Uploaded by Krishna Karish Maitim

Diplomatic History of the Philippines Presentation

Of the Philippines
By Batu, Ebrahim, Grayn, Maitim, Pasculado, Salcedo, Villaflor
What we'll discuss
What Are the Functions of Diplomats? By
Irene A. Blake
Key Skills for the Five Main Diplomatic
Functions By Marc Finaudd
Five Ways to Remain Diplomatic without
Shaking Hands By Marc Finaud
Politico-Diplomatic History of the
Philippines by Samuel K. Tan
What we'll discuss
Philippines-Egypt Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Belgium Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Brazil Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Portugal Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-United States Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Austria Diplomatic Relations
Philippines-Lebanon Diplomatic Relations
Lyka Desiree Batu
What are the functions of Diplomats?
Relationship Building
Reporting and Policy
Consular Services
Media and Publicity
Key Skills for the Five Main Diplomatic
•“Representing the sending State in the receiving State”
•“Protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending
State and of its national, within the limits permitted by
international laws.”
•“Ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments
in the receiving State, and reporting thereon to the
Government of the sending State.”
•“Promoting friendly relations between the sending State and
the receiving State, and developing their economic, cultural,
and scientific relations.”
Five Ways to Remain Diplomatic without Shaking
No handshake but other means of
expressing courtesy
Crisis does not mean the end of civility
Diplomats can go digital too.
Preparing for future in-person meetings.
Still contributing to friendly relations.
Politico-Diplomatic History of the Philippines
The beginning of Political History of
the Philippines
The change of ancient political
The post-colonial political system
Four perceivable periods of foreign
contacts, encounters, and relations.
Four perceivable periods of foreign contacts, encounters,
and relations.
1. Before the coming of Islam in the late 13th century.
2. The establishment of two powerful sultanates in Southern Philippines
and a strong Brunei-Manila politico-economic process altered the
structure of Philippines foreign relations.
3. The establishment of the colonial system following the Spanish' success
conquest and occupation of Manila in 1570 resulted not only in the
elimination of the Muslim political system in Southern Luzon but also in
the beginning of Spanish diplomatic history.
Four perceivable periods of foreign contacts, encounters,
and relations.
4. Postwar Philippines foreign relations with the United States whose
dominant influence in Philippine affairs continued after the restoration of
Philippine independence in 1946.
Norhaya Ebrahim
Philippines-Egypt Diplomatic Relations
Established in 1946
Philippine Embassy in Cairo was the only
Philippine Foreign Service Post in the Arab
and African region.
Marked a historic milestone in 2016
Political relations between both countries
have expanded considerably, especially in
South-South cooperation and in Muslim
Has also been a friendly voice for the
Philippines in the Organisation of Islamic
Conference (OIC)
Philippines-Egypt Diplomatic Relations
More than 20 bilateral agreements in various
fields, dating back to their signing of a Treaty
of Friendship on 18 January 1955
Socio-cultural and people-to-people relations
Have regularly lent mutual support for their
respective candidatures to United Nations
(UN) bodies
Philippines-Egypt Diplomatic Relations
Economic front
US$100 million in 2011
Bilateral trade between the Philippines and
Egypt most recently stood at US$17.656
million on 2014
Sentro Rizal Cairo
The first such Filipino cultural center in the
September 2016
Noe Villaflor
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
The Philippines is situated between the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean and
lies entirely within the tropics.
Total land Area of 299, 303 square kilometers.
Consists of 7,107 islands which the three major island groups are Luzon, Visayas, and
With the population of 103.3 million (2016) including over 10 million Filipinos live
Philippines have 187 indigenous Philippine language and the two official languages
are Tagalog and English.
The Philippines is Predominantly Roman Catholic (80.6%) followed by Muslim
Filipinos accounting around (5.56%) of the population.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Political Overview System of Government
Philippines is a constitutional republic with a democratically elected president and
a bicameral congress.
Philippines is governed as a centralized state with the exception of the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) which has its own government.
President functions as the head of the state, the head of the government, and a
commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Presides over the cabinet for six years.
Bicameral Congress is composed of the Senate, the upper house, and House of
Representatives, as the lower house.
Judicial Power is vested in the Supreme Court, composed of a Chief Justice as the
presiding officer and fourteen associate justices.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
2016 Philippines Election
May 9, 2016, 44 million Filipino voters participated for the election:
Rodrigo Duterte was elected president and Leonor Robredo as Vice president.
Conflict in the Southern Philippines
• On March 27, 2014, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front
(MILF) signed a peace agreement.
• On May 23, 2017, PRRD declared Martial law applicable to whole of Mindanao for 60
days as a result of the Marawi City Seige.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Conflict in the Southern Philippines
• On the times of Marawi Seige, Australia immediately provided
humanitarian assistance through local and international partners.
Australian government announced further funding to support
humanitarian response for the recovery in Marawi and the long-term
peace building and stability in the Southern Philippines.
• Due to the high threat of terrorist attacks in central and western
Mindanao, the Australian government advised their people not to travel on
the aforementioned.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Foreign Policy
• The Philippines is a founding member of the ASEAN and has a
history close relations with the United States.
• The foreign policy has traditionally focused on three pillars: national
security, economic diplomacy, and the protection and promotion of
the welfare of the Filipinos abroad.
• Philippines’ concern about the overlapping territorial claims of West
Philippine Sea involving China. The tribunal favored of the Philippines.
• The protection and the promotion of the welfare and safety of
Filipino overseas workers has traditionally accorded in high priority.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Bilateral Relations
• Diplomatic relations were established when Australia opened a
Consulate-General in Manila on May 22, 1946: An Australian
Ambassador to the Philippines was appointed in 1957 and the
Philippines opened an Embassy in Cranberra in 1962.
• On November 18, 2015, the Prime Minister and President Benigno
Aquino III signed the joint declaration on the Australian-Philippines
Comprehensive Partnership.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Joint Declaration on Australian-Philippines Comprehensive Partnership
• Australia and the Philippines cooperate closely in a broad range of
areas, including defence, counter-terrorism, law enforcement and
• The two countries share a common interest in cooperating in
regional affairs through the East Asia Summit (EAS), Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum.
• Australia and the Philippines marked 70 years of bilateral relations
in 2016. A Philippine Presidential Proclamation declared 22 May 2016
and each year after as the Philippines-Australia Friendship Day.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
People-to-People Links
• Significant numbers of Filipinos have immigrated to Australia since
the 1960s and Filipinos remain one of the fastest growing immigrant
communities in Australia.
• Overview of Australia’s aid program to the Philippines
• Australian Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the
Philippines will be an estimated $79.7 million in 2019-20. Our
economic partnership with the Philippines will focus on all elements of
our trade, investment and aid initiatives working together to promote
• Australia’s interests in the Philippines will be pursued by assisting
the Philippine Government to develop a well-managed and stable
government and a more prosperous, inclusive and open economy.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
People-to-People Links
• The strategic direction of Australian aid to the Philippines is informed
by the Australian Government’s development policy Australian aid:
promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability, 2017 Foreign
Policy White Paper, and Australia’s national interests; by our ability to add
value; and our previous development results.
• The Philippines program is designed to meet the key objectives of
inclusive economic growth, effective governance, and peace and stability.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
People-to-People Links
• Our aid program is organized around the following three mutually reinforcing
objectives as outlined in the Aid Investment Plan the Philippines: 2015-2016 to
Objective 1: Enhancing the foundations for economic growth
Objective 2: Building stronger institutions for transparent and accountable
Objective 3: Improving conditions for peace and stability
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Below are some highlights of our results under the Australia’s aid program to the
• The Philippines Social Protection initiative has supported the Philippine Government’s
social protection reform agenda.
• Australian support helped to conceptualize, design and implement flagship social
protection programs including the Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program the
National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction the Sustainable Livelihood
Program and the National Community Driven Development Program.
Philippines-Australia Diplomatic Relation
Australia’s aid program in Mindanao supports stability and prosperity in the region by
providing practical support for the peace process in Mindanao, improving economic
development, addressing the drivers of conflict, and assisting post-conflict recovery:
o Since the Marawi crisis, Australia has provided $24 million to the Philippines to
support the response, recovery and long-term peace building efforts for Marawi.
o Australia supports the Bangsamoro peace process through the Australian
Partnerships for Peace Program
o Australia will continue to support a comprehensive education assistance program to
reduce the gap in school participation and learning achievement in highly
disadvantaged communities.
o Australian Partnerships for Peace Program
o Australia-World Bank Mindanao Trust Fund
o Australia-World Bank Support to Task Force Bangon Marawi
Norhaya Ebrahim
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
Diplomatic relations between Chile and the
Philippines began in 1854 when Chile opened a
consulate in Binondo, Manila
Just like our country, it was once a colony of Spain;
thus, Spanish is the national language of its people.
Not only that, its capital city of Santiago resembles
Manila in many ways; it has an extended urban area,
consisting of several towns that have merged with
the city’s central into its suburbs.
Just like our country, it was once a colony of Spain;
thus, Spanish is the national language of its people.
Not only that, its capital city of Santiago resembles
Manila in many ways; it has an extended urban area,
consisting of several towns that have merged with
the city’s central into its suburbs.
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
Similar political experiences
“I think there are similarities in the experience of
both countries with martial-law regimes,” PuyatReyes said, as she compared the regimes of
Augusto Pinochet and Ferdinand Marcos. “Both
countries were successfully able to overcome
military rule with the restoration of their respective
freedoms. These days, we enjoy this freedom even
more thoroughly, because we know what it was like
to live in a world where [previously] there was none.”
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
‘Resilient, full of empathy’
Filipinos know very little about Chile, except that it
is far from the country. However, in 2010, the South
American country was placed under the spotlight
when 33 Chilean miners, who were trapped
underground for 69 days, were miraculously rescued
and survived the ordeal. For a while, the miners, and
Chile, were the darlings of the media.
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
A regular day
Chile has only 343 Filipino residents.
In 2002 the Filipino envoy had the opportunity to
promote the Philippines with her appointment as
president of the Instituto Asiático y del Pacifico de
la Universidad Santo Tomás (Institute of Asia and
the Pacific of the University of Santo Tomás).
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
Honors received
Puyat-Reyes is also responsible for the establishment of the
organization of the Chilean-Filipino Chamber of Commerce,
and the Ecuadorian Philippine Association and the Philippine
Association in Ecuador.
Since her appointment as ambassador to Chile, seven bilateral
agreements have been signed in the areas of agriculture,
mining, housing, tourism, education and trade, while
cooperation and assessment programs were also established.
She was reappointed as Philippine ambassador to Chile,
Ecuador and Peru from 2010 to 2016 by President Aquino. She
also actively serves as a member of the Asean committee in
Santiago, along with the diplomats from Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Philippines-Chile Diplomatic Relations
Excellent relations
Puyat-Reyes said the Philippine and Chile have excellent
relations despite the distance.
A great tourism destination
Because of its dry locations, Chile is home to three
observatories, each designed for a particular purpose. This
is where the European Extremely Large Telescope is
located. Another is the Atacama Large Millimeter Array in
the Alma Observatory, consisting of a group of up to 66
radio telescopes working together to study the universe
located 5,000 meters above sea level in the Andes
Mountain Range. The third, the Large Synoptic Survey
Telescope is a great astronomy project of US giant
Internet Google, which aims to digitally film the entire
area visible from the Earth.
Kenneth Salcedo
Philippines-Belgium Diplomatic
Belgium–Philippines relations refers
to the bilateral relations between
Belgium and the Philippines.
Belgium has an embassy in Manila
and the Philippines has an embassy
in Brussels.
Philippines-Belgium Diplomatic
Connections between Belgium and the
Philippines can be traced back in the
Colonial era during the reign of Leopold II
of Belgium. Leopold II who just ascended
the Belgian throne in 1865 lobbied Queen
Isabella II of Spain to cede the Philippines,
Spain’s sole colony in the Far East, to
Belgium in his search to acquire a colony for
his country.
Philippines-Belgium Diplomatic
Economic relations
During a visit to the Philippines in September 1995,
Belgian State Secretary Reginald Moreels [nl]
decided to designate the Philippines as a “partner
country” meaning that the country is prioritized as a
recipient of Belgian development assistance. This
designation remained until April 2000. Since 1995,
Belgium has given the Philippines more than 45
million Euros worth of grants and loans as economic
and social development aid to the country.
Philippines-Belgium Diplomatic
Filipinos in Belgium
Filipinos in Belgium comprise migrants from
the Philippines to Belgium and their
descendants living there. While the Belgian
National Institute of Statistics has 3,067
Filipinos officially registered, the Commission
on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) estimated that
there are 12,224 Filipinos in Belgium in
December 2013.
Philippines-Brazil Diplomatic
Brazil–Philippines relations refers to
bilateral relations between Brazil and the
Philippines. Brazil has an embassy in Manila
and the Philippines maintain an embassy in
Brasilia. Both nations were conquered by
the Iberian powers, namely by Spain and
Portugal, in the 16th century.
Philippines-Brazil Diplomatic
Official diplomatic relations between the
Philippines and Brazil were established in July
1946. On 16 September 1965, Ambassador S.
Carlos Tan opened the first Philippine
chancery in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s former
capital. The Philippine mission transferred to
Brasilia on 01 September 1973.
Philippines-Brazil Diplomatic
Economic relations
In June 2009, the Philippines and Brazil made their
pledges as they signed mutual cooperation
agreements in the fields of bio-energy and
agriculture. The two countries committed
themselves to take the necessary steps to
implement the signed Memorandum of
Understanding on Cooperation in Agriculture and
the Memorandum of Understanding on Bioenergy
Philippines-Brazil Diplomatic
Brazilians in the Philippines
Since 2004, there has been a wave of Brazilian
models coming to the Philippines for work.
Many of these models are of Japanese
heritage. They look somewhat like Filipinos
but with more “chiseled features”, which has
been an advantage to them in finding jobs in
the Philippines.
Krishna Karish Maitim
Philippines – Portugal Diplomatic Relations
Philippines and Portugal Sign Two
Agreements to Strengthen Relations
On October 17 at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Portuguese
Republic in Lisbon, Philippine
Ambassador Philippe J. Lhuillier of
the Philippines Embassy in Lisbon
signed 2 Memorandums on behalf
of the Department of Foreign
Memorandum of Understanding on
the Establishment of a Bilateral
Consultation Mechanism and a
Memorandum of Understanding on
Cooperation in Diplomatic Training
and Exchange of Information and
It institutionalizes formal
mechanisms for having more
dynamic and closer
engagement and bilateral
relations between the
Philippines and Portugal.
It will facilitate interaction
between the two countries’
diplomatic training institutes.
Philippines – Portugal Diplomatic Relations
Honorary Consul Bridges two nations
half-a-word apart (Portugal)
One of the Philippine’s
richest and influential
Appointed as Portugal’s
honorary emissary to the
He is the instrumental to the
visit of one of the Portugal’s
highest officials, Secretary of
State of the Republic of
Portugal Eurico Brilhante Dias.
Honorary Consul Antonio A. Rufino
Philippines – Portugal Diplomatic Relations
Where can we attribute the speedy recovery of Portugal’s economy during
the last decade? How can the Philippines benefit from it?
First, the International Monetary Fund advice that the European
Commission and the European Central Bank, should implement
a wide range of structural reforms that, together with short-term
measures, increasing the external competitiveness of the
Portuguese economy.
Second, as external factors, including the insecurity felt in
several tourist destinations in Europe such as Southern France
or Spain, and even in Northern Africa, have made tourism in
Portugal increase exponentially.
Philippines – Portugal Diplomatic Relations
What items do we import from Portugal, and what does it source from
the Philippines?
In 2017, the Philippines imported nearly $2.5 million from
Portugal: 23 percent were machinery; 12 percent, food products;
and 11 percent, wood and cork.
That same year, Portugal imported nearly Philippines: 43
percent were machinery, 17 percent agricultural products, and 15
percent plastics.
Philippines – Portugal Diplomatic Relations
How would you assess the current relations between Portugal and the
There is a great potential to grow, particularly in tourism.
They are increasingly discovering Portugal. It has great weather,
amazing food, the more pristine beaches in Europe, plenty of
history, and prices are still 30 percent to 40 percent lower than
the rest of the continent.
The number of Filipinos looking for residence in Portugal under
the Golden Visa program has also been increasing
Alyssa Pasculado
Philippines-United States Diplomatic
Political Engagement
US policy of rebalancing to Asia -enhance
economic ties and people-to-people
Bilateral Strategic Dialogue
- a key mechanism for discussing the full
range of political, security, and economic
Two plus Two "2+2" Meeting. - discuss issues
of mutual concern for both countries
Philippines-United States Diplomatic
Strategic Security Management
Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951
Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
EAST-CP (Extended ASEAN Seafarers
Training-Counter Piracy)
Philippines-United States Diplomatic
Development Assistance and
Economic Cooperation
United States Agency for International
Development (USAID)
Partnership for Growth (PFG)
Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)
PH-US Science and Technology Agreement
Philippines-United States Diplomatic
People-to-People Ties
350,000 Americans residing in the Philippines
3.4 million Filipinos residing in the United
Memorandum of Understanding
Philippines-Austria Diplomatic Relations
October 17, 1946 establishment of
diplomatic relations of Philippines and
Austro-Hungarian, 1871
Philippines embassy in Vienna
Philippines-Austria Diplomatic Relations
Labor Relations
35,000 Filipinos residing in Austria (2014)
90% are in the health and service sector
Migration pattern
Jenelyn Grayn
Philippines-Lebanon Diplomatic Relations
22 January 2018 BEIRUT — In line with efforts to strengthen and
deepen bilateral partnership between the Philippines and
Lebanon, Ambassador Bernardita L. Catalla paid a courtesy
call on the Speaker of the Parliament of the Lebanese
Republic, H.E Nabih Berri on 12 January at his official residence
in Beirut.
Embassy of the Philippines, Beirut
The Embassy of the Philippines in Beirut is the diplomatic
mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the Lebanese
Republic. Opened in 1996, it is currently located at the W
Building on Rue Mar Geries in the southern Beirut suburb of
Hadeth, part of the Baabda District in the Mount Lebanon
Philippines-Lebanon Diplomatic Relations
Although the Philippines and Lebanon established
diplomatic relations in 1946, the Philippines did not
establish an embassy in Lebanon until November 1996,
with Fortunato Oblena becoming the country's first
resident ambassador. Prior to the establishment of
the Embassy, the Philippines conducted diplomatic
relations with Lebanon through an honorary
consulate in Beirut which, at various points in its
history, was accredited to the Philippine Embassies in
Cairo and Amman.
Philippines-Lebanon Diplomatic Relations
Staff and activities
The Philippine Embassy in Beirut is provisionally headed by a
chargé d'affaires, pending the appointment of a new
ambassador by the Philippine government. The current chargé
d'affaires is Ajeet-Victor S. Panemanglor, while the last
resident ambassador was Bernardita L. Catalla,
The Embassy's activities center around providing to the many
OFWs in Lebanon, which began on November 7, 2000 with the
opening of a Filipino Workers’ Resource Center to help provide
legal aid to OFWs in the country
Philippines-Lebanon Diplomatic Relations
Staff and activities
The Embassy also engages in promoting Filipino culture in
Lebanon, as well as promoting cultural links and exchanges
between the two countries. These include hosting a screening
of the 2002 film Kailangan Kita in 2013, organizing Lebanon's
first-ever exhibition of Filipino art — primarily the works of
Marvin Baldemor, son of Manuel Baldemor — the following
year,[18] and presenting the Filipino translation of The Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran, prepared by Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, to his
eponymous museum in 2018.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
France–Philippines relations refers to the foreign relations
between France and the Philippines. In 1947, France and
the Philippines signed a Treaty of Amity which established
diplomatic relations with the two countries. ... In 2015,
French President François Hollande made a two-day state
visit to the Philippines.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
Joint Declaration on the Enhanced Partnership Between the
Republic of the Philippines and the French Republic
1. We, the President of the Philippines Benigno S. Aquino III and the President of
the French Republic Francois Hollande, agree to expand and strengthen bilateral
relations and elevate the bilateral relationship to an enhanced partnership
between the Philippines and France on the historic occasion of the first visit to the
Philippines by an incumbent President of France made on invitation of President
Aquino during his first visit to France on 17 -18 September 2014.
2. We affirm that the Philippines and France shared the same commitment to
democracy, the rule of law, the maintenance of peace and international security
and to common objectives to promote inclusive economic growth and
sustainable development.
3. On international peace and security, we affirm our opposition to any acquisition
or claim, by coercion or force, of any or all territory of a State by another State, in
violation of international law, especially the Charter of the United Nations.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
Joint Declaration on the Enhanced Partnership Between the
Republic of the Philippines and the French Republic
4. We reiterate the importance of maintaining peace and stability in Southeast
Asia and promoting maritime security, freedom of navigation and the peaceful
settlement of disputes in accordance with international law, including the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). We call for a full and
effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the
South China Sea and the early conclusion of a Code of Conduct in the South
China Sea in fostering peace and stability.
5. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and call on the international community
to work together to fight this scourge to mankind.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
Joint Declaration on the Enhanced Partnership Between the
Republic of the Philippines and the French Republic
6. Acknowledging that our two countries have entered a new, more dynamic and
future-oriented era in the development of bilateral relations, we commit to
maintain this positive momentum and to mobilize our respective governments
towards this end. We believe that upgrading the bilateral relationship would be
highly beneficial to both our countries and peoples. From this perspective, we
agree to encourage the active participation of various stakeholders, such as local
and regional governments, the business community, the private sector and civil
society, in strengthening bilateral ties.
7. We welcome the promising outlook for the development of enhanced
economic and trade relations in numerous industries of the future. We welcome,
in particular, the development of new fields of cooperation and the conclusion of
agreements in the areas of renewable energy, sustainable development, urban
transportation and infrastructure, and the management of natural resources.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
Joint Declaration on the Enhanced Partnership Between the
Republic of the Philippines and the French Republic
8. We wish to develop mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in the area of
health, in particular, in the fight against emerging and re-emerging diseases due
to, inter alia, the effects of climate change.
9. We hope to promote exchanges between the French and Filipino peoples,
particularly the youth, through the intensification of academic exchanges. In this
regard, we welcome the conclusion of agreements in higher education and
research, and in the development of the tourism sector in the Philippines which
would increase tourist flows between our countries.
10. Our enhanced partnership will also be pursued through regular bilateral
political consultations between our Foreign Ministries, through meetings of the
Joint Economic Committee, and through the framework provided by the bilateral
Defense Cooperation Arrangement between our Defense Ministries.
Philippines-France Diplomatic Relations
Joint Declaration on the Enhanced Partnership Between the
Republic of the Philippines and the French Republic
11. We stress the importance of strengthening the fight against climate change
and its impacts and agree that the Philippines and France must work together to
encourage the adoption of a universal and equitable agreement during the 21st
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (COP21) to be hosted by France at the end of the year in Paris.
We, therefore, took the initiative to launch the Manila Call to Action on Climate
Change, which takes into account the needs and concerns of the most vulnerable
12. In that spirit, the Government of the French Republic will extend to the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines, through the French Development
Agency, a loan of at least fifty million euros to contribute to the implementation
of prevention and reconstruction actions in response to natural disasters
resulting from the effects of climate change or from other causes.
France–Philippines relations
France–Philippines relations refers to the foreign relations between
France and the Philippines. In 1947, France and the Philippines signed
a Treaty of Amity which established diplomatic relations with the two
France is the Philippines' fourth largest trading partner in the
European Union after Germany, The Netherlands and the United
Kingdom, trade reached $2.39 billion as of October 2014. This
represented an increase of 24% from the same period in 2013.
In 2015, French President François Hollande made a two-day state
visit to the Philippines.
France–Philippines relations
Relations between France and the Philippines had its roots
since the Age of Exploration. When the Spanish expedition
under Magellan reached the Philippines, 15 Frenchmen were
among its crew. This includes Jean Petit of Angers, Lieutenant
of Trinidad and Bernard Calmette, chaplain of San Antonio.
France–Philippines relations
French missionaries also contributed to the spread of Christianity in
the Philippines.
France became the first country to establish a consul in Spanish
Philippines, followed by Belgium, the United States and finally Great
Britain in November 1844. France established its consul in Manila in
March 1824.
French Liberalism also found its way to the Philippines which
influenced the Filipino colonial government opposition, the reformists
and the revolutionaries.
The French also permitted Rizal to live in exile in France where he
wrote the books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
France–Philippines relations
The revolutionaries of the Philippines sought France for support.
Embassy of the Philippines in Paris
Diplomatic relations between France and the Philippines was officially
established on June 26, 1947 with the signing of the Treaty of Amity.
More than 60,000 Filipino currently residing in France, half of them
live illegally. 80% of Filipinos in France have lived in the nation for less
than seven years, and 95% have lived in France for less than 15 years.
Paris is home to a small Filipino community.
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