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Infant & Toddler Socio-Emotional Development

When you're drawing up your list of life's miracles ,
you might place near the top of the first moment
your baby smiles at you...Today she looked right at
me and she smiled...Her toothless mouth opened
and she scrunched her face up and really was a
grin .. The sleepless nights ,the worries the crying -all
of sudden it was all worth it.. She is no longer just
something we are nursing and along somewhere
inside, part of her knows what's going on, and that
part of her is telling us that she's with us.
Much has been said about the importance of
the first three years in human a development .
They are so-called the formative years that is
why, parents and other caregivers at this stage
of human development play a significant role in
the development of infants and toodler. The
kind of home and school environment that
parents and teachers produce determines to a
very great the quality of the development of
•For healthy socio-emotional development the infant needs to
establish an enduring emotional bond characterized by a
tendency to seek and maintain closeness to a specific figure
particularly during stressful situation this is the social
phenomenon of attachment.
•According to Dr. Cording to john bowly, the father of attraction
theory the beginnings of attachment occur within the first six
months of a baby's life with a variety of built-in signal that baby
uses to keep her caregiver engaged. The baby cries gazes into
her mother's eyes smile etc. In the next few months the baby
develop in her degree of attachment to her parents. She smile
more freely at them done at any stranger whom she seldom
Interesting research finding site by
K. Pasel and R. Golinkoff,(2003)
•Interesting research finding site by K. Pasel and R.
Golinkoff,(2003) Children who have a good
attachment relationship as infant make better
adjustment in a number of areas in future life but
remember having a good attached in infancy gives
you a great start but cannot carry you thought life.
You be treated sensitively and responsibly as you
grow up if you are to develop favorably.
Infants attach to more than one caregiver and they
are developing emotional relationship with multiple
caregivers at once.
Parents and caregivers help children regulate their
emotion by working with them and by serving as their
•Is a word that “captures the ways that people differ, even at
birth in such things as their emotional reactions, activity level ,
attention span, persistence, and ability to regulate their
•Every baby expresses personality traits we call temperament.
How a child responds of his individual temperament.
•Some babies are placid or inactive. Other babies thrash
about a lot and as toodlers , are always on the move. At
this stage they must be watched carefully.
•Some babies are very smiley and cheer up. Although
securely attached emotionally to their teacher, others
have a low-key mood and look more solemn or
•Some babies are very sensitive they become upset
easily when stressed. I do babies can more
comfortable weight when they need a feeding or
some attention.
•Some babies get hungry or sleepy on a fairly regular
and predictable basis. Other baby sleep at varying
urinate or have a bowel movements at unpredictable
times and get hungry at different times. They are
hard to put on a "schedule”.
•When a baby's threshold for distress has been read
some babies act restless. Other a cranky or fret just
a little. Still others crying with terrific intensity or
howl with despair when they are they shriek with
delight and respond with high energy and reacting
to happy or challenging situations.
•Some infants are very cautious. They are wary and
fearful of new teacher ,being placed in a different
crib or being taken to visit a new settings. Other
infants approach new person ,new activities , or new
play a possibilities with zest and enjoyment.
•Some children can concentrate on a toy regardless of surrounding
bustle or noise in a room. Other are easily distracted.
• Some children react to stranger or difficult situation with distress but
recover fairly rapidly . Others adjust to new situation with difficulty or
after a very long period.
•Some children have a long attention span they continue with an activity
for a fairly long time other fleet from one activity to another.
•Easily readily establishes regular routines generally cheerful and
adopts readily to new experiences.
• Is irregular in daily routines is slow to accept new experience
and tends to react negatively and intensely two new things.
Slow to warm up child
Show mild low-key reaction to environmental changes is
negative in mood and adjust slowly to new experience.
(birth 6 months)
As infants become more aware of their environment
smiling occurs in response to a wider variety of
contexts. They may smile when they see a toy they
have previously enjoyed. Laughter which begins at
around three or four months requires a level of
cognitive development because it demonstrate that
the child's can recognize incongruity.
•We're also emerges during the stage as a children become able to
compare an unfamiliar event with what the know. Unfamiliar situation or
object of elicit fear response in infants. One of the most common is the
presence of an adult stranger, a fear that begins to appear at about 7
•During the second year in pants express emotion of shame of
embarrassment and pride. These emotion mature in all children and
adults contribute to their development.
During this stage of development
toddlers acquire language in our learning
verbally expressed their feelings.
Disability rudimentary as it is during early
toodlerhood the first step in the
development of emotional self-regulation
In under hood however children begin to develop skills to
regulate their emotions with the emergence of
language providing an important tools to assist in this
process. Being able to articulate and emotional state
in itself has a regulatory effect in that it enables
children to communicate their feelings to a person
capable of helping they manage their emotional
States. Speech as edible children to self-regulate using
soothing language to talk themselves through difficult
(O-1 YEAR)
• the first stage in Erik Erikson's theory of
psychosocial development. During this stage, the
infant is uncertain about the world in which they
live, and looks towards their primary caregiver
for stability and consistency of care.
( 2-3 YEAR)
The child is developing physically and becoming more
mobile, and discovering that he or she has many skills
and abilities, such as putting on clothes and shoes,
playing with toys, etc. Such skills illustrate the child's
growing sense of independence and autonomy.
STAGE 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
• During the initiative versus guilt stage, children
assert themselves more frequently through
directing play and other social interaction.
• Children are at the stage where they will be
learning to read and write, to do sums, to do
things on their own. Teachers begin to take an
important role in the child’s life as they teach the
child specific skills.
STAGE 5 :Identity vs. Role Confusion
During adolescence, the transition from childhood
to adulthood is most important. Children are
becoming more independent, and begin to look at
the future in terms of career, relationships,
families, housing, etc. The individual wants to
belong to a society and fit in.
STAGE 6 : Intimacy vs. Isolation
During this stage, we begin to share ourselves more intimately with
others. We explore relationships leading toward longer-term
commitments with someone other than a family member.Successful
completion of this stage can result in happy relationships and a sense
of commitment, safety, and care within a relationship.
STAGE 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation
•We give back to society through raising our children, being
productive at work, and becoming involved in community activities
and organizations . Through generativity we develop a sense of
being a part of the bigger picture. Success leads to feelings of
usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow
involvement in the world.
STAGE 8: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
• final stage of Erik Erikson’s stage
theory of psychosocial development.
This stage begins at approximately age
65 and ends at death. It is during this
time that we contemplate our
accomplishments and can develop
integrity if we see ourselves as leading a
successful life.
A Summary of What Toddlers And
Infants Can Do Socio-emotionally
Domain: Social and Emotional
Sub-Domain: Emotional (Emotional Expression)
Standard 1.1: Different Basic Emotions
0-6 Months
Cries in different ways to express different needs.
Shows excitement or pleasure by moving arms, kicking,
moving the entire body and the face lighting up
Smiles or laughs in response to a pleasant experience.
Likes playing with water
Enjoys going to the park
Shows fear, and hesitation towards unfamiiar persons
Sub-Domain: Emotional (Emotional Expression)
Standard 1.1: Different Basic Emotions
7-12 Months
Has a favorite toy
13-18 Months
Smiles/laughs when happy or amused
Cries when sad, angry or scared
Shows varying degrees or intensities of various emotions
Sub-Domain: Emotional (Emotional Expression)
Standard 1.2: Demonstrates ability to self-regulate feelings/emotions
and follows schedules as well as rules and regulations.
0-6 Months
Stops crying almost immediately when needs is met
Eventually gets used to an irritating experience and calms
13-18 Months
Able to stop an undesirable behavior or activity when
instructed to do so
Can calm down or stop tantruming with help from adults.
Can follow simple rules
19-24 Months
Can wait his/her turn
Shows ability to contain his/her expression of anger or
frustration when source is removed.
Shows ability to contains one’s expression of anger or
frustration in public place when asked by
Tries to control his/her tears when in pain or scared
Sub-Domain: Emotional (Emotional Expression)
Standard 1.3: Comprehends and Displays Self-appraisal
Emotions (Shame, Pride, Guilt)
7-12 Months
Smiles or claps his hands when he/she displays a learned
13-18 Months
Recognizes and is able to label self-appraisal emotions
such as shame, pride, guilt, envy, jealousy
Will do something that gets him/her praised.
19-24 Months
Shows interest in doing things that are his/her own
Says “sorry” when he/she made a mistake or has hurt
Sub-Domain: Emotional (Receptivity to other’s Emotion)
Standards 1: The child is to the different emotions of other
people and shows empathy
7-12 Months
Can mimic people’s facial expression
13-18 Months
Demonstrates appropriate/acceptable responses to
other people’s emotions ( ex. does not laugh at someone
and is crying)
19-24 Months
Identifies feelings in others
Shows respect for rights and properties of the others
(e.g., asks permission, does not desirably destroy others
Sub-Domain: Social (Emerging Sense of Self)
Standards 1: The child expresses knowledge of self and basic
roles of people in his/her immediate environment.
0-6 Months
Explores own body (e.g., observes hands and toes), often
smiles and vocalizes
Responds to own name by turning to look or reaching to
be picked up when called
7-12 Months
Identifies self in the mirror or photograph via patting or
pointing to his/her image
Sub-Domain: Social (Emerging Sense of Self)
Standards 1: The child expresses knowledge of self and basic
roles of people in his/her immediate environment.
13-18 Months
Identifies what part of his/her body hurts by pointing to
Refers to self by first or nickname
Calls family members by their name/role (mama, papa,
ate, kuya)
Asks for what he/she needs without hesitation
Expresses dislikes or disagreement (e.g., no, ayaw) but in
a manner that remains respectful and polite
19-24 Months
Identifies self by first and last name
Identifies what part of his/her body hurts by naming this
Sub-Domain: Social (Forming Attachments)
Standards 1: The child forms healthy attachments to primary caregivers
and other significant adults and children in his/her life
0-6 Months
Looks for caregiver during times of distress or discomfort
Shows distress (e.g., inability to eat or sleep, crying) if
primary caregiver is absent
13-18 Months
Is affectionate towards primary caregivers and other
family members
Goes to primary caregivers for help
Is comfortable in the company of strangers if primary
caregiver is present
May play alone but likes to be near familiar adults or
Hugs or cuddles toys
Enjoys playing regularly with significant adults and
Sub-Domain: Social (Forming Attachments)
Standards 1: The child forms healthy attachments to primary caregivers
and other significant adults and children in his/her life
19-24 Months
Eventually moves away from primary caregiver when
playing with unfamiliar children or adults, but may look
occasionally in his/her direction
Sub-Domain: Social (Interaction with Other
Standards 1: The child plays and has positive interactions with other
0-6 Months
Plays with toys by himself (e.g., mouths, examines, swipes
Smiles in response to the facial expressions of other
Looks at other children with interest, watchers them play.
Displays amusement interacting with other children (e.g.,
cooing, flailing arms and legs)
7-12 Months
Engages in play alongside but not necessarily with other
children (i.e., parallel play)
Plays with other children (i.e., interacting play)
Sub-Domain: Social (Interaction with Other
Standards 1: The child plays and has positive interactions with other
13-18 Months
Plays cooperatively with other children
May hug/kiss or hold hands with other children
Shows or shares food, books, and toys with other children
Asks to play with other children or invites them to play
with him/her
19-24 Months
Talks to other children, asks them questions
Shows preference for some children and interacts more
with them.
Sub-Domain: Social (Interaction with Adults)
Standards 1: The child has positive relations and interactions with
0-6 Months
Will look at adult’s faces and make eye-to-eye contact
Listens to verbalization by adult
Coos or smiles when talked by a familiar adult
Plays peek-a-boo interactively with other
7-12 Months
Hugs, pats, kisses “familiar” persons
Sub-Domain: Social (Interaction with Adults)
Standards 1: The child has positive relations and interactions with
13-18 Months
Friendly with strangers but initially may show slight
anxiety or shyness
Asks adults (other than primary caregiver or adult family
members) for help or to indicate what he/she wants or
Willingly does what familiar adult ask him/her to do
Appropriately uses cultural gestures of greeting without
prompting (e.g., mano/bless, kiss)
Sub-Domain: Social (Pakikiramdam-Sensitivity)
Standards 1: The child takes social cues from the environment and
adjusts his behavior accordingly.
0-6 Months
Is shy or more quiet with strangers
Refers to caregiver for cues about novel situations,
people or objects
13-18 Months
Usually quiets down or stops when caregiver shushes
Takes notice when there is a sudden change in mood of
caregiver or people around him/her
19-24 Months
If he/she needs something, can wait quietly, as told, until
caregiver is able to attend him/her
Sub-Domain: Social (Appreciating Diversity)
Standards 1: The child recognizes and respects similarities and
differences in people, language, culture.
19-24 Months
Able to differentiate between boys and girls Sub-domain:
Social (Pakikiramdan-Sensitivity)
Standards 1: The child takes social cues from the
environment and adjusts his behavior accordingly.
Sub-Domain: Social (Appreciating Diversity)
Standards 1: The child recognizes and respects similarities and
differences in people, language, culture.
19-24 Months
Treats house help or those less fortunate with
respect (e.g., talking to them in a polite manner)
The first year
Birth to 3
From the start, babies eagerly explore their world-and that includes
themselves and other people.
Babies spend a lot of time getting to know their own bodies.
• Suck their own hands
• Observe their own hands
• Look at the place on the body that is being touched
• Begin to realize she is a separate person from others and learn how
body parts, like arms and legs, are attached
Infants are interested in other people and learn to recognize primary
caregivers, Most infants:
• Can be comforted by a familiar adult
• Respond positively to touch
• Interact best when in an alert state or in an inactive and attentive
• Smile and show pleasure in response to social simulation
3 Months to 6
Babies are more likely to initiate social interaction. They begin to:
• Play peek-a-boo
• Pay attention to own name
• Smile spontaneously
• Laugh aloud
6 Months to 9
Babies show a wider emotional range and stranger preferences for
familiar people. Most can:
• Express several clearly differentiated emotions
• Distinguish friends from strangers
• Show displeasure at the loss of a toy
9 Months to
12 Months
As they near age one, imitation and self-regulation gain importance.
Most babies can:
• Feed themselves finger foods
• Hold a cup with two hands and drink with assistance
• Hold out arms and legs while being dressed
• Mimic simple actions
• Show anxiety when separated from primary caregiver
1 Year to 2
Children become more aware of themselves and their ability to make
things happen. They express a wider range of emotions and are more
likely to initiate interaction with other people. At this stage, most children:
• Recognize themselves in pictures or the mirror and smile or make
faces at themselves
• Show intense feelings for parents and show affection for other
familiar people
• Play by themselves and initiate their own play
• Express negative feelings
• Show pride and pleasure at new accomplishments
• Imitate adult behaviors in play
• Show a strong sense self through assertiveness, directing others
2 Years to 3
Children begin to experience themselves as more powerful, creative
“doers”. They explore everything, show a stronger sense of self and
expand their range of self-help skills. Self-regulation is a big challenge,
Two-year-olds are likely to:
• Show awareness of gender identity
• Indicate toileting needs
• Help to dress and undress themselves
• Be assertive about their preferences and say no to adult requests
• Begin to self-evaluation and develop notions of themselves as good,
bad, attractive, etc.
• Show awareness of their own feelings and those of others, and talk
about feelings
• Experience rapid mood shifts and show increased fearfulness (for
example. Fear of the dark, or certain objects)
• Display aggressive feelings and behaviors