leaders of the management committee.
e)Consider recommendations on expulsion of members and refusal of membership by
the management committee.
f)Approve the estimates of income and expenditure for the financial year
following the General Meeting.
Voting at Management Committee and group meetings shall be by a majority
basis. If there is a tied vote, then the chairperson shall have a second vote.
Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the Group shall automatically
cease to be an office bearer thereof.
Office bearers may be removed from office as is laid down for expulsion of and
vacancies created filled by persons elected in General meeting resolving the
expulsion. The management committee may co-opt on temporary basis any
member to fill such vacancy in event of such occurrence.
Power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary who shall
be accountable to the committee.
The duties and responsibilities of each officer shall be as follows:
The Chairperson shall unless prevented by illness or other
sufficient cause, preside over all meetings of the
committee/members, and at all General meetings, provide
leadership for the group and performs other duties as necessary.
The Chairperson, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall
preside over every General Meeting. In their absence, any
member elected by majority of those present shall preside.
iii. The chairperson shall perform any other duties as may be directed by
the management committee.
The vice-Chairperson shall perform any duties as assigned to him/her by
the Chairperson.
In the absence of the Chairperson the vice-Chairperson shall chair all
session. He/she shall deputize the Chairperson on all occasions and
other duties as necessary.
The Vice-chairperson shall perform any ofother duties as may be directed
by the management committee.
The Secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the Group under
the general supervision of the committee. In case of urgent matters where
the committee cannot be consulted; he/she shall consult the Chairperson
or if he/she is not available the vice-Chairperson. The decision reached
shall be subject to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting.
He/she shall issue notices convening all meetings of the committee and
all General meetings of the Group and shall be responsible for keeping
minutes of all such meetings and for the preservations of all records of
proceedings of the Group and the Committee.
Assistant Secretary
In the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall perform all
the duties of the Secretary and such other duties as shall be assigned to
him/her by the Secretary or the Committee, whether the Secretary is
present or not.
In the absence of the secretary, shall perform the duties of the secretary.
The Treasurer of the group shall be elected from amongst the members of
the board of directors,with knowledge in experienced accounting or
financial matters,and shall be responsible to the management committee
and the General Meetings for:
He/she shall receive and disburse all monies belonging to the group
under the direction of the constitution or as maybe agreed by the group or
the committee. All monies belonging to the Group and shall issue receipt
for all monies received by him or her and preserve vouchers for all
moneys paid out.
He/she is responsible for keeping proper books of account of all monies
received and paid by the Group and are written up, preserved, and
available for inspection.
He/she shall
He/she shall
ensure that all payment and expenditures are duly authorized.
ensure compliance with all financial directives of the
management committee.
Article VI: Meetings
There shall be three classes of General Meetings: Annual General Meetings,
Physical meetings, and bi-weekly meetings.
A compulsory annual general meetings shall be held once every year and shall
be a physical meeting.
Notice in writing of the Annual general meeting, accompanied by the agenda for
the meeting shall be sent to all members not less than 21 days before the date of
the meeting.
The group may call for Special physical meeting for any specific purpose. Notice
in writing of such meetings shall be sent to members 7 days before the date
i. Upon lateness, one will be eligible to a fine of Kes 50 per hour. The more a
member is late the more the penalty.
ii. Any member who does not attend the physical meeting without an apology or
communicating to any member of the group within a period of 7days (a week) is
eligible for a fine of Kes 500/=.
iii. Every member must give his or her meeting contributions regardless of
whether the member will attend the physical meeting or not.
iv.Under unavoidable circumstances hindering an individual from attending the
meeting an emegency message must be communicated to the chairperson who
will communicate such to the management committe to look into.
The bi-weekly meetings shall be held online through a team app.
i. The bi-weekly online meeting shall be at 9:00 pm with an allowance of 10
minutes to accommodate all members within the team app, any member joining
past 9:10 pm without any communication prior to the meeting is eligible for a fine
of 20/=
ii. Any member who misses the meeting without an apology or any
communication whatsoever is eligible for a fine of 50/=.
Quorum for general meetings shall be not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
registered members of the Group.
At all meetings of the Group the Chairperson or in his absence the vice
Chairperson or in the absence of both these officers, a member selected by the
meeting shall take the chair.
The Chairperson may at his discretion limit the number of persons permitted to
speak in favour of or against any motion or agenda.
Resolution shall be decided by simple voting. In the case of equality of votes, the
Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
Article VII: Finances/Expenditure
The funds of the Group shall be derived from the following sources:
I) Members’ registration fee
II) Monthly contributions by members
III) All monies accrued by virtue of any business of the group
The funds of the Group may only be used for the following purposes:
I) Assist any member of the Group in financial need
II) For such investments as approved by the Management committee.
III) For any other purpose deemed beneficial to the members of the Group
All monies shall be received by and paid to the official bank account of the group
No payment shall be made out of the bank accounts without a resolution of the
members authorizing such payments and the treasurer shall sign all cheques on
such bank account and all other approved signatories who were involved in opening the
bank account.
The financial year of the Group shall be 5th Feb to 5th January every year.
The group's finances shall be managed by the Treasurer, who shall keep
accurate records of all financial transactions and report on the group's financial
status at each meeting.
The Management Committee will ensure that the group stays within the budget.
Any money obtained by the group shall be used only for the group.
Article VIII:Procedures
1.Procedure of payment of benefits
1.Notice of occurance of the covered event through the
2.The chairperson shall convene a special meeting within 7
days to notify the members of the situation
3.the members contributions shall be collected within 12 Days
from the day of notice
4.the members shall be notified by the treasurer of the
contribution progress on the 12th or wen whole sum is
5.amember who fails to contribute by the deadline,the sum
will be deducted from the savings and a penalty of sh.100
imposed on the member.
6.the received amount will be channelled to the member or
next of kin
2.procedure of suspension and expulsion
- Report of a violation
-Filing of response by the member
- investigation into the claims within 7 days
- convention of a special hearing by the management
-Determination of the case and final rulling
4.Produre for joining the group
-participating in at least 1 group activity and attending at least
one physical meeting or online meeting
-Filing of registration form
-payment of ksh.500 registration fee
-issuance of membership number
-updating next on kin details
- the member will be on probation for wait for 4 months during
which he/she will not be entitled any benefits except the
saving platform
-upon expiry of that period the member will be considered an
active member
5. Produre for releasing money from the group's accout
-Determination of the purpose of the funds
-prepartaion of requisition letter
-Convention of a meeting by management or group to discuss
the intended purpose
-authorization by the chairman ,secretary and at least one
member,all of whom must sign the document of requisition
- Notification to the signatories of the intended and papproved
- signatories releases the fund
6. Procure for exiting/withdraw from the group
-Notification mustt be sent in writing within 60days
- the chairperson shall forward to the treasurer the names of
the withdrawing member for a background check on what is
owed to the sacco or what Saco owes the member and the
saccos saving status of the member.
- the sacco shall deduct all that is owed to them and deduct a
withdrawal fee of 2500
- the resulting members saving shall be given to the member
-signing of a withdrawal form which will also specify the
amount deducted,reason for deduction and the withdrawal fee
6. Procure for exiting/withdraw from the groupProdecure
of suspending a leader from office
-Notification of violation in writing
-Response filled within 7 days
-suspention from office untill decision is reached
-investigation by comitee
-summon by commettee
-Determination of the case
Procedure of organizing group events
- Determination of the type of event
-proposal of a budget by planning committee
-discussion of the budget by the group
-adjustment of the budget
- Determination of how to finance the event
-determination of the date
Alteration of the Constitution
(a) Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution must be delivered
to the secretary in writing. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then
decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four
weeks (21 days) clear notice.
(b) Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those
members present and voting at any general meeting.
Article IX: Dissolution
The Group shall not be dissolved except by a resolution passed at a general
meeting of the members by a vote of two-thirds 2/3 of the members present. The
quorum of the meeting shall be as to be agreed. If no quorum is obtained, the
proposal to dissolve the Group shall be submitted to a further General meeting,
which shall be held at a later date. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all
members of the Group at least 14 days before the meeting date. The quorum
of this meeting shall be the number of members present.
Article IIX: Acceptance
We, the undersigned management committee of THE GROWTH HUB(TGH), do hereby accept
and adopt the constitution for and on behalf of the group together with any changes or
alterations that have been initiated or signed by us.
4. …………..
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