Principles of Management – Final Project Grading Rubric 5 4 1 2 Changes to actions, Made changes in at least 6 actions, activities, and/or activities, and behaviors. behaviors Made changes in at least 5 actions, activities, and/or behaviors. Made changes in at least 3 actions, activities, and/or behaviors. Made changes in 2 or fewer actions, activities, and/or behaviors; if only 1 change is cited, score this row a 0. Selection of actions, activities, and behaviors Actions, activities, and behaviors selected demonstrate deep comprehension of lessons taught in this course. Actions, activities, and behaviors selected demonstrate comprehension of lessons taught in this course. Actions, activities, and behaviors selected are related, although peripherally, to lessons taught in this course. Actions, activities, and behaviors selected demonstrate a vague or unclear understanding of lessons taught in this course. Evaluation of selected actions, activities, and behaviors as they relate to challenges Identifies actions, activities, and behaviors that are targeted precisely to the challenges they intended to resolve. Selections demonstrate clear mastery of all aspects of course learning discussed. Presents thorough and insightful explanation(s) and includes all of the following: considers history of challenge, examines feasibility of engaging in the actions, activities, and behaviors, and weighs the impact these changes may have in their work in other areas. Identifies actions, activities, and behaviors that are relevant to the challenges they intended to resolve. Selections demonstrate clear mastery of most aspects of course learning discussed. Presents thorough explanations and includes most of the following: considers history of challenge, examines feasibility of engaging in the actions, activities, and behaviors, and weighs the impact these changes may have in their work in other areas. Identifies actions, activities, and behaviors that are adequate relative to the challenges they intended to resolve. Selections demonstrate basic mastery of course learning. E xplanations lack depth, touching on some of the following: considers history of challenge, examines feasibility of engaging in the actions, activities, and behaviors, and weighs the impact these changes may have in their work in other areas. Identifies actions, activities, and behaviors that are superficial and seem poorly connected to the challenges they intended to resolve. E xplanations fail to demonstrate mastery of course learning. 1 Score Implementation of Implements actions, activities, actions, activities, and behaviors in a manner that demonstrates accurate, deep, and behaviors and logical interpretation and comprehension of materials taught in course and how these fit within their personal context – the industry, organizational culture, and their personal work situation. Implements actions, activities, and behaviors in a manner that demonstrates accurate interpretation and comprehension of materials taught in course and how these fit within their personal context – the industry, organizational culture, and their personal work situation. Implements actions, activities, and behaviors in a manner that demonstrates some interpretation and comprehension of materials taught in course but does not state how these fit within their personal context – the industry, organizational culture, and their personal work situation. Implements actions, activities, and behaviors in a manner that demonstrates a misunderstanding of some course concepts and/or poorly relates these to their personal context. Evaluation of outcomes Reviews results relative to the challenge defined with thorough, specific considerations of need for further work. Reviews results relative to the challenge defined with some consideration of need for further work. Reviews results in terms of the challenge defined with little, if any, consideration of need for further work. Reviews results superficially in terms of the challenge defined with no consideration of need for further work. Curiosity Explores topics in depth, indicating intense interest in the subject. Explores a topic in depth, yielding insight and/ or information indicating interest in the subject. Explores a topic with some evidence of depth, providing occasional insight and/ or information indicating mild interest in the subject. Explores a topic at a surface level, providing little insight and/ or information beyond the very basic facts indicating low interest in the subject. Reflection Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of this course) in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about work, which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time. Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of this course) in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader perspectives about work. Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of this course) with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a somewhat broader perspectives about work. Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of this course) at a surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a broader perspective about work. 2 Reflection and self-Assessment Demonstrates a developing sense of self as a manager, building on learning from the course and prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts. Demonstrates a sense of self as a manager, building on learning from the course and prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts. Demonstrates a static sense of self as a manager, but does build on learning from the course and/or prior experiences to respond to existing contexts. Does not envision future self as a manager. Conclusions and related outcomes Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation. Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly. Conclusion is logically tied to information (because information is chosen to fit the desired conclusion); some related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly. Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed; related outcomes (consequences and implications) are oversimplified. Sum ÷ 9= Score 3