10 Principles of Economics by Mankiw 1. People Face Tradeoffs: To get one thing, we usually have to give up something else. Tradeoffs force people to make decisions. 2. The Cost of Something is What You Give Up to Get It: The opportunity cost of an item is what you must give up to obtain it. 3. Rational People Think at the Margin: Marginal changes are small changes to an existing plan of action. People will only take action if the marginal benefit outweighs the marginal cost. 4. People Respond to Incentives: Incentives are rewards or penalties that influence people's behavior. 5. Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off: Trade allows countries to specialize in what they do best and to enjoy a greater variety of goods and services. 6. Markets Are Usually a Good Way to Organize Economic Activity: Market economies allocate resources efficiently through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households. 7. Governments Can Sometimes Improve Economic Outcomes: Government can provide public goods and take actions to promote greater efficiency and equity. 8. The Standard of Living Depends on a Country's Production: The production of goods and services is the ultimate source of economic well-being. 9. Prices Rise When the Government Prints Too Much Money: Inflation is an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. 10. Society Faces a Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation and Unemployment: In the short run, policymakers can choose between a lower rate of unemployment and a higher rate of inflation, but in the long run, these tradeoffs disappear.