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Curtin University Library: Finding Books & Taxation Info

Finding books and journal articles
1. Go to the Library home page https://library.curtin.edu.au/
2. Locate the Catalogue search box and click on Log in. Log in using your Oasis details.
3. Enter the title of your book or journal article (if you have one) or your keywords: e.g. taxation
Australia; tax reform Australia etc. Click Search.
4. You may get many hits in the list but use the’ Resource Type’ facet in the ‘Filter My Results’
options on the left hand side of the screen to choose whether you want Books or Articles
(these are journal articles) etc.
5. If you choose Books, you can then choose under ‘Availability’ the ‘Available in the Library’ or
‘Available Online’ options.
6. Click ‘Reset Filters’ to go back to your original list and choose again.
7. You can do the same with journal articles to read them online.
Finding the Library’s Taxation Guide
1. Start at the Library home page: http://library.curtin.edu.au/
2. Click on the Study and research guides icon
3. Click Unit guides
4. Click on Guide for Law students
5. Click on the Taxation tab on the left hand side of the screen.
6. Alternatively go directly to: https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/law
Finding journal articles using databases
1. In the Taxation tab in the Law Guide, go to the Databases box. This lists useful databases to
search for the field of taxation.
2. For articles in Australian journals, choose APA-FT (a full text database within Informit
Online) and login.
3. Type keywords for your topic or phrases e.g. tax reform; superannuation; “fringe benefits
tax” or fbt; gst and property; fbt and cars etc. Databases need the word ‘and’ or ‘or’ between
unlike (and) or similar terms/synonyms (or). Remember to always search on both an
acronym and the full name (eg: gst or goods and services tax). Place phrases in quotation
marks to get that exact phrase eg: “goods and services tax”.
4. There is no need to add ‘and Australia’ as this is an Australian database. If you are using an
international database then it is recommended to include Australia as a keyword.
5. Some articles will have the full text PDF of the article
and others may have a find it link
. Clicking on the find it link may help you find the
full article in another database.
6. Remember to also search other databases listed in the Taxation tab in the Law Guide such
as ProQuest and Business Source Complete as they may also have articles on Australian
taxation issues.
Other links:
The Library has other study guides which may assist you. Please visit the Library’s Study and
Research Guides home page to see them listed: https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/studyresearch#linkid=library-home-links-libguides
It is recommended to use the ‘Finding Journal Articles’ guide as this includes some useful videos
on how to use the library catalogue and how to search a library database.
Need more help? Please see the friendly library staff at the Robertson Library Help Desk or contact
them on 9266 7166 or online via LibAnswers.