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Applied Electromagnetics Problem Sheet - Transmission Lines

ECEN 372
Dr. Ahmed M. Mahmoud
Applied Electromagnetics
Eng. Amira Jamal Hamed
Spring 2023
Sheet 1
Problem 1:
A 75 Ω coaxial line has a current i (t, z) = 1.8 cos (3.77 × 109 t − 18.13z) mA. Determine:
(a) the frequency, (b) the phase velocity, (c) the wavelength, (d) the relative permittivity of the
line, (e) the phasor form of the current, and (f) the time domain voltage on the line.
Problem 2:
A transmission line has the following per-unit-length parameters: L = 0.5 μH/m, C = 200 pF/m,
R = 4.0 Ω /m, and G = 0.02 S/m. Calculate the propagation constant and characteristic
impedance of this line at 800 MHz. If the line is 30 cm long, what is the attenuation in dB?
Recalculate these quantities in the absence of loss (R = G = 0).
Problem 3:
Derive the telegrapher equations: