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ABN AMRO Case Study: Innovation & Digital Transformation

1.1. Control of Thinking:
This can be explained as the manner in which a person/group use their experience and knowledge in a
certain area to influence others in matters concerning the sector. In the ABN AMRO bank case study,
Mary Lou Leistikow uses her vast and diversified experience as a certified de Bono instructor to
positively impact changes in the bank in terms of creativity and innovation. She comes up with “The
Golden Idea” program that drastically improves the employee’s rate of feedback via an internal website
rather that the previously used suggestion box.
1.2. Focus:
Focus is explained as the state of having clear visual understanding of the aims and goals of what one
need to achieve and conquer. In the ABN AMRO bank case study, the Dutch branch of ABN AMRO bank
approaches Mary Lou during a conference to seek her assistance on how better he could improve on the
employee’s creativity and innovation. This clearly signifies that the manager had the focus to understand
that the bank would do better if only the employee’s feedbacks and suggestions was improved. The
managers bid was aimed at creating more employee interaction with the management that would help
propel the bank to top notch achievements.
1.3 Program Design:
This is the procedural step by step process used by an organization in a bid to come up with a certain
program. In the ABN AMRO bank case study, Mary Lou introduces the “The Golden Idea” program that
has to be embraced by the management of the bank in order to improve employee’s creativity and
innovation. The first step of the program was the abolishment of suggestion box as the means of getting
employees feedback. The program then came up with the idea of developing a website that would help
create efficient communication within the bank. The employees suggestions were to be sifted and those
that were approved implemented in a quarterly phase. Mary Lou took the task of training some of the
employee who would then disseminate the knowledge to their colleagues. The management had the
responsibility to ensure that at least one or two employee’s ideas was implemented annually. This was
the due process that the program was going to take.
1.4 Summaries and Conclusions:
The ABN AMRO case study transformation is a good indictor on how many organization need to swiftly
migrate from the old methods of handling things to the digital technology. Technology is growing at a
very high rate across the world hence the need to embrace digital method of running organization. The
embracing of internal website by the bank is seen to have brought a positive impact in the
communication sector. The bank received quite a good number of response from the staff and this was
definitely going to help the organization in its growth and development. Conclusively, each and every
organization ought to embrace digital technology to improve staff performance and productivity.
1.5 Control and Monitoring