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EV Adoption Challenges & Solutions: A UK Case Study

1. Problem Summary
1.1. Problem in the shift toward EV adoption:
A study by Element Energy on consumers' perceptions of the transition to electric vehicles is
released by the Platform for Electromobility, which represents more than 45 organizations from
business, civil society, and cities across all modes of transportation (Press release,2022).
Electrifying transportation to meet local pollution and net zero carbon ambitions is now a key
UK policy focus, but it will have significant consequences for the energy system, economy,
and environment. A number of countries around the world are pushing for ambitious targets to
electrify transportation as part of their efforts to combat climate change and local pollution.
The goal is to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while also enhancing urban air quality.
The UK government has advanced its goal of having all new cars and vans emit effectively no
direct emissions by 2035, and National Grid (the British Transmission System Operator)
anticipates that by 2050, there will be more than 90% of private cars on the road that is electric
vehicles. Additionally, other nations have stepped up their efforts to decarbonize transportation
(The rev index,2023). For instance, Norway, which currently has the highest uptake of EVs in
Europe, has set a target for 2025, whereas Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, and the Netherlands have
set a similar ban on petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Such a significant shift is likely to present
the energy system with significant challenges, as the new electric load required to charge EVs
will probably necessitate new generation capacity and significant network reinforcements.
Additionally, significant investments will be needed to make the necessary changes to the
power system, with consumers ultimately bearing the cost.
Several studies (Calvillo & Turner, 2020) have been created to address these issues, with a
focus on the effects of significant penetration of EVs on the power network, using models of
the power system and the network. This, however, ignores additional potentially significant
effects, and consequently, policy implications, outside the electricity sector. For example, the
effect on fuel consumption, consumer costs, and overall emissions. Similarly, EV charging
strategies have been extensively researched, with a focus on potential benefits to the power
system, but the effects of charging location in the network (centralized vs decentralized) have
received little attention, and the focus has not extended beyond the power sector. The price of
batteries has typically been the biggest obstacle to the widespread use of electric vehicles.
Decentralized charging is assumed to be widely distributed. For example, charging at home,
work, on-street parking, and so on. From a network standpoint, we believe that decentralized
charging occurs at the distribution level. When people return from work and demand for
electricity is at its highest, that is when "Dumb" charging takes place, and "Smart" charging
only happens when it is more cost-effective to do so (mostly overnight). According to earlier
research by Rivervale, high purchase costs, a lack of charging stations, and range anxiety were
the primary barriers keeping UK drivers from owning an EV. Even though those worries are
still prevalent, the current energy crisis has contributed to our anxieties regarding the switch
(Rathbone, 2022). According to the study (Krishna,2021), the most widespread worry is the
rising energy cost, with 21.08% of respondents believing that higher home charging tariffs may
prevent the UK from switching to electricity. Electric vehicle adoption is increasing, and if not
managed properly, EV charging loads can increase distribution costs while also forcing utilities
to replace existing infrastructure ahead of schedule.
According to the research (Lee & Brown, 2021), potential problems and barriers to EV
adoption are as follows:
The most prominent problems reported by the EV industry are low mileage of the
vehicles, higher costs, lack of service centers, unawareness about maintenance
and servicing, unclear policies, supply chain problems, and insufficient charging
Cost: The inability to afford an EV can be a notable barrier to adoption. Although
the cost of EVs is starting to fall, EVs are generally more expensive than legacy
internal combustion engine vehicles. Additionally, retrofitting a residence for
home-based charging can be expensive
Charging stations, charging times, higher initial costs, limited driving range, and
battery packs can be expensive to replace.
The objective of this research is to combine two of the most popular and efficient problem
structuring methods, Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and Strategic Options Development
and Analysis (SODA), to understand a complex, messy problem situation, perform appropriate
analysis, and recommend what decisions, actions, or strategies to pursue. Furthermore, the
discussion will evolve around the key stakeholders involved, rich picture, root definition of the
problem, casual map, and CATWOE analysis of the problem.
2. Key Stakeholders
The overall stakeholders identified related to the case study are as follows:
1. UK Government
2. Transport department
3. Sponsors
4. EV manufacturing Company
5. Energy supplier company
6. Consumers
7. Local Authorities
8. Third-party vendors (Suppliers or distributors)
9. Climate Activists
10. Competitors
11. Media
12. Charging network operators and service providers
The 5 main stakeholders we have identified as a group related to the case study are;
EV manufacturing company
Climate activists
2.1. Stakeholders Assignment
The table below illustrates the key stakeholder assigned in detail for each of the group
members in the team:
Key Stakeholder
Team member assigned
Chaitra Thuppadhamada
Secretary at Transport
Department, London,
Chief Consultant
Madhu Shree Reddy Guvvala
EV manufacturing
Syam Subhashithan
CEO of Donner Electric
London, UK
Athul Bhadran
Climate activists
Eden Betts
Food and Restaurant
company private limited
Climate Change Activist
Platform for Electromobility Press release,(2022) PR-Platform-for-Electromobility-EEStudy.docx.pdf https://www.platformelectromobility.eu/Wp-Content/Uploads/2022/01/PRPlatform-for-Electromobility-EE-Study.docx.pdf [Accessed: March 26, 2023].
The rev index (2023) The Economist. The Economist Newspaper. Available at:
[Accessed: March 26, 2023].
Calvillo, C.F. and Turner, K. (2020) “Analysing the impacts of a large-scale EV rollout in the
UK – how can we better inform environmental and climate policy?,” Energy Strategy
Reviews, 30, p. 100497. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2020.100497. [Accessed:
March 10, 2023].
Krishna, G. (2021) “Understanding and identifying barriers to electric vehicle adoption
through thematic analysis,” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 10, p.
100364. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2021.100364. [Accessed: March 18,
Lee, R. and Brown, S. (2021) “Evaluating the role of behavior and social class in electric
vehicle adoption and charging demands,” iScience, 24(8), p. 102914. Available at:
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102914. [Accessed: March 16, 2023].
Rathbone, M. (2022) Is the UK ready for electric cars? Driving Instructors Association.
Available at: https://www.driving.org/is-the-uk-ready-for-electriccars/#:~:text=43%25%20Think%20the%20UK%20Will,the%20switch%20to%20electric%2
0cars [Accessed: March 01, 2023].
PQR from the “Government” stakeholder perspective:
P: What?
Electrifying transport to meet local pollution and overall net zero carbon ambitions is now a
key UK policy focus, Electric vehicles (EVs) are more energy efficient during use than petrol
or diesel vehicles, and produce less air pollution. The carbon emissions of an EV depend on
how the electricity it uses is generated. Given the UK’s current electricity mix, the carbon
emissions due to driving an EV are comparable with the most efficient diesel cars, and are
around 30% less than the average for new fossil fuel cars.
Q: How?
A combination of industry regulation, pilot projects and consumer incentives is being used to
encourage uptake in the UK. Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to oversee aspects of EV
funding, including the „Plugged-in Places‟ (PiP) scheme. PiP helps regions meet up to 50%
of the installation costs of recharging posts. In the first competition in February 2010 £8.8m
was awarded to London, the North East, and Milton Keynes.
R: Why?
The government‟s Low Carbon Transition Plan 2009 outlines plans for 40% of electricity to
come from low-carbon sources by 2020. If this target were met, EVs could offer as much as
55% emissions savings during use compared with average fossil fuel cars. Potential benefits
for the UK include business opportunities and, in the longer term, carbon emissions savings
and reduced dependence on oil.
Transport contributes over 27% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the UK; more than
any other sector on its own. Passenger cars and light-duty vehicles together account for about
20% of GHG emissions, and HGVs contribute about 5%. Decarbonisation of passenger cars,
light-duty vehicles and HGVs are particularly important for the UK’s efforts to meet net zero
emissions targets by 2050. Large-scale adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is a key component
of this effort; the government is consulting on all new cars and vans to be effectively zero
emissions by 2035, or earlier. Significant positive market developments are being realised.
Following consultation with other stakeholders, industry, and the wider public, a 2-phased
approach to the process has been announced.
Step 1 will see the phase-out date for the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans brought
forward to 2030.
Step 2 will see all new cars and vans be fully zero emission at the tailpipe from 2035.
Between 2030 and 2035, new cars and vans can be sold if they have the capability to drive a
significant distance with zero emissions (for example, plug-in hybrids or full hybrids), and this
will be defined through consultation. The move is underpinned by over £1.8 billion to support
greater uptake of zero emission vehicles for greener car journeys. New measures announced
today include more charge points to build on our world-class infrastructure network, alongside
innovation for new clean technologies. This investment will improve air quality in our towns
and cities and support economic growth across the UK, putting us at the forefront of the zeroemission vehicle revolution with vehicles built here in the UK. To meet future demand, the
government is providing grants for homeowners, businesses and local authorities to install
charge points, and is also supporting the deployment of rapid charge points. To ensure the
phase-out dates are met and to support interim carbon budgets, the Department for Transport
will publish a green paper in the coming months on the post-EU regulatory regime for
CO2 emissions from new road vehicles. This will consider both overall fleet efficiency and
how to best deliver the transition to 100% zero-emission sales for cars and vans. A consultation
on the phase-out of new diesel heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to put the UK in the vanguard of
zero-emission freight will also be launched.
In general, the UK's switch to electric cars presents substantial prospects for consumers,
including cheaper operating costs, environmental advantages, financial incentives from the
government, and enhanced technology. The need to address issues like greater upfront prices,
range anxiety, a lack of adequate charging infrastructure, and reduced resale values is also
present. My opinion is that the government and the producers of electric vehicles should start
by taking steps to lower the price and ensure that it is affordable for the general public.
As a manufacturing company, we have a role to play in the shift towards electric vehicles. We
need to invest in research and development to manufacture more efficient and sustainable EVs
that can compete in the market. We also need to work closely with other stakeholders, such as
the government, policymakers, and energy providers, to ensure that the necessary infrastructure
is in place to support the EV market.
The root definition helps to prepare a concise statement of what a system is expected to
achieve in its most fundamental form. A root definition of a project serves as a high-level
definition of overall purpose. A “CATWOE analysis” is usually performed to develop the
root definition that clarifies a problem situation which is surfaced using rich pictures.
CATWOE is an acronym that includes:
Clients—Those who benefit (or suffer) from the operations of the organization,
e.g., customers.
Actors—The individuals, groups, institutions and agencies who perform the functions of the organization.
Transformations—The processes that transform inputs to outputs.
Weltanschauung—The world-view or bigger picture that encapsulates the problem situation and expresses the way the organization views the world.
Owners—The people, who have the ultimate say over the project, provide the resources and can pull the plug on the project.
Environment—The broader constraints that act on the situation. These may be
ethical limits, the law, financial constraints or limited resources.