Tutorial Academy Secondary School School Based Assessment (SBA) CANDIDATE NAME AND CANDIDATE NUMBER: Areema ShanideoKobe SimonNaricia EvansSemie GanpatAlister ScipioCENTRE NUMBER: TERRITORY: TITLE OF SUBJECT: TEACHER: Page 1 Contents Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Title of project................................................................................................................................. 5 Aims of project ............................................................................................................................... 6 Functions of the Human Resource Management Department at Banks DIH Ltd ........................... 7 Correspondence Letter .................................................... 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Methodology employed .................................................................................................................. 9 Interview questions for manager ................................................................................................... 10 Interview Questions for Employees .............................................................................................. 11 Five questions asked of personnel ................................................................................................ 12 Schedule of Activities ................................................................................................................... 13 Legislation (ACTS) ....................................................................................................................... 14 Written report ................................................................................................................................ 15 Limitation ...................................................................................................................... 15 Findings ......................................................................................................................... 15 Recommendation .......................................................................................................................... 17 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 18 Graph 1: showing the (4) questions asked of personnel of Banks DIH ltd ................................... 19 Analyzation of the above graph ................................................................................................ 20 Table of (Equipment’s the business possesses) (suitable/not suitable) ........................................ 21 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..23 Page 2 Acknowledgement First, the researchers would like to thank god for the health and strength to do this School based assessment. The researchers would also like to thank everyone especially her teacher who guided them all the way to make ensuring this school-based assessment was successfully completed. Page 3 Introduction This School Based Assessment shows the steps and processes the researchers used in order to investigate how the office orientation of the Human Resource Management of Banks DIH ltd influences the effectiveness of the businesses production. Page 4 Title of project To investigate how office orientation influences the effectiveness of the Human Resource Management Department of Banks DIH limited, New Amsterdam. Page 5 Aims of project To determine if the attitudes and attributes of the office personnel of the Human Resource Management Department at Banks DIH limited has negative or positive effects on the organization. To determine the effectiveness of the equipment used in the Human Resource Management Department at Banks DIH limited. Page 6 Functions of the Human Resource Management Department at Banks DIH Ltd. Deciding on the size of labour force and catering for new employees in case of expansion. Deploying employees to positions where they will best perform effectively and efficiently. Catering for the welfare of all employees Page 7 Page 8 Methodology employed The methods employed for the project was: Interview The method of collecting data was interview. Which was given to the employers and employees of the business; on the 10th October 2019. The employees were randomly chosen. The researchers chose to use the interview method above all the other methods because the researcher can ask direct questions pertaining to the aims and have direct answers. According to Ramtahal.F. an interview is a meeting at which information is obtained (as by a reporter, television commentator, or pollster) from a person. Advantages of using interview Respondents own words are recorded. They allow more detailed questions to be asked. Disadvantages of using interview Time consuming Lack of attention Page 9 Interview questions for manager 1. What is the one thing that you enjoy most about working in the Human Resource Management Department? 2. As a Human Resource Management Department, what will be your strategy to develop the organization. 3. Give three areas that you feel need the most improvement based on your understanding of common Human Resource Management Department practice? 4. What was your motivation to get a positive attitude into the Human Resource Management department? 5. Share your thoughts on why Human Resource Management Department is one of the important functions in any organization. 6. What makes you interested in Human Resource Management manager profile? 7. How does the equipment used help to enhance the business operation and productivity? 8. What are the activities that is engaged in your business? 9. What do you think are some of the essential qualities that a successful Human Resource Management Department employee should have? Page 10 Interview Questions for Employees 1. What are the roles of the office clerk in your business to enhance the productivity? 2. Describe a difficult Human Resource Management Department attitude you had with previous employer/ manager and your approach to handling the situation? 3. What is the biggest challenge of working in the Human Resource Management Department in your opinion and how do you deal with them? 4. What makes you interested in Human Resource Management manager profile? 5. In your opinion how do you deal with your challenges? 6. What are your duties as an office clerk? 7. How does the equipment help to enhance the business operation and productivity? Page 11 Five questions asked of personnel 1. What do you think are some of the essential qualities that a successful HR employee should have? 2. What was your motivation to get a positive attitude into the Human Resource Management Department? 3. How does the layout of the office helps enhance the business flow in the production process? 4. How does the equipment help to enhance the business operation and productivity? 5. What are the roles of the office clerk in your business to enhance the productivity? Page 12 Schedule of Activities Date 29th February, Activities Comments Discussion of SBA requirements with teacher Activity successfully completed 4th March, 2019 Determination of title of project and identification of aims Teacher checked and approved topic and was successfully completed 5th March, 2019 Determination of methodology to be used to collect data Approval by teacher Successfully completed 7th March, 2019 Preparation of correspondence Checked, corrected and approved 9th March, 2019 Postage of letter Successfully completed 10th March, 2019 Received Confirmation Letter Successfully completed 2019 12th March, 2019 Visited firm to conduct interview Activity unsuccessful 17th March, 2019 Revisited firm to conduct interview and observation th 19 March, 2019 Interviewed the manager Activity successful 19th March, 2019 Observed the employees performing their duties Activity successfully completed 2nd April, 2019 Report was written based on the interview and observation carried out Teacher checked and approved 16th May, 2019 Compiled SBA which was checked and approved Successfully completed 15th June,2019 SBA was submitted Activity successfully completed Page 13 Successfully completed Legislation (ACTS) How were you informed of the act: The researchers were told so by the persons whom they interviewed but later received a printed piece of legislation of the ACT by the manager of Banks DIH ltd about all the details required. In 1997, parliament passed the occupational safety and health act, which was brought into force in 1999. Severance or redundancy allowance shall be paid in accordance with the termination of employment and severance pay act 1997 (“the act”) Health practice and safety practice One health and safety practice observed when carrying out this school based assessment was “No Smoking” and safety practice was to notify the workers that the floor has been mopped by using the “WET FLOOR” sign and using signs to guide or notify persons of the fire exist and fire extinguishers. Staff rules The staff rules that workers had to comply with was to: Always be on time Dress code (uniform) Badge “One must knock before entering” Page 14 Written report Limitation There were two problems found when carrying out this investigation. Firstly, being able to get a fixed date and time for the interview of the business and formulating questions for an appointment. The researcher, however, was able to overcome this by sending a letter seeking permission of an appointment at the company and was successful. Secondly, there was not a good internet connection to get the information needed for the successful completion of the SBA; additionally, the frequent loss of internet connection contributed to the problems faced. However, the issue was overcome by using a phone to have mobile data plan on. Findings Most of the respondents said that they think in order to become a successful Human Resource employee they should possess some of these essential qualities such as quick decisions, integrity, leadership and good communication skills. As a manager of the Human Resource Department it is our duty for my fellow colleagues to have a positive mindset when on duty so that we can achieve anything, based on the aims the following findings were obtained: communicating with your staff – have an effective communication within the organization that will lead to many achievements some of these are better communication with customers, increased in the business output and better decisions making with in the business also having the feedback required. Page 15 It is necessary to reward to your team whether by compliments or incentives so that they may want to continue to perform better and the best of their ability. Provide a healthy office environment because no one would have a working positive attitude walking into a dirty and unpleasant office. Staff developing sessions are held frequently so they can promote and develop a positive attitude in the workplace environment thus it can reassure an encouraging effect on the organization so it would develop and make higher profit. As an office clerk in the Human Resource Management Department all staff members are expected to perform well as long as the office layout is finest so that the business could have a great production/productivity examples: the type of chairs or screen that cover the computer for person who have eye problems, proper ventilations and furniture’s to accommodate persons of any size and age. Equipment plays a major role in enhancing the business operation and productivity; because if you have a business your main goal would be to make profit and to be efficient/productive. For example: every business organization should have a decentralized system of their equipment meaning everyone would have their items and privacy to be more comfortable so that the business place could have less confusions, misplacing and faster production. Than using a centralized system whereby each office support function is carried out in one location this system would be so confusing and crowded because everything is done in one place that would then slow up the productivity of the business operation. The main roles of the office clerk are to maintain a smooth, productive work environment and to investigate any matter relating to the enhancing of the business production (frequent meetings). Page 16 Recommendation The company can expand further if they would install: Use computerized system – a computer helps to communicate faster with the customer by using the internet, increases your productivity, can store vast amounts of information and reduce wastes and the main one is that it helps sort, organize and search through information very fast. Hire professional or well-trained individuals so that they may know how to use the decentralized system – making this decision of installing this system may lead your company to reach its full potential of producing at an efficient speed, simply because everyone would already know how and what to do. Page 17 Conclusion Based on the findings this conclude the investigation by saying that the office orientation influences the employee attitudes and attributes on the business saying it partakes a major effect on the productivity of the business organization and the equipment also plays a main role when it comes to the effectiveness of the business productivity in the Human Resource Management Department at Banks DIH limited. Page 18 Graph 1: showing the (4) questions asked of personnel of Banks DIH limited column graph showing the ways in which the Human Resource management Department and office orientation enhances the business/organization 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 essential qualities that a successful Human Resource Management employees shoul have motivation to get a positive attitude into the Human Resource Management Department Page 19 how does the layout of the how does the equipment help office helps to enhance the enhance the business business flow in the operation and productivity production process Analyzation of the above graph The graph above represents the response of five (4) questions related to the aims. The first question; in the blue stated that (5) persons says that good communication skills are an essential quality that a successful human resource management employees should have, in the orange (4) persons stated leadership, in the grey (4) persons states integrity and in the yellow (6) persons claims quick decisions. The second question; in the blue shows that (6) persons said that communicating with staffs is a motivation to get a positive attitude into the human resource management department, in the orange (7) persons says providing a healthy office environment, in the grey (5) persons claims provide quotes and sayings and in the yellow (2) persons says giving freedom of choice. The third question; in the blue shows that (3) person states that maintaining files and records help the enhance the layout of the business flow in the production, in the orange (3) persons said by monitoring stocks, in the grey (9) persons says by sorting and distributing mails and in the yellow (5) persons claims that keeping documents safe. The fourth question; in the blue seen that (17) persons states that the decentralized system helps the business to enhance operation and productivity and, in the orange, (3) persons claims the centralized system. Page 20 Table of Equipment’s the business possesses (suitable/not suitable) Equipment Computer Suitable Photocopier Telephone Fax machine Paper shredder Printer Projector Scanner Not suitable Page 21 Bibliography Whit comb, A. (1996), Office Administration for CSEC, Halley.C and Jordan H. Oxford: Heinemann educational publishers, Guyana. Ramtahal, F. (2004), office administration for CSEC, Ramtahal. D and Boodoo. D: Caribbean educational publishers, Guyana. Page 22 Appendix Page 23 Page 24 Interview questions for manager 1. What is the one thing that you enjoy most about working in the Human Resource Management Department? 2. As a Human Resource Management Department, what will be your strategy to develop the organization. 3. Give three areas that you feel need the most improvement based on your understanding of common Human Resource Management Department practice? 4. What was your motivation to get a positive attitude into the Human Resource Management department? 5. Share your thoughts on why Human Resource Management Department is one of the important functions in any organization. 6. What makes you interested in Human Resource Management manager profile? 7. How does the equipment used help to enhance the business operation and productivity? 8. What are the activities that is engaged in your business? 9. What do you think are some of the essential qualities that a successful Human Resource Management Department employee should have? Page 25 Interview Questions for Employees 1. What are the roles of the office clerk in your business to enhance the productivity? 2. Describe a difficult Human Resource Management Department attitude you had with previous employer/ manager and your approach to handling the situation? 3. What is the biggest challenge of working in the Human Resource Management Department in your opinion and how do you deal with them? 4. What makes you interested in Human Resource Management manager profile? 5. In your opinion how do you deal with your challenges? 6. What are your duties as an office clerk? 7. How does the equipment help to enhance the business operation and productivity? Page 26