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Angular & MEAN Stack: CSC-560 Unit 4 Course Material

Unit 4
Unit 4
Setup your Environment
• https://angular.io/guide/setup-local
• Complete this tutorial first:
• https://medium.com/wesionary-team/create-your-first-rest-api-with-node-jsexpress-and-mongodb-447fce535385
• Complete this tutorial second:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKd0Rpw7O48
• Complete this tutorial third:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCeWkz1MNQ&list=PLIjdNHWULhPSZFDzQU6AnbVQNNo1NTRpd&index=1
Tutorial and Assessment
• Follow the tutorial at: https://angular.io/start to get a working
Angular app and introduce you to the technology.
• Submit a link to GitHub with your working tutorial code along with
the self assessment
Unit 4 Homework
• Create an angular based front end to your Unit 3 hw which allows you
to add/update/delete Players as well as allows you to perform the 5
queries you created.
• Note: This does not need to be a pretty user interface as that is not
the point of this class (see the UX class for that). This just needs to be
functional enough to call your backend api.
Final Thoughts…
• At this point, you have been introduced to the 4 main tools of the
MEAN stack:
• MongoDB, Express Web Server, Angular, and Node.js
• These tools are the current “cool kids” in the web development world and are
becoming the mainstay for most new development. I believe you will see
these tools commonly used in data science and machine learning application
as they transition toward API’s for 3rd party application to use.
Final Project
• Using MongoDB create a data set for something of your choosing.
• Perhaps pick something related to one of your hobbies etc… where you can
get data into json format for storage in a collection based database.
• Using Node.js and Express create a reasonable api with at least 5 end
points for interacting with your data. At least 2 of these end points
should be for retrieving (GET) data.
• Using Angular, create a simple user interface (you will not be graded
on how good it looks) to interact with your API.