LOGISTICS OF ALEXANDER´S ARMY Inspired on the greek armies of the Classical period 80 lbs Philip II He preferred to use horses has the prominent pack animal Forbade the use of Ox-carts and wagons, It also reduced the number of non-combatants 0 womans 1 servant to 1 cavalryman 1 servant to 10 macedonians Inspire Each soldiers carry with 30days supplies Xenophon who decided to burn his wagons to lighten the load of his army During the march of the 10,000 out of Asia Phillip move quicker and inflicts lightning strikes also could sustain his army in the field significantly longer 50 years before Alexander Achievements His army marched from Lake Lychnitis to Beotia --5000 miles in 30 days-- SKOIDOS Would manage the baggage trains defenses marching order the welfare of the pack animals and distribution of supplies Introduce Cammels Well suited for traversing arid terrain having barely any limitations on what they could eat and drink 300 lbs Precooked food Supply lines He sent messengers ahead of his army to meet the Persian officials to secure arrangements for the Army's supply through their territory mostly biscuits fruit and if possible salted meat this lightened the soldier's pack as cooking utensils Referentes Kings and Generals. (2018, 6 septiembre). Alexander the Great: Logistics. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahfyIxLlbGA Poor planning caused Alexander and his army to slowly wither the unit down to 75%