Names:________________________ Class: ______________ The Odyssey Final Project Rubric Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Expectations Scores ___/40 Student(s) clearly and concisely demonstrate complete knowledge of Odysseus’ journey through the medium in which they choose identifying or referencing at least 3 of the islands, 3 of the major gods, 3 of the characters, and 4 major events from The Odyssey. Student(s) clearly demonstrate knowledge of Odysseus’ journey through the medium in which they choose, identifying or referencing 3 of the islands, 2 of the major gods, 3 of the characters, and 3 major events from The Odyssey. Student(s) shows some knowledge of Odysseus’ journey through their work, identifying or referencing 2 of the islands, 1-2 of the major gods, 2 of the characters, and 2 major events from The Odyssey. Student(s)’ knowledge of Odysseus’ journey is unclear and limited. Their knowledge is not reflective in their work, identifying or referencing 1 or less of the islands, 1 or less of the major gods, 1 or less of the characters, and 1 or less major event from The Odyssey. Student(s) work is original and demonstrates thinking that is “outside of the box”. Student(s) work is mostly original and demonstrates depth in thinking. Student(s) work is somewhat original and demonstrates some thinking. Student(s) work is unoriginal and shows little to no thinking. Effort Student(s) work is neat and includes all or more than the necessary elements for the medium in which they choose. Student(s) work is neat and includes all the necessary elements for the medium in which they choose. Student(s) work includes most of the elements necessary for Student(s) work is their medium, and it is incomplete and shows somewhat neat. little to no effort. Conventions/ Format Student(s) uses proper grammar (capitalization, spelling, punctuation) and mechanics when writing descriptions of items and has little to no errors. Student(s) uses mostly proper grammar and mechanics when writing descriptions of items and has a few errors. Student(s) attempts to use proper grammar and mechanics in writing, but has several errors. Includes a minimum of 3 rides, 3 restaurants, 3 shops/merchandise stands and 3 games; Includes a key; Includes a separate paper with a detailed description of what each attraction offers and its connection to The Odyssey. Includes 1 ride, 1 restaurant, 1 Includes 2 rides, 2 shop/ merchandise stand restaurants, 2 shops/ and 1 game; Includes a key; merchandise stands and 2 Includes a separate paper games; Includes a key; with some description of Includes a separate paper what the attractions offers; with a description of what the connection to The each attraction offers and its Odyssey is general or connection to The Odyssey. unspecific. Includes some, but not all of the following: rides, restaurants, shops/ merchandise stands and games; Key is missing or incomplete; Paper describing the attractions is missing or incomplete; the connection to The Odyssey is missing or unclear. Song summarizes the major events and names in Odysseus’ journey; Song is more than 50 words, including 3 verses and a chorus. Lyrics are typed and references to people, events, places, etc. are highlighted; Song is Song summarizes the major events and names in Odysseus’ journey; Song is 50 words, including 2 verses and a chorus. Lyrics are typed and references to people, events, places, etc. are highlighted; Song is performed in class or presented via a music video. Song summarizes a minimal amount of events and names in Odysseus’ journey; Song is less than 50 words, including 1 verse and a chorus. Lyrics are typed and some references to people, events, places, etc. are highlighted; Song is Knowledge of Odysseus’ Journey Creativity Theme Park Theme Song Song summarizes some events and names in Odysseus’ journey; Song is less than 50 words, including 2 verses and a chorus. Lyrics are typed and some references to people, events, places, etc. are highlighted; Song is Student(s) uses slang/texting language in writing and has several grammar or spelling errors. ___/10 ___/10 ___/10 ___/30 ___/30 performed in class or presented via a music video. performed in class or performed in class or presented via a music video. presented via a music video. Board Game The game: includes a game board that clearly and accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey; includes materials/pieces for at least 4 players based off of The Odyssey; includes a detailed rule book that shows a thorough understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The game: includes a game board that accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey; includes materials/pieces based off of The Odyssey; includes a rule book that shows understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The game: includes a game board that somewhat accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey; includes materials/pieces somewhat based off of The Odyssey; includes a rule book that shows some understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The game: includes a game board that inaccurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey; includes materials/pieces that are unclearly/not based off of The Odyssey; rule book is missing or incomplete. Video Game The video game clearly and accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey with at least 3 levels; includes the ability for 2 players based off of The Odyssey to play simultaneously; includes a detailed description of the game and the various levels to show understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The video game accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey with at least 2 levels; includes the ability for 1 player based off of The Odyssey to play; includes a description of the game and the various levels to show understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The video game somewhat accurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey with 2 levels; the player is loosely based off of The Odyssey to play; includes some description of the game and the various levels to show understanding of Odysseus’ journey. The video game somewhat inaccurately progresses through Odysseus’ journey with 1 level; the player is not based off of The Odyssey to play; includes minimal description of the game and the levels that shows a lack of understanding of Odysseus’ journey. Provides maps, pictures, details, and reviews of the various locations on Odysseus’ journey; Includes the possibility for a cruise vacation; Includes details for the different locations of Travel Brochure Odysseus’ journey that & Website show thorough understanding; Incorporates several modern details and locations; Brochure includes a QR code that links to the website. Puppet Show Includes a script with: at least 2 Acts, each with 2+ scenes; each scene highlights an important event/ decision with important characters from The Odyssey. Includes backdrops that highlight important locations in The Odyssey. Provides some maps, Provides maps, pictures, pictures, details, and reviews details, and reviews of the of the various locations on various locations on Odysseus’ journey; Includes Odysseus’ journey; Includes some details for the details for the different different locations of locations of Odysseus’ Odysseus’ journey that journey that show show some understanding; understanding; Incorporates some modern Incorporates modern details details and locations; and locations; Brochure Brochure includes a QR includes a QR code that code that links to the links to the website. website. Includes a script with: 2 Acts, each with 1-2 scenes; each scene highlights an important event/ decision with important characters from The Odyssey. Includes backdrops that highlight important locations in The Odyssey. Includes a script with: 1 Act each with 2 scenes; each scene somewhat highlights an important event/ decision with some important characters from The Odyssey. Includes some backdrops that highlight important locations in The Odyssey. Does not include all of the following: maps, pictures, details, and reviews of the various locations on Odysseus’ journey; Includes minimal details for the different locations of Odysseus’ journey that show some understanding; Details for modern locations are missing; Brochure is missing a QR code that links to the website. Includes a script with: 1 Act and 1 scene; highlights minor events or decisions; important characters from The Odyssey are missing. Backdrops do not highlight important locations in The Odyssey. ___/30 ___/30 ___/30 ___/30 TOTAL SCORE: __________ / 100