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Language & Communication: Module Lesson

Study the following words. Which spelling is correct? Which spelling is incorrect? Tick the
appropriate box. Justify your answer.
1. Aeroplane
2. Airplane
3. Colonise
4. Colonize
5. Defence
6. Defense
 Aeroplane and airplane
have the same meaning
thus both are correct.
The only difference is
that aeroplane is the
preferred spelling in
British English and
airplane is the
preferred spelling in
American English.
 Aeroplane and airplane
have the same meaning
thus both are correct.
The only difference is
that aeroplane is the
preferred spelling in
British English and
airplane is the
preferred spelling in
American English.
 It is correct but not
commonly used since
Philippine English
traditionally follows
American English
spelling and grammar
rather than British
 It is correct because
Philippine English
traditionally follows
American English
spelling and grammar
 Both defence and
defense are correct but
defence is preferred in
British English and
defense is preferred in
American English.
 Both defence and
7. Enrolment
8. Enrollment
9. Honour
10. Honor
defense are correct but
defence is preferred in
British English and
defense is preferred in
American English.
Enrolment and
enrollment carries the
same meaning but
enrolment is standard
in British English
whereas enrollment is
standard American
Enrolment and
enrollment carries the
same meaning but
enrolment is standard
in British English
whereas enrollment is
standard American
Both honour and honor
is correct. The only
difference is that
honour is the standard
spelling in British
English while honor is
the standard spelling in
American English.
Both honour and honor
is correct. The only
difference is that
honour is the standard
spelling in British
English while honor is
the standard spelling in
American English.
Activity 1: My Language Biography
Reflect on the concepts presented in the input and connect these to your personal experience of
language by creating your own Language Biography. Begin by filling in the Language Biodata
Form below.
Language Biodata Form
How many languages do you speak? Identify
these languages.
What is/are your first language/s or mother
How did you acquire your first language/s or
mother tongue/s?
What skills can you perform using your first
What is your second language/s?
How did you learn your second language/s?
I can speak three languages which are English,
Filipino, and Ilocano.
Ilocano is my first language
I acquired my first language through my family
members and the people whom I mingle with
I can communicate with other people and I can
express my thoughts using my first language
My second language is Filipino
I learned my second language through
studying, watching television, and through the
people who belongs in the community where I
What skills can you perform using your second I can express my thoughts, I can do well in the
subjects where Filipino is used and I can talk to
anyone in the country since everyone in the
country can talk in Filipino.
What are your language strengths?
I don’t require a lot of time in learning new
words, I can spell most words right, I can write
a whole sentence
What are your language weaknesses?
There are still words I don’t know, I encounter
trouble remembering a word sometimes
Which language is your favorite and why?
English is my favorite language because I can
talk to anyone in the world since it is the
International Language and it is the language
commonly used in academics
With the information provided in your Language Biodata Form, write your Language Biography,
which is a paragra
My Language Biography
I'm already a college student and throughout my life, I've heard and seen many different
languages. My primary language is Ilocano. My family taught me how to write, read, talk and
understand Filipino but I acquired most of the words I know upon hearing them every day. My
second language is Filipino. I've first encountered Filipino words when watching television and
I‘ve heard some people speaking using this language but I learned most Filipino language in
school because it is one of the core subjects and as a Filipino, it is my role to learn the language
of my country. I’ve been learning and studying Filipino most of my life. I can communicate to
almost everyone in the community I belong in thanks to the things I’ve learned in language. At
first, I only recognize a few basic conversational words and can barely follow a conversation but
as time passes by, I have improved a lot. Ilocano, Filipino and English are the three languages
that I have been involved with for my entire life. Aside from those three languages, I have also
seen lots of written and heard spoken other languages upon exposure to the Internet.
Activity 2: Language and Communication
Read the following statements carefully. Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T on the
blank if the statement is true and F if it is false. If the statement is false, rewrite or revise it to
make it true. Use the space provided after each statement. (Point System: 5 items x 3 points each
= 15 points)
F 1. Not all languages have a grammar system.
 All languages have grammar system.
T 2. Change happens to all languages.
T 3. The first language that a child acquires is called mother tongue.
F 4. All living creatures have the capacity for language.
 Not all living creatures have the capacity for language.
F 5. Two persons who do not speak the same language will never be able to communicate with
each other.
 Two persons who do not speak the same language will be able communicate with each
Activity 3: Deepening Activity
Your teacher will make you listen to an audio recording or view a video of a teenager from
London who is talking about himself/herself. With a partner, answer the following questions:
1. What information does the speaker provide about himself/herself?
2. What does he/she tell us about his/her country?
3. How would you describe the way he/she speaks?
4. While listening to him/her, you were able to understand him/her well?
Activity 4: Peer Assessment
With a partner, share the language biography you wrote in the task My Language Biography.
Read your partner’s language biography. Remember that the language biography connects one’s
personal experience of language acquisition and learning with the input about the nature of
language. Evaluate your partner’s language biography by filling the table below.
QUESTION: Based on what your
partner wrote in the language
biography, does he/she have the correct
understanding of the following concepts?
Language Acquisition
Language Learning
Mother Tongues
Second Languages
Language Change
Does not
Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. Can animals communicate?
 Yes, animals can communicate.
2. Can monkeys produce language?
 Monkeys communicate in their own ways but they can’t produce language since only
humans have the capacity to do so.
3. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?
 The difference between language acquisition and language learning is that language
acquisition is the process where people acquire the languages used by the community
while language learning is the process where people learn language through studying
either in school or in their own.
4. What is the difference between first language and second language?
 First language is the language a person has been using when he started to talk which he
acquired from the people whom he is with everyday while second language is the
language he learned in school in his own.
5. What happens after a language comes into contact with another?
 When a language comes into contact with another, language change happens.
Activity 1:
I. Interview a certain head of an organization/company and ask him/her the following questions:
1. What is the culture of your organization? 2
. Do you think cultures can be created? Modified? Changed?
II. In the school where you are currently enrolled, what is the prevailing organizational culture?
What are some of the practices/rituals that you observed?
Activity 2: Non-verbal Cues
Choose two cultures from among the ASEAN countries and differentiate some of their nonverbal messages. Get a partner and share at least three differences in their non-verbal codes.
Activity 3: Mission, Vision, and Values
I. Presume that you are going to put up your own organization. Decide on the nature and the
objective/s of the organization you wish to establish. Draft your vision and mission statements
but access first the website below and view it so you will be properly guided:
Mission, Vision, & Values: The Foundation of Every Great Company
After viewing the clip, you are now ready to draft your own mission-vision statements.
Remember that a mission statement is a statement communicating the purpose of the
organization. It states the following points:
1. What the organization does for its clients.
2. What the organization does for its employees.
3. What the organization does for the owner/s.
4. What the organization does for the community.
5. What the organization does for the world.
On the other hand, remember too that a vision statement states an aspiration and focuses on
something that you want to be in the future. It states the high-level goals of the organization
which coincide with the owner‟s/founder‟s objectives.
Activity 4: Deepening Activity
Visit your university website and look for the mission-vision statements and the core values that
characterize your identity as a student of your university. Evaluate them using the tables below.
I. Peer Assessment
Your teacher will assign you a partner. Evaluate what your classmate prepared for Mission,
Vision, and Values activity. Using the following indicators, evaluate the mission-vision
statements and core values he/she prepared. Be sure that you know the background surrounding
the conceptualization of the organization before you make the evaluation.
Mission Statement
1. The mission
statement focuses on
the present.
2. The mission
statement is concise
and direct.
3. The mission
statement states what
the organization
4. The mission
statement states how
the organization
5. The mission
statement states for
whom the organization
does things.
Vision Statement
1. The vision
statement focuses on
the future.
2. The vision
statement shows an
3. The vision
statement is clear and
Core Values
1. The core values can
be easily remembered.
2. The core values are
not too many.
3. The core values can
be translated into
4. The core values are
unique to the
5. The core values are
connected to the
Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode?
 The difference between the three is that Interpersonal communication is a two
way communication while presentational communication has only an individual speaking
and other(s) listening and Interpretive Communication is just translating raw information
into a language which normal people can understand.
2. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker? Cite a particular
situation when it is best to employ visual communication.
 Visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker in the way that it
makes people respond quickly to visual images instead of text because the human mind
processes things in images. It is best to employ visual communication when promoting a
business and one should use images and graphics because it will have a great impact on
boosting the business.
3. What are the types of communication in relation to context? How do they differ from one
 The types of communication in relation to context are intrapersonal communication,
interpersonal communication, extended communication, organizational communication,
and intercultural communication. They differ from each other because the different
context involves different numbers and groups of people involved.
4. How can you listen to speakers‟ opinion through electronic media without being easily
swayed into accepting their opinions?
 One can listen to speakers’ opinion through electronic media without being swayed into
accepting their opinions by using his critical thinking and he should be information and
media literate.
5. Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure, which do you think is the
best? Cite situations which will call for the use of each approach. Give one advantage and
disadvantage of each.
6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the complexity of
understanding another culture? Do you think it will work with your current set of foreign
7. How do you differentiate formal communication from informal communication in relation to
purpose and style? Provide situations to illustrate the differences.
Recall the first time you engaged in a public oral presentation. What were the different factors
that you considered at the time? Relate how challenging it was for you especially when viewed
by different kinds of audiences. Share your experience with your seatmate.
 The first time I engaged in public oral presentation was when I was in High School. The
different factors that I considered that time are the audience, my confidence, and my
knowledge about the topic. Speaking in front of people was never easy; in fact it is very
challenging. The gaze from different individual makes me shiver in nervousness but no
matter what happens, I need to be confident enough to present my speech well
Activity 1: Effective Oral Communication
View on YouTube the speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at Philippine China Trade and
Investment Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.
Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which ones
were followed? Which ones were not? Why or why not?
What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective?
Activity 2: Effective Written Communication
Activity 3: Ethical Communication
Form yourselves into groups of five members. Role-play a situation in the workplace where
ethical communication is put into question. Make sure that someone explains the situation before
the group makes the presentation.
Activity 4: Code of Ethics
The code of ethics in the workplace should be carefully thought out since it will guide the
employees in assessing what is right and wrong for the business. If you were to put up your own
business, what values would you incorporate in your company’s code of ethics?
 If I were to put up my own business, the values I will incorporate in my company’s code
and ethics are trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, and kindness.
Activity 5: Deepening Activity
Form yourselves into groups of five members. Presume that you are doing business with a
company that does not observe ethical actions. Role-play a situation in which your group
responds to one unethical issue. Think of ways on how you can improve the ethical climate of
the company then share it with the class.
Activity 6: Self-Assessment
Now that you see the importance of ethical action, rate yourself on how well you respond to
some trying times.
1. I can always recognize an ethical issue.
2. I can be aware of the different perspectives of stakeholders
on an issue.
3. I am able to weigh things objectively.
4. I can think of alternative courses of action for a dilemma.
5. I can formulate policies to avoid the recurrence of the
Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What are communication models? Why do you think they were introduced?
 Communication models are a systematic representation that explains how the
communication process works. They were introduced because the model shows
metaphorically and in symbols. They form general perspectives on communication by
breaking communication from complex to simple and keep the components in order.
2. How does one model differ from the others?
 The roles of sender and receiver in the transaction model of communication
differ significantly from the other models.
3. If you were to choose a conceptual model for communication, what would you prefer and
why? How can you be guided by any of these models when you communicate?
 I would prefer the Shannon-Weaver’s Communication Model because it is a two way
communication wherein the receiver gives feedback to the center which makes the
communication interesting. Through the different communication models, I am aware
about the things involved when communicating and how it works.
4. How do the principles of effective oral communication differ from those of effective written
communication? Do they have similarities at all?
 Written communication is precise because words are chosen by the writer with great care
while Oral communication can be more effective because it involves carefully chosen
words along with non-verbal gestures, movements, tone changes and visual
cues that keep the audience captivated.
5. How can one observe ethics in communication?
 One can observe ethics in communication by using fact-based messages, valuing freedom
of expression, it should be honest and straight-forward, and it should never offend and
provoke listeners or receivers.
6. Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics?
 It is important to have a code of ethics because it clearly lays out the rules
for behavior and provides the foundation for a preventive warning.
How do you think has communication mode changed or improved over time? What modes are
now being utilized and which were not present before? What are advantages and/or
disadvantages of each mode?
 Since the beginning of time, humans have found ways to communicate with each other
from smoke signals, drawings, and hand signs. These forms of communication were
replaced when humans created the ability to communicate with sound (languages). The
creation of what is known as language has given humans a much easier way to
communicate with one another. Through time humans have evolved to a much greater
unthought-of expectations. Technology is one of the evolutions that have brought a
positive impact on the human race and their languages. The development in
communication created a big impact in the society.
Activity 1: Face-to-face Interaction
Form yourselves into groups of three members. Role-play any of the following situations and
show how you can initiate a conversation with a stranger or strangers. Write your draft on the
next page.
1. You are a new student in class. After dismissal time, you saw two of your female classmates
outside the school building talking to each other. You wanted to ask about the classes you missed
and how you could cope with the lessons. You approached them but they suddenly turned and
whispered to each other. How will you initiate a conversation with them without showing that
you are offended by their actions?
2. It was your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip takes about eight hours. You
wanted to know how to get to your destination from the airport. You were fortunate to be seated
beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in English and you have difficulty
understanding his accent. How will you start a conversation with him?
3. You are scheduled for a job interview. When you arrived at the place, there was a long queue
of applicants. You were the tenth to be interviewed and you wanted to have an idea about the
questions that were asked. To arrest your fear, you decided to talk with the other applicants
before you. How will you start the conversation?
Activity 2: Video as a Mode of Communication
View a video conference from YouTube titled “A video conference call in real life” by Tripp and
Tyler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMOOG7rWTPg). Then, answer the following
1. What was the topic of the video conference?
 The topic of the video conference is the things we may encounter in communicating
through video conference.
2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?
 The participants are workers who are from a company.
3. How was the flow of the video conference?
 The flow of the video conference is not smooth because they encountered a lot of
problems and distractions from their environment.
4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?
 There are lots of technical glitches encountered and they’re not resolved immediately.
5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the constraints of
this communication mode?
 This communication mode limits a group to have a conversation properly and smoothly
because a technical problem happens at times and they can be distracted by the different
factors in their environment.
Activity 3: Audio as a Mode of Communication
Listen to four English conversations on YouTube. Identify the caller and the callee and
analyze the context of the conversations, provide the information called for by filling in the table
Context of
Variety of
English Used
Variety of
English Used
Activity 4: Text-based Communication
Identify the type of text-based communication mode that best suits the following situations.
Explain why.
1. Disseminating information about the change in examination schedule.
2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of university
3. Explaining why the student failed in the test.
4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming.
5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum.
6. Explaining why you failed to attend the class activity.
7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for the Aetas in Tarlac.
8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon.
9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher.
10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping a pornographic magazine.
Activity 5: Deepening Activity
Form yourselves into groups of five members and make a video conference call. Invite someone
to take the conference call for at least 15 minutes on a topic related to one of your class lessons.
Be sure to draft your question to maximize the discussion. You will be graded as a team based on
the flow of your discussion.
Activity 6: Peer Assessment
Using the indicators below, evaluate the video conference call your group partner just made on
Skype. Check the applicable descriptor using the following: Excellent = 4; Good = 3; Fair = 2;
Poor = 1.
1. The video conference had a smooth discussion
2. Questions were well-thought-out.
3. Responses were clearly and appropriately
4. No technical problems were identified in the
course of the discussion.
Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What are the different types of communication and how do they differ from each other?
2. What are the other forms or modes of communication that have not been discussed and which
have recently become part of virtual communication technology?
3. Explain Diana Wheatley’s quote and give one illustration.
“Meaning made in conversation,
Reality is created in communication,
And knowledge is generated through social interaction…
Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the world.”
4. As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of other
speakers in understanding the Philippine English variety that you use?
5. With the advent of computer-mediated communication or CMC, how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your own account as a way of conveying messages to the
Bring to class three to four clippings or printouts of cartoons that show the use of technology
today. In groups, discuss the following questions:
1. What ideas about technology do the cartoons present?
2. Do these cartoons present positive or negative ideas about technology?
Be ready to present your discussions to the class.
Activity 1: Forms of Communication
In groups of five or six members, do research and conduct interviews that will help you generate
data and information about (1) various forms of communication, and (2) the advantages and
disadvantages of using these forms. The groups may be organized as follows:
Group 1 Telegrams (or telegraph messages)
Group 2 Handwritten letters or messages
Group 3 Typewritten letters or messages
Group 4 E-mail messages
Group 5 Text (or SMS) messages
Group 7 Tweets
Group 8 Instagram posts
Report your findings to the class through an oral presentation.
Take down notes from the oral presentation of the other groups. Use the table on the below.
Forms of
Telegrams (or
letters or
letters or
E-mail messages
Text (or SMS)
Facebook posts
Instagram posts
Activity 2: Share It!
Primary Use
Imagine that you had just won the top awards in a prestigious international contest. You would
like to express your thoughts and feelings about this big event. Share these thoughts and feelings
through one of the following forms of communication.
Option 1: A handwritten letter to your parents or teachers
Option 2: An e-mail message to your parents or teachers
Option 3: A public Facebook post
Option 4: A public Twitter post; and a text message to your parents or teachers
Activity 3: Deepening Activity
Reflect on your own use of social media. In what ways have you made good use of social media?
In what ways have you done harm to yourself or to others through social media? Share your
answers with the class.
Activity 4: Self-Assessment
Now that you are more informed about the use of technology for communication, rate yourself
on the following practices. Use the table below for your self-rating.
Communication practices
1. Whenever I make a public post on social media, I first review the
content and language of my post. I will „think before I click.‟
2. In using technology when communicating a message, I am mindful of
the strengths and weaknesses of the tool I am using.
3. In using technology when communicating a message, I vary the
language depending on the tool I use.
4. Although I value communication technology, I also spend time for
face-to-face interaction with people.
5. In using technology when communicating a message, I respect the
privacy of individuals concerned in the message.
The input above, reports about the use of social media by Filipinos. Sharpen your understanding
of the reading text by answering the following questions:
1. How much time is spent on social media sites by Filipinos? Japanese? Brazilians? Americans?
2. What conclusions can you draw from your answer in no. 1?
3. How could you compare the Internet speed in the Philippines with that in Brazil? Argentina?
South Korea?
4. What conclusions can you draw from your answer in no. 3?
5. The author claims that global Internet use is on the rise. What facts does the author provide to
support this claim?