Orbital Mechanics Project Laboratory POLITECNICO DI MILANO DEPARTMENT OF AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MSc. Space Engineering Academic Year 2021/2022 Authors: Group 2259 Francesco Calabrò (10726829,220859) Matteo Cannarile (10651999,226304) Domingos Savio (10880091,221090) Augusto Lima (10916450,219888) Professor: Camilla Colombo January 2023 1 Contents List of symbols 1 Interplanetary Explorer Mission 1.1 Mission Requirements . . . . . 1.2 Design Process . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Interplanetary Trajectory . . . 1.4 Local Minimum Optimization . 1.5 Heliocentric Trajectory . . . . . 1.6 Flyby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 4 5 7 7 2 Planetary Explorer Mission 2.1 Nominal orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Ground track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Unperturbed nominal orbit . . . . . 2.2.2 Unperturbed repeating ground track 2.2.3 Perturbed ground track . . . . . . . 2.3 Assigned perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Orbit Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Keplerian Elements Plot . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Evolution of the orbit representation . . . . 2.7 Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Comparison with real data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . List of symbols a aJ2 aM oon ar as aw AU α ∆V e f G.A. h i Jn ϕ λ µ Ω ω p ϕ Pn r T RAAN Rf +ω RE Ri RΩ Semi-major axis of an orbit Perturbing acceleration due J2 ef f ect Perturbing acceleration due Moon effect Radial acceleration Transversal acceleration Out of plane acceleration Astronomical Unit Right ascension Change in velocity Eccentricity of an orbit True anomaly Gravity Assist Specific angular momentum Inclination of an orbit Zonal harmonics perturbing effect Latitude Longitude Gravitational constant of Earth Right ascension of the ascending node Argument of perigee Semi-latus rectum Coelevation Shaping polynomials Orbit radius Period Right ascension of the ascending node Matrix rotation of angle f + ω Radius of Earth Matrix rotation of angle i Matrix rotation of angle Ω 3 1 Interplanetary Explorer Mission As part of the mission analysis, a feasibility study is carried out to analyze a potential Interplanetary Explorer mission, departing from Earth, performing a powered gravity assist on a designated planet and arriving at a NEO asteroid. 1.1 Mission Requirements The proposed mission has the following requirements: • Departure Planet: Earth; • Flyby Planet: Saturn; • Arrival Asteroid: Near-Earth Object 73. In addition, the dates for departure and arrival are also constrained. • Earliest Departure: 02/05/2033; • Latest Arrival: 29/10/2067. It is also important to mention that the trajectories are calculated through the method of patched conics, without considering planetary departure or insertion. Lastly, the figure of merit for the mission is the total cost, such that the solution presented in this work is based on the minimum viable total ∆V . 1.2 Design Process As a preliminary analysis, a time window for departure and arrival is chosen. For that, the trajectory is divided into two steps, the first being the departure from Earth and arrival at Saturn for the flyby, and the second being the departure from Saturn and arrival at the NEO 73. To acquire a benchmark of how long a flight takes for each step, the orbits are assumed to be coplanar and circular and the Hohmann transfer time of flight is then calculated. Using the obtained results, tof1 for the first step and tof2 for the second, the initial choice for the time windows are set. Equations (1), (2) and (3) demonstrate each window, in which dpt0 represents the earliest departure date and arvf the latest arrival date. departurewindow = [dpt0 , arvf − 1.1(tof1 + tof2 )] (1) f lybywindow = [dpt0 + 0.9(tof1 ), arvf − 1.1(tof2 )] (2) arrivalwindow = [dpt0 + 0.9(tof1 ) + km(tof2 ), arvf ] (3) As seen in the previous equations, the departure window from Earth is considered to range from the earliest departure date to the latest arrival minus the sum of tof1 and tof 2 multiplied by a factor of 110%. The flyby window in Saturn is given by the earliest departure date summed with 90% of tof1 and by difference between the latest arrival date and tof2 multiplied by the same factor of 110% . Finally, the arrival window at the asteroid ranges from the flyby first possible arrival plus 90% of tof2 until the latest arrival date. The factors of 110% and 90% are used to consider a more conservative range of dates with respect to the Hohmann transfer time of flight. 1.3 Interplanetary Trajectory To calculate the trajectory, the flight is divided into two Lambert arcs that are connected through a powered gravity assist manoeuvre applied at the perigee of the hyperbola. It is important to mention that the minimum radius of perigee for the flyby hyperbola is another constraint for the calculation, and is given by Saturn’s radius. Since the problem has a total of three degrees of freedom (departure, flyby and arrival times), a nested loop over each time window is implemented, in which the costs in ∆v for 4 both Lambert arcs and for the flyby manoeuvre are calculated, as well as the total ∆V for the mission. After finding the costs for the chosen time windows, the dates for the minimum total cost of the mission are found, as shown in Table 1. Mission Step Departure Fly-By Arrival Year 2039 2042 2046 Month Nov Dec Jun Day 26 20 06 Hour 17:35:15 07:40:20 12:35:53 ∆v[km/s] 12.132 0.27247 17.054 Table 1: Dates and ∆vs for the Minimum Mission Cost 1.4 Local Minimum Optimization The minimum ∆V data acquired in the nested loop is now used as initial condition to find an optimal local minimum using MATLAB’s function fminunc. Table 2 compares the total minimum cost before and after the optimization, and Table 3 shows the dates for the new local minimum. Simulation Before Optimization After Optimization ∆v[km/s] 29.459 28.03 Table 2: Minimum ∆V Comparison Mission Step Departure Fly-By Arrival Year 2039 2043 2046 Month Dec Apr Jun Day 04 17 13 Hour 19:59:08 17:09:42 18:33:35 Table 3: Local Minimum Dates after Optimization Figures 1 show, respectively, the Porkchop Plots for the first step of the mission, from Earth to Saturn, and for the second one, from Saturn to NEO-73. Considering that the Synodic Period of Earth and Saturn is Tsyn1 = 1.0357 year, one can clearly see a pattern that repeats itself after this time on the image on the left. Also, minimum values around 12 km/s are found, which are values close to the results obtained (see Table 5). However, as for the figure on the right, since the synodic period between Saturn and NEO73 is Tsyn2 = 29.6381 years, it is not possible to detect any clear pattern for the timespan considered for the mission. Even though, minimum values around 10 km/s are found, although none of them were related to the global optimal solution. 5 Figure 1: Porkchop for interplanetary missions from Earth to Saturn (left) and from Saturn to NEO-73 (right) In order to further localize optimal conditions for the mission, the interplanetary trajectory is again solved, but using progressively smaller time windows based on the optimal dates. In this case, a range of 1 day for each optimal date is chosen and the trajectory and costs are again calculated. The results gives us optimal dates within the much smaller established range, as shown in Tables 4 and 5. Mission Step Departure Fly-By Arrival Year 2039 2043 2046 Month Dec Apr Jun Day 04 17 13 Hour 20:28:31 05:24:24 19:02:58 Table 4: Optimal Dates ∆v[km/s] 11.555 0.60431 15.852 28.03 Departure Flyby Arrival Total Table 5: ∆V Cost for each main maneuver 6 1.5 Heliocentric Trajectory Figure 2: Heliocentric Trajectory alongside Earth’s and Saturn’s Orbits Figure 2 demonstrates the heliocentric path carried by the spacecraft alongside the orbits of the concerned planets. The trajectory is composed by three manoeuvres. Firstly, the spacecraft performs a manoeuvre to go into a highly elliptic orbit from Earth to Saturn. Then, arriving at the Saturn’s sphere of influence, a powered gravity assist is performed, sending, lastly, the spacecraft into another highly elliptical and much inclined orbit in the direction of the desired destination, NEO 73 asteroid. The orbital parameters for the transfer orbits are shown in Table 6. Transfer Earth-Saturn Saturn-NEO 73 a [km]·109 1.4046 1.1846 e [-] 0.89509 0.9613 i [deg] 4.9725 36.029 Ω [deg] 72.526 221.47 ω [deg] 357.08 171.64 Table 6: Orbital parameters for the transfer orbits 1.6 Flyby A powered gravity assist is performed at Saturn in order to give a boost to the spacecraft into entering an orbit in the direction of the asteroid. The vehicle comes as close as 36016 km to the planet, gaining a total ∆V of 16.367 km/s and remaining 2882 hours inside the planet’s sphere of influence. The powered gravity assist manoeuvre has a ∆V cost of 0.61948 km/s, which is only 3.8% of the velocity gained with the flyby. The incoming and outgoing hyperbolas are shown in figure 3. The respective orbital elements are given in Table 7. Figure 3: Gravity assist trajectory, showing the Incoming( 7 ) and Outgoing( ) hyperbolas. Orbit Entry Hyperbola Exit Hyperbola a [km] −4.2829 · 105 −3.0166 · 105 e [-] 1.2201 1.3124 i [deg] 173.48 173.48 Ω [deg] 198.94 198.94 ω [deg] 332.87 332.87 Table 7: Orbital Parameters of entry and exit hyperbolas It is important to note that, due to Saturn’s mass particles from a wide variety of sizes are orbiting the planet both in and out its rings. In addition, Saturn has a great number of moons that may have to be considered as a spacecraft approaches the planet. Therefore, a further study on Saturn’s neighborhood would be welcomed for the mission success. 8 2 Planetary Explorer Mission For the second assignment, the study of the orbit for an Earth observation satellite is done. A nominal orbit is determined as starting pointing for the analysis, from which its ground track must be determined for unperturbed and perturbed conditions. A new orbit is proposed in order to obtain a repeating ground track path. Moreover, the models and numerical methods are evaluated and compared with real data to verify their reliability. 2.1 Nominal orbit For the Earth observation orbit, a nominal orbit was assigned, described by its orbital elements shown in table 8. The values of Ω and ω were chosen by the group. For the propagation of the orbits, it was considered that the initial true anomaly and the Greenwich meridian angle with respect to the γ direction were zero. To compute the Moon disturbance, it was considered that the satellite started its operation at May 2nd , 2033, as the earliest departure of the 1st Assignment. Semi-major axis [km] Eccentricity [-] Radius of perigee [km] Radius of apogee [km] Semi-latus rectum [km] 26297 0.5860 10886 41707 17267 Inclination [◦ ] RAAN [◦ ] Argument of perigee [◦ ] Angular Momentum [km2 /s] Period [h] 71.5846 0 15 82960.956 11.7888 Table 8: Characteristics of the assigned orbit The unperturbed nominal orbit is shown in the figure 4 in the Earth-centered inertial reference frame. Figure 4: Nominal orbit of the satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame 2.2 Ground track To compute the ground track of the satellite, it is first necessary to propagate the satellite’s orbit. The motion of the spacecraft is assumed to be a perturbed two body problem in Cartesian coordinates according to the theory discussed by Curtis [1], described by the equation (4): r̈ = − µ r + aperturbation r3 (4) which is solved using MATLAB’s ode113 function, with a relative tolerance of 1e-13 and absolute tolerance of 1e-14. 9 From the Cartesian coordinates, the equivalent longitude and latitude of the spacecraft over Earth’s surface are calculated, described by the set of equations (5). ϕ = δ= sin−1 (z/r) cos−1 x/r ;y>0 cos(δ) α= x/r 2π − cos−1 ;y≤0 cos(δ) λ = α − (θG (t0 ) + ωE · (t − t0 )) 2.2.1 (5) Unperturbed nominal orbit The first required analysis of the ground track is for the nominal orbit considering an unperturbed situation, i.e., the perturbing acceleration in equation (4) is considered to be null. The ground track was propagated for a period of 1 orbit of the satellite, 1 day and 10 days, as shown in figure 5. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5: Ground track of the unperturbed nominal orbit. Ground track path ( point ( ), Ending point ( ). 2.2.2 ), Starting Unperturbed repeating ground track It is also required that the orbit results in a repeating ground track with a ratio of 2:1 (for every 2 orbits of the spacecraft, Earth must have performed 1 full revolution around its axis). 10 Therefore, the period of the repeating ground track orbit is computed by equation (6): 1 TEarth = 11.9681 h (6) 2 For an unperturbed orbit, the period is only a function of the semi-major axis and can be calculated through equation (7) to get the desired repeating ground track. s a3 T = 2π → a = 26563km (7) µ Trepeating = The other orbital parameters are kept from the nominal orbit and are shown in table 9. Semi-major axis [km] Eccentricity [-] Radius of perigee [km] Radius of apogee [km] Semi-latus rectum [km] 26563 0.5860 10997 42129 17441 Inclination [◦ ] RAAN [◦ ] Argument of perigee [◦ ] Angular Momentum [km2 /s] Period [h] 71.5846 0 15 83380 11.9681 Table 9: Characteristics of the assigned orbit From figure 6, the behaviour of the new orbit is shown and confirms the repeating ground track with ratio 2:1, as the starting and ending points are at the same position after any multiple of 2 orbits. (a) (b) Figure 6: Ground track of the unperturbed repeating orbit. Ground track path ( point ( ), Ending point ( ) 2.2.3 ), Starting Perturbed ground track To have a more accurate prediction of the behaviour of the satellite orbiting the Earth, it’s necessary to introduce disturbances. For this project, only the J2 effect and Moon disturbance were taken into account, and are described in further detail in section 2.3. Figure 7 shows the differences between the unperturbed and perturbed orbits for both the nominal and the repeating orbits from sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. From figure 7, it is noticeable that the perturbations have a light impact on the ground track path of the satellite, and that it can not be neglected for the mission analysis. Both the nominal and repeating orbits get out of phase slightly with relation to the unperturbed case. Moreover, the repeating ground track orbit proposed in section 2.2.2 does not work with the presence of perturbations. The method used to obtain the repeating orbit assumes that the period and the semi-major axis of the orbit are constant which is not the case for a perturbed motion. 11 (a) (b) Figure 7: Ground track of the perturbed obits. Ground track of unperturbed ( ), Starting point ( ), Ending point ( ), Ground track of perturbed ( ), Starting point ( ), Ending point ( ) 2.3 Assigned perturbations Two orbit perturbations are considered, J2 effect and Moon perturbation. The first contribution consists of a perturbing potential on top of the central gravity field of the Earth. TO model it, a zonal harmonic potential is used, function of the geocentric distance r and of the coelevation ϕ. n ∞ X µ RE R(r, ϕ) = (−1 + Jn Pn (cosϕ)) r r n=2 (8) In figure 8a zonal harmonics are represented. Only the first term of this summation is considered, the term correlated to J2 . This term is strictly correlated to Earth oblateness. The perturbing acceleration due to J2 effect is the following: 2 2 2 2 x z y z z z 3J2 µRE aJ2 = 5 − 1 î + 5 − 1 ĵ + 5 − 3 k̂ (9) r4 r r2 r r2 r r2 Due to this perturbation semi-major axis a, eccentricity e and inclination i should remain unperturbed. On the other hand, right ascension of ascending node Ω, argument of pericenter ω and true anomaly f should be perturbed. The second perturbation consists of the effect of Moon acting on orbit. For the modelling, instead of using a three body problem, a two body problem is considered taking into account the force of the moon as a perturbing acceleration. This perturbing acceleration can be calculated from equation (10): ! rm/s rm aM oon = µM oon − 3 (10) 3 rm/s rm where rm/s is the vector that goes from the S/C to the moon and rm is the vector that goes from Earth to Moon. In figure 8bthese vectors are shown. Moon’s position is directly taken from ephemerides in order to have less uncertainty as possible on moon position. Principal effects consist in a change of eccentricity e, inclination i and argument of pericenter ω. 12 (a) Earth zonal harmonics (b) Main bodies Figure 8: Earth zonal harmonics [4] and main bodies [1]. In figure 9 [2] all possible perturbations are shown. It can be observed that the two main sources of perturbations are J2 effect (C2,0 in figure) and moon perturbation, indicating that the calculations here represent a good model. Figure 9: Orbit perturbations 2.4 Orbit Propagation Orbits can be propagated in two main ways: using Cartesian coordinates, through Newton’s equations of motion (equations (4)), or Keplerian elements, through Gauss’ planetary equations (11) to (16). The latter one is presented in Radial-Transversal-Out-of-plane reference frame. da 2a2 p = (esinf ar + as ) dt h r de 1 = (psinf ar + ((p + r)cosf + re)as ) dt h rcos(f + ω) di = aw dt h rsin(f + ω) dΩ = aw dt hsini dω 1 rsin(f + ω)cosi = (−pcosf ar + (p + r)sinf as ) − aw dt he hsini df h 1 = 2+ (pcosf ar − (p + r)sinf as ) dt r eh (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) The terms ar , as , aw are components of acceleration in RSW frame, h is the angular momentum, and p is the semi-latus rectum. 13 In the case that the perturbations cannot be directly expressed in the RSW frame, as is the case for the moon perturbation, it is possible to transform the perturbing accelerations from Cartesian to RSW. First, a rotation of Ω around the third axis of the inertial frame is performed, then a rotation of i around the first axis of the rotated frame, and finally a rotation of an angle f + ω around the third axis of the last frame. The three rotation matrices are shown in equation (17). cos Ω RΩ = − sin Ω 0 2.5 sin Ω cos Ω 0 0 1 0 Ri = 0 1 0 0 cos i − sin i 0 cos f + ω sin i Rf +ω = − sin f + ω cos i 0 sin f + ω cos f + ω 0 0 0 1 (17) Keplerian Elements Plot Figures 10 through 15 show the Keplerian elements obtained through the integration of the equation of Gauss planetary equations and the relative error between both methods of integration. A time window of two hundred orbital revolutions or 180 days was considered to observe both the long-period and secular effects of the perturbations. A larger time window could not be taken into account due to the eventual reentry of the spacecraft. (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 10: Semi-major axis a (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 11: Eccentricity e (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 12: Inclination i 14 (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 13: RAAN Ω (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 14: Argument of pericenter ω (a) Keplerian element (b) Relative error Figure 15: True anomaly f It is possible to distinguish a long-periodic behaviour and a short-periodic behaviour by looking at the evolution of orbital elements. It is very clear for eccentricity e and inclination i. Semi-major axis presents both short-periodic and long-periodic behaviour. Regarding the right ascension of ascending node Ω, argument of pericenter ω and true anomaly f , the shortperiodic behaviour is less visible but still present. From figures 10b to 15b of relative error between Gauss’ resolution and Cartesian resolution, it can be observed that the two methods are equivalent if the precision of the two is compared. 2.6 Evolution of the orbit representation To give a better understanding of the orbit behaviour, Figure 16 shows how the orbit evolves in time. 15 Figure 16: Orbit evolution representation. Initial orbit(-). Colorbar on the right is used in order to let the reader understand evolution of the orbit.The initial position of spacecraft is (⋆) and the final position of spacecraft is(⋆). From figure 16 it is possible to observe the change of orbital elements. In particular shape (semi-major axis a and eccentricity e) does not seem to change considerably. Orbit shows a decrease in inclination i and a negative rotation of argument of pericenter ω. Change of right ascension of ascending node Ω is not clearly visible. 2.7 Filtering To see how the perturbations generate behaviours with different frequencies filtering of results is performed. Figures 17 to 19 show the filtered results. (a) Filtered semi-major axis a (b) Filtered eccentricity e Figure 17: Filtered semi-major axis a and eccentricity e: ( behaviour and ( ) secular effect. 16 ) unfiltered, ( ) long term (a) Filtered inclination i (b) Filtered RAAN Ω: Figure 18: Filtered inclination i and RAAN Ω: ( and ( ) secular effect. (a) Filtered argument of pericenter ω ) unfiltered, ( ) long term behaviour (b) Filtered true anomaly f Figure 19: Filtered argument of pericenteromega and true anomaly f : ( long term behaviour and ( ) secular effect. ) unfiltered, ( ) As discussed in section 2.3, long-periodic behaviour is related to moon perturbation and short-periodic perturbation is related to J2 effect. This is due to the fact that J2 perturbation is related to spacecraft orbit whose period is much lower than the Moon orbit period. Two different filters are used: the filter used to remove short-term behaviour has a cut-off frequency of 100 days−1 , instead, the filter used to remove long-term behaviour has a variable cut-off frequency as a function of parameters we want to filter. Filtering of the results can show better the components related to two sources of disturbance. According to theory, it is possible to see that semi-major axis a does not change secularly; instead eccentricity e is changing secularly and it will be clear for a larger time window. As expected inclination i, RAAN Ω and argument of pericenter ω are changing secularly. 2.8 Comparison with real data To evaluate the precision of the methods used for the assignment, the models were compared with real data from Atlas 5 Centaur, NORAD Catalogue Number is 29056. This choice was motivated because the rocket body orbit’s is similar to the nominal orbit from section 2.1, with a similar eccentricity and semi-major axis. Moreover, the altitude of the orbit is such that the main disturbances acting on the body are J2 and Moon effects, as can be seen in figure 8b. Near the perigee, other zonal harmonics effects will have the same order of magnitude as Moon disturbances. The data was collected from Space-Trak [3], with initial time 23th February, 2010, 07h28min32s until 2nd December, 2020, 09h30min30s. To compute the orbit propagation, the initial orbital elements were those collected from Space-Track at the initial time, shown on table 10. To propagate the orbit, Gauss’ planetary equations in RSW frame were solved numerically using ode113. A low-pass filter of frequency 0.9780 day −1 was used to get the mean value every two orbits, considering the initial period. 17 Semi-major axis [km] Eccentricity [-] Altitude of perigee [km] Altitude of apogee [km] Semi-latus rectum [km] 26936 0.5374 6089 35042 19156 Inclination [◦ ] RAAN [◦ ] Argument of perigee [◦ ] Angular Momentum [km2 /s] Period [h] 24.6709 344.0999 184.4477 87382 12.2212 Table 10: Characteristics of NORAD 29056 initial orbit 2.6955 104 Semi-major axis Eccentricity 0.545 2.695 e [-] a [km] 0.54 2.6945 0.535 2.694 2.6935 0.53 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 4000 4500 5000 Time[MJD2000] 25 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 6500 7000 7500 6500 7000 7500 Time[MJD2000] inclination RA of ascending node 200 0 [deg] i [deg] 24.5 24 23.5 -200 23 22.5 -400 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 4000 4500 5000 Time[MJD2000] 1000 5500 6000 Time[MJD2000] Argument of perigee 4 106 True anomaly 3 600 f [deg] [deg] 800 400 2 200 1 0 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 4000 Time[MJD2000] 4500 5000 5500 6000 Time[MJD2000] Figure 20: Comparison between real data ( ), numerical propagation ( filtered ( ) of the orbit of rocket body NORAD 29056. ) and numerical From figure 20, we notice that the numerical approach is capable of estimating the orbit with good reliability as the trends of both results are very similar. The differences seen on each plot were expected, as only J2 and Moon perturbations were taken into account for the numerical model. There’s a great difference in the short-term behaviour between numerical simulation and the real data, particularly for semi-major axis and eccentricity. When filtering the short-term oscillations, better results are obtained for the semi-major axis, but no significant changes are seen for the other Keplerian elements. 18 References [1] H. D. Curtis. Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students. 3 edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014. isbn: 13 978-0-08-097747-8. [2] T. G. R. Reid. ORBITAL DIVERSITY FOR GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEMS. Stanford University, 2017. [3] Space-Track.org. https://www.space-track.org/. [4] P. M. B. Waswa. Analysis and Control of Space Systems Dynamics via Floquet Theory, Normal Forms and Center Manifold Reduction. Arizona State University, 2019. 19