This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 1 Time-varying Clutter Suppression in CP-OFDM Based Passive Radar for Slowly Moving Targets Detection Yuqi Liu, Jianxin Yi*, Member, IEEE, Xianrong Wan*, Xun Zhang, Hengyu Ke Abstract—Time-varying clutter suppression is challenging in passive radar. Although some existed methods are robust against the time-varying clutter, they bear heavy computational burden and memory load. In this study, we propose two advanced versions of the average channel response filter on subcarrier (ACRF-C) for time-varying clutter suppression. The methods take advantage of the orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modulation with cyclic prefix (CP-OFDM) of the third-party radio sources, and are implemented in the subcarrier domain. The proposed batch version of ACRFC (ACRF-CB) can effectively suppress time-varying clutter but modulates targets with small Doppler frequency. To detect slowly moving targets, a sliding version of ACRF-C (ACRF-CS) is presented to partially overlap the channel frequency response for filter coefficients estimation. The ACRF-CS yields a good trade-off between time-varying clutter suppression and slowly moving targets detection. Simulation and experimental results following the theoretical analysis validate that the proposed methods can obtain comparable performance to that of the existed methods but possess remarkable computational and memory advantages. Index Terms—Passive radar, time-varying clutter, slowly moving targets, CP-OFDM, subcarrier domain. I. INTRODUCTION Passive radar, which exploits noncooperative illuminators of opportunity (IOs) to perform target detection and tracking, has received growing interest in recent years [1-4]. As there is no need for the deployment and operation of dedicated transmitters, passive radar systems are significantly cost This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants (61931015, 61701350), in part by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (2016YFB0502403), in part by the Technological Innovation Project of Hubei Province of China (2019AAA061), in part by the Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program of China (BX201600117), and in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2042019kf1001). Yuqi Liu, Jianxin Yi, Xianrong Wan, Xun Zhang, and Hengyu Ke are with the School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, and also with the Collaborative Innovation Center for Geospatial Technology, Wuhan, China. Corresponding authors: Jianxin Yi (e-mail:, Xianrong Wan (e-mail: effective and covert, and are immune to anti-radiation missiles inherently. At present, with the development of passive radar technology, passive radar systems can be applied to detect multiple types of targets [5]. One of the important applications is slowly moving targets detection. The slowly moving targets, such as drones, boats, and birds, own the salient features of low altitude and slow speed. These features pose great challenges for slowly moving targets detection using conventional radar, but make the passive radar a potential alternative. Nowadays, digital broadcasting signals, like digital audio broadcasting (DAB) [6], digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) [7], China mobile multimedia broadcasting (CMMB) [8] and so on, are the mostly widely used IOs in passive radars. Most of these digital broadcasting signals adopt orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modulation with cyclic prefix (CP-OFDM). The high radiated power and omnidirectional low altitude coverage of these signals make them easy to detect low altitude targets. Besides, the continuous radiation and relatively wide bandwidth of these signals enable them possible to continuously detect slow-speed and small targets. Thus, it is practicable to utilize the digital broadcasting signals as the IOs for slowly moving targets detection. So far, the feasibility of CP-OFDM based passive radar for slowly moving targets detection has been demonstrated by many researchers [9-13]. In practice, the passive radar may be deployed to detect slowly moving targets in several specific scenarios such as jungle, lake, or sea. In these scenarios, the clutter environments are usually non-stationary and the targets are obscured by the time-varying clutter with a spread Doppler spectrum. In this case, it is technically challenging to suppress the time-varying clutter in the presence of slowly moving targets. In passive radar, the clutter suppression methods can be classified by two primary categories, adaptive filtering and fixed coefficient filtering [14]. The fixed coefficient filtering techniques, such as least square (LS) method [15] and extensive cancellation algorithm (ECA) [16], require the filter weights to be estimated by averaging over the whole coherent processing interval (CPI). These filters assume that the received signals are wide-sense-stationary over the CPI, which may not hold in practice due to the time-varying clutter environments. The adaptive filtering methods, in 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal contrast, can automatically adjust to the signal statistics and make the system more robust to the time-varying clutter environments. Specifically, the adaptive filtering methods can be divided into two groups: fully and block adaptive methods. The fully adaptive methods, such as recursive LS (RLS) and normalized least mean square (NLMS) filters [17], update the filter coefficients for each sample throughout the processed CPI. The block adaptive methods, such as the batch version of ECA (ECA-B) [18] and fast block least mean square (FBLMS) algorithm [19], update the filter coefficients in each batch duration. Although the fully adaptive methods are robust to time-varying clutter, they exist the problem of slow convergence speed and high filtering order. The block adaptive methods, which can reduce the computational and memory complexities in each block, but may periodically modulate the slowly moving targets and clutters along the Doppler dimension [20, 21]. Up to now, two methods, i.e. the sliding version of ECA (ECA-S) [21] and the multi-channel NLMS (MC-NLMS) filter [22, 23], have been proposed to deal with the timevarying clutter in the presence of slowly moving targets. The ECA-S method is proposed to counteract the Doppler modulation caused by the ECA-B in slowly moving targets detection. It operates over partially overlapped portions of the received signals, thus paying more computational and memory loads. The MC-NLMS filter is proposed to suppress sea clutter in the presence of low-velocity sea-surface targets. It is implemented through the exploitation of multiple reference channels that modulate the original reference signal with different Doppler frequencies within the sea clutter spectrum band. Its structure also requires high computational and memory complexities as a result of the exploitation of multiple channels. In order to balance the computational cost and timevarying clutter suppression in the presence of slowly moving targets, we propose two clutter suppression methods in the subcarrier domain. The methods are inspired by the average channel response filter on subcarrier (ACRF-C) [24]. In our previous work, we have evaluated the ACRF-C and confirmed that it is sensitive to the time-varying clutter [25]. In this paper, we further develop it to deal with time-varying clutter for slowly moving target detection. The proposed methods first estimate the frequency response of the propagation channel at each OFDM symbol. The batch version of ACRF-C (ACRF-CB) divides the total OFDM symbols into small fragments to estimate the average channel response on each effective subcarrier. In this way, the ACRFCB is robust against the highly time-varying clutter environments. Whereas, theoretical analysis indicates that the ACRF-CB will periodically modulate the slowly moving targets and clutters in Doppler dimension. To solve this problem, we then propose a sliding version of ACRF-C (ACRF-CS). The ACRF-CS method allows to estimate the average channel response and suppress the time-varying clutter in each batch with two additional sliding windows. It makes a trade-off between the capability of effectively remove the time-varying clutter and the possibility to 2 eliminate the Doppler modulation in ACRF-CB. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is verified by the simulation and experimental data. For comparison, the proposed subcarrier-domain methods can obtain comparable performance to that of the ECA methods but possess remarkable computational and memory advantages. Besides, compared with the ECA methods, the proposed methods are easier to be implemented in real time due to the lack of matrix inversion. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section II describes the passive radar signal model and 2-dimensional range-Doppler cross-correlation function (2D-CCF) calculation in the subcarrier domain. The proposed methods are elaborated in Section III. Section IV investigates the computational and memory complexities of the proposed methods. In Section V and VI, the proposed methods are demonstrated on simulation and experimental data, respectively. Finally, Section VII concludes the paper. II. SIGNAL MODEL AND 2D-CCF CALCULATION In this section, we establish the subcarrier-domain signal model in passive radar by combining the CP-OFDM characteristic of IOs first. Then a brief introduction of the CP-OFDM based 2D-CCF calculation is given. A. Signal model A typical passive radar consists of two channels: a reference channel and a surveillance channel. In practice, the surveillance channel is usually contaminated by the directpath signal and multipath clutter. For simplicity, we assume that the surveillance channel contains a single moving target echo. The complex envelop of the baseband surveillance signal can be modelled as Nc y (t ) = ci d (t − τic ) + α0 d (t − τ 0 )e j 2πf0t + nsurv (t ), (1) i =0 where d (t ) is the complex envelop of direct-path signal (i.e. the transmitted signal) and c0 is the corresponding complex amplitude. τ 0c = 0 represents the delay of direct-path signal. ci and τ ic are the complex amplitude and the delay (with respect to the direct-path signal) of the ith clutter component, respectively. N c is the number of clutter components. α0 , τ 0 and f 0 are the complex amplitude, the delay, and the Doppler frequency of the target echo, respectively. nsurv (t ) is the white Gaussian noise in the surveillance channel. In the reference channel, the purified reference signal can be extracted via the reconstruction methods [26, 27] thanks to the digital modulation of OFDM signals. Since the influence of reconstruction quality on the proposed methods is outside the scope of this paper, we assume that the reference signal can be reconstructed accurately. Without loss of generality, the purified reference signal with CP-OFDM modulation can be modelled as L d (t ) = dl (t − lTe ), (2) l =0 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 3 where Te = Tu + Tg is the duration of a CP-OFDM symbol. Tu dl (t ) = Nu −1 C l ,k k =0 e j 2πfk t , − Tg t Tu , (3) where k indicates the subcarrier index and N u denotes the total subcarrier number in each OFDM symbol. Cl , k is the complex modulation data at the kth subcarrier in symbol l. f k is the carrier frequency of the kth subcarrier. Assuming that the largest possible delay in both clutter and targets is smaller than the duration of CP. After decomposing the reference and surveillance signals into OFDM symbols and performing discrete Fourier transform (DFT) on each symbol without CPs, we can convert the signals from the temporal domain to the subcarrier domain. Referring to [25], in the surveillance signal, the complex modulation data at the kth subcarrier in symbol l can be expressed as Yl , k = H l , k Cl , k + γk e j 2 πf0lTe Cl , k + Nl , k , (4) with Nc H l , k = ci e − j 2πfk τi and γk = α0 e− j 2πfk τ0 e c j 2 πf0 (Tg + τ0 ) , (5) i =0 where H l , k represents the channel frequency response of clutter components at the kth subcarrier in symbol l and N l , k is the corresponding thermal noise. Besides, since the phase j 2 πf (T + τ ) e 0 g 0 in γk has no effect on the derivation of the proposed methods in the following section, we ignore it and define γk = α0 e − j 2 πfk τ0 for simplification. B. 2D-CCF calculation In the CP-OFDM based passive radar, the integration time Tint is usually chosen as an integer multiple of Te , which means L = Tint Te OFDM blocks are involved to implement the 2D-CCF. As such, we can adopt the well-known 2D DFT approach in [28] to approximate the 2D-CCF. After dividing d (t ) and y (t ) into L OFDM blocks and omitting the phase rotation by the Doppler shift within one OFDM block [29], we can calculate the 2D-CCF as L −1 χ[ τ , f ] = e− j 2πflTe yl (t )dl (t − τ )e− j 2πft dt , Tu 0 l =0 (6) L −1 Nu −1 l =0 k =0 C l ,k l ,k Y e j 2πfk τ . l =0 k =0 2 (8) III. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION In the CP-OFDM based passive radar, the ACRF-C method extracts the target echo from mixture received signal by the channel estimation [24, 25]. Here we first summarize the core idea and procedures of the ACRF-C. Then the modified versions of the ACRF-C for time-varying clutter suppression are given in the following subsection. In the ACRF-C method, the frequency response of the propagation channel at the kth subcarrier in symbol l is estimated from Yl ,k and Cl ,k . That is H l ,k = Yl , k Cl , k = H l , k + k e j 2 f0lTe + Nl , k Cl , k (9) , where H l ,k is a channel response estimate on subcarrier which includes clutter, target echo and thermal noise. Then we obtain the average channel response on each subcarrier by averaging the channel response along the slowtime dimension, namely across index l. That is 1 L -1 1 L -1 1 L -1 N (10) H k = H l ,k + k e j 2 f0lTe + l ,k . L l =0 L l =0 L l = 0 Cl ,k When f 0 is much larger than the frequency resolution (i.e. f 0 LTe 1 ), the second term in (10) satisfies T ( L) ( f0 ) = sin(πf 0 LTe ) 1 L −1 j 2πf0lTe = e jπf ( L −1)Te 0. (11) e L l =0 L sin(πf 0Te ) For slowly moving targets detection, the CPI is often chosen large enough to achieve high velocity resolution, which eventually makes the frequency resolution much smaller than the target Doppler shift f 0 . Thus, the average response of the target echo satisfies T ( L ) ( f 0 ) 0 for slowly moving targets detection. Besides, the uncorrelated property of N l , k and Cl , k makes the average response of the thermal noise approximately equal to zero. Thus, H l ,k can be simplified as 1 L −1 H l ,k . The clutter in surveillance channel is L l =0 removed by Yl , k = Yl , k − H k Cl , k = γk e j 2 πf0lTe Cl , k + N l , k , (12) where Yl , k is the surveillance signal after clutter suppression. N l , k is the sum of the residual clutter and the thermal noise. where d l (t ) and yl (t ) are the lth OFDM symbols of the reference and surveillance signals, respectively. Substituting (3) into (6) and simplifying, we can get χ[ τ , f ] = e− j 2πflTe Nu −1 χtar [ τ , f ] = α0 e− j 2πlT(e f − f0 ) Cl , k e j 2πfk ( τ − τ0 ) . and Tg are the duration of the useful part and CP of a symbol, respectively. l is the temporally consecutive index of OFDM symbol. L denotes the number of OFDM symbols and d l (t ) denotes the lth OFDM symbol with L −1 (7) Substituting (4) into (7), χ[ τ , f ] can be represented by the sum of clutter, target echo and thermal noise. Thus, we can describe the 2D-CCF of target echo as Substituting the first term in (12) into (8) we can obtain the 2D-CCF of target echo after clutter suppression. Specifically, we focus on the range bin containing the target echo, i.e., τ = τ 0 . To simplify the mathematical notation, we define χtar [ τ 0 , f ] = χtar [ f ] . That is Nu −1 L −1 χ tar [ f ] = α0 e − j 2 πlT(e f − f0 ) Cl , k l =0 = α0 LN u T k =0 ( L) 2 (13) ( f 0 − f ). 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 4 In (13), we have utilized the prior knowledge that Nu −1 C k =0 A. l ,k 2 1 in the CP-OFDM modulation [25]. Batch version of the ACRF-C Yk Batch b-1 LB Batch b Batch b+1 Ck Yl , k H k(b ) = Cl , k 1 LB Yl , k C l I b l ,k Yl , k − H k(b ) Cl , k Yk Fig. 1. Block diagram of ACRF-CB at kth subcarrier From the implementation of ACRF-C, we can see that the average channel response on each subcarrier is estimated by averaging over the whole CPI. It means that the clutter is suppressed based on the hypothesis of the block fading propagation channel in one observation time. In practice, the clutter environments are usually non-stationary since the passive radar may be deployed to monitor several specific scenarios such as jungle, lake, or sea. In these scenarios, the performance of the ACRF-C cannot be guaranteed due to its single set of filtering factor for the entire CPI. Inspired by the block adaptive filters in the temporal domain such as the ECA-B, we develop a batch version of ACRF-C (ACRF-CB) in the subcarrier domain to deal with the time-varying clutter in passive radar. The block diagram of ACRF-CB at kth subcarrier is shown in Fig. 1. In the ACRF-CB, we divide the channel response in (9) into a set of consecutive smaller portions of duration LB along the slow- where Yl , k is the suppressed surveillance signal in bth batch at kth subcarrier. Similarly, the clutter in other batches and subcarriers can be suppressed by repeating the above steps. To present the effectiveness and limitations of the ACRFCB, we consider an experimental data for drone detection employing a CMMB-based passive radar. The detailed experimental scenario, which is omitted here, will be described in Section VI. Fig. 2 shows the range-Doppler (RD) map after clutter suppression by the ACRF-CB. In Fig. 2, the CPI is 0.8 s and the batch duration is set to be 25 ms. In this paper, all RD maps are normalized to the thermal noise power level so that the value at the maps represents the estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). As shown in Fig. 2, although the ACRF-CB can achieve a wide Doppler notch to suppress the time-varying clutter, it yields same limitations as the temporal block adaptive filters in the presence of slowly moving targets such as drones. Specifically, to deal with the highly varying environments, we shorten the batch duration to ensure that the propagation channel in each batch is almost block fading. Whereas the short batches widen the Doppler notch which yields to a partial suppression of the detected drone. Besides, the batch operation in the ACRF-CB introduces modulated side peaks on the drone at the output of the RD map, as shown in Fig. 2. time dimension. LB is the number of OFDM symbols in each batch and B = L LB is the number of the batches. Since the total OFDM symbols is divided into smaller portions, we can assume that the propagation channel is block fading in each batch. Without loss of generality, we discuss the implementation of ACRF-CB in the bth batch at kth subcarrier in the subcarrier domain. After defining the index set I b as I b = bLB , bLB + 1, , (b + 1) LB − 1 , (14) we can obtain the average channel response in bth batch at kth subcarrier as follow: N l ,k 1 1 1 (15) H k(b ,LB ) = e j 2 f0lTe + . H l ,k + L k l LB lIb L C Ib B B lIb l ,k Eventually, the clutter can be suppressed as Yl , k = Yl , k − H k(b, LB ) Cl , k , l I b , (16) Fig. 2. RD map after clutter suppression by the ACRF-CB in the experimental data Now, we conduct theoretical analysis of the modulations yielded by the ACRF-CB. After replacing Yl , k and H k(b , LB ) in (16) by (4) and (15), we can rewrite the supressed surveillance signal in bth batch at kth subcarrier as Yl , k = γk [e j 2 πf0lTe − Tb( LB ) ( f 0 )]Cl , k + Nˆ l , k , l I b , (17) where Nˆ l , k is the sum of the residual clutter and the thermal noise after clutter suppression. The parameter Tb( L ) ( f 0 ) in (17) can be expressed as 1 Tb( LB ) ( f 0 ) = e j 2πf0lTe = e j 2πf0bLBTe T ( LB ) ( f 0 ). (18) LB lIb B Substituting the target echo in Yl , k into (7) and focusing on the range bin containing the target return, we get 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal L −1 Nu −1 l =0 k =0 χ tar [ f ] = α0 e − j 2 πflTe [e j 2 πf0lTe − Tb( LB ) ( f 0 )] Cl , k 2 (19) І П = χtar [ f ] − χtar [ f ], І П [ f ] is same as (13). After simplification, χ tar [f] where χ tar can be expressed as LB −1 B −1 l =0 b =0 П χtar [ f ] = α0 N u T ( LB ) ( f 0 ) e − j 2 πflTe e j 2 π ( f0 − f ) bLBTe (20) = α0 LN u T ( LB ) ( f 0 )[T ( LB ) ( f )] ( B ) ( f 0 − f ), where 1 B −1 j 2 π ( f0 − f )bLBTe e B b=0 sin[π ( f 0 − f ) BLBTe ] = e jπ ( f0 − f )( B −1) LBTe . B sin[π ( f 0 − f ) LBTe ] ( B ) ( f0 − f ) = (21) 5 ignored while the amplitude of the second fraction decreases as p increases. That is, the target response at the output of the RD map shows modulated peaks at either side of the target echo. Besides, the side peaks are separated by 1 ( LBTe ) with amplitudes attenuation at high Doppler frequencies. In fact, any slowly moving reflected echo, whether the target or clutter, will be periodically modulated by the ACRF-CB as long as its Doppler frequency is smaller than 1 ( LBTe ) . As shown in Fig. 2, the drone is surrounded by the modulated side peaks in the Doppler dimension since its Doppler frequency is smaller than 40 Hz. Besides, these side peaks are separated by 40 Hz, which consistent with the theoretical analysis. B. Sliding version of the ACRF-C LA LS As is apparent, χ [ f ] is shaped by ( f 0 − f ) and its peak amplitude is modulated by the product І [ f ] and between T ( LB ) ( f 0 ) and [T ( LB ) ( f )] . That is, both χ tar П tar (B) Yk Batch b Ck П χ tar [ f ] are centered in f = f 0 with mainlobe width 1 ( LTe ) . І [ f ] is 1 Te and that The difference is that the period of χ tar П [ f ] is 1 ( LBTe ) . It is this difference that makes the of χ tar ACRF-CB has nonnegligible impacts on the slowly moving targets whose Doppler frequency f 0 1 ( LBTe ) . In order to present the impacts, we first set f = f 0 and substitute (13) and (20) into (19). The peak amplitude of the target after clutter suppression can be written as 2 sin(πf 0 LBTe ) . χtar [ f 0 ] = α0 LNu 1 − (22) LB sin(πf 0Te ) From (22) we can note that the Doppler notch yielded by the ACRF-CB is approximately equal to 1 ( LBTe ) . That is, the target with Doppler frequency f 0 1 ( LBTe ) will lead to a SNR loss by the batch operation of the ACRF-CB. As shown in Fig. 2, the Doppler notch is about 40 Hz since the batch duration is set to be 25 ms. In this case, the detected drone, whose Doppler frequency is about -16.25 Hz, may bear SNR loss by the batch operation. In addition, to investigate the modulated side peaks caused by the ACRF-CB on the slowly moving targets, we set f = f 0 + p ( LBTe ) ( p N , p 0) . Substituting it into (19) we can get χtar f 0 + p ( LBTe ) = α0 LN u sin πf 0 LBTe sin π ( f 0 + p ( LBTe ) ) LBTe . LB sin πf 0Te LB sin π ( f 0 + p ( LBTe ) ) Te (23) In general, the target Doppler frequency f 0 is not a multiple of 1 ( LBTe ) , so that the value of (23) is not equal to zero. In this case, the modulated side peaks aside the target echo will clearly appear in the RD map. Specifically, as far as the Doppler frequency of a slowly moving target is smaller than 1 ( LBTe ) , the value of the first fraction in (23) cannot be Yl , k (b , LA ,S ) Hk = Cl , k 1 LA Yl ,k − H k lIbA ,S (b , LA ,S ) Yl ,k Cl ,k Cl ,k Yk Fig. 3. Block diagram of ACRF-CS in kth subcarrier From subsection III-A we know that the limitations of ACRF-CB lie in two aspects: partial suppression of slowly moving targets and Doppler modulation of reflected echoes with small Doppler frequencies. In essence, the performance of ACRF-CB depends on the selection of LB , i.e. the number of OFDM symbols in each batch. Long LB should be selected to preserve the slowly moving target echoes by narrowing the Doppler notch after clutter suppression. In contrast, short LB is preferred to be effective against the time-varying clutter and to move the modulated side peaks out of the Doppler range of interest. To decouple the selection of LB in the presence of slowly moving targets, we propose a sliding version of ACRF-C (ACRF-CS), which follows a similar principle as the ECA-S but is implemented in the subcarrier domain. As shown in Fig. 3, the number of OFDM symbols in each batch for average channel response estimation is set to be L A . In addition, a new parameter LS is introduced to represent the update rate of the response estimation. The corresponding number of consecutive fragments for the estimation of the average channel response is BS = L LS . Similarly, we discuss the implementation of the ACRF-CS in the bth batch at kth subcarrier. First of all, we define two index sets as follows: 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 6 L + LA L − LA LS − LA I bA, S = bLS + S , + 1, , S − 1 2 2 2 S I b = bLS , bLS + 1, , (b + 1) LS − 1 . І tar coincides with that of χ [ f ] in (29). However, compared (24) Then the average channel response is obtained as follows: N l ,k 1 1 1 (b , L ) H k A ,S = H l ,k + k e j 2 f0lTe + . (25) LA lIbA ,S LA lIbA ,S LA lIbA ,S Cl ,k Obviously, the difference between (25) and (15) is the index set of the parameter l. The output of the surveillance signal suppressed by the ACRF-CS can be written as Yl , k = Yl , k − H k ( b , LA , S ) Cl ,k , l I bS . (26) In (26), the average channel response is estimated by L A continuous OFDM symbols and the surveillance signal to be (b, L ) suppressed by H k A ,S lasts for LS continuous OFDM symbols. Based on the implementation of the ACRF-CS method, we give the theoretical derivation of its decoupling effect. Similar to (17), we rewrite the suppressed surveillance signal (b, L ) by substituting Yl , k and H k A ,S into (26). That is Yl , k = γk [e j 2 πf0lTe − Tb ( LA , S ) ( f 0 )]Cl , k + N l , k , l I bS , (27) where N l , k is the sum of the residual clutter and the thermal (L ) noise after clutter suppression. The parameter Tb A ,S ( f 0 ) can be written as L −L j 2 πf0 ( bLS + S A )Te 1 (L ) 2 Tb A,S ( f 0 ) = e j 2πf0lTe = e T ( LA ) ( f 0 ). (28) LA lIbA,S Similarly, substituting the target echo in Yl , k into (7), we can obtain the Doppler dimension of the target response at the output of the 2D-CCF after setting τ = τ 0 . That is L −1 Nu −1 χ tar [ f ] = α0 e − j 2 πflTe [e j 2 πf0lTe − Tb l =0 ( LA , S ) k =0 ( f 0 )] Cl , k 2 (29) = χ [ f ] − χ [ f ], І tar П tar І І [ f ] is equal to χ tar [ f ] in (13). The second term in where χ tar (29) can be expressed as LS −1 BS −1 l =0 b=0 П χtar [ f ] = e jπf0 ( LS − LA )Te α0 N u T ( LA ) ( f 0 ) e − j 2 πflTe e j 2 π ( f 0 − f ) bLS Te = e jπf0 ( LS − LA )Te α0 LN u T ( LA ) ( f 0 )[T ( LS ) ( f )] ( BS ) ( f 0 − f ), (30) where ( BS ) ( f 0 − f ) = 1 BS BS −1 e j 2 π ( f0 − f ) bLS Te b =0 = e jπ ( f0 − f )( BS −1) LS Te sin[π ( f 0 − f ) BS LS Te ] . BS sin[π ( f 0 − f ) LS Te ] П П [ f ] in the ACRF-CB, the period of χ tar [ f ] in the with χ tar ACRF-CS is now 1 ( LS Te ) . That is, the expected Doppler separation of the modulated side peaks associated to the detected slowly moving targets is equal to 1 ( LS Te ) instead of 1 ( LBTe ) . It indicates that to remove the side peaks out of the Doppler range of interest for all the targets belonging to the cancellation notch area, we can modestly select the filter update rate LS without restriction of the batch duration L A . In this way, a good cancellation capability against timevarying clutter can still be guaranteed by adjusting the independent parameter L A . In addition, it is of interest to consider the Doppler notch yielded by the ACRF-CS. By setting f = f 0 in (29), we can write the output of the target response as χtar [ f 0 ] = α0 LN u 1 − e jπf0 ( LS − LA )Te T ( LA ) ( f 0 )[T ( LS ) ( f 0 )] (32) sin(πf 0 LATe ) sin(πf 0 LS Te ) = α0 LN u 1 − . LA sin(πf 0Te ) LS sin(πf 0Te ) Notice that the SNR loss of the detected target, or the Doppler notch width, depends on both L A and LS . In practice, the batch duration for average channel response estimation in the ACRF-CS is selected as LA = LB to guarantee effective cancellation against the time-varying clutter. In this case, a wider Doppler notch is yielded by the ACRF-CS with respect to the ACRF-CB since the sliding operation makes LS much smaller than L A . On the other hand, if we set LA = LB , the wider notch yielded by the ACRF-CS will lead to a SNR loss of the slowly moving targets. Actually, we can also select L A to be larger than LB to achieve approximate Doppler notch between ACRF-CB and ACRF-CS. In this way, we can obtain comparable peak amplitude of the detected target, but the suppression performance of the ACRF-CS cannot be guaranteed. In conclusion, the ACRF-CS allows a trade-off between time-varying clutter suppression and modulated side peaks removal in the presence of slowly moving targets. The decoupling effect of the ACRF-CS is achieved by separately selecting the parameters L A and LS . In practice, the parameter L A is first determined according to the clutter environments to maximize the cancellation capability. Then LS is set based on the Doppler notch width and observation region to exclude the side peaks from the Doppler of interest. (31) П [ f ] is determined by Similar to (21), the shape of χ tar ( BS ) ( f 0 − f ) and its peak amplitude is modulated by the П [ f ] is product between T ( LA ) ( f 0 ) and [T ( LS ) ( f )] . Thus, χ tar centered in f = f 0 with mainlobe width 1 ( LS Te ) , which IV. COMPUTATIONAL AND MEMORY COMPLEXITIES In Section III, we have proposed the ACRF-CB and ACRF-CS methods in the subcarrier domain for time-varying clutter suppression. Essentially, the ACRF-CB and ECA-B, or the ACRF-CS and ECA-S, follow the similar suppression principle. In this section, we investigate the computational complexity and required memory space of the proposed 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 7 methods. For comparison, the computational and memory complexities of the ECA-B and ECA-S are also presented. One should note that the temporal domain methods will also experience the process of reference signal reconstruction before clutter suppression to improve the clutter suppression performance [15]. Thus, when comparing the complexities of the aforementioned methods, the process of reference signal reconstruction is not taken into consideration. A. Computational complexity The computational complexities of the ECA-B and ECA-S have been analysed in [21]. Similar to [21], we assume that a complex addition and a complex multiplication involve 2 and 6 floating-point operations (FLOPs), respectively. Notice that the computational complexities of the proposed methods stem from the following four stages: signals conversion from temporal domain to subcarrier domain, the OFDM channel response estimation, the average channel response estimation, and clutter suppression. The first two stages of the proposed two methods are exactly the same, whereas the difference lies in the third and fourth stages. In order to figure out the computational complexity of the first stage, we should note that the N-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) butterfly algorithm includes 0.5 N log 2 ( N ) complex multiplications and N log 2 ( N ) complex additions. Thus, the computational complexity of the first stage requires 10 LN u log 2 ( N u ) FLOPs. In addition, note that a complex division involves 11 FLOPs. Consequently, the computational complexity of the OFDM channel estimation requires 11LN u FLOPs. In the ARCF-CB method, the L OFDM symbols in one CPI are divided into B fragments. The dimension of each fragment is LB . In each fragment, the average channel response estimation at one subcarrier requires 2 LB FLOPs. Hence, the computational complexity TABLE I COMPARISON OF THE COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITIES OF DIFFERENT SUPPRESSION METHODS Methods Number of FLOPs ECA-B B 27.5 N B log 2 ( N B ) + 17 N B + 16 K 2 ECA-S BS 17.5 N A log 2 ( N A ) + 15 N S log 2 ( N S ) +16 K 2 + 9 N A + 8 N S ACRF-CB LN u 10 log 2 ( N u ) + 21 ACRF-CS LN u 10 log 2 ( N u ) + 19 + 2 BS LA N u Assuming that the parameters of the OFDM symbol are consistent with that of the CMMB signal [8]. The relevant parameters for clutter suppression are set as follow: K = 1000 , N A = N B = 2.5 105 , N S = 1 105 , LA = LB = 53 , and LS = 21 . Fig. 4 reports the computational complexities as a function of the CPI for different suppression methods. It is obvious that the proposed methods are one order of magnitude lower than the temporal methods in terms of computational complexity. In contrast to the notable difference of computational complexity in the temporal domain methods, the number of required FLOPs for the ACRF-CS is comparable to that of the ACRF-CB. It indicates that the sliding operation in the ACRF-CS yields a limited increase in the computational burden, but achieves significant performance improvement. of the third stage requires 2 LN u FLOPs. We can also work out that the clutter suppression in the ACRF-CB requires 8 LN u FLOPs. Similarly, the third and fourth stages of the ACRF-CS method require 2 BS LA N u and 8 LN u FLOPs, respectively. The overall computational complexities of the different suppression methods are concluded in TABLE I. Notice that the modified versions of the ECA have been appropriately optimized in [21]. Comparing the proposed subcarrierdomain methods with the different ECA versions reveals that the subcarrier-domain methods are more efficient in terms of computational complexity. Besides, the computational complexities of the subcarrier-domain methods are mainly proportional to the number of integrated samples (i.e. LN u ). Whereas, the number of FLOPs required for the temporal methods is not only related to the integrated number, but also to the suppressed range bins K and the number of fragments (i.e. B and BS ). It is also worth noting that, since there is no matrix multiplication and inversion in the proposed methods, they are more attractive in parallel processing. Fig. 4. Computational complexities as a function of the CPI for different suppression methods B. Memory complexity In this subsection, we study the memory complexities of the mentioned four suppression methods. The total complex number required by these methods is defined to measure the memory complexity. The memory complexities of different methods are listed in TABLE II. Compared with the temporal methods, the proposed methods can significantly save the memory space. In the temporal methods, the increased memory spaces are mainly caused by the construction of the clutter subspace. The total memory space occupied by the clutter subspace is determined both by the parameter K and the number of fragments such as B or BS . In contrast, the proposed methods can dramatically reduce the required memory space since they do not need to construct the clutter subspace. 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal TABLE II COMPARISON OF THE MEMORY COMPLEXITIES OF DIFFERENT SUPPRESSION METHODS Methods Memory Complexity ECA-B 7N + BK 2 + BK ECA-S 5 N + 4 BS N A + BS K 2 + BS K ACRF-CB 2 N + BN u ACRF-CS 2 N + BS N u The comparison of memory complexities for different suppression methods as a function of the CPI are shown in Fig. 5. The clutter suppression parameters are consistent with those in subsection IV-A. As is apparent, the memory spaces required for the subcarrier-domain methods are one order of magnitude lower than for the temporal methods. Besides, although the ACRF-CS produces more fragments for its sliding operation, it generates a comparable memory complexity to that of the ACRF-CB. This result indicates that the sliding operation in subcarrier domain occupies less memory space than that in temporal domain. In sum, the performance improvement of ECA-S is at the price of significant increase in computational and memory complexities. On the contrary, the sliding operation in ACRF-CS hardly lead to increased computational and memory complexities. Moreover, the proposed subcarrierdomain methods are about 10 times lower than the ECA-S method from both aspects of required memory space and computational complexity. All these indicate that the proposed subcarrier-domain methods are more attractive in the CP-OFDM based passive radar for time-varying clutter suppression. Fig. 5. Memory complexities as a function of the CPI for different suppression methods V. SIMULATION RESULTS To evaluate the time-varying clutter suppression performance of the proposed methods in the presence of slowly moving targets, a simulated scenario is considered in this section. In the simulation, the purify reference signal is reconstructed from the reference channel which has recorded a typical CP-OFDM waveform, i.e. CMMB signal. The CMMB frame structure is similar to that of DVB-T, but with additional beacons [8]. Specifically, one frame of a CMMB 8 signal lasts 1 s and consists of 40 time slots. Each time slot is made up of one beacon and 53 OFDM symbols. The beacon can be divided into one transmitter identifier signal and two identical synchronization signals. The main body of an OFDM symbol consists of the useful symbol ( Tu = 409.6 μs ) and the CP ( Tg = 51.2 μs ). TABLE III CLUTTER AND TARGET PARAMETERS OF THE SIMULATION Bistatic range bin Doppler shift (Hz) CNR/SNR (dB) Clutter 0:5:70 v 30:-2:2 Target 1 23 -10 -35 Target 2 52 65 -45 The values of the simulation parameters are listed in TABLE III. In the surveillance channel, 15 slowly moving scatterers with Doppler spread are used to emulate the timevarying clutter. The clutter-to-noise ratios (CNR) of the clutter at zero-Doppler frequency takes value (30:-2:2) dB, where (30:-2:2) denotes the sequence from 30 to 2 with step 2. The corresponding bistatic range bin is (0:5:70). Besides, we assume that the Doppler spread of the simulated clutter is caused by the windblown trees [30]. In this case, the amplitude of each simulated clutter has an exponential power spectrum density (PSD) over the integration time [20]. The exponential PSD P (ν) is modelled as r 1 βλ − βλ2 ν (33) δ (ν ) + e , r +1 r +1 4 where ν is the Doppler spread of the clutter. λ is the radar wavelength and β is the exponential shape parameter which P (ν ) = is a function of the wind speed. The parameter r is the ratio of dc power to ac power in the spectrum which is dependent on the radar frequency and wind speed. The exponential PSD can be divided into two components: the dc component in the spectrum, namely the stationary component in the clutter PSD, is shaped by the Dirac delta function δ (ν) ; the ac component in the spectrum, namely the varying component in the clutter PSD, is determined by the second term in (33). In the simulation, two targets are synthesized in the surveillance signal. One slowly moving target at the vicinity of bistatic range bin 23 and Doppler shift -10 Hz is synthesized with SNR of -35 dB. Another relatively fastmoving target at the vicinity of bistatic range bin 52 and Doppler shift 65 Hz is synthesized with SNR of -45 dB. Additionally, thermal noise is modelled as complex white Gaussian noise. We consider the exponential PSD of clutter with the parameters β = 12 and r = 30 (i.e. the wind speed is set to be about 5.4 m/s). The Doppler frequencies in (33) are expanded from -0.5 Hz to 0.5 Hz with step of 0.1 Hz. The carrier frequency is 658 MHz. Besides, 32 time slots (i.e. 0.8 s) at the sampling rate of 10 MHz are chosen as a typical CPI, which means that the integrated number N = 8 106 . Thus, in the ECA methods, the integration gain is approximately 69 dB, while the integration gain of the proposed subcarrierdomain methods is about 68.4 dB since the beacons and CPs are discarded for 2D-CCF calculation. 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 7 RD maps after clutter suppression by different methods in the simulation. (a) ECA-B, (b) ECA-S, (c) ACRF-CB, (d) ACRF-CS coefficient filtering method, i.e. the ECA, has its limitation in time-varying clutter suppression. In our simulation, the filter parameters of the temporal and subcarrier-domain methods are set to be consistent with those in Section IV. Specifically, the temporal batch duration and OFDM block used for each method are listed in TABLE IV. Actually, one should note that in practical application it is necessary to select the value of filter parameters according to the clutter environment. The optimal filter parameters can be achieved by a large number of experimental data statistics results. Since the selection of optimal filter parameters is outside the scope of this paper, we do not discuss it here. Fig. 6. RD map after clutter suppression by the ECA method in the simulation To highlight the masking effect of the time-varying clutter in passive radar, Fig. 6 gives the RD map after clutter suppression by the ECA method. As shown in Fig. 6, the simulated clutter at zero-Doppler frequency is suppressed. Whereas, a lot of strong residual clutter components appear around the zero-Doppler frequency, whose sidelobes have already masked the targets. It indicates that the fixed TABLE IV THE VALUE OF FILTER PARAMETERS IN TEMPORAL AND SUBCARRIERDOMAIN METHODS (TB , LB ) (TA , LA ) (TS , LS ) ECA-B ECA-S ACRF-CB ACRF-CS (25ms, 53) ~ (25ms, 53) ~ ~ (25ms, 53) ~ (25ms, 53) ~ (9.73ms, 21) ~ (9.73ms, 21) The RD maps after clutter suppression by different methods are compared in Fig. 7. As is apparent, all methods can effectively suppress the time-varying clutter and the two simulated targets are observed after suppression. However, 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal similar Doppler side peaks around the slowly moving target echo are observed in Fig. 7 (a) and (c) after filtering with ECA-B and ACRF-CB. Obviously, the side peaks are separated by 40 Hz. It is consistent with the theoretical analysis since the batch durations exploited for filter estimation in EAC-B and ACRF-CB are 25 ms. Besides, the batch operation in ECA-B and ACRF-CB also modulate the slowly moving clutters, and cause the residual clutter in Fig. 7 (a) and (c) to be separated by 40 Hz. For comparison, the sliding operations in ECA-S and ACRF-CS remove the side peaks out of the Doppler range of interest, as shown in Fig. 7 (b) and (d). In our simulation, we suppose the slowly moving target is a drone such as DJI Phantom 4 and the maximum observed velocity of the drone can be limited to be 18 m/s. Thus, the observed Doppler area is about 80 Hz. In the sliding methods, the batch durations exploited for the update rate of the filter coefficients are about 10 ms, which allow to remove the first Doppler modulated side peak of the drone out of the observed area. Thus, no side peaks but only the two simulated targets exist in the observed area, as shown in Fig. 7 (b) and (d). Furthermore, we compare the target SNR after clutter suppression by different methods. In our simulation, the SNRs of the slowly moving target after clutter suppression by ECA-B, ECA-S, ACRF-CB, and ACRF-CS are about 20.45 dB, 16.07 dB, 19.73 dB, and 15.73 dB, respectively. As is apparent, the sliding operation causes the target SNR loss. This is consistent with the theoretical analysis since we set N A = N B and LA = LB in the simulation. In this condition, the sliding methods in both temporal and subcarrier domain yield a wider Doppler notch with respect to the batch methods, as shown in Fig. 7. We can also note that the ACRF-CS can obtain comparable target SNR to that of ECAS. The slight difference is caused by the different integration gain between the temporal and subcarrier-domain methods. In addition, the SNRs of the relatively fast-moving target after clutter suppression by ECA-B, ECA-S, ACRF-CB, and ACRF-CS are about 23.53 dB, 23.54 dB, 23.06 dB, and 23.09 dB, respectively. This result indicates that neither the batch nor sliding operation would weak the SNR of the relatively fast-moving target. Overall, both the proposed batch and sliding methods can sufficiently suppress the time-varying clutter. Similar to the ECA-B, the ACRF-CB will modulate the targets with small Doppler shift as well as slowly moving clutters. Whereas, the ACRF-CS could avoid this modulation due to its sliding operation in the subcarrier domain. Besides, the ACRF-CS can achieve comparable performance to that of the temporal ECA-S method in the presence of slowly moving targets, but has lower computational and memory complexities. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, we present the experimental data results obtained from a passive radar system developed in Wuhan University in China. The target is a drone (DJI Phantom 4) operated in S mode with the velocity of less than 5 m/s. The 10 radar system and experimental scenario are depicted in Fig. 8. Specifically, the system is capable of receiving ultra-high frequency (UHF) band signals such as the CMMB and digital terrestrial multimedia broadcast (DTMB) [31]. Two Yagi antennas with gain of approximately 10 dB are used to form the reference and surveillance channels. The transmitter is the Wuhan Guishan tower, about 7.5 km northwest of the receiver site. The receiver is deployed on the top of a building (about 20 m height) in Wuhan University and its observation area is the East Lake in Wuhan. In our experiment, the utilized IO is the CMMB signal at the sampling rate of 10 MHz. Fig. 8. Scenario of drone detection experiment trial Fig. 9. RD map after clutter suppression by the ECA method in the experimental data In the following experimental results, the effectiveness of the proposed methods is presented using the experimental data acquired in June 2017. The CPI is 0.8 s and the maximum suppressed range bin is set to be 300 to save computation time. Other filter parameters are consistent with the simulation in Section V. The RD map after clutter suppression by the ECA method is depicted in Fig. 9. Similar to the simulation, residual clutter components appear after filtering due to the time-varying clutter environment. The sidelobes of these clutter components mask the detected drone at the vicinity of bistatic range bin 36 and Doppler shift -16.25 Hz. Fig. 10 gives the experimental results after clutter suppression by different methods. As is apparent, the timevarying clutter is effectively suppressed by the four methods. The detected drone can be clearly distinguished in each RD map. However, the peak of the detected drone is modulated 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal in the Doppler dimension by the EAC-B and ACRF-CB methods as shown in Fig. 10 (a) and (c). For comparison, the ECA-S and ACRF-CS can remove the modulated side peaks out of the Doppler range of interest. In Fig. 10 (b) and (d), only the detected drone exists in the observation area after the sliding operation. The SNRs of the drone are about 24.33 dB, 20.30 dB, 26.02 dB, and 22.11 dB after clutter suppression by the ECA-B, ECA-S, ACRF-CB, and ACRF-CS, respectively. Similar to the simulation, the effectiveness of the sliding operation is obtained at the expense of SNR loss 11 10 may be attributed to the interior interference of the receiver, which will be the focus of our future work. In sum, the effectiveness of different ACRF-C methods for time-varying clutter suppression has been verified by the experimental data. For comparison, the ACRF-CB and ACRF-CS can achieve comparable or even better clutter suppression performance to that of the corresponding ECA methods in the experimental data. In terms of the slowly moving drone detection, the limitations of ACRF-CB are presented in the experimental result. Besides, the trade-off (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 10. RD maps after clutter suppression by different methods in the experimental data. (a) ECA-B, (b) ECA-S, (c) ACRF-CB, (d) ACRF-CS since we set N A = N B and LA = LB in the experimental data. It is interesting that the ACRF-C versions are more effective compared with the corresponding ECA methods in term of target SNR. This effectiveness may be caused by the clutter components with fractional delays in the experimental data. In fact, the suppression performance of the temporal methods is degraded by the fractional delay [32]. Whereas, the subcarrier-domain methods are robust to the fractional delay since all the clutter components, regardless of fractional delay, are correlated in the subcarrier domain, as shown in (5) [33]. In addition, the residual clutter after suppression in Fig. between time-varying clutter suppression and slowly moving drone detection in ACRF-CS are also verified by the experimental data. VII. CONCLUSION In this paper we investigate the time-varying clutter suppression in the presence of slowly moving targets in the CP-OFDM based passive radar. Two advanced versions of ACRF-C have been presented in the subcarrier domain to cope with the time-varying clutter. We first propose a batch version of ACRF-C, i.e. ACRF-CB for time-varying clutter suppression. However, the ACRF-CB modulates the targets 1558-1748 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 26,2020 at 21:42:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2986717, IEEE Sensors Journal 12 with small Doppler frequency as well as slowly moving clutters. To overcome this problem, a sliding version of ACRF-C, i.e. ACRF-CS is presented. The ACRF-CS is implemented by taking advantage of partially overlapped portions of the channel frequency response for filter coefficients estimation. Theoretical analysis indicates that the ACRF-CS allows a trade-off between time-varying clutter suppression and Doppler modulated side peaks removal in the presence of slowly moving targets. Furthermore, the proposed methods share similar suppression performance with the corresponding ECA methods but possess remarkable computational and memory advantages. Both simulation and experimental data confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods, which provides a valuable basis for their practical applications in the CP-OFDM based passive radar. Although we focus on the use of a CMMB signal in this paper, it should be noted that the proposed methods can be applied to any CP-OFDM based passive radars. In future work, we will try to apply the proposed methods to hardware platform to realize the real-time processing. Besides, the influence of reference signal reconstruction performance on the proposed methods is another interesting topic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] H. Kuschel, D. Cristallini, K. E. Olsen, “Tutorial: Passive radar tutorial,”. IEEE Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Mag., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 2-19, Mar. 2019. W. Feng, J. M. Friedt, G. 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