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Unhealthy boot disk(ad4),mirror is degraded. 使用命令 #gmirror status 输出如下: 顶部 Name Status Components mirror/root0 COMPLETE ad7p4 ad4p4 mirror/var-crash COMPLETE ad7p10 mirror/mfg COMPLETE ad7p9 ad4p10 mirror/journal-backup COMPLETE ad7p8 ad4p8 mirror/var1 DEGRADED ad7p7 mirror/var0 COMPLETE ad4p6 ad7p6 mirror/root1 DEGRADED ad7p5 使用命令#atacontrol list 如下: ATA channel 0: Master: Slave: no device present no device present ATA channel 1: Master: Slave: no device present no device present ATA channel 2: Master: Slave: ad4 <SanDisk SSD P4 8GB/SSD 8.10> Serial ATA v1.0 II no device present ATA channel 3: Master: Slave: no device present ad7 <SanDisk SSD P4 8GB/SSD 8.10> Serial ATA v1.0 II ATA channel 4: Master: Slave: no device present no device present ATA channel 5: Master: Slave: no device present no device present 根据以上信息,我判断是ad4的boot drive故障,但是我用SolVe Generator生成的更换文档是更换 Slave的,而现场的是Master故障。 文档中前几步骤如: Install a drive support package等的都是为了生成日志信息,以保留给 support,然后就是直接关机更换。 顶部 现在有以下几个疑问: 1、现在有点怀疑这个情况是否需要更换这个硬件? 2、isilon是如何引导的,我这的情况是master故障,我更换后怎么确认系统能从原来的slave这个 boot drive引导? 3、如果我有一台isilon的测试机Onefs,而需要更换的isilon Onefs为7.0.1.5。我使用带有高 版本Onefs的Boot drive安装到低版本的设备上会不会有其他问题? 4、我现在有两台Onefs的X200,我将其中一台的master boot drive拔下,用另外一台来更 换,结果无法启动 所以我现在怀疑我的判断是不是正确的了? 求大神们帮帮忙啊。 标签: Isilon 点赞 (0) 回复 所有论坛主题 前一个 1 2 前一个主题 下一个主题 下一个 顶部 回复数 (11) Roger_Wu 铼 7121 01-22-2017 09:55 AM 根据KB提示建议先升级一下:ETA 194692: EMC Isilon nodes: Boot flash drives become non-operational due to excessive writes https://support.emc.com/kb/301967 These issues are addressed in OneFS,,,, and If any S200, S210, X200, X400, X410, NL400, or 108NL nodes in your cluster have experienced boot drive failures, EMC strongly recommends that you upgrade to the appropriate version of OneFS recommended below as soon as possible: If the version of OneFS running on your cluster is: Upgrade to: OneFS - OneFS OneFS 7.0.1 OneFS OneFS - OneFS OneFS - OneFS OneFS OneFS OneFS No need to upgrade 如果升级失败的话基本上要联系售后工程师来处理了,degraded boot drive可能无 法升级成功:OneFS: Cannot perform upgrade with degraded boot drive https://support.emc.com/kb/456690 后面的几个问题要Isilon专家来解答一下。 点赞 (1) 回复 顶部 Jeffey1 钌 7120 01-22-2017 10:32 AM shaoyong 根据你提供的gmirror status命令输出分析,故障的boot drive编号为ad7. Dell EMC官方文档中有提及,编号为ad7的组件是slave boot drive,下面是文档截 图: 所以我觉得你应该替换slave boot drive,而不是master组件。更多信息,请参考 文档《Boot Drive Replacement Guide》。 顶部 点赞 (0) 回复 Lu_shaoyong 银 回复 Jeffey1 7120 01-22-2017 10:45 AM Hi, 这个确认上ad4,不是ad7 并且我在测试机器上直接在线拔过J3,然后再看mirror状态,跟我提供的图上一样 顶部 的 点赞 (0) 回复 Jeffey1 钌 回复 Lu_shaoyong 7120 01-22-2017 10:52 AM shaoyong 如果是ad4就是master坏了,可是你提供的命令输出是ad7哦。 顶部 点赞 (0) 回复 Lu_shaoyong 银 回复 Jeffey1 7123 01-22-2017 11:06 AM Hi, 每个mirror都有两部分(除了mirror/var-crash之外),分为ad4、ad7,我的结果 中,只有ad7,而ad4 missing,所以故障位置应该上ad4。 如下图是我在测试设备上将J3拔出之后的结果: 点赞 (0) 回复 Jeffey1 钌 回复 Lu_shaoyong 7123 01-22-2017 01:02 PM 顶部 shaoyong 那你可以按照文档《Boot Drive Replacement Guide》第4页之后的操作步骤,继续替换故 障的备件。 点赞 (1) 回复 Lu_shaoyong 银 回复 Jeffey1 7122 01-22-2017 01:40 PM Hi, 我按照此文档做了,在关闭节点前的步骤仅Install a drive support package这个 没做,但是这个步骤也好像是收集信息以提供给support的。 按照文档来,就是关闭节点然后更换,完成后启动节点。我做完后启动节点无法 启动报错如下: Executing GEOM bootdisk startup... This system has 2 formatted boot disks (ad7 and ad4), but the boot disk IDs are not a pair. UnbootableBootdiskException: 5: Exception caught in startup attempt 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lo cal/lib/python2.6/site-packages/isi/sys/bootdisk.py", line 1831, in startup File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/isi/sys/bootdisk.py", line 1741, in _startup File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/isi/sys/bootdisk.py", line 1667, in 顶部 handle_bootdisk_ids File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/isi/sys/bootdisk.py", line 1628, in two_bootdisks_two_ids UnbootableBootdiskException: 5 The system is unbootable. GEOM start failed Please contact EMC Customer Support: United States: 1 800 782 4362 (1 800 SVC 4EMC) Canada: 1 800 543 4782 (1 800 543 4SVC) Worldwide Country Code: 1 508 497 7901 Command Options: 1) Enter recovery shell 2) Continue booting 3) Reboot option> No handlers could be found for logger "lcd.library" 点赞 (0) 回复 Jeffey1 钌 回复 Lu_shaoyong 7122 01-22-2017 02:09 PM shaoyong 根据你目前的情况,你可以参考:457965 : OneFS 7.0.2 and 7.1.0: Node fails to boot completely after replacing a boot drive or joining a cluster https://support.emc.com/kb/457965 顶部 点赞 (1) 回复 ksa13 青铜 回复 Lu_shaoyong 5035 12-03-2019 05:08 PM hi shaoyang,这个case你有结果吗?是不是打补丁解决的? 点赞 (0) 回复 前一个 1 2 下一个 戴尔支持资源 诊断程序和工具 驱动程序和下载 保修和合同 与支持部门联系 派单状态查询 产品支持 最新解决方案 企业 PowerVault MD3220i 恢复出厂设置 顶部 Views 101 Kudos 0 企业 brocadcom 957810A双端口万兆网卡在ESXI下无法识别,请问哪里可以下载到驱动? 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