Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Tutorial flight Index: Introduction Loading the aircraft 1. Preflight 2. Engine start 3. After start 4. Takeoff 5. Climb 6. Cruise 7. Descent 8. Approach and automatic landing 9. Go-around 10. After landing 11. Parking procedure 12. Leaving the aircraft 1 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Introduction The purpose of this tutorial flight is to show the normal operation of the MD-11. For a comprehensive systems description, you can find a separate document dedicated to each system in the “manual/systems description” folder. We have chosen a relatively short flight (about 2 hours total flight time) from El Paso International Airport (KEPL) to Memphis International Airport (KMEM). This is a real flight operated by FedEx. We have made the flight plan using SimBrief. Here are the most relevant data: -Our route will be: KELP/22 TDOWN3 SFL DCT INK DCT FUZ DCT TXK HOBRK3 KMEM/18C. -Alternate airport (ALTN) will be KSTL. -Our cruise altitude will be FL330 with no steps. -Payload will be 168800 Lbs. -Block fuel: 59545 Lbs. -Taxi fuel: 2000 Lbs. -Trip fuel: 33033 Lbs. -Takeoff fuel: 57545 Lbs. Loading the aircraft Usually pilots receive the aircraft with the external power on, but we will start from a Cold & Dark cockpit. You can load the aircraft without engines running in X-Plane to put it in that 2 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight state or you can also use the Rotate MD-11 Aircraft Menu and select the Cold & Dark state. This Menu is accessible through X-Plane’s Plugins Menu: Before we start with the preflight, we will load the aircraft. For that matter we will use the Load Manager, inside the Aircraft Menu. (We could also use X-Plane’s Weight, Balance & Fuel Menu but beware that in that case the values won’t be automatically inserted in the FMC). You can directly copy and paste the quantities from your flight plan to the Load Manager. You will also have to enter the Payload CG. Move the slider to the left until you get a TO-CG of around 30 to 31 % MAC: 3 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Note: The graphic shows the Zero Fuel Weight Center of Gravity (ZF-CG) and the Take Off Weight Center of Gravity (TO-CG) for a given weight. Y axis represents weight (units are set in the options tab) and X axis represents the CG as a percentage of the MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). The lines represent the ZF-CG and TO-CG limits. TO-CG and ZF-CG values are shown below the graphic, along with the Take Off Weight (TOW), the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) and the Landing Weight (LW). For the Landing Weight to be calculated, the pilot must enter the Trip Fuel. Now we can either directly click on “Apply load configuration to aircraft and FMS” or, to make it more realistic, go to the Ground operations Menu and Request Fuel and Load services. In this case, or if loading via "X-Plane’s Weight, Balance & Fuel Menu", FMS weight & balance values must be entered manually. Don’t forget to open the doors first: 4 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Let’s continue with the preflight. 1. Preflight First of all we have to connect the battery bus, so open the BAT switch cover and push the BAT switch. Check that BAT light “OFF” and BAT BUS light “OFF” are extinguished, then close the guard. Now we can perform the Engine/APU Fire Test by pressing the ENG/APU FIRE TEST button. 5 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight We need some Electrical Power, so we can either use the External Power or the APU. For the External Power to become available we need to call the GPU in the menu. When the GPU is connected we will see the “AVAIL” annunciator in the EXT PWR switch. 6 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Push the EXT PWR switch. Observe that the EXT PWR “ON” light illuminates, AC DC 1, 2 and 3 “OFF” lights extinguish. GEN 1, 2 and 3 “ARM” lights should remain illuminated. If External Power is not available, we can use the APU. Press the APU PWR switch. Observe that the APU PWR “AVAIL” blinks during APU start. 7 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight After APU start, APU “ON” light illuminates. Observe that AC DC 1, 2 and 3 “OFF” lights extinguish; AC TIE 1, 2 and 3 “ARM” lights illuminate; GEN 1, 2 and 3 “ARM” lights remain illuminated. Now we can perform the Annunciator Lights Test. Press ANNUN LT TEST button and hold. Observe that panel annunciator lights illuminate. Also observe PFD, ND, EAD and SD amber “X”. 8 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Time to get the Air Conditioning going. Assuming that APU is already ON, press the APU switch on the Air Panel. Press 1-2 and 1-3 ISOL switches and observe that DISAG illuminates briefly and 1-2 ISOL, 1-3 ISOL and APU “ON” lights illuminate. Press Pack switches and observe “FLOW” and “OFF” lights are not lit. 9 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Now we have to switch on the IRSs, which will trigger the Cargo/Cabin Fire Test. Move the first NAV/OFF selector to “NAV”. Cargo/Cabin Fire Test should begin automatically. Move the other NAV/OFF selectors to “NAV”. Observe MASTER WARNING lights. EAD alerts will be displayed on the Air synoptic. Cabin/Cargo Test can also be performed manually by pushing the CARGO FIRE MANUAL TEST switch. Now we will move to the Multifunction Control Display Unit (MCDU) to initialize the IRS. 10 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Go to the A/C Status page by selecting “REF” and pressing the 5L function key (that is, the fifth key in the row to the left of the screen), “A/C STATUS”. Check that NAV DATA BASE is up to date. Go to F-PLN INIT page by pressing 6R or “INIT”. Here we can enter a CO ROUTE (Company Route) or enter the departure and destination airports, in the FROM/TO field. Type KELP/KMEM and enter it by pressing 1R. Then press 4R to INITIALIZE IRS. IRS alignment will take a few minutes, so we have time to (Note that squares indicate mandatory fields in the MCDUs.) 11 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight IRS alignment will take a few minutes, so we have time to perform the Hydraulic Pressure Test: -Verify that HYD SYSTEM MANUAL light is not lit and that AUX PUMPs “OFF”. -Press HYD PRESS TEST switch until “HYD PRESS TEST” alert on EAD. -Select HYD System display on SD. -Verify Hydraulic system 3 quantity is at least 5.3 gallons. Continuing in the overhead panel, we will arm the emergency lights and set the NAV lights to on. After that, we will perform some checks in the Glareshield Control Panel: -Confirm IN or HP selected. -Set BAROSET to QNH. -Set current altimeter setting. -Set MINIMUMS to RA. -Confirm 200 ft RA on PFD. -Confirm HDG readout on ND is MAG. -Bank angle selector AUTO. Now we can set the FMS. Again, most relevant data of our flight are: -Our route will be: KELP/22 TDOWN3 SFL DCT INK DCT FUZ DCT TXK HOBRK3 KMEM/18C. -Alternate airport (ALTN) will be KSTL. -Our cruise altitude will be FL330 with no steps. -Payload will be 168800 Lbs. -Takeoff fuel: 57545 Lbs. -Taxi fuel: 2000 Lbs. -Trip fuel: 33033 Lbs. -Block fuel: 59545 Lbs. Pressing the INIT button will take you to the first INIT page, which is the F-PLAN INIT page. 12 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight We will enter the flight plan manually, but first we will explain how to enter a Company Route. To do so, there must be a route file inside the Rotate-MD-11/user-files/saved-routes folder. It must be a .txt file and the route must have this format: KELP SID SFL DCT INK DCT FUZ DCT TXK STAR KMEM In this case (which is the route of this tutorial flight) we will enter the name of the file: “ROTKELPKMEM” in the CO ROUTE field. Note that SIDS and STARS still have to be entered manually. But let’s continue to enter the route manually. We have already entered the origin and destination airports in the FROM/TO field. -Enter your flight number in the FLT NO field. -Enter the alternate airport, which will be KSTL, in the ALTN field. -Enter the cruise level/s. We may enter various cruise levels to do a step climb. In this flight we won’t perform a step climb, so we will enter our cruise altitude, which is 330, in the CRZ LEVELS field. If we want to make a step climb, we should enter the various cruise levels separated by a “/”, ie: “310/330/350”. -Enter the outside temperature for the first cruise level and the head wind component of the overall flight. In our case it will be -50/HD35. -Enter the CI (Cost Index). This variable goes from 0 to 999 and affects fuel consumption and performance of the aircraft. Basically, the higher the number, the speed will be higher and more fuel will be consumed. We will enter a CI of 50. We have completed the first INIT page, but there are 3 INIT pages, as you can see in the upper right corner of the MCDU screen. To navigate through the pages, press the “PAGE” button and move to page 2, which is WEIGHT INIT. Here we can enter all the mandatory 13 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight values manually or automatically. To do the latter, just press the function keys adjacent to the corresponding fields. Do this with all the fields: BLOCK, TOGW, ZFW, TOCG and ZFWCG. Now we will go to the F-PLN page to enter the flight plan. First we have to enter the SID first. Click on the departure airport, KELP, then “SID”, then select the take off runway: 22; select the SID: TDOWN3; select the transition: SFL. Finally, press “INSERT”, which will be marked with an “*”. This will automatically switch back to the F-PLN page. Now we will enter the waypoints of our route in between the SID and the STAR. Scroll down to the next waypoint after the SID, which is SFL. So the next waypoint is INK. We can just type “INK” in the scratchpad and insert it after SFL. A DUPLICATE NAMES page will 14 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight appear: click on the first one, which should be the nearest. Next waypoint is FUZ, so repeat the process. Do the same for the last waypoint before the STAR, which is TXK. Note: If we have to enter an airway between two points, the procedure should be the following: Click on the entering waypoint of the route, then click on AIRWAYS and there you can enter the airway in the VIA field. Once you enter the airway, you can enter the exiting point of the airway in the TO field. Finally, we enter the STAR: Click on KMEM, then click on STAR; select I18C; select the STAR: HOBK3; select the transition: TXK; click on INSERT*. MCDU will switch back to the F-PLAN page. 15 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight You may notice an error message in the scratchpad: ALT ERROR AT TAMMY. Clear the message by pressing the CLR button; we will take care of it later. Now we should clear any discontinuity in the flight plan. To do so, just click on the CLR button and then on the F-Key corresponding to the discontinuity. You may encounter another discontinuity in the STAR that can’t be cleared. This is normal. Now we can check the route in the ND. Select the PLAN mode in the glareshield. Click F-PLN in the MCDU so it will take you to the first point in the route, which is the take off runway 22. Then scroll down by using the UP arrow and check the route in the ND. You can increase or decrease the displayed range using the “INCR” and “DECR” keys in the FGCP. 16 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Finally we have to fill up the TAKE OFF page, so click the “TO/APPR” button in the MCDU. FLEX value sets a derated take off power to the engines. Basically, the number indicates a supposed outside temperature higher than the actual temperature. Enter 50. Enter FLAP 22. Enter the slope of the runway and the head wind component in the SLOPE/WIND field. Enter the outside temperature in the OAT field. A message will appear indicating “CHECK/CONFIRM VSPDS”. Clear it and push the corresponding function keys to the left of the V-speeds to confirm them. V-Speeds will now appear magenta on the speed tape in the PFD. 17 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Flight plan is completed and we are done for the moment with the MDCU. Now go to the FCP: -Dial the speed limit below 10000 ft, which is 250 kts. -Set Heading for takeoff runway 22, which is 222. -Set the altitude selector to the first altitude constraint given by ATC. If there’s no ATC we can set it to cruise level 33000 ft. 2. Engine start Supposing that we have ATC clearance, it’s time to call for pushback and start the engines. You can call for pushback through the Aircraft Menu: -Press ENG IGN switch A or B. 18 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight -Observe that ENG IGN A or B illuminates and ENG IGN OFF light extinguishes. -APU Air should be already ON. If not, turn it ON. -Turn Seat Belt signs ON. -Set Beacon lights ON. Perform BEFORE START Checklist. We will start engines 3, 1 and 2, in this order. -Pull #3 ENG START switch. 19 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight -Above 15% N2, FUEL switch to “ON”. -At 45% to 50% N2, #3 ENG START switch pops in. After engine 3, start engines 1 and 2. Normally, packs resume operation after all three engines are running. 3. After start -After engine start, press AIR APU switch to turn it OFF. -Press APU START/STOP switch to shut it down. -Verify that GEN switches “OFF” and “ARM” lights extinguished Perform AFTER START Checklist. Now we can check the flight controls: -Press CONFIG SCP switch 20 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight -Rotate wheel full left, full right and observe GREEN aileron and spoiler boxes. -Move the control column full forward and aft and observe GREEN elevator boxes. -Operate rudder full left and right and observe GREEN upper and lower rudder boxes -Press ENG CUE on SCP. Now we can set the Longitudinal Trim, flaps and slats for take off. The FMC will calculate the Long Trim value for take off and display it in MCDU’s take off page, labeled as “STAB”: 21 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Take off trim will be -6.7 in our case. Take off flaps will be 22. To set flaps you have to put the flap lever in the DIAL-A-FLAP position and then use the FLAP T.O. selector to actually dial the desired flap setting: You can see the Longitudinal Trim indication in the Display Unit #4 (DU4) and Flap indication in the PFD, as shown in the pictures below: 22 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Next we will confirm runway and V-speeds selected in the FMS. Perform BEFORE TAKEOFF Checklist. After obtaining takeoff clearance, review the alerts reminder messages and GREEN box prior to taking the active runway for departure: 23 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight PACKs and BLEED AIR will go automatically to OFF after power is advanced for takeoff. We can also manually turn PACKs, BLEEDs to OFF and turn them back ON after passing the climb thrust reduction altitude. Select anti-ice for engines, airfoils and windshield as required for climatic conditions. Also, don’t forget to set TCAS to TA/RA. Perform BEFORE TAKEOFF Checklist. After aligned on the runway and ready for takeoff, press AUTO FLIGHT switch in the FCP (glareshield). 4. Takeoff With the FCP altitude set at the FMS cruise altitude, the FMA will appear as below. Pushing the AUTO FLIGHT switch engages the autothrottles and removes the white ATS OFF box surrounding the T/O CLAMP annunciation. 24 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Note: When you get to the runway, v-speeds in the speed tape (PFD) may be white. You may have to clear them in the TAKEOFF page in the MCDU, clear them so the FMC can recalculate them according to the new weight and confirm them again. V-speeds will then turn magenta in the PFD. When ready for takeoff, advance the throttles to approximately 60 degrees and autothrottles will engage, if selected, and will automatically advance to T/O THRUST. PACKs are automatically turned off. As the aircraft begins to accelerate, ground speed is displayed on the PFD until about 50 knots, when it is replaced by airspeed. TAKEOFF is initially displayed in the roll window. Between 60 and 80 kts, aircraft heading is recorded for FD takeoff roll guidance after takeoff. 25 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Above 80 knots, the FD pitch bar rises to approximately 6 degrees and T/O THRUST automatically reverts to T/O CLAMP as shown below. Also, the Essential Items Checklist GREEN box is removed. Alerts are inhibited for display from 20 knots less than V1 (level 2 and 1) or V1 (level 3) till climbing through 400 ft RA. The pilot flying rotates at VR (pitch bar rises to about 15 degrees initially) and attains V2+10 as the aircraft takes off. Positive rate, GEAR UP. Above 400 ft the autopilot may be engaged. It will engage the existing roll (HEADING 222) and pitch (speed on PITCH) modes (PF takeoff mode). The takeoff roll mode may be exited by selecting a new heading or selecting FMS NAV above 400 ft if desired. As the aircraft climbs above 400 ft RA, the FMS may be used for automatic altitude and speed control by pushing the “PROF” button on the FCP with the autopilot engaged. Pushing this button during the takeoff phase engages both the altitude and speed FMS modes. Raise flaps upon reaching the Flap Retract speed (labeled “FR” in the speed tape) at your discretion. Engaging FMS NAV by pushing the NAV switch on the FCP results in automatic lateral guidance to the FMS flight plan route. 26 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight 5. Climb After passing the climb thrust reduction altitude (normal operation) or 4500 ft in takeoff mode, the PACKs automatically resume operation and the FMS speed target will be 250 kts as displayed below (MAGENTA speed target). A DIR-TO may be accomplished if needed using the FMS. 27 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight With FMS NAV engaged the aircraft will capture the FMS flight plan route. TCAS traffic will be displayed on the ND and if a conflict exists, a Resolution Advisory is displayed on the PFD. The pilot flying may resolve the conflict by disconnecting the autopilot and flying vertical speed to the GREEN band. After resolution of the conflict, a normal pitch mode may be selected. After reaching the Slats Retract speed (labeled “SR” in the speed tape), stalts may be retracted. Now go to the Hydraulic Control Panel and verify that 1-3 and 1-2 RMPs are off and the “ON/DISAG” lights are extinguished. Also go to the Fuel Control Panel and check that Transfer pump lights are “ON”, Transfer pump “LOW” light extinguish and Fill valve “ARM” lights illuminate. Check EAD for Alerts and Status. Begin AFTER TAKEOFF Checklist. We are doing this flight without ATC, but if there’s ATC, follow climb instructions. As the ATC instructs you to climb to a certain level, preselect the instructed altitude in the FCP. The aircraft will continue its acceleration to attain the FMS ECON speed for climb. Notice on the ND that the FMS “TO” waypoint is distinguished by the color MAGENTA while the next point is normally WHITE. Passing FL180 (transition altitude), pull the BAROSET knob on the ECP to set the standard altimeter. Complete the AFTER TAKEOFF Checklist. 28 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight 6. Cruise During cruise, pilots will monitor the operation of the aircraft systems as well as navigation, fuel burn, alert resolution, FMS operation and so on. ATC can issue clearance to proceed direct to a flight plan waypoint. That request may be accomplished by using the FMS “DIR-TO” function. Prior to descent, the pilot gathers ATIS information which enables destination planning such as STAR and Approach entry into the FMS. In our case, we will be flying the HOBRK3 STAR to KMEM 18C runway and we have already entered the approach in the FMS. During descent, check climate conditions and select Anti-Ice as required. Also set RA or BARO as required. Usually, the PF will call for the “In Range Checklist” at 18000 feet. Perform IN RANGE Checklist. After performing the checklist, refer to the ND and observe the T/D symbol. To start descending, lower the altitude in the FCP to 3000 ft, which is the altitude at LAURI, and observe the FMA as shown below: 29 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight As the aircraft approaches the T/D, after TXK, the FMA flashes “VERT ALERT”, indicating that the start of automatic descent is approaching. The aircraft remains in altitude “HOLD” however until just before arrival at the T/D. Airspeed may slow slightly until established in the descent. Either “IDLE” or “IDLE CLAMP” may be annunciated in the FMA. A descent may be initiated either before the T/D or after the T/D, normally begun at ATCs instructions, by selecting a lower altitude on the FCP. After departing cruise altitude, the ND displays a vertical deviation scale on the right side of the display. The MAGENTA diamond represents the profile descent path while the middle WHITE index represents the aircraft vertical position in relation to that profile. 7. Descent Descent will be performed using the FMS. The FCP altitude is preselected to 3000 ft as depicted by the MAGENTA altitude target. The descent is being conducted at the ECON descent speed of XXX knots. The descent segment includes the MACH/IAS crossover altitude. Descending through approximately 26000 ft, MACH speed targets change to CAS targets unless CAS target was previously selected. Passing transition altitude at FL180, the remaining descent/approach checklist could be accomplished. Set current altimeter setting and crosscheck the altimeters. The PF calls for “Approach Checklist” no earlier than adjusting all altimeters to local pressure setting, no later than flaps 15° 30 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Perform the APPROACH Checklist. At any point during descent you may be required to add drag to reduce speed. The message “ADD DRAG” will appear in the ND (you may also be prompted to reduce drag): Descending at about 11.000 ft, the FMS descent profile transitions into a deceleration segment with a speed target of 245 knots. This deceleration segment ensures that the 250 knot speed limit below 10000 ft is met automatically before continuing profile descent below 10000 ft. 31 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Descent will continue toward 3000 ft but the aircraft could momentarily level off at any point if there is any altitude constraint. After passing the constrained waypoint, the aircraft automatically continues descent to the preselected altitude in the FCP, 3000 ft in this case. When we get to the VECTORS waypoint we should be directed by the ATC to the final approach. If there’s no ATC, we can make a DIRECT TO LAURI using the DIR INTC page. APPR/LAND may be armed at the pilot's discretion to capture the localizer and glideslope. 32 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight Perform BEFORE LANDING Checklist. 8. Approach and automatic landing When ILS localizer capture criteria has been satisfied, capture occurs with the FMS annunciating the fact by displaying “LOC” in the lateral FMA area. At the same time, the glideslope is armed for capture (unless LOC ONLY is selected on the FMS) and “LAND ARMED” is annunciated in the vertical portion of the FMA. No matter if the automatic landing mode is entered by autopilot or FMS guidance, the speed may be controlled by either the FMS (MAGENTA FMA speed annunciation) or the autopilot (WHITE FMA speed annunciation). Notice the radio altimeter box and height displayed at 2500 ft and below. 33 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight The illustration below displays the PFD when glide slope capture occurs. Additionally, an APPR rose display would normally be displayed in one ND to monitor the automatic approach. The aircraft continues to track the ILS beams until passing 1500 ft RA, where autopilot checks are conducted to determine landing status (DUAL LAND, SINGLE LAND or APPR ONLY). In about 10 seconds, if all criteria are met, the proper annunciation is made in the FMA. 34 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight If visibility is enough to perform a manual landing, we can disconnect the Autopilot and autothrottle and fly the aircraft manually. We are going to proceed with an autoland instead, just to demonstrate the procedure. In a DUAL or SINGLE LAND mode and at 150 ft RA, the aircraft autopilot commands an alignment maneuver to align the aircraft heading with the ILS course. “ALIGN” is annunciated in the FMA lateral area. The middle marker is normally overflown about this time and with 100 ft RA minimums, the minimums or DH bug turns AMBER as the altitude is passed. At 50 ft RA the aircraft begins a flare maneuver to touchdown with acceptable descent rates. That maneuver is annunciated as “FLARE”. The throttles automatically begin to retard to idle at the same 50 ft RA. “RETARD” is annunciated in the FMA speed area. 35 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight With main wheel touchdown and spin up to 80 knots, the autopilot enters into the roll out mode. “ROLLOUT” is annunciated in both the lateral and vertical FMA areas. In this mode, directional control is maintained until the autopilot is disconnected or the aircraft comes to a halt. Additionally, the spoilers automatically deploy to about 2⁄3 (if armed). An autopilot nose lowering submode lowers the nose to the runway whereupon the spoilers deploy the remaining travel to full aft. Autobraking, if selected, begins when the nose is on the runway. Manually applied reverse thrust may be used to aid in slowing the aircraft. As reverse thrust is used, the autothrottles automatically disengage and become invalid (boxed in AMBER) and cannot be engaged. 36 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight 9. Go-around In case that you have to perform a go around, here’s the procedure: Pushing the Go-Around switch on the middle throttle (you may assign the corresponding command to a button in our hardware) initiates the go around autopilot mode. “GO AROUND” is annunciated in the FMA vertical area. In this mode, the flight director and or autopilot controls to current heading of the aircraft if level, maintains current speed or Vmin+5 knots and climbs using pitch to control speed within the limits of the go-around pitch limitations. G/A thrust limits for engine thrust control is normally activated in this mode. The autopilot G/A mode may be exited the same as takeoff modes. Note 10º bank angle limit. 37 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight 10. After landing After an automatic landing, make sure you manually disconnect AP and ATS before rolling out of the runway. If used, turn off Anti-Ice. Switch on the APU by pushing the APU PWR switch on the ELEC panel. Observe normal APU start indications. “AVAIL” light illuminates. Perform AFTER LANDING Checklist. 11. Parking procedure After landing the FMS must be reset manually. For that you need to push INIT key in the MCDU to enter DONE phase. After that, pressing any key will reset the FMC. Ensure that either APU or external electrical power is available prior to engine shutdown. Turn the IRU selectors from NAV to OFF. Review STATUS synoptic for discrepancies. Perform SUT DOWN Checklist. 38 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Tutorial Flight 12. Leaving the aircraft Move the EMER PWR selector to “OFF”. Note that if the EMER PWR selector remains in the “ARM” position, it depletes the aircraft batteries. Push APU START/STOP switch. Lift BAT guard and Push BAT switch to “OFF”. 39