Department of Management Studies MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF August, 2022 Session (2022-23) S ACTIVITY N 1 FDP/Workshop/Semi 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 nar/Conference Organised by faculty FDP/Workshop/Semi nar/Conference Attended by faculty Add-on /Certificate Course Completed by Faculty and Students Publication: (Paper in Journal or Proceeding/Patents /Books/Chapters) Award and Recognition Research Project/Consultancy: Projects running/completed/Pr oposals Sent Expert Lecture/ Alumni Talk 8 Visiting Person/ Industrial Visit 9 Student Club Activity 1 0 Trainings organised for students 1 1 Major facility addition DETAILS Attended Faculty Knowledge Sharing Program conducted by IBS and ICFAI group on August 8th, 2022. IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396, Vol-8 Issue-4 2022 BHAMASHAH SCHEME IS THE MILE STONE FOR FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT Link: TONE_FOR_FREE_MEDICAL_TREATMENT_ijariie17902.pdf 1 2 Any Other (specify) (Provide a detailed report of each activity with photographs, etc. as attachment) Head