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IO Psychology Practice Test

1. The test booklet contains 100 test questions.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each questions on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded
will invalid your answer.
1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet set.
2. Write the subject title on your box provided.
3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A, Set B if your test booklet is
Set B.
The CEO of Stark Industries is considering hiring internally to fill vacant positions. Which of the
following factors is a disadvantage of using internal sources?
A. Knowledge of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.
B. High commitment to the company
C. Potential to upset or lose employee who aren’t promoted
D. Accurate view of skill sets
2. The training director for a company providing training for its 30 customer service
representatives wants to undertake a needs analysis. What is the best way to gather
information about customer service problems and solutions since the representatives are
located at headquarters?
A. Review employee records to define past customer service problems.
B. Form an advisory committee consisting of customer service, training, and operations
C. Ask customers service representatives to fill out questionnaires related to their training
D. Conduct a series of focus group with customer service representatives.
3. Clark, the supervisor of the manufacturing department, is in the process of evaluating his staff’s
performance. He has determined that 15% of the group will be identified as high performers,
20% as above average performers, 30% as average performers, 20% as below average
performers, and 15% as poor performers. Clark is using a _________ method.
A. Graphic rating scale
B. Alternation ranking
C. Paired comparison
D. Forced distribution
4. Luxury Car is a manufacturing unit dealing with the manufacturing of car accessories. Currently,
it is not doing well because of tough market competition and financial crisis. The Manager, Mr.
Mendez, is worried because of decreasing interest of employees and low productivity. What
step could he take to improve the situation?
A. Introduce certain recognition programmes to improve employee morale
B. Introduce monetary incentives
C. Reduce the employee strength to cut costs
D. Suggest the management to sell the unit
5. Jeff San Juan uses a group comprised of between 5-20 members to get jobs preformed in the
fastest and most efficient way possible. Mr. San Juan usually permits this group to have a
moderate amount of authority over their work and allows the group itself to determine the
mission it will pursue. As the organization’s manager, he has little involvement in directing the
group is most probably formed at this organization?
A. Self-managed work team
B. Virtual team
C. Cross-functional team
D. Advisory team
6. The president of the union, Mr. Juan Miguel informs the management of a mandatory issue to
be discussed during a collective bargaining session. What might this issue be?
A. Number of new hires
B. Wage rates
C. Pricing strategy for new products
D. Product design
7. John’s job as a loader operator for Mega Steel Company permits him to work 10 hours per day,
Monday through Thursday. This demonstrates John’s utilization of a (n)
A. Flexible work schedule
B. Organizational culture
C. Compressed work schedule
D. Staffing development
8. How do situational interviews differ from behavioral interviews?
A. Situational and behavioral interviews do not really differ.
B. Situational interviews are based on how an applicant might behave in a hypothetical
C. Situational interviews utilize predetermined situational questions and answers.
D. Behavioral interviews ask applicants to describe their emotions in different hypothetical
9. There are 16 training programs which Olivia, the director of training, wishes to implement
during the coming year. But due to the effects of the recession on the company, Olivia’s training
budget has been reduced to 30m percent. Olivia realizes she will not be able to conduct all
these training efforts and she must prioritize them in order to reduce the number. Olivia should
prioritize these training programs based on
A. The quantifiability of program criteria
B. The number of requests he has had from employees and managers for certain types of
C. Organizational strategic objectives
D. The cost per trainee of programs
10. HRD Supervisor Menchu is considering to include self-ratings in the performance appraisal. The
HRD should be cautioned that
A. Interrater reliability is higher
B. Appraisals are subject to halo effect
C. Ratings are higher than when rated by supervisors.
D. Ratings are about the same as when determined by peers
11. The management consulting group Ellen contracted to analyze how to increase productivity in
her insurance company just suggested that one action Ellen should take immediately is to try to
determine the outcomes or rewards each one of her employee’s value. The consulting group is
suggesting that Ellen use the ________ theory (model) to motivate her employees to increased
A. Maslow’s needs hierarchy
B. Equity
C. Expectancy
D. Herzberg’s two-factor
12. Which of the following is considered to be one of the most prominent obstacles encountered
when an organization desires to start self-managed teams?
A. Information technology
B. Insufficient training
C. Lack of management involvement
D. Inexperienced employees
13. During the maturity stage of a business’s organizational life cycle, the firm
A. Uses its compensation system to retain its employees.
B. Makes stock options available to a limited number of employees
C. Provide few short-term incentives for employees
D. Offers a base salary that is at or below market level
14. Mandy is a single mother of two. One of her biggest challenge in the job market is
A. Getting access to the internet to search job sites
B. Getting a sufficient salary
C. Finding permanent job positions
D. Balancing work and family life
15. Which of the following statements would you ask if you were to conduct a behavioral interview?
A. Employees in this division are frequently under a great deal of stress. How would you think
you would handle the stress of the position?
B. Tell me about a time you showed leadership in a difficult situation.
C. We are concerned with employee pilferage. As a manager here, how would you go about
discouraging this behavior?
D. Suppose you were confronted with an angry customer who threatened to sue the company.
What would you do?
16. If an organization was considering using some form of test as part of the selection process the
choice would depend on:
A. Company policy, type of job applied for, cost of test
B. Cost, ability of HR manager to administer test, candidate personality
C. Management commitment, time available, type of position
D. Qualifications of candidate, business strategy, HR manager’s perception of the test’s
17. A manager may choose to have a larger group of new employee trainees or a smaller group. He
has worked carefully with the HR department to coordinate employees to all meet for an in
office lecture style training program. If he chooses to train a large group in an effort to save
time and money for the organization, which of the following statements is true?
A. Classrooms must be used to accommodate a large group to be trained
B. Small rooms can be used to accommodate in a large group to be trained
C. Office space of each employee can be used to accommodate a large group to be trained
D. It does not matter where the training program is held
18. As a training manager, your best strategy for reducing the problems of transfer of training is
A. To have the trainee practice the learning longer in each training session
B. To have the trainee develop an action plan for implementing the new learning
C. To provide more immediate feedback during the training period
D. To lengthen the training time over additional training periods
19. At a large on-line catalog retail company, Manager Manuel randomly listens in on calls handled
by customer representatives to make sure that the customers are greeted politely, orders are
taken accurately, order details are repeated to the customer, and that customers are thanked
for their orders. This is a _____________ - based type of performance.
A. Behavior
B. Trait
C. Results
D. Productivity
20. James and John designed a performance appraisal instrument that focuses on an employee’s
ability to identify and analyze problems or to maintain harmonious and effective working
relationships. That instrument is focused on measuring
A. Generic dimensions of performance
B. Employee competence
C. Performance of actual duties
D. Achievement of objectives
21. What is the best conclusion you can make about job satisfaction in today’s workforce?
A. It isn’t an important issue for managers to consider
B. Most people are at least somewhat satisfied with their jobs most of the time.
C. The only real concern is pay
D. Most people are not satisfied with their jobs most of the time
22. Which statement about job satisfaction job performance relationship is most true based on
A. A happy worker will be a productive worker.
B. A productive worker will be a happy worker
C. A productive worker well rewarded for performance will be a happy worker.
D. There is no relationship between being happy and being productive in a job.
23. Members of successful teams put a tremendous amount of time and effort into discussing,
shaping, and agreeing on __________ which then provides direction and guidance under any
and all conditions.
A. The level of individual contribution
B. Developing team efficacy
C. A common purpose
D. Allocation of roles
24. In a defined benefit plan, the
A. Employee can receive a lump sum amount on retirement
B. Survivors will receive the benefits if the employee dies before the retirement funds are paid
C. Benefits received upon retirement vary by the employee’s age and length service
D. Benefits begin when the employees turns 65
25. Georgia Sanchez Consulting Firm employs 65 professional individuals. She allows her employees
to outline their own work and schedules and only requires that each employee report to work
on Monday and Friday from 9AM, until 3PM. Ms. Sanchez is utilizing a (n)
A. Flexible employee work schedule
B. Job enrichment approach
C. Ineffective employee benefit system
D. Compressed work week schedule
26. Eloisa is unhappy with her new job as first line supervisor at the call center. He dislike trying to
motivate his subordinates to increase their productivity. HE is dreading having to give the
upcoming performance appraisals to her subordinates. Eloisa finds the job boring and watches
the clock all afternoon, longing for the end of her shift. She is planning to apply for another job
either within the organization or outside the organization. Eloisa is experiencing
A. Poor person-organization fit
B. Burnout
C. Poor person job-fit
D. The result of negligent hiring
27. Which of the following is an advantage of using management assessment centers in the
selection process?
A. Cost of development
B. Time required to administer and assess results
C. Use of managers as assessors
D. Re-evaluation of candidates
28. The three (3) elements of good training objectives are: (a) they are stated in behavioral terms,
(b) they specify the conditions, constraints, and time limitations and (c) they specify
A. The standards of acceptable performance
B. Behaviors that are realistic
C. Socially acceptable activities
D. What is important to the organization
29. The major benefit of off-site training programs is that
A. There is more space for the training to take place
B. Job-related distractions can be minimized
C. The training facilities are usually more comfortable
D. The training can be provided by outside experts
30. Due to budgetary constraints, EFG Freight System, decided to conduct their own performance
appraisal instead of sourcing it out. The two basic considerations their HRD should consider are
A. Who should measure and when to measure
B. When to measure and what to measure
C. What to measure and who should measure
D. What to measure and how to measure
31. In designing a performance appraisal form in which subordinates would provide feedback for
supervisors, the comments should be anonymous because identifiable responses tend to result
A. More inflated ratings
B. More critical ratings
C. Increased comfort with the process on the part of the subordinate
D. More negative attitude from managers receiving the feedback
32. Troy is looking for a new job. She used to be the top sales representative for the region and was
expecting to be promoted. However, one of the regional manager’s golfing buddies was
promoted to district manager instead. Troy’s dissatisfaction with her current job stems from a
breakdown in the ___________ relationship.
A. Effort- satisfaction
B. Effort-performance
C. Reward- personal goal
D. Performance-reward
33. When employers are asked to describe the job satisfactions of their employees and the
implications, they often
A. Overestimate job satisfaction
B. Underestimate job satisfaction
C. Overestimate inclinations to job search
D. Underestimate intentions to stay on the job
34. Which of the following does not characterize successful team members?
A. A manageable degree of conflict
B. A common purpose
C. Specific team goals
D. A moderate amount of social loafing
35. Employees of Ademo Industries refuse to work but remain in the premises of the company,
refuse to leave the plant and machines and not allow these to be operated by others. They are
on a
A. Low-down strike
B. Sympathy strike
C. Wildcat strike
D. Sit-down strike
36. Marilyn and July agree to this type of flexible work used to meet peak demand, for instance by
being present when workloads are heavy. This is called
A. Compressed work week
B. Shiftwork
C. Term-time work
D. Job-sharing
37. Rainier is interviewing six candidates for a position as an entry-level management trainee. The
first two candidates were judged unfavorable. The third candidate was just average. But she
was so pleased to find an acceptable candidate after the first two interviews that he assigned a
better rating to candidate 3. This is an example of
A. Context error
B. Contrast error
C. Order error
D. Recency error
38. Which question below is an example of a job knowledge question?
A. Suppose you were giving a sales presentation and a difficult technical question arose that
you could not answer, what would you do?
B. Based on your past work experience, what is the most significant action you have ever taken
to help out a co-worker?
C. What work experiences, training, or other qualifications do you have for working in a
teamwork environment?
D. What factors should one consider when developing a television advertising campaign?
39. A company purchases new billing software that will be used by its customer service and
accounting departments. Which of the following training methods will be most effective in
training employees to use the new system?
A. Reading and PowerPoint presentation
B. Demonstration and structured exercises
C. Group discussion and structured exercises
D. Reading and case study
40. What is the most important reason for conducting an internal marketing campaign for a new
training program?
A. It protects a company from charges of discrimination.
B. It makes HRD more visible to the organization.
C. It increases employee motivation to participate.
D. It increases the company’s reputation in the marketplace.
41. Gil is generally considered unfriendly at work. His supervisor rates him low on the trait gets
along well with others but also rates him lower of other traits unrelated to socialization at work.
Gil’s performance appraisal may be unfair due to
A. Leniency bias
B. Stereotyping
C. Halo effect
D. Strictness bias
42. You are conducting an appraisal interview with an employee who is satisfactory but not
promotable. Which incentive listed below would likely be the least effective for maintaining
satisfactory performance in this situation?
A. Time off
B. Added professional development
C. Small bonus
D. Compliments
43. Rio is an office worker who processes health insurance forms. She has worked at her present
job for three years. Initially he was criticized by his supervisor for sloppy work, but thereafter
improved considerably. Now he consistently processes his forms without errors and even does
more forms than his required quota. However, he has found his supervisor has not responded to
the extra efforts he puts in, giving him no praise and no financial reward. Rio is most likely to
perceive that there is a problem in the ___________ relationship.
A. Effort – performance
B. Rewards – personal goals
C. Performance – awareness
D. Personal goal – self actualization
44. Using David McClelland’s theory as a guide, a person high in need for achievement will be
A. Guaranteed success in top management
B. Motivated by challenging but achievable goals
C. Motivated to control and influence other people need for power
D. Motivated to teamwork and collective responsibility
45. To perform effectively, you require your team three different types of skills. Which of the
following is not one of these major skill categories?
A. Interpersonal skills
B. Conceptual skills
C. Decision making skills
D. Technical skills
46. Which of the following statements about arbitration is true?
A. Binding arbitration can lead to a trial if both parties are not satisfied with the decision.
B. The neutrality of the arbiter is guaranteed by the selection process.
C. Disputes are open to public view as soon as the involved parties agree to the arbitration.
D. The process of arbitration follows the same rules as used in a court case.
47. As an example of the flexible working hours, the workers in this type are often found in hotels,
restaurants, health and social work, shops, warehouses, business, and financial services and
A. Part – time
B. Flextime
C. None of the above
D. Overtime
48. In her interview schedule, Yamato includes the following statement, “Imagine that you have just
been assigned the task of winning the business of your competition’s biggest client. How would
you proceed?” What type of interview is she using?
A. Behavioral interview
B. Stress interview
C. Situational interview
D. Directive interview
49. What type of screening device would you use if you are to measure attitudes regarding
tolerance of others who steal and acceptance of rationalizations for theft?
A. Personality tests
B. Paper – and – pencil honesty tests
C. Interest inventories
D. Graphology
50. A pharmaceutical company is undertaking a joint venture that enables it to sell a new drug. The
company is on a tight time frame and needs to located throughout the Philippines. Given the
company’s time constraints, which needs assessment method would best determine the training
that sales representatives need?
A. Tests
B. Observation
C. Assessment center
D. Advisory committee
51. Which of the following statements about adult learners is true?
A. They are more open to new ideas and alternative options than are student learners.
B. They are not motivated by external incentive since self – satisfaction is most important.
C. They are inclined to refer to past experiences and want opportunities to share them
D. They can assess their own progress and do not need feedback from the instructor.
52. When asked by her supervisor to rate her fellow group members according to their performance
on a group project, Kaitlyn gave everyone an “excellent,” although it was obvious that some had
worked harder than others. This demonstrates the rating error of
A. Primacy
B. Leniency
C. Recency
D. Central Tendency
53. You have been given the unfortunate task of terminating an employee. Which correct order of
steps should you consider?
1. Receipt of explanation
2. The findings
3. The holding of enquiry
4. Issue of notice of enquiry
5. Charge sheet is framed and issued
A. 4-3-2-5-1
C. 5-1-4-3-2
B. 1-2-3-4-5
D. 5-2-3-1-4
54. Simoun is a content developer for e-learning solutions company. He has been working there for
past 5 years and has done well in different projects. But since past few months, he has displayed
certain different behaviors.
1. He reacted badly in the meeting when a new responsibility was given to him.
2. He often comes late to office.
3. He is forwarding his resume to recruiters.
4. He continuously complains about the working conditions.
What does this indicate?
A. Simoun is highly motivated.
B. He is not satisfied with job.
C. He wants promotion.
D. He is under stress.
55. Improvements in job satisfaction are most likely under Herzberg’s two-factor theory when ___
are improved.
A. Working conditions
B. Base salary
C. Opportunities for responsibility
D. Co-worker relationship
56. Ronnie is the manager of a food stall. His unit works well together. They consistently produce
high-quality food in a timely basis and little wastage. Which of the following statements best
describe Ronald’s group situation?
A. The group has effective task performance but ineffective human resources
B. The group has only effective human resource maintenance.
C. The group is effective.
D. The group is ineffective in some ways.
57. Under which conditions below is it acceptable for employees of the opposite sex to receive
different pay for doing roughly equivalent work?
A. When the different exists despite equal skills
B. When the difference exists because of a merit system
C. When the difference exists despite equal efforts
D. When the difference exists similar responsibility
58. Which of the following statements would you ask if you were to conduct a job-related
A. “ I see you’ve changed jobs four times in the last two years. I’ve always felt that frequent job
changes reflect irresponsible and immature behavior.”
B. Suppose you were confronted with an angry customer who threatened to sue the company.
What would you do?
C. “Why are you leaving your current position?”
D. “Can you tell me about a time in the past when you used leadership skills to handle a difficult
59. If an employer is shown to use selection procedures resulting in adverse impact, the employer
could then use all of the alternatives listed below except
A. Institute another valid selection procedure
B. Show that the test is valid by conducting a validation study
C. Monitor the selection tent to see if it has disparate impact
D. Revise the selection test to eliminate the problem.
60. Joel is being interviewed for a position as a public relations specialist in a communications firm.
He first meets with the HR manager. Afterwards, he meets with the person who would be his
direct supervisor. Finally, he meets with the company president. Joel is experiencing a ______
A. Group
B. Panel
C. Sequential
D. Return
61. Abner is the director of training for a web-based company that is a clearing house for vacation
rentals. The company is growing rapidly and hiring large numbers of employees. Abner has
recently redesigned the new employee orientation program. In order to determine how the
effectiveness of the orientation program. Abner should measure all the following expect
Turnover of employees with less than six months tenure
Cost per employee of the orientation program
Promotion rate of employees in the first two years of employment
Performance level of new hires.
62. Training in organization is managed scientifically and practiced in key steps. Find which of the
following steps are in correct sequential order:
1. Assessment of Training Requirements
2. Organization analysis
3. Execution of Training Programs
4. Task analysis
5. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness
Choose the correct option
A. Only 1-2-4
B. Only 2-3
C. Only 1-3-5
D. Only 2-4-5
63. You are tasked to establish the set of steps that best reflect a logical procedure in terms of
performance appraisal. Which set should you consider?
A. 1. Take Corrective Action
2. Establish Performance Standards
3. Compare Measured Performance Against Established Standard
4. Measure Actual Performance
B. 1. Take Corrective Action
2. Compare Measured Performance Against Established Standards
3. Measure Actual Performance
4. Establish Performance Standards
C. 1. Measure Actual Performance
2. Take Corrective Action
3. Compare Measured Performance Against Established Standards
4. Establish Performance Standards
D. 1. Establish Performance Standards.
2. Measure Actual Performance
3. Compare Measured Performance Against Established Standards
4. Take Corrective Action
64. Bruce thinks that Clark, the foreman at Tuff Stuff Metal Works, is a poor performer. He regularly
checks the work and closely supervises him. He does not trust the competency of Clark. He has
low exceptions from Clark and this has resulted to the decrease in Clark’s performance. What
effect is evident here?
A. Golem effect
B. Halo effect
C. Pygmalion effect
D. Galatea effect
65. A t-shirt manufacturing company decided to bring in some changes in their policies and work
environment. The team experts have recommended that
1. flexible work arrangement shall be provided
2. enhance the job security
3. creating task variety
4. exploring and creating career opportunities
What is their main purpose behind doing all this?
A. Organization
B. Introducing new value system
C. Managing stress
D. Enhance job satisfaction
66. Task demands and ethical dilemmas are examples for ____ stressors while Type A personality is
a ____ stressor.
A. Work- related; nonwork
B. Nonpersonal; personal
C. Real; imagined
D. Work-related; personal
67. Veronica is a team member in a large corporation. She never speaks in team meeting because
she has seen members talk behind each other’s backs after the meetings. Members are
constantly monitoring the other members’ work, looking for mistakes to point out in a meeting.
According to the information provided, which contextual factor is most likely hindering the
success of Veronica’s team?
A. Adequate resources
B. Team structure
C. Climate of trust
D. Performance evaluations
68. When managers are “How can I construct a total portfolio of reward programs that link to both
short and long-term business success, drive shareholder value, encourage desired behaviors,
and deliver value to our employees?”, they are seeking to produce a________.
A. Reward strategy alignment
B. Pay-for-performance program
C. Strategic compensation package
D. Wage curve
69. Paulo is stressed with the new corporate reorganization. He now reports to a foreign office that
has unsurped many of his responsibilities, including the contract labor for his projects, therefore
he’s working with less qualified and new contractors with whom he doesn’t have a relationship.
However, the manager of the other departments find themselves in the same boat and
everyday they are able to laugh over lunch about the new managerial impotence. _______ is
helping Paul handle his stress.
A. Self-efficacy
B. Social support
C. Cognitive dissonance
D. Time-management
70. You are tasked to do recruitment activities. Which two central issues must you address?
A. Methods to use to find applicants and sources to target
B. Cost and applicant fit within organizational culture
C. Cost and places to look for applicants
D. Job analyses and places to look for applicants
71. Adam is preparing a job advertisement that would be sent and published in a leading
newspaper. What statement does he need to put to develop interest in the job?
A. “You’ll thrive on challenging work.”
B. “Ideal candidates will possess a four-year degree with an emphasis on management.”
C. “Schedule flexibility and familiarity with various software application required.”
D. “Responsibilities include event planning and relationship management.”
72. A manager would like to ask the applicant a question like, “How would you organize a sales
effort?”. He is seeking information regarding the applicant’s _______factor.
A. Intellectual
B. Personality
C. Knowledge
D. Motivation
73. James is a salaried employee whose job is to proofread documents. He discovers that he is paid
substantially more that his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very
similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to the equity theory?
A. The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease.
B. The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease.
C. The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increased.
D. He will seek a position within the company to commensurate with his pay.
74. The business supply company decides to send coconut managers to a training course in bill
collection. A successful account manager thinks that the course will be interesting but doubts
that the company will give account managers time for collection activities. In this case, the
training is likely to be minimally successful because the account manager
A. Doubts that the company will reinforce the learning
B. Seems unmotivated to learn new skills
C. Lacks the ability to learn new skills
D. Does not see how the training relates to the job
75. An employee training and development program which is designed to help the employee get the
most out of it has the best results in the long-term growth of any organization. Which factor is
the most important in designing this training program?
A. Hiring trainees
B. Defining outcomes
C. Evaluating the progress of trainees
D. Correcting trainees problems
76. HR Gold is an agency engaged in employee performance appraisal. Recently it has got an
assignment from Jump & Kick. The requirements are:
1. Giving the best picture of performance
2. Maintain the confidentiality
3. Keeping the name of appraisers anonymous
4. Requires a subjective feedback and comments
Which method should it employ?
A. Management by objectives
D. 360-degree feedback
77. Which of the following illustrates using results as a criterion for evaluating a supervisory training
A. An interpersonal relations rating scale completed by the subordinates of each
B. A 10-item questionnaire asking the supervisor to evaluate the results of the training
C. Frequency count of how often the supervisor praised or disciplined their subordinates
over the next 8 weeks
D. Measure of turnover, productivity movement, and grievances in each supervisor’s
78. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. More conflicts exist in teamwork
B. Teamwork requires more meetings
C. The costs of using teams may exceed the benefits
D. Teamwork takes less time than individual work
79. The following are the steps of Grievance handling. They are not given in proper sequence.
Analyze and divide
Follow up
Receive and define the nature of the dissatisfaction
Get the facts
Choose the correct sequence from the option given below
A. III, IV, I ,V, II
B. V, II, IV, III, I
C. I, III, IV, II, V
D. I, II, V, IV, III
80. Jack and Jill agree to an arrangement that they will be available for work when required but no
particular number of hours or times of work are specified. They enter into
A. Fixed-term contracts
B. Sub-contracting
C. Zero hours contracts
D. Temporary working contracts
81. Anthony Quilantan has recently applied for a position in pharmaceutical sales. As a recruiter
which personality characteristic of Anthony would you look into as most predictive of his
success in a sales position?
A. Extraversion
B. Openness to experiences
C. Consciousness
D. Agreeableness
82. Which of the following best describes how the work sampling techniques is executed?
A. Applicants submit work samples from previous jobs
B. Applicants are asked to respond to question about how they would perform various
C. Applicants are tested on their ability to perform several tasks crucial to performing the
job of interest.
D. Applicants are tested on their ability to perform a range of task related to several
positions in a company.
83. A classroom-based program, led through discussion, role play, or training videos in conjunction
with discussion work best when teaching complicated ideas or methods of interacting with
other people. Which of the statement does not portray the benefits of classroom training?
A. Classrooms allow little interaction among trainees
B. Classrooms can accommodate a large number of trainees.
C. Classrooms provide formal learning environment
D. Classrooms are well equipped for training purposes.
84. This training method has limited usefulness because it does not provide for active participation
of the learners, and there is no practice, no feedback, no knowledge of results, and limited
transfer of training. Which method would you avoid?
A. Special study
B. Simulation
C. Programmed instruction
D. Lecture
85. Reane is the owner of Fast Glow Cosmetics Company. Since the last 2-3 months, she is facing
problems regarding employee discipline. The employee come late and enter into arguments.
Sometimes they even destroy or waste the organizational resources. She is looking toward a
short term solution for dealing with problem behaviors. What action should she take?
A. Redefine the rules and apply consequences
B. Give written warnings and suspend temporarily
C. Reprimand and terminate
D. Reprimand and reassign
86. In preparing the performance appraisals, the sale manager ranked Marcia as the overall best
salesperson because he had the highest level of sales, and Jemuel as the overall worst
salesperson because he had the lowest level of sales. The other salespeople were placed
between Marcia and Jemuel in order of their sales. What performance appraisal format was
A. Forced distribution
B. Graphics rating scale
C. Straight ranking
D. Absolute standard
87. Which of the following statements is most likely to have been said by a Theory X manager?
A. “I spend most of my day closely supervising employees. When I’m not around, I suspect
that they do as little as possible.”
B. “My employees work really hard they seem to motivate themselves.”
C. “Most people are hard workers.”
D. “The key to high productivity is giving employees the opportunity to make decisions.”
88. Maia has recently discovered that a co-worker is making Php 40,000 more per month in spite of
the fact that both Maia and her co-worker have similar credentials and levels of effort. In light of
this discovery, Maia is dissatisfied. Maia’s dissatisfaction can be explained by ____ theory.
A. Self-efficacy
B. Equity
C. Expectancy
D. Reinforcement
89. Which of the following are particular benefits of teamwork to the organization rather that to the
A. Learning skills from others
B. Job enrichment
C. Increased motivation
D. Transfer of skills and technical expertise
90. What is the reason why teamwork can increase management control?
A. Team members monitor and control each other’s actions
B. People within the team complete with each other for management’s favor
C. People can share more information and knowledge so individual skill diminishes
D. Maximum earning potential is usually greater with an incentive plan than a traditional
merit plan.
91. Which of the following statements regarding incentive pay plans is most accurate?
A. Unlike merit pay plans, base pay is set at the market rate for incentive plans.
B. Once earned, the incentive pay becomes part of the employee’s base pay.
C. Caps are used to keep incentive pay levels even with the industry pay level.
D. Maximum earning potential is usually greater with an incentive plan than traditional
merit plan.
92. In order to prepare a comprehensive job analysis, an organization needs to survey or interview
job incumbents as well as
A. Job applicants, human resource personnel, and managers
B. Supervisors, job analysts and customers
C. Supervisors and job applicants
D. Supervisors and job analysts
93. All of the following are characteristics of a person describes as having a hardy personality except
A. They feel a sense of commitment to their goals.
B. They feel they are in control of their lives.
C. They are critical of their environment.
D. They see unexpected change as a challenge.
94. Employees who wish to lower their job stress should follow all of the following suggestions
A. Building pleasant, cooperative relationship with as many of your colleagues as you can
B. Finding time every day for detachment and relaxation
C. Creating realistic goals and deadlines for yourself, and set regular progress reviews
D. Putting off dealing with distasteful problems
95. Based on interviewer assessment of attractiveness and gender, which of the following do you
think would most likely receive the highest rating for an executive level position?
A. An attractive woman
B. An attractive man
C. An unattractive man
D. There are no such biases based on attractiveness and gender
96. Although the manager chose to use a structured interview, what must the manager bear in mind
about the disadvantage of using structured interviews?
A. Lack of ability to pursue follow-up questions as they develop
B. Reduced subjectivity
C. Lower potential for bias
D. Enhanced ability to withstand legal challenge
97. To maintain performance of a newly-learned skills after training is completed, the trainer should
A. Teach the trainees self-management skills
B. Provide clear instructions
C. Match training techniques to trainees’ self-efficacy
D. Provide opportunities for enactive mastery
98. A manager wants to promote group interaction in the training session that he is conducting.
Lack of accountability of individuals within the group, off-task conversations, and employees
who try to dominate the discussions are just some of the potential problems surrounding group
interactions. Which of the following learning methods must the manager use to maximize group
interaction among participants in training program?
A. Orientations
B. Lectures
C. Case studies
D. Group discussions
99. Joan is a single mother of two. Although she a competent worker, she could not physically be in
the office everyday. As her manager, which type of flexible places would you offer her as an
A. Mobile working
B. Telecommunicating
C. Teleconferencing
D. Hot-desking
100. Training and development is very closely linked to performance appraisal because:
A. Both functions are carried out by the same people
B. Training and development activities are provided for those employees whose
performance is considered to be below an acceptable standard
C. Strength and weaknesses identified in the performance appraisal will be used to
determine training needs
D. Both functions seek to gather the same employee related data