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Anatomy Exam Questions: Bones & Joints

1. Name parts of sacrum
A. body
B. lateral parts
C. base
D. apex
2. What anatomical formations are located on the proximal end of humerus
A. anatomical neck
B. sulcus of ulnar nerve
C. head
D. lateral epicondyle
3. What anatomical formations are located on the proximal end of ulna
A. head
B. olecranon
C. trochlear notch
D. coronoid process
4. What bones reside in a proximal row of the wrist
A. capitate
B. scaphoid
C. lunate
D. triquetrum
5. Point out anatomical specificities of female pelvis
A. superior pelvic plane forms with horizontal plane an angle of 50-55 degree
B. pronounsed promontory
C. interpubic angle is 70-75 degree
D. interpubic angle is more than 90 degree
6. What dimension of small pelvis Is called the true or gynecological
A. distance between promontory and the most prominent posteriorly point of
B. distance between promontory and the Inferior margin of symphysis
C. distance between promontory and the superior margin of symphysis
D. distance between apex of sacrum and the Inferior margin of symphysis
7. What anatomical formations are located on the proximal end of femur
A. lateral epicondyle
B. head
C. medical epicondyle
D. intercondylar fossa
8. What bones of tarsus form its distal row?
medial cuneiform bone
navicular bone
lateral cuneiform bone
cuboid bone
9. Name bones of cranium having a pneumatic cavity
A. sphenoid bone
B. occipital bone
C. ethmoid bone
D. palatine bone
10. Name parts of occipital bone
A. basilar part
B. body
C. hypoglossal canal
D. sulcus of transverse sinus
11. What canals pass through the pyramid of temporal bone
A. optic canal
B. facial сanal
C. condylar canal
D. mastoid canaliculus
12. What fontanel of cranium closes on the second year of life
A. posterior (occipital) fontanel
B. sphenoid fontanel
C. anterior (frontal) fontanel
D. mastoid fontanel
13. Name parts of ethmoid bone
A. perpendicular lamina
B. horizontal lamina
C. ethmoid labirynthus
D. cribriform lamina
14. Name processus of maxilla
A. palatine process
B. zygomatic process
C. temporal process
D. frontal process
15. What anatomical formations are located on the body of mandibula
A. oblique line
B. pterygoid fossa
C. digastric fossa
D. mylohyoid line
16. What bones form pterygopalatine fossa
A. palatine bone
B. sphenoidal bone
C. zygomatic bone
D. maxilla
17. What opening connects pterygopalatine fossa with orbit
A. inferior orbital fissure
B. superior orbital fissure
C. pterigomaxillary fissure
D. sphenopalatine foramen
18. What bones form the inferior wall of the orbit
A. maxilla
B. sphenoidal bone
C. palatine bone
D. zygomatic bone
19. What bones form the osseal nasal septum
A. nasal bone
B. vomer
C. lacrimal bone
D. ethmoid bone
20. What hiatuses open into the middle nasal meatus
A. semilunar hiatus
B. anterior cells of ethmoid bone
C. nasolacrimal canal
D. sphenoidal sinus
21. What bones form the hard (osseal) palate
A. palatine bone
B. ethmoid bone
C. maxilla
D. sphenoidal bone
22. What bones form the lateral wall of nasal cavity
A. lacrimal bone
B. ethmoid bone
C. sphenoidal bone
D. maxilla
23. What junctions of bones are regarded as continuous?
24. Denote fibrous junctions
A. sutures
B. gomphosis
C. symphysis
D. membranes
25. What anatomical structures a synovial joint has
A. joint cavity
B. articular lip
C. articular catilage
D. synovial fluid
26. What anatomical structures hold the dens of axial vertebra in the joint
A. ligament of apex of dens
B. anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
C. cruciform ligament of atlas
D. alar ligaments
27. Denote joints having Intra-articular disk
A. sternoclavicular joint
B. sacroiliac joint
C. radiocarpal joint
D. talocalcaneal joint
28. Denote anatomical formations restricting abduction of upper limb in
shoulder joint
A. deltoid muscle
B. subscapular muscle
C. coraconumeral ligament
D. coraco-acromial ligament
29. To what junctions the shoulder joint Is related to
A. to compoundjoints
B. to simple joints
C. to combined joints
D. to complex joints
30. Name ligaments of the elbow joint
A. ulnar collateral ligament
B. radial collateral
C. annular of radius
D. medial ligament
31. What bones participate in the formation of radiocarpal joint
A. pisiform
B. triquetrum
C. scaphoid
D. radius
32. What movements are possible in the radiocarpal joint
A. rotation of radius
B. rotation of ulna
C. flexion'and exstensionof hand
D. abduction and adduction of hand
33. Denote combined joints
A. intervertebral joints
B. atlanto-occipital joints
C. vertebrocostal joints
D. proximal and distal radio-ulnar joints
34. What anatomical formations form the greater sciatic foramen
A. sacrotuberal ligament
B. sacrospinous ligament
C. obturator membrane
D. greater sciatic notch
35. What structures separate the greater pelvis form the lesser pelvis
A. promontory of sacrum
B. arcuate line of ilium
C. lower margin of pubic symphisis
D. apex of sacrum
36. What movements are possible in the hip joint
A. circular movements
B. rotation of head of femur
C. flexion and exstension
D. abduction and adduction
37. Name intracapsular ligaments of the knee joint
A. oblique popliteal ligament
B. anterior cruciate ligament
C. posterior cruciate ligament
D. transverse ligament of knee
38. What bones participate in the formation of the knee joint
A. femur
B. fibula
C. tibia
D. patella
39. What bones participate in the formation of the talocrural joint
A. calcaneus
B. tibia
C. fibula
D. talus
40. Name anatomical structures passively restricting longitudinal arches the
A. plantar aponeurosis
B. bifurcate ligament
C. long plantar ligament
D. interosseal metatarsal ligaments
41. What joints participate in the formation of transverse joint (Chopart joint)
of the tarsus
A. calcaneocuboid joint
B. subtalar joint
C. cuneonavicular joint
D. talonavicular joint
42. What participate in the formation of the tarsometatarsal joints
A. cuboid
B. navicularis
C. cuneiform bones
D. metatarsals
43. Among which ligaments being the key of tarsometatarsal joints resides
A. dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments
B. plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments
C. interosseal cuneometatarsal ligaments
D. dorsal metalarsal ligaments
44. Indicate which processes do the vertebrae have
A. Styloid process
B. Spinous process
C. Superior articular process
D. Transverse process
45. Indicate the anatomical formation which is the characteristic of the typical
cervical vertebrae:
A. Transverse foramen
B. Carotid tubercle
C. Spinous process
D. Mamillary process
46. Indicate the anatomical formation of 1st cervical vertebra
A. Lateral masses
B. Accessory process
C. Facet for dens
D. Posterior arch
47. Indicate anatomical formations of 2nd cervical vertebra
A. Anterior arch
B. Body
C. Dens
D. Anterior articular surface
48. What anatomical formations are characteristic of the typical thoracic
A. Superior and inferior costal surface
B. Costal - transverse process
C. Transverse costal facet
D. Accessory process
49. Indicate anatomical formation of dorsal surface of sacrum
A. Median sacral crest
B. Transverse ridges
C. Sacral canal
D. Sacral hiatus
50. Indicate the anomalies of the transition parts of the vertebral column
A. Assimilation of the atlas
B. Spondylolisation
C. Sacralisation
D. Lumbalisation
51. Indicate the parts of the rib
A. Head
B. Neck
C. Body
D. Costal cartilage
52. Where on the first rib does the groove for subclavian artery pass?
In the front of the rib tubercle
Behind of the scalene tubercle
In the front of the scalene tubercle
On the rib tubercle
53. Indicate the parts of sternum
A. Body
B. Styloid process
C. Manubrium
D. Clavicular notch
54. Indicate the location of the sternal angle
A. The fusion of the manubrium with the body
B. The fusion of the body with the xiphoid process
C. At the level of middle of body
D. At the level of the jugular notch of sternum
55. What anatomical formations are located on the manubrium of sternum?
A. Costal surface
B. Jugular notch
C. Clavicular notch
D. Costal notch
56. Indicate the bones of free upper extremity skeleton
A. Scapula
B. Humerus
C. Bones of hand
D. Ulna
57. Which bones do the shoulder girdle have?
A. Sternum
B. Clavicle
C. Humerus
D. Scapula
58. What anatomical formations are located on the dorsal surface of the
A. Acromial process
B. Supraspinous fossa
C. Coracoid process
D. Spine of scapula
59. What anatomical formations are located in the area of lateral angle of the
A. Acromial facet
B. Infraspinous fossa
C. Glenoid cavity
D. Supraglenoid tubercle
60. What anatomical formations are located on the acromial end of clavicle?
A. Acromial facet
B. Conoid tubercle
C. Trapezoid line
D. Sternal facet
61. Indicate anatomical formations at the proximal end of humerus?
A. Anatomical neck
B. Lateral epicondyle
C. Intertubercular groove
D. Head
62. On which surface of the body of humerus does the radial groove pass?
A. Medial surface
B. Lateral surface
C. Anterior surface
D. Posterior surface
63. Indicate anatomical formations of the distal epiphysis of the humerus
A. Trochlea
B. Greater tubercle
C. Groove for ulnar nerve
D. Olecranon fossa
64. What bones form the skeleton of the forearm?
A. Radius
B. Humerus
C. Fibula
D. Ulna
65. Indicate anatomical formations which are located at the proximal end of
A. Olecranon fossa
B. Head
C. Radial notch
D. Trochlear notch
66. Which anatomical formations are located at the distal end of the radius?
A. Neck
B. Head
C. Ulnar notch
D. Styloid process
67. Which of these bones have the styloid process?
A. Hamate
B. Humerus
C. Ulna
D. Radius
68. Which parts are allocated in skeleton of hand?
A. Metacarpal bones
B. Tarsal bones
C. Carpal bones
D. Phalanges
69. Which of these bones are included to the distal series of carpal bones?
A. Trapezoid
B. Lunate
C. Capitate
D. Hamate
70. Indicate parts of metacarpal bones
A. Base
B. Neck
C. Body
D. Head
71. Which bones form the hip bone?
A. Pubis
B. Sacrum
C. Ischium
D. Ilium
72. Which anatomical formations belong to the ilium?
A. Obturator groove
B. Auricular surface
C. Symphysial surface
D. Ala of ilium
73. Which anatomical formations are located on the iliac crest?
A. Iliac tuberosity
B. Anterior superior iliac spine
C. Posterior inferior iliac spine
D. Arcuate line
74. Indicate anatomical formations of the acetabulum
Lunate surface
Acetabular fossa
Acetabular notch
Fovea for ligament of head
75. Indicate anatomical formations of pubis
A. Pubic tubercle
B. Obturator groove
C. Iliopubic ramus
D. Pubic crest
76. Which anatomical formations are located at the proximal epiphysis of
thigh bone?
A. Greater trochanter
B. Medial condyle
C. Pectineal line
D. Intertrochanteric line
77. Which anatomical formations are located on the distal epiphysis of femur?
A. Lateral epicondyle
B. Lateral condyle
C. Popliteal surface
D. Patellar surface
78. Indicate which bones of the lower extremity have malleoluses
A. Tibia
B. Talus
C. Fibula
D. Calcaneus
79. Which anatomical formations are located on the proximal epiphysis of
A. Anterior intercondylar area
B. Fibular articular facet
C. Fibular notch
D. Intercondylar eminence
80. Which tarsal bones form its proximal series?
A. Medial cuneiform
B. Navicular
C. Calcaneus
D. Talus
81. Indicate the bones which are involved in the formation of neurocranium
A. Sphenoidal bone
B. Occipital bone
C. Frontal bone
D. Parietal bone
82. Which bones of the cranium have pneumatic sinuses?
A. Mandible
B. Sphenoidal bone
C. Frontal bone
D. Maxilla
83. Indicate the main parts of the frontal bone
A. Squamous part
B. Frontal sinus
C. Orbital part
D. Nasal part
84. Indicate anatomical formations of inner surface of the squamous part of
the frontal bone
A. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
B. Groove for sigmoid sinus
C. Crista galli
D. Granular foveolae
85. Indicate anatomical formations of external surface of the squamous of the
frontal bone
A. Superciliary arch
B. Ethmoidal notch
C. Glabella
D. Temporal line
86. Indicate the main parts of the occipital bone:
A. Basilar part
B. Clivus
C. Squamous part of occipital bone
D. Foramen magnum
87. Indicate anatomical formations of the inner surface of the squamous part
of occipital bone:
A. Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
B. Groove for transverse sinus
C. Superior nuchal line
D. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
88. Which anatomical formations are located on the lateral parts of occipital
Jugular notch
Groove for sigmoid sinus
Occipital condyle
Hypoglossal canal
89. Name the anatomical formations on the inner surface of the parietal bone
A. Temporal line
B. Parietal tuber
C. Grooves for arteries
D. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
90. Indicate the main parts of the sphenoidal bone
A. Greater wing
B. Pterygoid process
C. Sphenoidal sinus
D. Lesser wing
91. What anatomical formations adjoining to the side of the sella turcica?
A. Hypophysial fossa
B. Optic canal
C. Carotid sulcus
D. Posterior clinoid process
92. Where the opening of sphenoidal sinus is opened?
A. Middle nasal meatus
B. Superior nasal meatus
C. Pterygopalatine fossa
D. Middle cranial fossa
93. Indicate the main parts of the ethmoid bone
A. Cribriform plate
B. Ethmoidal labyrinth
C. Perpendicular plate
D. Ethmoidal cells
94. Which nasal conchas are formations of the ethmoid bone?
A. Superior nasal concha
B. Inferior nasal concha
C. Middle nasal concha
D. Supreme nasal concha
95. Indicate anatomical formation, in which the anterior and middle cells of
ethmoid are opened
A. Orbit
B. Common nasal meatus
C. Anterior cranial fossa
D. Middle nasal meatus
96. Indicate the main parts of the temporal bone
A. Petrous part
B. Styloid process
C. Tympanic part
D. Squamous part
97. Indicate anatomical formations on the anterior surface of the pyramid of
temporal bone
A. Arcuate eminence
B. Trigeminal impression
C. Petrosal fossula
D. Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
98. What anatomical formations are located on the posterior surface of the
pyramid of the temporal bone?
A. Tegmen tympani
B. Groove for sigmoid sinus
C. External opening of vestibular aqueductus
D. Internal acoustic opening
99. What anatomical formations are located on the inferior surface of the
A. Subarcuate fossa
B. Inferior opening of tympanic canaliculi
C. Jugular foramen
D. External opening of carotid canal
100. What processes the temporal bone has?
A. Frontal process
B. Zygomatic process
C. Pterygoid process
D. Mastoid process
101. What anatomical formations are located on the mastoid process?
A. Occipital groove
B. Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
C. Trigeminal impression
D. Mastoid notch
102. Which canаls pass through the pyramid of the temporal bone?
A. Carotid canal
B. Optic canal
C. Facial canal
D. Mastoid canaliculus
103. What anatomical formations are located on the apex of the pyramid of
the temporal bone?
A. External opening of carotid canal
B. Internal acoustic opening
C. Internal opening of carotid canal
D. Pterygoid canal
104. Indicate outlet foramen of the facial canal
A. Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
B. Internal acoustic opening
C. Stylomastoid foramen
D. Petrosquamous fissure
105. Indicate outlet foramen of the tympanic canaliculus
A. Internal acoustic opening
B. Tympanosquamous fissure
C. Hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve
D. Petrotympanic fissure
106. Indicate anatomical formations of the аnterior surface of the body of the
A. Canine fossa
B. Infra-orbital groove
C. Infra-orbital foramen
D. Maxillary tuberosity
107. Which anatomical formations are located within the alveolar part of
A. Dental alveoli
B. Interalveolar septa
C. Interradicular septa
D. Alveolar yokes
108. Indicate the processes of the maxilla
A. Palatine process
B. Pyramidal process
C. Frontal process
D. Orbital process
109. Which anatomical formations are located on the body of the mandible?
A. Mandibular foramen
B. Mental spine
C. Digastric fossa
D. Mylohyoid line
110. Which anatomical formations are located on the ramus of the mandible?
A. Pterygoid tuberosity
B. Mental foramen
C. Coronoid process
D. Mylohyoid groove
111. What bones take part in the formation of anterior cranial fossa?
A. Frontal bone
B. Ethmoidal bone
C. Parietal bone
D. Sphenoidal bone
112. Which foramens are located at the bottom of a middle cranial fossa?
A. Foramen spinosum
B. Internal acoustic opening
C. Foramen lacerum
D. Jugular foramen
113. Which anatomical formations connect middle cranial fossa with the
orbital cavity?
A. Optic canal
B. Inferior orbital fissure
C. Superior orbital fissure
D. Foramen ovale
114. Which foramens connect posterior cranial fossa with an external base of
the skull?
A. Foramen ovale
B. Jugular foramen
C. External opening of vestibular aquaeductus
D. Foramen lacerum
115. Which anatomical formations form the walls of the pterygopalatine
A. Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
B. Maxillary tuberosity
C. Pterygoid process
D. Ramus of mandible
116. Which foramen connect pterygopalatine fossa with the nasal cavity?
A. Foramen rotundum
B. Sphenopalatine foramen
C. Foramen ovale
D. Pterygomaxillary fissure
117. Which anatomical formation connect pterygopalatine fossa with the oral
A. Sphenopalatine foramen
B. Pterygoid canal
C. Foramen rotundum
D. Greater palatine canal
118. Which anatomical formations connect pterygopalatine fossa with the
middle cranial fossa?
A. Foramen rotundum
B. Greater palatine canal
C. Pterygoid canal
D. Sphenopalatine foramen
119. Which bones take part in forming of the floor of orbit?
A. Maxilla
B. Palatine bone
C. Sphenoidal bone
D. Lacrimal bone
120. Which bones take part in forming of the lateral wall of orbit?
A. Zygomatic bone
B. Sphenoidal bone
C. Maxilla
D. Temporal bone
121. Which bones take part in forming of medial wall of orbit?
A. Ethmoidal bone
B. Sphenoidal bone
C. Maxilla
D. Lacrimal bone
122. Which foramens are in the orbital cavity?
A. Anterior ethmoidal foramen
B. Optic canal
C. Posterior ethmoidal foramen
D. Zygomatico-orbital foramen
123. Which bones take part in forming the bone of the nasal septum?
A. Nasal bone
B. Vomer
C. Lacrimal bone
D. Ethmoidal bone
124. Which bones take part in forming of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?
A. Lacrimal bone
B. Zygomatic bone
C. Ethmoidal bone
D. Palatine bone
125. Which paranasal sinuses open into the middle nasal meatus?
A. Sphenoidal sinus
B. Frontal sinus
C. Anterior and middle ethmoidal cells
D. Posterior ethmoidal cells
126. What bones form the bony palate?
A. Vomer
B. Palatine bone
C. Hyoid bone
D. Maxilla
127. Superior nasal meatus is limited by
A. Highest nasal concha
B. Middle nasal concha
C. Inferior nasal concha
D. Superior nasal concha