OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 1. In th the e contex contextt of manag manageme ement, nt, oper operao aons, ns, in in 7. Und Underta ertakin king g a bro broad ad co cover verage age of of ope opera raons ons general, involve these three (3) important and audit may be limited by which of the following primary components that are also used as the factors: main guidance for undertaking internal audit 1. Cult Cultur ure e of tthe he o org rgan aniz iza aon on reviews? 2. Abi Abilit lity y of an e ente nterpr rprise ise tto o ao aord rd so b broa road d INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT an audit 3. The d dic icult ulty y of obtai obtainin ning g people people who who ca can n do a broad type of audit 4. Lack Lack o off ma mana nage gemen mentt guid guidan ance ce 2. Wha Whatt are th the e ve (5) (5) ide iden ned ed conse conseque quena nall The very praccal consideraon that processes involved in the transformaon or individuals may not like to be reported conversion of input to output? upon PLANNING 2, 3, AND 5 ONLY ORGANIZING CONTROLLING 8. A bro broad ad d deni enion on o off op operaon eraonss au audit dit iiss tha thatt it LEADING is an independent, objecve assurance and STAFFING consulng acvity designed to add value and improve and organizaon’s operaons by 3. ___ ____ _ __ ____ __ refer refers, s, in gener general, al, tto o the revi review ew of helping it in accomplishing the corporate as well the eciency, eecveness, and economy of the dierent controls established for each step as unit goals and objecves through a systemac, disciplined approach to evaluate of the business process(es) specically those and improve the eecveness of risk that require interfaces within and among the management, control, and governance dierent funcons and segments/units across processes. the organizaon. FALSE OPERATIONS AUDITING 9. ___ ____ _ is that that ca can n be u uliz lized ed to de determ termine ine the the 4. Wha Whatt is tthis his asp aspect ect o off broad broad den denio ion n of approach and degree or scale of operaons operaons audit that refers to the assurance audit to be applied for each specic funcon, that accounts properly reect the nancial facts acvity, or system specically on the interfaces as referenced to the conceptual framework of accounng i.e. faithful representaon (fair across dierent operang segments or business units. presentaon), relevance, and understanding? SAPG OR STANDARD AUDIT PROGRAM GUIDE FINANCIAL 10. ___ refe refers rs to one of the approach approaches es to 5. ___ is one one of th the e E’s o off aud audin ing g that that relates relates to to operaonal audit where internal auditors are the conversion process of turning the actual looking for opportunies for improvement (in inputs available into actual outputs. business processes) and this can be indicated by EFFICIENCY a performance measurement that pertains to the rao between planned inputs and actual 6. E Ecien ciency cy is meas measure ured d by de deriv riving ing tthe he ra rao o of the usable ___ to the actual ___ input into the conversion process. OUTPUTS RESOURCES inputs in terms of unit costs of a given quality. ECONOMY OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 11. What are the four (4) ma main in considerao consideraons ns that 18. What is the PR PRIMARY IMARY an and d ULTIMATE ULTIMATE reason reason aect eciency? why there is a need for the measurement of QUALITY OF RAW MATERIALS producvity and performance? QUALITY OF LABOR TO DETERMINE THE RESPONSIVENESS AND DESIGN OF THE PROCESSES COMPLIANCE TO THE SET GOALS AND QUALITY OF TECHNOLOGY OBJECTIVES WHETHER AT THE INDIVIDUAL, UNIT OR CORPORATE LEVEL. 12. ___ is on one e of the E’s of auding auding tha thatt is measured by the rao of actual outputs against 19. In order to ens ensure ure that go goals als and ob objecves jecves ar are e planned outputs (i.e. planned objecves). achieved either at the individual, unit, or EFFECTIVENESS corporate level, the measurement standard must be set at the LEAST MINIMUM 13. In strate strategic gic management management,, the resul resulng ng measurement of performance in relaon to any ACHIEVABLE result. FALSE of the three (3) E’s is reected reect ed in the ___ of either the individual or unit level. BALANCE SCORECARD 20. The perfo performance rmance mea measurem surement ent methods methods to be used must always be based on ACCURATE AND RELIABLE DATA AND A 14. ___ is anot another her “E” of audi auditt interest tha thatt refers to the legal and moral conduct by management and sta. ETHICAL/ETHICS PROVEN METHOD 21. Which of th the e follow following ing are the pri primary mary components in order to establish a performance measurement? [Select three (3) 15. Accord According ing to the Instute Instute of Internal Auditor Auditors, s, from the choices] “Prociency” is described as internal auditors or GOALS/OBJECTIVES the audit team who must possess the following KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS needed to perform their responsibilies either STANDARD LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT as individual or as a group. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 16. The foll following owing ar are e opons that the Chief Chief Audit 22. What is the most app appropri ropriate ate key perfor performance mance indicator to measure the eciency of a machine or equipment? NUMBER OF UNITS PRODUCED PER HOUR Execuve can take when the internal auditors lack the required prociency. ALL OF THE ABOVE 23. What is the most app appropri ropriate ate key perfor performance mance indicator for a sales agent? AMOUNT OF SALES GENERATED 17. This perso person n is responsible for all internal audit engagements, whether performed by or the 24. ____ __ ____ __ ____ auding refers to to the benet internal audit acvity, and all signicant that arises when the internal audit acvity professional judgements made throughout the provides an objecve and relevant assurance engagement. and contributes to the eecveness and CHIEF AUDIT EXECUTIVE eciency of governance, risk management, and control processes. VALUE FOR MONEY OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 25. This is one of the approaches approaches in establishing 30. Benchm Benchmarkin arking g is more commonl commonly y used to levels of performance measurements by determine the business enty ‘s compeve comparing one’s own performance in a specic posion in the market or industry rather than area with that applied by others in compable enabling the company to take a view of the circumstances or similar situaons. need for change or review of their t heir own BENCHMARKING organizaon’s approach to internal auding in light of the survey data. 26. It is necessa necessary ry to underst understand and full fully y the exisng FALSE processes, systems, and acvies as a rm basis for subsequent comparison with external points 31. One of the fol followi lowing ng is NOT a descripo descripon n of a of reference (such as industry or professional business process: standards or even compeon) in order to A CHAIN OF UNRELATED ACTIVITIES BUT maximize the benet from the benchmarking INTERFACES WITH OTHER PROCESSES. exercise. TRUE 32. Which of the fol followin lowing g best describes describes the general paern by which a business process or 27. What are th the e objecve objecvess of benchmarkin benchmarking? g? a. Mai Mainta ntaini ining ng a co compe mpev ve e advant advantage age iin n the appropriate market a process, in general, is designed and established? ESTABLISH GOALS, DETERMINE THE STEPS OR b. Est Establ ablish ishing ing tthe he cu curre rrent nt me metho thods, ds, best best pracce, and related trends ACTIVITIES, IDENTIFY THE PROCESS OWNERS AND ASSIGN THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND c. ACCOUNTABILITIES. Ens Ensuri uring ng the the ffutu uture re ssurv urviva ivall o off the the organizaon d. Mai Mainta ntaini ining ng an awa awaren reness ess of cus custom tomer er 33. In intern internal al audin auding, g, this is the genera generall term expectaons (and being able to address used in referring to the wide, vast, and broad them) spectrum of processes, funcons, and systems e. Ens Ensuri uring ng that that tthe he or organ ganiza izaon on h has as the the appropriate approach to quality issues from which the subject of the audit engagement will be selected, planned, and ALL ARE CONSIDERED AS OBJECTIVE OF carried out. BENCHMARKING AUDIT UNIVERSE 28. In the context of ben benchmark chmarking, ing, comp compeve eve 34. What is that acv acvity ity that the inte internal rnal aud auditor itor or advantage is best described as the internal audit team may undertake to THE ABILITY AND/OR ATTRIBUTES OF THE determine the main reasons for any nding and BUSINESS ENTITY IN ENSURING THAT ITS explaining the occurrence for such ndings POSITION AS A MARKET OR INDUSTRY LEADER specically on the maers that pertain to non- IS MAINTAINED compliance to internal controls from which recommendaons will be expected by 29. Audit nd ndings ings should ONLY be provided in wring EXCLUSIVELY and in condenality to management? ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS the HEAD of the concerned unit being subjected to audit review. FALSE 35. What coul could d be a second secondary ary proce process ss that can be assigned to a funcon that involves handling and monitoring of Accounts Receivable? ALL OF THE ABOVE OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 36. All of the foll following owing are importan importantt uses of the 43. What is the pr primary imary pr process ocess if th the e funco funcon n performance measurement methods EXCEPT involves the handling of pey cash and IT CANNOT BE USED AS A VALID BASIS IN expenses related it. INVESTIGATIONS WHERE MANAGEMENT’S EXPENDITURE PROCESS LACK OF RESPONSE TO AN ADVERSE MEASUREMENT. 44. Durin During g the plan planning ning ph phase ase of the aud audit it engagement, the audit objecves need to be 37. The busi business ness ent enty y is not required required to establish establish established and at this stage, the “audit realisc measurement standards and methods objecves” are considered the same as the because internal controls are already in place “management’s objecves”. and it is the responsibility of the internal FALSE auditor to determine if there is compliance or non-compliance to such internal controls. FALSE 38. Generally, internal audit acvies acvies will involve al alll of the following EXCEPT FINANCIAL REPORTING 39. Inclu Including ding in the aud audit it team a technic technical al expert from within the business organizaon is a 45. The foll following owing app approach roaches es that can be used by the internal auditor as a guide to establishing levels of standards from which performance may be measured A, C, D AND F ONLY (BENCHMARKING, COMPARING, MEASURING AND AIMING NGA ANSWERS) 46. ________ _________ _ is a way that can be applied iin n evaluang business processes parcularly in violaon of internal audit procedures. idenfying whether there is any inial potenal FALSE for improvement, and then subsequently used to monitor that the required levels of 40. This ter term m refers to the wa way y the organizaon organizaon is structured in terms of unit levels of oces as performance are maintained. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT/ METHODS well as posion tles. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 47. In both the mana management gement and au audit dit asses assessment sment of maers of value of money, the usual 41. This term ref refers ers to the dieren dierentt standards standards that approach is to make comparisons with a range have been set up within and across funcons, processes and/or units of the organizaon and of opons or possible soluons to the principal problem including measurement methods that must be complied with and from which which must be discussed and agreed upon with measurement will be undertaken to establish a the management. level of assurance that goals and objecves are TRUE achieved. INTERNAL CONTROLS 48. Referr Referring ing to SAPG, in carryi carrying ng out the stock and materials handling and management funcon, 42. What is the prim primary ary busi business ness pro process cess that is the following processes shall be the primary consistent with the main funcon involving the subjects of operaons audit review EXCEPT handling of General Ledger and Management FINANCIAL REPORTING Accounts? FINANCIAL REPORTING PROCESS OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 49. Using th the e SAPG forma format, t, management management and administraon as a funcon would involve the 56. One of the advantages advantages of subdividing the audit following business processes EXCEPT: universe using the funconal or departmental WARRANTY ARRANGEMENTS approach is that the area under review is clearly bounded and the focus of the audit review is on 50. It is descri described bed as “a series series of cradle cradle to grave” the specic area of interest. Therefore, the processes or cycles, where a CHAIN OF interrelaonship in terms of funcons and INTERRELATED EVENTS or acvies is ploed process interfaces between the subject of the from the origin to the conclusion.” review with other departments or units will not BUSINESS OPERATIONS be an important factor to be considered so that audit results can be conned to the specic 51. This term is gen generally erally used used when undertakin undertaking ga business process review that usually refers to review required. FALSE an acvity or set of acvies and/or ulies that when performed or ulized will result in 57. This appr approach oach of subdi subdividin viding g and dening the the achievement of the specic objecves for internal audit universe of auditable units refers which these acvies or ulies are designed. to dierent specic operaonal funcons where FUNCTION(S) dierent acvies are idened and established rather than a department or unit of the 52. This a approach pproach ((in in sub subdividing dividing the aud audit it universe) of dening audit reviews is described as “Each unit in the organizaonal structure is organizaon that may have dierent funcon aached to it. BUSINESS PROCESS APPROACH considered as a separate funconal unit apart from the other units” FUNCTIONAL OR DEPARTMENTAL APPROACH 58. This ref refers ers to a proces process, s, metho method, d, or tool by which a specic department(s) examines factors to improve the exisng internal controls and/or 53. Many opp opportun ortunies ies for improveme improvement nt lie as the implements new internal controls to migate points of _______ between that part of the risks associated with a process or funcon. business and other parts of the business and CONTROL SELF ASSESSMENT system or departments where controls are crical with which there needs to be eecve coordinaon. INTERFACES OR INTERACTION 59. “Contr “Control ol is like likely ly to be weaker between between secons or organizaonal units than within a funconal unit for BEHAVIORAL REASONS” These behavioural reasons are evident in the 54. SelfSelf-assess assessment ment for controls controls within the following situaons EXCEPT. department may be undertaken through the LOYALTY IS NEVER AN IMPORTANT FACTOR following EXCEPT. BECAUSE IT CAN BE COMPROMISED BASED ON GUIDANCE AND DIRECTIVES FROM THE INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS THAT CAN BE MANAGEMENT DERIVED 55. What is the ro role le of the internal internal auditor auditor in 60. The crical contents of the proposed SAPG are a situaons when behavioural reasons aect the number of issues related to the following that is operaons audit review? relevant to the specic system: ALL OF THE ABOVE RISKS OR CONTROL OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 61. ____ _______ ___ refers refers to a group of represent representaves aves 66. SAPG docum documents ents oer an ideal basis basis for control control from specic groups or units within the self-assessment where auding is done in a self- organizaon who are competent and trained to audit context where management, together be group coordinators and who are tasked with with their sta, consider in quite a formalized ensuring that cohesive workgroups are through parcipave way in idenfying the risks maintained between the related and inter- of not achieving their objecves now and into related units or departments of an organizaon. the future, and whether internal control is This group is created to respond to one of the equal to the task of giving reasonable assurance “behavioural reasons” for weaknesses in of achievement of objecves. compliance with internal controls specically THE STATEMENT PERTAINS TO THE relang to interfaces. IMPORTANCE OF SAPG IN UNDERTAKING THE LINKING PINS CONTROL SELF ASSESSMENT. 62. This term u used sed in aud audit it in general implies the 67. In the audi auding ng context, context, there are a nu number mber of preparaon and retenon within an ways that the organizaon can be divided for organizaon for an adequate period, in a the purposes of reviewing the eecveness of reasonably accessible form, and in enough internal controls as follows: a. Funconally detail to sasfy the auditors, of records which based on organizaonal ___ or b. Operaonally allow each detailed element of any transacon based on prime ____ to be tracked from its source through each CHART/STRUCTURE intermediate stage to its nal disposion (or ACTIVITIES disposions); and vice versa. AUDIT TRAIL 68. ____ _____ _ idencaons idencaons is impor important tant in audit reviews because it is basically a potent 63. The p purpos urpose e of tthe he SAPG SAPG is ALL OF THE ABOVE determinant in direcng audit work parcularly the level of audit planning and acvity to be undertaken especially in the maers related to 64. How does the SAPG hel help p the internal internal auditor? auditor? [Select the two (2) correct answers from the internal control compliance. RISK choices below to get one (1) full point.] GUIDES THE INTERNAL AUDITOR DETERMINING WHETHER THE SITUATION NEEDS TO BE REPORTED TO MANAGEMENT 69. At this level of audit p planning lanning and acvity, the internal auditor uses risk assessment where the auditor may choose to apply risk assessment techniques to the potenal universe of possible HELPS THE INTERNAL AUDITOR TO CONSIDER audit projects as a means of seng relave THEIR EFFECTIVENESS, AND DEPENDENT UPON priories and thus determine those higher risk THAT INTERPRETATION, RECORD THE NATURE audit projects for inclusion into the annual audit AND RESULTS OF ANY AUDIT TESTING APPLIED plan. TACTICAL OR PLANNING LEVEL 65. In a business appr approach oach of subdividi subdividing ng audit universe, the specic acvies are idened to a funcon that is performed by the PROCESS OWNER OPERATIONS AUDITING – MIDTERM EXAM 70. The inter internal nal audi auditor tor used the risk ass assessme essment nt of idenfying audit acvies at this LEVEL where the risk linked to an evaluaon of control eecveness will direct the focus of the auditor's aenon on aspects of the subject under review which are more deserving of his or her aenon. OPERATIONAL LEVEL 71. The use of ri risk sk assessment assessment is a major major factor iin n idenfying audit acvies because, with audit resources under pressure, it is important that auding eorts are concentrated on the highly risky, poorly controlled aspects where management acon may be required. TRUE