Uploaded by Abdelhak Zerrouki

how i use merchinformer

How I use Merchinformer!
Step 1: Merch Hunter
Search by Bestsellers Top 500
Marketplace US Category Merch By Amazon Shirts
BSR Range: 75k - 400k - why? because shirts that are selling below 75k are usually niches
that are too saturated!
Price Range: $16.00 + - Why? Because i don’t want to compete with shirts that are selling
for 13.99, i want to earn money ;-)
keywords? No. We are looking for all new coming shirts on amazon.
Hit Search
Pick one that you could easily do by yourself or your designer and check the competition on
amazon. If all shirts are selling well with this quote / illustration you can easily go into that
Step 2: Keyword finder
Enter the niche in that you want to upload. Check the keywords and check keywords with
high search volume and low competition! You should also use the important keywords in that
Now you can easily write your listing with those chosen keywords and get sales ASAP! :-)
Sounds easy? It is. thats what i am doing like every day/week.
Here is also one crazy tool provided my Merchinformer:
Merch Archive
Thats one of my favorite tools! You are preparing for next easter? Yo don’t know what to
design? You want to know what was selling last easter? Easily check it out and go to the
date of the public holidays and look what kind of designs / quotes was selling last year! Also
check out the keywords they were using in their listing and use them for your listing.
Trend hunter:
check out what is selling very good everyday, check out their BSR’s and look whats selling
on long term and is below 300-400k bsr.
Well guys that are all features that i am using for my daily and weekly keyword and niche
research. I Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions you can DM me on instagram. I
will be there for you!