Write a program to generate 3 random integers between 100 and 999 which is divisible by 5. Ans. import random a1=random.randint(100,399) a2=random.randint(100,399) a3=random.randint(100,399) print('Three random numbers are',a1,a2,a3) PYTHON –MYSQL CONNECTIVITY STUB PROGRAM RECORD PROGRAM (LAST 5 PROGRAMS) 1. Write the steps to perform an Insert query in database connectivity application.Table ‘student’ values are rollno, name, age (10,’Raman’,26). RollNo – integer Name – string Age – integer Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL: Username is root Password is 1234 The table exists in a MYSQL database, named school. The details (RollNo, Name, Class, and Age) are to be accepted from the user. Write the following missing statements to complete the code: Statement 1 – To give an alias name for connector package Statement 2 – to form the cursor object Statement 3 – to execute the command that inserts the record in the table Student Statement 4- to add the record permanently in the database import mysql.connector as __________#Statement 1 conn= mydb.connect(host=”localhost”, user=”root”, passwd=”1234”) cur= ______#Statement 2 cur.execute #Statement 3 #Statement 4 print("Data Added successfully") Answer: import mysql.connector as mydb conn= mydb.connect(host=”localhost”, user=”root”, passwd=”1234”) cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute(“INSERT INTO student values(10,’Ashok’,26);”) cur.commit() print("Data Added successfully") a) 2. Write the steps to perform an Insert query in database connectivity application. Table ‘student’ values are rollno, name, age (10,’Raman’,26) RollNo – integer Name – string Age – integer Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL: Username is root Password is 1234 The table exists in a MYSQL database named school. The details (RollNo, Name, Clas and Age) are to be accepted from the user. Write the following missing statements to fetch all records of a table Student at run time: Statement 1 – to form the cursor object Statement 2 – to execute the command that fetch all records of a table Student . Statement 3- to fetch all records Statement4-To close connection between Python and MYSQL import mysql.connector mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="123" ,database="school") mycursor= # Statement 1 mycursor. # Statement 2 myrecords=_ # Statement 3 for x in myrecords: print (x) mydb.___________ # Statement 4 Answers: import mysql.connector mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="123" ,database="school") mycursor=mydb.cursor() mycursor.execute("select * from student") myrecords=mycursor.fetchall() for x in myrecords: print (x) mydb.close() 3. ) Consider the following Python code is written to access the details of employee, whose employee number is passed to function: Complete the missing statements: import mysql.connector def Search(eno): mydb=mysql.connector.-------(host="localhost", user="root", passwd= "system", database="DB") #Statement 1 if mydb._____________(): #Statement 2 print(‘Connection established successfully’) else : print(‘Connection not established’) return mycursor=mydb.cursor() query="select * from emp where empno=__".format(eno) #Statement 3 mycursor.execute(query) results = mycursor. ________________ #Statement 4 print(results) answer: #Statement 1-Connect #Statement 2-is_connected () #Statement 3- .{ } #Statement 4-fetchone() 4) The code given below inserts the following record in the table Employee: ENo – integer EName – string Dept – string Salary – integer Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL: * Username is root * Password is tiger * The table exists in a MYSQL database named Company * The details (ENo, EName, Dept, Salary) are to be accepted from the user. Write the following missing statements to complete the code: Statement 1-To establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL Statement 2 – to form the cursor object Statement 3 – to execute the command that inserts the record in the table Employee. Statement 4- to add the record permanently in the database import mysql.connector as mysql def sql_data(): con1=mysql.connect(____________) #Statement 1 mycursor = ----------------- #Statement 2 eno=int(input("Enter Employee No :: ")) ename=input("Enter Name :: ") dept=input("Enter Dept :: ") salary=int(input("Enter Salary :: ")) query="insert into employee values({},'{}','{}',{})".format(eno,ename,dept,salary) ----------------------#Statement 3 -----------------------# Statement 4 print("Data Added successfully") Answers : 1)( host="localhost”, user="root", password="tiger”, database="Company") 2)con1.cursor() 2) mycursor.execute(query) 3) con1.commit() 5) The code given below reads the following record from the table named Employee and displays only those records who have salary greater than 15,000: ENo – integer EName – string Dept – string Salary – integer Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL: * Username is root * Password is tiger * The table exists in a MYSQL database named Company. Write the following missing statements to complete the code: Statement 1 – to form the cursor object Statement 2 – to execute the query that extracts records of those employees whose salary is greater than 15,000. Statement 3- to read the complete result of the query (records whose salary is greater than 15,000) into the object named data, from the table employee in the database. Statement 4-To get the number of rows retrieved from cursor/resultset import mysql.connector as mysql def sql_data(): con1=mysql.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="tiger ", database="Company") mycursor = __________ #Statement 1 print("Employees whose salary greater than 15000 are : ") ___________________ #Statement 2 data = __________________ #Statement 3 for i in data: print(i) print(“Row count is”,___________)#Statement 4 con1.close() Answers : 1)con1.cursor() 2) mycursor.execute(“ select * from employee where salary>1500;”) 3) con1.fetchall() 4)mycursor.rowcount