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Welding Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria - ASME, API, ANSI

ASME SEC I, Paragraph PW-51, ASME SEC VIII D1, ASME B31.1,
Paragraph 136.4.5, API STD 650
Table 1-1 – Maximum Discontinuity Size Allowed
ASME B31.1
UW-51; API STD 650
Paragraph UW-52
Lack of Fusion
6.0 mm (¼") for t up to
19.0 mm (¾") inclusive;
1/3t for t from 19.0 mm (¾")
to 57.0 mm (2¼") inclusive;
19 mm (¾") for t over
57 mm (2¼")
aggregate length greater
than t in a length of 12t,
except when the distance
between successive
indications exceeds 6L
where L is the longest
indication in the group
6.0 mm (¼") for t up to
19.0 mm (¾");
1/3t for t from 19.0 mm (¾")
to 57.0 mm (2¼") inclusive;
19 mm (¾") for t over
57 mm (2¼")
aggregate length greater
than t in a length of 12t,
except when the distance
between successive
indications exceeds 6L
where L is the longest
indication in the group
2/3 t where t is the
thickness of the weld
excluding allowed
Porosity &
Refer to Table 2-2 of this
Refer to Table 2-2 of this
Refer to Table 2-2 of this
Refer to Table 2-2 of this
Root Concavity
Unacceptable if the
density is greater than that
of the parent material.
Group of
the sum of the longest
dimensions of all such
indications is < t in a length
of 6t & the longest
indications are separated
by 3L where L is the length
of the longest indication.
The maximum length of
acceptable indication shall
be ¾". Any such indication
shorter than ¼" shall be
acceptable for any plate
Round indications are not a
factor unless 100%
examination is required.
Rounded tungsten
inclusions are to be
evaluated as rounded
indications per UW-51.
Elongated and aligned
tungsten inclusions are
Rounded Indications shall be judged against the standards set forth in ASME SEC VIII D1, Appendix 4.
ASME B31.3
The type of weld joints and service conditions shall be considered to determine the method of
NDE required. Table 2-1 is to be used with all notes and is included with this SAEP for
radiographic film interpretation.
Porosity - Refer to Table 1.1 of this appendix.
Table 2-2 – Acceptance Criteria for Table 2-1
Acceptable Value Limits (Note 6)
Extent of imperfection
Zero (no evident imperfection)
Depth of incomplete penetration
≤ 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) and ≤ 0.2Tw
Cumulative length of incomplete penetration
≤ 38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
Depth of lack of fusion and incomplete
Cumulative length of lack of fusion and
incomplete penetration [Note (7)]
Size and distribution of internal porosity
Size and distribution of internal porosity
≤ 0.2Tw
≤ 38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
See BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4
For Tw ≤ 6.4 mm (¼ in.), limit is same as D
For Tw > 6.4 mm (¼ in.), limit is 1.5 X D
Slag inclusion or elongated indication
Individual length
Individual width
Cumulative length
Slag inclusion or elongated indication
Individual length
Individual width
Cumulative length
≤ 2Tw
≤ 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) and ≤Tw/2
≤ 4Tw in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
Depth of undercut
≤ 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) and ≤Tw/4
Depth of undercut
≤ 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) and ≤Tw/4 or 0.8 mm (1/32 in.)
≤ Tw/3
≤ 2.4 mm (3/32 in.) and ≤ Tw/3
≤ Tw in any 12Tw weld length
Surface roughness
< 500 min. Ra per ASME B46.1
Depth of root surface concavity
Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion
[Note (8)] in any plane through the weld shall
be within limits of the applicable height value
in the tabulation at right. Weld metal shall
merge smoothly into the component surfaces.
Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion
[Note (8)] as describe in L
Tungsten Inclusions
Total joint thickness, incl. weld reinf., ≥ Tw
For Tw mm (in.) Height, mm (in.)
≤ 6.4 (¼)
≤ 1.6 (1/16)
> 6.4 (¼), ≤ 12.7 (½)
≤ 3.2 (1/8)
> 12.7 (½), ≤ 25.4 (1)
≤ 4.0 (5/32)
> 25.4 (1)
≤ 4.8 (3/16)
Limit is 2L
To be evaluated as rounded indications. Elongated
or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.
Tw = Nominal wall thickness of the thinner of two components joined by a butt weld.
Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent criteria may be specified in the engineering design. See also
paragraphs. 341.5 and 341.5.3 of ASME/ANSI B31.3
Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral seam. Criteria are not intended to apply to welds made in accordance
with a standard listed in Table A-I or Table 326.1 of ASME B31.1.
Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment for slip-on flanges and branch reinforcement.
Branch connection weld includes pressure containing welds in branches and fabricated laps.
These imperfections are evaluated only for welds 5 mm (3/16 in.) in nominal thickness.
Where two limiting values are separated by "and", the lesser of the values determines acceptance. Where two sets of values
are separated by "or", the larger value is acceptable.
Tightly butted unfused root faces are unacceptable.
For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the adjacent components. For fillet
welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat, Fig. 328.5.2A, of ASME/ANSI B31.3 internal protrusion does not apply.
Table 3-1 is applicable in determining the size and type of discontinuities when viewing
radiographs for final acceptance in accordance with API STD 1104, ASME/ANSI
B31.4, Paragraph 434.8.5, and ASME/ANSI B31.8.
Table 3-1 – Acceptance Criteria for API STD 1104
Inadequate Penetration (IP)
(without high-low)
Unacceptable if any of the following conditions exist:
Length of an individual indication of IP exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IP in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IP exceeds 8% of the weld length in
any weld less than 304.8 mm (12") in length.
Inadequate Penetration due
to High-Low (IPD)
Length of an individual indication of IPD exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IP in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 76.2 mm (3.0").
Incomplete Fusion (IF)
Length of an individual indication of IF exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IF in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IF exceeds 8% of the weld length in
any weld less than 304.8 mm (12") in length.
Incomplete Fusion due to
Cold Lap (IFD)
Length of an individual indication of IFD exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IFD in any continuous 304.8 mm
(12") length of weld exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
The aggregate length of indications of IFD exceeds 8% of the weld length.
Internal Concavity (IC)
Any length of IC is acceptable provided the density of the radiographic image of
the IC does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent base metal. For areas that
exceed the density of the thinnest adjacent base metal, the criteria for burn
through are applicable.
Burn-Through (BT)
Pipe OD ≥ 2-3/8"
1. Maximum dimension exceeds
6.35 mm (¼") and the density of
the BT's image exceeds that of
the thinnest adjacent base metal
2. Maximum dimension exceeds the
thinner of nominal wall
thicknesses joined, and the
density of the BT's image
exceeds that of the thinnest
adjacent base metal
3. Sum of maximum dimensions of
separate BTs whose image
density exceeds that of the
thinnest adjacent base metal
exceeds 12.7 mm (½") in 304.8
mm (12") of weld or the total weld
length, whichever is less.
Pipe OD < 2-3/8"
1. Maximum dimension exceeds
6.35 mm (¼") and the density of
the BT's image exceeds that of
the thinnest adjacent base metal
2. Maximum dimension exceeds the
thinner of nominal wall
thicknesses joined, and the
density of the BT's image
exceeds that of the thinnest
adjacent base metal
3. More than one BT of any size is
present and the density of more
than one of the images exceeds
that of the thinnest adjacent base
Table 3-1 – Acceptance Criteria for API STD 1104 (Cont'd)
Unacceptable if any of the following conditions exist:
Slag Inclusions
Elongated (ESI)
Isolated (ISI)
Note: ESI indications
separated by approx.
width of root bead
(wagon tracks) to be
considered as a single
indication unless the
width of either > 1/32".
In that event, they
shall be considered as
separate indications.
Pipe OD ≥ 2-3/8"
Unacceptable if:
1. ESI length > 2"
2. ESI width > 1/16"
3. Sum of the lengths of ISI > ½" in
12" of weld.
4. Width of ISI > 1/8"
5. > 4 ISI with maximum width of
1/8" in any 12" of weld.
6. Sum of the lengths of ESI & ISI >
8% of weld length.
Porosity - individual /
Scattered (P)
Note: Size based on
maximum dimensions
Unacceptable if:
1. Size of individual pore > 1/8"
2. Size of individual pore > 25% of thinner WT joined
3. Distribution of Porosity exceeds API STD 1104 Porosity Charts.
Porosity - Cluster (CP)
Unacceptable if:
1. CP dia. > ½"
2. Aggregate length of CP > ½" in any continuous 12" of weld
3. An individual pore within a cluster > 1/16" in size.
Porosity - Hollow-Bead (HB)
Unacceptable if:
1. Length of individual HB > ½"
2. Sum of HB lengths > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld
3. Individual HB > ¼" separated by < 2"
4. Sum of HB lengths > 8% weld length.
Cracks (C)
Any size or location of cracks are unacceptable except for shallow crater or
star cracks. Shallow crater or star crack length > 5/32" is unacceptable.
Adjacent to cover pass (EU)
Adjacent to root pass (IU)
Unacceptable if:
1. Any combination EU & IU length > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld.
2. Sum of EU & IU lengths in any combination > 1/6 of weld length.
Tungsten Inclusions
Individual tungsten inclusions are be evaluated as rounded indications
(Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.
Accumulation of
Excluding IPD, EU & IU
Unacceptable if:
1. Sum lengths of indications > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld.
2. Sum lengths of indication > 8% of weld length.
Pipe / Fitting Discontinuities
Arc burns, long seam discontinuities and other discontinuities in the pipe or
fittings detected by RT shall be recordable.
Pipe OD < 2-3/8"
Unacceptable if:
1. ESI > 3 X nominal WT of the
thinner thickness joined.
2. ESI width > 1/16"
3. Sum of ISI lengths > 2 X nominal
WT of thinner thickness joined
and ISI width > ½ nominal WT of
thinner thickness joined.
4. Aggregate length of ESI & ISI >
8% of weld length.
AWS D1.1
Radiographic acceptance criteria for AWS D1.1 is different for Statically Loaded and
Dynamically Loaded structures. This SAEP covers only statically loaded structures.
For Dynamically loaded structures, refer to the appropriate sections of AWS D1.1. If
there is doubt as to the designation of statically or dynamically loaded, refer to the
project engineer for determination. The radiographic film interpreter should confirm
the loading classification prior to proceeding the interpretation of film. Rejection
criteria for Statically loaded structures are provided below. Note that to determine the
allowable and rejectable size of discontinuities, the use of both the tables and charts are
Statically Loaded Structures
Table 4-1 (AWS D1.1 Paragraph and figure 4-1 together establish the
rejection criteria for radiographic indications of statically loaded structures.
Discontinuities exceeding the following limitations shall be unacceptable. (E = weld
size; T = material thickness)
Table 4-1 – Rejection Criteria for Statically Loaded Structures, AWS D1.1 Para
Rejection Criteria
None permitted
Elongated Discontinuities
> maximum size of chart 4-1
Clearance between discontinuities
< minimum clearance allowance of fig 4-1
Rounded Discontinuities
> E/3 or > ¼" for T ≤ 2"
> E/3 or > 3/8" for T > 2"
Minimum clearance between a rounded discontinuity > 3/32" to an
acceptable rounded or elongated discontinuity or to an edge or end
of an intersection shall be three (3) times the larger discontinuity.
Sum of greatest dimension > maximum size of a single discontinuity
permitted in Fig. 4-1.
Minimum clearance to another cluster or elongated discontinuity or
to an edge or end of an intersecting shall be three (3) times the
larger discontinuity.
shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8" which ever is less in 1" of weld.
Isolated Discontinuity, i.e., a cluster
of rounded indications
Sum of Individual Discontinuities
each being < 3/32"
In-Line Discontinuities
Tungsten Inclusions
Sum > E in any length of 6E. Where length of weld is < 6E,
permissible sum shall be proportionately less.
Individual tungsten inclusions are be evaluated as rounded
indications (Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are
Figure 4-1 Weld Quality Requirements for Elongated Discontinuities as
Determined by Radiography for Statically Loaded Structures
(see AWS D1.1 Paragraph