Karlheinz Stockhausen: UVERSA für Bassetthorn und Elektronische Musik (2007) UVERSA is based on a 24-note tone-row (example 2) that is derived from the KLANG tone-row (example 1). The UVERSA row takes pitch 17 of the KLANG row as its starting point and cycles through all 24 pitches of the row, pausing on each new pitch and surrounding it with embellishments (at the rate of approximately one pitch per minute). Each line of the piece focuses on one pitch of the KLANG-UVERSA row (denoted in the chart below as K-Ur followed by the specific pitch number). Line Central pitch and embellishment(s) 1 G5 (K-Ur1). Four iterations; Fast gracenote runs. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B5 (K-Ur2). Four iterations; one grace note lead in and three single grace notes, increasing rate and depth of vibrato on central pitch. F6 (K-Ur3). Three iterations; two semitone glissandi (upper and lower neighbour), then a glissando from K-Ur2 (B5). F5 (K-Ur3 transposed from F6). Improvised Morse-code rhythms. Db6 (K-Ur4). Improvised Morse-code rhythms. Gb5 (K-Ur5). Four iterations; single grace notes. Eb5 (K-Ur6). Two iterations; downwards glissando and arpeggio. D5 (K-Ur7). Two iterations; semitone trill (upwards). E4 (K-Ur8). Three iterations; fluttertongue. Other K-Ur material Grace note lead-in from 11-24. Three grace note runs embellishing main pitch are segments 24-20, 17-20, and 21-24. Grace note lead-in from 21-2. Three single grace note pickups are K-Ur 1, 24, and 23 respectively. Glissando from K-Ur2 before last iteration of central pitch. No other K-Ur pitch material. Grace notes follow 3-4, 5, 6, 7, 8 pattern in displaced octaves. Both arpeggios are K-Ur 1-5, glissando repeats 5. Grace note lead-in from 18-7. Semitone trill upwards can be interpreted as a trill between K-Ur 7 and 6. Grace note lead-in from 23-7. Fluttertongue glissando to K-Ur 6. Performance notes 9 B3 (K-Ur9). Six iterations; downwards glissando into the central pitch. 10 G3 (K-Ur10). Five iterations; fluttertongue and repeated grace note figures. C3 (K-Ur11). Six iterations; hard accents. 11 12 A3 (K-Ur12). Seven iterations; six chromatic glissandi between K-Ur11 and 12, one tremolo between the two. 13 Ab4 (K-Ur13). Three iterations; two ‘laughing’ embellishments. 14 A#4 (K-Ur14). Five iterations; one semitone trill, four high staccato quasigrace notes. 15 E4 (K-Ur15). Seven iterations; six low staccato quasi-grace notes D5 (K-Ur16). Five iterations (3+2); slow irregular tremolo to high pitches. 16 17 18 19 D#5 (K-Ur17). Three iterations; bisbigliando trills. F#5 (K-Ur18). Four iterations; grace note pickups. C#5 (K-Ur19). Six iterations; pulsed accents rit. at beginning and accel. at end, five high grace note figures. Grace note lead-in from 13-8. Downward glissandi are from 8, 7, and 6, respectively. Grace note lead-in from 7-10 (including one complete statement of K-Ur). Grace note lead-in from 23-10 (including one complete statement of KUr). Grace note lead-in from 9-12 (including one complete statement of K-Ur). Chromatic glissandi and tremolo between 11 and 12. Grace note lead-in from 17-12. Embellishments do not follow logic of K-Ur. Grace note lead-in from 21-14 (semitone trills do not follow logic of K-Ur). Four high grace notes are 11, 10, 9, and 3/20. Grace note lead-in from 6-15. Low grace notes are 6, 8-12. Grace note lead-in from 11-16. First two tremolo do not follow K-Ur logic, then 13-15. Grace note lead-in 15-16. Grace note pickups K-Ur 17. Grace note figures 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18. 20 F5 (K-Ur20). Seven iterations (3+2+2); ‘wailing’ glissando to high pitches. 21 A#4-6 (K-Ur21). Five iterations; repeated staccato pitches (3, 3, 7, 8, 10). G#4 (K-Ur22). Six iterations (1+3+2+1); chromatically ascending tremolo line. A4 (K-Ur23). Two iterations; grace note pickup, ascending glissando from K-Ur24 on C3. C3-6 (K-Ur24). Three iterations; octave grace note leap, glissando from C4 to 6, glissando from C 3 to 6. 22 Grace note lead-in from 9-20 (including one complete statement of K-Ur). Glissandi to 14-19. Grace note lead-in from 1-9, ‘legato phrase’ 10-20. Grace note lead-in from 13-21. Tremoli do not follow K-Ur. Grace note lead-in 21-22, glissando from 24 to 23. No other K-Ur pitch material.