IRE TRANSACTIONS 116 ON MICROWAVE An lV~Way Hybrid ERNEST THEORY AND Power TECHNIQUES January Divider* J. WILKINSON~ w 5’ummary-A circularly symmetric power divider is described which splits a signal into n equiphase equismplitude parts where n can be odd or even. The power divider provides isolation between output terminals and approximately matched terminal impedances over about a 20 per cent band. A theory of operation is given which yields the necessary design parameters, and an experimental model is described wtilch has a minimum isolation of -27 db between output terminals, an output VSWR of 1,6, and an input VSWR. of L2. OUTPUTS t-+--q OUTPUTS HYBRID JUNCTIONS I I I 6 — I INPUT INTRODUCTION (b) <a) problem HE a number T nals It is often ally in that independent of some 1, In junctions the the 1(a), provides signal \ arrays. that between output band. dividers are feed Two of illustrated structure necessary T of to preserve common center conductor of a coaxial line, and the combined load is matched by means of a quarter-wave inals, junctions. of the outputs put only being other all of output loads appear This circular phase having in paper no of Fig. outputs independent provides isolated of and The power coaxial been line split divider in into which given which so that as because it maintains any but, number in of addition, OF OPERATION the hollow of length fashion, inner 2 consists conductor A shorting of a has end,l manner between although they i.e., at right may angles June Mass. each are spline at also be connected to the splines. in When terminals, the reflected signal will split; part of it will travel directly to the remaining output terminals via the resistors, and the rest of it will travel back to the input, splitting again at the junction put and then returning Thus, the reflected terminals. to the remaining wave arrives outat the remaining output terminals in two parts, and the path length difference between the two paths of travel will be 180° when the splines are A/4 in length. It will be shown that when the value of the resistors and the characteristic impedance of the spline transmission lines are chosen, also equal the two parts in amplitude; of the reflected hence, complete wave are cancellation occurs. plate I A tapered section is shown at the input discontinuity caused by the abrupt change * Manuscript received by the PGMTT, manuscript received, September 10, 1959. ~ Sylvania Electronic Systems, Waltham, and resistors a signal is fed into the power divider, it divides by virtue of symmetry into n equiphase equiamplitude parts. No power is dissipated by the resistances when matched loads are connected to the outputs, since all splines will be at the same potential. However, if a reflection occurs properly in Fig. X/4. manner, of the splines output possesses outputs. as sketched n splines dis- at the input in a radial at one of the output provides outputs, any between outon the serious between frequency, THEORY 1(b), mismatched 1(b), nine power power the a device matched If 16-to-1 Fig. across equality limitation symmetry, badly describes amplitude radial a isolation parallel line” identical, the the splines the output end and a common junction. Output connectors are shown connected to the splines in an “in yet +$ of the however, connects connected complex- with loads. by Fig. 2. and example, has, are symmetry and has term- of outputs. circular It terminals terminal. the of the of outputs. advantage the for in matched because number be replaced cost number to be used dissipated hand, any have may the structure a binary required, would output separate, of feed between 1(a) to a number were divider Fig. addition corporate providing isolation of In providing hybrids, of T junctions the hybrid ity To provide ELDI a the equiphase equiamplitude condition independent of frequency. In Fig. 1(b), circular symmetry is employed where all the output terminals are connected to the transformer. GNDI ZO(WLINE-TO-$H, is fundamentaddition, frequency the symmetry 1. equiamplitude in a corporate SHORTINGPLATE (NOT par- phased which exist power Fig. sig- engineers, of and, into output RF equiphase isolation used Fig. input field specified commonly Fig. to of frequency, over more an in a manner degree terminals the one working desired high up equiamplitude familiar be obtained fairly in a those condition dividing of equiphase is ticularly of 3, 1959; revised end for reducing the in line sizes when a standard type N connector is used. A more convenient form of thk device, which eliminates the need for a separate tapered sectio:, can be realized by uniformly tapering the splined coaxial section Itself. 1960 An Wilkinson: N-Way Power Divider Hybrid b COMMON JUNCTION [NOT GNO) RX y , RX Rx Rx ‘t Va+j(n * ‘n- ‘07,) :J = () n—1 RO & — () $’tS RO jVa~ r = O V.– VI:% =() l+W+ Zo R, Ro – l)~Vn+jV~~ RO j V. —+ ‘x v’” 117 – ‘“;,Jlvn 1 1[0 v. . r g,+ (3) Zo +, \ 11 ;HIELO (GNo} For perfect V.= O, (3) may isolation be combined to yield 1 v, —.— v 1+: 2 1 1“ ~ 1 1’”’ Fig. (4) l;”* & SHORTING )LATE (NOT GNO) 3—R,=external loads connected between splines and shield (GND); Ro= internal loads connected between splines and common junction poin~; Zo = characteristic impedance of each splineto-shield transmission line; V= voltage applied to a single output terminal; V. =voltage appearing at nth output terminal; V. = voltage appearing at input terminal. and for matched terminal the must 1 by a generator voltages all line spline 1: line at the because of equations is a quarter V is applied of internal V. appearing be equal transmission sion to Fig. 3, if a voltage resistance other output symmetry. when wavelength each long VI = V. cos d + jll.’ZO (0= 7r/2), we obtain ,. !, - (4) and (5) yields R = R,: to output Ro, then v’; Ro. 20 = (6) terminals Applying spline admittances, .. —.— Combining Referring output the transmiswe have sin 6 = jll.’ZO Thus, loads R and the characteristic if the internal pedance of the spline-to-shield adjusted according isolated and to (6), the outputs matched. The these conditions will n output Ro, after loads through transmission a quarter each wavelength are will be completely input impedance be the parallel im- lines under combination has been of the transformed of line ZO. Hence, 20” spline n: V. = V. cos 6 + jIa.ZO sin O = jIa.Zo RO Zi.Duti = ~– ‘n (1) or, in other matched puts It is also true that words, when the input of the power the conditions for isolation In order and the ?’l— 1 (~lb + IZU)RO = v – V1 of this b+A) Ro=vl-vn (2) mately whose Combining VI, v., v.: (1) with (2) equations we for obtain the the following unknown set voltages is also between out- type having eight whether in Fig. 1(b), a that was 8-to-’1 spline-to-shield inpedance of impedance lines had of Zo=%$=d$’o the tlhe isolation realized unsloti-ed was in dividler modified slots of an characteristic times characteristic eight be a pc)wer Narrow conductor to create or not could design, procedure. center RESULTS features practical illustrated spline-to-shield simultaneous of following hollow lines output divider type to the the to determine matched power In divider are satisfied. EXPERIMENTAL Im=:-–— = R. a of according were power millled in divider transmission of approxi- coaxial Ro/w%. Hence, line the IT8 fRE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY 2 3 OUTPUT TERMINAL Fig. in accordance with to RO (50 ohms) splines, (see Fig. were obtained 150-ohm ~-watt internal very loads. resistors soldered manner Isolation using and equal in value to a short resistors combination for the was found ratio is 27 db, although inals—a of Fig. it is not constant 3. The output S—Isolation N-way to the theory VSWR for between output terminals hybrid power divider. 1.6 three 500 MC / 50-ohm to yield be noted, of 500 mc the minimum fact contrary i a L4 - at the operating 450 to 5.50 mc. It will frequency I 8 OUTPUT TERMINAL vSWR VS. TERMINAL values of VSWR and isolation characteristics. The measured isolation between outputs is plotted in Fig. 5 over the frerange [ 7 1.8 frequencies. Standard General Radio 50-ohm loads were used to terminate the unused terminals when measuring quency [ 6 circuiting VSWR combination low reactance-to-resistance the center I 5 to the ends of the output a parallel composition This I 4 NUMBERlI$0LAT16N WITH RESPECTTO TERMINAL I 1 1 I INPUT TERMINAL VSWR vs. FREQUENCY Eight in a radial 4). January 4. were then joining ring (6). TECHNIQUES I I I Fig. AND that at isolation for all output = % 1.2 ,.o~ 2 term- 1 440 I 460 Fig. 6-VSWR based on the model is plotted in Fig. 6 and is 3 480 4 5 OUTPUT TERMINAL NUMBER , I 500 520 FREQUENCY IN MC characteristics for N-way 6 7 8 1 540 I 560 1 580 hybrid power divider. about 1.6 at 500 mc, where the input VSWR is about 1.2. The output-to-input ratio was measured and found to be – 9 db at all frequencies, indicating that the device was behaving as an 8-to-1 lossless power divider with negligible insertion loss. The experimental model described above differs in further several wire respects from the theoretical theoretical model assumes a diameter in wavelengths. In the experimental The principle effect of this appears model. which model First, the is negligible it was 0.1A. to be that it shifts development work, the inequality of isolation between output terminals is believed to be due to a more fundamental reason, It will be noted that, shunting any pair of output terminals, there is a short circuited twoline formed by the pair terminals. When finite impedance but the length is shunted at frequencies of splines leading to these of the splines is A/4, an inbetween output terminals; off the center frequency, a finite re- the center frequency for best performance to a lower value than the design frequency, and, perhaps, changes the effective resistance of the internal loads, since the current throughout the length of the resistors may no longer be uniform. Second, measurement of the phase between outputs showed several degrees of phase in- actance appears between output terminals which is directly proportional to the characteristic impedance of the two-wire line formed by the splines. Because of the circular arrangement of output terminals, diametrically opposite splines (terminals 1–5 in Fig. 5), for example, would form a transmission line of higher characteristic equality, indicating that the perfect symmetry assumed in the theory had not been achieved in the splined struc- impedance than adjacent Fig. 5). Since, the shunting ture and internal loads. Finally, the exact value of the pair of output isolation will terminals, the center the for any terminal. mentioned above can be overcome with frequency 1–2 in for each it is to be expected not be uniform characteristic impedance of the spline-to-shield transnot exactly ~~Ro. Although mission lines was probably effects splines (terminals effect is difference where for all terminals, there that the except is no shunting at effect