Republic of the Philippines MAGISTER SERVUS CALABARZON “Building a data-driven culture powered by technology” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL TRAINING ON SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating School Leadership Assessments for the New Normal February 23-25, 2023, via Zoom (An Exclusive NEAP-recognized virtual program for DepEd SDO Quezon City) INDEPENDENT TASK NUMBER 2 PROBLEM-SOLUTION CHART ON THE CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED BY SCHOOLS IN THE POST PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS POSSIBLE SOULTIONS Name: Reden M. Juego School: Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Cluster: CD 4 Instruction: Using the diagram below, list down at least 5 problems that the schools experienced in the post pandemic period. In addition, list down at least 5 solutions that are in parallel with the problems you’ve identified. CHALLENGES ENCOUTERED BY SCHOOLS IN THE POSTPANDEMIC PERIOD 1. Learning Loss and/or Degradation Learners’ skills in reading and other important academic contents are underdeveloped. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 1. Provision of remedial classes and other learning recovery programs Learners will be provided with remedial classes and interventions specifically for the critical and most essential skills that they need for their academic and personal development. Teachers design these programs and classes according to the needs of the learners. Republic of the Philippines MAGISTER SERVUS CALABARZON “Building a data-driven culture powered by technology” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Too much dependence on AI technology Learners have become so dependent on artificial intelligence causing the learners to disregard the use and development of their critical and creative thinking. 2. Provisions of real life and authentic learning experiences Learning in the postpandemic era means that utilization of technology is inevitable. However, too much and improper use of it cause the learners to disregard the thinking independently and critically and one example is dependence on AI technology like Grammarly. To mitigate this, they need to be provided with authentic learning experiences where they are exposed to activities where they will solve and analyze even without the use of AI. Traditional face-to-face activities which do not need technology can also be used for they are still considered effective. Bottomline, teachers must allow learners to have a grasp of both non-tech and tech learning experiences. Republic of the Philippines MAGISTER SERVUS CALABARZON “Building a data-driven culture powered by technology” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The threat of COVID-19 There is still a threat of COVID 19 that still causing health problems among learners, teachers, school administrators and other stakeholders. 4. Reluctance of parents to face-to-face education Parents are anxious or reluctant about the idea of their children’s return to school due to the threat of the pandemic. 5. Fangs of economic problems A lot of learners are experiencing the effect of economic problems which are caused by the pandemic. 3. Partnership with DOH, local government, and other stakeholders Learning must continue. This means that health mitigation plans should be properly implemented. This calls for intensive vaccination drive that could be offered by DOH and the local government. In addition, health awareness seminars must be conducted. 4. Preparation and orientation Parents’ anxiety on face-toface learning will dwindle if they see that schools are well prepared and equipped for it. Schools should have enough medical supplies and other things needed to assure parents and stakeholders with health security. They should also be oriented with the health protocols. 5. Continuous partnership Schools should partner with the private and public sectors that could provide financial assistance to the learners.