LIVE SCRIPT CODE CHRISTIAN EMMANUEL LUKWICHI -222441560- BEngTech (Metallurgical Engineering) Question 1 calls with return values [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25,0.75) % this operation can be done three times and it will give three different random values. [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25,0.75) [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25,0.75) incorrect argument datatypes calls [random_value] = random_scalar('a',0.75) % it returns an error and reminds the user that both argument must be double datatype. [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25,'b') % it returns an error and reminds the user that both argument must be double datatype. [random_value] = random_scalar('a','b') % it returns an error and reminds the user that both argument must be double datatype. matlab error reponse for incorrect amount of function arguments [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25) % it returns an error and reminds the user that the amount of inpout was not enough. [random_value] = random_scalar(0.25,0.5,0.75) % it returns an error and reminds the user that there is too many inpout arguments. Question 2 application of the function created in question 1 [A] = random_scalar(1,10) % it returns a random number inbetween 1 and 10. [B] = random_scalar(0.25,0.75) % it retunrs a random number inbetween 0.25 and 0.75. input argument checks [A] = random_scalar('a',upper) % it returns an error and reminds the user that both argument must be double datatype. [B] = random_scalar(0.25) % it returns an error and reminds the user that the amount of inpout was not enough. [B] = random_scalar(0.25,0.5,0.75) % it returns an error and reminds the user that there is too many inpout arguments. Question 4 [x,y] = gen_data(A,B,1,9,52) Question 5 plot(x,y) grid on Question 6 visually visually visually visually visually visually visually estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated estimated x-value x-value x-value x-value x-value x-value x-value of of of of of of of crossin crossin crossin crossin crossin crossin crossin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = 1 1.78 3.54 4.76 6.33 7.77 9