CURRICULUM MAP Grade: Core Subject Title: Semester: No of Hours/ Semester: Core Subject Description: Culminating Performance Standard: Content What to teach? Content Most Standar Essential ds Topics Performance Standards Why Teach? Learning Competencies Complete FIRST QUARTER 1. Introductio n to World Religions and Belief Systems 2. Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIAS) 3. Creative Writing 4. Creative Nonfiction The learners shall be able to… produce a creative portfolio that will integrate their learning in specialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences 1. make appropriate decisions on how understanding of the key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences shall be demonstrated based on sound criteria 2. define the roles, functions, and responsibilities of members of the production team KUD Clas sifica tion Most Essentia l Compet encies (MELCs ) KUD Clas sifica tion How to Assess? Highest Thinking Skill to Assess RB Assessment T Activities Lev el Performance Check(s) How to teach? Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Enabling General Strategy Learning Strategies (FLS) CORE VALUES/PC SS/JEEPGY RESOURCES 5. Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences 6. Philippine Politics and Governanc e 7. Megatrend s and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture 3. write a concept paper that will encapsulate their learning in humanities or social sciences 4. evaluate insights from the observations, comments, and recommendations of peers and/or teachers 5. fulfill group goals by performing assigned tasks and collaborating with team Members 6. simulate, practice, and apply previous learning on key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences to prepare for the exhibit/exhibition 7. showcase their understanding of the key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences through an exhibition SECOND QUARTER Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship Immersion/ OJT On the Job Training PERFORMANCE TASK: PREPARED BY: Karen Agresor Bea Subject Teacher