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Independent Studies in Nursing Education: Self-Directed Learning

Independence studies in Nursing Education
First lecture
NUR 420
• By the end of lecture, the student will be able to:
• Identify independent study
• Define major concepts in self-directed learning
• Discuss various stages of SDL
• List the essential elements of SDL
• Identify benefit of independent learning
• list successful Independent learn characteristics
• Compare and contrast type of learning contract
Independence studies in Nursing Education
Definition of independent study
Independent study is an alternative instructional strategy
that offers the flexibility to meet individual student needs,
interests, and styles of learning.
It enables students to most fully realize their potential.
Students are encouraged to systematically identify,
plan, execute and evaluate a learning project that is
relevant to nursing practice.
Independent study is self-directed learning (SDL )
Independence studies in Nursing Education
About Self-Directed Learning
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) is any increase in knowledge, skill
or performance pursued by any individual for personal reasons
employing any means, in any place at any time at any age.
Moving from Teacher-Directed Learning to Self-Directed Learning
The SDL Spectrum
The spectrum refers to degrees of SDL ranging from entirely
teacher-directed learning (TDL) to SDL.
includes the following stages of movement toward SDL:
1-Incidental Self-Directed Learning.
The occasional introduction of SDL activities into
courses or programs that are otherwise teacherdirected
The SDL Spectrum
2-Teaching Students to Think Independently.
Courses or programs that emphasize the
personal pursuit of meaning through exploration,
inquiry, problem solving and creative activity (e.g.
debates, case studies, investigations, trials,
dramatizations, fieldwork).
3-Self-Managed Learning.
Courses or programs presented through learning guides
that students complete independently.
4. Self-Planned Learning.
Courses or programs in which students pursue course
outcomes through activities they design themselves.
5. Self-Directed Learning.
Courses or programs in which students choose the
outcomes, design their own activities and pursue them in
their own way.
The Essential Elements of SDL
1-The first element is student control over as
much of the learning experience as possible
– Charging students with the task of
developing their own learning, turns them
to their own resources, which develops
their emerging individuality and helps them
to rehearse more adult roles.
The Essential Elements of SDL
• 2-The second element of SDL is skill development.
Inner control is aimless unless students learn to focus
and apply their talents and energies intensely.
-For this reason the emphasis in SDL is on the
development of skills and processes that lead to
productive activity.
-Students learn to achieve course outcomes, to
think independently and to plan and execute their own
The Essential Elements of SDL
• 3-The third element is students learning to
challenge themselves to their best possible
- Challenge involves reaching for a new level
of performance in a familiar field or launching
an adventure into a new field of interest. It
means setting the standard of achievement a
step higher than one can readily achieve.
The Essential Elements of SDL
• 4. The fourth element is student selfmanagement, management of themselves and
of their learning enterprises.
- Students develop the following attributes.
a. They become skilled in managing their time
b. They manage their effort and the resources
c. They learn to face obstacles and difficulties
d. They develop confidence, courage
The Essential Elements of SDL
5-The fifth element is that students motivate and assess
their own efforts.
-Since the responsibility for proving that they have
achieved their goals lies with students, they gather their
proofs and/or products in a portfolio, which becomes the
focus of evaluation.
-Just as self-motivation energizes students to produce the
achievements that are evaluated, self-assessment
motivates students to seek the best possible achievement.
Independence studies in Nursing
• In nursing, Independent study course is
designed to allow an in-depth exploration of the
literature regarding a nursing or health care
topic that is related to the student's research
interests. Under the guidance of a faculty
member, the student will conduct a critical
evaluation of the extensive literature in a given
topic area. Nursing builds on knowledge and
content drawn from many disciplines and the
topic areas that can be explored are varied
Independence studies in Nursing
Benefit of independent learning:
• It will enable students to feel in control
of their academic studies, hence
reducing stress, increasing wellbeing,
and leading to improved academic
• It will enhance student organization
and the ability to set tangible goals.
• It will increase student motivation and
Independence studies in Nursing
• Benefit of independent learning:
• It will enable teachers to provide differentiated tasks.
• It will develop resilience for academic purposes and
• improved academic performance
• greater student awareness of their limitations and
their ability to manage them.
• enabling teachers to provide differentiated tasks for
Independence studies in Nursing
successful Independent learner characteristics:
• Independent learners have a positive relationship
with their teachers and tutors and ask for help and
guidance when needed
• Independent learners have developed a robust set of
digital skills to enable them to use technology and
navigate the Internet in a discerning and critical
• Independent learners focus less on poor revision
techniques such as the storage of information (rereading/highlighting) and more on the generation of
questions and answers themselves through selfquizzing/regular low stakes testing
Independence studies in Nursing Education
successful Independent learner characteristics
• Independent learners are able to evaluate exemplar
material from their peers or from the exam board to
reflect and improve on their own work.
• Independent learners have a sense of agency over
their future. They have strong self-regulation and
metacognitive skills and are deeply reflective about
their individual strengths and weaknesses.
• Independent learners have an intellectual curiosity
bolstered by a wide range of extra-curricular
Independence studies in Nursing
• successful Independent learner characteristics
• Independent learners have a well-developed
capacity for intrinsic questioning as opposed to
extrinsic questioning.
• Independent learners are empowered,
unstressed, and in control have curiosity,
passion, inspiration, discernment, selfmotivation, self-examination, accountability,
critical thinking and persistence.
Guidelines for Individual Learners
• Students may carry out independent studies
or projects related to the theory or practice of
• nursing, under the direction of a faculty
facilitator. Students are encouraged to
• systematically identify, plan, execute and
evaluate a learning project that is relevant to
• nursing practice.
learning contract
• There is a need to complete a learning contract
using the following guidelines.
A. Fully Structured Guidelines:
The student must follow the steps as outlined:
1-Students meet with their faculty advisor to discuss
the merits of individual study for this particular
student and review potential faculty mentors for
content area.
2-Select a faculty member to be a course mentor,
preferably someone who is a content specialist in
the student’s chosen area of study.
3-With the completion of a learning plan with a
faculty mentor, the student will develop goals,
objectives, and evaluation requirements for the
• 4. If a clinical placement is desired: have an
identified resource person in the clinical area that
can assist with evaluation.
• 5.The student will contact the Associate Director,
Student Affairs for registration approval.
learning contract
B. Semi-Structured Guidelines:
These are required, but the method by which they are
fulfilled is the responsibility of the student .
1. A contract is required and must be signed by the
student and the faculty course mentor.
2. It is expected that students will be familiar with
principles of Adult Learning and Self-Directed
learning contract
C. Unstructured Guidelines
The student may make decisions independently about
the following:
1. Choices re: topic and clinical placement (if desired,
and where possible).
2. Choices of faculty course mentor, although this must
be mutually agreed upon.
3. Choice of resource person for clinical placement (if
desired, and where possible).
• 4. Type and variety of human and material
resources needed during the project.
• 5. Duration of the project within the term, and
number of clinical hours required.
• 6. How fulfillment of the contract is demonstated.
Learning contract
The Student will:
• Design a working contract:
identify learning needs
formulate objectives that address learning
• develop activities that meet the objectives
• • Help to organize, with faculty course mentor,
their own clinical experiences, if
• Desired.
Learning contract
• Follow the established objectives and
complete tasks as outlined.
• Negotiate evaluation methods and grade
• Negotiate methods of self evaluation with the
faculty course mentor.
• Apply concepts from nursing courses taken to
date and include cultural.
• considerations, community and health care
needs of today’s population