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Land Suitability Analysis: Housing Development in Hoshangabad

HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
HS 1202 - Planning Studio II
Land Suitability - Site Selection
Mahima Saluja
Suhani Jain
Aman Sharma
Chetna Godiyal
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
Table of content
I) List of figures
Ii) List of Table
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Background................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Methodology............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Aims and objectives................................................................................................ 4
2. METHODS AND DATA..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Data collection........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Data and criteria of analysis.……………………………………………………5
Attribute Thematic maps…………………………………………………………….5
Raster and Reclassify…………………………………………………………………8
Weighted Overlay…………………………………………………………………….9
3. RESULTS………………………………………………………………………………...10
3.1 Land suitability analysis for developing housing…………………………...10
4. DISCUSSION……………………………………………………………………………11
5. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………11
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
List of Figures
Figure 1 Plan with all planning and ward boundaries and selected sites
pinned on it.
Source: Author
Figure 2 Land value Thematic map
Source : Author
Figure 3 Slum density thematic map
Source : Author
Figure 4 All major highways,arterial and local roads
Source : Author
Figure 5 All the major tourist spots and transit station in the
Source : Author
Figure 6 Multiple ring buffer(Shape file)
Source : Author
Figure 7 Raster Image of Multiple ring buffer
Source : Author
Figure 8 Cummilative of Land suitablity Analysis
Source : Author
Figure 9 Contour Analysis
Source : Author
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
Hoshangabad ( Narmadapuram)
Land suitability report
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
The fundamental objective of land suitability analysis, according to Kaiser et al.
(1998), is to identify regions within a planning area that are best suited for specific
land-uses including settlement, agricultural, national park, and other uses. Land
managers and urban planners can benefit from site suitability research since it
can be used to create a master plan or land-use plan for an area. (1991, Steiner).
"Suitability methodologies are vital for informed decision-making," claim Steiner et
al. (2000, p. 200). The most important decision an analyst takes when utilising this
tool is how to assign relative weights or values to two or more combined elements.
Moreover, GIS (Geographical Information System) is a helpful tool for mapping
and analysing land-use suitability for projects involving urban, agricultural, mining,
and all other land-use types (Brail and Klosterman 2001; Collins et al. 2001).
According to Hopkins (1977) and Collins et al. (2001), land-use appropriateness
analysis entails determining the best spatial layout for potential land uses based
on the demands, preferences, or predictions of a particular activity. In several
circumstances, GIS has been used to evaluate the feasibility of land use for
ecological approaches to animal habitat and plant species (Store and Kangas
2001). GIS was utilised by Bonham-Carter (1994) to analyse geographical
favorability, and Cambell et al. (1992) and Kalogirou (2002) used it for landscape
design and evaluation. Planning for both private and public real estate can
make use of GIS. For instance, Janssen and Rietvelt (1990) utilised the same GIS
for regional planning, whereas Eastman et al. (1993) and Church (2002) used it to
choose the optimum sites for public and private sector infrastructure. As a result,
GIS is a crucial tool for all planning processes. Depending on the intended use for
which the land is needed, different experts may have varying definitions of what
"land-use appropriateness" means.
This procedure of determining the land appropriateness of various sites chosen by
us through the process of hand-drafted sheets, has been carried out using
ArchGIS (Version 10.8). The goal of the study is to identify the most advantageous
location in Hoshangabad (Narmadapuram), Madhya Pradesh, for the
construction of homes. For the selection process, factors such land value, slum
development, connectivity, closeness to the CBD, and important transit hubs are
taken into consideration. Also, each attribute has been given weight for analysis
and these shape files have been transformed to raster pictures. The site with the
greatest score based on the supplied weight is where the study comes to its
1.3Aim and Objective
The overall purpose of this study is to find the most appropriate site for housing
1. To identify available land based on existing land uses
2. To create suitability map layouts
3. To discuss the most feasible site for housing development
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
2. Methods ans Data
2.1 Data collection
Data were collected from Google Earth maps, topographic maps and land-use
maps using ArcGIS. For contour analysis maps from USGS are considered.
The digital analysis was carried out using the Geographical Information System
(ArcGIS version 10.8). To achieve the objectives of the study, the following
methodology was developed;
• Input: Data from the case study of Hoshangabad
• Process: Calculate composite scores
• Output: A map identifying locations that are suitable for the selected land uses
2.2 Data and criteria of analysis
The basic key for the GIS plan was the model of the database. The basic
population,connectivity,proximity to CBD,proximity to transit and tourist spots.
Raster maps were used for weight overlay analysis. When land suitability is used in
a raster ArcGIS situation, each criterion in the database is assigned a scored
according to its suitability.
2.3 Attribute Thematic Maps
In order to demonstrate the working of GIS suitability for Housing development, a
practical process has been performed by reclassifying the 5 kinds of theme maps.
The attributes of each thematic map were ranked on a scale factor of 1-10
based on their suitability for housing development.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
Figure 1
Plan with all planning and ward boundaries and selected sites pinned on it.
Source: Author
2.3.1 Attribute 01 : Land Value
Figure 2 Land value Thematic map
Source : Author
According to the data collected from Hoshangabad Development Plan,Dark
green represent the least land value and red with the highest.
From the point of view of developer,least land value is the most suitable as it will
help in reducing the initial investment cost.
2.3.2 Attribute 02 : Slum Population
Figure 3 Slum density thematic map
Source : Author
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
Hoshangabad Development provides with the density and location of slum in the
district with the provided information we created this thematic map.
Slums may hinder in the environment of the housing colony,The site which the
farthest proximity to the slum population will be the most suitable for housing
development.Plus,it will be easy to sell the plots when the development does not
have a slum environment nearby.
2.3.3 Attribute 03 : Connectivity (major roads nearby)
Figure 4 All major highways,arterial and local roads
Source : Author
Green represents the planning boundary ,black represents the major highways
whereas red and orange are arterial and local roads respectively.
Connectivity plays an important role in any development. Therefore,a thematic
map for studying the major roads around site would help in understanding its
connectivity with the district and also help us understand which site has the least
cost for transit.
2.2.4 Attribute 04 : Proximity to CBD,Tourist spots and major transit
Minakshi and Satrasta are
major CBD of the district.
Sethani Ghat and Adamgargh
are major attraction for tourists
here. Major Transit such as
Railway station and two Bus
station are also marked in the
above map.
Figure 5 All the major tourist spots and transit
station in the district.Source : Author
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
2.3.4 Multiple ring buffer : Clubbed attributes
Figure 6 Multiple ring buffer(Shape file) Source : Author
The above map shows buffer of the districts.Buffers from major highways passing
the district and all the roads, buffer from the Narmada river,Buffer for the
CBD,Railway and tourist spots.
2.4 Raster and Reclassify
Figure 7 Raster Image of Multiple ring buffer Source : Author
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
2.5 Weight-age Overlay
For creating suitability plans weight-age to various attributes are given in order to
figure out the most appropriate site.Each attribute is marked on Maximum score
10. Following is the table with the given weight to each attribute:
Table 21 Weight Overlay for each attribute
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
3. Results
According to input in weight overlay and various thematic maps created
following are the results.
Figure 8 Cummilative of Land suitablity Analysis
Source : Author
3.1 Land suitability analysis
Most Suitable : yellow in the above map represents the least suitable land for
housing development.
Moderately Suitable : Orange,represents the moderately suitable land.Most of
our selected sites lies in this zone.
Green suitable : Site 4 and 6 lies in the green patch of map which the most
suitable land for housing development.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal
HS - 1202 Planning Studio -II
4. Discussion
The results showed that land-use suitability analysis is a useful tool for land
managers and urban planners as it can be used to develop a master plan or
land use plan of an area (Steiner 1991) for urban and housing use.Because the
district is virtually entirely on plains and there are no very steep slopes, contours
are not included in the report.Following thematic map shows the steep slope
surrounding the districts on 1:8 ratio.
5. Conclusion
Figure 9 Contour Analysis
Source : Author
Land suitability is a critical versatile process which can considerably affect the
benefits that can be derived from the land. In the context of application, this
case study identified the land with high suitability land for Housing development
use. It is more expensive to use land that is categorized as moderately suitable.
This case study demonstrates that GIS based methods can be used in housing
land-use planning.The sites which lie in most suitable area I.e., green are site 4
and site 6, which were the most suitable land through out manual SWOT analysis
too. Green patch shows that land value in the area is the lowest and its proximity
to CBD and major transit is close with suitable connectivity through major roads of
the districts.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal