WOMEN IN BUSINESS Was performed by a student of 224-541 group Ashyrova Umyda A businesswoman is a special social type of women carriers of liberal values, with an increased need for self— realization, creative dedication, innovators by nature. As a rule, this type of women is in demand not only in entrepreneurship, but also in other areas of work. Women 's ideas about career ( Results of O. A. Zdravomyslova 's research ◦ Women 's ideas about career ( Results of O. A. Zdravomyslova 's research ) ◦ The majority of women in European countries see their work as a way to maintain a standard of living,) and not an opportunity to make a career - only 33% of them identify work with a career (among American women, 46%). Power and influence as a result of a successful career in the eyes of most Russian female managers are rather negative. Although 60% of respondents consider their work interesting and claim that it gives them the opportunity to make independent decisions, more than half are sure that they have no chance of promotion. And they explain the lack of desire for a professional career by the fact that "they are not objectively prepared for a leadership role" (39% of women indicated this), and almost 75% of respondents agree that the salary corresponds to their qualifications. Motivation scale ◦ Women noted that their motivation is more mobile than that of men and is influenced by both personal and organizational factors: it depends on the state of the company, the composition of the team, the implementation of the goals set. Thus, women managers of the older age group (45 years and older) were in the first place professional growth and the desire to act within their own, rather high professional requirements. Russian women entrepreneurs ◦ The problem of women's entrepreneurship continues to be relevant for Russia. the arrival of a woman in business will manifest business potential and inspire confidence, and thereby help overcome outdated ideas. Women need to decide to try their hand at a little-developed field Women entrepreneurs abroad ◦ 2 directions of women's participation in business: 1. through the constantly increasing attraction of women to managerial positions; 2. through the influx of women into small businesses, especially when organizing their own enterprises.. In the USA and European countries, approximately 37% of small businesses operate under the leadership of women ◦ Enterprises run by women are constantly being enlarged, ◦ Enterprises owned by women are much less likely to go bankrupt; ◦ The appearance of women in leadership positions in US firms has improved corporate culture. ◦ In the West, now the growth rate of the number of women in business is 2-3 times higher than men; ◦ In the USA, every second small enterprise, and in Germany - every third - is headed by a woman. Factors hindering doing business: ◦ The world of entrepreneurship is a man's world. Therefore, the principle of displacement of the minority by the majority works here; The existence of centuries-old traditions and stereotypes; The increased emotionality of women; The aggressiveness and cruelty of the modern market; The role of mother and wife, which turns out to be an alternative to doing business. conclusions ◦ More successful are those enterprises in which there is an equilibrium in the quantitative relations between female and male employees. Such enterprises, on average, have an income higher by 56%; The number of women entrepreneurs is steadily growing in various fields of activity; Over time, the social qualities necessary for entrepreneurial activity will probably be increasingly manifested in new generations of women entering life in market conditions. Thanks for your attention!