Uploaded by Tate Bell

Software Dev vs. Hardware Engineer: Career Paths & Income

Careers, Salaries & Lifetime
By Tate
My career choices
My two chosen careers:
1. Software Developer
I chose this because I enjoy everything computers, I’ve
started learning programming languages so it looks like
a cool job!
1. Computer Hardware Engineer
I also love building computers, so designing the parts
inside your computer seems very interesting to me!
Software Developer:
Software Developers are tasked with
creating and developing websites,
programs, and other applications that
run on computers or other devices.
I think software development is very
cool and not to mention, the pay is
Computer Hardware Engineer:
Computer Hardware Engineers are
responsible for designing, researching,
developing, and building computer systems
and components like chips, memory
devices, and circuit boards.
When I first got into computers, I started
out by taking apart and putting back
together an old family computer. This
career is almost kinda nostalgic to my
introduction to computers, which I think is
really cool!
Differences between Software Developers and Computer
Hardware Engineer:
There is a huge difference between Software
Developers and Computer Hardware Engineers. Here
are just a few:
● Hardware developers plan and build computer
equipment and systems.
● Software developers plan and build the operating
systems and applications that run on hardware.
My top pick:
For right now, I’d prefer to do computer hardware engineering! I love learning
about the hardware for computers and I’m sure I would enjoy designing it.
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