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Intro to Acting - Midterm Rubric copy

Auto-Drama Assignment
Create an auto drama that tells the story of who you are and why you are who you are or a
story about a subject that’s significantly personal to you with the following guidelines:
Class Performance
The performance should be between 5-7 minutes in length, no longer than 8 minutes
It is personal. It is about your life and explores physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling in a
way that’s unique to you.
It is theatrical. It should use one or more of the elements of theatre (sound, lights, props,
costume, space, movement) transposed into the Zoom medium.
In your auto-drama you should play yourself and at least two other people.
It should be memorized, repeatable, compelling, and creative. (Not improvised)
Showcases a willingness to take risks and go outside your comfort zone.
Due Dates
Ready to showcase a first draft to small groups on March 15th
Final class performances will take place March 22nd
You will need to have a clear plan for how to set up and start your auto-drama so we can get
through everyone in the class period. I will send out a presentation order before March 22nd.
Written Portion
All students must complete a 2-3 page self-reflection due the class following the performance
about their experience working on the assignment and performing in front of the class.
Either a written version or an outline of your performance must be included in the reflection.
More information about the assignment
The purpose of an auto-drama is to teach the actor the art of storytelling and practice risk-taking and
vulnerability, skills that are required of actors when sharing their own stories and telling others stories.
You may use any theatrical devices that suit your piece, including costumes, props, simple setting
choices, backgrounds, recorded music, video, song, dance, movement, mime, etc. You should script your
piece, and memorize it so you can be present for your audience.
You will be presenting your auto-drama in a Zoom format. It does not need to be perfect or impressive in
Zoom, but you can explore what’s possible. You may consider the following:
1. Your auto-drama can be performed fully live in this class period. You may take advantage of
the medium by utilizing features such as turning on and off your video, asking us to spotlight you,
or hide your non-video participants, using backgrounds, apps. Etc. You may ask the audience to be
involved. Or you may choose to avoid all bells and whistles and perform it in a very simple
2. Your auto-drama may be pre-recorded (video, audio, or both) you may pre-record your
auto-drama and then present the recording in class. If you choose this option please keep your
work theatrical and not filmic. For example, set up your camera and let it record you rather than
trying to achieve different angles or editing the piece. It is ok to be rough around the edges.
3. Your auto-drama could be a mix of pre-recorded and live.
Midterm Grading Scale
● Follows assignment details fully for both written and performance components
● Showcases a creative approach and enthusiastic attempt at performance
● Uses clear techniques for physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling.
● Follows assignment details fully for both written and performance components
● Showcases a low effort or care for in the approach and performance
● Uses some techniques for physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling.
● Only partially completes the assignments for both the written or performance components
● Showcases a lack of interest and delivers an underdeveloped performance.
● Uses very few techniques for physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling.
● Doesn’t complete the assignments for either the written or performance components
● Showcases a lack of thought and delivers a incomplete performance
● Uses little to no techniques for physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling.
● Doesn’t complete the assignments for both written and performance components
● Showcases a lack of thought and delivers an incomplete performance
● Uses little to no techniques for physical, vocal, and imaginative storytelling.