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Copywriting Formulas: The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting

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The Ultimate Guide to
No-Pain Copywriting
(or, Every Copywriting
Formula Ever)
Joanna Wiebe
Because only rookies write from scratch…
We’ve pulled together every single copywriting formula we’ve ever
seen to create the ultimate guide – the most complete handbook
– to copywriting formulas.
This one post will help you write all your copy faster and with
greater likelihood of success.
You should be using copywriting formulas whenever you write
They eliminate the guesswork that makes a lot of bad copy bad
They will help you face the Blank White Page without cowering.
They’ll help you generate A/B test ideas faster. They’ll help you
pinpoint what’s going wrong in a button… in a headline… or even
in a video script.
Inside This Post [show]
First and Fast: How Do Copywriting
Formulas Make Copy So Much Better?
You start with a formula for what you’re trying to write:
A web page in general
A long-form sales page
A video sales letter (VSL)
An email
An ad
A tweet
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That starting-point
will help
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for most persuasive impact.
Once you’ve got your messages organized, you start working
through the elements on the page, VSL, email or blog post you’re
writing. You use formulas to write a better:
Headline for a page OR a post (they’re different!!)
Value proposition
Bullet list
Block of body copy
CTA or button copy
Subject line (for emails)
You’re 90% of the way to complete when you have these pieces
From there, it’s a matter of optimizing your copy by applying
persuasion principles like these, using the proven better
copywriting practices found throughout this blog, and adding in a
few of the fancy-pants copywriting techniques I share in my
copywriting courses.
We’ve also added, for your writing pleasure: generators! If only
because they’re entertaining.
NOTE: Copywriting formulas work best when you use them with
copy research.
Copywriting formulas for web pages in
Attention – Jar the reader out of their boring ol’ lives
Interest – Engage their mind with unusual, counter-intuitive or
fresh info
Desire – Engage their heart so they want what you’re offering
Action – Ask them to take the next step
Think about one of your lead-gen pages or an opt-in box. Moz
does this well:
A lot of businesses address the A, I and A in AIDA… but forget
entirely about the D. Take this landing page hero as an example:
Where’s the D?
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and con on
to spend a little time
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the D. Apple has more than enough con dence to work on the D.
Actually, check
out howcopywriter?
well AppleHere's
uses how
the torst
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– and totally delays the nal A:
All down the page, the visitor gets dose after dose of AID, which
builds incredible anticipation for that “buy” button. …And you
thought Apple was just about design! Clearly, you don’t sell
f***loads of beautiful product without being incredibly good
See more examples of how to use AIDA here and here, and learn
about its origin (if you’re particularly geeky) here.
A variation on AIDA, AIDCA goes like so:
You can see that AIDCA simply adds in a pre-close moment of
Conviction is intended to help skeptical audiences get over their
skepticism. As Andy Maslen puts it in this book, convince
prospects that it’s safe to act because what you’re saying is true.
Do this using:
Statistics, data points or gures
To get IDCA, you just drop Attention from the start. Why would
you wanna do that? Because sometimes you’ve already got their
attention – so you don’t need to start again. You just need to hold
their attention, and you can do this by piquing their interest.
So when might you use IDCA over AIDCA?
When you’re driving from an email or an ad, where you’ve already
grabbed the prospect’s attention. The landing page may not need
to grab attention again. So sweep straight into interest, like
Lawrence Bernstein does:
Danny Iny’s 6+1 Formula
Described in detail here on Smashing Magazine, Danny Iny of
Firepole Marketing also offers a spin on the AIDA model. His isn’t
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which I kinda
on our dig
because I’m very skeptical Accept
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acronyms – they’re just too convenient.
Here’s how Iny’s
formula goes:
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1. Consider the context
1. Grab attention
1. Move the reader swiftly to desire a solution to their problem
1. Present the consequence of failing to act, which Iny calls “the
1. Present the solution, telling only as much as is necessary to
get to the next step
2. Call the prospect to act
The +1? It’s to be credible throughout and always.
What I particularly like about the formula – aside from context and
credibility (which are generally unspoken must-dos) – is the gap.
Dan Kennedy called PAS the most reliable sales formula ever
invented. Popularly used in everything from tweets to long-form
sales pages, PAS goes like so:
Problem – Present the problem your prospect feels
Agitation – Poke at that problem until it’s visceral
Solution – Present your solution to the agitated problem
Here’s PAS at work on a Ramit Sethi page:
Sean Mitchell offers this variation on PAS:
Discredit – Discredit other solutions
And, for the same reason Bic made these pens, I assume, Lisa
Manyan offers PAS “for women”, which she calls CSI:
Challenge (the problem)
Solution (the solution)
Invitation (the CTA)
The only reason I’m including that “for women” formula – when it
offends every part of me – as if problems aren’t things women
solve a hundred times a day – is because I set out to document
every copywriting formula I came across. So voila.
4 Ps (2 variations)
Okay, so there are two takes on the 4 Ps.
Here’s the rst. Credited to Henry Hoke Sr., it is based largely on
the idea of a promise:
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Picture – Create
a vividcopywriter?
scene prospects
can to
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in, whether about an existing pain or an aspirational future
Promise – State how your solution will end that painful scene or
bring that aspirational scene to life for them
Prove – Support your promise! What are the consequences if you
fail to do as promised? Who else has already seen you keep your
promise, and how? What can you demonstrate to skeptics that
your solution is easily going to ensure the promise is kept?
Push – Nudge the prospect to take action
And here’s the second, which I prefer. Ray Edwards describes it in
his free course:
As you can see, it’s very similar to the rst variation of the 4 Ps. But
Edwards replaces “picture” with “problem”, which I personally
think is better if you’re using the 4 Ps copywriting formula to write
a home page or lead-gen page, where painting a picture for your
visitor may actually come off as slightly scammy.
I also prefer Edwards’s “proposal” to “push” because the word
“push” is rather aggressive. We should be assertive with our CTAs. I
haven’t seen cause to be aggressive or push people to act.
Here’s the 4 Ps at work on a landing page for Winter Garden Yoga:
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convert. For any page. In
any industry.
Pitch Perfect luvvers in the crowd might call this one ACCAawesome. Or, more likely, non-pro ts and people trying to rouse
the hearts of a disconnected crowd will nd this copywriting
formula quite useful.
Raise awareness about a problem
problem by explaining
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Drip’s really wonderful
a great
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in $$$of
PAPA at work:
I love a good “ideal for” statement, so I love that QUEST starts by
qualifying the prospect:
Qualify the prospect
Understand where they’re at (show them this understanding)
Educate them on a better way
Stimulate them so they want that better way
Transition them from where they are to your customer
Here’s an old-school ad by the legendary Gene Schwartz that
illustrates QUEST at work:
If you’ve got something relatively inexpensive to sell, SLAP can
come in handy when you’re laying out your messages, likely on a
shorter page:
Stop the prospect
Make them look (i.e., read)
Make them act
Get the purchase
Let’s put aside the fact that, if you’re going for the sale, that is the
action, so “act” and “purchase” don’t need to be separate. Aside
from that, SLAP works well for offers like Groupon deals:
Yet another take on AIDA, this time by the legendary Robert
Collier. Great for sales letters but useful anywhere you’re trying to
sell and you need a trusted sales sequence in place to work off of.
It goes:
The rst two parts of this copywriting formula are exactly like
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rst two
is unpacked
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about which
we areBut
or switch
them off in (helpfully!)
into Accept
three core elements:
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1. Descriptions, likely of the solution but also of the problem, the
status quo, the challenges of not switching – anything that
eshes out the story
1. Persuasive elements, like loss aversion, testimonials, future
2. Proof (e.g., demos, testimonials, endorsements) that the
solution can do what it claims to, and can do it like no other
So if you’ve struggled with the “desire” part of AIDA, try AIDPPC
5-Point Copywriting Formula
A really simple formula, this one’s good for lead-gen and landing
pages. You could also get away with using it to guide a one-pager
site. It’s attributed to Jack Lacy.
1. What will you do for me if I listen to your story?
2. How are you going to do this?
3. Who is responsible for the promises you make?
4. Who have you done this for?
5. What will it cost me?
As an acronym, this is completely ridiculous. Makes me chuckle.
When someone throws down AIDA in a copy review session,
counter them with, “Well Aicpbsawn holds that desire is made
of…” and see what happens. Quick way to shut down Mr. AIDA.
Here’s how this mouthful (explained well by Buffer) works, from
top of page to bottom:
Attention – Biggest bene t, biggest problem you can solve, USP
Interest – Reason why they should be interested in what you have
to say
Credibility – Reason why they should believe you
Proof – Prove what you are claiming is true
Bene ts – List them all
Scarcity – Create scarcity
Action – Tell them precisely what to do
Warn – What will happen if they don’t take action
Now – Motivate them to take action now
You might think this could only work for a really long page. But
here’s how quickly you might use this formula up on a typical
home page:
Hero section:
Attention: Headline
Interest: Subhead and paragraph or bullets
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of client
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Screenshot block
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Proof: Crosshead, paragraph, captioned screenshot
Bene ts.
Screenshot block B:
Proof: Crosshead, paragraph, captioned screenshot
Bene ts.
Screenshot block C:
Proof: Crosshead, paragraph, captioned screenshot
Bene ts.
Scarcity: Limited beta, etc.
Action: CTA or button
Warn: Single click-trigger below CTA
Now: Short testimonial from person who’s glad they acted fast
That’s not a very long page at all.
But you’d cover off all of the key parts of this useful formula.
Importantly: you’re not asking for the user to sign up, buy or start
a trial until the end. I know this is very, very hard for most of us to
do. Hero sections simply have buttons. But should they? Are your
prospects ready yet? If you’re nding that you get a lot of
unquali ed folks starting trials – that is, users that fail to activate or
that churn out after 1 sign-in – then that prematurely placed
button could be to blame. Consider removing the CTA from the
hero and writing the page with a traditional copywriting formula
in mind instead.
Copywriting formulas speci cally for
long-form sales pages
The formulas in this section are best suited to landing pages – like
lead-gen or opt-in pages – and long-form sales pages. That is, they
may not be appropriate for home pages.
Bob Serling’s Power Copywriting Formula
Let’s start with the biggie! I found this one here and was blown
away by the level of detail. It’s a mere 36 steps long.
Start with these 4 prereqs:
1. Quality product
2. Customer pro le
3. Credibility
4. Offer
From there, follow these 32 steps one by one:
1. Conduct
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2. Rest to let your ideas percolate.
list ofHere's
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4. List every bene t.
5. Create an irresistible offer.
6. Create a great guarantee (i.e., don’t be ho-hum about this
critical risk-reducer!).
7. Write an attention-grabbing headline.
8. Draw attention to key points using color.
9. Limit the number of graphics.
10. Hook the reader with a no-holds-barred opener that starts
delivering on the headline.
11. Eliminate early objections.
12. Create enticing crossheads throughout the piece.
13. Make your prospect feel their pain deeply.
14. Eliminate their pain.
15. Establish your credibility.
16. Lock in that credibility with “an insider bene t.”
17. Provide unquestionable proof that your solution delivers.
18. Break your copy into readable chunks.
19. List the bene ts of using your product.
20. Summarize the key bene ts.
21. List the features of your product.
22. Go above-and-beyond with the package you’re offering.
23. State the price.
24. Call to action.
25. Add a piggy-back offer to boost average order value.
26. Minimize risk.
27. Close by summarizing the major bene ts.
28. Add a PS.
29. Make it easy to buy.
30. Eliminate all distracting links.
31. Let the copy rest.
32. Revise for maximum impact.
Star Story Solution
A hugely popular copywriting formula, Star Story Solution is
character-focused and short. So it’s most obviously applicable on
lead-gen pages, especially for personality brands and info
Introduce the star of the story
Tell the star’s story
Present the solution that helped the star achieve big things
A classic example is the late Martin Conroy’s WSJ letter, where the
two men are the stars, their stories (which are nearly identical)
make up the core of the ad, and the solution is clearly presented at
the end:
Although this is character-driven, it doesn’t mean that Star Story
Solution needs a human to be the star of the story. If you’re
introducing a new product or feature, that could be the star – as
long as its story creates interest.
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Early Apple ads demonstrate this formula at work. Read
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this one:
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The star is your child. (Well, the star is really you. Ultimately, the
star is always you.)
The story is quickly told: nerdy kids have to ght nerdy kids to get
some Apple time at school.
And the solution takes a good long while to be explained – but it
is, of course, a new Apple computer.
The Seven-Step Copywriting Formula
Bob Stone offers up this formula, which is created speci cally for
sales pages:
Step 1: Make a promise based on your most important bene t.
This should happen in your headline or rst paragraph.
Step 2: Immediately expand upon that bene t.
Don’t waste time and attention on backstory and warm-up copy.
Keep the momentum of your hook alive.
Step 3: Tell the reader exactly what they’ll get.
I like to break this into 2 groups of “what they’ll get”: the tangibles
and the intangibles. The tangibles are the components of the
product itself (e.g., 37 downloadable HD videos), and the
intangibles are the changes to their life (e.g., the time-saving
power of knowing a proven system).
Step 4: Support Step 3 with proof.
Proof includes testimonials, endorsements, case studies and
Step 5: Tell the reader what they’ll lose if they fail to act.
Agitate the unpleasantness of their current situation, and help
them see their miserable future if they choose to ignore this offer.
Step 6: Prepare for the close by rephrasing your prominent
bene ts.
Get prospects itching for the button to click by reminding them of
the top bene ts.
Step 7: Incite immediate action.
To me, Stone’s formula is missing a lot between Step 2 and Step 3
– where we’d normally want to build up to the solution – so I prefer
it more for lead gen pages.
The Nine-Point Copywriting Formula
Also for sales pages, this formula is courtesy of Frank Egner. Use it
like so:
1. Grab attention with a headline.
2. Follow with a lede that inspires.
3. Clearly de ne the product.
4. Give a success story or case study for the product.
5. Add testimonials and endorsements.
6. List special features or value-adds.
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7. State
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to action with
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9. Finish with a postscript.
12-Step Foolproof Sales Letter Template
I trust Marketing Profs, so I’m a fan of this sales letter formula,
which David Frey described on the Marketing Profs blog. Frey
explains that this template is intended to overcome objections
methodically. But you be the judge:
1. Get attention
2. Identify the problem
3. Provide the solution
4. Present your credentials
5. Show the bene ts
6. Give social proof
7. Make your offer
8. Inject scarcity
9. Give a guarantee
10. Call to action
11. Give a warning
12. Close with a reminder
Perry Belcher’s 21 Part Sales Letter Formula
If there’s a name that’s synonymous with contemporary direct
response, it’s Perry Belcher. Yeah, the guy behind the Belcher
Button, which you’ve surely seen on many a sales page:
This sales letter formula leaves nothing to the imagination. If
you’re seriously uninspired and you wish you could afford to hire
someone to write your page for you, use this and send Mr. Belcher
a thank-you note later. (Courtesy of the Copy Ranger)
1. Call out to your audience (e.g., actually say whom it’s best for)
2. Get their attention, likely with a big promise headline
3. Backup the big promise headline with a quick explanation
4. Identify the core or most painful problem they’re
5. Provide the solution to said problem
6. Show pain of and cost of development of solution
7. Explain ease-of-use
8. Show speed to achieve results
9. Future pace (i.e., help the prospect visualize their vastly
improved future)
10. Show your credentials
11. Detail the bene ts of the solution (emphasis on detail)
12. Insert social proof
13. Make your offer (which need not be a special offer – just an
irresistible one)
14. Add your bonuses
15. Build up and amplify the value of the solution + bonuses
16. Finally reveal your price
17. Inject scarcity (if any)
18. Reduce risk with a guarantee
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19. Call to action
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20. Give a warning
a reminder
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Importantly, out of 21 steps, the call to action is #19. This is a very
big deal. I’ve mentioned this a few times already, but you should
not be in a rush to supply a CTA. Yes, people will click CTAs that
appear early – but are they ready for it? Wait until they’re ready.
Just. Wait.
Need more examples?
Check out this post by Julie Boswell
Brian McLeod uses HELLYEAH like so, as described here:
Holler and get their attention
Empathize with their pains (usually by sharing yours)
Lambast the things that led to the problem in the rst place
Legwork – prove you’re not full of it
Yes, you have the solution for them
Educate them on why your solution is best
Action – give them a clear action to take
Handle lingering doubts or objections
If you’re like me, you may be rolling your eyes right now. I don’t
blame you. Not at all. But, awkwardness of the acronym aside, this
formula can work on pages where a more aggressive style is best.
That usually means a long-form sales page.
I only recently heard of Ray Edwards, so I haven’t tried his PASTOR
formula or seen it before. But he makes a good case for using it, so
here you go.
1. Person, problem, pain.
2. Amplify the consequences of not solving the problem and
eliminating the pain.
3. Story, solution, system.
4. Testimonials.
5. Offer. (He adds to spend 80% of your offer talking about
transformation. Good tip.)
6. Response.
(BTW, “response” means “call to action.” Which is yet another
example of why I loathe acronyms.)
Copywriting formulas for video sales
A video sales letter (or VSL) is more than a sales letter on video.
Video is a different medium, so use the formulas designed for that
medium. And research top tips, like autoplaying, removing video
controls and using longer VSLs, not short ones.
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Because examples
here’s an Here's
Ryan Deiss.
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He also sells his formula in that video, so if these free formulas
don’t work for you, scoop Deiss’s formula up for $47.
The Jim Edwards VSL Method
This is explained in detail here, with examples. I’m giving you the
gist below:
1. Open with a shocking statement.
1. State the problem and why it’s a big deal.
1. Agitate the problem.
1. Push the agitation even further, taking it to a deep emotional
1. Introduce the solution.
1. Highlight your credibility so people know why they should
listen to you.
1. Prove that what you’re saying is true.
1. List out the biggest things they’ll get, including features and
bene ts.
1. Speci c reasons not to procrastinate but rather to act now.
2. Close by asking for the purchase and reinforcing bene ts.
Common Video Sales Letter Template
Courtesy of Copy Ranger, this VSL formula features 3 calls to
action, which is interesting because it’s rather aggressive (but
potentially necessary):
1. The “Attention Grabbing Greeting”
1. Identify the problem and promise to solve it
1. Establish scarcity
1. Agitate the problem
1. Provide your solution as THE solution
1. Present the features and bene ts of the solution
1. Your rst call to action, this one based in satisfying a desire
1. List off your credentials, including proof, results, examples,
1. Explain your guarantee
1. Your second call to action, this one appealing to their logic
1. Warn of FOMO with the looming deadline and scarcity
2. Your nal call to action, this one based on FOMO
Headline writing formulas
Truth: I never write a headline without consulting a swipe le of
formulas on
on the swipe les
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hundreds of copywriters.
You already know
how copywriter?
important headlines
not gonna
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quote Ogilvy or point to the dozens of copywriting books that hold
that you should spend the majority of your time writing your
headline. I will, however, tell you this: every “subhead” and
crosshead down your page needs the same amount of
attention your primary headline gets.
1. Read this post on the steps to crafting a better headline, and
2. Consult the following formulas not just once on a page but
every time you write a line of copy that acts like a headline
(including summary headers and crossheads).
{Product Name} is a {product category} that {different
thing it does best}
This one is commonly used by TechCrunch. Nice and clear.
Fitness app:
Tep is an adorable tness tracking app that works like a
Writing software:
Airstory is writing software that lets you send great ideas straight
to your document.
They All {Did Unpleasant Thing} When {Unexpected
Thing}, But When {Ideal Result of Using Unexpected
Selling stationery:
“They all looked at each other when I said I’d host the shower,
but when they saw the invitations!”
Selling art school:
“My dad didn’t say a word when I told him I was going to art
But when he walked into my gallery!”
Starting your own business:
“Everybody scoffed when I applied for a patent,
but when I made my rst $100K!”
Who Else Wants {Most Desirable Outcome or Bene t}?
Who else wants to look great naked?
Real estate:
Who else wants that classic neighborhood experience?
Invoicing software:
Who else wants to know when their client has viewed their
The Only {SEO Keyword Phrase} Made Exclusively to
{Most Desirable Outcome or Bene t}
Ski vacation:
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to in
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Create the conviction
do something
in $$$
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bringing in
Call them to action
You’ll recognize this formula in many SPCA, World Vision and
similar marketing efforts.
Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video
The part I really dig about this formula, which is credited to Victor
O. Schwab, is its focus on proof. So often formulas leave proof
implied, and that’s dangerous. Here’s how this one goes:
Grab the prospect’s attention.
Show them the advantage(s) of using your solution.
Prove what you’ve just said.
Move them to action.
That said, I nd this formula challenging in two ways.
One, the advantages come too soon because – as far as this
formula tells us – the problem hasn’t really been stated yet, has it?
So advantages of what? It’s not clear. The only thing that came
before “advantages” was “attention”, so does this formula require
you to draw attention by stating the problem in order for you to
solve it next and, in the same breath, show the advantages? If so,
then why not call it PAPPA: problem, advantages, prove, persuade,
Second, I don’t dig the “persuade” point. The proof is, in so many
ways, persuasion. That does not mean that persuasion is always
proof; just that proof is – if it’s doing its job – persuasive. So what
kind of persuasion was Schwab looking for in the fourth part of
this formula? Loss aversion? Future pacing? It seems strange and
super uous to include “persuade.”
Which brings us to the formula I’d propose to replace this one:
Advantages of solving the problem
Proof that you can solve it
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Project management software:
The only task management software made exclusively for remote
Invoicing software:
The only invoicing software made to do your billing for you.
The only {product category} that doesn’t {objection or
Accounting software:
The only accounting software that doesn’t come loaded with a
hundred pointless features.
Accounting software:
The only accounting software that doesn’t require an accountant
to work it.
Now You Can {Do Something Desirable} {Counter to
Email marketing software:
Now you can sell to your list without “annoying” them
Family coaching services:
What if you could raise a family without giving up your career?
Now You Can {Do Something Desirable} {Great
Email marketing software:
Now you can sell to your list and keep them coming back for more
Family coaching services:
What if you could raise a family and earn six gures a year?
We Promise You This: {Highly Desirable Result} Or
Gym membership:
We promise you this: lose 30 pounds or we’ll pay for a month at a
different gym
Literary agency:
We promise you this: if we can’t get you a publishing contract
within 6 months, we’ll nd you new representation.
Here’s the {Best Adjective} Way to {Solve a Problem}
House cleaning service:
Here’s the affordable way to treat yourself to more free time
House cleaning service:
Here’s the eco-friendly way to get your home squeaky-clean
{Eliminate pain in an unexpected way}
Tax preparation:
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Teeth whitening:
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Get rid of coffee stains with your phone.
{Do desirable thing in an unexpected way}.
Team chat:
Complete more projects – faster than ever – by chatting online.
Breakfast networking events:
Impress your boss by showing up for work late.
{Notable person} shows you how to {do notable thing
like they do}
Caregiver’s course:
England’s best-known butler explains the art of perfect invisibility
Writing course:
James Patterson show you how to write bestsellers like he does
{Service name} is a {service category} that {amazing
outcome for end users or decision-makers} without
{objection or anxiety}
Dental service:
Pearlman Ortho is a teeth-straightening studio that gives kids
con dent smiles. Without fear of being “metal mouth.”
Online cabinet warehouse:
Harbor City Kitchens is a cabinet warehouse with 1000s of options
– and no pressure.
You’re tired of {objection or anxiety}. But you {desired
outcome}. So it’s time you met {Product name}.
Specialized pillows:
You’re tired of groggy sleeping pills. But you need a good night’s
So it’s time you met Cool Comfort body heat regulating pillows.
Unknown-brand headphones:
You’re tired of overpaying for brand names. But you want a sick
audio experience.
So it’s time you met Pakmo Headphones.
Alternative birth control:
You’re tired of remembering to take The Pill. But you aren’t ready
to get pregnant.
So it’s time you met the Nuvo Ring.
{Do something} like {world-class example}
Conversion course:
Run A/B tests like Peep Laja does.
Content course:
Promote incredible content like Brian Dean does.
Endorsed skincare:
Moisturize your face like Katy Perry does.
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You Still
on ______________
Anything to Show for It?)
Free shipping app:
Are you still wasting money on shipping charges (without
anything to show for it)?
At-home exercise machine:
Are you still wasting money on a gym membership (without
anything to show for it)?
Legal doc software:
Are you still wasting money on a lawyer (without anything to show
for it)?
Have a / Build a {Desirable Thing} You Can Be Proud Of
Counselling services:
Have a lasting, loving marriage you can be proud of
Business services:
Build a seven- gure business you can be proud of
Get long, natural-looking lashes you can be proud of
Get the {Unusual Adjective} Power of {Product Category}
Without {Pain}
Crazy Egg software:
Get the astonishing power of eye tracking technology… without
the high costs
Online marketing service:
Get the unfathomable power of Facebook advertising… without
the confusion
Get Rid of {Problem} Once and For All
Accounting software:
Get rid of your accountant’s fees once and for all
Personal coaching:
Get rid of that nagging voice in your head once and for all
Cosmetic surgery:
Get rid of your sagging jowls once and for all
{Do Something Hard} in {Period of Time}
Piano-tuning app:
Tune Even the Oldest Piano in 15 Minutes or Less
Running training:
Finish a marathon in the time it takes most people to run a halfmarathon
9 Out of 10 {Group Members} Can’t/Don’t ____________.
Are You One of Them?
Software for writers:
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out of
10 novelists
of their
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characters. Are
you onecopywriter?
of them? Here's how to start bringing in $$$ immediately
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Freelancer-matching service:
9 out of 10 marketers don’t like their freelancer’s attitude. Are you
one of them?
Make Your First {$} in Just {Time}
List-your-services marketplace:
Make your rst $100 in just 24 hours
Real estate ipping:
What if you could make your rst million dollars in the next 12
How to Permanently Stop {Painful or Embarrassing
Thing}, Even if You’ve Tried Everything!
Botox injections for sweat:
How to permanently stop wet armpits from ruining your day. Even
if you’ve tried everything!
How-to-negotiate course:
Permanently stop feeling underpaid and underappreciated, even
if you’ve tried everything!
{Known Competitor} {Does This Undesirable or
Unimpressive Thing}. {Your Brand Name} {Does This
Highly Desirable or Impressive Thing}.
Writing software:
Scrivener requires expensive training courses just to use it.
Airstory is easy to use from the moment you sign up.
Online payments:
PayPal charges as much as 10% every time you send any amount
of money.
But with NewPay, send an unlimited number of payments for 1 at
Can your {current solution} pass the _______ Test?
Writing software:
Can your writing software pass the Nanowrimo Test?
Dating app:
Can your dating app pass the Kid Sister Test?
You are {comparative} than you think
You’re richer than you think
Brain-training game:
You are twice as smart as you think
Let {your product} work on your {noun} for just {time
Workout machine:
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Ab Booster
on your
abs for
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IT service:
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Let our technicians work on your network for just 48 hours
Investment book:
Let our ideas work on your brain for just 20 minutes
Overcome the {Unexpected Culprit} That Keeps You
{Unpleasant Thing}
Weight-loss book:
Overcome the body chemical that keeps you fat
Debt counselling:
Overcome the social pressures that keep your credit cards maxed
Is it worth {low price} to you to {get outstanding result}?
Weight-loss book:
Is it worth $2 to you to banish cellulite forever?
Social media software:
Is it worth typing in your email address to get instant access to a
Facebook post scheduler?
{One word.}
Advanced micro technology:
Anti-aging cream:
{Objection.} But/And it works.
Low-budget training video:
Ugly. And it works.
Teeth-straightening appliance:
Expensive. But it works.
Find more about all these headline formulas on Copyblogger, on
Unbounce, here, here and here.
Headline formulas for use on lead-gen
pages, for marketing ebooks or for
blog posts
These are based on my favorite headlines in the history of
headlines. See them at play in old-school ads, on sites like
Upworthy and in posts like this one by Crazy Egg.
The Ultimate Guide to {Good, Bad or Desirable Thing}
What Everybody Ought to Know About {Good, Bad or Desirable
X Lessons I Learned from {Person or Unusual Experience}
To the {role} who will settle for nothing less than {world-class
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Break all the rules and {world-class outcome}
How Your {Service
Is Ripping
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And What to Do About It Right Now.
I Found a {Adjective} Way to {Get Incredible Outcome}
See why we have an {adverb} {adjective} {social problem} in just
{short time}.
{In uencer or celebrity} {emotional reaction} {to thing that
basically the whole world already understood}
Is this the world’s rst {Good, Bad or Desirable Thing}?
How to Survive Your First {Good, Bad or Desirable Thing}
How I found out that {unexpected thing} is the best medicine
Let me show you the secrets of {powerful group}
What {Group or Celebrity} Can Teach You About {Unexpected
People Regularly Pay Me {$} for This Information.
But You Can Have It FREE.
{David-type addresses Goliath-type.} {Result.}
How to Make {$} With Your ________________, Step-by-Step
The complete library of {large #} free and low-cost {desirable
Behind the Scenes of a _____________
{Person does X.} {Another person’s reaction.} Result: priceless.
Is {Trending Topic} a Scam? Find Out If You’re Putting Your
{Resource} at Risk
Here Is a Method/System That’s Helping {Blank} to {Blank}
Little Known Ways to {Blank}
The secret ways the {people from a foreign country} {get desirable
X Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your {Thing in Which
Reader Has a Vested Interest}
Why haven’t {people like your readers} been told these facts?
The Secret of {Desirable Thing}
{#} of {group} are right/wrong/confused about {X}
Is it immoral to {get desirable outcome}?
Recently Downsized/Fired {Profession} Reveals the Dirty Little
Secrets to {Outcome}
Do you have the courage to {do something very desirable}?
This {bad thing} just happened. {Outcome or media} is {adjective}.
How to {get incredible result} and {do unexpected thing as a
{Bully does X.} {Bullied reacts with Y.}
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I Stopped {Doing
Too. Here’s
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in $$$ immediately
Who doesn’t like {somewhat accepted taboo}? {Unexpected
answer with tease about why.}
I spent {time} {working toward goal}. I just {quitting statement}.
Here’s why.
I don’t regret {X}. But here’s what I’d do differently.
Would you {do unimaginable thing}? I just did.
Formulas for writing value propositions
First, read this book (paperback recommended). The whole thing.
Because value props aren’t easy. Landing on your value
proposition is kinduvabigdeal. So don’t take your job of identifying
or phrasing your value prop lightly.
Here are some fab formulas for expressing your value prop.
Note that the examples for each value proposition formula are all
for the same solution – Airstory – so you can see how each formula
explains, shapes and highlights in its own way.
For {target} who {statement of the need or opportunity},
{Name} is {product category} that {statement of bene t}.
For content teams with aggressive publishing schedules and high
standards, Airstory is the content creation software that helps
teams build on each other’s ideas to produce incredible articles,
blog posts and ebooks.
VAD: Verb, Application, Differentiator
Drop research directly into blog posts and articles.
We do X, but the difference is {primary differentiator}.
We help content creators write together, but the difference is that
creators can also pull from and add to a library of bite-sized
The {adjective} way for _____ to _____, {bene t/outcome}.
The no-brainer way for writers to turn ideas into blog posts, articles
and ebooks – for better content marketing.
{Proven industry example} for/of {new domain}.
Evernote meets Google Docs, for writers.
“We help X do Y doing Z”.
We help teams write better and faster by dragging and dropping
research into documents.
We’re the ones that {primary differentiator}.
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We’re the ones that let teams create faster by dragging
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dropping ideas into blog posts.
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The smartest writing software for content teams.
Content teams at growth-focused businesses have aggressive
editorial calendars but no clean, effective way to turn their team’s
knowledge into publishable content. Airstory lets teams pool their
research and drop great ideas directly into their documents.
What. How. Why.
Airstory is a collaborative writing platform that helps teams turn
ideas into blog posts, ebooks and articles faster. So you can
publish and promote like crazy.
Enormous problem. Solution. Core differentiator.
Content marketing is the fastest-growing opportunity for
businesses, but content creators can’t churn out great content like
factories. We offer a collaborative writing platform – called Airstory
– that houses a team’s ideas and research alongside their
documents, so they can simply search their research library, nd
ideas, drop them into a document, and publish. Created by a
blogger, content strategist and novelist.
Tons more info and examples in this great post.
Copywriting formulas for bullet lists (or
You know what a bullet list is… but did you know that copywriters
(especially in direct response) call bullets “fascinations”? True
story. Where a bullet really just states a bene t or feature, a
fascination is written to be so compelling (and curiosity-piquing)
that desire is magni ed. We talk about this in our courses, and you
can learn more here.
BGNGo Bullets
The order of your bullets in this case would go like so:
Good, with Outcome
Any copywriter worth more than a dollar an hour knows to
bookend your bullet list with the two most compelling bullets.
7 Deadly Fascinations
My fave! You may have heard me talk about this – I totally dig it as
a formula for bullet lists. So here’s how your bullet list would go:
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ust (get
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at you des e / be
at t ey des e)
(this will
help youHere's
be lazy
/ do
less bringing
work) in $$$ immediately
to start
Envy (rise about your particular Joneses)
Pride (be amazing)
Wrath (be angry)
Gluttony (get everything!)
Greed (the ultimate me-focused bullet – it can all be yours!)
To use this bullet formula, you take all of your boring old bullets,
and you rephrase each to tap into one of the 7 deadly sins. It
doesn’t need to happen in the order shown here, but I personally
nd that wrath is rather hard to write, so I hide that one in the
The Headline-as-Bullet List
Instead of the jumble of unique bene ts here, statistics there,
page numbers or points where you can nd X fascination here,
unexpected insight there, etc etc, let’s just use a nice formula, shall
we? Draw from this list of headlines turned bullets as you see t
for your offering (ideal for sales pages, especially for training
Discover the {high-value} secrets of {powerful group}
What {group} taught me about {unexpected thing}
How your X is ripping you off – and exactly what to do about it
(page #)
The #1 lesson I learned from {unusual experience}
How to learn {technical thing} before {technical expert}
How to survive your rst __________ (page #)
How a {role} showed me {unexpected insight}
Why you need to break all the rules to get {world-class
Possibly the world’s rst __________
Why some {role} are given favored status in {seemingly
neutral place} – this little-known information could {incredible
impact for reader}
The unexpected X that may just be the best medicine for Y
# steps to make $ with your __________ (page #, with a bonus
on page #)
A {adjective} method that’s helping __________ to __________
The secret ways {people from a foreign country} {get desirable
A single solitary formula for body copy
To be fair, almost every formula for laying out a page can be
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to acookies
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of body
So this
only formula for
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body copy. But
it’s pretty
perfect for
it, sohow
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to you
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This copywriting formula is particularly good for deeper-level
sections of text, where it often makes sense to lead with the
feature because the prospect may be in a higher stage of
awareness (e.g., she’s got a checklist of must-have features):
Feature – State or intro the feature
Advantages – Describe its advantages
Bene ts – Describe its bene ts
Start with the feature. Then say what it does better – better than
the product you’re switching from, better than the past version, or
whatever oats your boat. Then tell people what’s in it for them.
Here’s how it plays out on Groove’s “Ticketing” page:
As Buffer points out, Joe Vitale explained FAB quite simply like
You get this… and the product does this… so you get this….
Copywriting formulas for better
buttons (or calls to action / CTAs)
Yay for working on your CTAs! Buttons are the site of conversion
online – you can’t convert without clicking at least one button. So
don’t treat a button like microcopy. Use these formulas to write –
and test – better button copy.
The I Want Button
This CTA formula is all about lling in the blank. There are 2 blanks
to choose from:
I want to ____________
I want you to ___________
Let’s say you’re writing a button for a car website. You might
complete those phrases, “I want to get a new car” and “I want you
to show me the newest cars.” So the button copy would go like so,
Get a new car
Show me the newest cars
See the difference? And, yes, to be clear, in the second option, you
do keep the rst-person “me” in the button. That’s actually what
makes it so powerful.
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Want a magicFreelance
word? Here
you go:Here's
“get.”how to start bringing in $$$ immediately
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People like to get things. There’s very little work or friction
associated with getting (depending, of course, on what follows
“get”). It generally suggests good things to come. So start your
button with the word “get.” And make sure the phrase that follows
matches your prospect’s desire and expectations.
Lance rst wrote about this fab CTA formula a few years ago. It
stands for:
When using this formula, you want to ask yourself if the visitor has
the info s/he requires before clicking the button. This is huuuuge
for conversion copywriting: don’t put a button prematurely on a
page. First give people the info they require… then make the
button / target easy to acquire (which is UX-speak for click)… and
then ensure your visitor desires what the button promises.
Hook, Line and Sinker
This CTA formula is courtesy of Wordstream. It’s great for ad copy
but also text links and buttons. Here’s how to use it:
Command verb + offer + urgency
For example: “Download our whitepaper today!”
Elements-of-the-Offer Formula
Admittedly, this formula is for closing – like on a sales page –
rather than just for button copy. But buttons are merely parts of
calls to action, so I think this belongs here.
1. Here’s What You’re Gonna Get
1. Establish the Value
1. Offer a (Conditional) Bonus
1. Price
1. Trivialize Price
1. Guarantee
1. Risk Reversal
2. Scarcity
You can read more about this one here
Testimonial formulas
If you think just getting the testimonial is enough:
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You need your testimonials to be believable, to be credible and to
be worth your prospect’s time. The testimonial isn’t for your
bene t; it’s for your prospect’s. So use these formulas to revise
your testimonials (and make sure you get sign-off from your
The Before-After-Experience Testimonial
I read about this one on Psychotactics about a billion years ago
and have been using it since. It’s great. Here’s how it goes:
Start with Before. What hesitations did they feel pre-purchase?
Then explain After. What did the client discover after going for it?
Then speak to the Experience. What did they feel?
So a testimonial that follows this formula tells a story, and story is
good. Here’s one I received:
This testimonial formula strives to keep things short. Short
testimonials are great to pepper among the lengthier ones. But be
careful: all of your testimonials should be meaty, and you should
never sacri ce speci city and storytelling just to get a shorter
Is it tactful?
Does it emphasize a particular strength of the solution or
What authentic part of the experience have you shared?
Is it short and sweet?
Does it engage the reader?
Here’s a review of the Copyhackers ebooks that follows TEASE well:
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AWAI recommends this testimonial formula, which has a
simplicity and speci city I dig:
Speci c
You’ll likely also appreciate their 4 Ls, which are the four qualities
your testimonials should not have:
Lazily written
Lacking a point
Here’s an example of a testimonial that meets the 4 Ss:
Before – During – After – Favorite – Emotion – Ideal For
Not the most elegant of all formulas – but easy to use – this
testimonial template gets lled out like so:
I approached {business name} because __________. {Person at
business name} helped me by __________. The result was
__________. One thing I liked was their __________. I found the
experience __________. I would recommend {business name} to
people who need __________.
Formulas for plotting email sequences
NOTE: For a truly comprehensive guide to emails, check out this
free (!) guide by sendwithus
Walling’s 5-Day Drip Course Formula for Leads
Rob Walling of GetDrip.com discussed this in detail in this free
video training.
Day 0
Send on sign-up. Cover 3 points: welcome them, touch on what
the drip course will cover, CTA (e.g., reply to email with answer to Q
asked in email).
Day 1
24 hours after D0. Educate and nish with an action.
Day 2
24 hours after D1. Theory shared via story. CTA in PS.
Day 3
24 hours after D3. Batch of actionable tips.
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Day 4
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24 hours after D4. Case study with real numbers. CTA to use your
Master Email Copywriting, and
Measure Results in Real Dollars
with 10x Emails
Sales emails, SaaS onboarders,
nurturing campaigns - write them all
faster and more con dently.
Wishpond’s 5-Part Drip Campaign for Leads
This 5-part drip campaign is explained on Wishpond. Here’s the
Email 1
A warm hello.
Email 2
A transparent case study or nding.
Email 3
Personal business story that shows your transparency and
Email 4
Case study.
Email 5
Free trial offer or soft sell.
The String of Pearls
Not just for emails, the String of Pearls formula sees you drop
valuable or intriguing details one after the other.
The idea is that each detail is valuable on its own. But when you
string these details together – e.g., over a series of emails to
nurture leads, make a sale or nurture a customer – they become
exceptionally persuasive.
But what are those pearls you’ll be stringing together? That’s
where research comes in. (Formulas can only take you so far!)
This one’s based on the PAS formula for structuring messages on
a page. But I’ve tweaked it to work for drip campaigns that build
up to a sale.
Here’s how it goes:
Email 1: PASOP
Problem. Agitation. Solution. Outcome (measurable or storied).
New problem.
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Email 2: PASOP
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Repeat the problem you ended E1 on. Agitation. Solution.
Outcome. New problem.
Email 3: PAS
Repeat the problem you ended E2 on. Agitation. Your solution as
the solution, with a link to the sales page to learn more about the
solution and the outcomes it brings.
You could squeeze another PASOP or two in there before nishing
with PAS.
Importantly, in the emails preceding the PAS email, you want to
nish by introducing a new problem at the end of it. The promise,
then, becomes to teach people how to solve that problem in the
next email. (This is called an open loop; you’ll see more about that
in the subject line area of this copywriting formula guide.)
The 6-Email New Customer Nurturing Sequence
As explained here, this customer-nurturing sequence is made of 6
emails and should be dripped out over a 14-day period.
Email 1
Welcome and intro to support person, with contact info provided.
Email 2
Free offer.
Email 3
Case study highlighting use of your product or service.
Email 4
Actual examples of ROI for your solution.
Email 5
Customer testimonial video(s).
Email 6
Although the schedule of email delivery isn’t expressed, what’s
interesting about this formula is that its creators BombBomb
recommend including in each email a video featuring the person
handing your new customer’s account.
Want detailed sequences for speci c triggers?
Pardot shares incredibly detailed drip sequences for upsells,
events, sales nurturing, re-engagement, competitors,
and industry-speci c marketing campaign
Email subject line formulas
The rst subject lines are by Jared Kimball, who shared them in
this useful post. He’s also written a book called 14 Email Subject
Line Formulas, which you may want to pick up if you dig his
The Report Formula
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Kimball provides a handful of speci c formulas within
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each of Accept
New {agency/institute}
approved {process/device}
{bene t}
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Innovative {system/process/product} + {bene t}
Introducing {technique/system/process} + {bene t or mystery}
Kimball gives examples like:
Introducing the Picasso: How to design if you suck at design
The Data Formula
I’d personally recommend adding a “why” or “how” to the front of
most of these or a “here’s why” to the end of them. Alone, they feel
like tldrs, which doesn’t necessarily compel the open.
{Percentage} + {unexpected thing}
{Known entity} is rated as {rating} for {rated thing}
{Trendy thing} {percentage change}
For example:
Why 19% of Harvard graduates can’t nd work
USA is rated the worst of 20 countries on 14 eco points
Snapchat loses 13% of its users overnight – here’s why
The How-To Formula
You’ll recognize some of these as very similar to our headline
formulas earlier in this guide.
{Attention-grabber}: how to {avoid or get attention-grabbing
How {world-class example or average joe} {does amazing thing}
How to {do amazing thing}
How to {do amazing thing} without {unpleasant thing}
For example:
Nickelback is back? How to avoid waking up with their song in
your head
How Elon Musk sleeps (Nikola Tesla would be proud)
Campaign Monitor adds that the key to success with this formula
is to focus on the bene t or value. That’s good advice for good
The Inquiry Formula
There’s power in that little question mark! Or better: Is there power
in that little question mark? 😉
Who / What / When / Where / Why / How {question}?
{Brief statement}?
For example:
What were you thinking?
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The Endorsement Formula
In uential people are in uential. …Yeah, I just wrote that. If you’re a
word nerd, you’re like, “Woah! Tautology, y’all!” …Yeah, I just wrote
Okay, the idea with the endorsement formula is that you either
reference an authority or use quotes in your email subject line. So
formulas like:
“{Quote}” by {author}
“{Quote}” – know who said that?
“{Quote}” – agree?
{Author} said this about {audience interest}
{Event / Group Name}: “{Quote}”
“{Unattributed quote}”
The quotes are obvious – but the “unattributed quote” option is
particularly useful. Quotation marks draw the eye. So if you can
put an important marketing message in “quotes”, you may get
more eyes on your subject line. De nitely worth testing.
Ramit Sethi recently used this subject line formula for 3 emails in a
row in his sales sequence:
The Open Loop
This formula creates pure click bait. The idea is that you give away
just enough to make people want to open, and then – importantly
– you give them what they were seeking in the email body itself.
So rather than write a “tldr” or summary-style subject line (which
is generally crap for emails except when it’s a subject line for a
promotion or it touches on scarcity and/or urgency), you’d give a
fraction of the story, like any of these subject line formulas will do
for you:
I messed up
{Person or pronoun} said it was the {right / wrong / scary} thing to
FYI… You should be {doing / seeing / reading} this
FYI… You shouldn’t waste another second {doing / seeing /
reading} this
{High-value something} for you
The {superlative} thing to happen to {industry} since…
In case you haven’t heard
Let me emphasize: the email itself needs to close the loop.
You can then open a new loop with the body of your email,
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the reader
or bringing
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reader back tomorrow
read your
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how to start
in $$$ immediately
Whatever you do, close the loop within a reasonable amount of
The Empty Suitcase
An “empty suitcase” is what we call it when you use the word “this”
without a noun to follow it. So, like, you might nd yourself writing,
“Tune into this to hear me drone on”, and you’d be using an empty
suitcase because we don’t know what “this” is.
In the world of writing, this is a no-no. (See that? I used one there.)
In the world for subject line copywriting, this is a yes-yes.
The beauty of the empty suitcase is that, like the open loop
formula, it forces your subscriber to click to get the whole story. I
know, I know: forcing isn’t good. Fine, then. It compels. Same
difference. Any way you slice it, the empty suitcase subject line is
great for open rates.
{Name}, this is for you
This is how you {do desirable or undesirable thing}
I learned this from watching __________
I {past-tense verb} this. The world changed.
What {industry} needs to {verb}
This subject line formula is explained here. You can swap the
industry for a role, or you could get creative and – if your CRM is
good – populate the blank eld with the person’s name, their role
or the name of their business.
For example:
What Joanna needs to do better
What Copy Hackers needs to remember
What cat owners need to think about
What copywriters need to know
The Announcement
As they said on Mad Men all the time, the word “new” is a powerful
thing. That’s what this subject line is all about.
Use it like so:
Introducing {Name}
Introducing {Name}: {short value prop}
New! {Name}
New! {Bene t of new thing without mention of name}
Now open: {registration}
Campaign Monitor found that adding the word “introducing” to a
subject line increases opens by an average of 9.45%. And adding
it increases
by 3.26%.
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The Scarcity
+ Urgency
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Fabulous for campaigns and product launches! You won’t be
surprised by these formulas, but they’re a great reference when
you’ve got a limited number of X to offer in a short period of time.
Only {#} {days/hours/weeks} left to {X}
Just {#} {X} left
Last chance to {action}
Get {valuable thing} if you {action} in the next {#}
Keep a swipe le of all the emails you’ll get, and you’ll see these
subject lines used any time an offer is closing.
The Punctuator
For your subject line to earn an open, it needs to get noticed in an
inbox. To do that, we use punctuation marks. Truly. That’s what
punctuation is for in subject lines: to get eyes on the line.
I’m not going to list out all the ways you can use punctuation to
your advantage with this formula, but the goal is twofold:
1. To visually break up the line of copy that is your subject line
2. To visually distinguish your subject line from that of all the
Here are examples from businesses you probably know:
Brian Dean
How to get higher rankings in 2015 (without any new content)
How I email busy people (and get responses)
I just opened enrollment for SEO That Works (but it closes Friday)
You + These Top Deals = Love?
Solve This Puzzle: D E A _ S
Psst… Slimming Secrets Inside
Tim Grahl
Argh! I need help!
#1 New York Times bestseller… used this tool to do it
This is it… Conquer your fear in 2015
The Shorty
It’s a one, two or three-word subject line. It stands out beautifully
among all the long subject lines in an inbox.
Nathan Barry uses this formula a lot with subject lines like these:
Unsolicited advice
60 minutes
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Quick question
{First name} < > {First name}
The ultimate formula for introducing people to one another!
Works like the rather common {First name}, meet {First name},
which is also good.
Although this subject line is intended for one person connecting
two people, there’s no reason you couldn’t test it as a subject line
for your marketing emails. For example, if you were to host a
webinar with a special guest like Unbounce’s Georgiana Laudi, you
might write:
{First name} < > Georgiana
It feels extremely personal – so use sparingly. Because crying wolf.
Copywriting formulas for ads
Display, search – what have you. When it comes time to write an
ad, all the old copywriting rules go out the window. Or so it seems
to me. Which is why I rely on ad copywriting formulas.
Let’s start with…
Search ad formulas
Great for direct-response envelopes, this formula can also work for
your ads. It goes:
You don’t need to write it in that order – AIU. It may be that U
leads to A, and I is baked in there.
Device + Keyword + Persona + Brand
At CTA Conf 2015, Dana DiTomaso shared this formula for search
ads – and I snapped a pic just in time:
The Wordstream Ad Copy Formula
In this uber-helpful blog post, Team Wordstream offers sweet
templates to help us basically assemble our search ad copy line by
line. Here’s the gist, but read the whole post to ll in the gaps, see
all the examples and get the bonus pro copywriting tips:
Description Line: 35 Characters
Your USP, expressed as any of the following:
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are using or________.
switch them off in settings.
Your Search for
____ Ends
Here. Here's how to start bringing in $$$ immediately
New Video:
Big Range, Great Price and Service.
Get ___ For Only $__.
Description line 2: 35 characters
A CTA, or copy to prime searchers to convert:
Start Searching Now!
Get Your Free Quote Online!
Order Our Expert Guide Today!
Quick and Affordable Call Us Today!
Display URL: 35 characters
This is simply as follows: www.yourwebsite.com/your-top-keywords
Here’s a Wordstream ad as an example:
I’ve left a lot out of this Wordstream Ad Copy Formula because I’d
basically be plagiarizing if I added all of their awesome examples.
But if you want an assemble-it-yourself ad copy formula, read the
Wordstream post
The Essential Ad Copywriting Template
As described here, this template or formula goes like this:
Headline = Attract Attention (Be Relevant!)
Description Line 1 = Generate Interest (Be Useful!)
Description Line 2 = Ask for the Click (Show the Value!)
MECLABS Online Ad Sequence
What a surprise – MECLABS has created a copyrighted heuristic
for your ads. (I love the MECLABS minds. But, my, do they
copyright sequences!)
ea = 2at + i + as ©
Where ea = Effectiveness of the Ad, at = Attract Attention, i =
Generate Interest and as = Ask for the Click.
And now let’s move on to formulas for another type of ad…
Facebook ad formulas
Loud. Relevant. Engaging.
Explained here, this formula is supposed to “deliver returns.” Here
it is:
Be Loud.
Be Relevant.
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Be Engaging.
The green highlighting
and the dude’s
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how to starthandlebar
bringing in $$$ immediately
moustache in the following example illustrate the be loud part of
the formula. It’s actually quite relevant to me. And I found the ad
engaging – although, admittedly, not engaging enough to click
and hire young Olek.
This one is described by AdEspresso, in so many words. (They don’t
call it a formula; I do.) I love it. It goes:
Social proof
In practice, it looks like this:
The 4-Step Formula
Shared by SEMrush, this formula for a fantastic Facebook ad goes:
Be Objective
Highlight Bene ts
Be Persuasive
Follow the Rules
The full post is really worth a read, especially if you haven’t created
Facebook ads before.
Here’s an example they give:
Getting your CTA right for a Facebook ad is critical. So…
Facebook Ad CTA Formulas
These Facebook ad CTAs are discussed in detail over on
Wishpond’s fantastic blog.
See why {in uencer} said {intriguing thing}
See why Stephen King said we’re the future of writing
Free {high-value freebie}
Free “Grammar Nerd” ebook
Want / Need {highly desirable thing}? {Actionable
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about a
we areGet
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Hot Tamale
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to start bringing
in $$$ immediately
Enter to Freelance
win {highly
Enter to win your very own battle axe
Sick of {thing readers are de nitely sick of}?
Sick of being compared to other moms?
Stop {unpleasant or unexpected thing}
Stop eyeing up the neighbor
Stop guessing what's gonna work
Write ads that offer what your audience
really wants - when they want it - with
the clear, proven, step-by-step system
found inside 10x Facebook Ads.
And now for…
Formulas for Writing Facebook Posts
When you promote a post on Facebook, do you get the clicks,
comments and likes other people seem to get? If not, these
Facebook post formulas are all worth trying. Plus, they all force
you to keep your posts short: <40 characters is a better practice for
writing a Facebook post.
Note that most of these work best with a photo, video and/or link
to accompany them. Learn more about them here and here.
One little-known way to {do something}: {summary of
One little known way to make an antique headboard: Turn an old
door on its side
“Like” if you {something your fans are likely to like}
“Like” if you think Hot Rod is better than Napoleon Dynamite
Remember when {something nostalgia-triggering}?
Remember when you could call the operator for a number?
Fill in the blank: “{partial line of dialogue} ______________”
Fill in the blank: “The only way to double your conversion rate is to
{#} reasons I’m stopping {good or bad activity}
9 reasons I’m quitting carbs
If / When {scenario}, I __________
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cou d u a y bus ess,
ou d u __________
When Costco Freelance
starts selling
July, I in $$$ immediately
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how to startin
Formulas for Writing Tweets
Most of the formulas that kicked off this post – like AIDA, PAS and
the headline formulas – can be used easily to write click- and RTworthy tweets. But here are a handful more. Because this is the
ultimate copywriting formula guide, after all. 🙂
Tons of comments/shares on our {post type} – add yours:
Tons of shares of our mega-huge copywriting formula post –
check it out: https://bit.ly
Don’t let your {asset} {bad outcome}. Here’s how to {good
outcome}: {bitly} #hashtag
Don’t let your blogging mojo go to waste. Here’s how to rock a
post: https://bit.ly #amwriting
I loved this article by @TwitterHandle about [TOPIC] –
{bitly} #hashtag
I loved this article by @patio11 about cofounders – https://bit.ly
We {incredible outcome} {unusual way it was achieved}.
Here’s why/how: {bitly}
We tripled our team in 3 months by focusing on 1 feature. Here’s
why: https://bit.ly
{Question}? #hashtag
Are startups without technical cofounders legit? #cmo #ceo
{Question}? #hashtag 1) {Answer} 2) {Answer} 3) {Answer}
Is SEO dead? #inbound 1) Yes 2) No 3) OMG can people please stop
saying that
“[QUOTE]” – @TwitterHandle #quote
“Get busy living, or get busy dying” – Shawshank Redemption
Most of the above formulas were originally in this Hubspot post
{Article or video title} – {bitly} #hashtag by @Pro le
“Every Copywriting Formula on the Planet” – https://bit.ly #epic by
{Statistic} – {bit.ly} #hashtag by @pro le
3 in 4 businesses shut down in their rst year – https://bit.ly
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#startups by @copyhackers
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how to start
– {bit.ly}
by bringing
@pro in
le$$$ immediately
“Getting acquired goes against everything I learned in business
school” – https://bit.ly #startups by @copyhackers
{Pain before.} {Joy after.} Here’s what changed: {bit.ly}
Writing headlines suuucked. Now it takes <24 seconds to write 5.
Here’s what changed: https://bit.ly
How @pro le and @pro le {interesting achievement}:
How @patio11 and @amyhoy turned #HN into the most authentic
forum: https://bit.ly
{Bene t, bene t, bene t.} How {goal for reader}? {bit.ly}
Low heating bills. Instant hot water. Warm winters. How can your
family get it all? https://bit.ly
{any formula above} {photo or video}
“Get busy living, or get busy dying” – Shawshank Redemption
Please RT: {any formula above}
Please RT: We tripled our team in 3 months by focusing on 1
feature. Here’s why: https://bit.ly
{Commentary} > {any formula above}
I’d pay for this! > I loved this article by @patio11 about cofounders –
https://bit.ly #startups
Formulas for writing blog posts
Let’s kick this section of copywriting formulas off with a great,
clear infographic from Social Triggers, which I rst found here:
If you like that, you should also check out these blog post
templates from HubSpot
Michael Hyatt’s 6-Part Blog Post
Michael Hyatt uses the following formula to write blog posts faster:
Lead paragraph / hook.
Relevant image.
Personal story.
Scannable body.
Open-ended question.
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Indeed, he practices
he preaches.
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how to an
in one
$$$ immediately
of his blog posts:
Star. Story. Solution.
We saw this formula earlier for laying out a lead gen page in
particular. Here’s a refresher on what it’s all about:
Star. Who’s the character we’ll be following, or what’s the idea the
post is working through?
Story. Tell it! Follow the better rules of writing engaging stories,
like starting in media res.
Solution. What happened?
Most blog posts written in the rst person t nicely into the Star
Story Solution formula. Here’s one of ours, as an example:
This is PAS for blog posts. It goes like so:
And here’s an example of it in use on Copyblogger:
Pre-publishing copywriting checklists
You’ve got your whole page or post written. Now use any of these
checklists before you hit ‘publish’ to amp-up what’s already there.
So What? Prove It.
Any claim you put on the page needs to be run through this
“formula.” Basically, the copy has to answer the question “So
what?” and prove that it’s so. See the testimonial / proof area of
this post for examples of what proof can be.
Here’s how so-what-prove-it plays out on FourEyes:
According to these guys, legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga
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productivity 11-fold.
Substitute a ho-hum
with something
or new.
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start bringing
in $$$ immediately
Combine successful elements from 2+ other sources.
Adapt a winning headline, button, offer or other from a different
product category.
Modify, minify or magnify one element.
Put it to use with unexpected people.
Eliminate or exclude an element that you think has seen better
Rearrange, reverse or rede ne any part of the copy, the funnel, etc.
The 4 Cs
Everything from a tweet to a sales page needs to pass the 4 Cs:
Is it clear?
Is it concise?
Is it compelling?
Is it credible?
My caution on this formula is that you should not cut important,
meaningful phrases or words in the interest of being concise.
That’s such a rookie mistake, it’s crazy. Be concise, but don’t take
that to mean “short.”
The 4 Us
Like the 4 Cs, this pre-publishing checklist or formula will help
ensure you’re making a compelling argument. Use it in
combination with the 4 Cs.
Is this useful to your prospect?
Is there a sense of urgency to read or act?
What should the prospect take away as unique about you after
reading this?
Is it “ultra-speci c”?
Below is a snippet of an email from the brilliant (and very nice!)
Brian Dean, who could teach us all about email marketing in
addition to SEO and content marketing:
The “A FOREST” checklist
This is useful for improving your blog posts and landing pages.
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Three (as in the rule of)
Headline generators and more!
As you’ve been reading through the above, you may have found
yourself thinking, Hmm, someone should put this stuff in a
Indeed, someone has.
Well, a few groups have put a few of the formulas into a few
generators. These generators are de nitely not exhaustive. And, to
be sure, they’re mostly good for a laugh, not for actually doing the
work of laying out a page, writing a headline, optimizing a bullet
list, writing a button or tweeting. Use at your own risk.
Free headline generator
Free online title generator
Link bait title generator
Market positioning statement generator
Content idea generator
Blog topic idea generator
Sales letter generator
Did I miss a favorite?
If you know of a copywriting formula I haven’t shared, please leave
it in the comments for this post.
And, of course, if you dig what you’ve read here, others are sure to
feel the same way. So share this post by tweeting it out or posting
it on Facebook. (You’ve got the formulas to know how.) I really
appreciate it.
The original conversion copywriter, Joanna
Wiebe is the founder of Copyhackers.
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Indian Satta Matka King • 5 months ago
Thanks for the sharing this post.Matka 420
â–³ â–½ 1 • Share ›
Tariq M. Malik • 5 months ago
This is crazy. GREAT CRAZY I mean. BUT...
...Can you help take this up a notch and attribute each of these
formulas to a 'Customer level of awareness' i.e. unaware, solution,
problem aware etc.
To take it even further it would be great to align these with a traffic
source that is Intent based (search Google, YT etc.) and demand
creation based (FB).
That would ensure alignment between traffic source > ad > LP type
You're quite amazing Joanna.
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
aditii • 6 months ago
Thanks for sharing the useful article and for giving beneficial tips!
gems stone enjoy your day :)
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Indian Satta Matka King • 6 months ago
thank you for this awsom tricks tnx for this post indian matka
â–³ â–½ 1 • Share ›
Yuval Yaari • 6 months ago
Great guide, Joanna, thank you for that!
At madgicx.com we manage $80M in Facebook ads and we have a lot
of insights to share as well. Would love to collaborate.
â–½ 1 • Share ›
Boss Matka • 6 months ago
Hi Brian, nice blog man, really your blog writing is awesome, thanks
Satta Matka
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Tipu Raut > Boss Matka • 6 months ago
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book shop • 6 months ago
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book shop • 6 months ago
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nice blogging best This is a fantastic blog article. Much thanks for
Freelance copywriter? Here's how to start bringing in $$$ immediately
sharing this type of post.This is a fantastic blog article satta matka 3
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Kalyan Matka Tips • 6 months ago
This is a fantastic blog article. Much thanks for sharing this type of
-Matka Results
-Kalyan Matka Tips
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bossdp661 • 6 months ago
Great post here. Like to forward to other people.
- Satta Matka
- Sattamatka
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book shop • 6 months ago
Nice bolgging best information Hey Brian, having a design
background, I appreciate that you made the task bar green on mobile.
satta matka 3 satta matka boss
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Joony kohe • 6 months ago
Hey Thanks Brian Dean, My head is spinning right now, full of ideas to
crush it on Amazon. That was almost like a course in itself. I will try
this out and be back with more comments!
Thanks, I am pumped about this!
satta matka boss matka
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Joony kohe • 6 months ago
Hey Brian, having a design background, I appreciate that you made
the task bar green on mobile. It’s all about the details and it looks
satta matka
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Joony kohe • 6 months ago
Every time you release a new post, I always walk away with so much
value. My mind may be spinning, but I’ve learned several new things,
received step-by-step tips and tricks to try, and oftentimes, discovered
a new spin on something I’m already doing to make it just that bit
better. Thank you for what you do, and thank you for sharing what you
learn with the rest of us!
satta matka
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Tracy Walter • 7 months ago
Thank you so much! So comprehensive. All in one place
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Bilal Ahmed • 8 months ago
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Kailash Singh Bisht • 8 months ago
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interpagesorg • 8 months ago
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing. Top 10 Tips for Improving the SEO
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Deniz Işık • 9 months ago
Thank's. I love your blogs.
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Sa Re • 9 months ago
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Handymandubai • 9 months ago
Well, a few groups have put a few of the formulas into a few
generators. These generators are definitely not exhaustive.Air
Conditioning Repair
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Top Resourcing • 10 months ago
that is realy helpful information for us ..thanks for guiding us.
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Phil B Garti • 10 months ago
The Right Tool For The Right Job...
Thank you Joanna and Copyhackers.
This is exactly what I needed as a brand new Green-Lantern-green
How do you start analyzing great ads and practicing your copywriting
with just 1 formula?
Sure - chocolate cakes and chocolate sundays are both desserts sweet and chocolaty.
But that's about all they have in common. Different recipes, different
season, different taste.
NOW I can crush this.
My father in law often says " Kid, the right tool for the right job".
This applies to copywriting too.
Thank you ...
And I extend a hand, through space and time, to give you a High-Five!
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JV Hirigoyen • 10 months ago
Amazing ! well detailled.
Siper interesting. thanks for this great post. Marketing is a science and
copywriting is part of it !
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Shine • a year ago
Awesome and in-depth article. Thanks for sharing.
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Jonatan Jansson • a year ago
Great collection of resources and vital information for copywriting.
Good stuff!
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Siberyazilimci Blog • a year ago
Thank you for sharing.
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Hamza Idrees • a year ago
Glad she kept it just to site/email copy. I can't imagine a formula
existing for "engaging branded video content"
Linux Mint
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Jeewan Garg • a year ago
Thank you for sharing such a great information but we are google
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Ray Khade • a year ago
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Ray Khade • a year ago
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OMG! Thanks!!
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Great informative post!
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Elena Clarke • 2 years ago
Awesome article. Actionable advice galore, definitely one I'll keep
coming back to again and again. Thanks Joanna.
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Chris Schutte • 2 years ago
What an amazing article! Bookmarking the heck out of this!
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Ayodele O. Folarin • 2 years ago
Good one. The post is exhaustive and useful. Will bookmark for use.
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Master Hùng Minh • 2 years ago
Nice Blog ! Thank you for sharing.
Mua Chung cÆ° trả góp
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Harshwardhan Singh • 2 years ago
Goes very deep into copywriting, a good read, very informative,
amazing share!
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Copywriter Clio • 2 years ago
Good read. I'll be sharing this one with a few folks.
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
John • 2 years ago
Joanna Man, this post is excellent. Thanks for sharing.
A question regarding positioning statements / website copy. Where
would you use the value proposition / positioning statement on the
I generally start with a in-depth dive to get the copy on the homepage
to describe what the user / visitor will get from X company / site. (I
follow StoryBrand's model...)
Any thoughts / articles / recommendations on this?
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Mainframe Srinivas • 2 years ago
Very informative and well written post! Quite interesting and nice topic
chosen for the post.
thanks for sharing this nice post.
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Cursos Na Nate • 2 years ago
Good morning, I was impressed with what I learned on your site and
I commented with
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Viva Saudável Sempre • 2 years ago
Ola,fiquei impressionado com o que aprendi no seu site e já comentei
com minha esposa para ficar lendo suas dica e aprender mais com
como o tempinho que agente tem é apenas
noite ela já dispensou até a novela,
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Como Ficar Rico • 2 years ago
Bom Dia,fiquei impressionado com o que aprendi no seu site e já
comentei com
com minha esposa para assinar sua newsletter ficar lendo suas dica e
aprender mais com você,
como o tempinho que agente tem é apenas
noite ela já dispensou até a novela,
â–³ â–½ • Share ›
Brighter Digital • 3 years ago
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