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Activity Plan Template for HUMSS Learners

Learners are the expected to :
•Formulate a plan that will demonstrate the key
concepts, principles, and processes of
humanities and social sciences
(HUMSS_CA12-Ia-d-1/ HUMSS_CA12-Ia-d-2)
•Write a concept anchored on the prepared plan
What is an Activity or Program Plan?
•is a proper way of expressing your intention and
appeal to have a project whether it could be
community or educational based project.
•Usually Activity or Program Plan derives with a
practical duration and scope of the project, so
that things can be put in their proper places and
makes the program a successful one.
Tips for a proper way of preparing a good plan:
•Have clear objectives in mind- You should have
specific goals when preparing a program, which
you can review later on to see if you have
reached them in the program.
•you should be well prepared, therefore allow
yourself enough time to bring your mind into
this aspect of the planning process.
Tips for a proper way of preparing a good plan:
• What are the materials you need for the activity or
• Are they available already? Better still, before the
program or event itself, come up with a list of
materials to prepare?
• Identify materials required for this particular activity
or program, you can make things more structured
and smoother.
Tips for a proper way of preparing a good plan:
• Program plans should need to have a hook, your piece’s attention grabber.
• To come up with a good program or activity, you will need to catch the
attention and enthusiasm of your participants.
• This would also keep participants from losing concentration on the activity
and becoming bored.
• To make the activity imaginative, enjoyable and FULL OF SURPRISES, you can
make use of visual elements, like videos or movie clips, as well as difficult
Tips for a proper way of preparing a good plan:
• Do not forget to include the steps and details in
planning a program.
• Exercises must be able to provide the participants
with steps or procedures, such as activation of their
previous experiences, lessons or activities for learning
and teaching, as well as guiding questions.
Tips for a proper way of preparing a good plan:
• Participants or attendees should love the activities
in the program.
• Did they love it for real?
• To find out, one of the best things to do is to come
up with crucial questions that will help you decide
whether they understood that one or learned
anything from the learner.
Common Mistakes People Do While Preparing an
Activity Plan
• To miss an important step in procedure:
• You skip an important phase of your activity when you
schedule the stages.
• It means that the resources needed for the step have been
overlooked and the time necessary for this step have not
been measured. It's a major mistake that could have long
term repercussions.
Common Mistakes People Do While Preparing an
Activity Plan
•Wrong budget estimation:
•If you have underestimated your
budget, you will be short of funding,
which can be a significant restriction
when the activity is finished.
Common Mistakes People Do While Preparing an
Activity Plan
•Being static:
•Make a schedule of your activity before
starting it and keep updating the process.
For example, if a certain step takes more
time, you need to speed up the next steps to
complete them in time.
Common Mistakes People Do While Preparing an
Activity Plan
•Trying to do everything:
•You might need a helping hand depending
on the nature of the activity. If you bring
together a good team instead of doing it on
your own, the better. Certain things involve
a big team.
Common Mistakes People Do While Preparing an
Activity Plan
•No discussions:
•Second opinion is often more
important. Addressed your with your
supervisors or team members or even
with a senior colleague.
• I. Identifying Information (Write important details about your proposed activity or program such as
title, description of the activity, time duration of program, type of delivery mode
(seminar/workshop/community based/webinar), and target participants including expected
number of participants, the expected budget for the program, and sources funds.
Program Title:
Program Description:
Duration of the Program:
Delivery Mode:
Target Participants:
Expected Number of Participants:
Total Budget:
Source of Budget:
• II. Rationale (Write the overview of the proposed
program and there is a need to conduct the said
program and what are thus includes the objectives
and the expected outcomes of this program.
Expected Outcomes/Success Indicator:
• III. The Program Content and Delivery Mode (Write about the Program
Content and expected outputs, the type of training and venue, the
methodology of the program, and the details of the budgetary
requirements of the program.)