28-29 2-3 31 5 33-34 7 9-15 9-15 25-26 INTRODUCTION • Fragrant rice MRQ76 is specialty rice declared by the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) in 2012 and it has similar characteristics to Jasmine fragrant rice, and Khao Dawk Mali 105 imported from Thailand. • In this study, the unpolished and polished grains of the fragrant rice MRQ76 that aged 3 months were used to look at the anti-proliferative activity on human adenocarcinoma cancer cell, HT-29. • Unpolished rice grains provide several bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, γ -oryzanol, and Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and it also has high fiber contents (Malabadi, n.d.). • Polished rice is a white rice produced after the outer layers of brown rice are removed during milling process (Rathna Priya et al., 2019). • In 2020, a study by Rohin et al. conclude that organic rice MRQ74 has anti-proliferative activity against colon cancer cells by the formation of apoptotic bodies and reduction in cells viability through AO/PI staining. 2 General Objective To examine the anti-proliferative activity of unpolished and polished sample of fragrant rice MRQ76 that aged 3 months on HT29 colon cancer cell line. Specific Objective 1 To evaluate the anti-proliferative activity of unpolished and polished fragrant rice MRQ 76 on human adenocarcinoma colon cancer cell line. Specific Objective 2 To observe morphological changes of human adenocarcinoma colon cancer cell line after being treated using fragrant rice water extract and its association with the anti-proliferative activity. Specific Objective 3 To determine the correlation between IC50 values and anti-proliferative activity of fragrant rice MRQ 76 on human adenocarcinoma cancer cell line, HT-29. Hypothesis Null hypothesis There is no significant difference in the anti-proliferative activity of fragrant rice MRQ 76 on colon cancer cell, HT-29. Alternate Hypothesis There is a significant difference in the anti-proliferative activity of fragrant rice MRQ 76 on colon cancer cell, HT-29. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Author Rohin et al. Abubakar al. Malabadi et Importance of the study/review Study objective The consumption of organic rice MRQ74 showed preliminary results on cancer study. To examine the anti-proliferative properties off different extracts of new variety an organic rice MRQ74 towards colon cancer cells The germinated brown and brown forms of fragrant rice have higher DPPH radical scavenging ability than white form fragrant rice To investigate the composition of several white, brown and germinated brown rice cultivars in a bid to offer insight into the growing diet-related metabolic diseases in regions where rice is a staple food Brown or unpolished rice have higher levels of nutrients such as protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins than those in polished or milled white rice. To highlights the dietary importance, arsenic toxicity, and nutritional value of brown, white, basmati and pigmented rice Method Result double The new variety of organic rice MRQ74 extracts possesses antiproliferative activity against HCT116, CT-26 and HT-29 • DPPH radical scavenging ability • TPC • TFC • Proximate analysis The properties of germination and high amylose content, if present in a rice cultivar would less predispose persons who depend on them as a staple food to diet-related metabolic diseases. • MTT assay • AO/PI staining 5 METHODOLOGY (Rohin et al., 2018) (Mosmann, 1983) (Melini et al., 2017) (Rohin et al., 2020) (Merlin et al., 2010) (Hajiaghaalipour et al., 2017) 7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS & RESULTS 9 DISCUSSIO N • Table 1 shows the yield of polished and unpolished MRQ76 aging rice samples extracted in deionized water. • Water extraction was used because it is cheap, non-toxic and nonflammable. • Unpolished sample gave higher extraction yield, i.e., 1.98% compared to polished sample with 1.12%. • Independent T-test result show that the extraction yield is statistically significant different from each other. 10 11 DISCUSSIO N • Table 2 shows the IC 72 hours. 50 values (mg/mL) of HT-29 cell line by MRQ76 rice extracts at • The study evaluate the anti-proliferative activity of unpolished and polished fragrant rice MRQ 76 (1.00 - 0.016 mg/mL) was investigated using MTT assay. • According to the National Cancer Institute standards, crude extracts’ possessing an IC50 value of less than 20 μg/mL only considered to be active potential cytotoxic extract against tested cancer cells (Geran et al., 1972) • Therefore, the extracts possess anti-proliferative properties by inhibiting the proliferation of cell line at IC50. • All extracts only show anti-proliferative activity at 72 hours after treatment with unpolished sample possess lower IC50 values than polish sample with 47% and 41% respectively (p<0.05). • However, the drug sample, 5-FU lowest IC50 values, i.e., 33%. 12 • 5-FU is a commercial drug commonly used to treat cancer and it is more effective in inhibiting the proliferation of treated cancer cells compared to the rice extracts. • A study by Rohin et al., 2020 showed that organic rice MRQ74 has antiproliferative properties toward colon cancer cells attributed by its polyphenols content including phenolic acid such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, vanilic acid and caffeic acid (Rohin et al., 2020) • Unpolished sample have more nutritional values than polished sample, supposed to explained the result. 13 14 DISCUSSIO N • Table 3 shows the correlation between IC values and samples’ concentrations to anti-proliferative activity by MRQ76 rice extracts at 72 hours 50 • All the negative correlation means that as the concentration increased, the IC50 values decreased, decreased IC50 indicated that there is anti-proliferative activity of this rice. 15 16 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Cells densed and lobulated Cells shrinkage or reduced cell sizes Healthy and intact Apoptosis bodies 17 (i) (iii) (ii) Healthy and intact Cells shrinkage or reduced cell sizes (iv) Cells densed and lobulated Apoptosis bodies 18 (i) Healthy and intact (iii) (ii) (iv) Cells shrinkage or reduced cell sizes Cells densed and lobulated Apoptosis bodies 19 (a ) (i) (ii) (iii) Viable cells Viable cells Viable cells (b) Death cells Early apoptosis Late apoptosis Late apoptosis Early apoptosis Late apoptosis 20 (c) Late apoptosis Late apoptosis Late apoptosis Death cells Early apoptosis Death cells (d) Late apoptosis Late apoptosis Early apoptosis Death cells Early apoptosis Late apoptosis 21 DISCUSSIO N • Cell proliferation also can be observed by apoptosis or cell death that analyzed using morphology observation and AO/PI staining procedures. • Apoptosis can be defined as a defense mechanism against cancer that destroys own cell and it have several stages starting from cell shrinkage, cells fragmentation, cytoskeleton collapses, nuclear envelope disassembles and lastly, cells release apoptotic bodies (Apoptosis,2022). • Figure 1,2 and 3 show morphological changes of untreated HT-29 cell and HT-29 cell after being treated with MRQ76 rice extracts and 5-FU at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. • The morphological changes are associated with the IC50 values. • Figure 1,2 and 3 (i) are untreated cells and it show healthy and intact morphology with 90% confluence and the cell still detach to the wall. • The cell are viable as can be seen through A0/PI staining with present of all green fluorescence color shown in Figure 4 (a)(i)(ii)(ii). 22 • Figure 1,2 and 3 (ii) are treated cells after 24 hours treatment, and the morphology show cell shrinkage and reduction of the cell sizes for all treated cells. • The cells treated with 5-FU enter early stage of apoptosis and some already gone through late apoptosis after 24 hours as there are green and orange fluorescence color appeared during the staining (Figure 4 (b)(i)). • For 5-FU that has the lowest IC50 values, apoptosis bodies appeared which is the last stage of apoptosis with the appearance of debris in the background (Figure 3 (iv) and there are a lot of death cells as shown by the red fluorescence color in Figure 4 (b)(iii) • Unpolished rice (Figure 4 (d)(iii)) show more dead cells than polished rice (Figure 4 (c)(iii)) as it has higher IC50 values as shown in Table 2. 23 CONCLUSION • This is the first study to examine the anti-proliferative activity of unpolished and polished sample of fragrant rice MRQ76 on HT-29 colon cancer cell line. • The results exhibited that unpolished rice has higher anti-proliferative activity on the cancer cell than polished rice. • The IC50 values and the morphological changes represents the antiproliferative activity of each sample. • Thus, the objectives of this study are achieved. • To evaluate the anti-proliferative activity of unpolished and polished fragrant rice MRQ 76 on human adenocarcinoma colon cancer cell line (Table 2). 25 • To observe morphological changes of human adenocarcinoma colon cancer cell line after being treated using fragrant rice water extract and its association with the anti-proliferative activity (Figure 3). • To determine the correlation between IC50 values and anti-proliferative activity of fragrant rice MRQ 76 on human adenocarcinoma cancer cell line, HT-29 (Table 3). • This study shown that fragrant rice MRQ76 has potential anti-proliferative activity on HT-29 colon cancer cell line. • In conclusion, this rice variety has potential as cancer treatment, but further studies should have been done before it officially declared in the industry. 26 LIMITATION, STRENGTHS AND RECOMMENDATION S LIMITATIONS • There are still lack of research regarding fragrant rice MRQ76 - including antiproliferative activity. • The study involve direct interaction with cancer cells that are very sensitive need to work in sterile environment to avoid contamination. • Time consuming • Equipments - some analysis are done manually STRENGTH Sof unpolished and polished sample - have different nutrient values • The use • Comparison with 5-FU drug 28 • Study on specific bioactive compounds in fragrant rice MRQ76 • Explain the anti-proliferative effects in this study. • Study on cytotoxic activity of fragrant rice MRQ76 with several solvent extraction • Further analysis of fragrant rice MRQ76 on cancer treatment study will increase its potential as alternative treatment for cancer. • Study on how harvest periods effects the anti-proliferative activity of fragrant rice MRQ76 • Aged rice samples might have different anti-proliferative activity compared to fresh rice samples. 29 • Kelantan Agricultural Group Berhad • Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) • Malaysia Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) 31 REFERENCES Abubakar, B., Yakasai, H. 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