FLIPPED MATHEMATICS EDUCATION: ITS EFFECTIVENESS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT IN LEARNING FRACTION OF GRADE SEVEN STUDENTS AT MEYCAUAYAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL LANY F. ROSARIO Researcher Meycauayan National High School Camalig, Meycauayan City, Bulacan Contact Details: 0919-094-0336/ lany.rosario@deped.gov.ph ABSTRACT This action research aimed to improve the Mathematics performance of students of Meycauayan National High School in calculating fractions. Participants were sixty (60) Grade 7 students from heterogenous class for school year 2021-2022. The class was divided into two (2) groups. Thirty students (30) were randomly selected and instructed using flipped education. A second cohort of the class was instructed thru conventional way as control group. The researcher aimed to improve mathematics performance in solving fractions using Flipped Education. The results of the study showed that the students exposed to flipped education performed better than students who were taught conventionally. The findings stressed that the results of the Post-test of control and experimental groups have significant differences. During this pandemic and in times when students have a hard time in understanding the process in solving fractions, it is proposed that teachers should give or provide link of videos, power point presentations and other learning materials where students could watch and browse as many times as they need until they difficulties for a certain part of the lesson was unlocked. Keywords: flipped education, fractions, performance, skills, pre-test, post-test, and virtual class STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the pre-test scores of the control group and the experimental group? 2. What are post-test scores of the control group using traditional or conventional method and the experimental group using flipped education? 3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the control group and the experimental group? TYPE OF RESEARCH The study was a quasi – experimental design. The experimental group received a treatment while the control group only had the regular virtual discussion. The pre – test and the post – test of the two groups were compared and analyzed. RESPONDENTS AND SAMPLING METHOD The respondents of this study were the Grade 7 students of Meycauayan National High School with “online” modality of learning. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. Students with online modality clustered into sections were selected. INSTRUMENT The researcher constructed a Pre – test/Post – test to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The researcher asked the help of her colleagues to give some pointers on how to improve the questionnaire. The said test was validated by the master teachers in mathematics. The test focused on solving fractions specifically, operations on fractions. DATA ANALYSIS The data was collected and processed in response to the problems posed in chapter one of this study. The data was treated using mean and standard deviation. The researcher also categorized the test results of the students in the pre-test and posttest, using a scale. The descriptive scale is as follows: Range of Score Percentage Achievement Level 17-20 93-100 Excellent 13-16 63-90 Above Average 9-12 73-80 Average 5-8 63-70 Below Average 0-4 53-60 Poor RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Scores of the Control Group and the Experimental Group in the Pre-test The findings of the study were based on the scores of the two groups in pre-test and post-test as presented on the tables. Table 1 Pre-test Mean of Control Group and Experimental Group Control Group Experimental Group Mean 6.4 Mean 6.0 Standard Deviation 2.34 Standard Deviation 2.38 Table 1 shows the mean of both the control group and the experimental group in the pre-test. The control group marked a mean of 6.4 which was interpreted as below average while the students in experimental group registered a mean of 6.0 which was also interpreted as below average. This shows that both the control group and the experimental group were of the same level when it comes to their academic performance before the study was conducted. Table 2 Post-test Mean of Control Group and Experimental Group Control Group Experimental Group Mean 9.77 Mean 14.00 Standard Deviation 3.00 Standard Deviation 2.37 Table 2 shows the post-test scores of the control group and the experimental group in the achievement test. The results served as one of the main data of the study to determine the impact of flipped education in improving the test scores of the Grade 7 students in learning fractions. Based on the data above, it shows that the control group marked a mean score of 9.77 interpreted as average achievement level, while the experimental group’s score mean is 14.00 which was determined as above average. In addition, the Grade 7 students in the experimental group improved their tests scores in solving fractions as compared to their pre-test scores. This means that through flipped education, the students became more motivated and more enthusiastic to learn and understand what they are doing. This also means that there was a better retention of learning thru Flipped Education. Table 3 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Control Group and Experimental Group Pretest Posttest Improvement Control Group 6.40 9.77 3.37 Experimental Group 6.00 14.00 8.00 Table 3 shows the comparison between the pre-test scores and post-test scores of the control group and the experimental group in the achievement test. Based on the data above, it shows that the control group improved by 3.37 difference in their mean scores while the experimental group had 8.00 difference. This means that though both group shows improvement in their test scores, the experimental group had greater improvement compared to the control group. This also shows that Flipped Education is significant in the improvement of students’ test scores in solving fractions. The above findings stressed that the results of the Post-test mean of control and experimental groups have significant differences. This explains that the levels of learning outcomes of the experimental group have improved after being exposed to flipped education. It is noted that the flipped education is more effective that the traditional type of learning fractions. CONCLUSIONS In the light of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Traditional method is effective in teaching fractions. 2. Students were more motivated to learn fractions using flipped education. 3. Flipped education is more effective than the conventional method of teaching fractions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were drawn: 1. The teachers should provide videos and other learning materials which students could access during their free time. 2. Educators should embrace the new trend in learning which will help both the students and the teachers. 3. Educators should implement flipped education for learners to become more participative and increase their test scores, thus improving their skills in solving fractions.