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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cainta Sub-office
Grade and Section
February 10, 2023
V - Special Science Class
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. identify visual and multimedia elements;
b. analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the
meaning of text; and
c. value the purpose of the elements in understanding the text.
Code (Based
on CG)
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a.identify visual and multimedia elements;
b.analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of text;
c. value the purpose of the elements in understanding the text.
A. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of text.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Identifying Visual and Multimedia Elements
B. References:
 MELC ENGLISH Grade 5 Week 4, PIVOT 4A Learner’s Self-Learning Module, pp. 14-17
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrd7Rq811q0
III. Learning Activities
A. Introduction
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Reminders
Indicator 5
Manages learner behavior
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environments.
3. Spelling
Listen carefully and spell the word I will be dictating. Sentences will be given to help
you understand the word.
Use your drill boards for this activity.
Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy
and numeracy.
1. animation - The film's very realistic dinosaurs’ animation on computers.
2. illustration – The illustrations on the storybooks are colorful.
3. visual – Teacher Joan prepared visual materials for her class.
4. interactive – The games in class were very interactive.
5. computer – We use computers to create digital arts.
4. Review
Bring out your drill boards.
Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is wrong.
1. Vlog is an example of online material. FACT
2. Children storybooks belongs to the printed references. FACT
3. Articles contains pictures and texts that can be uploaded on websites. FACT
4. DepEd TV is an example of broadcast material. FACT
5. Movies are examples of printed materials. BLUFF
IV. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
(Show a story book sample)
Tell something about this.
Annotations: Use of Realia
Motive Question
1. Who loves watching English Fairy Tales on social
media sites?
2. What are the things you see while watching these?
3. How about the things you hear?
Indicator 7
Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied
teaching contexts.
2. Activity
The class will be divided into five groups. (20 minutes)
a. Giving of Standards in Group Work and Reporting
b. Distribution of Learner’s Materials
Annotations: Applied
Collaborative Approach
Indicator 4
Manages classroom structure to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful, exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of
physical learning environments.
Annotations: Applied
Constructivism Approach
Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and
Indicator 3
Uses differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address
learners' gender, needs, strengths,
interests and experiences.
Indicator 8
Selects, develops, organizes, and uses
appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address
learning goals.
Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
Annotations: Applied Integrative Approach
Araling Panlipunan: Pambansang Bayani
Filipino: Pang-uri at Talambuhay
3. Analysis
Indicator 8
Selects, develops, organizes,
and uses appropriate
teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
Annotations: Inquiry-Based Approach
1. What are the visual elements?
2. What are the multimedia elements?
3. Which of the following uses sense of sight alone?
4. What are the senses involved in Multimedia?
Indicator 1
Applies knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
Science: Senses
5. Are Group 5 good actors? What emotions have been portrayed?
Can you tell me the elements they used in their Tiktok video?
6. What can you notice in the Pick-2-Connect activity? Are these elements moving?
7. Look at the digital comic art created by Group 5, is it Visual or Multimedia? How
do you say so?
8. Based from all the activities, do you have any idea on
the topic that we are about to discuss today?
Annotations: Inquiry-Based Approach
9. Look at the example. What can you say about the personality of Ants?
How about the Grasshopper?
Indicator 1
Applies knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
English: Adjectives
(Play the Tiktok Video)
12. What are the elements they used in the tiktok video?
13. Are these Visual or Multimedia elements?
14. What do you mean by the word multimedia?
15. If we see multimedia examples, what are the senses you are using?
Indicator 3
Uses differentiated, developmentally
appropriate learning experiences to
address learners' gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences.
Annotations: Questioning Technique
16. In this video clip, what can you notice about the facial expression and body
language of Sisa? What do you think it felt like?
Annotations: Gave examples that
seems familiar to them and also to
promote nationalism and patriotism.
Indicator 1
Applies knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
English: Point of view
Let us listen to this learning material.
(Play the audio recording)
17. What are the emotions drawn in the audio recording?
4. Abstraction
What are the Visual Elements?
How about the Multimedia Elements?
Annotations: Inquiry-Based Approach
5. Application
Directions: Identify the element by saying “San Ka Punta” if it is Visual and “to the
moon” if it is Multimedia.
V. Evaluation
The teacher will distribute the papers.
Annotations: Gave
examples that are
relevant to COVID-19
vaccination to address
learners’ needs in order
to prevent the spread of
the virus.
Indicator 9
Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum requirements.
Directions: Identify the word being described. Choose your answers from the word
pool below. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
a. audio recordings
d. videos
b. drawings
c. multimedia
e. visual
_____ 1. Text, graphics, and animations examples of this element.
_____ 2. This is a combination of multiple forms of media.
_____ 3. This belongs to multimedia elements that can show the sequence of
events with visuals that are moving with sounds.
_____ 4. This is usually seen in storybooks to catch readers’ attention to
understand the story.
_____ 5. This belongs to the multimedia elements that can be heard and add
effects to create tone and set the mood of readers.
Answer key:
1. e
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. a
V. Assignment
Create a digital art that contains visual/multimedia element of your choice.
Prepared by:
Annotations: Applied
Reflective Approach
Ratee/Teacher I
Rater/Master Teacher II
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