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IELTS Preparation Resources: Books & Websites

Useful resources for IELTS preparation
Build Up To IELTS, DELTA Publishing, out 2022 (6.5-8.0)
Cambridge English Complete IELTS series, CUP (4-5, 5-6.5, 6.5-7.5)
Expert IELTS series, Pearson (up to 5, up to 6, up to 7.5)
Focus on IELTS, Sue McConnell, 2015 edition, Pearson (doesn’t specify a level but upper int +)
IELTS Graduation, Macmillan (4-5.5.5, 5.5-7.5)
IELTS Intensive, Delta Publishing (5.5-6.5)
IELTS Masterclass, Oxford University Press (Foundation: 4.5-5.5; Advanced: B2-C2)
IELTS Target, Garnet Education (5.0, 6.5, 7.0)
Mindset for IELTS, Cambridge University Press (4 levels A2-C1)
Objective IELTS, Cambridge University Press (Intermediate, Advanced)
Ready for IELTS, Sam McCarter, Second edition, Macmillan (5-7)
Developing skills
Collins Listening for IELTS, Reading for IELTS, Speaking for IELTS, Writing for IELTS (5-6.5)
Focusing on IELTS Listening & Speaking / Reading & Writing, Macmillan (Lots of sub-skills work)
Get Ready for IELTS Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Collins (A2+)
IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and Writing, Delta publishing (B1-C2)
IELTS Advantage Reading skills / Writing skills / Speaking and listening skills, Delta publishing
IELTS Booster photocopiable activities for teachers, Cambridge University Press
Improve Your IELTS - Reading for IELTS / Listening & Speaking for IELTS / Writing for IELTS,
Instant IELTS (photocopiable resources), Cambridge University Press
50 Steps to Improving Your Academic Writing, Garnet Education
Developing language
Check Your Vocabulary for IELTS, Macmillan
Grammar for IELTS, Collins (5-6+)
IELTS Common Mistakes, Cambridge University Press (5.0-6.0, 6.0-7.0)
IELTS Games and Activities: Grammar at Play, Delta publishing (B1-C2)
IELTS Games and Activities: Win with Words, Delta publishing (B1-C1)
IELTS Grammar, Cambridge University Press (6.5+)
IELTS Language Practice, Macmillan
IELTS Resource Pack, Delta publishing
IELTS Vocabulary, Cambridge University Press (6.5+)
Vocabulary for IELTS, Collins (5-6+)
Test practice
IELTS 15, 16, 17 etc. authentic test practice books, Cambridge University Press
These next ones include test practice but with training, e.g. tips, strategies.
IELTS Trainer / Trainer 2 (Academic / General training), Cambridge University Press
IELTS Test Builder, Macmillan
IELTS Practice Tests Plus, Pearson
Useful books for letter writing
Brieger, N. (2011) Collins English for Business: Writing. London, England:HarperCollins
Evans, V. (2006) Successful Writing. Upper-Intermediate. - Express Publishing
Other resources
Tips for IELTS, Sam McCarter, Macmillan
(The Tips book is great - all the strategies students should follow.)
Useful IELTS websites
Tips, strategies and some model answers.
Tips, strategies and some model answers.
Tips, strategies and some model answers.
Some free exercises and materials to help learners to develop their speaking skills.
A few tips for teachers here in the form of videos.
Free lessons on youtube (usually on Thursdays), tips about IELTS speaking