Uploaded by Madhura Patil

Lean Tools & Process Analysis Report

Team 5- Sela Purzak, Madhura Patil, Sindhu Muddasani, Tyler Andre, Riley Clark
1. What Lean tool was used to identify the doctors’ ideas and rank them?
The tool being used was the Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA).
2. What could explain the differences between the Formula 1’s process map and the
doctors process map?
The main difference between the Formula 1’s process map and the doctor’s process map was
the length of the processes themselves, most likely due to the higher complexity within the
surgical process. This could also be caused by the standardization of a pit stop, where certain
problems and occurrences are expected- unlike that of a highly variable surgical process.
3. What Control tools could be used to ensure the new process and procedures were being
followed (e.g. auditing)?
Observation and Time Study, to develop a baseline for the process and provide training to
introduce workers to the new processes.
4. What tools would you use to monitor whether the new process remained in control?
What factors would be plotted?
A control chart could be used to plot the errors in the procedure as well as a histogram to
evaluate the distribution of the data. This will allow the frequency and cause of errors to be
analyzed for continuous improvement.
5. For your team’s final project/case study, identify how you would identify a process
benchmark for your final project/case study?
We could potentially compare Bicycle Motorworks processes to competitors’ processes to
identify an appropriate benchmark.