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Short Story Writing Rubric

Short Story Writing Rubric
Ideas & Content
Many details and/or
background research are
lacking. Ideas are missing
or don’t make sense.
Their ideas are listed as a
grocery list. They tell, not
The writer does not know
enough about the topic.
The story needs more
details and research.
Writer knows the topic.
Most details fit and are
Writer knows topic
really well. The story
contains many
interesting details.
Story just seems to begin
without an introduction
to characters or a conflict.
No clear moment of
climax. Ending is hard to
follow or lacking
completely with the story
just stopping.
Clear beginning with
characters and a problem.
A moment of climax and a
wrap up to the story.
Beginning creates
interest, with characters,
action, and conflict. The
middle has a moment of
climax before moving to
resolve things with a
satisfying conclusion.
Beginning creates
interest, with
developed characters
and a building up action
with a well-developed
and detailed conflict.
The middle has an
intense moment of
climax before moving
to resolve things with a
satisfying and defined
The story is missing
paragraphs and/or
transitions. Too many
details are out of order.
Few transitions have been
used in the piece. Too
many details are out of
The story has some
transitions. Most parts of
the piece fit together.
Most of the details are in
the right order.
The Story is carefully
organized with varied
transitions. It grabs the
reader’s attention.
Conclusion works well.
Details and paragraphs
are in the right order.
The writing is flat. The
writer’s voice does not
come through in their
Sometimes the writer’s
voice comes through. The
writing fails to draw the
reader in.
Most of the time the
writer’s voice and
personality show up in
the writing.
The writer’s personality
comes through in a
special way. The
writer’s voice is lively
and confident.
Word’s don’t show the
writer’s meaning. The
reader is confused by the
writer’s choice of words.
The story contains too
many dull, ordinary
words. Some of the words
just don’t fit.
Writing has some strong
words. Some strong
words create visuals for
the reader.
The story has a variety
of strong words. The
words create vivid
pictures in the reader’s
The story has many
incomplete sentences.
The writing does not
make sense.
Sentences are too short or
too long. Similar
beginnings are used over
and over. The reader is
confused and has to reread for meaning.
Sentences are different
lengths and have varied
beginnings. The
sentences also fit well
The story has creative
sentences of different
kinds and lengths. The
sentences flow, making
the writing enjoyable to
punctuation, spelling and
grammar mistakes make
the writing impossible to
read and understand.
Major editing is needed.
Too many errors in
punctuation, spelling and
grammar make the
writing difficult to read.
Editing is needed.
The story has few errors
in capitalization,
punctuation, spelling,
and grammar. It sounds
correct when read aloud.
The story has few or no
errors in capitalization,
punctuation, spelling,
and grammar. The
writing is easy to read.
Lively, interesting and
memorable writing keeps
the reader’s attention. Ideas
are supported with research
and details.
Story Structure
A clear beginning, middle,
and end to the story as we
move through the plot line:
exposition, rising action,
climax, falling action, and
resolution. Includes welldeveloped conflict.
Introduction is inviting. Ideas
and details fit where placed.
Transitions used effectively
between ideas and
paragraphs. The ending is
The reader feels the author’s
emotions. Writing sounds
real and has personality.
Word Choice
Writer uses appropriate
descriptive vocabulary.
Sentence Fluency
The writing flows. Writer
uses different beginnings
and lengths for sentences.
The writer shows a clear
understanding of
capitalization, punctuation,
spelling and grammar.