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start the year -instruction AP biology course

2020-21 AP Biology (Virtual)
Summer Google Classroom Course Code: ​uuw4frl
Remind Code: ​@​hanlingbio
Albert I.O code: ​LWRPJSZAU9LB
College Board Class Code: ​JXNJ7K
Email: ​Kathryn_E_Hanling@mcpsmd.org
Course Overview (PD 2/3)
● Purchase current year ​Review​ book by Monday Sept. 24th
● 2 inch binder, dividers, and notebook paper
○ Dividers: Warm-ups, FRQs, review packets & notes,
labs & worksheets, and quizzes
● **Pencil, pen, highlighters, and calculator
● Summer Reading: ​Survival of the Sickest​. Maolem, Sharon
● FOR VIRTUAL LEARNING: The above is still encouraged as it
will help you be organized for next semester, but if you prefer
to make a digital binder for yourself on Google drive, for
example, that is totally fine! Whether you decide to do chapter notes on paper or digitally, they
must be ​handwritten​ and uploaded to MyMCPS by the deadline.
AP Biology meets for a double period Mondays, and Thursdays. The 120 minutes consist of a
warm-up, teacher centered instruction, and student centered discussion. The focus will be on
connections & examples that work to support the 4 big ideas, as this course is College Board
AP Biology College Board: ​https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/course-details
BIG IDEA 1:​ The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
BIG IDEA 2:​ Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce,
and to maintain homeostasis.
BIG IDEA 3:​ Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life
BIG IDEA 4:​ Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties.
Bozeman: ​http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-biology/
Crash Course Science: ​https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3EED4C1D684D3ADF
Shmoop: ​http://www.shmoop.com/
Explore Biology: ​ http://explorebiology.com/apbiology/
College Board: ​http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/219291.html
Albert.IO: ​https://www.albert.io/classes
Get a Five: ​https://www.getafive.com/
Your review books!!
Your teacher- Please take advantage Wednesday’s or after school for academic support
Saturday School
Study group
1. Attend class everyday & be on time. Attend lunch discussions/ review at least once a week as a study group
(Saturday school applies).
2. Use MYMCPS Classroom daily and make sure your email is up to date.
3. Cell phones, and electronic devices must be silenced and out of sight (unless needed for class purposes)
4. **Always clean-up after yourself**
5. Complete notes by the due date and add to YOUR notes during class.
6. Meet with your study group/ Saturday school weekly sharing ideas and understandings verbally.
7. Set goals for yourself and ask for support from your peers & teacher during lunch time support and Saturday
8. Use authentic data for labs.
9. Zoom:
a. Keep yourself muted unless you’re contributing to class discussion or asking a question
b. Keep camera off and yourself muted if you’re eating
c. Keep chat room conversations appropriate/conducive to a positive learning experience
Each assignment will have a ​due date​ and ​deadline. ​ Any student who turns in work after the due
date, will be penalized 10%. The ​DEADLINE ​for all assignments is ​one week​ after the due date
unless otherwise stated; any work turned in ​after the deadline​ will receive a ​ZERO​.
Integrity is crucial. Cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism and copying written work is cheating
and will result in an automatic ​ZERO​.
All ​tests​ will be announced. ​Quizzes​ may be announced or unannounced (almost never).
Grades are posted in ​MyMCPS​ ​Classroom​/​SYNERGY​ . Students are expected to keep all returned
assignments and check ​SYNERGY​ regularly to evaluate progress. In case of a grade discrepancy, the
burden of proof rests entirely on the student. Keep all assignments.
Students who fulfill the requirements of an assignment or exam will not receive any grade lower
than 50%. However, students who do not complete the assignment or does not attempt the basic
requirements will receive a zero.
Make-up Policy​ If you are absent, it is up to ​you​ to get the work and the assignments you have
missed. All assignments and lessons are posted on MYMCPS Classroom, it’s the student’s
responsibility to pick-up missed work. For excused absences, you will have as many days to make
up this work as you missed.
All Tasks and Assessments
Tests and Quizzes
Experimentation and Lab Analysis (Lab Reports)
Announced Free Responses
Science Friday Projects
Lab Conclusion Questions
Application/Practice Activities (group work, posters, etc.)
Practice Free Response Questions (FRQs)
Review Packets
Pre-lab Questions
Quarterly Assessment
AP Bio Tentative Schedule for 2020-2021 Textbook-Principles of Life 2nd Edition
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Introduction, Note Taking Basic Chemistry, Water,
chemical reactions (solutions) Experimental Design and
Macromolecules ( focus on Nucleic Acids
Water, chemical reactions, solutions,
Law of Thermodynamics
Free Energy
Introduction to Cells
Membrane Structure and Function, Water Potential
Cell Communication
Unit Assessment 1 (October 10-08)
Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis
Ch.1, 2
Ch.3.1, 3.2
2.5, 3.3, 3.4
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 5
Cell Cycle Mitosis, Meiosis, Cancer
Inheritance Genes and Chromosomes (Punnet Squares
and Pedigrees)
Quarterly Assessment (November 11-05) Covers all previous chapters
DNA, RNA,Replication, Protein Synthesis
DNA - RNA- Protein Synthesis
Regulation of Gene Expression
(Electrophoresis, Transformations, plasmids, cDNA
libraries, microarray)
Genome Evolution and Mutations
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Chapter 10
Ch. 11.1, 12.2, 12.3
December 18th Unit Exam Chapters 9-14
Ch. 15
Week 15
Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies Tree of Life
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Origin of Life
Bacteria, Archaea Viruses
Ch. 17
Ch. 18, 20.1
Quarterly Assessment - Jan 23nd (Covers Everything from summer work up to this point)
Week 19
Animal Behavior
Week 20
Ecological Systems, Populations
Ch. 41.1, 41.4, 41.5 , Ch. 42
Week 21
Week 22
Interactions within and Among species,
Ecological Communities
Ch. 43,
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
The Global Ecosystem
**Unit Exam March 4th** (Covers Mostly Chapters 18, 19, 40-45)
Nervous System:
Neurons, Synapses, Signaling
Hormones and the Endocrine System (animals and
Immune System
Ch. 34
Ch 35.1, 35.2, Ch. 26.1, 26.4 , 30.5,
Ch. 39
April 2nd -- Quarterly Assessment
Week 27
Week 28
Plant Form and Function
(Growth, development, nutrition, transport,
Animal form and function, feedback, homeostasis, surface
Animal Development and Reproduction
21.3, 21.4, 21.5 24.1, 24.2, Ch. 25,
27.1, 27.2
36.3, 37.1, 38.2