LR1110 Application Note: GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 1 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential Table of Contents 1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2. The Fundamentals of GNSS with LR1110 ................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 GNSS Scan Principle of Operation ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 GNSS Scan Mode RF Performance ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Satellite Visibility .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 GNSS Performance Metrics....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) ................................................................................................. 8 2.4.2 Output SNR........................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.3 Carrier to Noise Density Ratio: C/N0 ........................................................................................................... 10 Aside: GNSS Signal Power Conversions ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.5 3. Number of Space Vehicles Visible........................................................................................................................ 10 Antenna Placement and Environment ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 SV Location and Dilution of Precision ................................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Radio Environment & Weather Conditions....................................................................................................... 12 4. Antenna Specifications & Selection ........................................................................................................................... 13 Aside: Polarization, Gain and Polarization Loss ............................................................................................................. 13 4.1 Antenna Polarization ................................................................................................................................................ 14 4.2 Antenna Gain............................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Antenna Radiation Efficiency ................................................................................................................................ 15 5. Antenna Selection ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 5.1 Ceramic Patch Antennas ........................................................................................................................................ 16 5.2 PCB Antennas .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 5.3 Miniaturized Ceramic Antennas ........................................................................................................................... 17 5.4 Antenna Selection Summary ................................................................................................................................. 18 6. General GNSS Antenna Design Considerations..................................................................................................... 18 6.1 Board Size ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Antenna Placement .................................................................................................................................................. 19 6.3 Filtering ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 7. Experimental Setup to Verify GNSS Antenna Performance .............................................................................. 22 7.1 The Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 7.2 The Measurement Process ..................................................................................................................................... 23 7.2.1 Autonomous Mode Testing.......................................................................................................................... 23 GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 2 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 7.2.2 Assisted Mode Testing ................................................................................................................................... 24 8. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................................... 25 9. Useful Links ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 10. References ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26 11. Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 3 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential List of Figures Figure 1. The LR1110 Geolocation Process ............................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2. Assisted mode (green and blue) gives better SV visibility than autonomous mode (blue) .............. 7 Figure 3. GNSS Signal Power Metrics ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Measured RSSI Response of the LR1110 with External 2 dB NF LNA ......................................................... 8 Figure 5. Output SNR Response of the LR1110 to both GPS (left) and Beidou (right) Signals ............................ 9 Figure 6. Example of satellite geometry influencing localization accuracy ............................................................. 11 Figure 7. Ground Clutter Reflections Reversing the Polarity of Circular Polarization and reducing Satellite Visibility ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 8. An example of the Space Weather Forecast from [3]. ................................................................................... 12 Figure 9. Schematic and views of the live test setup ....................................................................................................... 14 Figure 10. Localization is reliably possible down to -3 dBic .......................................................................................... 15 Figure 11. An example passive GNSS patch antenna from Taoglas [5]. .................................................................... 16 Figure 12. An example PCB flex antenna from Molex [6]. .............................................................................................. 16 Figure 13. The LoRa Edge Tracker features a printed folded F-antenna. .................................................................. 17 Figure 14. An example ceramic antenna from Johanson Technologies [7]. ............................................................ 17 Figure 15. Comparison of antenna gain vs board size..................................................................................................... 18 Figure 16. Example omnidirectional (left) and directional (right) radiation patterns. ......................................... 19 Figure 17. Antenna placement and orientation................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 18. A SAW filter is recommended if the radio may operate close to other radio systems .................... 21 Figure 19. LR1110 GNSS Testing Setup ................................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 20. The results of a GNSS scan using the EVK ........................................................................................................ 23 Figure 21. Assisted mode: Number of visible SVs for a PCB (top) vs Ceramic Patch Antenna (below) .......... 24 List of Tables Table 1. RF performance of the LR1110 by GNSS constellation and operating mode ........................................... 6 Table 2. Antenna Cross-Polarization Loss............................................................................................................................. 14 Table 3: Performance of common antenna types ............................................................................................................. 18 Table 4. The signal strength scale of SNR and C/N readings ......................................................................................... 23 GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 4 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 1. Overview One of the revolutionary features of the LR1110 is the ability to perform localization using the GPS and Beidou constellations of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) at much lower consumption than a conventional GNSS receiver. This is accomplished by performing a GNSS scan and relaying the received satellite data to a cloud service that decodes and then solves the location of the LR1110. Because this process is much lower energy consumption, different RF performance constraints apply when compared with conventional and legacy GNSS receivers. These performance considerations extend also to the antenna, for which specific performance limitations apply. The localization performance of the LR1110 is dependent upon the performance of the GNSS antenna, the placement of the antenna and the attendant sky view (so satellite visibility) that placement affords. In this application note we take you through the antenna performance required for GNSS operation, how to select a suitable GNSS antenna and how to place your antenna in your final application. Moreover, we introduce practical measurement setup and performance metrics that can help you evaluate and improve your design. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 5 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 2. The Fundamentals of GNSS with LR1110 2.1 GNSS Scan Principle of Operation The GNSS scan briefly receives and records the satellites visible to the LR1110 and their timing information, then offloads the localization calculation to the cloud as illustrated below. Geolocation Solver NAV Message GNSS LoRa LR1110 Almanac Time Coarse Location Gateway Figure 1. The LR1110 Geolocation Process 2.2 GNSS Scan Mode RF Performance There are two GNSS scan modes available to the LR1110: autonomous mode and assisted mode, each with different requirements and performance levels. For the solver to determine an approximate location, autonomous mode does not require any information other than the NAV message that is output by the LR1110. Alternatively, assisted mode requires information, including an estimate of the position to within 150 km (for example this could be the location of the closest LoRa gateway or the last known position), the current time (accurate to within 10 to 30 s and a maximum of 120 s) and satellite almanac data (which must be less than 15 weeks old). This information must be transmitted to the LR1110, but improves the receiver sensitivity. The additional information provided to the receiver in assisted mode translates into a significant increase in the GNSS receiver sensitivity: the sensitivity performance in each mode by GNSS constellations are shown below. Table 1. RF performance of the LR1110 by GNSS constellation and operating mode Autonomous Mode Assisted Mode GPS -134 dBm -141 dBm Beidou -131 dBm -138 dBm GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 6 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 2.3 Satellite Visibility The enhanced RF sensitivity performance of the LR1110 in assisted mode is important because it permits the reception of more heavily attenuated space vehicle (SV) signals. As illustrated in Figure 2, assisted mode increased sensitivity (green and blue) gives better SV visibility than autonomous mode (blue). -134 dBm -141 dBm Figure 2. Assisted mode (green and blue) gives better SV visibility than autonomous mode (blue) This ability to receive more satellites has two effects: 1. The number of visible SVs is increased. A minimum of 5 SVs required (but 8 to 10 is recommended) to permit a successful localization, as this number increases, the localization accuracy generally increases (although there are diminishing returns for high numbers of visible SVs). 2. The quality of the GNSS signals increases, an increase in the power of the received signal relative to the noise in the channel, the signal to noise ratio (SNR), which improves the accuracy of the localization estimate. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 7 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 2.4 GNSS Performance Metrics Given the importance of the signal strength received by the LR1110, it is necessary to understand the signal power metrics available to the LR1110. The diagram below shows the GNSS receiver path of the LR1110. Three signal power metrics are available: the RSSI, SNR and C/N0. LR1110 LNA RF Front End Gain, NF Baseband & Correlator RSSI SNRIN C/N0 Down Conversion ADC Demod & Processing SNROUT Theoretical 1 Hz Noise Figure 3. GNSS Signal Power Metrics 2.4.1 Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) RSSI is the received input signal power at the input of the receiver chain – in this case with an external 2 dB noise figure LNA with a gain of 15 dB. Because the GNSS signals are received below the noise floor, this quantity will rarely be of use for a real application or assessment of the device using GNSS signals from a space vehicle. The measured response of the RSSI is shown below: note that the response is limited by the thermal noise in the 1 MHz wide GNSS channel below -95 dBm. Figure 4. Measured RSSI Response of the LR1110 with External 2 dB NF LNA GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 8 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 2.4.2 Output SNR The output SNR gives a measure of the signal power at the output of the correlator, so the signal power that is to be demodulated. (This shouldn’t be confused with the SNR at the input of the signal chain which is a negative value, below the noise floor). 14 14 12 12 10 10 Output SNR [dB] Output SNR [dB] The graphs below show the measured output SNR for both Beidou and GPS constellation scans as a function of the GNSS signal strength. Note also that there is some variability in these measured signal quantities as evidenced by the ~1 dB standard deviation variability of the measurement. Note that the RSSI was also subject to the same error (not illustrated). 8 6 4 6 4 2 -144 8 2 -142 -140 -138 -136 -134 -132 -130 -128 -126 -140 -138 Input Power [dBm] -136 -134 -132 -130 -128 -126 -124 -122 Input Power [dBm] Figure 5. Output SNR Response of the LR1110 to both GPS (left) and Beidou (right) Signals GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 9 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 2.4.3 Carrier to Noise Density Ratio: C/N0 This is a popular signal power metric in GNSS systems as it is independent of the bandwidth. The C/N0 is another signal-to-noise ratio but simply normalized to 1 Hz of bandwidth from the 1 MHz Aside: GNSS Signal Power Conversions To convert between the input SNR, output SNR and C/N0 signal quantities the relationship is straightforward: C/N0 = SNROUT + 30 dB SNRIN = SNROUT - 30 dB Example: If we take the example the GPS SNR response of Figure 5: At an input power of -131 dBm we see that we have an SNROUT of +11 dB. This therefore corresponds to an SNRIN of -21 dB, and a C/N0 of 41 dBHz. GNSS channel bandwidth. 2.5 Number of Space Vehicles Visible The final performance metric of interest is the number of space vehicles (satellites) visible from the constellation under scan. It can be of help to determine the potential quality of a GNSS fix. However, as we will discuss in Section 3, satellite visibility is affected by many factors, but when combined with a signal power metric it is useful for characterizing the real-world performance of our GNSS antenna. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 10 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 3. Antenna Placement and Environment 3.1 SV Location and Dilution of Precision It is important to note that more satellite visibility does not always improve the quality of a localization result. In the example below, we have 2 satellites, each with the lines of constant delay to the earth’s surface (for a hypothetical GNSS receiver location) projected below onto the Earth’s surface. In this simplified view, on the left, we see that the intersection of the two distance results represents the GNSS-derived location. On the right, because of the geometry of the satellites, we see that this intersecting area is expanded, increasing the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP). In these figures, the shaded area represents the position estimation error based upon the location of the two satellites. The geometry of the satellites influences the resulting accuracy despite the measurement precision of the individual timing measurements being the same in both cases. Figure 6. Example of satellite geometry influencing localization accuracy From the image above, two consequences can be inferred. Firstly, at the extremes of latitude, the satellite constellations can periodically experience unfavorable geometries (for an example see [1]). Secondly, the placement of the antenna, relative to objects on the ground, could also influence the resulting visibility, so geometry of the visible satellites, as shown below. RHCP LHCP Figure 7. Ground Clutter Reflections Reversing the Polarity of Circular Polarization and reducing Satellite Visibility GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 11 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential Another very important consideration for GNSS systems is the influence of reflected signals. The signal transmitted by the satellite is sent with a circular polarization to help overcome a phenomenon known as Faraday rotation which imparts circular rotation on signals traversing the atmosphere from space. Consequently, the optimal direct reception of any GNSS signal will require an identical, right-handed, circular polarization (RHCP). However, as shown in the previous image, indirect GNSS signals that are reflected also see a reversal of the polarization (so RHCP becomes left-hand circularly polarization, LHCP). The mitigation of this effect is something to consider when selecting the GNSS antenna. 3.2 Radio Environment & Weather Conditions Space weather can have a significant impact on the signal strength of GNSS signals passing through the earth’s atmosphere. It is caused by the sun’s interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field and varies both cyclically and instantaneously. The Planetary K index, or Kp-index, is a figure of merit used to characterize the magnitude of geomagnetic storms, and forecasts of this value are available from various sources including NOAAs space weather prediction center [3]. Kp is an excellent indicator of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field (it maps directly to a specific value of field strength fluctuation) with values above 5 indicating a geomagnetic storm. The influence of such storms is to add unpredictable path length distortion and attenuation to the GNSS signal, with obvious implications for satellite visibility and location prediction. Figure 8. An example of the Space Weather Forecast from [3]. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 12 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 4. Antenna Specifications & Selection Aside: Polarization, Gain and Polarization Loss Polarization influences the power of the signal received by an antenna. To illustrate this, in the upper images of the figure below we have a hypothetical GNSS antenna under test (AUT). The AUT have the same 0 dBi gain but only the polarization changes, they are measured by a rotating linearly polarized measurement antenna (MA). The red trace shows the projection of the linear and circular polarization on the x-y measurement plane. RHCP Linear Polarisation y y y x AUT AUT x x y AUT y 0 dBi Polarisation Direction Polarisation Pattern x y 0 dBi 0 dBi x x In the lower row of images, the blue trace is a plot of the AUT gain seen by the MA. • • In the linear polarization case, we see that the full 0 dBi gain of the AUT is seen when the polarizations of the antennas are aligned. In the circular polarization case, we see that a constant gain is seen by the MA, but of -3 dBi. If we used an RHCP measurement antenna to receive the RHCP signal we would see the full 0 dBi circularly polarized gain. When we use a mix of linear and circular polarization we incur 3 dB polarization loss. There are hence two antenna gain quantities of interest for GNSS antennas: dBi which is the gain of the antenna relative to a linearly polarized isotropic radiator, and dBic which is the antenna gain relative to an isotropic radiator with circular polarization. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 13 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 4.1 Antenna Polarization The polarization of the incoming GNSS signal is RHCP unless scattered or reflected, in which case the polarization can become corrupted. In most applications where the LR1110 is employed, a direct sky view is recommended for successful satellite detection and the best localization performance. The table below shows the polarization loss between the various possible polarization combinations. Attention should be paid to this when considering antennas for GNSS applications. One of the key questions for an application is whether it is better to have a circularly polarized antenna and reject reflected (LHCP) signals, or to have a linearly polarized antenna that will indiscriminately receive all signals. Table 2. Antenna Cross-Polarization Loss Polarisation Loss [all units in decibels] Circular Left-Hand Right-Hand Linear Vertical Horizontal Circular Left-Hand Right-Hand 0 20 20 0 3 3 3 3 Linear Vertical Horizontal 3 3 3 3 0 20 20 0 For applications with LR1110 with direct sky view, an RHCP antenna is recommended where possible. 4.2 Antenna Gain The antenna gain is a critical specification for GNSS systems using the LR1110, especially where the lower sensitivity autonomous mode will be used in the final application. Understanding that we need 5 satellites in view to successfully perform a localization, we derived a minimum antenna gain specification for LR1110 experimentally. This specification was measured using the setup below, featuring a Taoglas antenna [4], to assess the link budget margin needed to establish a given satellite visibility by artificially reducing the link budget with an attenuator. Taoglas Passive GPS Antenna 0 to 20 dB LR1110 Kit PC Data Collection Figure 9. Schematic and views of the live test setup GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 14 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential The resulting gain specification is shown in Figure 10. The satellite visibility versus antenna gain in dBic for an environment with a clear sky view as a function of the number of visible satellites. Understanding that we will have higher sensitivity in assisted mode, we nonetheless propose the same gain specification for both assisted and autonomous modes of operation. The rationale for this is twofold: i) ii) Assisted mode still needs to see at least one satellite with the signal strength required for operation in autonomous mode. The higher link budget performance of assisted mode can still be employed to provide a faster and higher precision localization. 10 9 8 7 Number of Visible Space Vehicles 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Antenna Gain [dBic] Figure 10. Localization is reliably possible down to -3 dBic 4.3 Antenna Radiation Efficiency The efficiency of the antenna is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the input power, in the case of a transmit antenna. By reciprocity this also applies to the antenna in receive operation. Typically, efficiencies below approximately -3 dB (50%) are not recommended for GNSS designs. As with any of the figures of merit and design parameters mentioned here, because efficiency of often specified for a specific board size, care should be taken that the datasheet efficiency is still realized in the final application environment. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 15 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 5. Antenna Selection Although many antenna types and technologies are available, the three most commonly employed in miniaturized applications are ceramic patch antennas, PCB antennas and miniaturized ceramic antennas, each of which comes with its own benefits and limitations. 5.1 Ceramic Patch Antennas The ceramic patch antenna provides circular polarization and a typical gain in excess of 2 dBic. This makes it ideal for designs which will have a reliable orientation of the antenna towards the sky and where the size of the patch can be accommodated. Patch antennas typically come in two main types: active and passive. The active antenna features the benefit of including additional gain and filtering onboard the antenna which removes the need to implement the LNA on the PCB. However, the flexibility to rematch the antenna is lost. The passive antenna, comes at lower cost but responsibility for the RF signal chain implementation rests with the designer. Figure 11. An example passive GNSS patch antenna from Taoglas [5]. In both cases, one of the main difficulties with patch antennas arises where detuning occurs. For a specific design, should the antenna become significantly detuned because of the placement within your design, the patch must itself be retuned by modification of the metallization of the patch and the creation of a specific part number for your design. 5.2 PCB Antennas Many antenna types can be implemented in planar form on the PCB substrate. For brevity we restrict our considerations to two types of printed antenna: off the shelf types and custom PCB designs. Premade off the shelf antennas feature the advantage of not requiring any initial design effort. Many come connectorized with a U.FL connection and are self-adhesive to be mounted within the enclosure of the end device. Whilst low-profile, such antennas do have a large surface area. They can also typically require custom matching in a specific application environment. Figure 12. An example PCB flex antenna from Molex [6]. Custom PCB antennas will always incur some preliminary design and simulation or prototyping effort to ensure that the antenna functions as intended in the end device. Custom PCB antenna designs can be highly varied but electronic designs are typically implemented on a multi-layer FR4 design. For our general comparison we’ll consider the LR1110 LoRa Edge Tracker reference design. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 16 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential The GNSS antenna on the tracker is labelled in the image below. Here we see one of the main advantages of the custom PCB antenna: although the FR4 substrate does not allow significant antenna miniaturization, the antenna itself can be tailored to a space constrained design. The cost is also low – only requiring some additional PCB surface. GNSS Antenna Figure 13. The LoRa Edge Tracker features a printed folded F-antenna. 5.3 Miniaturized Ceramic Antennas Figure 14. An example ceramic antenna from Johanson Technologies [7]. This category includes all ceramic antennas that are implemented on a ceramic substrate, except for large ceramic patch antennas. The main interest in using a ceramic substrate is the very high permittivity it affords. This allows for drastic miniaturization of the antenna, as the wavelength within the substrate material is much reduced. However, the high permittivity of the substrate does come at the cost of reduced efficiency. It should also be noted that the performance of miniaturized antennas are often depend heavily on the surrounding PCB size. Other benefits include some immunity to detuning and the provision of good reference designs. However, as with all antennas, care must be taken to ensure that the antenna remains tuned and matched when implemented in a custom design. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 17 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 5.4 Antenna Selection Summary The table below gives an indication of the overall performance of the most common antenna types. Table 3: Performance of common antenna types Antenna Technology Typ. Gain Polarization Size(mm) Cost Ceramic patch (active) 2 dBic RHCP 25 x 25 x 7.5 ***** Ceramic patch (passive) [4] 2 dBic RHCP 12 x 12 x 4 **** PCB (flex) 1.1 dBi Linear 56 x 20 x 0.1 *** 0 to 3 dBi Linear 15.5 x 8 x 0.035 * 1 dBi Linear 15 x 4 x 3.2 ** PCB (tracker) Miniaturised Ceramic 6. General GNSS Antenna Design Considerations 6.1 Board Size The question of circuit board size is extremely important in the consideration of antenna gain. All antennas are specified for a specific board size. As can be seen in the image below, three different board sizes using the same miniaturized ceramic antenna produce increasing gain as a function of size. The area in red highlights gain below our minimum specification (0 dBi): implying a minimum board size and limited suitable orientations for some board sizes. Figure 15. Comparison of antenna gain vs board size GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 18 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 6.2 Antenna Placement To minimize unforeseen detuning issues, the placement of the GNSS antenna on the board should be the first design consideration when laying out the PCB. The antenna pattern must be oriented towards the sky, without obstruction, when in normal operating orientation. The two most common antenna patterns in miniaturized applications are weakly directional gain (such as seen with the small ceramic patch antenna) and omnidirectional gain (for any miniaturized linearly polarized antenna). In omnidirectional gain, the pattern will feature substantial minima in the radiation pattern, which must avoid being oriented towards the sky as it could prevent GNSS reception. Ideally, once placed, the antenna gain pattern should be measured to ensure the correct orientation. Figure 16. Example omnidirectional (left) and directional (right) radiation patterns. With antenna placement and orientation on the end device determined, care must also be taken during use in the application, that the antenna orientation is still respected, and that the placement of the antenna is not obscured by proximate objects in the environment. As we saw in the previous section, the PCB and the antenna component work together to form the entire antenna. The same is also true of any other conductive objects near to the antenna, including ground planes, which can also modify the antenna pattern away from the expected form. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 19 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential Figure 17 illustrates the simulated influence on a ceramic patch antenna location on a wooden cargo pallet. On the left we see the stand-alone antenna radiation pattern, the center pattern shows the radiation pattern of the same antenna but mounted on the red location on the pallet. Here, the presence of the ground under the pallet and the 90° tilt of the antenna conspire to reduce the antenna gain by 5 to 10 dB. The rightmost antenna pattern in the antenna pattern when positioned in the green location. Here, the influence of the ground alone introduces reflections and side lobes in the antenna pattern, but without compromising the gain at zenith. Antenna Only Red Location Green Location Figure 17. Antenna placement and orientation Note also that the material to which the device is mounted can also have an effect on the tuning of the antenna. Much care should be taken to ensure that the antenna is still correctly tuned and realized the design antenna gain when housed in the final application packaging and mounted in the final application environment. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 20 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 6.3 Filtering Most practical applications may operate in or around other radio services, which could cause interference to the GNSS receiver and reduce its sensitivity. It is important to realize that the frequency of these interfering links can be far removed from the GNSS operating frequency yet still have an impact if the interfering power is high enough. If the LR1110 is known to be operating in proximity to other radio links then the inclusion of a SAW filter is strongly recommended, following the LNA as shown below. The reason for this placement is the insertion loss of the SAW filter and its influence on the receiver noise figure. LR1110 Preselector SAW Figure 18. A SAW filter is recommended if the radio may operate close to other radio systems The noise figure of a radio receiver is a measure of the noise the receiver itself adds to the signal being received. The noise figure is dominated by the noise figure of the first elements of the receive chain, this arrangement of SAW and LNA minimizes this impact. In environments where very high signal powers are expected in close proximity to the GNSS receiver, a preselect filter can also be used to help prevent saturation of the LNA. These come at the expense of increased insertion loss and lower sensitivity. The choice of when to incur the potential size, cost and performance penalties of such filtering is hence dependent upon the specific application environment in which the radio will be deployed. Note that no protection is required from the other radios within the LR1110 as they cannot be used simultaneously. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 21 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 7. Experimental Setup to Verify GNSS Antenna Performance Antenna optimization can be a real challenge, especially in the case of receiver antennas where there is no transmitted signal to measure. It can be useful to use GNSS received signal metrics to determine how well a given design is performing and whether that performance is adequate for your application. 7.1 The Setup In the absence of a controlled environment and test signals where an absolute measurement of the antenna performance can be performed, we instead propose the relative measurement process as shown below. alpha d Semtech EVK DUT Figure 19. LR1110 GNSS Testing Setup The principle behind this test setup is to compare the measured Device Under Test (DUT) with the known performance of the Semtech Evaluation Kit. In this relative measurement the influence of the environment will be identical in both systems: exposed to both the same SV visibility and the same radio (interference) and ambient (temperature, humidity) environment. With the evaluation kit giving ideal reference with which to compare your implementation: allowing a direct performance GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 22 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential comparison of the number of satellites each system can see and the signal strength seen by each system. The DUT should be capable of performing a GNSS scan and outputting the C/N0 (or SNR) of the satellite constellation seen. A distance “d” greater than 20 cm and a clear sky view with angle to the horizon, alpha, of at least 30° is recommended. To simplify this operation, the GNSS scan process can be performed in autonomous mode (assisted mode needs a working internet connection for various updates). 7.2 The Measurement Process 7.2.1 Autonomous Mode Testing There are two metrics of interest: the first is the number of space vehicles visible, and the second is the C/N0 values reported for each satellite. Both of these figures determine the accuracy of the GNSS localization. The image below shows the results of a GNSS scan using the LR1110 EVK – these should be compared with the results of the system under test. Similarly, the modem-E API provides a scan which can output the number of SVs and the respective signal strength. Figure 20. The results of a GNSS scan using the EVK The range of values in Table 4 compares the signal strength with the anticipated quality of the localization output. As we can see from this scale, the measured values are in the range good-toexcellent. Table 4. The signal strength scale of SNR and C/N readings Signal Quality Excellent SNR Above 12 dB C/N Available Mode Above 42 dB-Hz Assisted / Autonomous GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 23 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential Good 8 to 9 dB Poor 2 dB or below 38 to 39 dB-Hz Assisted / Autonomous 32 dB-Hz or below Assisted only Another useful indicator is the lack of any Beidou signals – because the Beidou sensitivity of the LR1110 is 3 dB lower than GNSS, this could also point to an environmental problem if neither DUT nor EVK receive such signals. 7.2.2 Assisted Mode Testing If the device under test is equipped to perform an assisted mode scan, then a direct comparison can be performed between antenna technologies. The plots below show a 24 hour test during which the SV visibility was evaluated for the reference Ceramic patch antenna (top) and a PCB antenna (bottom). Note the natural variation in the number of SVs that are visible at any given time as the satellites orbit the earth. For this reason, it is important that all comparative SV visibility tests be performed at the same time. Figure 21. Assisted mode: Number of visible SVs for a PCB (top) vs Ceramic Patch Antenna (below) GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 24 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 8. Conclusion We have presented the main antenna specifications of interest for a miniaturized GNSS system and the signal strength metrics available in LR1110. The main factors that can influence the performance an available link budget of the GNSS link were also highlighted, including some aspects to consider in the final application environment. Using the output SNR or C/N0 we showed a practical setup that demonstrated how to compare a new design against the LR1110 reference implementation of the evaluation kit. Autonomous mode can be employed for this testing with no requirement for internet connectivity during testing. This technique can be used to evaluate the performance and suitability of a candidate antenna type to a specific application and application environment. GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 25 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential 9. Useful Links LoRa Edge™ Tracker Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide | DEVELOPER PORTAL ( 10. References [1] Mohd Hafiz Yahya and md Kamarudin, "Analysis of GPS Visibility and Satellite-Receiver Geometry over Different Latitudinal Regions", January 2008, Conference: International Symposium on Geoinformation (ISG 2008) [2] Sreeja, V. Impact and mitigation of space weather effects on GNSS receiver performance. Geosci. Lett. 3, 24 (2016). [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 11. Revision History Version ECO Date Changes 1.0 060217 Jan 2022 First version GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 26 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential Important Notice Information relating to this product and the application or design described herein is believed to be reliable, however such information is provided as a guide only and Semtech assumes no liability for any errors in this document, or for the application or design described herein. Semtech reserves the right to make changes to the product or this document at any time without notice. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Semtech warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, and all sales are made in accordance with Semtech’s standard terms and conditions of sale. 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Semtech reserves the right to make changes to, or discontinue any products described in this document without further notice. Semtech makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. All rights reserved. © Semtech 2022 Contact Information Semtech Corporation Wireless & Sensing Products 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 E-mail: Phone: (805) 498-2111, Fax: (805) 498-3804 GNSS Antenna Performance Optimization Evaluation AN1200.69 Rev. 1.0 Jan 2022 27 of 27 Semtech Proprietary & Confidential